Longhorn Justice

By Daniel Webster

Published on Dec 16, 2001


Disclaimer: The following is fictional account of explicit sexual activity between adult males. If this offensive to you or it is prohibited for you to read this material because of your age of community laws, do not read further. This fictional account does use the names of some real persons. The characters based on these names have no basis in fact. The author has no knowledge of the sexual preference or orientation of the persons named as characters. In other words, this fictional account is pure fantasy, created solely for the private entertainment of the reader.

Longhorn Justice: Part 1

Chris Simms toweled himself briskly, actually a little more roughly than necessary. He was in a hurry to get dressed and get the hell out of the locker room.

"Fuck!" he thought to himself. They'd fucking blown the game. Colorado had beaten them 39-37, knocking them out of an almost sure shot at the National Championship game. Worse yet, it was his fucking fault. The starting Quarterback for the University of Texas Longhorns, Chris had committed four turnovers in the first half, ending with Colorado leading them 29-10. Coach Brown had pulled Chris and put Major Applewhite in as starting Quarterback in the second half, and he'd almost pulled it off, losing by 39-37. If only Chris hadn't gotten them in such a big hole to begin with . . . . His dejected team players had pretty much ignored Chris as they piled back into the locker room. Even Coach Brown had ignored looking at Chris as he congratulated the team for 'giving it all they had'.

Chris looked around him quickly. Assured no one was watching, he dropped the towel wrapped around his waist and quickly pulled on a pair of plaid boxers. He really wasn't that modest - he was foolishly a little ashamed of his body. At 6'5", 225 lbs., he had little to be ashamed of. An athlete since childhood, he worked out religiously and his buff, tanned body was well defined. It was groin area that embarrassed him. While blessed with taut, muscular body, he had been a little short-changed in the dick department. His dick, barely extending to 4 1/2" when raging hard, it barely extended beyond the thick bush of his light blonde pubic hair when limp and wet from the shower. What had been short-changed in the dick department was more than made up for in his full, firm bubble butt posterior. More than one locker room jock had made fund of his "girl's ass", and he had made a habit of wearing loose boxer shorts when changing in a locker room, and pulling them on quickly.

Chris looked in the mirror on the inside of his locker door, admiring the boyishly handsome, blonde blue-eyed face that peered back at him. He absently mindedly ran his fingers through his hair, arranging the light blonde strands. He mused over the events of the previous night. It was a good thing the coach and team didn't know the real reason while he'd been so distracted in the first half. Chris had broken up with this girlfriend the night before. Hardly the cause of his distraction, it had led to the chain of events that had caused him to be quite distracted. Chris had a little secret he kept from the team, his friends, even his family - Chris was gay. Competing fiercely against other athletes all his life, Chris had come to love the tender warmth of another man's caress and lovemaking he'd experienced when first been seduced by his junior high school coach's assistance. As he'd progressed through high school and then Texas college football, Chris had had to hide his homosexuality further and further. He didn't dare risk a steady lover or even a regular fuck buddy. He had to satisfy himself almost exclusively with quick anonymous encounters in porno bookstores, or a fast fuck in a New York sex club when he went home for the holidays to New Jersey. Frustrated at not being able he life he wanted and needed, he'd also progressed from longing for tender lovemaking to liking it on the rough side. To put it bluntly, Chris had progressed to being a total bottom boy, preferring to being taken roughly, used and humiliated from a dominant top.

So, yeah, his 'girlfriend' had broken up with him the previous night. In need of a cover at homophobic University of Texas, Chris had picked Amy Lee Carter as his steady girl. Amy Lee was devoutly religious, the only daughter of a proud, prominent Ft. Worth Baptist family. Chris figured she could be counted on to "save herself" for marriage and not put Chris through the embarrassment of revealing his under endowment in the penis department and the fact he got absolutely no arousal from the thought of sex with a woman. Who'd have thought Amy Lee would be a little slut at heart? Chris had taken her to dinner the night before. On the drive home Amy Lee had requested Chris find a "quiet place to park so they "talk". As soon as Chris turned off the motor Amy Lee had suddenly thrown herself at him, kissing him fiercely, thrusting her tongue in his mouth. Shocked, Chris tried to push her away.

"Oh Chris" Amy Lee had moaned. "I know we should wait until we're married, but I want it now! I need it now!" Her hands quickly unbuckled Chris's belt, ripped open the zipper, slipped her hand through the band of his boxers, and wrapped her hand around his very shriveled dick. "Oh Chris!" Amy Lee had exclaimed. "Does it . . . . Does it grow . . . bigger?". Her hand worked his dick furiously, desperately trying to work it into arousal. It refused. "Chris?" Amy Lee sobbed, "What's the matter? Don't you . . . . don't you want me?" His face burning red in humiliation, Chris pushed Amy Lee away from him roughly.

