Long Time Companion

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 21, 2010


Chapter Ten

The day was finally here. The cab dropped Adam off at curbside. And he checked in his two suitcases. He had a carry on and proceeded to security. After the usual searches he was allowed into the departure terminal. He had the first flight out this morning and erroneously assumed that the plane would leave on time, but according to the monitor it would be leaving a half hour later than scheduled. Adam's impatience knew no bounds. He bought a newspaper and sat down in the waiting area until he could board the plane. He wasn't used to getting up at such an early hour and he began to doze off.

Adam was waiting for Evan at the baggage terminal. His flight from New York was a half hour late. Finally the passengers from Evan's flight started to approach the carousel, which had not yet started to turn. Adam spotted Evan, but he didn't approach him because he was deep in conversation with another passenger. There was a look going back and forth between them, that was unmistakable. Adam instinctively knew that Evan had been intimate with this man. He had to examine his feelings. He had no proof, but what disturbed him was the fact that it didn't really bother him. He knew that Evan loved him. He came home to their house and their bed, and that was all that mattered.

The two men retrieved their baggage and shook hands. Only then did Adam approach Evan.

"Who was that?" Adam asked.

"Just another guy travelling on business. We happened to sit next to each other going and coming."

"That's good," Adam said. "A good travelling companion always makes the flight go faster."

"You're right, honey," Evan said. "It did. Now let's get home so I can make up for lost time."

When they exited the terminal to walk to the parking ramp, Evan saw Mark standing at curbside. A car pulled up and a young man, a very young man, got out. He bore a strong resemblance to Mark. He embraced Mark and helped him put his luggage in the trunk. The young man was even younger than Sean. As the two men were getting into the car, Evan distinctly heard the young man ask, "Did you have a successful trip, Dad?"

Fuck! Mark was a married man. He had himself a fling. Evan wondered how many other "straight" men were out there yearning to live as their true selves, a gay man. For a second, Evan was angry at Mark, but then he felt sorry for him. He must be racked with guilt, shame and sexual frustration.

"Did you have a successful trip, Dad?" Adam heard those words as clearly as Evan, and wanted to kick himself for thinking that Evan and this guy could have been intimate.

The squawk box roused Adam. His flight was ready for boarding. Adam kept thinking that in about five and a half hours, he would be starting a new phase in his life. It would probably be the shortest, but he was determined to make the most of it. As soon as they were in the air, Adam's mind wandered off to another happy plane trip.

Evan retired two years before Adam. They had agreed that when Adam retired they would do a grand tour of Europe. They had never been abroad before as civilians, and they decided not to do it on their own as so many of their friends had. They searched the travel brochures until they found a twenty-one day guided tour of Europe. The tour included all the major cities they wanted to see: Dublin, London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Vienna, Rome, Florence, Venice, and Salerno. Besides wishing to see these places as other tourists, they obtained gay guides to these cities, and planned on including gay activities whenever the tour itinerary read, `free time.'

They had to fly to JFK Airport in New York to meet the rest of the group and they were to fly to Europe on Aer Lingus with their other travelling companions. Evan and Adam were so excited when they told Hans and Barry that they actually hyperventilated. They expected their friends to be excited for them, but they were met with stony silence instead.

"What?" Evan asked.

"How could you not have asked us if we would want to do the trip with you?" Barry asked, sounding very hurt.

Evan was stunned. They hadn't even thought about asking Barry and Hans.

"But you are both still working. We didn't think you could get away," Evan lied.

"We both have plenty of vacation time, and we would have been delighted to make the trip with you. Didn't you want us along?"

"Are you kidding? That would be fantastic," Adam shouted. "There's plenty of time to book you on our tour. Let's call the travel agent the first thing in the morning."

Two months later they were waiting to board the plane for New York at the airport in Ft. Lauderdale. They had decided to spend two days in New York before meeting their group at JFK for the flight to Europe. Their mood was light and jovial. They were all full of great expectations for the trip. They had obtained theater tickets for two of the biggest musical hits on Broadway, and they booked two adjoining rooms at one of New York's finest hotels. They agreed that money was no object on this trip, because it was probably the only overseas trip they would ever make.

They arrived in New York at 11 AM, and took a cab to the hotel. They barely got into the vehicle with all their luggage. Once they got into their rooms they opened the adjoining door between them. It remained open for the two nights that they occupied the room. Evan thought about his week with Mark, but quickly wiped the memory away.

