Long Time Companion

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 25, 2010


Chapter Thirteen

In the end Adam didn't have to concoct anything. He simply called Billy shortly after they returned to Florida and told him what had transpired in Florida. After thinking about it for awhile he also related the story of the sex party in Rome. Then he asked if he and Fred would like to have such a party. Billy didn't hesitate.

"I had Evan once and now I have the opportunity to make love to you, hopefully more than once. I don't expect Fred home for at least another three weeks. I can't wait that long. Can I come over very soon, and can I bring Juan?"

"At the risk of sounding like the slut I am," Adam answered, "in this instance the more the merrier. How does this Saturday or Sunday evening sound to you?"

"I'll check with Juan and get back to you. "If he's not interested, I'll be over both nights by myself."

The foursome eventually agreed on Sunday evening to begin their new relationship. On Wednesday, Russ called to tell them that he would be arriving on Sunday evening until Wednesday. Adam and Jim were delighted.

"Everyone but us is young enough, and gets hard enough to fuck. We'll have a ball," Jim predicted.

Adam was always a little reticent about everything and simply answered, "I hope so. But don't you think that five will be a little awkward?"

"You always sound like a naïve little puppy," Jim said. "Haven't you ever enjoyed a threesome?"

"Of course," Adam answered. "I wasn't thinking."

Adam thought back to a very exciting time when he and Evan enjoyed a very hot threesome. They had been living in Florida for about three years and had not returned to New Brunswick in all that time to visit Adam's family. Mike and Bob were now in college at Rutgers. Adam and Evan were feeling guilty and arranged their vacations at the same time so they could get back east. It was to be their last visit there until they passed through New York on their way to Europe in their sixties.

The flight made a stop in Atlanta and another in Philadelphia before landing at Newark Airport. There were no jets yet and the propeller driven motor needed these stops for change of passengers, and refueling.

They spent two fun filled days visiting with their parents and kid brothers, but on the third day they decided to visit their old campus and Greenwich Village.

They arrived at Penn Station at about 5:30 in the evening, and immediately took a subway to the NYU campus. They walked around campus for a bit, and were happy to note that nothing seemed to have changed. Once satisfied about that, they started to stroll toward The Village. They decided to have dinner at a small bistro, The Wine Cellar, where they used to eat at occasionally, when they could afford it. They would then have a few drinks at The Male Room and maybe dance a little. They intended to make the 11:30 back to New Brunswick. That was the last train out in the evening.

When they arrived at The Wine Cellar it was still a bit early for dinner and they had no trouble getting a table. After they were seated a young man, no more than nineteen years old, approached their table.

"Hi," he said, "I'm Anthony and I'll be your server this evening." He wore a name tag which said, `Tony.' He handed them menus and asked if he could get them a drink before dinner. Evan ordered a scotch and soda and Adam, who rarely drank, ordered his old standby, a whiskey sour.

When Tony brought their drinks, he said, "Just call me when you are ready to order." He seemed to be about to leave, but he didn't. Instead he asked, "Are you students at the university? You look a little old to be students."

"No," Adam said. "We're alumni. We graduated three years ago. Are you a student?"

Tony nodded. "Yes, I'm in my sophomore year. I'm majoring in Journalism."

Adam and Evan smiled at him, but he seemed disinclined to leave. It seemed he wanted to say more, but he was a little hesitant. Finally he screwed up his courage and asked. "Are you two guys a couple?"

Adam took hold of Evan's hand, nodded, smiled and said, "You bet we are." He leaned over and kissed Evan lightly on the lips." Tony smiled back and left the table.

Later Tony took their order and every time he was at their table, he tried to make some small talk. Evan remarked to Adam that they were getting more attention than was necessary. "I think he's hot for you." Adam remarked.

"Bull," Evan responded, "he's hot for you."

"Maybe he's hot for both of us."

When Tony cleared the table and handed them their bill, he casually remarked that his shift ended at nine. Evan couldn't care less, but Adam was flattered at the attention the young man was bestowing on them so he said, "We're going to The Male Room from here. I don't know how long we'll be there, but if you come on by after work, look for us."

"You bet," Tony said.

