Long Time Companion

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 18, 2010


Chapter Six

With two weeks left before their trip to California, Adam told himself to stop procrastinating and get himself ready. Billy said that he and Fred had one guest room, which Adam could use, and that their third bedroom was furnished as an office, but it had a sleep sofa in it for Jamie.

Tim was regretful that he wasn't going along. He and Jamie were becoming inseparable, and Jamie was considering moving out of The Sunnydale House and moving in with Tim. This made Adam sad, but at the same time Jamie's happiness was important to him and in the end he gave Jamie his blessing.

"Don't worry," they assured Adam. "We'll pick you up for every event, and you can stay in our guest room any time you want to stay over." Very gingerly, Tim asked Adam to ask Billy if he would mind if Jamie's boy friend could come along and share the sleep sofa. Reluctantly Adam made the call. He was afraid Billy wouldn't want the extra company.

"I thought Jamie was straight," Billy said.

"I guess he fooled us all," Adam replied.

"Of course, he can come. We'll have a blast."

Tim could not get on their outgoing flight, but he was able to book a ticket on another airline, and would arrive within an hour of Jamie and Adam. They would wait for him at the airport in LA. He was able to obtain a seat on their return flight.

About a week before their departure. Adam got up on a chair so that he could reach way back on the shelf of his walk in bedroom closet. There were two rarely used suitcases stored there. Neither was tremendously large, and he was determined to fit everything in one suitcase so that he wouldn't be burdened carrying two.

One suitcase had his name tag on it, and the other had Evan's. He wasn't certain why, but he decided to take Evan's suitcase. He had to change the address on the name tag anyway, and besides that, it was lying on top of his. He laid the case in the corner of his bedroom and two more days passed before he opened it. When he did, he got quite a surprise. There was a diary lying in the suitcase. It had an old fashioned clasp, but it wasn't locked. It had to be Evan's.

Adam removed the journal, but hesitated to open it. He felt that it might be a violation of Evan's privacy, but he and Evan had never had any secrets from each other, so he decided to open the book.

Again he hesitated. He had kept his rendez-vous with Eve a secret, hadn't he? What if Adam had some secrets he shouldn't know about? Is it proper for him to find out now that Evan was dead?

He pondered the imponderable and finally opened the book. There were very few entries for a journal spanning four years. The flyleaf read:

My College Years Evan Morrissey 1946-1950

It took Adam more mental agonizing to turn to the first entry:

May 23, 1946: It came in the mail today! Oh joy! I have been accepted to NYU. I hope I get a hot room mate and he's a homo. Why waste a good thing?

Adam laughed to himself.

Sept. 5, 1946: What a day! My dad had to double park on a busy street for us to unload my junk. Maybe I should have gone to a country school. We got my stuff into my room and Dad took off quickly before he got a ticket. I wonder when I'll get to Long Island again.

My room mate was almost unpacked when we arrived. We introduced ourselves, and he helped me settle in. His name is Mark Clare. He's a couple of years older than I, and he just got out of the navy. Unless my gaydar is totally defective, I'm sure he's hetero, very hetero. Bummer!

Sept. 6, 1946: We had to sit through a boring orientation today. Who cares? NYU advertises that all of New York City is its campus. That should be good enough, especially with Greenwich Village right next door.

Some cute blond kid sat down right in front of me. When I saw him, I could feel my cock stirring. I've got to meet him and I hope he's gay or at least gay friendly, horny and easily persuaded to switch teams.

After reading that, Adam was shocked. When he met Evan at The Male Room, Evan pretended to think hard where they knew each other from. He was putting on an act. God love him. Adam began to cry.

His phone rang shrilly. It was Jamie. "Tim's here," he said. "We're going out to dinner. Want to join us?"

"Not tonight," Adam answered. I'm all wrapped up in things. You two have a good time. I love you both."

"We love you too. I'll see you tomorrow morning, if I make it to breakfast." Jamie was moving out the day before the trip, and Adam was sad to think about it. He went back to the journal.

Sept. 9, 1946: Classes started today. There are some cute guys in some of my classes, but my gaydar says straight, straight, straight. My last class of the day is English Lit. The cute blond boy is in it. We both sit in the third row at opposite ends. I found out that his name is Adam Langston, but I'm still not sure which way he swings. I'll have to be very observant. Should I approach him or try to learn more about him? I think I should wait. He's one of the few non veterans on campus and he seems out of place and uncomfortable. I don't want to scare him away so I'll bide my time.