They decided to have lunch in Greenwich Village. Adam and Evan wanted to revisit the NYU campus to see how much it had changed, and they wanted to see how much The Village had changed as well. They went to The Village first and had lunch at a neat looking luncheonette. The area was much more congested than they remembered it, and it had grown a wee bit seedy. Evan pointed out to Adam that The Male Room had changed it's name to The Pickle Barrel, as if it was a great surprise to him. "Probably it has a new owner," he remarked. The campus remained relatively unchanged.

"After the show tonight, let's come back to The Village for a nightcap before going to bed. God knows we don't have to get up early," Hans suggested. They all agreed.

They took a cab back to the hotel intending to shower and shave before dinner. Adam made reservations at the same restaurant that he and Mark had eaten at years before. It was in the theater district and they wouldn't have to rush dinner. They had plenty of time and when they got to their rooms, Adam announced that he was going to take a short nap. The four of them had often gone together to the nude gay beach in Ft. Lauderdale. There was no modesty between them, so when Adam announced that he was going to take a nap, he undressed completely and plopped down on the bed in one of the rooms. He wasn't sure whose room it was.

"That's a great idea," Barry said. He undressed and plopped down beside Adam. The two snuggled together. Hans and Evan thought nothing of it.

"We might as well nap too," Evan said, and he and Hans went into the other room, got naked and lay down together.

Big mistake!!!

Two horny, naked gay men lying together can mean only one thing. Before they realized what was happening, Adam and Barry were cuddling, fondling and stroking their cocks. The mismatched couple was only doing what comes naturally. In the other room Evan and Hans were doing the same thing.

Eventually Barry whispered to Adam, "It's been so long since I nibbled on foreskin." He slid right down and started to tongue Adam's cock, nipping delicately at his foreskin. For a fleeting moment, Adam realized this was wrong. He wanted to stop Barry, but he was too far gone. He came, gushing into Barry's mouth. His screams were more than noticed in the other room, where Evan was sucking Hans's cock.

There was no stopping either couple now, and they made passionate love to each other for over an hour. Totally spent, both couples lay back, and the immensity of what had just happened began to sink in.

"Come with me," Evan said to Hans. He took Hans's hand and led him into the other room. Adam and Barry were lying side by side, holding hands. They were both crying.

"Why are you crying?" Hans asked.

"We got carried away. We should never have done what we did."

"Nonsense," Evan said. "What we did is the most natural thing in the world. We love each other so why not show that love physically?"

He turned to Hans and then to Barry in the bed and said, "Hans and Barry, I love you both unconditionally, and I want to make love to both of you whenever the mood and opportunity arises. You are each a big part of my life and please don't exclude yourselves because I sure don't want to exclude you."

There was silence. Adam didn't know what to make of it. Finally Hans broke the silence. "You are right, Evan," he said. "We are soul mates, we four, and we should share our bodies as well as our souls. I love you all so much, with all my heart and soul. I almost died in the camps and you are all God's gifts to me."

Adam and Barry leapt out of bed. The four of them kissed and embraced each other and pressed their now limp cocks together.

"This is going to be one hell of a vacation," Hans said.

The big jet landed late in the morning at LAX. The flight attendant admonished the passengers to stay seated with seat belts tightened until they were safely stopped at the terminal. Adam could barely contain himself. While they were taxiing the tarmac, they were allowed to use their cell phones. Adam called Jim. "We're on the ground," he said. "It's taking this monster forever to get to the terminal."

"I'm at the baggage carousel," Jim said. "Look for me there. By the way your cartons arrived late yesterday. I took the liberty of opening the ones marked clothing' and I hung everything up. I hope you don't mind. I left the cartons marked personal' for you to open."

"Of course I don't mind. I wasn't exactly looking forward to the job. Thanks for doing it for me. See you in a bit."

Jim carried one suitcase, and Adam carried the other and his carry on, to Jim's car. Once seated in the car, Jim leaned over and kissed Adam before they put on their seat belts.

"At the risk of sounding like a dirty old man," Jim said, "as soon as we get home let's shower together and hop right into bed."

"You get no argument from me," Adam laughed.