"Amy Lee, of course I want you . . ." Chris had stuttered. "It's just that . . .. It's just that I . . . . ." Chris's mind raced for an excuse.

"Take me home. Now!" Amy Lee angrily cut him off. As they pulled to a stop in front of her sorority, Amy Lee turned to face Chris, her cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment. "Chris" she began, I need a man . . . I need a man who . . . who can satisfy me. I'm afraid were through." Chris's mind raced for something to say as Amy Lee opened the door and climbed out of the car. She turned to look at Chris, who still searched for something to say. "Goodbye Chris" she said curtly. She slammed the car door shut and stomped off to the sanctuary of her sorority.

"Fuck!" Chris shouted, as he fired up the car and roared away. "Just what I fucking needed!" His mind raced as he tore through the streets of Austin. What if Amy Lee tells her friends about his inability to perform? No . . . no he assured himself. She couldn't risk revealing herself as a slut. Chris peered out the windshield, somewhat surprised to see the flickering light of the seedy adult bookstore in downtown Austin. While not consciously aware of it, Chris had headed straight for the bookstore he sometimes escaped to for a quick sex break. He never went out to . . . . 'fool around' on a night before a game; he didn't want any distractions from preparing for the game. His pants still undone from Amy's assault, he slipped his hand in his boxers, rubbing his cock. It responded quickly to his manipulations, and his thoughts of slipping into the bookstore and sucking someone off in video booth in the back of the store. Just a quickie he thought to himself . . . . he needed something to take his mind off Amy Lee.

He pulled into the back parking lot, fastened his pants, slipped on the baseball cap and sunglasses he kept in the car to disguise his looks for just such escapades, and quickly entered the bookstore. Barely glancing at the clerk or patrons browsing the aisles of videotapes and sex toys, Chris marched determinedly to the labyrinth of dark aisles and booth of the video arcade in the rear of the store. The aisles were poorly lit, Chris's sunglasses didn't help, and Chris walked straight in the towering black man in one of the aisles.

"Hey!" the man exclaimed, his voice deep as a bull, "Watch the fuck where you're goin'!"

Chris's mind raced as he recognized the voice of Mike Williams, the 6'6", 360 lb. Offensive Tackle on his team. What the fuck is Mike doing in a place like this?, he wondered. What the fuck do I do if he recognizes me? "Sorry" he mumbled, looking down to the floor, trying to avoid Mike recognizing him. "Sorry . . . . Sir!" he added meekly, trying to disguise his voice.

Sir? Mike thought questioningly, rubbing his chin, considering the white boy in front of him. Although the white boy was good sized and muscular, the way he hung his head down, refusing to look in his eyes, made him look completely submissive, one of those pussy boys who like to be used. "You lookin' to suck dick, boy?" he asked gruffly.

Chris's heart raced with excitement; the excitement at being caught and recognized, the excitement of the thought of wrapping his lips around Mike's fat cock he had admired a few times with quick, furtive glances in the locker room shower. "Yes sir!" he answered meekly.

Mike gripped Chris's shoulder and pushed him toward the open doorway of a video booth. "Then git yer ass in there" he commanded. "I've got me a nice long, fat black man sized cock you're going to jus luv sucking the shit outta." He followed the white boy into the video booth. "Put some quarters in that video machine so the attendant'll leave us alone" he commanded, as he turned to close and lock the door.

Chris did as he was ordered, putting several dollars' worth of quarters in the slot. He turned to face his teammate, and gasped at what he saw. Mike had dropped his pants down to his knees and was stroking his meat into erection. It was an impressive piece of meat, far more impressively than Chris had ever fantasized from seeing it limp in the locker room. 10" long, thicker than one of Chris's hand could wrap around, and it was still growing. The dim red light of the booth was so weak Chris could barely make out Mike's outline. It was the bluish, flickering light of the video monitor that illuminated the bulbous head of Mike's cock, and it glistened shiningly.

"Get on your knees, boy" Mike ordered, "and wrap those pretty white boy lips around this cock."

Obediently, Chris slumped his knees in front of Mike. He turned his baseball cap around; the visor was to the back, out his way. He opened his mouth widely, leaned forward, and took the knob of Mike's cock in his mouth. He swathed the head with this tongue, then pressed forward, slickening the cock with his spit, as it pressed further into his mouth. It hit the back of his throat. Forcing back the gag reflex Chris pressed further, meeting resistance as the thick knob pressed against the back of his mouth until it forced its way through and began it's journey down his throat. Chris didn't stop until his nose pressed firmly against Mike's groin.