The only thing that had changed at The Male Room was the music. The sensual ballads of the forties were not the only music played there now. Early signs of rock and roll were creeping in, and couples were gyrating to such songs as Rock Around The Clock and Rockin' Robin. Adam and Evan danced close to each other to the ballads, but sat out watching the young boys gyrate to the rock and roll rhythms. Finally they tried their hand, or rather their feet, at one of the fast numbers. They were rather inept, but they had fun and a few good laughs.

They were having a ball and didn't realize the passage of time. They came off the dance floor and there was Tony smiling at them.

"Hi kid," Adam said. "We have a small table over there. Wanna join us?"

Tony nodded and followed them to the table. "I'm nineteen he said so would one of you buy me a drink? I'd be much obliged," he said as he pulled out his wallet.

"It's OK," Evan said. "It's on us. What's your poison?'

"Seven and Seven," Tony said, trying to sound very suave and debonair.

Evan was nursing another scotch and soda, Adam was sipping another whiskey sour and Tony was merely putting his lips to his drink, when Tony cleared his throat and asked, "Can I confess something to you guys confidentially?"

"Can't promise a thing," Evan said glibly. "We aren't catholic priests, but shoot away."

Tony leaned forward so they could hear him better, and hardly above a whisper he said, "I think I might be homosexual."

Evan's answer to this statement, which he had heard often enough, and which he would hear many times in the future, was always the same, "You think? You don't know?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure."

"Have you had sex yet or are you still a virgin." Adam was always the curious one.

"I've had sex once, with a girl, on my prom night. I had to do it. It was expected," Tony said.

"How did you manage?" Adam was getting more curious.

Without hesitating, Tony said, "I fantasized I was with a hot guy like either of you two."

Adam and Evan began to laugh. "Flattery will get you everywhere," Evan said leading the boy on. Adam gave Evan a look that said, "Are you crazy?"

Encouraged, Tony said, "Please fellows, I'm afraid to approach anyone here and nobody ever approaches me. I tell you, I am getting desperate and damn tired of whacking off to fantasies that aren't coming true. Would you guys give a thought to breaking me in?"

Adam was hesitant. "What do you mean nobody ever approached you? You're damn good looking," he said.

"Adam," Evan said, "do you remember that night at the baths?"

Adam remembered all right. His cock began to stiffen.

"We don't have to go to any baths," Tony said. "My room mate dropped out of school a couple of weeks ago and I am a single right now."

Adam smiled. "You mean we can fool around in the dorms again. I'm getting more interested."

Evan looked at his watch. It was 10:15. "We'll never make the 11:30," he said.

"I saw a pay phone in the lobby," Adam said. "I'll call home and tell them we met some old school chums and are spending the night in the big apple." He left but returned very shortly.

They finished their drinks and they each had one more. They all needed some liquid encouragement. They walked back to the old familiar dorms with Tony. Entering the building, Tony was a nervous wreck. He looked up and down the halls and when the coast was clear, he rushed them into his room. Adam was filled with déjà vu. Tony's room turned out to be right next door to the one Adam had occupied in his lower freshman year.

Adam and Evan sat down on one of the beds and neither made any indication that they would start the evening's activities. Tony just stood there, frozen in time and space. Finally Evan stood up, put his arms around the boy and started to kiss him. Tony began to relax, and he fairly melted when Adam began to play with the bulge in his pants.

"I think we should get undressed," Adam said in his practical business voice.

Evan smiled at Tony and they all started to undress. When they were all naked, Tony stared at Adam's cock in near disbelief. He and Evan were more near average, but Adam had a whopper. Evan saw Tony staring at his partner's well endowed asset and said, "You should feel how great that monster feels up your ass." Tony turned white.

"Lie down on the bed," Adam instructed. Tony lay down on his back as instructed, and the two old hands began to give him a trip around the world. Tony began to show musical talent as he sighed and moaned in joy and pleasure.

Evan was the first to take Tony's cock into his mouth. After a few strokes, he began to turn around into a sixty-nine position. Tony knew what was expected and tried to use his lips and tongue just as Evan was doing. Evan was lying on top of Tony and Adam began to suck his balls and rim his asshole. It was Evan's turn to moan in pleasure.

