Look and Please Touch

By chefinthewild

Published on Sep 16, 2024


Look and Please Touch Chapter 4

You know the drill if your not supposed to be here get lost. Support the nifty archive its been getting most of us off since 1996. I've been reading these stories since the beginning and has helped be spill lots of loads. Donate.nifty.org

Be warned this story will contain graphic violence for stories sake. And gratuitous sex for your pleasure. Kind of like my last story its a murder mystery but very different.

Chapter Four

But why do I always feel like I'm in The Twilight Zone?

Chloe was the first to recover her senses. She holstered her gun and reached out pushing the stunned Marcus's arm down. “Um we will step out to give you moment to put yourselves together.” She gave Marcus a shove back out the door doing her best to close it. A few minutes later a robe clad Zach opened the door and waved them in.

Marcus was still a bit shaken. It had been a while for him and the site of the two men in the throws of passion stunned him. Chloe was forced to take the lead this time. “Were sorry to bust in on you like that but we heard shouting and had a good reason to believe your life was in danger.”

Zach plopped down in his chair. His robe barely covering his body. “Why the fuck would I be in danger? You could have just knocked instead of breaking in my fucking door! Haven't you ever heard guys fucking before?!” He was practically shouting when he finished.

Chloe put her hands up in a calming apologetic gesture. “Like I said we have a real reason to believe someone may be after you. Where is you um__m friend?”

Zach pointed back to the bathroom. “Hes hiding in the bathroom getting cleaned up. He is a sensitive type and you scared the shit out of him. I'm probably never going to see him again thanks to you.”

Chloe nodded toward the back. “Detective Kelly why don't you go talk to him and get his information while I chat with our friend here.” Marcus just gave her a thumbs up and walked off pulling his notepad out of his pocket. Turning back to Zach she waved her hand at the couch. “Do you mind if I have a seat?” Zach just nodded. “Your friend Abe Evens sent us over to check on you.

Zach cocked his head. “Whats Abe got to do with anything? The mans a marshmallow.”

She took care to pay attention to any reaction he might have as she spoke. “In the past two weeks three men have been murdered. The only thing linking them together is Mr. Evans.”

Zach's jaw dropped and his eyes darted all over. “There's no fucking way Abe killed anyone. He is a pacifist. That's how we met. We were both at a peace in the middle east rally.”

Chloe believed it was an honest reaction. “We talked to Abe and he connected you to just one of the victims. All evidence points to Abe having a stalker. My partner put the pieces together. The theory is the killer is going after men that have an admiration for Abe and have in someway shown it. You run his onlyfans account correct?”

Zach had sat back slumped in his chair he had tried to cover himself up more with his robe feeling semiconscious for the first time. “Um ya. Hes pretty bad with technical stuff so I do his edits and run the account.”

“Good you admitted it. That makes things easier. Maybe you can help us then. Normally we have to get warrants to get the sites information. And we have started that process but that could take a long time. Since you run the site you could give us access to it. We have the emails of the other two victims and want to see if they also subscribe to his page.”

Before Zach could respond the little man came rushing through the room and out the front door. Chloe was about to dash after him when Marcus came in the room and just shook his head at her. He gave a subtle signal they worked out long ago letting her know all was okay. “That man is going to need therapy.” He sat next to Chloe. “You are lucky that guy really likes you.”

Zach got up went over to his desk and pulled out a folder. He handed it Chloe. “Here this is a hard copy of all the info to get into Abe's onlyfans account. It also has a list of the email addresses for all his subscribers. I also run accounts for two other guys but would prefer to get permission from them before I hand that over. Besides none of them have the same subscribers.”

Chloe took a quick look at the list. She handed it over to Marcus with a look and her finger pointing to one of the email addresses. Marcus found the other one they were looking for on the next page. “Thank you so much this will be very helpful. Now we do think you may still be in danger so we can get a officer in a patrol car to watch over you. Or maybe you have a friend you can stay with for a while.”

Zach gave them a small smile. “Nah I can take care of myself. Besides the fact I'm a boxer I have a gun. Yes it is registered. So I will be okay.”

