Looney Tunes-Wet Dreams Are Made of These

By Michael Prymula

Published on Nov 23, 2023



Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in "Looney Tunes" or "Merrie Melodies" and I do not make any money off of this story.

Category: Gay/Celebrity

Summary: Sniffles is determined to do everything he can to stay up til midnight to see Santa, but his plan works a bit too well and he finds himself in trouble, what will he do? Takes place in the 1940 short "Bedtime for Sniffles"

It was Christmas Eve and while the whole world was sleeping there was one person, or rather one mouse who was determined to catch a glimpse of Jolly old Saint Nick and his sleigh being pulled through the sky by his merry Reindeer. The young mouse was determined to do whatever it took to stay awake until midnight to see the jolly fat man himself, and he had just the thing to keep himself awake-a fresh hot pot of coffee. The smell of burning roast wafted across the room and excited his sinuses, it had finished brewing not a moment too soon as Sniffles already felt his eyelids beginning to feel very heavy with sleepiness, quickly he poured himself a heaping mug of joe and downed the whole thing in one great gulp not wanting to take any chances of him falling asleep before midnight, it worked like a charm as the caffeine hit him like a jolt of lightning making him wide awake and alert, soon he was jittering in place pacing all around the room and talking out loud nonstop and frequently glancing at the window to make sure he didn't miss anything. Sure it was only 10:30 PM but still anything was possible on Xmas even and the little mouse didn't want to take any chances of leaving the room for even a minute for worry that he'd miss out on seeing Santa Claus in the flesh. Eventually the caffeine buzz wore off and the mouse calmed down and sat in his chair looking out the window at the cheerful picture perfect night with snow falling peacefully and all the Christmas displays lighting up the town. Soon he started to feel himself drift off again and he quickly poured himself another giant mug of coffee that he downed like it was water in the steaming hot desert and it acted like rocket fuel making the mouse all jittery and shaky again and literally bouncing off the walls, this went on for several minutes before it wore off, and so this continue on for the next hour or so with Sniffles downing mug after mug of hot coffee until the pot was completely empty, though any worries he had about falling asleep now that he was out of coffee were soon allayed by another thing that would be sure to keep him awake-his full bladder.

Sniffles had been so focused on staying awake he hadn't even noticed his bladder rapidly filling and now the poor mouse was absolutely full to bursting, he'd never been so desperate in his life and it was still another half hour until midnight and he wasn't sure if he could hold it until then, he didn't dare go off to use the bathroom for fear of missing the arrival of Santa, he thought about reliving himself into the empty coffee pot, but he was afraid that once he started peeing he wouldn't be able to stop and he was holding so much pee in he feared he might flood the entire house, besides what would Santa think of him whipping out his willy and peeing anywhere other then the toilet, he feared that might put him on the naughty list and he wouldn't get any presents. So Sniffles had no choice but to grin and bear it until the clock struck midnight, he crossed his legs and held his little winky with all his might trying to hold back a flood like the red sea, this had to be have been the longest and most tortures 30 minutes of his young life, he started to feel like he was being interrogated like he was a captured enemy soldier, there was no way out but to endure the throbbing pain in his aching bladder until the clock struck twelve. As the minutes slowly and agonizingly ticked away he became aware of a leaky faucet in the sink, the water slowly dripped out, drip drip drip, the watery imagery increased the mouses agony tenfold and soon his thoughts drifted to rushing waterfalls and fountains and moonsoons, every single water and liquid related images he could imagine were flooding through his mind(and soon his pants and boxers at this rate). Just when the mouse thought his poor bloated bladder couldn't take it anymore he was snapped out of his trance by the sweetest sound he'd ever heard in his life-the clock striking midnight, quickly he turned around and peered through the window and sure enough there old Saint Nick was in all of his glory flying through the air on his sleigh full of presents with his reindeer yelling out Christmas cheers.

