Long Time Companion

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 20, 2010


Chapter Eight

This time when they entered the restaurant they were immediately taken to a table. As soon as they were seated, the twinkie waiter handed them menus. Fred informed him that they were waiting for one more guest to join them. Having said that, his cell phone rang. "Jim. Where are you?" he asked. He listened a few minutes, said "OK," and closed his phone.

"Jim's stuck in traffic on the 101, but he should be here in about 15 minutes. Let's have a drink." He waved to the young waiter who came running. They all ordered a cocktail. Fred made a toast to their friendship and everyone took a sip. Adam turned to Billy.

"OK sonny," he said, "tell me about this Jim. I saw you wink at me when you mentioned him so what's going on."

"Fred and I met Jim on a gay cruise, Billy began. "He and his partner, Blake, were seated at our dinner table. We hit it off right away, especially since we were all from Los Angeles. We became good friends and continued to be good friends after the trip ended. Blake was 10 years older than Fred and I. He died last year of colon cancer. Jim is 75, eight years older than we. They were together for 45 years."

"You wouldn't be trying to fix up two old widowers, would you?" Adam asked.

"Why not? You'll only be here for 9 or so days. Why not have someone about your own age to hang with and to go out with us? I have Fred, and Jamie and Tim have each other. We'll have more fun coupled. Besides all that sensible stuff, I want to make your visit here so memorable, you'll want to come back."

Adam could hear Evan's voice telling him to have fun.

"How does Jim feel about your matchmaking efforts?" Adam wanted to know.

"I told him that I had visitors from Florida and that I wanted him to meet them. That's all."


Billy nodded sheepishly. "After all there are three of you visiting here. Jim thought it was a great idea. He used to live in Florida, but moved here many years ago. He and his partner were gay bashed in Miami about forty years ago. They moved here hoping to find a friendlier place to live. He's anxious to meet some of his old country men."

"I've been acting negatively," Adam said, "but actually I am looking forward to meeting him." Adam was almost finished with his cocktail when Jim Madison came rushing in.

"So sorry to be late," he said. "I left plenty of time for traffic delays, but you can never know when an accident will tie things up even worse." Fred made introductions all around and Adam felt that Jim held his hand a bit too long. He didn't mind at all. The seat on Adam's right had purposely been left open for Jim. He sat down and Adam studied him carefully.

He was no more than 5 feet 7 inches tall, and a smidgeon overweight. Adam had never admitted it to Evan, but he was attracted to slightly overweight men. He longed to hold their love handles while fucking them. The reason he never told Evan about his secret desire was that Evan never carried an extra pound during his whole life. Jim had a full head of wavy silver hair. Adam found that particularly attractive. His eyes were a pale blue and when he smiled they crinkled up. His face was still boyish. Adam did not feel guilty at all that he found Jim very attractive. He could not help but wonder what Jim was thinking about him.

The waiter interrupted his thoughts to take their orders. When he left the table, Jim said to Adam, "I know it's very unlikely, but I have the strongest feeling that we have met before. It would have to have been over forty years ago when I lived in Florida. I'll think about it."

The conversation during dinner was light and airy. Adam found out that Fred and Billy intended to take them all to Venice Beach the next day and Jim was coming along. When Adam heard that, a feeling came over him that he couldn't identify. For sure, it was a feeling he hadn't felt in many, many years.

Suddenly Jim screamed out, "AHA! I remember where I met you before. I think you were in my night school Spanish class."

(I think you are in my English Lit class, Evan said.)

"How could you possibly remember that?" Adam asked in amazement. "Anyway, you aren't familiar to me at all.

Jim removed his wallet and took out a picture. "Here's a picture of Blake and me taken when I was in that class. Maybe it will jar your memory."

Adam looked at the picture and started to laugh.

"Yes, of course. I must admit I had the hots for you, but I was in a loving and committed relationship and would never have acted on it. Besides, I assumed that you were straight," Adam said.

Billy was seated on the other side of Adam. He leaned over and whispered in Adam's ear, "Too bad. You two could have had fun, while Evan and I were going at it."

"Very funny," Adam whispered back.

"Yeah," Jim said. "I thought you were hot also, and I assumed you were straight."

"It's never too late to pick up where you left off," Tim said, and Jim and Adam both blushed a deep red.

"I never finished the course," Jim said. Blake and I were bashed and beat up pretty badly before the end of the semester. I never went back and shortly thereafter we moved to LA."