The detectives stood and Chloe pulled her card out of her pocket. “Here's my info. If you think of anything that might be of help just give me a call. If at anytime you feel unsafe call 911 right away. We are going to have to file a report and I will put in we broke in the door. Just contact the station and they will help you get it fixed. Of course the city will pay for it.”

After they left a shaken Zach cleaned up the house and locked up everything. He could close the front door but not lock it so he pushed a heavy chest in front of it for now so no one could get in.

On the way back to the station Marcus had a laugh explaining to Chloe about Zach's visitor. “Trust me the guy has nothing to do with any of this. I have never met him in person but he is known in the community for being a doorknob. You know everyone can have a turn and open him up. But just in case I took his information down.

When they got back Marcus asked her to take care of their paperwork because he wanted to have one final chat with Abe. Marcus found Abe dozing on the couch in the family waiting area. Bluey was playing on the T.V. He sat next to Abe and tapped him on the shoulder. Abe came to confused for a moment before remembering where he was. He blushed seeing what he was watching was still playing. “Sorry I am going crazy just waiting here. I guess Bluey couldn't even keep my attention.”

Marcus shrugged. “Never watched it myself but my niece seems to love it.”

A sheepish grin appeared on Abe's face. “You should try it sometime. I think I know more adults into it than kids.” His head jerked to look at Marcus remembering why he was there. “Is Zach okay?”

“Yes Zach is more then fine. He gave us permission and access to your site info. We already confirmed that the other two victims were also subscribers to your content. We offered him protection just in case but he turned us down. You can go ahead and leave now but I am going to offer you the same protection . We can put a car and uniformed officer outside your place or if you want to stay with someone.”

Abe sighed. “I guess I could go stay with my parents but really don't want to do that. It would freak them out. My neighbors probably wouldn't be happy to have a cop car sitting out in front of our building.”

Marcus shrugged his shoulders. “Unfortunately that is the only option we can give you at the moment.” He thought for a second and decided what the hell it couldn't hurt. “Look I probably shouldn't ask you this but it has been bugging me all day. A few years ago you came up to me at the gym and we barely spoke when you got all upset with me and blew me off. You have been standoffish since that day and I can't figure out what I could have said or done in ten seconds of meeting you.”

Abe covered his face with his hands in shame. He took a breath before he could look back at Marcus. “Its nothing you said or did. Its what you are.” He pointed at Marcus's arm.

Marcus looked skeptical. “How the hell could you tell I was a cop that fast?”

Abe shook his head. “No not a cop. The tattoo. I could see you were a Marine. Military men have always been a sore spot for me. You see my dad was in the army. He met my mother while he was oversees and they got married and she came back here with him. I don't know all the details but something happened on base and my dad was accused of it. They couldn't prove it so they never pressed charges. They did give him a dishonorable discharge though.”

Marcus's expression never changed. “That's it. Seems like a bad reason to hate all military men.”

Abe choked back a tear. “No that's just part of it. On my twenty first birthday I want to a gay bar for the first time. I got picked up by a guy that night. Turns out he was on leave from the Marines. Well we went back to a room he was renting and he tried to force himself on me.”

Marcus turned red. “Holy shit no wonder you have a problem with Marines. I would too if one raped me.”

Abe's face twisted into a grimace. “Oh no he never got a chance to. When he tried to I knocked his ass out. He pressed charges against me and it was only my word over his. Given my size the police sided with him thinking he could never force himself on me. It was Zach that convinced them that he had gotten me so drunk that I was vulnerable. He found another guy that had been there that night and convinced him to come forward saying he heard the guy tell his friends that I was going to be his that night no matter what.”

Marcus sat back dumbfounded. “That wouldn't have happened if it had been me or Chloe working on your case. Believe it or not was are pretty good at our jobs. After all I was the fastest person to make detective when I was hired. Chloe was the youngest to ever make detective in our unit. But I can understand why my tattoo would set you off then.”

Marcus stood. “I have to go finish up for the day with Chloe. We will be right out there. Let us know what you decide to do so we can make arrangements.”

Before he could walk away Abe reached out and grabbed his hand. “By any chance could you just stay with me tonight before I have to figure this all out. Its a bit much all this coming at me.”

