Look and Please Touch

By chefinthewild

Published on Aug 14, 2024


Look and Please Touch Chapter 1

You know the drill if your not supposed to be here get lost. Support the nifty archive its been getting most of us off since 1996. I've been reading these stories since the beginning and has helped be spill lots of loads.

Be warned this story will contain graphic violence for stories sake. And gratuitous sex for your pleasure. Kind of like my last story its a murder mystery but very different.

Chapter One

I Can't Sleep 'Cause My Bed's On Fire

As soon as Marcus walked into the room the smell of decay hit with full force. He was late to the scene thanks to his babysitter not showing up on time. His partner Chloe shook her head in disapproval at him. The crime scene techs took no notice of him except for the Medical Examiner Dennis who looked to him with a grimace.

He put on his gloves an booties as he crossed the threshold. The room was surprisingly neat and tidy. The only thing that seemed out of place a first glance was the body in the office chair. It was in the center of the room in a pool of blood. The mans pants and boxers were pulled down around his ankles. The mans penis had been cut off and if took a moment for Marcus to see it set on the coffee table . The shirt was unbuttoned up to just above the stomach. The wrists had been zip tied to the chairs armrests. Finally the head bent down by gravity an obvious bullet hole right between the eyes.

After his initial sweep Marcus approached Chloe. “Who called it in?” he asked.

Without looking away from desk she was inspecting she pointed to the door. “Amazon driver was making a delivery and saw the body through the open door.

Dennis stood up writing on his clipboard. “Just from my preliminary view he died from blood loss due to his penis being cut off. The shot to the head is overkill. The hole in the head is too clean even if he had been shot in the head first there would be some blood coming from the wound. But as you can see most of his blood volume is on the floor.”

Walking around the room Marcus pulled out his note pad and started writing some observations down. Across the coffee table in blood was the words “not yours” with the penis trailing the S. It seemed to have been used to write the words out. The laptop sitting on the desk was closed but not all the way due to the screen being smashed.

Chloe took the lead since she was the first detective on the scene. “Looks like a someone was pissed at the poor guy. Must have had something the killer wanted.”

Marcus came back into the room tapping his pen to his pad. “Nothing has been rifled through. No drawers or cabinets are open. Id say this guy was a neat freak. And no signs of a break in. All the windows and back door are locked so it looks like the killer came in the front door. Probably came in at night I checked and the porch light is not working.”

After the body had been taken away the duo spent several hours going over the house looking for clues but nothing jumped out at them. Later on they were back in the bull pen filing out paper work on the case their desks facing each other.

A message popped up on Marcus's screen. “Dennis says the autopsy wont be finished till tomorrow but so far its just as he said at the scene. So no news there. The first report the techs put out says so far the only prints found at the house belong to the victim. The porch light was out because the bulb had been partially unscrewed. They also found a turned over fake rock by the steps leading into the house so a spare key may have been hidden there.”

Chloe shook hear head. “I can't believe anyone still does that anymore. I talked to the neighbors. They all said the guy was a loner. The woman across the street said only had men visit him infrequently usually at night and rarely the same guy twice.”

Marcus turned slightly red. “Ya that tracks with the gay porn I found in the bedroom. I'm sure once the techs downstairs get his laptop working again they will find more porn. The phone too. They found it in his pants pocket but all the blood rendered it useless for now.”

A wicked grin spread across Chloe's face. “So was this guy your type? You know other then the missing dick. Come to think of it I've known you for three years now and have never seen you go on a date. Or are you just a hit it and quit it kinda guy?”

Letting out an exasperated sigh. “Not that its any of your business but no. Not my type and raising Emily has but a hold on my dating life.”

Standing up and putting on her coat Chloe prepared to leave. “The girl is about to turn thirteen but going on thirty. She doesn't need you twenty four seven. Hell I don't know why you need a babysitter anymore she's basically more responsible then you. I know your brother died and left her to you but you're way over protective.”

He slammed his laptop shut wheeling on Chloe. “Mind your own fucking business. Shes my daughter now and I'll raise her how I see fit.” With that he stormed off leaving a shaken Chloe. She had never seen him that mad before. She figured she had better apologize tomorrow maybe she had gone a bit too far.