"Sorry," Adam said, "but I guess I didn't notice you well enough after all. I simply don't recall paying any attention to the fact that you dropped out."

After dinner, they all went to the bar area. There were tables of two and four. Adam and Jim took a table for two and the others sat next to them at a table for four. A waiter took their drink orders. Jim had a coke because he was driving and so did Fred. After they were served, Jim asked, "How long has it been since your partner died?"

"It'll be four months in a few days. Billy told me it's a year for you."

"Nearly," Jim said, "it's been tough. I began dating a few months after Blake died. I've even had sex, but nothing special. I don't like being alone. I know it can never be the same passionate love that Blake and I shared, but I would welcome finding someone to share my remaining days."

"I am not presuming you have me in mind," Adam said, "but I am curious. Blake was three years older than you and he's gone. I'm eight years older than you. Would that color your thinking?"

"I don't think so, especially not with you. We are still not presuming you understand, but you look healthier and younger than I do," Jim complimented Adam.

"Thank you," Adam smiled. "I think you still look like a kid."

"Can you still....?" Jim left the sentence hanging in the air.

"Well, Evan and I had oral sex the evening before he died. He was 88 and he had no trouble reaching a climax. For that matter neither did I. Anal sex had been out for many years. Neither of us got hard enough any more to penetrate. Viagra and the other stuff just didn't work for either of us. Since he died, I answer nature's call whenever necessary with the palm of my hand."

"It was pretty much the same with Blake and me, except that he was so sick at the end, we hadn't had sex for over a year before he died."

Adam noticed a tear in Jim's eye so he laid his hand on top of Jim's. The two men looked at each other and smiled. Jim took Adam's hand in both of his, raised it to his lips, and kissed the back of Adam's hand. With his other hand Adam stroked Jim's teary cheek.

"This time I am going to be presumptuous," Jim said. "Why don't you come home with me and we can meet the others at the beach tomorrow?"

Adam laughed. "I've got a better idea. There is no way I could fit into one of your bathing suits, but one of Tim's would fit you perfectly. Why don't you come home with me? That is, if you can tolerate the sounds of love making from every room in the house."

"That sounds like a plan," Jim said with a big grin on his face. "As for the sounds of passion, I used to go to the baths a lot when I was young and single, and I grew used to it. It turns you on actually. Let's clear it with Billy and Fred."

At the other table Billy began to laugh. "Are you kidding" he asked. "I've been listening to every word you two have said and it is more than OK with us. I've been playing Cupid and I shot an arrow into the air, and it landed exactly where I wanted it to."

"Sonny, you and I are going to have words," Adam mocked.

Suddenly all six of them had a burning desire to go home. Adam rode home with Jim. They both felt a little awkward and there was little conversation. Finally at a red light, Jim put his hand on Adam's thigh and Adam returned the favor. That sort of broke the ice.

Jamie and Tim used the guest bathroom first, then Jim. Billy supplied him with a new toothbrush and a disposable razor. Adam took up the rear. When he returned to his room, the bedside light was on and the overhead light had been turned off. Jim was lying on top of the covers. He was naked and bade Adam to join him. Adam had put on a pair of underwear which he quickly discarded. When Jim saw Adam's massive cock, he involuntarily shouted out, "Wow, I hope you won't be disappointed when you see my little one."

Adam looked at Jim's nakedness. He had an average size cock and Adam said, "You look just fine to me." He lay down next to Jim and the two men shared their first kiss together. It was a rather chaste kiss, but the second and third kisses became more urgent. At last their tongues met. Adam nearly swooned. It had been so long and it felt so good. He started to say, Evan I love you so much, but stopped himself just in time. Instead, he said, "Oh Jim, it has been so long and this feels so good."

Suddenly Jim disengaged himself and slithered down Adam's body. At the first touch of Jim's tongue on his cock, Adam could feel himself getting hard. He knew it wouldn't be a solid ram rod like in the olden days, but he knew that it would beat anything he had experienced in the past few years. He wondered how hard Jim would get.

It didn't happen quickly, but Adam began to feel the erotic signs of an approaching orgasm. He stopped Jim from his labors. "Not yet," he said. "I want this to last all night."

"Yes, yes," Jim whispered. He crept up the bed until his lips met Adam's. They kissed and stroked each other's cocks until Adam began to move down Jim's body. He took Jim's cock into his mouth. The difference in size between Jim and Evan was hardly noticeable. Adam devoured Jim's semi erect cock as though he hadn't eaten in months, and that was nearly the truth. He grabbed Jim's love handles as he had always dreamed of doing and went at it so fervently, that Jim lost the restraint that Adam had shown and began to cum generously into Adam's mouth. Adam swallowed everything greedily. He used to save some to give back to Evan, but there was nothing left for Jim.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't save any for you."