The shower felt really good to Adam. His bones ached from the long plane ride and the cascading warm waters relieved him. The two old men fondled and played, but it was difficult for them to kneel down on the tile floor to service each other. As soon as they were dried off they fell into bed. Their arms wrapped around each other. Their cocks ground together. They kissed and kissed and ground and ground until Adam could stand it no longer. He slithered down Jim's body and grabbed his cock, stroking it gently. Then he began licking up and down the underside of Jim's shaft. Jim grew a slight bit harder. Adam put Jim's cock in his mouth, and his tongue kept licking Jim's shaft. Every so often he nibbled Jim's foreskin as he remembered the pleasure Barry had given him.

It took a few moments, but Jim began to moan. His buttocks began to rise and fall as he tried to thrust harder into Adam's mouth. When he came, it revived old memories for Adam, memories which had faded after Evan's prostate operation. Difficult as it was, Adam refrained from swallowing. Instead he pulled himself up and kissed Jim, passing him his own spunk. Jim swallowed greedily and whispered to Adam. I need a couple of minutes to breathe again and then it will be my turn.

"While you are recuperating," Adam said, "turn over." Jim rolled over on his belly and Adam proceeded to rim him. Jim gave out one long sigh of pleasure.

"Nice, nice," he repeated over and over. Finally he said, "It's my turn."

In spite of Adam being older than Jim, Jim's expertise at fallatio helped Adam achieve orgasm very quickly. Jim was disappointed and he jokingly told Adam so. He wanted to keep Adam in his mouth for hours.

"Next time, love," was all Adam could say while trying to catch his breath.

They lay side by side, cuddling and kissing and they both dozed off. When they awoke it was mid afternoon. They showered again, separately, and went downstairs to the kitchen for a light bite.

"Is there anything special you would like to do this afternoon?" Jim asked.

"Yes. I'd like to be with you."

"No problem. By the way, we are picking Billy up tonight for dinner. He can't wait to see you and he wants to treat us to dinner as a welcoming present."

"I suppose that Fred is in Sacramento. Poor Billy. I wouldn't blame him if he had someone on the side," Adam said.

"Don't be too shocked," Jim said, "but Fred has a fuck buddy in Sacramento and Billy has one here. They gave each other mutual consent. I don't think it diminishes the love they have one iota. It seems, in fact, to strengthen their love."

"Like I said, I wouldn't blame them."

"Didn't you and Evan ever have a third party in bed with you, or maybe even cheat on each other? I know Blake and I did. It might have bothered some people, but I didn't mind. Fucking and loving are two very different verbs," Jim noted.

"The answer to your question is yes," Adam said. "The first evening we spend alone together remind me to tell you about Hans and Fred. They were special to us, but there were others. At some point in our lives, Adam and I dismissed middle class, heterosexual morals. We figured we were gay and we had to establish our own rules. We also came to the conclusion that a good fuck did not erase deep love."

They were silent for a moment and Jim started to grin."

"OK. What's on your mind?" Adam asked.

"After Blake died, I was all right with celibacy for a short while, but I began to get itchy. I started a series of one night stands with guys I met on Silver Daddies. I'd be less than honest if I told you that I didn't have fun. I had a lot of fun, but until you came along, I wouldn't have considered a relationship with any of them.

"One night I went to a gay bar in West Hollywood. The clientele there are, shall we say, more mature men. I got to talking to a really handsome guy in his early sixties, probably a bit younger than Billy and Fred. I was flattered at the attention he paid me and his obvious flirting with me. It turned out that he was from Phoenix and he came to LA on business a couple of times a month. His average stay was two or three nights. He came home with me that first night and we had fantastic sex. He is still able to fuck me.

"To make a long story short, Russ is married and soon to be a grandfather for the first time. He would never leave his wife, so there could never be anything more between us than sex. Since I met you, he and I get together whenever he is in town. I don't want to have any secrets between us. I told him I couldn't see him again after you moved out here, and the poor guy began to cry. He still has sex with his wife, but his true nature is to have sex with a man. He begged me to ask you, if we could do a threesome. I told him I'd ask you, but I would do whatever you decided."

"I can't even imagine how frustrating this man's life must be," Adam said. He ran his palm down Jim's cheek. "Anyway, you had me when you said that he could still fuck. When is he coming again?"

