Longhorn Justice

By Daniel Webster

Published on Dec 18, 2001


Disclaimer: The following is fictional account of explicit sexual activity between adult males. If this offensive to you or it is prohibited for you to read this material because of your age of community laws, please do not read further. This fictional account does use the names of some real persons. The characters based on these names have no basis in fact. The author has no knowledge of the sexual preference or orientation of the persons named as characters. In other words, this fictional account is pure fantasy, created solely for the private entertainment of the reader.

Longhorn Justice: Part 2

Coach Brown nodded to the teammates holding Chris firmly in the corner of the locker room. "The rest of the team has cleared out, the locker room is empty. Remember the rules, boys - no visible marks, no permanent damage."

"Yes sir, Coach Brown" the boys holding Chris shouted in unison. Coach Brown nodded, and walked away briskly. The blood drained from Chris's already pale face.

Trembling, Chris faced his tormentor, Major Applewhite, his nemesis for the starting position of the UT Longhorns. "So what the fuck are guys going to do?" Chris demanded, struggling to remain in control over his trembling fear. "You going to beat me up? He questioned. "You going to beat me up for having a bad day?"

"No Chrissy" Major assured him. "We're going to give you a taste of Longhorn Justice.

Chris's mind raced, struggling to sense the seriousness of his situation. He'd heard whispers about 'Longhorn Justice' before. An East Coast boy deep in the heart of Texas, the whispers had hushed; people moved away from him what he'd asked about Longhorn Justice. Now he was confronted with it firsthand. So what the fuck is this Longhorn Justice about?" he demanded angrily. "You Texans beat the fuck outta someone you don't like?"

"No, no Chrissy" Major assured him. "Longhorn Justice isn't about beating someone up. Longhorn Justice is a time-honored tradition her at U.T. - Longhorn Justice is straight and simple. You fuck up - you fuck up so bad you hurt the team - you get fucked up. You get fucked right up the ass."

Chris's eyes widened in shock. "You gotta be kidding me!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

"Let's git Chrissy's panties off and git him ready boys" Major commanded his teammates. With two of his teammates holding Chris firmly by his shoulders, his arms pinned behind his back, the Major stepped in front of him ripped Chris's boxer shorts down to his ankles. Chris was then shoved roughly toward the locker room bench. Chris fought and struggled against his tormentors, twisting and squirming. "Look at the dick, boys!" Major shouted, pointed to Chris's shriveled, undersized penis. "I've seen bigger clits than that in Texas!" he laughed. Chris's face burned red in humiliation, and paused his struggles. Abruptly, Major stepped forward and gripped Chris's testicles firmly. He squeezed them hard and yanked down on them. Chris howled in protest. Caught off guard, his naked body was forced into a kneeling position on the locker room bench. In a flash rope was wrapped and tied around the calves of his legs, securing them tightly to the bench. Another piece of rope bound his hands behind his back. Chris was effective bound & trussed in a kneeling position on the bench, his bubble butt ass pointing out behind him. "Look as his butt!" Major laughed. "He's got a clit for a dick and a girl's ass for a butt" he laughed loudly. Major drew his arm back and smacked his hand loudly on Chris's ass. Chris gasped in surprise. Major continued forward, placing his hands firmly on Chris's shoulders, pushing Will Allen out of the way. "Will?" Major began, using his teammate's nickname, "You always said you wus so horny you'd fuck a snake if we if we'd hold it still for you. Well, here's your chance. Chrissy's the snake, and we're holding her still for you."

Will began moved behind Chris, the stocky 6'6", 290 pound Offensive Lineman considering the boy ass presented before him. He grabbed Chris's round, full ass checks and spread them apart to reveal Chris's rosebud. Seeing Chris's rosebud still red and puffy from the abuse the night before, he chuckled. "It even kinda looks like a twat - a little old heifer twat," he laughed. Chris's faced burned red in shame. Will's dream as a college football player was to win the National Championship, and he was mad as hell at losing the game today. He'd volunteered for his spot in Chris's Longhorn Justice, wanting to vent his anger through Chris's total humiliation. "I never fucked no boy twat before," he confessed, "but I guess I'll have a go at it." He pulled his already engorged meat from his briefs and began to stroke it into full erection. Chris trembled with fear and secret excitement, not believing this happening. Surely he was not going to get gang banged by his own teammates, in their own locker room . . .