Jim laughed and said. "I don't want to save any for you either. This time don't hold back." He went down on Adam, who came after a few minutes screaming loudly. The scream was heard by the other four inhabitants of the house. They all smiled and thanked God for Adam and Jim's good fortune.

Adam and Jim fell asleep on top of the covers. They were naked. In the middle of the night something disturbed Adam's sleep. He opened his eyes to find the room bathed in an eerie glow. Evan was leaning over him and kissing him. It wasn't the Evan who died an old man. It was Evan in his twenties, looking exactly as he did on the day he picked Adam up at The Male Room. It was a naked Evan.

On the other side of the room another apparition was leaning over Jim and kissing him. The apparition appeared to be about thirty. Adam could tell that he had black hair. His body was about the same height and weight as Jim's. He too was naked. The apparition stopped kissing Jim and looked at Adam. He smiled and walked over (or rather floated) to Evan. The two ghosts took each other's hands and disappeared. The room grew dark and Adam fell asleep again.

In the morning he asked Jim if he could see the picture in his wallet again, the one of him and Blake. There was no doubt, the two visitors last night were Evan and Blake. They had given Adam and Jim their blessings. Adam didn't know for sure if it was real, wishful thinking, or a simple dream, but he told Jim about it.

"I believe it was real," Jim said. "I dreamed last night that Blake came to me and repeatedly kissed me on the lips. It was like he was saying that he was so pleased for me, for both of us."

"Oh Jim," Adam cried. "I so want to believe that."

He distinctly heard Evan say, "Believe it."

Chapter Nine

For the next few days Jim and Adam lived in a dream world. They acted like two young lovers who had their whole lives ahead of them. Then reality set in. They lived three thousand miles apart.

They began to analyze their situations. Adam lived in an independent living facility. He had no real friends there except Jamie, and Jamie had moved out the day before the flight to California. If he moved to LA, the only real friends he would leave behind were Jamie and Tim. But in Los Angeles he would have Billy and Fred. Real family. Of course, he would also have Jim.

Jim lived in his own private home. He had lived in LA for four decades. He had an army of friends including Billy and Fred. The choice seemed obvious, but Adam didn't know how to tell Jamie. As it turned out he didn't have to. All six of them were spending a quiet afternoon at Billy and Fred's backyard pool. Fred, Jim and Tim were dozing on lounge chairs soaking up the sun. Billy was getting the barbeque ready. He decided to make a backyard dinner party that evening.

Jamie asked Adam if he could have a word with him. He took Adam's hand and led him into the house.

"You look very serious," Adam said.

"I am," Jamie answered. "I want you to listen to me carefully. None of us are blind here. We can all see how things are going with you and Jim. Even if you don't know it, this thing with you two is more than buddy fucking. We can all see real love." Adam started to open his mouth, but Jamie stopped him.

"I know that nobody will ever replace Evan in your heart, and that's OK. I can tell you that nobody will ever replace Blake in Jim's heart. That doesn't mean that the two of you can't find happiness together. Now I guess you are going to tell me that you two have been discussing the possibility of one of you moving."

Adam smiled. "Jamie, my friend," he said, "you are so wise. We have discussed it at length, and the conclusion is obvious that it is I who should move. I just didn't know how to tell you. The only negative in the mix is moving away from you and Tim."

Jamie took Adam's hands and held them in his own. "We can all afford to fly back and forth from coast to coast once a year," he said. "We'll come for a visit about this time of year every year. Isn't the weather to die for? We can stay until we wear out our welcome. And you and Jim can come in the winter for as long as you want. We'll be together old chum. How does that sound?"

Adam took Jamie in his arms and embraced him warmly. Since Jamie had tied up with Tim, they had dispensed with manly hugs. They held each other tightly. Each could feel the other's package. "I love you," Adam said. "I'll miss you a lot. You better not default on your telephone bill because you can expect a lot of calls from me."

They went back to the pool area and Adam went immediately to Jim. He whispered something in his ear and Jim jumped up quickly. The two embraced and kissed passionately.

"Listen up everyone," Adam yelled. "I'm moving to Los Angeles and I'll be living with Jim. I've cleared it with Jamie and we are both cool with it." The announcement was followed by a six way group hug. Billy was sobbing like a baby. "Oh Fred darling," he said. "We'll have family here at last."