Evan and Tony came almost simultaneously. They continued sucking until each began to soften. Then Adam lay on his back and Tony and Evan began their trips around Adam's world. They sucked Adam alternately, but Evan allowed Adam to cum in Tony's mouth. The three lay in a bundled crunch catching their breaths. Finally Evan asked Tony if he had any lube. Nobody used condoms in those days.

"Sure," Tony said. "I use a little when I whack off."

"Adam is going to fuck you first with his big salami and then you can fuck either or both of us. How does that sound?"

"Like dreams coming true," Tony sighed.

Evan and Adam spent a good deal of time greasing and stretching Tony until they felt it was time for Adam's big entry. They warned him that it would hurt a lot at first, but advised him to stick with it because the end would justify the means.

Adam entered doggie style, and Tony stuffed his fist in his mouth. The pain was excruciating, but he did not stop Adam. When Adam was all the way in, he stayed perfectly still and whispered softly in Tony's ear, "Relax sweetie. The pain will leave, I promise, and you will experience sheer joy. Just relax as much as you can."

Adam could feel the young man relaxing a little at a time and he knew exactly when Tony passed the threshold of pain into pleasure. He began to stroke slowly and gently, and Tony began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Adam asked.

"I feel like I have to shit."

"You better not," Adam said and all three of them started to laugh.

Tony's asshole was really tight and Evan instructed him to contract his muscles. Adam's lasting power was short. He spurted into Tony and then lay exhausted on top of him while trying to catch his breath.

Tony took a little longer to reach another climax. Adam and Evan greased their asses very generously and then Evan greased Tony's cock. He rubbed on the lube and Tony got as hard as a rock. He entered Evan first without any resistance. After a few strokes, he came out of Evan and gave his pleasure to Adam. He went back and forth this way, delaying his orgasm as long as he could. When he could hold back no longer he spurted into Adam. "Turn about is fair play," he said.

Evan and Adam stayed the night. They slept in Tony's room mate's bed and Tony slept in his own bed. In the wee hours of the morning they awoke and formed a daisy chain, bringing each other to yet another climax. After that they all showered in the shower room where Evan had first admired Adam's ample endowments.

Before parting, they invited Tony to visit them in Florida anytime he could. Tony thanked them profusely for the best night of his life. On the train back to New Jersey, Adam and Evan congratulated themselves on breaking in yet another virgin.

Billy called on Friday to confirm that he and Juan were coming over on Sunday evening. The four of them made up to have dinner together at a neighborhood restaurant, before spending the night at Jim's house. Jim was excited as hell. Adam was as nervous as hell. Billy was like a son to him and he felt that this was all a little incestual. He kept reminding himself that they were not blood related.

Billy and Juan drove to Jim's house, and from there they walked to the restaurant. To tell the truth they were all a bit nervous. As soon as they had ordered, Jim broke the ice.

"Listen guys," he said to Billy and Juan. "Adam and I don't get hard enough anymore to penetrate and we are counting on you two guys to give us that pleasure."

Billy turned a beet red, but Juan said, "It will be our pleasure." After that everyone seemed to relax a little and they chattered over dinner, told little anecdotes, and actually informed each other how excited they all were about what was about to transpire.

"We shouldn't start before Russ gets here in about an hour or so," Adam said.

Russ parked his rental car in the driveway and rushed into the house. He kissed everyone and said how thrilled he was to be here with his new family.

Adam made them all coffee and served the coffee with assorted pastries. Russ began to speak.

"I racked my brains trying to create a plausible story to tell my family about finding my birth father, and telling them what a great guy he was. Finally, I told my wife that I met a guy named Adam Langston at a luncheon with a business associate. I said he couldn't get over the resemblance I had to a late friend of his. Upon talking about it, I told him that my mother had gone to Miami for a couple of months about the time I was conceived. He and his friend lived there at the time. I told her that he said that he and his friend Evan had donated sperm about that time. I told her that you asked for a lock of my hair and that you ran a DNA test which proved that Evan Morrissey was indeed the donor. I told my wife that Evan was a war hero and a pillar in his community. All the while I believed the scoundrel who deserted my mother was my biological father, but now I could be proud of whom my father really was. My wife is thrilled for

me. She called my sons and gave them the good news. They are equally pleased as punch. Adam, I am going to take this one step further. I am going to tell her, that you and I have become great friends and that you are like the father I never had. Is that OK with you? That way, I can call you freely from Phoenix without her being suspicious."

