Long Time Companion

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 24, 2010


Adam and Jamie spoke on the phone every Sunday evening at 5 PM, Pacific Time, and 8 PM, Eastern Time. They didn't have to restrict their activities to make time for these calls, thanks to cell phones. One time Jamie and Tim had tickets to a Sunday evening concert given by The Gay Men's Chorus of Ft. Lauderdale. Jamie actually left the theater just before eight to take Adam's call.

Adam had once told Jamie all about his relationship with Hans and Barry. In turn Jamie had relayed the story to Tim. They were returning from a New Year party and Jamie said, "I love Adam. What would you say if I told you that I would welcome us having a relationship with Jim and him, like he and Evan had with Hans and Barry?"

Tim planted a kiss on Jamie's lips. "I would say that they are coming here next month and we should go for it if it's OK with them."

"Somehow I think it will be," Jamie said.

Adam and Jim booked themselves on a flight to Ft. Lauderdale on Feb.10th. Their return trip was open ended. They didn't want any time restrictions put on their sojourn in Sunny Florida. Jamie and Tim were waiting anxiously in the terminal for their arrival. They were both very nervous about asking Adam and Jim to share their bed as well as their board. Jamie was particularly nervous. The only man he had ever slept with in his life was Tim. They decided to give it a day or two before broaching the subject.

Due to the time difference, Adam and Jim's flight did not arrive until early evening. They were starved when Jamie and Tim picked them up, and they went straight to what was Adam's favorite restaurant until his recent move. The restaurant was located in Wilton Manors, the gayest section of Ft. Lauderdale. Jim was amazed. None of this had been here when he moved away so many years ago. They ate and left quickly without socializing since Adam and Jim were worn out by the long trip.

Jamie and Tim lived in a two bedroom home. The two bedrooms and their baths were at opposite ends of the house so that guests had complete privacy. After Adam and Jim were settled in their bedroom, the four men sat around the living room talking. Jamie decided to test the waters.

"Back in good old Sunnydale," he said, "Adam and I saw each other naked on a few occasions, so I hope it will be all right with you two gents that Tim and I parade around naked."

"Not at all," Jim said. "We do the same."

"You know," Jamie said, "even when I thought I was straight, I hungered after that big cock of yours, Adam."

"Too bad you didn't say something then," Adam said. "Evan and I were always up for a threesome. We would have enjoyed breaking you in."

"I had that pleasure," Tim interjected.

"Lucky you," Jim added.

The seeds were sown. They began to grow the next morning.

At nine o'clock, Adam and Jim were still asleep. They had not yet adjusted to the time difference. Jamie and Tim came into their room in their birthday suits and rudely started awakening them. They were naked too of course. Unfortunately at their ages, neither Adam nor Jim had morning woodies, but both were somewhat engorged.

"Come on you guys," Tim said. "Half the day is gone." He jumped into their bed and started wrestling with them. Jamie followed suit. They were giggling like kids and grabbing for each other's cocks. Nobody tried to stop anybody else, but finally Jim said, "If I don't pee soon, I'm going to wet the bed."

"Me too," Adam echoed.

"OK, "Jamie said, "We'll continue this later."

"Sounds like fun," Jim said.

The seedlings were full grown and blossoming.

They landed at Shannon Airport and were met by their tour guide. Besides Adam, Evan, Hans and Barry there were twenty other people in their group. The tour guide told them in a thick Irish brogue that he would be with them in Ireland and England, but another guide would pick them up when they crossed the channel. He instructed them to leave their luggage next to the bus and the driver would load it. He said that they would be leaving in exactly one hour and told them that they could browse the duty free shops in the meantime, but please not to be late for their departure.

"So that's why they fly us to Shannon and bus us to Dublin." Hans said. "Shannon's duty free shops are well known to all travelers."

They browsed as instructed, but bought nothing. Anything they bought would have to be schlepped for the duration of the trip. They agreed to buy cautiously and late in the trip.

On the way to Dublin, the guide pointed out places of interest along the way. They arrived in Dublin in time for dinner. After they were assigned their rooms they all assembled for dinner in the hotel dining room. After dinner they were free until the next morning when they would be given a half day tour of the city. The rest of that day and the next were free until they would leave for London. Evan took his gay guide to Dublin out of his pocket. They chose a likely looking gay pub, engaged a taxi driver and set off. It turned out that the pub was walking distance from the hotel, a fact that the taxi driver neglected to tell them.

The pub was very noisy and the music was loud. The patrons were all very young and nobody paid any attention to them. They each ordered a pint of beer, and afterward they decided to walk back to their hotel. Now that they were all four making love to each other, they knew that the action back at the hotel would be great.

Each of their rooms had twin beds so they tossed a coin. Adam and Hans started in one bed and Evan and Barry in the other in the same room. They changed partners often and when they were exhausted, each couple slept in a twin bed rather than return to the other room. Since Evan did not ejaculate, Hans and Barry made jokes about how neat and clean he was. They had melded into one body and one soul. At that point in time if someone had told Adam that he would outlive them all and be left alone, he might well have killed himself.

After breakfast Tim and Jamie took Adam to see his old street in Hollywood. Nothing had changed much except the trees were bigger and more beautiful than ever. They drove to Miami and South Beach and Jim was amazed. He had left a sleepy little city and returned to a megalopolis. They ate a big lunch in South Beach at an outdoor café and enjoyed the eye candy. The lunch was more than any of them usually ate and they decided that dinner would be a cup of coffee and maybe some toast at home. They were all anxious to get home anyway. There was no doubt that they would all have something more for dinner than a cup of coffee and toast.

Arriving at home they rushed into Jamie and Tim's bedroom, undressed rapidly and plopped down on the big king size bed. None of them had a good hard erection, but all of them were engorged.