Marcus smiled down at him and patted his shoulder. “Sorry I can't I have a kid I have to get back home to. Otherwise I might have been able to” He walked back to his desk leaving a confused Abe.

Abe sat there for a while. He was really confused now. He thought “A kid? I could have sworn he was gay. At least hes not a complete asshole.”

He pulled out his phone and sent out a text. He didn't have long to wait for a reply when his phone rang with an actual call instead.

Chloe and Marcus were just about finished up when Abe joined them. “I'm just going to go home. Zach is going to come stay with me.”

Chloe smiled. “That's good news its important neither of you should be alone right now. We can still station an officer outside your place.”

Abe waved them off. “No. I would rather not draw anymore attention. Between the two of us Zach and I can take care of ourselves. Did you have to break his door in? I was going to ask to stay at his place but he said it would be safer to stay at mine since you did that. Why did you do that?”

The two detectives looked at each other a show of surprise on their faces. In unison they both said. “Zach should tell you.” Everyone couldn't help but laugh at that.

As Abe pulled into Zach's driveway he started to have regrets inviting Zach to stay. It was going to be crowded as it was and there stood Zach with five bags and suitcases filled with his belongings. Zach didn't even wave hi. He just tossed all his bags into the bed of the truck and hopped into the cab.

Zach grinned at a stunned looking Abe. “Hey babe.” He leaned over a kissed Abe gently on the cheek and gave his other cheek a little slap. “Close your mouth you'll let flies in.”

Abe looked behind him into the bed of the truck. “Fuck its only going to be a day or two are you bringing enough with you?”

Zach faked looking hurt. “You would deny me my creature comforts? I'll have you know everything in those bags are essential to my survival.”

Abe just backed out of the driveway. Once on the road he asked Zach what had happened when the detectives had shown up. Having absolutely no shame Zach told him everything including the marathon of sex before they showed up.

He finished the story just at they pulled into Abe's parking space. “You are such a fucking slut. I'd be more surprised if they actually had found you dead.”

Zach picked up the smallest bag and threw it at Abe. “Don't be jealous. Just because you haven't gotten laid in forever doesn't mean the rest of us have to be celibate.”

Abe easily caught the bag and threw it back harder catching Zach off balance. “It hasn't been that long.” He picked up the biggest bags in each hand like they were nothing. “I just prefer quality over quantity.”

Zach grabbed the smaller bags and ran ahead shouting “PRUDE” over his shoulder. Abe took his time. If Zach wanted to waste his energy so be it.

Lucky for both of them Abe's apartment was on the first floor. They dropped Zach's bags inside the door and Abe got them bottles of water. “You can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. I've fallen asleep on it enough that it won't bother me.”

Zach wrapped his arms around Abe from behind and kissed him on his neck. “Nonsense. We can share the bed. I promise I'll behave.” His hands then traveled down and upon reaching the hem of Abe shirt one hand went underneath. Abe was about to shove him away when Zach started tickling him. Zach had him on his knees in seconds laughing.

It took Abe a minute to wrestle himself away. Catching his breath he raised a fist at Zach. “You bastard! For that you take the couch.”

Zach laughed it off. “Oh relax, just trying to ease some of the tension. Lets order some food and watch a movie. I need to set up my laptops and catch up on my days work. By the way what did you think of that Detective Kelly. Quite the stud huh?”

A dreamy look came over Abe's face. “Ya he is nice to look at. I did think he might have been gay once but he just got done telling me he had a kid. Not like anything could happen with him anyway with him being a cop and all.”

They ended up sharing a pizza and watched Spaceballs for the millionth time. They could turn the sound off they knew it by heart. Being black Zach could do the “We ain't found shit” line with perfection. The excitement of the day eventually wore off and Abe got up pulling Zach with him into bed. They both stripped down to their underwear and got under the covers.

Before he reached over to turn off the lights Abe looked to Zach. “Remember you promised to behave. Don't make me literally kick you onto the floor.”

Zach reached over a took Abe's hand kissing the back of it. “Just go to sleep all will be better in the morning.”

