Long Time Companion

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 26, 2010


Chapter Fifteen

When Russ said that he would be back in two weeks, an obsessive thought invaded Adam's brain. Although it was true that Jim and Adam had established a relationship before Russ was in the picture, it was also true that the sexual activity between them had always been an event for three or more. Adam began to dream about having a night alone with Russ. He was so much like Evan that Adam longed to relive those intimate moments he and Evan had so lovingly shared. Right or wrong, he believed that Russ would be the vehicle through which his dreams might come true. He became so obsessed with the idea that he dared to approach Jim and ask if he would mind. He also reminded Jim that Monday was his eighty fifth birthday.

"I guess I can live for a night without sex, that is cuddling and fondling at least, but I'm just afraid that you will be disappointed. After all, Russ isn't Evan and even he can't bring Evan back to you. I'm afraid that you will inadvertently hurt yourself emotionally, but I do think it's worth a try if it's all right with Russ. Besides you can figure to count that as one of my birthday presents to you." he said.

Adam gave Jim a great big hug and thanked him for his understanding. In the time remaining before Russ's visit, he was particularly attentive to Jim's sexual needs. Jim was happy to reap the benefits of allowing Russ and Adam to have play time without him.

They waited dinner for Russ's arrival on Sunday evening. During dinner Jim said, "Russ, Adam has something he wants to ask you."

"Shoot!" Russ responded, looking quizzically at Adam.

Adam found it difficult to explain the emotional need he had to try to relive his intimacy with Evan, but after a lot of faltering he was able to explain his need and how Russ could help. As Russ began to grasp Adam's yearning, his obsession, he began to sob. He embraced Adam and held him close.

"Of course, I'm willing, but I don't want to slight Jim. I love him so much also. How about this? I'll be in LA until Wednesday afternoon. How about I sleep with you tonight, Jim tomorrow night and we all share a bed Tuesday night." They all loved the idea and drank a toast to it.

After dinner, they watched TV awhile until Russ sensed that Adam was getting fidgety. "Let's turn in Adam," he said with a wink.

"I'll hang out here for awhile," Jim said. Adam and Russ got up and each kissed Jim. As he kissed his partner, Adam said, "Thank you darling."

The two men agreed to sleep in the guest room that night and went to what was hardly the guest room anymore. It had become Russ's bedroom. He had even begun to leave articles of his clothing there, so that he could travel lighter.

Adam took Russ's hand and they sat down on Russ's bed. "If I call you Evan while we are making love, please understand," Adam explained.

"No problem," Russ assured him.

"I'm going to ask you to participate with me and do whatever Evan and I used to do. Is that OK with you?"


Adam leaned into Russ and began to kiss him. Russ readily responded and kissed back. Slowly their kisses became more passionate. Adam began to unbutton Russ's dress shirt. He had already removed his tie before dinner. Russ allowed Adam easy access and started to pull Adam's polo shirt over his head. It didn't go smoothly but in a little while they were both topless.

Adam leaned over and began to nibble on one of Russ's nipples. He was pleased to notice that Russ was as hard and lean as his father. There would be no love handles tonight. Russ began to undo Adam's belt so Adam did the same for Russ. Now they both stood up and removed the rest of their clothing by themselves. Russ had a really hard erection, but, of course, Adam was only slightly engorged.

"What did Evan do next?" Russ asked.

"He laid me gently on the bed on my back and climbed on top of me. As big and strong as he was, I never felt his weight. He would rub our cocks together and kiss me passionately."

Russ did what his father had done. As he kissed Adam his cock ground hard against Adam's. Adam could feel Russ's cock twitching. Russ wanted (needed?) more. "What next?" Russ mumbled.

