Loosening Up the Tight End

By John Johnson

Published on Aug 21, 2005


Well a new day began and the first time it happened seemed like a half of a year ago when it was only a little under a week. I guess we were just so horny and since we did it so many times, it seemed like more time should have passed. It was a Thursday and no special day but I seemed to be really horny. I passed Ted in the hall so much. Every time I passed I would flash him a smile. He was definitely glad we started doing it. In classes I would get so impatient. I'd check out other guys thinking if they would let me fuck them. Of course I couldn't leave Ted for some quickie. What we had was pretty cool actually. My semi lasted through most of my classes and I didn't think I could leave school without getting off. That's when the idea hit me. I was gonna get off before I left school.

I began to get a little too horny in my second to last class -- English. There was this guy to my right named Travis who was definitely up there on my list of hot guys. I began to look down at my own body to see how my muscles were developing. I felt my chest and did one of those stretches to attract some of the girls in the class but mainly the guys. I noticed Travis checking me out. He looked like he was caught off guard when he noticed I was looking at him. I gave him a smile and went back to class like I was paying attention. That satisfied my ego for the rest of the day.

The last period bell rang and I got up and went to baseball. That ended at 5, same as football. I walked in -- Ted was nowhere but everyone on my baseball team was. I went to my locker changed and went outside. The coach made us go through the usual shit and being that it was around 76 outside and sunny I got sweaty. The coach said he'd be back and for us to wait on the field. A couple of us started to talk. Travis was in the group. Again -- he was very good looking. We talked and exchanged small talk but I didn't hint anything toward Travis. Some of the guys used the word Fag and sometimes hatefully but I stayed quiet and so did Travis. The coach returned, gave us a little speech about good work and needing to get better and other bullshit. He dismissed us and we went to the locker room. I noticed a scent of men covering the air. It was awesome being gay. Ted was there putting his equipment into his locker getting ready to take a shower. He was definitely drenched in sweat. I had other plans. I went up behind him and whispered so none of the other players could hear.

"Don't take a shower. Just get dressed and meet by the bathroom outside the locker room and around the corner." He turned and looked suspiciously but I just smiled. The bathroom mentioned before had one sink, one urinal, and a stall and was kept locked pretty much 24/7. They actually did that with many of the bathrooms. I'm sure it was to reduce the amount of drug use in the bathrooms in the school. But if you wanted to, -- like my self -- you could get in. I walked out of the locker room changed but sweaty as well cause I wanted the smell to be strong.

I hung outside the bathroom and waited for Ted. He walked down the corridor toward me in his sexy style. I turned to the door, whipped out my ID and did my thing with the door to get it open. It opened just in time for Ted and I signaled him to go in first. I followed looking around to make sure no one saw us and I shut the door.

"What are we doing here?" Ted asked curiously.

"Remember when I had you for the first time?" I pulled him close "I said I loved the smell and sight of you when you were sweaty?" I put my nose into his neck and smelled. "And remember when you said you wouldn't mind a reward after some hard practice?"

"Yea." Ted said understanding now. I smiled and pulled him into the stall. I shut it and locked it and then pushed him against the door. We stared into each other's eyes silently and then kissed. Tongues and spit mixed with each other passionately while I kept him pinned against the stall door. My hands felt up his sides while felt up mine. I removed his shirt to find a tank top underneath. Those are one of the sexiest things a guy can wear if he's built. I didn't take off his wife beater. Like I said those are hot. He pulled the front part of my shirt over my head so it was still on, but it now exposed my soar chest and abs from working out. We kissed more. Pushing him up against the stall door I said to him,

"Now it's time for your reward." He smiled back at me. I spun him around so his ass was facing me and pushed him against the door. I leaned in grinding my hardon against his ass while our clothes were still on.

"Yea, fuck me," He muttered quietly. I kissed his neck on both sides for a bit and then used my hands to guide his hands to a vertical pole attached to the stall, which was probably for handicap people. It was probably for this too. I made it so his shoulder was leaning into it. I reached to the front of his shorts and unzipped them. I pulled them down just enough to expose his ass and pulled out his dick so it was standing at attention. I got on my knees and parted his cheeks. I never gave him a rim job before but I wanted to. My tongue licked his hole with all the force it could. I actually didn't mind the taste knowing he was having a good time in this.

"Fuck man, you're licking my ass!" he exclaimed eagerly.

"yea," I said in a sexy voice.

"I like it," Jeff replied. I continued on. All I got in response from was heavy breathing and moans -- definitely a good sign. I continued and got a little curious and decided to try and fuck him with my tongue. I pushed my tongue as far as it could into his hole, which was not far and tried to fuck him. Even though it didn't seem to be much more, he groaned on and on. I then got impatient and with my tongue traced his sweaty back from his pink hole and (over his tank top) to his neck. It gave him the shivers and was still sexy. I kissed his neck some more. I pulled the condom out of my shorts and stuck the package in my mouth. I undid my shorts and pulled my cock out. My shorts were still covering my ass. I then pulled at the package tearing it open with my teeth and pulled out the condom. It slid easily over my fully erect dick.

"You ready?" I said as temptingly as I could.

"I've been ready. Fuck me." He said. I laughed a little. With one arm I hugged his chest into mine and with the other I pushed his lower abdominals into mine. My dick was now at the entrance. I pushed just a tiny bit more and it started to enter. As a gasp was emitted from his mouth I felt my meat being pushed on all sides in the warmth of his cavity. I loved fucking his tight hole. I was finally all the way in and began the process of slowly pulling out. I grabbed his waist with both hands now while he still held onto the pole. I pumped him a little more aggressive now.