The next afternoon Abe was back at work cleaning the locker room. It was the one part of his job he hated but it was his turn. His boss was always great with things like that making sure everyone working there including himself had a turn at doing the ugly jobs. He was just about done scrubbing out the showers when Detective Kelly came in.

Abe never noticed when the detective had come in. But it must have been one hell of a work out. The detective was shining with sweat. His tank top and shorts were soaked. Abe was just finishing in the last stall when he heard the shower on the opposite side start up. He looked up and saw the curtain hadn't been fully shut. He could see the detectives back.

The muscles of the back rippled as the detective started to scrub himself down. Abe had to hold back a moan when his gaze traveled down to the perfect bubble butt. It was the kind of ass Abe liked to bury his face in.

Abe thought he had been caught peeping when the detective suddenly turned around. However the detective had his head back under the shower spray rinsing shampoo out of his hair. Abe reached down squeezing his own manhood seeing the stud in all his glory. He never doubted the detective was in shape. What he saw before made him hornier then he had been in a long time. The nice shelf of hairy pecs, the washboard abs, thick guns and thighs. The soft chubby cock made his mouth water and asshole twitch.

“Ahem”. Abe's head snapped up. By now his own hand had been down his shorts pulling on his own hard on. The detective was finished rinsing his hair and was looking directly into Abe's eyes. “Like what you see?” His face as red as can be Abe could only nod. “Want a taste? Go for it. Its your one and only chance.”

Abe couldn't resist he crossed over into the other shower and dropped to his knees. He engulfed the quickly hardening cock. It filled his mouth perfectly. He suddenly found himself soaked and having a hard time breathing. The force of him going to town sucking the detective off pushed them under the flowing water.

Choking he stood up and kissed the detective. He felt it was the most soul filling kiss he had ever experienced. He spun around bending over pushing his shorts to the floor. Pulling his cheeks apart he begged the detective to fuck him. Just as he felt the cock head touch his hole he exploded. His load fired off hitting the wall.

Suddenly Abe shot up in bed panting. He was covered in a cold sweat and his body tingled. Looking off the the side he saw Zach snoring away. Swinging his legs off the bed he stood up his crotch feeling nasty. His had his first wet dream since he was a kid. He hadn't had one since he first had sex. He grabbed another pair of briefs on his way to the bathroom to clean up.

The pair he had on were loaded up. He jumped in the shower and rinsed off best he could. Slipping back into bed he was so relieved the whole thing happened without Zach waking up. The asshole would have teased him endlessly for it.

The next morning Abe woke up feeling a bit better. The clock said 9:30 way later then when he usually got up. He wasn't worried since his boss knew under the circumstances he wouldn't been in the rest of the week. They were letting all his clients know what was going on so hopefully no one else would be hurt.

The smell of coffee beckoned him to get out of bed. Due to his heritage he had been spoiled and only had the best coffee. Zach must have made a pot since he wasn't in bed. He put on a pair of track pants and a long sleeve base ball shirt. After that dream last night he felt shorts and a t-shirt would be under dressed for some reason.

Zach sat on the couch typing away at his laptops going back and forth between the two. The coffee table was covered with papers and gear he used. “I made coffee and there's a sandwich and hash brown from Mcd's on the counter for you.”

“Thanks. How long have you been up?” He started in on the food his stomach suddenly feeling empty.

Zach's eyes never left his screens. “A couple of hours. By the way that must have been one hell of a dream last night. You kept yelling 'Fuck me! Fuck me!' in your sleep. And judging by the size of the load of cum you left in your briefs you left on the bathroom floor it must have been one hell of a fuck.”

Abe had been taking a drink of his coffee while Zach relayed his story. The spit take that followed belongs on funniest home videos. Zach's grin never left his face for the rest of the morning. Abe rushed back into bed and didn't come back out till late for lunch.

Hope you guys will enjoy this story. Love feedback good or bad otherwise how will I learn. You can email me at chefinthewild13@gmail.com make sure you put “Look And Please Touch” in the subject so I know what its about and not spam. Plus like my last story ill be using lyrics for chapter titles can you figure out where they're from.

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