"Evan would slither down my body. He would kiss my neck, my ears, and my nipples. His tongue would caress my belly and my pubic area. We both shaved clean. I haven't shaved there in years, but I did for tonight. Before he would touch my balls or my cock, he would roll me over and rim me. When I was crying for mercy, he would roll me on my back again and gobble up my cock. He learned over the years to take all of me inside. When he felt that I was nearing orgasm, he would stop and ask if I wanted to cum in his ass or in his mouth. I always varied my answer and he would accommodate me. I can't enter you Russ darling so it will have to be in your mouth."

Russ didn't say anything, but he began to do everything Adam had described. He was much more adept at nibbling on Adam's nipples than Evan had been. When Adam mentioned that to Russ, Russ laughed and said, "Don't forget, I've been nibbling on a woman's nipples for years.

Russ continued to lick Adam all over. When he began to rim Adam, he moaned so loudly, Russ was afraid he was cumming, so he turned him over and took Adam into his waiting, hungry mouth.

Sometimes an orgasm would almost sneak up on Adam. He would feel it coming on and instantly he shot his load. Other times, his orgasm would build and build, happening slowly, and then overwhelm him with intensity. Tonight was such a night. Adam felt his orgasm building and building until finally it arrived and he had to scream out, "I'm cumming, Evan. I'm cumming." Russ was prepared for Adam to call him Evan.

Adam's octogenarian body produced very little semen. Russ hardly tasted it, and he swallowed whatever little was produced.

For a while they lay side by side while Adam recovered. Then Adam rolled on top of Russ. Again their cocks rubbed together. Adam was flaccid, but Russ was hard as the proverbial rock. Adam began to lick the inside of Russ's ear. Maggie and Jim never really licked him there. His whole body shivered as an electric feeling went through him.

"Oh God, Adam," he moaned.

"Do not use my name in vain," Adam joked as he slithered further down Russ's body. Adam repeated every move he had ever performed on Evan. He lingered especially long when rimming Russ. Russ was not about to stop him, but when Adam sensed that Russ was in great need of cumming, he stopped rimming and took a tube of lube from the bedside table. He lubed his twitching ass and Russ's throbbing cock. "Fuck me, please," he begged Russ.

Russ entered Adam as slowly as he could. He began to stroke even slower. He was in no hurry and Adam appreciated it. He dreamed that Evan was inside of him once again, uniting their bodies into a spiritual and sexual union. His tears began to flow. He was lying on his back and Russ began to kiss Adam's tears, drying his face. While he stroked in and out of Adam, Russ and Adam kissed passionately. Their tongues dueled hard, trying to get far down the other's throat. Adam thought that he might die of sheer happiness, but vowed to live so that he and Russ could repeat this night many times in the future.

When Russ's juices filled Adam's insides, he cried out in ecstasy, "Oh Evan, I love you so much." Russ was in no way insulted. He responded by kissing Adam even more passionately.

They took a quick shower together and returned to bed. They cuddled, kissed and fondled each other. Just before he fell asleep, Adam said, "I'm sorry Russ for calling you Evan."

"Nonsense, you honor me."

It was Adam's fortieth birthday, and he took the day off. In fact, every employee of his firm was given the day off on his birthday. He woke early that morning. It was still dark outside. He nudged his sleeping partner and when Evan became aware of his surroundings, Adam said, "Fuck me before you go to work. It'll be a birthday present."

"I have a whole evening of goodies planned, but your wish is my command."

Evan started to get out of bed, but Adam stopped him. "I don't care about morning breath or lubrication. Just fuck me, raw and hard." Evan did just that and Adam was very turned on by the overlapping pain and the pleasure. He came a second before Evan. When it was over, they showered together and Evan ran off to work. Adam went back to bed to enjoy another couple of hours of pure idleness.

Finally, he had enough of this hedonism and he got up to dress. When he opened their walk in closet, Adam spied a pair of trousers lying on the floor. It must have slipped off the hanger. He recognized it as the pair Evan had warn to an office party the previous Saturday evening. Naturally he did not attend. As far as Evan's office was concerned, there was no Adam Langston.