"Yeah you sexy cunt," I said filled with lust.

"Uh^Å. yea^Åfuck me Josh," was Ted's only response. I loved the view I had - My sweaty chest and abs that I had worked so hard to get with Ted's gorgeous body bent slightly in front of me with both of us still pretty much clothed. It was so sexy. Our scent filled the room - a mix from his and my sweat and the smell of sex. All of this made me hornier. My thrusts became short, quick, and sharp. Every time I plunged my cock deep into his ass Ted would make some sort of grunt. With my left hand I wiped the sweat from my abs, covering my hand in it, and grabbed Ted's hardon in front of me. I jerked him and used my sweat as the lube. His grunt became more of moans after that.

"Fuck me and jerk me, oh yeah," Ted barely got out. It was getting hot and we were both very close. That's when we heard rustling at the doorknob of the bathroom door like someone was trying to get in. Instead of freezing I drove my dick as deep it could into his and slowly jerked him. I held my dick in him and we kept still. Ted and I looked through the slit of the bathroom stall to see what was going on. The door opened and Travis walked in. He looked tired. He didn't even look at the stall and went straight to the sink. The door shut and locked behind him. He looked in the mirror and said quietly,

"Shit I really need a boyfriend, I'm getting way to horny." He placed both his hands on the sides of the sink and tilted his head down as he said this. Ted and I glanced at each other smiling. He continued, "Maybe Josh would be into me? Fuck that's just being desperate. I can even smell the scent of guys all around me in here. I really need to cum." Travis began to feel his defined body up while moaning "Oh josh I need you." He took off his shirt and tossed it on the floor. He fondled his own chest and reached a hand down his shorts and started to jerk it. His abs were very well defined and the rest of his body wasn't bad either. His eyes closed and his mouth opened. He finally pulled out his dick and began to jerk it hard as he rubbed his left tit. His meat was a good nine inches. All that went through my mind was holy shit I would love for him to fuck me. His moans began to get louder -- not too loud but loud enough to muffle what I had in mind. I slowly pulled back out of Ted's ass and began to fuck him again. He looked up at me and smiled. I returned with a kiss.

I kept quiet while Travis jerked himself. Fucking without making any noises. Ted didn't either. Travis' moans began to get louder. I thought it was safe for me to open my mouth so I could breathe through it instead of my nose. Ted did the same. We continued to watch Travis through the slit. His face contorted and sweat was forming on his body. Before I realized it my fucking, Travis' jerking, and my jerking of Ted became in sync. Our breathing also fit together. We were all getting close when Travis turned toward us. He leaned back so his back was on the door of the bathroom. He still didn't notice us. Travis then aimed his cock to his smooth chest and said lightly,

"oh, fuck." A huge load emptied all over his chest completely drenching it. He sunk to the floor with eyes closed. I wanted to cum to this view. I pumped Ted harder while staring at Travis. I felt it. I was gonna cum. I signaled Ted by grabbing his hair tight and pulling his head back. My cum fired. I felt the rubber fill with warm juice. For every shot I felt, I kept my eye on Travis. He began to take his fingers and pickup the cum and eat it. I continued to pump Ted with short thrusts to pull out the remaining drops while he pinched his ass. As soon as I finished I knew Ted had the right to cum to this too. I pulled out, got in front of him on my knees while he faced the slit, and worked his dick. Travis was now rubbing the cum into his body making it glisten. Ted took the initiative and began to fuck my face while using one hand to keep my head on his dick. I looked up at him and saw him staring at Travis. Ted's chest expanded and his abs tightened. He looked like wanted to moan loudly but couldn't. I knew that was a sign of him about to cum. He shoved his dick deep into my throat, shooting load after load down it. I loved the taste of his jizz. I swallowed every bit but kept some in my mouth. I slid the dick out and turned just into time to see Trav putting on his shirt. I noticed he left the cum on his body. That was hot. He walked out and I looked into Ted's eyes and kissed him snowballing some of his cum. I swallowed and pulled back. Before I could say anything he said,

"You can brake him in, but I'm gonna want to fuck his tight little ass after." I smiled. My condom is still hugging my semi filled with semen. Ted notices and reaches down pulling it off while keeping the jizz inside. He lifts the rubber above his head and pours the warm liquid into his mouth. He drops the condom then kisses me returning my cum. I don't like semen but coming from him I don't care. Our tongues intertwine for 2 minutes after and we then swallow and pull apart. I button up Ted's shorts and he does the same to mine. We exit the stall and I let Ted head for the door first. He walks out and I wait inside for him to give me the heads up so I can leave too. It would look a little suspect for two sweaty guys to leave a locked bathroom together. He nods me on. I walk and see Travis talking with a couple of guys. The guys don't see us but Travis does. He looked death scared, but once he saw me come out -- his face worsened. I didn't understand why with us being so sweaty and smelling of sex and guys, I'd assume he could figure it out. He was probably just too frightened. I laughed gently in his direction. Ted and I walked down the hall with our backs to him.

"You think that was mean?" Ted says quietly to me.

"No, it was perfect." I reply.


That was the end. This is my third story. I have 2 more in the high school section called: "helping-the-hottest-guy-in-school" and "loosening-up-the-tight-end" Again Thanks for all the emails. I got more this time. If I don't write you back don't take offense. I do appreciate them.

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