Sniffles was overjoyed that he'd succeeded in his mission to see Saint Nick in person but as the jolly big man flew off into the distance the mouse was soon reminded of his poor aching bladder and got up and briskly walked over to the bathroom quick as he could with his hands wrapped tightly around his crotch for dear life, the bathroom seemed miles away at this point and as he got closer and closer to his relief, unfortunately as he finally reached the doorway to his salvation he realized he would have to remove one hand to open the door, quick as he could Sniffles removed one hand from his crotch to open the door and grabbed it again quick as he could but not before a stream of piss spurted into his boxers and his pants slightly, he just barely managed to get it under control feeling like his whole body was swimming in urine, finally he reached the toilet and then realized he would have to take both hands off his crotch to undo his pants and he couldn't cross his legs either. Sniffles tried to undo his pants quick as he could but it was no use, his bladder finally gave up upon it's restraints being released, soon his boxers and pants were drenched by a massive deluge of piss and the mouse slipped on his own piss and and fell backwards onto and gave up at this point as he was already soaked. Normally he would've been mortified and humiliated to have wet himself so throughly like this especially after getting to close to making it, but the relief felt so amazing he didn't mind, he just lied back in pure bliss as his bladder finally emptied itself, there was so much piss it felt like it had rained for 40 days and nights. As the mouse basked in the amazing feeling of relief from the pain finally being over he began to feel another form of pleasure originate from his crotch, specifically his ding-dong, it was suddenly feeling super good like it was being kissed good night, he felt an intense concentration of electricity in his groin that grew more and more intense causing the mouse to stick a hand down his pants and boxers to touch it out of curiosity, the effect is instantaneous as the mouse felt like he'd gotten an electric shock as an incredible pleasure the likes of which he'd never felt before tore through his body like a knife through bread, suddenly white goop flew out of his ding-a-ling in addition to more piss making his boxers all sticky with the white glop and more piss, both his orgasm and piss went on for several more minutes until finally it ended. Sniffles took a moment to recover and realized he'd peed so much he'd flooded the entire house! He held his breath and swam down to pull the plug on the drain in the bath, causing the mixture of piss and white goo to drain out, stripping off his soaked clothes Sniffles took a hot shower and dried off put on his PJs and went off to bed(making sure to get dry covers from the clothes chest first) having the best sleep of his life with how exhausted he was from the night he'd had.

Sniffles sighed as he awoke late in the morning, he felt a wet sensation and say his pajama pants and his bedsheets were soaked with urine, guess he hadn't quite been empty last night after all, there also more of that white sticky stuff inside his pj pants, out of curiosity he took some in his fingers and sucked it off them, he was quite surprised by how good it tasted, soon he'd stripped off his pajama pants and thoroughly licked them clean, to his surprise his own pee didn't taste too bad either, when there wasn't one speak left, oh well just more laundry to do along with cleaning up the house as best he could, however to his surprise the house was spotless, there was a roaring fire in the fireplace and all of his other clothes were all neatly folded and washed! As the mouse wondered what had happened he noticed some gifts under his tree, he then eagerly opened them and found some gym shorts, some bags of coffee(and a new pot to go with it)and some plastic sheets for his bed, he also noticed a note on top of the presents, he read it out loud. "I saw you watching my journey last night and I thought you'd might like these presents to help you indulge in your new hobby, yours truly, Santa Claus. Sniffles blushed profusely upon reading the part about his "new hobby", he knew Saint Nick knew all but it was still quite a shock to him. At any rate he was eager to try out his new gifts, he put on a pot of coffee and stepped into his new gym shorts with a fresh pair of boxers, the shorts were green and velcro with stripes on the bottom, he looked in the mirror and admired how good he looked in them. As he saw the coffee pot come to a boil he started downing glass after glass of water and orange juice already feeling his bladder starting to twinge, Sniffles got a smile on his face, he knew exactly how he was going to spend Christmas Day. One thing was for sure, there was going to be a lot more laundry to do...

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