Jim smiled. "He's coming Sunday evening and staying until Wednesday evening. I'll call him on his cell phone and tell him to come straight here when he gets his rental car at the airport. He gets all his calls on his cell phone, so his wife or his boss wouldn't know that he's not at his hotel if they should call. He says that his accounting department would be pleased if they didn't see any hotel expenses. Our perk is that he can offset that by taking us out on his expense account." That struck Jim funny and he laughed. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a picture of Russ. Adam had to agree that he was indeed a hunk. Looking at his picture, however, made Adam uneasy. He wasn't quite sure why.

Jim then picked up his land line and called Russ on his cell phone. He told him that Adam was agreeable and that he should come here directly from the airport. Then he looked at Adam who was smiling. He handed Adam the phone and said, "Russ wants to talk to you."

Adam was surprised but he took the phone and said, "Hi Russ."

"Hello," Russ said. Adam's body stiffened. There was something in Russ's voice that deeply disturbed him. "I just needed to thank you and to tell you that Jim is madly in love with you. You are all he speaks about when we are passionately engaged. If I was free, I'd be jealous, but as you know, I have no right to be. I hope you won't judge me because of my situation. I need sympathy and understanding, not to be told that I am a philanderer."

"I do understand, and I am sympathetic."

"Thank you, Adam. I can't wait to meet you Sunday evening, Ciao!" Adam hung up the phone.

"Thank you," Jim said, "for being you. If the situation with Russ turns out to be too much for the three of us to handle, I'll cut him off. I promise."

"Relax," Adam said. "I have a feeling it will be just fine." He took Jim in his arms and they kissed tenderly.

"I am so thrilled that you are here," Jim said. Now I can look forward to each new day because we'll be together." Just then the phone rang and Jim answered.

"Hello," he said.... "Hi, how are you doing?.... Sure, no problem. We'll be there at seven. That was Billy," he said. "We are picking him up at seven and he asked his `friend' to join us, but don't let on that you know they are more than that. Let Billy tell you himself if he wants to."

"That's no problem," Adam said. "What is a problem is that if we pick them up at seven, we probably won't eat until eight or nine o'clock, maybe later. It will take some getting used to, eating dinner so much later than I am accustomed to. Which reminds me, it's three hours later in Florida, and I am starved. What can I have to tide me over?"

"I've got just the thing," Jim said. "How about coffee with a piece of apple pie. You can have some ice cream on it if you wish. After that we still have plenty of time to play before dinner."

"Sounds like a perfect plan to me," Adam said.

After their snack, they returned to the bedroom. They cuddled, fondled, sucked and rimmed. It was all their old bodies could do. Neither of them came again, but they didn't care. They were happy with what they did, and happier still just loving each other.

On the way to Billy's house, Jim said, "Billy's friend Juan is only forty-two years old. His father was Mexican and his mother was a total WASP. Her family disowned her when she married Juan Lopez, Sr. but he provided for her really well. He owned one of the biggest landscaping companies in Los Angeles. It belongs to Juan now. His mixed blood gives him a really exotic look. He's one handsome dude. When Fred is home, Juan shares a bed with both of them, and when Billy is in Sacramento, Fred's friend, Jonathan, shares a bed with Fred and Billy. I hope you aren't too shocked."

"Not at all," Adam said, and he proceeded to tell Jim all about Hans and Barry, and the love they all had for each other. "That's why I am not shocked about Russ, either. Love is love, and should never be denied. I get that you have feelings for Russ. If I deny that, you might resent me subconsciously, so I'd rather have the opportunity to learn to love Russ also."

"You are one hell of a guy," Jim said as he pulled into Billy's driveway. He honked his horn and in a few moments Billy came out with Juan. Adam jumped out of the car to embrace Billy. Introductions were made and Jim had been a hundred percent correct. Juan was absolutely beautiful. Lucky Billy and Fred. Adam wondered what Jonathan looked like.

Jim drove to Wolfgang Puck, a long time favorite restaurant in LA. After they were seated Billy reminded them that dinner was on him and they better order what they liked and not to pay attention to the prices on the menu. "I am so thrilled and happy to have Adam here in LA with me, and living with one of my best friends. It calls for a celebration of epic proportions, and I mean it, so eat up, my friends."

"So what are we doing here?" Jim asked. "Shouldn't we have gone to McDonalds?" That cracked everyone up.

During dinner there was no denying the sexual tension between Juan and Billy. Adam couldn't help but wonder what Juan was getting out of this relationship. Maybe he was one of those guys who avoided commitment and this was as good as he wanted it to get. Billy was aware that Adam was studying them closely so when Juan excused himself for a few minutes, Billy said, "Adam, there's something you should know."