"Remember the rules" Major commanded. "No permanent damage. You fuck him dry with that big old Longhorn you'll rip Chrissy a new one. Loosen his twat up first with that muscle balm." Will nodded and reached for the large tub of mentholated muscle balm. Smearing a large glob onto two of his fingers, he put it to Chris's hole and jabbed them roughly inside. Chris howled at that abrupt invasion, and from the burning sensation from the balm spreading through the inside of his ass. Will jabbed and twirled his fingers in Chris's hole, coating the walls of his rectum with the balm. Abruptly he withdrew his fingers, causing Chris to gasp. He scooped a large glob of balm with three of his fingers and then crammed them into Chris's hole. By the time Will was up to four fingers fully pressed up to his palm in Chris's hole, Chris was trembling from the stimulation, squirming and twisting from the sensation his guts were on fire from within. Will grinned evilly.

"Put on a condom" Major told Will. "We don't know where Chrissy's twat has been, and you sure as hell don't want any of that muscle balm getting on your cock." Will nodded, reached for the condom packet. Although the condom was one of those pre-lubed condoms, Brock struggled to stretch and fit the "one size fits all" condom onto his thick engorged cock. Finally he had it. Leaning forward, he gripped Chris's ass firmly with his hands and lined the head of his cock with Chris's hole. With one swift lunge, he plunged the full length of his shaft fully into Chris until his groin crashed into Chris's ass, knocking Chris forward into the hands of his captors. Chris moaned loudly. His captors shoved him backwards, impaling Chris even further onto Will's narly knob. Chris moaned again.

"Sweet Lord almighty!" Will shouted in pleasure. "That is one sweet twat." He pulled his cock completely, lined his cockhead against Chris's hole, and repeated his maiden plunge. Bracing for the onslaught, Chris unwittingly pushed back to meet the thrust, squeezing the invader tightly with his ass muscles as it speared him in automatic reflex. "Oh fuck yeah!" Will hoarsely breathed, sounding like a bull in heat. "Chrissy's twat is sweeter and tighter than any heifer twat I ever fucked!" he exclaimed, shamelessly admitting to his sexual experimentation with female calves in his youth on the ranch. "But," Will continued, "a heifer don't like it when you stick it in her twat. A heifer squeals like all hell, and tries to get away. Chrissy here seems to like it. He pushed his pussy back get even more of my cock in him. His twat is squeezing the hell outta my cock, milking it like there's no tomorrow." Chris's captors laughed loudly. "And, I don't hear him protestin' none. All he does is moan like a bitch in heat. I dunno . . . it's kinda queer when they like it so much, don't you think?" he added with a smirk.

"No problem, Will" Major began. "We can fix this. We'll hold onto Chrissy better for you, and push him back on you when you shove that Longhorn up his twat." He took hold of Chris's chin and pulled his face to look up at him. "And Chrissy, you squeal like a stuck heifer for Will" he commanded, grinning broadly.

"Whaaat?" Chris asked incredulously. He jerked suddenly, in reaction to the loud smack on his ass.

"Squeal for us, Chrissy" Will's voice demanded from behind Chris. "Like this: Moooooiieeee! Oooooooeeeeeee!" He smacked Chris's ass loudly again. "Do it Chrissy! Squeal like a heifer for us" he commanded.

This was too much for Chris, he would not submit to this depravity. "Fuck you guys!" he shouted defiantly.

Brock Edwards, the strapping 6' 5", 260 pound Tightend held Chris's shoulders next to Major. He nodded knowingly to Major, and reached his arm under Chris, searching. His hand found its target; he wrapped his hand firmly around Chris balls, squeezing them hard. With a twisting motion, he yanked them down hard, stretching Chris's ballsac to its limit.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Chris screamed in agony.

Smack! Will's hand landed loudly on Chris's rump. "No, damnit!" he shouted. "Not 'Ahhhhh!" he said in an artificially high voice. "Like this: Moooooiieeee! Oooooooeeeeeee!"

Brock twisted and squeezed Chris's balls cruelly. Chris capitulated, deciding to submit to whatever would happen to him. It had to be better than the agony he felt in his balls. "Moooooiieeee! Oooooooeeeeeee!" he shouted through clenched teeth.

Smack! Smack! cracked loudly as Wilbur beat on Chris's ass. "Louder! Louder" he demanded.

"MOOOOOiiEEEE! OOOOOOOEEEEEEE!" Chris screamed at the top of his lungs.

