Look Where Thinking Can Get You

By ten.xoc@dsiuol

Published on Aug 25, 2009


Waking up the next morning I quickly realized that Tank was restless and moaning in his sleep, curious I reached into his mind to see what he was dreaming about. My brother was surrounded by the members of his former football team all of who were naked. Tank was on his knees in front of his buddy Trey who was telling my brother to go ahead and suck his dick. This was exactly where I had left my brother the previous evening on his knees fantasizing about a big cock in his face. He was still staring at the dick with lust but in all this time he hadn't opened his mouth to suck it in. I realized that some part of my brother's mind was still holding on to the shreds of his heterosexuality and was resisting the desire to suck. I needed to take steps here once Tank started to successfully resist me then it would be harder and harder to get back in control.

Dream Trey was now rubbing his big dick across my brothers lips coating them was his pre jizz but still he wouldn't open his mouth. I could feel Tank start to pull back from the dickhead rubbing his lips and so I entered his dream. Leaning down to his ear I called my brother's name he looked up at me confused, do you trust me I asked him. Of course I do little bro. I need you to do me a favor big bro. Anything for you he said with a smile. Looking into his eyes I said please I need you to suck that dick. He looked up at me with surprise and confusion on his face and started to stammer bu...but...isn't it wrong? Putting my dream arms around Tank, no bro it's what you were born to do. Just trust me once you put that dick in your mouth everything will be perfect. I could sense the struggle going on in his mind he was looking back and forth from my face to the dick in front of him. Please big bro do it for me. I felt the moment he gave in; he looked at me and said ok, for you bro then turned and opened his lips and started sucking on Trey's dick.

I couldn't believe the high I felt the moment my brother gave in. The sense of power was so unbelievable that I shot my load all over myself. I hadn't realized that I was so sexually charged. I made sure that my brother would spend the rest of the day in a daze sucking off his football buddies. I called into work to let them know he was sick and then headed into school to start operation get Trey.

Walking through the hallway to my locker I saw that Steve Jacobs the star of the lacrosse team was leaning against it, he had his arm around his girl. Knowing the only way to get the stuff I needed for class I asked him if he could move. Looking down at me he got a smirk on his face and asked what did you say fag? I could hear the laughter coming from his buddies on the other side of the hallway. He asked you what you said fag came from my left side. I started to stammer that I needed to get into my locker when I heard the laughter again.

Now up until recently I hadn't been picked on much in school. Tank and I were only ten months apart in age and ended up in the same grade at school. While he may have treated me like shit at home he still understood the concept of family loyalty. The first time one of his jock buddies started to pick on me Tank put him against the wall and made it clear anybody who messed with me messed with him. That solved my problem right then and there cause no one in their right mind wanted to take my brother on. So this teasing was something new for me, I guess with my bother no longer at school Steve had decided I was fair game. Dropping into panic mode I tried to back up but ran into Steve's twin brother Billy who had walked up behind me. With Billy holding my arms his twin started towards me with his fist cocked as if he was prepared to throw a punch. Terrified I yelled out stop and everyone did. I had gotten so lost in my terror that I had forgotten about my newfound abilities. Deciding to have a little fun, I stepped out of the way and reached into everyone's minds and left a few instructions.

When I was ready I turned everyone back on and without me in between them the brothers ran into each other. Startled they looked over until they saw me a few feet away Steve started to murmur how the hell but he stopped talking when he realized that his body was moving but he had no control over it. He tried to say something but nothing would come out; it was like he was trapped in his own body. Walking over to his best friend Gino he reached out and cupped his dick. His buddy having the same problem grabbed Steve's ass with one had while he pulled him in for a deep kiss. All the guys just stood in shock it was Billy who broke the silence, watching his brother playing tonsil hockey with another guy he yelled out I can't believe my brother's a fag. None of the guys knew what to do so they just stood there and watched in disbelief as the two macho jocks continued to make out. Billy tried to walk over to pull his brother away from Gino but his feet were stuck to the floor. Deciding that Steve still needed to pay some more from threatening me I gave his mind some new detailed instructions.

Steve was glad to find that he was pulling away from the kiss with his buddy thinking that he was getting control back he tried to walk away but instead found himself talking while Gino came around behind him and wrapped him in an embrace. Sorry Billy I know I should have told you in private but Gino and I have been fooling around for months, Gino looked up and also unable to believe what was happening to him heard himself say yeah me and Steve are in love I hope you guys can handle it. Billy suddenly found himself in control of his body, not being able to handle what he had just learned he turned and ran sobbing down the corridor out of sight. Meanwhile Steve's posse also decided that the time had come to be somewhere else and faded away. The only one left besides me and the lovers was Steve's girl looking back and forth between the guys she walked up to them slapped Steve across the face and stormed off.