Adam interrupted him. "You don't have to say a word Billy. Any idiot could see what is going on. He seems like a great guy, and you owe me no explanations."

Billy asked Jim, "Didn't I tell you he was the most understanding, kindest guy in the world? I lost my real father, but Adam will always be a father to me also."

Adam took Billy's hand and squeezed it.

After Jim dropped Juan and Billy off at Billy's house and started for home, he said to Adam, "You are an amazing soul Adam. I thank God that I met you." Adam leaned over and kissed Jim on the cheek.

That night in bed they cuddled as close to each other as possible. They didn't have sex again, but each fell asleep assured that their futures together would be wonderful, whether it would be for another day or another twenty years.

Chapter Eleven

During the next few days, Adam finished his unpacking, and he and Jim rearranged the closets and the dresser drawers. They packed five of Adam's twelve clothing boxes with clothes that they both decided should be discarded, and called an AID's charity to take them away. Slowly Adam got over his jet lag, and began to adapt to his new environment. He was even getting used to eating dinner hours later than he did in Florida.

In Florida, he needed to drive somewhere for every amenity, and in the last year he had depended on Jamie for wheels. Here in Jim's neighborhood, he could walk to plenty of adequate shopping strip malls. There seemed to be one on every street corner. Adam loved to walk, and the new exercise was great for him. He lost five pounds and felt wonderful. Jim began to walk with him and he prayed that Jim would not lose his love handles.

Adam's first Sunday in LA arrived much too quickly, and Adam began to get nervous about Russ. His agitation did not escape Jim, who took Adam in his arms and said, "It's not too late. If you say no, I'll send him to a hotel."

"Nonsense, I wouldn't let you be so cruel. However, I wouldn't mind if you described his body to me."

Jim did not realize that Adam was joking and he began to speak. Adam broke out laughing and shut him up. "I love how naïve you can be sometimes. I was just kidding."

They expected Russ about 9 PM, and about 9:15 a car pulled up in the driveway. A man got out of the front seat and opened the back door. He removed a suitcase and headed for the house. Adam was looking at him through the living room window as Jim went to greet him at the front door. All at once Adam got the same disturbed feeling he had gotten when he first saw Russ's picture. In a moment he would know why.

Russ came in and Jim immediately closed the front door. Russ dropped his suitcase and he and Jim embraced and kissed on the lips. Jim grabbed Russ's hand and said, "Come. I want you to meet Adam."

Adam did a double take. Russ had the same skin coloring and color eyes as Evan. His frame was also the same as Evan's, as was his height. His resemblance to Evan was uncanny in every way. Adam thought that if he was uncut and the same cock size as Evan, he would pass right out. Russ could easily have passed as Evan's son. He composed himself and stuck his hand out, but Russ would have none of that. He grabbed Adam in a bear hug and kissed him on the lips. For a split second, Adam dreamt that he was being kissed by Evan and he responded to Russ's kiss in a big way.

"Adam," Russ said, "Thank you for allowing me to be here. My time with Jim is so precious to me and now I hope it will be that way with the two of you."

My God! Adam thought. He even sounds like Evan. He could not control himself.

"Russ," he asked. "Are there any Morrisseys in your family?"

"Not that I know of," Russ answered. "Why do you ask?"

Adam reached into his wallet and took out a picture taken on his tour of Europe with Evan. At the time Evan would have been a couple of years older than Russ. He and Evan were on the right and Hans and Barry were on their left. They all had their arms around each other. "Does anyone in this picture look familiar to you?" Adam asked.

Russ studied the picture carefully. Then he pointed to Evan. "This guy here could pass as my brother," he said.

"Thank you," Adam said. "I thought I was going crazy. The man you pointed to was my partner. He passed away a few months ago."

"Sorry," Russ mumbled. He was feeling uncomfortable for the first time.

"It's Ok. I just got a little jolt, is all. I'll be fine. Excuse me for a minute, please. I'll be right back." Adam went to the bedroom and faced the mirror. He looked at his reflection and talked to it.

"No it's impossible," he thought. "What could the odds be?"

