Looking Deeper

By Kylie Maddison

Published on Feb 15, 2006


This story in purely fictional; any similarities to real life are completely coincidental. This story also contains male/male relationships and explicit sex. If you are offended by this, this is obviously not the story for you. Enjoy.

Looking Deeper

Chapter Two


I hate Mondays. No really, out of all the days of the week Mondays suck the worst. That was the thought that seemed to be preoccupying my mind as I approached the steps to the entrance of St. Matthews Academy; my high school. It sounds like a preppy, rich school doesn't it? Well, that's because it is, which explains why I'm not exactly the most liked guy around, but that wasn't something I was concerned about right now. Right now, my ass was on the top of my list of worries. Or more specifically, the smarting my ass was going to be feeling after I climbed the Swiss Alps that just so happened to be the front entrance to my school.

Big Joe had been brutal last night and he worked me hard. It must have been more than four straight, consecutive hours of him and his cronies fucking me. When one would finish, there'd be another there to take up his spot. It hurt like hell and I didn't get hard once, but that was no surprise. I wasn't there so they could pleasure me and my ass was still hurting like a bitch. So just how I was going to take those steps without some major discomfort was beyond me.

"Shit!" I cursed, hating Big Joe more than anyone at the moment. "Whoever thought it'd be a good idea to build the fucking Eiffel Tower right in front of a school needs to be shot."

"No kidding. Man, we have got to quit smoking, these stairs fuck with my lungs dude." I turned to see Kyle and Kent walking up beside me, and Kyle was openly snarling at the stairs.

"Speak for yourselves, losers. Those smokes are like walking cancer, and I'm gonna laugh my ass off when you get emphyzema and have to talk through a fucking hole in your throat." Kent replied, only half-joking.

"Nah, if it comes to that, I'll just put myself out of my misery." Kyle replied haughtily but then yelped when someone pinched his ass not-so-nicely. He spun around to confront whoever had just grabbed him as Kent and I looked up to see John and Mikey standing there. John was glaring daggers at his boyfriend. He had obviously heard Kyle's comment, and was none too happy with it; if the glare he was giving Kyle was any clue. Kyle tried to soothe John.

"I was just kidding. I wouldn't do that; you should know that John. Besides, I figure if I really do get emphyzema you will be the one that have to take care of me, and I'll get to enjoy being pampered AND being a pain in your ass at the same time." Kyle grinned, as the rest of us burst into laughter.

"Well then," John replied with an evil smirk on his face, "I'll just have to make up for it by being a PAIN IN YOUR ASS now." His voice was thick with innuendo and Kyle half-blushed, half-glared at John in result. The rest of us just laughed harder.

They are a cute couple, I thought. It's painfully obvious that they care about each other, and that they honestly don't give a flying fuck what other people think. At least John doesn't. Kyle still gets nervous, I notice, when John kisses or gropes him in public, but he never says anything to him.

John was aware of his boyfriend's hesitation and he understood it, which is the reason he tries not to get upset whenever Kyle flinches away from him sometimes.

Kyle still hasn't come out to his parents, and seeing how they reacted when John was introduced to them as just a "friend", John knew why. They were judgmental. Kyle and John decided to wait until they both graduated high school to tell the parents. However, that meant that they have to be extremely careful in public.

Kyle's parents can't stand John. They think he's some druggie with no life, and lives to bring their son into what they think is John's world of drugs, sex, and no future. That couldn't have been farther from the truth.

John somehow was able to maintain a 4.0 GPA all throughout high school, and now that he's a senior, there were schools offering him full rides. He refused. John decided he was going to wait for Kyle to graduate next year, and if music didn't work out for them, they would choose a school together and go from there.

Watching the two, I admit, I sometimes get insanely jealous of their relationship, but that's probably because people, in general, hate what they can't have. And what John and Kyle have is definitely too out of reach for me, and it was this thought that plunged me into a deeper depression. I sighed aloud and started walking beside my friends as we slowly ascended the steps.

Well, I was right. My ass did NOT like that abuse and I almost groaned aloud. I almost sang Hallelujia when we got to the top, and the first five-minute bell rang. We all went our separate ways but I noticed John hung back a little. He wanted to talk. Damn.

"Hey Trey, we need to talk about last night," he started slowly and I let out an annoyed sigh.

"What about it, John?"