After everyone calmed down, Billy said that he was sorry they were having an informal barbeque that evening because this called for a major celebration.

"Not a problem," Jamie said. "On our last night out, let's dine at some fancy restaurant and make the love birds an engagement party. But hear this. The party is on Tim and me so you can bloody well leave your `effing' wallets at home, and I don't want to hear any objections."

They continued to swim and lounge alternately until about 4:30 PM. Then Billy asked everyone to go upstairs to freshen up, and to get back to the pool area for the barbeque at about six. As had become habit, Jamie and Tim used the guest bathroom first. While they were in there, Jim and Adam engaged themselves in a lusty game of sixty-nine. Neither of them came, and it didn't bother them in the least. Just to be intimate once again, with a man they loved, was reward enough.

On the flight home, Adam gave up his seat to Tim so he could sit with Jamie. He took Tim's odd seat, which was just behind Jamie's. Once airborne, Adam began to make a list of all the things he had to do prior to leaving. Since the monthly fee at The Sunnydale House included everything except telephone, there was little for Adam to discontinue. He needed to give thirty days notice, and so he would have to pay for the month of October and be out by October 31. He hoped to be out long before that.

He began to doze off.

Evan and he had been out to dinner for Evan's sixtieth birthday. Adam had big bed plans for Evan when they got home. He intended on giving Evan a rousing birthday present. They got ready for bed as usual and began to cuddle as usual. Adam got hard the minute Evan fondled him, but Evan remained soft. Adam had noticed that recently Evan wasn't responding as usual, and that he seemed to want sex less and less. In fact, if Adam wanted to face facts, Evan seemed to actually be avoiding sex. His libido had descended into the cellar.

Adam did everything he knew which would ordinarily arouse Evan, but he had no success and Evan remained flaccid. Finally they both gave up trying, but Adam was left with a throbbing hard-on and he begged Evan to do something about it. Evan said that he really didn't feel like it and he rolled over and faced away from Adam. Now his libido seemed to have gone down to the sub-basement.

Adam feared, and rightly so, that it might be something physical and he begged Evan to see a urologist. Evan poopoohed and refused to go. Finally one day he spotted a trace of blood in his urine and he made an appointment with the doctor.

Evan was diagnosed with prostate cancer and treatment was begun immediately. Standard radiation and seeding treatments failed to make a difference, and in the end Evan had to have his prostate surgically removed.

During the time Evan was indisposed, he told Adam that he really wouldn't mind if Adam wanted to have sex with other men. Adam told him to shut up because it wasn't going to happen.

"Then promise me," Evan told Adam, "if anything happens to me, you'll find someone else to be with. I can't bear to think of you as a lonely old man."

It took Evan six months of after care treatment before he began to desire sex again. The doctor told him that the operation went well, and that in time he would have full sexual pleasure. There was only one thing that would be different. His orgasms would not produce ejaculation. He would feel all the right sensations and emotions, but he would not spew out semen. The semen would be ejected from his body in his urine.

The first time they were able to make love after surgery, Evan was truly a tiger. He was as excited as Adam. He came quickly in Adam's mouth, but Adam missed the warm tangy feeling of Evan's cum shooting into his mouth. He could not let Evan know that, and so he declared triumphantly, "This is great. I get all the pleasure and none of the mess." As for Evan, he was grateful that he could orgasm, and that it was actually more pleasurable than before. He attributed that to being cancer free.

Adam slept long and well. He was awakened by the flight attendant, who told him that they were beginning their descent into Ft. Lauderdale. Upon awakening, Adam remembered Evan's wish that he should find someone else if he should pass before Adam. A warm feeling came over Adam, and he knew that his union with Jim was blessed by Evan.

The next couple of weeks were very busy for Adam. The furniture in his apartment belonged to the facility, but he had to pack his personal belongings. He and Evan had intermingled all their clothes, and there were no articles of clothing that belonged strictly to either one of them. As a result, Adam had given nothing to charity when Evan died. He probably had too much clothing, but didn't know what he would need in California. He concluded that Jim could help him decide at the other end. Consequently, he had twelve full boxes of clothing. Picture albums and other personal household accessories accounted for three more boxes. The only things that Adam did not pack were the things that he thought he would need for his trip to California, including the two suitcases in the closet.

Three days before his departure, the shipping company came and picked up his stuff. He figured that it should arrive about the same time as he did. Since leaving California, he and Jim called each other at least twice a day in spite of the time difference. As the days dwindled down, they got more and more excited. They were as giddy and anticipatory as two high school kids.