After I wrote the above, I went to shower. Adam was there. I don't think he saw me, but I took a good look at him. He has the most beautiful ram rod I've ever seen. I've got to get that thing in my mouth and up my ass. It's so delicious looking.

Adam could not believe what he was reading, reading with pleasure. He had no idea that Evan felt this way about him before they had met officially.

Sept. 30, 1946: The Semester is almost a month old and I still can't figure Adam out. I have been watching him. He hasn't hit on any girls or any boys either. Because he is so insecure, he's holding back. I wish he'd make a move so I could get a clue. I don't want to do anything to scare him away, but I want to make love to him desperately.

Oct. 1, 1946. 3 AM: So here's what happened after I wrote the above words. I happened to go to the bathroom. On my way back, I saw Adam. He was wearing a cardigan sweater and he was going out. I grabbed a sweater also and followed him. He was headed toward The Village. When he got there he wandered aimlessly. Finally when he passed The Male Room, he looked in and I got my hopes up, but he walked on by. I continued to follow him. My underwear was full of precum just looking at him

Then a miracle happened. He turned around and went into the bar. I wanted to cry with joy. He is a homo. I followed discreetly and saw him take a seat at the far end of the bar. I waited until his back was turned away from the entrance and I went in. I bought a drink and then I approached him casually. I pretended that I couldn't think where I knew him from, but he looked familiar. He said the same thing. Finally I identified myself as a fellow English Lit student. We found a seat. I bought him a drink. We danced. When I could stand it no longer, I invited him back to my room.

He was practically a virgin, but we made passionate love. His cock is the tastiest I have ever had in my mouth, and when it was up my ass it was a perfect fit. We are made for each other, and I told him how much I love him. He told me he loves me too. I can't believe it. I have never felt such joy in my life.

He is sleeping in my bed as I write these words. I swear. I'll never let him sleep in anyone else's bed as long as I live.

Adam groaned as he remembered his indiscretion with Eve. He wished with all his heart that he could erase it.

The next entry was sometime later:

Dec.15, 1946: Mark told me that he's leaving after the semester. He's moving to California where he has wanted to live since he was stationed there in the Navy. I rushed down to the housing office and arranged for Adam to move in with me. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him. It's been tough finding places to make love. Our problem is solved. Hallelujah!

Aug. 15, 1947: I am so happy. Adam and I just signed a lease on a studio apartment in Greenwich Village. It's a stone's throw away from The Male Room, and a short walk to school. Outside of a cold dorm room, it's our first home together, our own little love nest. We take possession on Sept.1. I can't wait.

Nov. 20, 1949: Adam and I have agreed to spend holidays at our parents. They are aware that we are room mates and best friends. We are going to New Brunswick for Thanksgiving and to Oceanside for Christmas. Neither of the folks seemed to mind it at all. I wonder if they suspect something. Sometimes I wish they would find out so we can get the big reveal over with. I wasn't as afraid of facing the Nazis as I am of facing my folks with the news that I am queer.

Nov. 26, 1949: We had Thanksgiving dinner at The Langston's this afternoon. They couldn't have been nicer to me if I was there own son. I wonder if they suspect the truth about Adam and me. If they do they sure didn't give any indication.

Adam shuddered when he thought back to that Christmas.

Dec. 26, 1949: Adam and I arrived early on Christmas morning and attended church with my parents and my kid brother. When we got home everyone pitched in getting dinner ready. Finally my mother kicked us guys out of the kitchen. We sat down in the living room with my dad and were just shooting the breeze when I asked Adam to please pass me the fruit bowl or just hand me an apple. Without thinking, I called him "honey."

My dad sat bolt upright in his chair. He searched both our faces as we tried to ignore the whole thing. He demanded to know if there was anything sexual going on between us, and throwing caution to the winds, I threw my arms around Adam's shoulders and told my dad that we were soul mates and lovers. I could write a volume about what happened next, but long story short, we were kicked out of the house. My brother tried to intervene, but my dad threatened to kick him out too.

Adam tried to console me on the LIRR train back to the city, but I was inconsolable. When we reached Penn Station, we transferred to the Pennsylvania RR and took a train to New Brunswick. Adam insisted that now he had to tell his parents. We waited almost three hours for the train because they were on a holiday schedule.

When we got to Adam's parents they were just ending their holiday meal and they were very surprised to see us. Mr. Langston said that he thought we were supposed to go to my parents. He looked perturbed at his mistake, but we assured him that he was correct.