"What was up with you man? You just disappeared on us, and you lied. TO US, Trey. You know, your best friends and the band members who'd kill for you." John replied. He wasn't mad at me, just worried. "When the hell did I lie to you?" I asked, feigning innocence. I was hoping it'd work. It didn't.

"DUDE! I'm your friend, Trey. Cut this shit out! You think we bought that crap story about your curfew man? What the hell is going on with you?"

Shit! I should have kown they'd never buy it, but I was desperate at the time and it was the only excuse that came to mind.

"John, what if I told you something..." I trailed off. I couldn't. I just couldn't tell him how I let myself be degraded and fucked like a girl; even if it was for the band.

John waited for Trey to finish but then realized he wasn't going to. He let out a frustrated sigh. Class was starting, he realized, when he heard the second bell go off, but he wasn't going about to let Trey off the hook until he got some answers.

"Dude, Trey just tell me."

"I can't man. I mean, I just can't." My voice broke and I had to stop. My eyes were burning with a too familiar sensation and I wanted to run away. John didn't let me, however.

He must have noticed my distress because the next thing I know, he's not two feet away and I couldn't tell if he was trying to hug me or squeeze the life out of me. It felt nice. I haven't been hugged or embraced in years and I realized how much I was missing out on, but I had to let go when oxygen was too necessary. Damn, John gives nice hugs. The kind that makes a person feel wanted and accepted. I smiled at him. He didn't smile back.

"Look, if you can't tell me now, will you promise to tell me later?"

I sighed; it had to come out sooner or later. I was going to tell him right now I decided.

"Yeah John, I'll tell you some time, but now's just not the right time." Okay, so I guess that wasn't exactly telling him `right now', and I mentally kicked myself.

I should have just said it. Why couldn't I just say it? Ahhhh! It was all so confusing and my brain just couldn't process all the questions and my self hatred at the same time. John finally turned to go to class and I rushed to my locker, grabbed my books, and sprinted to class to face yet another day with `The Ogre'.

The Ogre just so happened to be Mrs. Taylor, and she's my first hour Chemistry teacher. We have an understanding; Mrs. Taylor and I do. We hate each other. She thinks I'm an overindulged, delinquent brat who's only in `her' school because my guardian is also the principal. And I think she's a bitch, plain and simple.

I briefly entertained the idea of ditching the class altogether, but seeing as how I was already on academic probation, I decided that wasn't the best idea. Blake would have my hyde. As I reached Mrs.Taylor's class, I took a deep breath, and braced myself for the confrontation I knew was coming.

Less than a second later and I felt like kicking my own ass for not ditching. Mrs. Taylor turned toward me and her icy glare settled on me as soon as I entered the room. She really was an unattractive woman and her sneer didn't really do much for her.

"Glad you could join us, Mr. Clark."

"Oh, you know I just couldn't WAIT to be here to listen to your `oh-so-invigorating' lecture, Mrs.Taylor. You know it's the ONLY reason I get up in the morning." I was laying it on thick this morning, and I couldn't help but smirk as the rest of the class cracked up.

"Don't start Mr.Clark, or I'll have you explain why you are ten minutes late to my class."

"Oh well that's an easy one Mrs.Taylor," Kent yelled out from the back. "He was abducted by aliens last night and is just now returning to Earth, so go easy on him. It's been rough on him." His falsely sympathetic tone wasn't lost on the class and they burst into uncontrollable laughter once again. I grinned over at my friend.

Our teacher wasn't very fond of Kent either. Ever since he claimed he got his mohawk as an act of love for her, she took an almost perverse joy in punishing him along with me.

"Mr. Clark! Mr.Parker! I will not tolerate you delinquents disrupting my class! Now get out and get yourselves to the office."

"Delinquents? Ahh, you're breaking my heart here, Mrs.Taylor. You know how much I love you." Kent fake-pouted, his eyes getting big, his head tilting downwards as his lips curled down into a half-frown.

"OUT! GET OUT NOW!" She screamed, losing her cool, calm composure and Trey and I grinned at each other in response. Kent and I knew we were the only two people who could ruffle Mrs. Taylor's feathers like that, and we took every opportunity to do so. I blew her a kiss as we left, leaving a furius Mrs. Taylor behind.

"Dude," I said, grinning, "That was beautiful."

