Loosening Up the Tight End

By John Johnson

Published on Aug 13, 2005


Let's start it out. My name is Josh. I'm 16. I play baseball and work out so I have a pretty nice build. I am gay - go figure and I have standards. That's probably why I'm still a virgin with guys. I see other guys checking me out sometimes but they're usually paper-thin and shit. I can't get off on that. So after working out after school on a Friday I was in the locker room taking a shower. When you're in the shower you hear people coming in and out all the time. I went out and looked around check out some of the guys. My school had some decent bodies and faces. I stand in front of my locker getting a little too horny for my own good. That's when Ted enters on my right. Apparently his locker is directly next to mine but I never noticed before. He's the tight end on the football team, which means he is big. Not huge but big enough so he could block when he needs to. He's a little shorter than me with an incredibly cute face. One of those you kind of just want to cuddle with. He also has nice hair. Short, messy, light brown. Anyway he comes in sweaty wearing some under armour, a nice tight long sleeve with some dirty football equipment. He sits down on the bench next to me and throws the equipment from his body into his locker. He glances at me and says,


"Just finished working out," I replied glancing down at him still naked, wet, and in a towel. He smiled and pulled off his top. I never saw him with out his shirt on. He did a good job of keeping it up. Truthfully, I actually thought he was definitely up there on hot guys in the school. I spotted one of those tribal tattoos on his left arm. The one that raps around the bicep just making it looked that much cuter. He also had a Chinese symbol on top of his right chest. My only dilemma is that my morals say that people with these types of tattoos piss me off. Why? Because it shows arrogance and shows how the guys who have them do anything to look hot. But I do have to say, it also makes me hot. I pulled out of my daze realizing I was still looking at him. He's looking up at me.

"What are you doing tonight?" Ted said.

"I got nothing why?"

"I was just thinking we could chill -- just you and me."

Was he asking me out? I couldn't be positive but either way I wasn't missing this.

"Sure." I decided to give him a special show just in case he wanted the same thing I wanted. I dropped my towel and watched his eyes dart to my cock. I grabbed my underwear and put em on. He shook out of his daze. I smiled at him. I put on my shorts and shirt. He gets up and pulls down his pants and underwear. Holy fuck he was hot. His ass was this perfect bubble and his meat was nice and full. He grabs a towel and raps it around. He says bringing me back to reality for the second time,

"I'll pick you up at like 6, ok?"

"That'd be kool," I say with a smile.

"Alright then, well see you tonight."

"Bye." I walk out with a new confidence in me saying, "Shit I'm hot."

I go home with the biggest hard-on. I couldn't touch it; I had to save it for tonight. In my bedroom I lay on my bed thinking what I'd do first. I had a thought. I went down stairs and grabbed cucumber. I measured off a good amount and figure I should practice a bit for tonight. I had to swallow it. My first try I could only get it in my mouth 3 inches but Ted was bigger than that. I slowly put it in a tiny bit more each time. This was going to be awesome. It was 5:30. I went into the bathroom, took off my clothes. My ass was nice clean, my chest was hairless, and my hair was done. At this point I was just obsessing. "You're hot, just be cool," I uttered to my self. I put on some nice jeans, a random punk shirt. I tend to dress more in that direction. Shit! I almost forgot the most important thing -- condoms. I had been with some girls but only for show. I know Ted probably has been too but whatever. I remember fucking this one girl and mid-way I started to loose it. I started to go soft but shit, I couldn't stop so I closed my eyes and concentrated on the locker room after baseball. All the hot, sweaty, and built guys hanging out and talking got me so hot. Two seconds later I felt my cum rushing into the condom head and the girl couldn't be happier. I hear the doorbell ring and I take one last glance in the mirror. Good to go. I open the door. He's standing there more perfect than before. His cleanly shaven face beautifully contrasted his short, thick, and messy hair. Of course to compliment this was his smile. It displayed his teeth perfectly - not too many, not too few. His clothes were of course that cute preppy shit, but I love what can I say? Nice khaki/cargo shorts that molded to his ass with a lacoste shirt with a slightly flipped up collar. Fuck I wanted to grab him right there.

"You ready?" Ted asked.

"Yea, let's go." I got into his car. He starts driving me. I ask,

"Where we going?"

"I thought we'd check out this party for a bit. You down?" My whole dreams were gone in shot. I thought so badly we were gonna just go back to his house or something.

"Yea sure," I reply. We pull up to some girl's house. I think I've probably been here before through past parties. I walk side by side with him to the front door and enter. The house was pretty packed. A couple of kegs on the side and everyone having a drink in their hand, it definitely wasn't a bad party.

"Follow me." Ted leads me to a corner of the room where two girls are waiting. We all start talking. One of the two gets up close to me and one gets up close to Ted. The one next to me, I don't even know her name, starts feeling up my chest. I cuddle with her then start to kiss her. I then open my eyes in the middle of the kiss and notice Ted is a bit further ahead. His girl is straddling him and he has his hands under shirt playing with her tits. About two minutes later, Ted pulls back and randomly says,

"O shit! Josh! Yo Josh man! We gotta go." I pull back and say slightly confused,

"Um... ok... sure."