When he got home he found Emily at the kitchen table working on some kind of art project with her babysitter Samantha who used to be her neighbor. “Thank again for staying late Sam its been a rough day.”

As Sam packed up Emily had an odd look on her face. “Hey Mr. Kelly I've got some bad news. My mom is sick and needs help so I am going to have to move back home in a week or so. I'm not going to be able to stay and help out anymore starting on Monday.”

Marcus sighed. “Actually I have been thinking lately that maybe Emily is old enough to stay on her own.” At this Emily perked up continuing to work on her project trying and failing to look like she didn't hear every word being said.

He walked her to the door thanked her again for staying late. Then poured himself a drink before sitting at the table. “So what are you making this time? Another horse? Maybe a unicorn?”

Emily grinned up at him. “Nah this time it going to be a hybrid of a motorcycle and dinosaur. I saw something online about the power rangers and it gave me an idea.”

“Super heroes? Aren't girls your age supposed to be into My Little Pony?” A quizzical look on his face.

She rolled her eyes at him. “Let me get this straight. You finally think I can be on my own but think I watch baby stuff?. And no. Not really so much superheros but just hi-tech fantasy. When school starts back up I want to take creative writing and drama.”

Marcus nodded after taking a sip. “I don't see why not. Maybe doing all that will loosen the strain on my wallet with all your craft supplies. Not that I mind since you're such a great kid.” Then his stomach let out a loud growl.

“We made spaghetti. I heat you some up. By the way Mrs. Smith down the street offered me a job. She needs someone to walk her dog while shes at work. I told her id ask you if its okay.” She looked at him with hope as she went in the kitchen to heat up some food for him.

Marcus ate while Emily cleaned up her crafting mess. They discussed their day. Him leaving out the grisly details. They agreed on letting her walk Mrs. Smith's dog as long as it didn't interfere with school once it started at the end of the month. And seriously talked about him loosening the apron strings so to speak so she could be independent. As Emily got into bed for the night Marcus took a shower before going to bed himself.

Entering his room and shutting the door he striped down in front of the full length mirror on the closet door. Unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off cause his arms to flex showing off the time he had put into the gym. As he lifted the tank-top off his flat stomach came into view. Flat but not a six pack yet. A wide thick patch of black hair started just above the waist line of his boxer-briefs quickly narrowing to a dense line rising up past his belly button and up to just below his firm pecs. From there the hair spread across his chest covering his pecs stopping just below the neck. The hair was thick and just long enough to run your fingers through. Maybe give a tug if you're adventurous.

He ran his hand over his upper body wondering for the thousandth time if he should shave it. Then like always thinking no. He would never get rid of it. It made him feel so manly. At the same time he was relieve that it came in like it did. Despite being so dense he had none on his back. Other then a nice amount in his pits the only other hair on his upper body was on his forearms. Being of mostly of Irish heritage he was on the pale side. Only able to tan slightly before burning. He thanked his moms superior genes because all the men in his family were hairy like gorillas.

He dropped his pants after starting the shower. Looking into the vanity mirror above the sink he ran his hand over his face. A dark shadow covered his jaw he would have to use his electric razor in the morning like he did everyday. But due to a recent change in departmental rules he thought fuck it. He always wondered how he would look with a full beard. On one bicep was a USMC tattoo. On his back an angel wing was on one shoulder and a demon wing on the other. A dragon starting at his ankle wrapped around his leg up to the knee.

At 5'11” hr wished he could just get those extra two inches just so he could say he was six feet. Most guys he had met thought he was taller do to his long very hairy legs. He had to boxer-briefs away from his body to slide them off. The squats he did at the gym and given him a firm bubble but. Once again happy it was smooth and no need to shave it. He kept his pubes trimmed above his flaccid four inches. The low hanging sack had a few hairs but not enough that he felt a need to shave down there.

He stepped into the scalding shower eager to get the days grime off. Past partners had complained about his need to take a shower as hot as possible. A side effect of having to take cold showers in the marines. Barely a drop of shampoo was needed to clean his crew cut hair. Then a loofah scrubbed his body using his favorite scent old spice bearglove. As he rinsed off he ran his hand between his cheeks and when his fingers touched his hole he moaned. Louder then he would have liked considering the young girl just a room away. He turned the temp down as he chubbed up. It had been way to long since anyone had touched him back there.