He retrieved the trousers and folded it in preparation of hanging it up again. As he did so a slip of paper fell out of one of the pockets. Adam hung up the trousers and then picked up the paper. He unfolded it and read: Evan, you were fantastic the other afternoon. When can you get away again? Call me soon: 305-444-7862. Terry.

Adam was stunned, but not surprised. He long suspected Evan's infidelity. He had always believed that monogamy was not part of Evan's philosophy. The strange thing was that it didn't bother him. He knew that Evan's infidelity stemmed from lust, not love. Evan loved him and he loved Evan and that was all that mattered. Certainly Evan never avoided sex with him. He had plenty of sexual stamina to keep Adam satisfied. So he kept his mouth shut and pretended not to notice.

Adam vaguely remembered meeting someone named Terry at a Memorial Day party at the GLCC. Evan had introduced him as one of his co-workers. They had previously seen each other in a gay bar. They spoke briefly at the bar, and agreed to keep their secret at work in order to protect their careers. Adam's recollection of Terry, if it was the same Terry, was hot, very hot. He couldn't blame Evan at all.

He knew that Terry would be at work, but on a lark he decided to dial Terry's number. Imagine his surprise when a voice answered, "Terry Williams, here," the voice said. Adam nearly hung up, but he was suddenly possessed.'' Hi Terry" he said. "You probably don't remember me, but I'm Adam, Evan Morrissey's partner. I really didn't expect to find you at home."

There was a long silence. After a few seconds, while Terry regained his composure, he said, "Why yes, I remember you well. I remember thinking how cute you were. I think I can guess why you are calling. You found out about Evan and me, didn't you?"

Terry sounded distraught so Adam said. "Be cool, chum, I don't mind at all. In fact I have the day off, and Evan won't be home until six. He told me what a great lover you are. I thought maybe you'd like to come over and show me."

"That's a hard invitation to refuse, Terry said. I'm home because I'm leaving on a business trip to New York at 5 PM this evening. I can be packed and ready in fifteen minutes and that will give us plenty of time."

"How did you intend to get to the airport?" Adam asked.

"By cab."

"Then I have a better idea. I'll drive to you, and later I can get you to the airport, and save you the cab fare."

Terry said, "That's great. I live at 623 Sycamore St. in Miami. Do you know where that is?"

Adam didn't know, so Terry gave him directions. "I can be there in a half hour," Adam said. "Be ready for me."

"You bet," Terry said. "Hurry!"

When Adam arrived and Terry let him into the front hall, he saw a suitcase and a carry on lying on the floor in the hall. Terry was wearing a bathrobe. Adam assumed that there was nothing on underneath. As soon as he closed the front door, Terry grabbed Adam and began to kiss him. Adam was right. Terry had nothing on except the robe. Adam kissed Terry back, passionately. His mind was racing a mile a minute, but his cock was also rising. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, he thought. Screw you Evan.

Right there in the hallway, Adam fell to his knees, pulled the robe apart and engulfed Terry's cock in his mouth.

"Wow," Terry said. "That was fast and unexpected. Let's get into my bed.

For two hours they made wild and kinky love. They even fucked in the bath tub. They had admitted to each other that it was a favorite thing of both of them. Terry was a hungry bull. He came twice in Adam's mouth, and once in Adam's ass. Adam was sore from Evan fucking him that morning without lubrication, but he gritted his teeth and took it.

Neither exhibited one moment of tenderness. It was raw, primal sex and that's what each wanted. When they were spent, they lay in bed kissing and fondling each other while they both recovered.

"Don't tell Evan," Terry said, "but you are a way better lover than he is."

"I won't tell for sure, and you are even better than he described," Adam lied. "Also I would appreciate if you didn't tell Evan about us. He cheats on me, but he's very jealous if I cheat on him."

"Then it's our secret," Terry agreed.