"Oh yea!" Mike groan in pleasure. "That's it, that's the way baby. You know how to do it right. Take that cock, suck my baby maker".

Chris backed off, letting the long schlong slide out of the depths of his throat and then slip from his lips. He gasped a gulf of air and then dove on the cock in front of him with renewed intensity, exhilarated at his secret humiliation of taking the dick of one of his teammates. It was something he'd fantasized about over and over again. He slurped greedily at the massive tool, lavishing the head and shaft with swirls of his tongue then sucking noisily, desperately coaxing the hot load he knew lay waiting deep inside.

"Oh yeah, baby!" Mike sighed in contentment. "You is one fine motherfuckin' cocksuker!"

Inspired, Chris began his worship of Mike's cock, lavishing the head and shaft with caressing laps, swirling his tongue, working his way down the long swollen shaft. He reached the base and worked his way down Mike's ballsac, sucking, nibbling, licking until reached Mike's huge low-hanging balls. Gingerly, he took one in his mouth and sucked it caressingly. "Oh yeah, baby!" Mike sighed lustfully. Chris took Mike's other ball his in mouth, sucking harder, trying to suck it down his throat. "Suck me, Suck me baby!" Mike sighed again and again, his twitching cock bobbing up and down. Chris released Mike's ball, and worked his way back up the ballsac, sucking, nibbling and licking his way back up to Mike's stiff shaft. He lathered the shaft with his tongue back up to the bloated head, took it in his mouth and sucked as hard as he could

Chris dove forward, spearing his throat onto the long, thick prick, burying his face into Mike's groin. He repeated his assault over and over, gasping for air in between plunges. His throat felt raped raw as he excitedly repeated his facial fuck. Mike was absolutely giddy with pleasure; never had anyone treated his cock to such expert worship. He began to feel an explosive eruption rising from his deep inside his groin. He didn't want it to end so soon. Abruptly he grabbed Chris by his ears and pulled his head off his cock, Chris's mouth making a disappointed slurping sound as the prick escaped his lips. Chris tried to lunge forward, to have that fat cock in his mouth again, but Mike held his head firmly by his ears.

"No baby," Mike told him. "No baby. As fine a cocksuker as you are, I wants me some pussy tonight. You do that boy? Huh? You likes to take this fat ol' grease hog up your pussy, huh?" Chris trembled with excitement, and fear. He'd taken it up the ass more than a few times, but never a cock so massive. He was sure it would hurt like hell, and he'd be sore for days. He thought about the big game the next day, playing quarterback in front of thousands in the stadium, playing quarterback with a sore, abused butthole. A butthole ravaged by one of his very own teammates. The secret humiliation of the spectacle drove him to new heights of excitement.

"Yeah, I want your fat ol' grease hog up my pussy" Chris admitted, trembling with excitement, his voice artificially high and soft to keep his identity hidden from his teammate. "I want you to fuck the livin' daylights outta me" he told Mike.

"You got it, baby" Mike assured him. "Get up and bend over bitch," he commanded. Obediently, Chris stood up, submissively holding his head down to avoid his teammate's eyes. He turned around, undid his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. He leaned forward, gripping his hands firmly on the booth bench, and presented his ass for use. Mike admired the full, firm white boy ass in front of him. The pale taut cheeks were dusted with fine curly blond hair that trailed with increasing density down the thick muscular thighs. "Show me that pussy, baby" Mike demanded. "Spread those cheeks and show me that pussy." Chris reached behind him, gripping his ass cheeks with each hand and pulled them apart, displaying his rosebud. Low in his ass cleavage, near the base of his balls, pink lips clenched tightly around the cavity entrance. The lips were more oval than round, making the hole look more like a pussy than a bunghole. "Yeah, yeah," Mike cooed, tugging on his hard-on. "Looks nice, real nice, baby. Make it wet for me." Chris released the grip on his ass cheek with his right hand, put it to his mouth and slobbered a large load of spit on he first two fingers. Pulling back his ass cheek with his remaining fingers he twirled the spit slick finger around his ass lips, making them glisteningly wet. He repeated it several times. As the entrance to his hole became saturated with spit, he pushed his fingers inside. He moaned softly from his self-excitement. Mike dribbled a large load spit onto his hand and rubbed it around his cock.