Adam embraced Russ. Every time he did that, it was as if Evan was back in his arms. "Make love to me, please," he whispered to Russ, "and I'll pretend I'm making love to your father again. Russ held Adam even tighter, and began to cry.

"Billy interrupted. "Let's not be maudlin," he said. "Let's play instead." He took Jim's hand and started toward the bedroom. Juan, Adam and Russ followed suit. It was a night to remember for Jim and Adam. Billy, Juan and Russ each had their cocks in both of them, but by agreement, it was Russ who finally spilled inside of Adam and Billy came inside of Jim. To make up for being unable to fuck, Adam and Jim sucked all three of them to orgasm. As for anal sex, Billy, Juan and Russ took care of each other.

Adam finally fell peacefully asleep, having been fucked after a very long hiatus. More importantly he could now call Russ freely whenever he wanted to, and it would be like chatting with Evan.

Oh Evan, Adam thought, I wish you could know what a fine son you have, and next month you will be a great grandfather.

Chapter Fourteen

On their next visit to Ft. Lauderdale, Adam and Jim planned on staying two weeks, but ended up staying for a month. A few days before they were due to fly home, a severe earthquake struck the Los Angeles area. Their flight was cancelled, and Tim and Jamie were delighted.

Two days after the earthquake they were able to get a call through to Billy. He assured them that their home was in tact, but traffic was a mess. Most traffic lights were out and many streets were impassible, and would stay that way until they could be repaved. Billy advised them to stay in Florida for the immediate future. In spite of the bad conditions at home, they booked one of the first flights to LA after the airport was reopened.

On the evening before their departure, the four of them had a marvelous dinner at a four star restaurant, and then had a fantastic night of loving, mutual sex at home.

"I'm sure going to miss you guys," Tim said. "August seems a million years away."

"I know," Adam agreed. "But this is where fate has placed us and I guess this is where we were meant to be. Two visits a year are better than none."

"Amen," Jamie said.

The flight home was full. Most of the passengers were disgruntled. They should have been home days and weeks ago, and were now headed home, or on business, at the first opportunity which was presented to them. Adam and Jim had an aisle and middle seat in coach. A rather portly woman occupied the window seat. Some of her spilled over into Jim's seat, forcing him to raise the arm between his seat and Adam's, and cozying up to his partner. They secured a blanket and during the flight they covered themselves, so that they were able to fondle each other in relative obscurity. The portly woman slept most of the way and noticed nothing. Adam began to doze off.

The Aer Lingus jet taking them to Shannon had two seats on the port and starboard sides, and six seats in the middle. Evan and Adam sat alone in 8A and 8B. Hans and Barry were right behind them. It was late evening when the plane took off, and after they were airborne the pilot turned off the cabin lights. Except for the odd overhead light, under which someone was reading, most of the passengers were trying to sleep as best they could. They all wanted to be as fresh as possible upon arrival in Ireland in the morning. Adam was trying to doze off, but it wasn't happening for him. Perhaps it was the excitement of the trip, but sleep wouldn't come.

He got up to use the rest room, and when he did, he got quite a shock. Hans and Barry had covered themselves with a blanket. Barry was leaning back in his seat. His eyes were closed and he was moaning slightly. Hans was invisible. The blanket completely covered him. It took Adam a few seconds to realize that Hans was giving Barry a blow job. He decided to stand in the aisle, blocking their row, in case someone else should come by and see what was going on.

Barry began to make loud noises so Adam leaned over and put his hand over Barry's mouth. Barry opened his eyes in alarm. He realized what was happening, smiled at Adam, and muffled his own noises. Adam stayed there until Hans came up for air. Hans leaned over to Barry to kiss him, obviously sharing Barry's cum with him. They both smiled at Adam. Only then did Adam proceed to the rest room.

At the rear of the plane one of the flight attendants was reading a magazine. Adam asked if she could give him a blanket. She produced one quickly from one of the overhead compartments. When he returned to his seat, Evan was still dozing. He put the blanket over them and put his hand on Evan's crotch.