"I want to make love to you Adam," Jamie said. "I guess I have loved you secretly, maybe subconsciously, for a very long time." He rolled over on top of Adam and their lips met. They kissed and fondled for a long time. Then Jamie moved down and took Adam's cock into his mouth. By that time, Jim was making Tim equally as happy. Jamie and Jim continued sucking until Adam and Tim came in their mouths. There was a bit of a rest and they changed positions. When everyone was happy and satisfied, they all showered and dressed and went to Wilton Manors for dinner. Apparently their appetites had been revived.

Adam and Jim remained in Florida for about three weeks. The four friends had more fun together than they had dared hope for. Jamie and Tim planned to visit them in LA in the middle of August and stay until after Labor Day for as long as they all felt like it. They decided to say their farewells at home because the tears were flowing like Niagara Falls, so Adam and Jim took a cab to the airport.

They had a 2 PM flight, and arrived at the airport at about 11:45 AM. With all the delays getting through security, they still had time for lunch before boarding the plane. During lunch Jim asked, "The love the four of us enjoyed was amazing wasn't it?"

"It was more than physical," Adam answered, "It was spiritual, at least to me."

"I agree," Jim concurred. "The way you felt about Jamie and later Tim, is the same way I feel about Billy and Fred. Do you think they would want to become physical with us?"

"I'm sure Billy would. He has hinted, but this would be complicated because Juan and Jonathan are also in the picture," Adam mused.

"Yes, it is rather convoluted," Jim agreed, "But it sure would be interesting to see what kind of a scenario we could concoct about this one. There would be six of us, so wow."

It was their last day in Rome. The four lovers went to a restaurant that the gay guide book had recommended. They were more than pleasantly pleased. The patrons were all mature men. A string quartet was playing lovely music in the background. It was a quiet and perfect place to enjoy a wonderfully satisfying dinner.

The food lived up to expectations too. Since they could not make up their minds what to order from such a savory assortment, the beautiful young waiter recommended that they order the sampler plate for dinner, and have a taste of a variety of entrees. They did just that. During dinner they simply oohed and aahed as each course was served. This meal was the highlight of their stay in Europe.

As they were sipping cappuccinos, a handsome couple came over to their table. They were about the same age as the four tourists.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," one of them said. "We couldn't help overhearing some of your conversation. You are Americans, si?"

"Yes, we are, and we are in love with your country," Hans said. Hans had become their unofficial spokesman in Europe for no other reason than he was born there.

"We would be honored if you gentlemen would allow us to provide you with after dinner drinks at the bar when you are finished with your meal," the other of them said.

"We would be the honored ones," Hans said very diplomatically.

"I am Mario," the first gentleman said, "and my partner is Guido." Mario extended his hand which Hans shook, and then he made introductions around the table. When they finished eating and went to the bar, they saw that Mario and Guido had set them up at a table for six in a quiet corner.

Mario waved to the waiter, who came over and took their order. The six chatted for awhile and each couple gave a short biography of their lives together. Their conversation was comfortable and enjoyable.

"Gentlemen," Mario said. "In about an hour a small group of our friends are gathering at our apartment for a little party. We would be so pleased if you would join us also."

"You seem very nice," Hans said, "and we have no reason to suspect that your motives are anything but the best. However, I would feel more comfortable if I knew exactly the kind of party you have in mind."

Guido laughed. "I think you have already figured it out, Hans."

Now it was Hans's turn to laugh. He looked at his companions and smiled. "I think that Mario and Guido are inviting us to sex party. It sounds like fun to me."

The others weren't so sure, but Evan who was always up to more and more sex and especially kinky sex, said, "Sure why not?" Adam and Barry just naturally fell into line."

"How many others will be there?" Evan asked.

"Four more. There will be ten of us altogether," Mario said. "Please don't worry. We are not into bondage or leather or anything like that. We just like to enjoy sex with a variety of men with a variety of sizes. We will provide adequate protection."

The ten men ranged in age from 35 to 65. At first they sat around sipping the wine their hosts had provided. All but two of the men spoke English, and the others translated for them. After two or three glasses had been consumed, one of the younger men came over to Evan and took his hand. He led him into one of three bedrooms and began to kiss him. Evan eagerly responded and they began to undress. When they were naked, Alfredo said that they should try to stay on one side of the bed because shortly another couple would join them and use the other side. In less than ten minutes there were five couples performing various sexual acts all over the apartment. Nobody was with their own partner. After five minutes Alfredo's partner, Gino, interrupted Evan and Alfredo, and Gino took over for Alfredo. And so it went. The ten men switched partners often. Evan came twice. Adam came only once, but they kept switching partners and nobody

could remember who they were with when they achieved orgasm. Evan even had Adam for a short while.

As promised there were no kinky things going on, just pure love making. Our American foursome enjoyed themselves thoroughly. They thanked their hosts profusely and in the taxi ride back to their hotel, they could not stop discussing their good fortune. They even got a promise from Guido and Mario that they would visit them in Florida one day. They never did.

"The way you felt about Jamie and later Tim, is the same way I feel about Billy and Fred. Do you think they would want to become physical with us?" Jim asked.

"I'm sure Billy would. He has hinted, but this would be complicated because Juan and Jonathan are also in the picture," Adam mused.

"Yes, it is rather convoluted," Jim agreed, "But it sure would be interesting to see what kind of a scenario we could concoct about this one. There would be six of us, so wow."

"I am sure I can create a scenario," Adam said to Jim, as he remembered the sex party in Rome. "Remind me to tell you about one fantastic night in Rome."

Next: Chapter 8: Long Time Companion 13 14

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