"Daddy's ready, baby" Mike said with urgency. "Daddy's ready for that pussy, baby. Spread 'em for me baby." Chris pulled his asscheeks widely, prying open the pink lips clenching around his hole. Mike stepped forward, lined his cock up with the hole and lodged his cockhead against the entrance. He pressed the bulbous head forward, Chris's assring resisting. Chris tried desperately to accommodate the invasion, pushing out with his anal muscles, relaxing his assring. The thick head popped inside. "Humpf!" Chris grunted in discomfort from the invasion. "You OK, baby?" Mike asked with concern. "Yeah, yeah" Chris assured him. "It's OK, it's OK. Do it! Do it to me!" he whispered hoarsely. Mike pressed forward, sliding further into the stretched tight tunnel. After a few inches, he paused to let his partner's tunnel become accustomed to its invasion. Chris had never felt such a stuffed full feeling emanating from his asshole. He waited feverishly for more. Hearing no complaints, Mike pressed forward, stretching the hole wider as he fed it more and more engorged meat. He repeated his procedure, pressing a few more inches inside, pausing, then pressing forward again in the absence of protest. To Chris, it seemed it would never end. He felt every fraction of an inch of the engorged invasion. As it speared him deeper and deeper, he felt the head had to be up to his stomach. God! How much more can there be, he wondered. Finally he felt the wiry pubes of Mike's groin scratching against his ass. He'd never felt so filled on his life, the length of Mike's schlong speared inside his guts, his assring stretched to bursting, clenched tightly around the base of Mike's cock. The thick girth of his invaded pressed against the base of his prostate; his rock hard cock twitched up and down, glistening with precum.

"You OK, baby?" Mike questioned.

"Oh yeah!" Chris assured him. "Never been more OK. It hurts; it hurts soooo good. Do it! Do it to me! Fuck me, fuck my pussy! Ride me like a whore!" Mike admired the white boy beneath him. No one had ever taken his shaft so quickly before, boy or girl. More than a few girls had pushed him away, crying, saying they couldn't take it. This blonde bottom boy had taken it like a pro, and wanted to ridden like a bitch in heat.

"You got it, bitch," Mike said simply. "Gonna fuck the livin' daylights outta you, baby." He pulled the length of shaft out until Chris' assring clenched around the head, and then plunged into the depth inside. "Ooooohhhhhh" Chris moaned in pleasure and pain. "Shish, baby" Mike commanded. "You gonna git us in trouble you make too much noise." He pulled back and slammed in again. "Uuuungh!" Chris whimpered and groaned in delight. "Dammit bitch!" Mike exhaled sharply. "Cover your mouth wit' your hand, bitch" he ordered. "You gonna git us busted." Chris complied obediently, clamping his hand over his mouth to muffle his uncontrollable groans of sexual frenzy. Satisfied his bitch was muffled, Mike gripped Chris' hips firmly and began to bang away. Chris's eyes bulged at the assault on his ass, his eyes rolling in frenzied delight. As Mike thrust into Chris's hole with one especially hard spearing, Chris lost his grip on the bench and banged his head loudly into the wall of the booth. Mike froze, listening around them. They heard the sound of muffled voices, followed by laughter. "Shit, boy!" Mike whispered. "I don't know about dis. I can't afford to busted in this place. I got . . . I gots responsibilities."

"Wait, wait!" Chris whispered hoarsely. He stood up quickly, his ass muscles gripping tightly around the long, thick tube that still fully impaled him. He pulled off his tee shirt and crammed it in his mouth and bit down on it firmly. With a nod toward Mike he resumed his position, bent over, firmly gripping the bench. "Fuck me" Chris pleaded, his voice muffled through his gag. Mike smiled. Damn! This is one hot bitch in heat. He gripped Chris's hips firmly and began to fuck in earnest. Over and over he slammed into the hole, thrusting his cock further still when it seemed to reach its limit. Chris pushed back, meeting every thrust, hungry with greed to be penetrated further. When his ass banged back against Mike's groin his ass squirmed, his ass muscles gripped the thick invader tightly, making love to the rigid, thick invader. Mike released his grip on Chris's hips, seized his shoulders firmly, and pulled him back to him. With his long, thick cock fully buried to its length deep inside Chris, he began a series of short slams, punching further and further. Chris moaned and whimpered without control into the gag in his mouth. It was by far the best fuck of his life; he'd never known it could feel so good. The thick girth of Mike's cock rubbed against the nut inside his ass pussy, rubbing it back and forth, sending Chris into a sexual frenzy he didn't know was possible. He felt a tightening, a burning in his balls. Warmth spread throughout his groin and suddenly his cock erupted in a fiery explosion of climax, thick ropes of cum from his twitching cock. Umph! Umph! Umph! Umph! Chris gasped into the gag as he shot. Good fucking God!, he thought deliriously. He'd just shot the best load of his life without even touching his cock. He hadn't known it was possible to cum without jerking his cock. He was hooked on this feeling in his ass and his cock.