Evan stirred. He looked at Adam and smiled as he put his hand on Adam's crotch. They helped each other take their cocks out and they started stroking one another. Evan whispered to Adam, that the end was near so Adam ducked under the blanket and took Evan's spunk into his mouth, swallowing all of it. When he recovered, Evan did the same to Adam. They both failed to notice that Hans and Barry were standing in the aisle attempting to hide their activities. When finally the four sets of eyes met, they all laughed and Hans and Barry returned to their seats.

"I think that makes us all members of The Mile High Club" Evan whispered to Adam as he dozed off once again.

Jim began to stroke Adam's cock in earnest, and Adam was awakened from his reveries. He started to do the same thing to Jim. They came seconds apart, bravely muffling the sounds of their passion. They used the blanket to clean themselves and then folded the blanket with the jism on the inside. They put the clean side of the blanket behind their heads and used it for a pillow. They dozed off, joining their travelling companion in the window seat, who continued to sleep peacefully for most of the flight.

Billy met them at the airport. "We'll have to take a convoluted route to your house, but I'm pretty familiar with which streets are open and which are closed. At first you never knew thanks to one after shock after another, but thank God, the tremors have finally stopped."

"Have all our utilities returned and what about mail?" Jim asked.

"Yes," Billy answered. "We have gas and electricity. Land line phone service was the first utility we got back, but we didn't start to get mail until a few days ago. I've been taking yours into the house and it's on the kitchen table. "I'm expecting you for dinner tonight. You can go shopping tomorrow, but expect long lines and scanty shelves at the super market."

"Will Juan be there?" Adam asked.

"No, he's out of town on business. He's planning on importing exotic plants from Asia and he's there now making arrangements. You guys will have to settle for a threesome. I hope you aren't too tired."

"Shit!" Jim said. "We got each other off on the plane, and at our age, twice in one day is a dream that won't come true."

Billy laughed. "You old hound dogs, you," he said. "You should know by now that an orgasm isn't the be all. It's the end all. Kissing, caressing, cuddling and fondling are so much more fun. We'll just play, if that's cool with you."

"It's cool," Adam said.

"It's very cool." Jim echoed.

Billy dropped them off and said that he was going home to prepare supper, so they entered the house cautiously to assess any damage. The kitchen was neat and clean but they opened the cabinet doors to see what lay behind. Everything seemed to be Ok until they opened one cabinet which was completely empty. It had contained dinner plates and salad plates. They found a note inside in Billy's handwriting.

The door must have come open and all the plates spilled out. I cleaned up the mess, but I couldn't salvage a single plate. Put new dishes on your shopping list. I think you'll find the rest of the house in tact. I turned over your car motor several times so you have no excuses for not coming to dinner tonight, whenever tonight will be. Billy

Billy roasted a chicken with baked potatoes and green peas for dinner. It was simple but tasty and more than filling. Fred called during dinner and they all spoke to him. When Fred spoke to Adam, he lowered his voice and said, "Juan is out of the country. Take good care of my boy will you?"

Adam answered, "You bet I will."

They all pitched in with the dishes and with cleaning up the kitchen. Afterwards they watched television for awhile. "It's nice to have TV back," Billy said. "We were without it for more than two weeks."

Adam took a moment to call Russ to let him know that they were home safely and enjoying dinner at Billy's. "Do everything I would do," Russ said laughing.

When Billy felt it was time, he turned off the set and said, "Enough TV. It's fun time." He headed for the bedroom with Jim and Adam following closely.

"Stay the night," Billy said. "You can go shopping tomorrow straight from here."

The three of them undressed and snuggled tightly in Billy's king size bed. Billy's erection was poking Adam's ass cheeks.

"I may not cum again today," Adam said, "but I'd have no objection to getting fucked."

"I'm ready for you guys," Billy said, and he opened his bedside table's drawer and extracted a tube of KY jelly. He greased both his guest's asses and his cock and began to fuck them alternately. When he could no longer restrain himself, it was Jim who was lucky enough to receive Billy's juices. They cleaned themselves up and got back in bed, cuddling close and fondling each other.

"I love you both," Billy whispered as he started to fall asleep."

"We love you," Adam whispered back.

The next day after breakfast at Billy's house, Adam and Jim drove cautiously to one of the many AID's charities' thrift shops which had sprung up all over the city. They found a nice set of dishes there and purchased it. Then they went to the Ralph's supermarket closest to their home and purchased what they needed to restock their refrigerator and pantry.