Once again entering the guys minds I instructed them to spend the rest of the day walking around holding hands. Gino was to treat his buddy like he would a girlfriend. Steve was instructed to act as feminine as possible and kiss Gino as often as he could in public. They walked away following my instructions. I had no idea just how long my instructions would control them without me to reinforce them but figured the damage to their reputations and egos had been done. I was positive that Debbie was a big enough gossip that the coming out party would be all over school and the guys would be unable to talk their way out of it. Hearing the bell I got my books from my locker and headed to my first class.

Waling through the door I heard your late coming from Mr. Dresden the biology teacher. Apologizing I headed to my desk when I realized that my next two targets were sharing this class with me. Sitting two seats in front of me Billy was still trying to make sense of what had just happened in the hallway. While Mr. Dresden was droning on about cellular mitosis I entered Billy's mind. He was lost in a sea of confusion while he and Steve were twins he younger by 10 minutes had always been the submissive one in their relationship. He looked up to and admired his brother and just couldn't accept what he just witnessed. I started to feel sorry for him when he started thinking about how much he hated fags and wished they would all just die. Feeling a little stiffness coming back into my spine I gave Billy a series of instructions and sat back waiting for them to kick in.

I had given myself a couple of minutes before Billy would become interesting so I glanced over at Trey. It was obvious that he wasn't paying an ounce of attention to the lecture instead he was typing a text message on his cell phone. Looking over at him I realized once again just how gorgeous the man was. He was a God among lesser men and all I wanted to do was spend hours worshiping at the altar of his muscles. Look, I told you before I have a thing for muscular jocks and to be honest if you look up the definition of muscle jock in the encyclopedia you would see Trey scowling back at you doing a double bicep pose. I could spend the rest of class just looking at him but my worship of Trey was interrupted by the teacher's voice. Yes, Billy what is it? Realizing that the show was about to begin I took one last glance at Trey and saw the look of disgust on his face when he caught me staring at him.

I need to show the class something I heard Billy saying from in front of me. Turning my attention back to the front of the room he stood up and turned to face the class before Mr. Dresden could stop him. I could once again see the look of terror on his face as he realized once again that he was trapped in his own body with no control over his actions at all. Repeating the script I had placed in his mind, he looked out at the class isn't it kool that I can do this he asked the class as a wet spot started to form in the front of his jeans. It took him a minute to realize that he was pissing his pants in front of the whole class. The room was full of stunned silence as no one knew what to say, repeating the last line I gave him you should try it guys it feels great. With that I gave Billy back complete control over his body. He looked down at his wet jeans looked out over the class and completely broke down. His mind still hadn't finished processing the information he learned about his twin and now this he just completely lost it and ran out of the room crying. I had a feeling his days as a bully were done. As Billy ran though the classroom door Mr. Dresden yelled for him to stop at a restroom and clean himself up. Trying to regain control of the class the teacher asked out loud now where were we? No one was paying him any attention cause while Billy was pissing himself most of the class got a text message, apparently Gino and Steve were sharing a very passionate kiss in front of the cafeteria. While the teacher attempted to regain control the class was lost in discussion about the twins.

Figuring now was as good a time as any I started to push myself into Trey's mind and was pushed right back out. What the hell, that had never happened before. I tried a second time to push myself it his head and once again I found myself pushed out. Now I was curious so instead of pushing in I tried to slip in gently, and that did the trick. After getting my bearings I realized that my studly Trey was not doing so well. With most guys, I have found, have an internal monologue running pretty constantly when they are awake. For the most part, I have been able to slip in and adjust that monologue when I want to exert control or leave instructions. In Trey's case he was in the middle of a crisis, he had 4 guys that he considered his best friends and I had unknowingly mind fucked each and every one of them. In his mind my brother had dropped out of school and become a looser, Steve and Gino turned out to be gay, and Billy had just stood up in front of the class and had some sort of breakdown and publicly pissed his pants telling everyone how great it felt. I felt that since I was the cause of all his anguish I really needed to help him thought it. I mean what else are future boyfriends for?

Realizing that I didn't have a lot of time until the class bell rang all I could do was wait patiently for the moment I knew was coming. It took a few minutes, but then it happened his thoughts slowed down for just a second when his phone beeped and he got a new text message. While he was distracted his mind opened up for me just a little and I slipped inside. Just as if he were a little boy I started to sooth him. It's alright Trey just relax and everything will be ok. It took a few more minutes of reassurance but he finally relaxed know the bell was about to ring I instructed Trey to seek me out to help him study for the test next week. Just as the bell started to ring I put the first piece of operation get Trey into place. I pushed once last thought into his head why is it I always get a hard on when I see Robbie? As I pulled out I could sense the thought slipped into place, getting up from his seat Trey glanced over at me and I could see his chubby start to grow. He looked down, blushed, and hurried out the door. Getting up to leave the room how could this day get any better?

What did you guys think about chapter 3? At this point most of the characters are in place with just one or two more to introduce later. I really enjoyed all the comments and suggestions about where to take the story next. A lot of you asked for some humiliation so I tried to give it to you with Steve and Billy not sure if it worked or not. I have more plans for each of the characters if this story keeps going. Let me know if you guys want to read more. I write this for your enjoyment as much as mine. louisd@cox.net

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