With a knowing, smiling nod to Major & Brock, Will gripped Chris's hips firmly and rammed his cock into Chris roughly. Major and Will pushed back on Chris's shoulders, pushing him back to meet Brock's cock, ramming it to its deepest possible limit. With Brock's hand still squeezing Chris's balls tightly, the backward motion stretching them further still.


Will commenced a brutal assault on Chris's ass, pulling back as far as he could and keep his cock nestled in Chris's hole then ramming it in full length, to have Chris thrust forcefully backward to meet the thrust, cramming Will's cock deeper still. In their enthusiasm, Major and Brock pushed Chris back too hard, knocking Will backward, his cock withdrawing from Chris's clenching hole with a loud pop. Holding his cock in hand, he aimed it at Chris's now gaping hole from a foot away and lunged forward as if he were tackling an opponent. His aim was true, and his rigid tool speared its way through the entrance to Chris's hole and plunged full length deep into his guts. His forward motion knocked Major and Brock backward, almost off balance. With a wink and knowing smile, they rammed back on Chris's shoulder, impaling him deeper on Will's rock hard cock.

"MOOOOOiiEEEE! OOOOOOOEEEEEEE!" Chris screamed over and over, ever more loudly.

The Longhorn players set up a motion, as if they were in tackling practice. Will slamming his cock in Chris's ass and lunging forward, slamming Chris into Brock and Major, trying to them off balance. Major and Will returning the lunge, slamming Chris brutally back into Will, impaling Chris's ass deeply onto Will's engorged cock. Chris, wedged, banged and impaled in the middle, his balls twisted and squeezed, screamed over and over. "MOOOOOiiEEEE! OOOOOOOEEEEEEE!"

Finally they paused to rest, breathing heavily. Chris tried to catch his breath, dazed from the abuse. Will smacked Chris abruptly had on his rump. "Who he fuck told you that you be quiet? Squeal!" he demanded. Brock twisted Chris's balls for reinforcement. "MOOOOOiiEEEE! OOOOOOOEEEEEEE!" Chris screamed. "Hold Chrissy real still for me" Will told Major and Will. "'Nuf playing 'round. Time to git my nut off in his pussy." Holding Chris's ass tightly, he began his final frantic assault on Chris's hole, ramming his cock in full length, over and over, faster and fast, rougher and rougher. Chris squealed louder and louder, faster and faster, from the brutal raping of his ass and increased stimulation on his prostrate. Finally, Brock felt the familiar churning in his balls. "I'm afixin' to cum! I'm afixin' to cum!" he shouted loudly, smacking his hand on Chris's rump.

Chris, his ass on fire from the mentholated balm and vicious assault, felt the stiffening of Will already rock hard cock in his ass. Instinctively, his ass muscles squeezed Will's cock tightly. Feeling Will's cock shudder, his ass muscles massaged Will's cock and milked the convulsing eruption of its load deep in his bowels. It sent Chris over the edge. His cock bounced up and down as it shot stream after stream of thick, hot cum. "Oooooooeeeeeee Oooooooeeeeeee" he moaned as he shot. His balls ached in protest as the convulsed in Brock's squeezing grip.

As he felt the warm liquid shoot onto his wrist and arm, Brock turned to scowl at Major in disgust. Abruptly he released his grip on Chris's balls and withdrew his arm. He examined the ropes of creamy liquid on his arm with disgust. "Jesus fucking Christ, Simms" he began, menacingly. "Can't you fucking control yourself? You must really do like it - you spooged without even touching yourself. You spooged with just Will poking your pussy." He held his arm up high for Major and Brock to see. "Look fellas. Look at this. Ol' Chrissy liked gittin' his pussy poked so much he spooged hisself!"

Will, laughing loudly, pulled his cock from Chris's hole. "Liked that, did you Chrissy?" He pulled the condom off his still hard cock and threw it on the locker room floor, and wiped the slime off his fingers on Chris's butt. "Well, glad I could help you. That's one hungry hole you got there. I especially liked how you gripped it with your pussy muscles and milked the cum from my cock. No one's ever done that to me before." He laughed, turned to the locker behind him, rummaging for something. Chris wondered if the degradation would ever end. His thoughts were not long in being answered.

"Clean this shit off my arm!" Brock demanded, thrusting his arm in front of Chris's face. "Lick your fucking spooge clean off my arm.

"Lick it off yourself, asshole" Chris countered, calling on the last reserves of his dignity.