"I'm sorry we gotta get to this thing." He apologizes to the girls. "Maybe I'll see you later," he flirts with the girl. I tell my date? I think that's what she is. But I tell her sorry and it was fun. I follow Ted out.

"Dude, whatsup?" I ask.

"I dunno man. It was just getting boring."

"You sure? You had your hand so hard around her tit, I thought your mom never breast fed you."

"Haha, well it's not that. Just I dunno. I get sick of it sometimes." We drive around and arrive at a house.

"This your house?" I ask.

"Yea, I thought we could relax." Maybe something will happen now. But the party. Fuck. I didn't know what was going on, but he was hot so I figured it's not like it's time wasted. I follow him into his house. He's well off. A nice TV in the living room, very clean, yea he was well off. We walk up to his room upstairs. Shit his ass was perfect. It perfectly filled his shorts with a nice look. I wanted to fuck him so bad. But the party again. Wait, what the fuck am I saying? He's leading me into his bedroom of course something is going to happen. My cock woke up.

"Well this is my room..." He opens the door and its nothing fancy. The room has a computer, a bed, and some draws. One thing I couldn't get my mind off of was his bed. My mind flew threw all of these images of Ted fucking some girl on the bed. My cock woke up some more.

"Come on man relax a bit, take a seat." Ted sits and the bed telling me to come over. I give him a smirk and sit next to him with a sigh.

"It's so much more relaxing here." I let him know.

"Yea, sometimes it's nice just to be alone," he replies. I realize all of the few words we shared have completely stopped and we were sitting there in silence just gazing at each other. Ted slowly leans in and pauses an inch away from my face. He looks me up and down then leans in some more and kisses me. It was the first time I had ever kissed a guy but I loved it. Our mouths open and our tongues intertwine. Both of our eyes are closed but we feel each other. I push him down onto the bed while still kissing him. I keep kissing him passionately while I lie on top of him. My right hand is groping his side while his hands are caressing my back. I pull my lips away from his lips.

"I've been wanting this so badly," I confess to him.

"Me too. I have been watching you for about a year hoping for some sign you being into me." I say with a sexy gaze. "Just promise me one thing."

"What?" I say curiously.

"I want you inside of me. I want you to fuck me so bad," Ted begs.

"No problem with that. I'll make sure to make it last." I leaned in and began kissing him again. My hands continued to feel up his body. I couldn't stand only feeling body through his clothes. I pulled back and told him to sit up while I still straddled his waist.

"Lift up your arms." Ted obeyed again. I lifted up his shirt and above his head. It revealed a sexy tight fitting tank top underneath. As his shirt went higher, his armpits were revealed followed by his arms. I threw the shirt to the side. Fuck, I didn't care that he was still wearing clothes. Tank tops are so sexy especially with that tribal tattoo he had. I leaned in again and began to kiss him while at the same time laying him flat on the bed again. By now if you haven't guessed my meat was completely filled with blood and so was his. My heart was beating fast and so was his. I could feel it. I grinded my hardon into his through our pants. I moved my lips to his neck and began to kiss this thick muscle hard while he basked in our lust. His hands wandered over my back and soon under my shirt. I began to get carried away and was full-blown dry humping him. He finally told me to stop.

"Dude, you gotta calm down. I'll cum if you keep it up." I probably would have too. I sat up and pulled my shirt off and threw it to the side. Ted smiled at me and checked my body up and down. He began to remove his tank top when I stopped him.

"Don't. Let me." I moved his hands away and put my mouth to his navel. I lifted up a tiny but of the shirt revealing a light treasure and I began to kiss it. As I slowly pulled the shirt upward I kissed up to his chest and then finally I removed the top. We were finally both shirtless and we began to make out on top of each other again. Skin to Skin contact and neither of us were ashamed to explore. I felt his chest, biceps, abs, and back while he did the same to me. It only intensified the feeling between us. I moved to his neck the second time that night and continued to work it. He did the same to mine. I lifted his arms above his head and placed my face a couple of inches away from his pit.

"God, I love the smell of you. The smell of a hot, sexy guy. If you were sweaty I might be cumming already. I really need to be with you right after a football game or practice next time." I said.

"I wouldn't mind getting a little reward after some hard practice," he wittily replied. I began to suck each of his nipples. As I felt my tongue navigate around his tit I could hear quiet moans beginning to come from his mouth. I kept on each nipple making sure to make the nice and sensitive. After seemed like seconds but was probably more a good 5 minutes, I went back to kissing his lips. He rolled me onto my back so he was lying on top of me. While one of his hands supported the back of my head, he reached down with the other unbuttoning my shorts and then slowly pulling down the zipper. I did the same to him and he began to dry hump me. Ted's short we being pushed down little by little from the slow grinding. Eventually a good amount of his briefs were exposed. He pulled away so his face was a full foot away from mine and did 3 long, hard, and slowly dry humps, just so he could see the pleasure filling my face and so I could see the pleasure in his. He leaned in once more and began to kiss me. I reached around with one hand and down the back of his shorts. I let my hand slide into the area between his boxers and his shorts. I let my finger message his anus through the fabric. After about a minute of doing this he pulled back and said,

"I can't take it any more. I need you to fuck me." I smiled and Ted got off me lying on his back. I pulled his shorts down then his boxers. His erection popped up and landed on his stomach. It was cute but definitely not as bug as mine.