The night before departure, Tim and Jamie took Adam out for a farewell dinner at a five star restaurant. The evening would have been more pleasant if Jamie hadn't started crying several times during the dinner. In spite of the fact that Jim and Adam promised to come back east in February, Jamie could not control his tears. He not only kept giving Adam all the credit for his having met Tim, an event which totally changed his life, but he kept saying how much he would miss Adam. There was nothing Tim or Adam could do so they just let him cry it out. Tim and Jamie wanted to take Adam to the airport in the morning, but his flight was so early, he wouldn't let them. He arranged for a cab instead.

It was 3:00 PM on a Sunday evening. The cab pulled up their driveway and the driver honked the horn. Evan grabbed his suitcase, gave Adam a quickie kiss and left. He was going to New York for a week on business.

When he was comfortably seated in his window seat in the first class cabin, a handsome man of about fifty sat down next to him. They smiled at each other and when the man got seated, he extended his hand to Adam and said, "Hi, I'm Mark Allen, with Consolidated Bakeries. I'm headed for New York for the week on business. I'll be returning Friday evening on the 5:30. How about you?"

"Evan Morrisey's the name, and same, same. I'll be in New York for the week on business also. I'm with World Wide Electronics. I think we'll be on the same return flight. Where are you staying?"

"At The Hilton on Seventh Avenue. How about you?"

Evan laughed. "At the Hilton," he said. "Wanna share a cab from the airport?"

"It'll be a pleasure, Evan," Mark said.

An exceptionally handsome male flight attendant leaned over them and asked what he could serve them to drink prior to take off. Evan's groin stirred looking at the young man, and he did not misread the look on Mark's face either. From the way he looked at the flight attendant, Evan was sure that Mark was gay and he intended to find out. All through the flight, the attendant paid special attention to Mark and Evan.

Evan ordered a whiskey sour. He had to wonder why? He never drank whiskey sours. Then it came to him. That was the first drink he ever bought for Adam at the Male Room. He tried to attach some significance to that, but nothing came to mind. Mark ordered a scotch and soda.

During the flight, Evan ascertained through casual conversation that Mark was a long time Ft. Lauderdale resident. "Where are your favorite places to go in Ft. Lauderdale?" Evan asked.

"Well, I love the theater, but I'm very much a homebody. I rarely go to clubs or bars."

"Same here," Evan commented. "If I do go to a club I like to visit `Dorothy's House.' Dorothy's House was a well known gay bar. Evan figured that if Mark was straight, the name would mean nothing to him. If he was gay, he would surely know the place.

Mark smiled. At the same time he placed his hand on Evan's knee. Evan was mad at himself. He should have been angry at Mark's boldness, but he liked the feel and wanted to return the favor.

"If we have something to celebrate," Mark said, "that's the place my partner and I are apt to go to celebrate."

"Wow," Evan offered. "That's where Adam and I go also. What's your partner's name?"

"Cole," Mark said simply and moved his hand slightly higher up Evan's thigh.

Evan's emotions were totally conflicted. He knew that he and Mark could have a cool week of sex in New York without either of their partners ever knowing. But would it be right? Right or wrong didn't seem very important when you were facing a week of abstinence in a swinging town like New York. Evan placed his hand on Mark's knee, encouraging him. When the handsome flight attendant passed by, they made no attempt to retreat. It was obvious to both of them that the young man was gay and he was flirting with both of them.

Early in the flight, Mark asked for a blanket for him and Evan. They both covered themselves and now they were able to fondle each other under their blankets. Mark actually took his cock out of his trousers so Evan did the same. They stroked each other and smiled at each other, but wisely stopped before either of them could cum.

When Sean, the flight attendant began to serve dinner, they got themselves decent again. "I think it's going to be one hell of a week," Mark said.

"I couldn't agree more," Evan concluded. He tried to feel guilt, but all he felt was that he was getting hornier and hornier.

At the end of the trip, the flight attendant gave each of them a card and said that he would be in New York for three nights if either of them wanted to call him.

They shared a cab to the hotel. At the hotel they asked if they could get two rooms close by.

"I have two adjoining rooms," the desk clerk said. "There is a door between them."

"Perfect," they both said in unison. One bellhop took them both to their rooms.

Mark went into his room and Evan went into his. They both locked the outside door and opened the adjoining door.

"I'm going to shower and freshen up," Mark said.

"Me too," Evan agreed.