I was shaking like a leaf and he asked me what was wrong, so as quick as a rabbit, for fear of losing his nerve, Adam came out with it.

Adam's parents looked at each other and Mrs. Langston said, "Adam darling, we've known for years that you are homosexual. We were just waiting for you to say so, and if you didn't want to tell us, we would have respected your decision." Then she turned to me. "Evan, I can't believe your parents threw you out. It's unfair, unkind and on Christmas Day, it's totally unchristian. You will always have a place in our home."

Adam's kid brothers, who are twins, Mike and Bob, embraced both of us. Mike even said that he always liked me and he was glad I was going to be his brother.

Now I am sorry that I have taken the job offer in Miami, but it is too good to turn down.

June 3, 1950: We have been studying non stop so last night I talked Adam into taking a break and we went to The Male Room. The entertainer there turned out to be Eve, the guy who took Adam's virginity when he was sweet sixteen. He joined us after the show and I could see the longing in Adam's eye when they met. I also saw Eve slip him something under the table.

I know Adam wants to have sex with him. Your first experience always leaves lasting memories that you would like to relive. If I try to stop it, Adam might resent me. If I pretend not to notice, he'll get it out of his system. I know how much he loves me and I am secure in that knowledge. He'll always come home to me. I had plenty of guys before I met Adam. I can be big about it and let him have one more go at it.

June 7, 1950: Adam came home today much earlier than I expected. I guess his rendez-vous with Eve didn't turn out as great as he had fantasized. We studied for our last final exam, but I could see how distracted he was. I made us take a break and we made love. I could tell from the love making that I had Adam back. He will always be mine. Eve is finally out of his system.

Adam was now sniveling. Evan knew about Eve all the time and never let on. No wonder he had loved him so much. Evan, I miss you so much.

Adam now turned to the last entry in the book.

June 15, 1950: Well, Adam and I have our degrees. Adam's parents and brothers and my brother, Eddie, attended graduation ceremonies. Mr. Langston (he wants me to call him Dad) took us all out to dinner. Our bags are packed and stowed in the trunk of the old car I bought. We leave for Florida in the morning. Adam's parents were very weepy, but our brothers were excited. To them it's a major adventure and they can't wait to visit us someday.

That was the end of the very short journal. Adam was amused at the old fashioned, politically incorrect references to gays. If Evan had ever started a new journal to record his post college days, Adam was unaware of it and wouldn't know where to look for it. The discovery of this diary was a miracle in itself. It was obvious that Evan was not into journalizing, but what he did record elated Adam's spirits. Now he knew for sure that Evan had fallen in love with him before they ever met. Now that he knew that Evan knew about Eve, he could give up feeling guilty about his indiscretion once and for all. He was actually happy.

Adam decided not to sit alone in his apartment, and went down to the dining room for dinner. He had been eating all his meals with Jamie for so long that he was at a loss where to sit. He looked around the room and spotted someone waving at him. It was Bernie Lang. Bernie was a widower and he and Jamie had often rounded out a bridge foursome with Evan and himself. He walked over to Bernie, who was eating alone.

"You're alone tonight for a change. Come, sit with me," Bernie invited Adam. "So where is Jamie?"

"He's having dinner out tonight with a friend," was all Adam would offer.

"I hear he's moving out at the end of the month. Too bad, I'll miss him. Maybe you and I can find a new bridge game," Bernie said.

"That will be wonderful," Adam lied, as the waitress came to take his order.

They were silent for a while. Then Bernie said, "Evan's funeral was beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss." Having said that, he looked down at his plate.

"Thanks," Adam mumbled.

"On a happier note," Bernie smiled, "today I went to the bris of my first great grandson. That's a ritual circumcision, you know."

"I know," Adam said. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," he answered. "Frankly I can't see how I can be eating anything tonight. My son and my grandson put out quite a spread, and naturally I gorged myself. In my old age I've lost all my will power."

"Don't sweat it," Adam said. "At our age all we have left is food, bathroom activities and sleep, if we are lucky."

"How right you are," Bernie agreed. After dinner Bernie talked Adam into going to the card room, where they actually got into a bridge game. Their opponents were way too good for them, and whipped them badly. They all agreed to end the game early.

Back in his apartment Adam thought back to another bris, a very long time ago.

One Sunday evening, shortly after the Granger incident, their phone rang and Evan answered it.

"It's Hans," Evan told Adam.