It was a couple of years after Adam and Evan moved to Miami. They were managing to get by, but a little extra spending money would certainly be welcome. One evening Evan came home with a shit eaten grin on his face. He tossed five crisp ten dollar bills on the kitchen table. With a flourish of his arms, he said, "Tada!!"

"Did you rob a bank?" Adam asked sarcastically.

"No, I jerked off in a bottle and they paid me top dollar at the sperm bank."

"No shit. Why top dollar?" Adam asked.

"Because I have a rare blood type. It's B Positive." One of the guys at work put me on to it. They pay anywhere from $25 to $50 depending on your blood type. You can only donate once a month and no more than six times. They figure that with only six donations, even if all six are successful, the odds of a brother and sister getting it on in later years are almost impossible. Wanna come with me next time?"

"Sure, but I'm O Positive. That's the most common. I guess all I could get would be $25," Adam lamented.

"You've done it hundreds of time for free so don't scoff at $25. We could walk away with $75 to $100 between us. Not bad for a hand job."

Over the next six months they each donated to the sperm bank once a month. Adam was correct. He only got $25. Still it was $25 they didn't have before.

Adam went downstairs. Russ and Jim were standing in the middle of the kitchen kissing. Their hands were on the other's crotch. Adam didn't even notice. "Are you OK?" Jim asked. He and Russ looked very concerned.

"Please let's sit down," Adam said. They sat at the kitchen table. Adam took hold of Russ's hand. "Russ, I need to ask you some questions. They are going to sound strange to you, but please answer as best you can. I'll explain why later."

"Sure," Russ said. "I owe you Adam."

"Adam began. "Do you know what your blood type is?"

"Of course. It's B Positive." Adam shivered.

"Were your parents or maybe just your mother ever in the Miami area?"

"That's a really uncanny question. How did you know? My grandparents lived in Miami. My folks moved to LA when my dad got transferred there right after they were married. I never got the whole story, but my mom once told me that she and my dad had a lot of stress in the early days of their marriage. They were trying hard for two years to get pregnant and it wasn't happening so my mother felt that they needed a vacation from each other. She went back to Miami to be with her folks. She said she would stay two weeks but she stayed two months.

"When she came home she finally got pregnant, but things didn't change between them. My dad quit his job and disappeared one day, leaving his pregnant wife to make it on her own. She told me that she wanted to go back to Florida, but her pregnancy was touch and go, so she couldn't travel. There was a young woman in our building who befriended my mother. She helped her through the pregnancy and afterwards, my mom and I moved in with her. I don't tell this to a lot of people but my mom and Eleanor became lovers. I was raised by two fantastic moms."

Adam was speechless. He didn't know what to say. Russ's mother must have gone to the sperm bank when she was in Miami. How could he tell this man that his father was not his father? In reality his father never was a father. Russ didn't even know him. If Evan was his father, Adam could tell him what a kind and loving man his real father was. It might be a blessing to Russ.

"Are you going to tell me now why you asked these questions?" Russ asked.

Falteringly, not knowing exactly the right words to use, Adam told Russ and Jim his suspicions and about the sperm bank. Now they were speechless.

"I have a couple of Evan's baseball caps," Adam said. "If we can find a hair or two inside, would you be willing to submit to a DNA test?"

"I don't know," Russ answered. "What kind of man was he?"

"He was a war hero, and the kindest, most altruistic man I ever knew. You saw his picture. He was also the handsomest man I ever knew. Men and women were always coming on to him. I'm sure he cheated on me a lot, but I didn't care. He was mine. He loved me and I knew he would always come home to our bed."

"In that case, please let's do it. I'd be so proud if he was my father. If he was, I'd want my kids to know. I'll have to think up a yarn to tell them how it all came about."

"My God," Adam said. "Making love to you tonight will be like making love to Evan again."

"Should I be jealous?" Jim asked.

"Not on your life," Adam said and kissed Jim.

"My goal is to make you both happy," Russ added, and he did. That night Jim and Adam sucked his cock until he was good and hard. He put on a rubber, greased both their asses and his cock, and fucked them both. He would stop when he felt himself cumming and then he would switch assholes. After a while of course he had to cum and it was Adam who got the honors. Adam was sorry that Russ's spunk was captured by a condom. He would have enjoyed the old feeling of jism filling him up. In the next two days they all went down on each other in every combination.