"I can't even suck it a little?" I pleaded.

"No. Fuck me." I chuckled to myself and dropped my shorts and underwear. I was so hard that my dick was not only standing at full attention but I couldn't any which way anymore. I noticed him looking at my 8 and a half inches.

"God I can't wait to get that inside of me." Ted said to my cock more than me. I reached for my pants to get a condom and Ted saw me pull it out.

"Hey... uh... Josh."

"Sup?" I replied.

"Well this my first time with a guy and I wanted it to be special."

"Meaning no rubber?"

"No rubber, no lube, no nothing. Just me and you."

"Have you been tested?"

"Yea, recently, negative. You?"

"Same." I stood there considering it. If he was negative and I was what could be the harm. But never again.

"Ok I'll do it but never again after this."

"Deal." Ted replied relieved. I dropped the condom got on the bed and walked up to him on my knees.

"Lift up your legs." I commanded. I caught them the air and placed them on top of my shoulders. My dick was tempted enough by now it was leaking a good amount of precum. His ass was also a bit sweaty from all the foreplay. This was good enough for a natural lube I thought. I positioned my body so I was close to being parallel with his body beneath me with his legs still on top of my shoulders. I used my two arms to prop my self into this position. I leaned in more so the head of my hardon was touching his exposed cherry. I gave him a sexy smile and he just gazed back at me. While keeping our eyes fixed I pressed my dick in hard but gently making sure to enter him slowly. It was hard at first but was the most satisfying feeling ever. Ted looked as if he was in heaven. He made a face of half pain and half pleasure that just got me so into it. His eyes closed with his mouth open moaning. I kind of wanted to just cum because I was so horny. After slowly inserting my meat I finally hit my pubes against his ass. His fresh tight hole felt so warm around my dick. A feeling of explosion came over me. His eyes opened looked into mine. I leaned in and gave him a long passionate kiss. My senses became more alive than ever with this one kiss. I smelled the scent of sex on us. I felt the heat between us. I could taste the lust on his tongue. I needed to continue. I stopped kissing him and slowly pulled back my dick until it was almost out. Shivers were sent down my spine. I then pumped back in a little harder and more aggressive this time. Each time I repeated this process the motions became fast as the moans became louder.

"Uhh.... Uhh.... Uhh.... Uhh...." Ted moaned in rhythm my pumping. My heart was beating fast and sweat began to form on my body as well as his.

"Oh fuck..." Ted muttered between the moans. With one arm I pushed one of his arms behind his head exposing his armpits. My face was only a foot away from his. It was getting me even hornier knowing that I was actually fucking the tight end of the football team. His muscle and sweat built from a harsh sport all for me. I loved fuck his tight hole.

"Man, I love having my dick in you ass. You're an awesome tight end on the field but you're definitely better off the field. How does it feel to finally be penetrated?" I said in my sexiest/commanding voice.

"I love it. Keep fucking me." I did what he told me. My body pumped up and down over his with long hard thrusts. Our skin was rubbing together. And our eyes stayed locked. We stared at each other knowing that this was going to be one of the best nights of out lives. That's when I began to feel the cum developing in my sack.

"Dude, you're way to hot. I'm gonna have to cum soon," I told him.

"Cum in me. I want to feel you warm jizz filling me." I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. Our lips locked and I kissed him with all the appreciation and lust I had for him. I pulled back and did even longer, harder, and deeper thrusts than before. Our breathing became heavy and rhythmic. My eyes stared into his while I made sure to get as much of my dick in as possible. At that moment I felt his ass pinch hard around my meat pushing me to the edge.

"Shit I'm gonna shoot." I said.

"Me too...." He managed to get out before we both took in deep breaths. I felt my cum rush out of my dick and deep into his ass. At the same time I watched his dick shoot all over his chest with out ever any of us touching it. My cum became the lube in his ass while I kept pumping to get any last drops out. His face turned from an expression of extreme ecstasy to one of extreme relaxation. He rubbed the cum into his own chest making it glisten more then before. I looked over his body. His tribal tattoo, his sculpted chest, his defined six pack, his big arms, his smile, his sweaty body, and his cum all made me want to go for a second round but I leaned in with my semi still inside of him and kissed him. We continued like this for a good while with only the sounds of our lips locking and our bodies rubbing filling his bedroom. I pulled up to get some air.

"Thanks, Josh." Ted said gazing into my eyes. I smiled.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I said laying my head on his chest. He nodded. We kissed one short one before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

That was the end. This is my second story. I have another one in the high school section called: "helping-the-hottest-guy-in-school" Thanks for all the emails. They prompted me to write another. If I don't write you back don't take offense. I do appreciate them. This story will definitely will have more parts and they will probably be shorter. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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