Usually a conversation with Hans consisted of a lot of back and forth banter, and lots of laughter, but Evan remained silent. He was listening intently to whatever Hans was telling him. Finally, he said, "You gotta be kidding. No shit! You bet. I'll see you at 6:30 in the morning."

"What?" Adam asked impatiently.

"Hans just got back from the airport. Barry is off to Chicago for a week on business. Hans wants to surprise him when he gets back, and he's getting circumcised tomorrow morning. We have to deliver him to the out patient clinic at 7:30 AM. His rabbi will be there to recite the prayers to make it a ritual circumcision. He didn't ask Ben to drive him because he doesn't want Ben and Sarah to know until it's over and he's healed. One of us will pick him up at the end of the day and we are going to stay with him for a couple of days. I'll call my boss and tell him I need to take tomorrow off to tend a sick friend. Do you think you can take Tuesday off?"

"What if Barry wants to have an uncut cock to make love to. This is just plain crazy," Adam moaned.

"I know, but it's Hans's wish to be really and totally Jewish. Barry will have to respect his wishes. Start packing a bag for us for the couple of days. I need to make two calls."

Evan called Ben and told him that he and Adam were going to dog sit at a friend's house for two or three days and not to worry when they don't come home tomorrow. Then he called the Binghams and told them the truth of what was going on. Jack responded by groaning, and promising not to tell the Richters.

As it turned out, Evan and Adam were both able to pick Hans up because he was not released until 8 PM. He was taken to the car in a wheel chair and when they arrived at his house, he got out of the car and Adam burst out laughing. Hans was walking like a bow legged cowboy with a broom stick up his ass.

Hans gave him a dirty look. "Sorry!" Adam said, stifling further laughter.

Hans had on a bath robe with nothing underneath. Evan sat him on a recliner chair in the living room. His robe fell open and Evan could see Hans's cock covered with a gauze containing a couple of blood spots.

"How do you feel?" Evan asked.

"Not bad. It burns a little, but there's no real pain. I need to change the dressing in an hour or so. I'm a little scared.

"I'll help you," Adam volunteered. "I have never held a cut cock in my hands in my life."

"You have a gutter mind," Hans said. "The last thing on my mind right now is sex."

"Sorry," Adam said again. He tried to sober down, but for some reason the whole situation was amusing him.

Adam made them all coffee and found some chocolate chip cookies in the cupboard. "They're Ellie's," Hans said.

"No shit! I'd know them anywhere," Adam said.

After Evan cleaned up, Hans pointed to a paper bag he had been given at the clinic. "There's fresh gauze and a lubricant of some kind in the bag. For some reason I'm scared that the old gauze is sticking to the wound and I'm afraid to remove it. Adam, I'll take you up on your offer to change the bandage for me. Adam didn't really want to do it, but he had promised.

He gingerly lifted Hans' cock and cradled it in his palm. Carefully he began to remove the gauze which fortunately did not stick.

"So how does it feel to hold a cut cock in your hand?" Hans asked.

"Who knew? I don't feel any difference."

Adam took some lubricant and began to coat Hans's cock around the surgical wound. There were several small stitches, and Adam was afraid to touch them.

"The doctor says that they'll dissolve in a few days," Hans told him.

Suddenly Hans screamed. "Stop, stop Adam," he yelled. "I'll have to do it myself."

"Did I hurt you?" Adam asked in alarm.

"Hell no. I started to get hard, and it hurt like the blazes. You should have told me that Adam had a velvet touch, Evan." Hans was back to his jokes and banter.

Hans was never shy about anything. A few weeks later, in the middle of dinner at Hans and Barry's house, he suddenly jumped up, dropped his pants, and proudly displayed his fully healed, circumcised cock.

"And it still works fine," Barry attested. "I must admit, however, I kind of miss nibbling on his foreskin."

Chapter Seven

The big jet plane landed at LAX and roared to a stop. Adam and Jamie were seated almost in the rear, and it took them forever to deplane. In fact, by the time they got to the carousel, the luggage from their flight was already coming down the chute. They each had been able to get everything into one suitcase, so all either had with him was a carry on and a suitcase.

They had no problem wheeling their light load to another airline's carousel where they waited for Tim's plane to arrive. When the three of them were together, they took a shuttle bus to the car rental and rented a mid size car. With the aid of directions supplied by Billy, and a navigation system, they started out to Billy's house.

Billy instructed them to get on one of LA's freeways. Before they were all the way up the entrance ramp, they were stalled in heavy traffic. Billy's instructions, supplied by Mapquest, said that the trip would take twenty-five minutes. After twenty-five minutes they still had not merged onto the freeway. They were not liking LA very much. In all, it took them one hour and fifty minutes to reach Billy's driveway.