"Gonna do it, baby!" Mike warned. "Gonna shoot my load in your pussy, baby! That what you want? Huh? That what you want, sweet baby. You want my load deep in your pussy, baby?"

"Yes! Yes! !" Chris pleaded. "Fill my pussy with your cum!"

"Here it cums, here it cums" Mike shouted with a hoarse whisper. Chris felt the thick spurts of hot lava deep inside his bowels. It set him over the edge, climaxing a second time, his cum drained balls aching in protest, his rigid cock twitching up and down.

It seemed an eternity as the heavy breathing subsided into silence. Mike released his grip on Chris's hips and withdrew his cock, a slurpy gush of air slipped from Chris's holes as the cockhead escaped its grip. "Phewie!" Mike sighed. "You are one hot fuck baby. That was the best fuck, ever! I gots a mind to make you my bitch, my regular bitch!" Chris stood up, positively beaming. Mike pulled the tee shirt from Chris's mouth, and used it to wipe his cock clean. He tossed it back to Chris when he was finished. "I gots to go, baby. Gots me a big day tomorrow. But, I hope I run into you again." He slipped out through the door, closing it behind him, leaving Chris feeling empty and lonely inside. He glanced at his watch. "Shit! 11:30! I got get home and get my ass into bed" Chris said to himself. He pulled on his tee shirt, pulled up and fastened his pants. Opening the door cautiously, he glanced about. Seeing no one, he darted quickly down the corridor and through the bookstore. He ignored the surprise look on an older man in the video aisle, obviously to the fact his tee shirt was stained with obvious splotches of fresh cum and trace streaks of shit and blood. He wondered about the amused chuckle as he made his way past the man, unaware of widening wet spot in the seat of his pants as his ravaged ass lips were unable to hold back to flood of Mike's cum seeping from his hole.

So that was it. That was why Chris was so distracted and played like shit the first half of the big game. He should have followed his self-discipline of not 'fooling around' the night before a game day. His butt hole ached like hell. Every time he lined up for an offensive play he would look down the line and see Mike Williams, remembering the thoroughly reaming Mike had given him, causing his cock to twitch. Again and again he had under-thrown, over-thrown, throwing just about every bad pass possible - three interceptions in all. Once, when a towering black Colorado player rushing toward him reminded him of Mike so much he fumbled the damn ball.

Still admiring himself in his locker door mirror arranging his hair, thinking of his quick night with Mike, Chris lingered on the feeling of his ass stuffed full of Mike's cock, his own muffled cries of "Fill my pussy with your cum!" He licked his lips and, without being really aware of it, rubbed his cock through his boxer shorts.

"Jesus Christ, Simms!" someone shouted loudly, shaking Chris from his musings. Shaken, he turned toward the source to see three of his teammates glaringly angrily at him, blocking the entrance to his corner of his locker room. "Jesus Fucking Christ" Major Applewhite continued, his head shaking in disgust. "You fucking blow the game for us, and all you an think of is burying your dick into Amy Lee!" he continued, obviously mistaking the cause of Chris's arousal and oblivious to their breaking up.

"Git 'em boys!" he commanded. His two teammates rushed forward, grabbing Chris firmly, pushing him back against his locker.

"What the fuck?" Chris shouted. "What the fuck is your problem, man?" Chris demanded.

"You fucked up, Chrissy boy" Major sternly told him. "You fucked up royally today. It's time you faced justice - Longhorn Justice."

Chris blushed red with the feminization of his name. He had heard it before. "Get the fuck off of me!" Chris shouted, twisting, squirming to get away from his tormenters.

"What's all this commotion about?" a stern voice demanded. Coach Mack Brown appeared from behind a line of lockers, surveying the sight in front of him.

"Coach! Coach!" Chris shouted loudly. "Tell these fucks to get off me!" he demanded angrily.

"Shut the fuck up, boy" Coach Brown commanded sternly. "I'm fucking tired of saving your ass . . . and your getting my ass in a sling. I gotta go now, go explain to the dean how I let you fuck up so bad to cost us a chance at the championship game." He nodded to the teammates holding Chris firmly. "The rest of the team has cleared out, the locker room is empty. Remember the rules, boys - no permanent marks, no permanent damage."

"Yes sir, Coach Brown" the boys holding Chris shouted in unison. Coach Brown nodded, and walked away briskly. The blood drained from Chris's already pale face.

. . . . . . to be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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