After drying off he put on a pair of sleeping shorts. He used to sleep naked but after Emily moved in he started wearing shorts. Their first night together she ended up crawling into bed with him from fear. That was two years ago when her parents, Marcus's older brother and sister-in-law had died in a car crash. It was Marcus who had been called to the scene before anyone knew who had been in the accident. He had already been named her godfather and their will stipulated she would go to him had anything happen to them. There had a been a fight when his own parents tried suing for custody stating they didn't believe a gay man should have a child. He of course won in the end and wound up have to have a restraining order placed on his own parents afterwards.

Taking one last stroll around the house he made sure everything was locked up checking quick on Emily finding her already asleep. Climbing onto the bed he didn't bother with the covers enjoying the A/C on this hot evening. He lay there for half an hour tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. Rolling over his his half hard cock rubbed on the mattress and the solution became clear. It had been a few days since he had got off. He considered himself a top but every once in a while the itch would be there. He blamed his wondering hand in the shower.

Unlocking the drawer in the bottom of the night stand he pulled some lube and a lifelike seven inch dildo out. Getting on all fours he squeezed some lube onto his finger and reached back between his legs bypassing his dick to circle his twitching hole. Due to lack of use it took a bit before he was able to get a finger in. Five minutes later he was slowing using three fingers to stretch out.

Being rather flexible he used an old move flipping on his back and throwing his legs over his head using the head board to keep his legs up and spread over his body. The dildo now slathered up pushed against his hole slowly opening it. By the time the head was firmly planted his cock was rock hard. All nine inches just hovering over his mouth. Precum forming, a pearly drop ready to fall into his open mouth.

Pushing hard he buried the phallus all the way to its fake balls. He gasped trying hot to cry out and make too much noise. Pulling and pushing he fucked himself with that dildo grunting and flexing. He dared not touch his own long cock so he wouldn't shoot before he could have a prostate orgasm and scratch that itch.

Then something happened that hadn't since he was seventeen. His cock head made contact with his lips. Not wasting an opportunity he used one hand to continue fucking himself as fast and hard as he could. The other arm wrapped around the back of his knees pulling desperately. The whole head and half an inch entered his mouth. He worked his tongue and lips as much as he could to suck himself. A taste of a huge gush of precum pushed him over the edge and his ass clamped down on the dildo. He started having the biggest orgasm of his life. He spasmed so hard he locked up flooding his mouth. He couldn't swallow fast enough and sputtered covering his face with the thick load. Seven blasts that he could remember counting and he could let go. Legs falling onto the bed and the dildo shot out of his ass landing across the room.

He sat up coughing, choking on his own sperm. It was so thick like glue. Looking back he saw a puddle where his head had been. It took him a while to calm down and steady himself. He ended up having to jump in the shower again real quick to rinse off. He stripped the bed but just threw a sheet on it for now he would make the bed proper tomorrow. It took practically seconds to then fall asleep.

Waking up the next morning he at first thought it must have been all a dream. But the reek of cum and the crumpled up ball of sheets in the corner proved otherwise. His morning piss hard-on led him to the bathroom to relieve himself.

As he walked over to his closet to pick his clothes for the day he almost tripped on the dildo he forgot since it shot across the room. Cursing himself he rushed to put it away and got dressed in record time. It was Friday so a more casual attire was called for so a polo and jeans it was.

He found the house quiet. Looking to the clock it was only 6:30. He had woken up early but for some reason his head was saying 'you're late'. For the first time in a long time he had plenty of time so a proper breakfast was in order. Scrambled eggs, english muffins, bacon, and cheese sounded good they could make sandwichs out of them. He was just finishing up when Emily sat down at the table looking fresh as a daisy.

He was about to sit down when his phone rang. “Detective Kelly here.”

It was dispatch. “You're needed at a scene there's been another murder similar to the one yesterday I'm texting you the address. The captain wants you there ASAP.” He looked at his notifications. The address was only two blocks away. He looked over at Emily terrified of it happening again so close to home.

Hope you guys will enjoy this story. Love feedback good or bad otherwise how will I learn. You can email me at chefinthewild13@gmail.com make sure you put “Look And Please Touch” in the subject so I know what it about and not spam. Plus like my last story ill be using lyrics for chapter titles can you figure out where they're from.

Next: Chapter 2

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