Before he left on Wednesday, Russ gave Adam a lock of his hair. Adam put it in a small box and labeled it. With tweezers, he extracted two hairs from Evan's baseball cap. He put it in another small box and labeled it. He searched the yellow pages and found a lab that did DNA testing. It wasn't cheap, but he brought the samples in. They said that it would take about six weeks. The results had not yet arrived before Russ's next visit. This time all the stress of a threesome was gone, and the sex between them was fantastic.

One week after Russ's latest visit, the lab results were delivered. With a certainty of 99.8% it was determined that Sample B was the biological father of Sample A. For two days Adam read the results over and over, crying and laughing alternately. Evan had a son. He left a legacy, and Adam had made love to that son many times. He was elated. He longed to tell Evan, Barry and Hans, but they were all gone. Did they know the truth in whatever realm they dwelt? He prayed that they did.

When his composure returned, he phoned Billy and told him about Russ. Billy was flabbergasted. "Hey," he said, "if he looks like Evan, I want in on the action." Was he kidding? Adam wasn't sure. He begged Jim to call Russ, but Jim preferred to wait until Russ's next visit.

"We'll go out for a fine dinner and spring the news on him," Jim said.

"We'll have to ask Billy too, and Fred if he's in town. Billy is dying to meet Evan's son."

Even though they didn't call Russ, he sensed that the DNA results would be in by now. He told his wife that he was having difficulty with plane reservations and couldn't get his usual flight to LA, so he had to leave on the same flight but on Saturday evening instead of Sunday. She didn't mind at all.

When he arrived, the first thing he did was ask about the DNA. "We received the results, but we haven't opened the envelope," Jim lied. "We are all going out to dinner tonight, including Adam's spiritual son, Billy. We'll open the envelope then and we'll celebrate no matter what the results are."

"OK, but what is a spiritual son?" I don't know what that means," Russ said.

"I don't know either," Adam lamented, "but I'll tell you all about Billy, Evan and me, and I think you'll understand." Adam held back nothing concerning Billy, including how he seduced Evan when he was sixteen.

"Even though I'm a few years younger than Billy, if the results prove that Evan was my father, I guess that makes me your son too, and Billy and I are brothers," Russ philosophized.

"I guess so, and I will be proud to include you in our small family," Adam said with a crack in his voice.

"I wonder if there is a way to find out if you and Evan fathered any more children." Jim wondered.

"It's best not to know, and I'm not going to expend an effort to find out." Adam stated firmly.

Much to Juan's disappointment, Billy told him he couldn't have dinner with him this evening, because people would be present whom he didn't want to know about his extra marital affair. "It's none of their business," Juan moped, "but I'll respect your wishes."

Billy gasped when he met Russ. "If Evan isn't your father," he said, "then someone in heaven accidently repeated Evan's gene pool. I'm not only looking at Evan's double, I'm hot for him too. Heaven help me."

"Well, you made out with my maybe father. What's to stop you from making out with his son?" Billy blushed and kissed Russ on the cheek. "That would be really great," he said.

Halfway through the entrée, Russ lost his patience. "For God's sake, Adam, open the freaking letter before I bust."

"Are you sure?" Adam asked. "If the news is bad, I don't want you to lose your appetite. This meal is too expensive and its on Jim and me."

"If I lose my appetite, I'll pay for my own dinner. Just please open it up. Adam took the resealed letter from his breast pocket and opened it up. Nothing on his face betrayed the results, whether good or bad. He handed the letter to Russ.

"I guess you better read it yourself."

Russ started to read and after the first few seconds, his shoulders began to heave, then his whole body started to shake. The other three men knew the results and said nothing. They wanted Russ to talk first.

Finally, he folded the letter and put it in his pocket. Then quietly he said, "When my mother and Eleanor died, I had no family except my wife and two sons. My sons have wives of their own now, and live hundreds of miles from me and from each other. All I have is my wife, and as much as I'd like to come out, I need to protect her. I have a whole new family now. It's not a blood family, but it's my family none the less."

Everyone stood up, and one by one they embraced Russ. Soon the somber mood disappeared and the celebration began. They were joyous and ordered a bottle of champagne, which was consumed rather quickly.

Billy must have been feeling a little high when he said, "Adam and Jim, you will have Russ until Wednesday. How about letting him come home with me tonight so I can get better acquainted with my brother?"

"That's entirely up to Russ," Jim said.

"I think I'd like that very much," Russ responded.

Next: Chapter 7

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