On the way to the airport, Terry asked, "Do you think when I get back that we can do this again?"

"We'll see," Adam answered, knowing that it would never happen.

He got home in plenty of time to shower and change before Evan came home. They greeted each other warmly and then Adam asked, "Where are you taking me for dinner on my fortieth birthday?"

"You'll see. I have a surprise."

They arrived at a four star restaurant in North Miami. "Damn," Adam said, "this will cost you a fortune."

"You're worth it, love."

A shout of "SURPRISE!" invaded Adam's ear drums. When he could focus he recognized the Binghams and the Richters. Sarah looked terribly ill. She was ashen, and Ben was practically holding her up. Suddenly Adam was tackled from behind by Barry and Hans. They smothered him with hugs and kisses. When things settled down, Jack Bingham said that Fred and Billy had sent love from LA, and said that they were sorry that they couldn't be there, but they were still settling into their apartment.

"Even though they aren't here," Jack said. "Let's make this a birthday you'll never forget, Adam."

"I assure you," Adam said. "I'll always remember this one."


Jim made Adam a ninetieth birthday party. Jamie and Tim flew in from Ft. Lauderdale. Also present were Billy, Fred, Juan and Jonathan plus a pitiful few of Adam's friends. In the seven years Jim and Adam had been together, they had lost at least a dozen friends to natural causes. Adam was becoming depressed. The most pleasant surprise of the day was that Russ attended with his wife.

When Maggie had accompanied Russ on his two week business trip to LA following the earthquake, he revealed to her, in advance of the trip, that his biological father had been gay and that Adam had been his partner since they were college freshman. Of course he neglected to tell her about his own sexual involvement. She thought nothing of it, and she was anxious to meet Adam. After all he had shared his life with Russ's father and she felt that she and Russ should share their lives with him.

Jamie and Tim were staying with Billy and Fred because Maggie and Russ had arrived the night before and Jim insisted that they stay with him and Adam. They had dinner together that night and Maggie plied Adam for even more stories about Evan. She was totally fascinated by the events which had revealed to Russ his true origins. Adam was delighted to talk about Evan and their life together. Russ grew more and more proud that Evan had been his father.

At some point, Adam excused himself and went to his room. He took a small box out of a dresser drawer and returned to the dinner table. He handed Russ the box.

"What is this?" Russ asked.

"Open it up and you will find a bullet in it. When Evan was wounded in France, the doctor's left one bullet in him. It was too close to his heart to risk removing. When he died, I asked the mortician to remove it and give it to me. I think that you should have it now."

A tear came to Russ's eyes.

"This is a great honor," he said to Adam.

The party was very successful and lots of fun. Hans roasted Adam unmercifully. When it was over, Jim drove Jamie and Tim and Maggie and Russ to the airport to make their flights home. Adam was too tired to accompany him and besides there was no room in the car.

Alone in the house, Adam walked slowly to his bedroom. He wanted to shower but he was too exhausted. He undressed fully as was his habit, and lay down in bed. He pulled the covers over him and fell asleep.

In his sleep he clearly heard Russ calling him, but he realized that Russ had left the house. Adam smiled. It wasn't Russ at all. It was Evan. Adam awoke and sat up in bed.

There was Evan standing at the foot of the bed. He was naked and very young. His body was aglow and he held out his arms to Adam.

Adam got out of bed and approached Evan. They held out their arms to each other and embraced. A warm glow went through Adam's body.

"I love you," Evan said to him. "I will love you for eternity. Come home with me now. It's time."

Evan separated himself from Adam and took his hand. Adam could see a very bright light behind Evan's ghost and Evan was leading him toward that light. When Evan took Adam's hand he looked at their clasped hands and was amazed. His hand was young, without wrinkles and lines. He glanced in the bedroom mirror and saw a young version of himself, barely twenty years old.

He squeezed Evan's hand tighter and tighter, and allowed Evan to lead him into the light.

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