CRACK! The wooden paddle Will had produced from the locker landed loudly on Chris's rump. Chris grunted from the force of the blow, his eyes wide in shock. Will drew his arm back over his shoulder and swung the paddle as hard as he could. It landed with even a louder CRACK! on Chris's ass. He pulled it away and admired the rising red welt on Chris's ass cheeks.

"Ahhhowwww!" Chris screamed. "Stop! Stop!" he pleaded urgently. "I'll do it, I'll fucking do it!" He leaned forward, opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and licked tentatively at the stream of his cum on Will's arm. Although more than a few loads had been shot into his mouth, Chris had never tasted his own cum before. It was cooling rapidly, and tasted salty and pungent.

CRACK! Another swing of the paddle landed on his ass. Chris lapped with enthusiasm at the streams of cum, licking Brock's arm with long laps of his tongue, like a hungry puppy dog. He cleaned Brock's forearm and wrist, working his way down his hand. As he licked Brock's fingers clean, Brock stuck his fingers in Chris's mouth, twirling them around and them pulling Chris's head up to look up at him. "That's sweet, baby, real sweet" he told him. Chris drooped his eyes down. As he did, his eyes caught on the growing bulge in Brock's briefs. Straight boy, huh? Chris thought to himself. What I just did to you seemed to get you all hot and bothered. Chris thought he'd caught Brock glancing at the other guy's dicks more than once in the shower, and wondered if there was than met the eye in the dark haired bruising jock. "Can't wait to have a go at my porker, can you Chrissy boy" Brock said defensively. "Well, you just got to bide your time. Ol' Major here has second dibs."

"How 'bout Major?" Will asked from behind them. "You ready to take a crack at his twat? It's some sweet fuckin'."

"Naw" Major replied, shaking his head. "This dick is for chicks" he assured his buddies. He looked a Chris, grinning broadly. "But," he began, "Chrissy here sure has a pretty mouth. I'll bet he can suck cock like a pro. If he asks me real nice, I might let him suck a load from my babymaker."

"Do it Chrissy!" Brock shouted with enthusiasm. "Tell Major how bad you want to suck his cock!"

Chris wondered how low the depths of degradation he would be forced to submit. Major Applewhite, his nemesis, the man he'd beaten out for the starting Quarterback position, the man the man the coached called on today to overcome Chris's fuck-ups and had almost led them to victory. And now they wanted him to ask Major to let him suck his cock.

CRACK! Brock landed another blow on Chris's ass, in response to Chris's hesitation. The force of the blow knocked him forward. He grimaced in pain and bit his quivering lip. CAARAACK! Chris almost cried out; it hurt worse than anything he'd ever felt. CRACK! CRACK! Two more blows landed on his ass in rapid-fire succession "I want suck your cock, Major!" Chris blurted out.

CRACK! Another blow landed on Chris's ass, rapidly being covered with an array of angry red welts. "The Major don't care what the fuck you want!" CRACK! "You BEG Major to let you suck his cock. Tell him how bad you want it!" Will demanded.

"PLEASE let me suck your cock, Major" Chris pleaded. "I want suck your cock real bad. I want you to stick your cock in my mouth and fuck my face. I want to feel you shoot your load down my throat. I need it real bad!"

CRACK! "You say 'Sir!" when you address the Major, you pussy." CRACK

"PLEASE let me suck your cock Major, SIR!" Chris pleaded. "I want suck your cock real bad, SIR!. I want you to stick your cock in my mouth and fuck my face, SIR!. I want to feel you shoot your load down my throat, SIR!. I need it real bad SIR!"

CRACK! "You're not deserving of Major's cock. Tell Major what a low life cocksucking faggot whore you are. Tell him you're not deserving of his cock, but beg him to let you suck it anyway." CRACK! "Tell Major what faggot slut for cock you are, tell his how you much you liked it when I poked your pussy!"

"I'm not deserving of your cock, SIR!" Chris cried, tears now streaming from his face from the pain and the humiliation. "I'm a low life cocksucking faggot scum bag who doesn't deserve your cock because I'm a slut for cock, SIR!. I loved it when Will fucked my pussy with his big cock SIR!. I love big fat cocks in my pussy SIR!. I love sucking big fat cocks and having them rammed down my throat SIR. I'm not serving of your big fat cock, SIR, but please let me suck it for you, please ram it down my throat SIR. I'll do anything if you let me suck and drain the cum out of your balls, SIR!"