When everything was in place, they finally had a chance to relax. It was early morning on the east coast and they knew that Jamie and Tim would be awake by now. They called to fill them in on how they had found things. They made them laugh when they described sex on the plane, and they made them jealous when they told them that Billy fucked them last night.

"Maybe we'll come down before next August," Tim said.

"You're always welcome," Adam responded.

It was an exceptionally lovely day and Jim and Adam were relaxing on their back porch, reading the paper when the phone rang. They had an extension on the porch and Jim picked it up. He looked at the caller ID and smiled. "Hi Russ," he said. "What's cooking?"

"Great news," he said. "There are some problems in my LA office which were caused by the earthquake, and they are sending me out to trouble shoot. I'll be there for at least two weeks, and my wife, Maggie wants to come along. She's dying to meet my family in LA. Is there any chance we could stay with you? It'll kill me not to have sex with you guys, but it would be great just to be together and share my free time with you all."

"You gotta be kidding even to ask," Jim answered. "When will your asses be arriving?"

"The day after tomorrow. Our flight gets in at 10 AM. We'll rent a car and get right over. Tell Adam to get his memory cells in gear. Maggie wants to know all about Evan. Tell him to skip the sexy parts but keep them in mind for me."

"Will do!" Jim said. "But you've got to tell Maggie that we are gay and that your father was too. She has to be prepared before you get here."

"I've already told her and that has just added to her fascination over everything that has transpired."

"That's wonderful. I love you," Jim said as he hung up.

"I heard," Adam said. "How great is that? We'll not only have Evan's son staying in the house. But his wife as well. Hallelujah!!!" Adam looked like he was about to cry. Jim put his arms around him and Adam did indeed sob in his shoulder.

"God, how I wish I had Russ as a tot, so I could have raised him and seen him grow to manhood," Adam said. "Evan and I talked about adopting, but you can't do that in Florida to this day. We even discussed paying for a surrogate mother, but we never did. I think that if little Billy wasn't over at our house more than he was at home, we might have been more affirmative about it. I can't tell you how much it means to me knowing that I can hold Evan's natural son in my arms."

"I can well imagine," Jim said.

Adam and Jim spoke at great length about how they should greet Maggie. Should they just shake her hand until they all knew each other better or should they show a little more affection? In the end they concluded that Russ had told her that Adam was his surrogate father so they should give her a hug, and if she was receptive, a peck on the cheek. They agreed to hug Russ, but not to kiss him. They couldn't believe what a dilemma a simple greeting was turning out to be.

When they saw Russ's rental arrive in their driveway, they both became extremely nervous. They went outside to greet them and to help them with their luggage. Russ introduced them to Maggie and they each hugged her. She was the one who kissed them both on the cheek. Then they went to hug Russ. To their great surprise, he kissed them both lightly on the lips.

There were two large suit cases and two carry-ons in the trunk and everyone helped unload the car. They brought the cases upstairs to the guest room.

Hang your stuff up and please use the dresser drawers. When you freshen up, please come downstairs. We'll have lunch ready," Adam said. He and Jim went downstairs.

Alone in their room, Maggie said, "This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened in our lives. I am so happy for you, my darling. I can't imagine how you felt when you found out that louse was not your father, and that your real father was a wonderful man, a hero to boot."

"I cried," Russ freely admitted. Maggie gave him a big hug.

Over lunch, Maggie insisted on hearing how Adam and Evan met. "Are you sure you won't be embarrassed?" Adam asked innocently.

"Heavens no. You forget, when I met Russ, he was living with two mothers."

Adam laughed. "Yes, I did forget," he said. He started a short and sweet narrative. "I thought Evan and I met accidently in a gay bar near the university, but after he died I found his journal. The old scoundrel had been following me around. He planned our meeting the whole time."

Maggie smiled. "That is so totally romantic. How wonderful. Too bad you had to find out after he died. By the way that isn't so different from how Russ and I met. We were freshman in college, and before we ever met, he had his eyes on me. The lout actually dated my room mate so he could meet me. How sad is that."

"It sounds like you were very shy Russ," Jim said.

"I was," Russ answered and looked knowingly at Jim and Adam.