"Tell me about it. She got so red this time I thought she was going to pop!" He laughed, and I soon joined him.

"I'm waiting for the day her head just explodes."

"Now THAT would make my day." Kent replied and we grinned over at each other. As we reached the office, Kent told me he was going to skip this lecture to go have a breather.

Lucky him, I thought. Since the principal was also my guardian, I had no choice but to stay. I gathered my courage and opened the door to face my guardian who, no doubt, would be furious that I was here not even twenty minutes into class time. What I saw when I opened the door, however, made my blood run cold.

Clay. Oh shit! I was screwed. What was he doing here? Did he find out who I was and came to tell everyone about me?

My heart was pounding in my chest, and my eyes almost glazed over from pure shcok and fear.

"Trey," Blake said, snapping me out of my fears. "What the hell are you doing here? Don't tell me you got kicked out of Mrs.Taylor's room AGAIN!"

Yep, he's definitely angry. Can't see why. He likes Mrs. Taylor just as much as I do, meaning he can't stand her.

"Again? I guess that means you can't help but get yourself in trouble, isn't that right Trey." Clay smirked and I paled considerably.

I froze and stared at the huge, dark skinned guy like he had just spontaneously grown another head. He grinned and I moaned.

"You two know each other?" Blake asked looking betwen us two, slightly confused.


"No." We replied at the same time and I cursed under my breath. "I mean yes, we do know each other."

"Oh? Huh, that's odd. You didn't mention anything before."

"I just met him last night, Blake."

"Where? Oh and speaking of last night Trey, you and I need to sit down and talk about that. You know I don't mind you hanging out with your friends, but coming in at four in the morning is NOT okay!"

"Dude! What's up with this interrogation Blake?! I was out with the guys, `kay?! Do you really need to know any more than that?!" I exploded. This conversation was way out of my comfort zone and the last thing I needed right now was Clay telling Blake what he heard and saw last night. Thinking of him pissed me off and I turned to Clay.

"And what the hell are you doing here anyways?!"

Before he could answer, Blake cut in. "Mr.Clark!"

Oh shit, I'm in trouble. The only time Blake calls me `Mr. Clark' is when he grounds me.

"You are way out of line here, buddy!"

"You know what?! Fuck this shit! I'm outta here!" I stormed and and whipped around to leave but was forced to stop when my only means of escape was blocked by none other than Clay. I glowered at him and he smirked. I turned around.

"Just say whatever the fuck you want Blake, and let me go." My voice was quiet and a little defeated.

"Clay? Can you give us some space? Just wait right outside my office, please."

I sighed. He wanted to talk. Of course he did; everyone wanted to talk about me and my problems. Problem was, I didn't want to talk about them. Clay looked uncertain for a moment but it quicly faded, and he left to wait outside.

"Trey, look I'm sorry I yelled at you, but your behavior lately has been completely out of line. Do you have any idea how worried about you I was last night? Not to mention," he rushed out when it looked like I was about to interrupt. "your grades have dropped dramatically and you're on acadeamic probation!

"I know you've never liked school, but it's never been this bad Trey. I'm worried about you. You're like a son to me, Trey, and you have been ever since your mother left you in my care an-"

I cut him off. "Don't talk about my mom! You didn't even know her! How dare you pretend like you did! God, this is why I hate people like you! You're all such fucking hypocrites who don't know shit. AND I'M NOT YOUR SON!" I screamed, the feelings that I kept locked away deep inside coming out. I regretted it, though, when I saw the hurt look on Blake's face, but it was fleeting. Now he was back to looking angry.

" Trey, we'll talk about this later, and yes we ARE going to talk." His voice was quiet, almost chillingly so. I nodded and stepped outside. Clay was there. I glowered at him once again.

"What were you trying to do in there?" I whispered, the anger taking over my voice.

"So, tell me, does he pay you? Or are you his bitch too?" Clay asked. His question didn't sound demeaning, but I was still put on edge by it. I looked around to see if anyone heard him. Thankfully the hall was empty, and I sighed in relief.

"He's my guardian asshole, and no, he's never touched me. He doesn't even know about it."

"Yeah, figured as much."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm going to school here now." He replied, and for the second time that day, I felt my insides run cold.

Yep, Mondays were definitely cursed. --------------

Author's note: Woot! Made it to the second installment! Go me.

Next: Chapter 3

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