"Why don't you shower with me?" Mark asked.

"Capital idea!" Evan said. He undressed rapidly and grabbed a towel from the bathroom. He retrieved his toiletry kit from his carry on case. It was the same one he had used in the army. He literally ran into Mark's room. Mark was already in the bathroom adjusting the water temperature in the shower. Evan deposited his stuff on the vanity and came up behind Mark, jabbing him in the ass with his hardened rod. Mark turned around. The two men embraced and began to kiss passionately. Adam was out of sight and out of mind. Apparently Cole was out of mind also.

In the shower they sucked each other off alternately. Mark's technique was different than Adam's and Evan enjoyed the subtle differences. When they were out of the shower and drying themselves, they discussed it, and Mark felt exactly as Evan did. The minor differences added to their enjoyment.

They dressed and went down to the bar for a drink. There they discussed inviting Sean, the flight attendant, to their love nest the next evening. Both agreed that it would be fun and Mark volunteered to call him. Before retiring they made up to meet for breakfast.

They had breakfast together and when Mark called Sean, he invited him to join them for dinner. Sean was more than enthusiastic and he met them at a restaurant on Restaurant Row. The three of them acted rather childishly and kept feeling each other up under the table.

Sean suggested that before retiring for a night of pleasure they should all go to Greenwich Village for a nightcap.

"Is The Male Room still in business?" Evan asked.

"I never heard of it," Sean said. "Where is it located?"

Evan had to really search his memory to remember at what cross streets the bar had been located.

"There's a gay bar there now called The Pickle Barrel. It's not a bad place. We can go there, and if we don't like it we can always leave."

The Pickle Barrel was very little changed from the way Evan remembered The Male Room from more than twenty years ago. A poster in the lobby announced that Mother Eve would entertain this coming Saturday night. Evan was glad he would be home by then. Eve's picture was the same one that had been in the lobby when Evan had met him. Under all his drag make up, he might actually get away with it. The biggest change was the music. No longer was the music soft and sensual so that bodies could rub together, it was blaring rock and roll music. Evan and Mark winced when they entered but Sean started gyrating his hips.

"Come on," he said to Evan as he dragged him on to the dance floor. Evan lasted half a dance because he was huffing and puffing so hard, so Mark finished the dance with Sean. They both told the young man to find another partner to dance with, but they assured him that they both had the stuff to make him happy in bed.

For some reason they couldn't fathom, Evan's room had two queen size beds and Mark's had one king size bed. They decided to use Mark's room. The three men undressed and all three squeezed into the shower. It was too crowded to do anything, but by the time they came out of the shower each of them had a raging erection.

Mark and Evan lay Sean between them, and each proceeded to tongue every part of Sean's body that they could reach. They sucked his cock and balls more than any other body part. Sean writhed and moaned in ecstasy. Then they turned him over and explored his backside. They both rimmed him generously. Both of the older men were convinced that youth did indeed have its day. Licking a young firm body was a thing of the past for them. Both of them were making love to middle aged men, and now they could tell the difference. It was a nice diversion.

They turned him over again and went to work on his cock. When Sean started to cum they both tried to swallow as much of his spunk as they could. Evan had forgotten just how much spunk a young man could produce. After he recovered a bit, Sean asked his two older lovers to please fuck him. Mark took condoms and lube from his suitcase and they all got ready. Sean lay on his back. He placed a pillow under his butt and raised his legs. Evan went in first, but refrained from cumming. He pulled out and gave Mark an opportunity. They went back and forth like this for as long as they could. Sean was happy at how long they took to cum. After about the fifth entry, Evan could not hold back. Mark allowed himself to cum after Evan did.

The older men thought that Sean would spend the night with them, but he said he had an early flight to Buffalo and a return to New York in the afternoon so he really had to leave. When they called his hotel the next evening they were informed that he had checked out.

"No doubt he is spending the night with some rich geezer who can be his sugar daddy." Mark surmised.

Evan and Mark spent every night in New York making love. They did take in some shows, but that was the only entertainment they cared to partake in. They preferred their fucking bed, as Mark so crudely put it.

They promised to get together with Adam and Cole at home, but when they parted at the airport, they never saw each other again. Both thought it would be wise not to get together ever again.

Adam was at the airport to pick Evan up. At the luggage carousel, Mark and Evan shook hands when they said goodbye.

"Who was that?" Adam asked.

"Just another guy travelling on business. We happened to sit next to each other going and coming."

Next: Chapter 6: Long Time Companion 10 11

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