"Listen," Adam said. "Tonight we are taking you out to dinner, and no fighting over the tab. Tomorrow when you go to work, Russ, we are going to take Maggie sight seeing, and to Rodeo Drive so she can spend some of your hard earned money. How does that sound?"

"Like a terrific plan, except for spending my money," Russ laughed.

In every city they visited in Europe, Hans, Barry, Evan and Adam hired a cab to take them sight seeing. At the end of the tour, they consulted their gay guide to the city and the driver dropped them off at a gay restaurant and bar. At most of these places they had a nice dinner, chatted with a few of the other patrons, who were anxious to practice their English, and that was that. Only in Rome did they get invited to a sex orgy. In the other cities they returned to their hotel and made their own little orgy. To be honest, the ordinary tourist sightseeing was more exciting than any of their visits to gay establishments.

Riding around Los Angeles, Maggie was more interested in hearing about Evan, than in the sightseeing. It was only when they were strolling on Rodeo Drive that her interest peaked. She examined the windows of the outrageously expensive shops and to her credit, she declared that everything was too expensive. She enjoyed window shopping, but refrained from any purchasing.

They had lunch at a nice little café on The Drive and suddenly Maggie expressed an interest in hearing about how Evan's parents reacted when he came out to them.

"Very badly, I'm afraid, "Adam sighed. "They kicked him out, and never had anything to do with him after that. His brother Eddie was the only one who accepted him and who stayed in touch. Fortunately we were already planning to move to Miami, and my folks adopted him. They insisted he call them Mom and Dad."

"How sad," Maggie said. "You're folks sound like wonderful people, Adam. I wish I could have known them."

"Well, you will meet my adopted son Billy tonight. His folks were even greater. They actually made a party to introduce Billy's partner to all their friends. They were proud of both of them, and now Fred is a State Senator. Lucky for us, he's home for a few days and he's joining us for dinner. By the way, since Billy and Russ both think of me as their father, they have become good friends and think of themselves as brothers."

"I know," Maggie said. "He told me." I think that it is fantastic that after all these years, Russ has a real father, a brother and a whole new family. I cry with joy every time I think about it."

Jim could no longer contain himself. "It doesn't bother you then that Russ's new family is all gay."

"Oh Jim, shame on you for asking me that. You have all made my husband so happy. I can't thank you enough, and anyway, it's nobody's business who falls in love with whom. I can tell from just talking to you men how much Adam and Evan loved each other, and how much you and Blake loved each other. Now you have found love again, and it makes me so happy for both of you."

Jim took Maggie's hand and squeezed it. "Thank you for that, Maggie. It means a lot to both of us to hear you say that. Now let's all go to the Beverly Center where prices are more reasonable, and we can all do a little shopping."

That evening the family went to a wonderful little bistro on Third Street. It was not a gay restaurant, but there were always a lot of gay men and women there and a good many straight patrons as well.

Maggie remarked that she and Russ never had an opportunity to break bread with his family. It was only something they did with hers. "I can't tell you all how wonderful it is to meet you and to be a part of your, no Russ's, family."

Billy added, "It's a pleasure to welcome you to the family, Maggie." He raised his glass in a mock toast. Everyone else did the same. Russ put his arm around Adam's shoulder and squeezed it.

Russ was so anxious to have sex with the guys that he worked out a plan. He bought Maggie a day at a spa. He dropped her off at the spa that day and went to work, but he left early and rushed back to Adam and Jim. Fred had returned to Sacramento and Billy was at work, so they couldn't join them. For two hours, the three men sucked each other to orgasm, but not before Russ fucked Adam and Jim without allowing himself to cum again. After they showered, Russ drove off to pick up Maggie while Jim and Adam prepared dinner.

They were sitting on the back porch basking in the late afternoon sun, when Maggie and Russ returned. Maggie looked refreshed and her face was glowing. "It was wonderful," she announced. "Thank you so much darling," and she kissed Russ on his cheek. "And did all you men have a good day?" she asked.

"Yes, it was a fantastic day," Jim said with a grin on his face.

Russ completed his work a few days earlier than expected, and he and Maggie flew home ahead of schedule. Everyone was sad to see them leave, but Russ said that he would be back in two weeks.

"We'll look forward to it," Adam said.

Next: Chapter 9: Long Time Companion 15 16

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