CRACK! "Tell Major how much a better quarterback his is than you. Tell Major how you fucked up today, and how he almost saved the day for us from your fuck up."

"You're the better Quarterback Major, SIR!" Chris sobbed. "I fucked up today; I don't deserve to be on this team, SIR! You've always been the better Quarterback SIR! You almost pulled it today off SIR! If only I hadn't got us in such a big hole in the first half, you would have won the game, SIR!"

CRACK! "Now put it all together! Tell the Major everything you just told him all together!" Will screamed.

Sobbing uncontrollably, Chris struggled to get the words out. "Please let me suck your cock, Major SIR! I don't deserve your cock, but I need it real bad SIR!. I need your long, fat cock fucking my throat, shooting its load in me, SIR!. I'm a low life cocksucking pussy boy whore who is not worthy of your cock. You're a better Quarterback than me; you always have been. Let me worship you; let me worship your body and your cock with my tongue and my mouth SIR!. Please fuck my face, please let me suck your cock. I need it so bad, SIR!" Chris trembled, anticipating Will's next blow with the paddle.

Major gripped Chris's chin and pulled his head up, to look him in the eye. He was grinning lustfully. "Well . . . . " he began. "Since you asked me so purdy-like, Chrissy, and you need it so bad . . . . I guess I could let you swing on this baby for awhile". He rubbed his welling erection through his briefs. Releasing his grip on Chris's chin, he pulled his briefs down to his ankles, stepped out of them, and tossed them to the side. His swollen 8" cock stood out from him, arching up, the red, thick head pointing straight at Chris's opened mouth. "You're a lucky boy, Chrissy" Major said told him. He gripped his thick cock and shook it menacingly, teasingly in front of Chris's face. "This here's the pride of Texas" he proudly claimed. "You treat it right."

Chris leaned forward, extended his tongue and licked the head of Major's cock. He twirled his tongue around the bulbous, swollen head, bathing it with his saliva. He took the head in his warm mouth, sucked hungrily on it, and gently nibbled the head with his teeth. "Oh yeah!" Major sighed. Chris slid more and more of the fat cock in his mouth, sucking, swirling his tongue over and around the thick shaft. Suddenly he lunged forward, plunging Major's cock to the back of his mouth and then down his throat. Chris buried his nose in Major's pubic hair, Major's long thick cock buried deep in his throat, his mouth sucking greedily around the base of his shaft. "Oh fucking hell!" Major gasped. Chris pulled back, Major's cock seeming to withdraw from his throat from an eternity. Major's cock finally slipped from his mouth. Taking a gasp of air, Chris began his worship of Major's cock, lavishing the head and shaft with caressing laps, swirling his tongue, working his way down the long swollen shaft. He reached the base and worked his way down Major's ballsac, sucking, nibbling, licking until reached Major's low hanging balls. Gingerly, he took one in his mouth and sucked it caressingly. "Fuck me!" Major sighed lustfully. Behind them, Brock pulled his rock hard cock from the confines of his briefs and began to pump his swollen shaft vigorously.

Chris took Major's other ball his in mouth, sucking harder, trying to suck it down his throat. "Fuck me, fuck me!" Major sighed again and again. Chris released his ball, and worked his way back up the ballsac, sucking, nibbling, and licking his way back up to Major's stiff shaft. He lathered the shaft with his tongue back up to the bloated head, took it in his mouth and sucked as hard as he could. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Major sighed blissfully, over and over, his head held back, facing up. He shook his head, and looked down at the top of Chris's head bobbing up and down on his cock. He grabbed Chris by his ears, pulled his head forward roughly, and rammed his cock down Chris's throat. "I'm can't stand it!" he breathed in a hoarse whisper. "I'm going to fucking blow; I'm going to blow my fucking load!". He fucked Chris's face roughly, gripping his tightly by his ears, ramming Chris's face into his groin then thrusting forward. Chris gasped for air and fought the gagging. Major's cock twitched and convulsed as it fired spurt after spurt of hot thick cum deep into Chris's throat. Major was content to leave his cock buried deep in Chris's throat, savoring the bliss. Chris twisted and struggled, desperate for a breath of air. Major released his grip, and Chris pulled away, gasping heavily for air as Major's cock slipped from his throat.

Will turned to look at Brock, scowling at Brock jerking lustfully at his inflamed cock. "Save it Edwards!" he commanded indignantly. "Don't get so hot and bothered. You git Chrissy next. What's it going to be? Heads or tails?"

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 3

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