Billy was at work, but he had told them where to find a key. He also told them to unpack and freshen up and he would be home at about 5:30. It was now 4:45. They each showered and changed and were all freshened when Billy did come home. He embraced Adam and Jamie and shook Tim's hand heartily.

"Fred should be home soon," he said. "He's at his local office. This is supposed to be his vacation, but he's working. As soon as he gets home, we'll go out to dinner."

Jamie and Tim were only four or five years older than Billy and Fred. Notwithstanding that they were contemporaries, they and Adam were accustomed to eating dinner no later than 6 PM. Fred did not get home until 8:40 PM. Back east in Florida it was 11:40 PM. The men were starving.

After greetings were over, Fred excused himself. He said that he needed to shower and change before dinner. At 9:40 PM they finally set out for dinner. They drove for about a half hour more before reaching their destination. The Floridians were amazed to find the restaurant overflowing, and the bar was three deep at this late hour. The wait would be at least three quarters of an hour.

"Maybe we should go elsewhere," Tim suggested.

"You'll find the same crowds at any decent restaurant," Fred said. "We might as well tough it out here." By this time the easterners were groggy with sleep and rapidly losing their appetites. Their appetites were refreshed when they finally got seated and saw the menu, which was mainly Caribbean. Everything was delicious and very expensive. Fred picked up the check and the visitors objected strongly.

"First night out is our treat," Billy said. "We can go Dutch after this. By the way, tomorrow we are planning on going to a gay bar and restaurant for dinner. The bar will be busier than the restaurant so we won't have as long a wait. Also we are both officially starting our vacations tomorrow until Labor Day. It will be tough to keep Fred away from his office. You guys will have to help me."

That night Adam slept like a log, but he awakened at 4:30 in the morning. His body clock was still on Eastern Time, where it was 7:30 AM. If he was home he would be going down to breakfast about now. He certainly wasn't hungry, but he needed to pee badly. Remembering that he was naked, he grabbed a robe and stepped out into the hall. Fred and Billy were to his right and Tim and Jamie were to his left. The bathroom was directly across the hall.

The hall was dark and quiet. He thought he heard sounds coming from Tim and Jamie's room. Yup! The two of them were going at it and they were none too quiet. Out of curiosity, he listened at Billy and Fred's door. It was perfectly quiet. Obviously the early hour was late for Tim and Jamie also, but Billy and Fred were fast asleep. Adam smiled to himself, peed, and returned to bed.

He and Evan had taken a long weekend at a gay resort in Key West. The place was a real eye opener for them. Clothing was optional and they couldn't help marvel at how so many men with ugly, obese bodies didn't mind baring themselves. On the other hand there was plenty of delicious eye candy as well. Through the thin walls, they could hear love making on both sides of them. The sounds aroused them. They lost track of how many noisy times they coupled that weekend, but they weren't counting. It never occurred to them that their noises were just as arousing to the couple on one side of them, and to the threesome on the other.

Adam smiled at the memory and strained to hear noises from Billy and Fred's room. He heard nothing.

Billy made a simple breakfast that morning, but he announced that they were all on vacation and would be eating their meals out from now on. That suited everyone just fine. After breakfast Fred drove them to Marina Del Rey where they had a light lunch on the pier. Fred urged them to save their appetites for dinner that night.

The air was refreshing and cool with very low humidity, and they ate outdoors. Late August in Florida meant very humid days and threats of hurricanes. Adam soaked in the glorious weather. The negative first impression of the very heavy traffic was giving way to impressions of a terrific climate and balmy days.

While they were enjoying lunch in the refreshing ocean air, Billy said casually, "We've invited a very dear friend of ours to join us at dinner tonight. He's a great guy." When he said that, he looked right at Adam and winked. Now what did that mean? Adam hoped it wasn't what he was thinking. Nobody would ever replace Evan. But even Adam had to admit to himself that a little bit of lustful, meaningless, unattached sex wouldn't be so bad for him. With that realization in his brain, Adam actually felt a pang of anticipation.

After lunch, Adam lost track of all the places Fred drove them to see. They never got out of the car, but Fred drove all over the Los Angeles area pointing out different sights. Adam recognized names that he had heard before, but that had no real meaning to him; Hollywood and Vine, Wilshire Boulevard, Sunset Boulevard, Santa Monica Boulevard, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, the La Brea tar pits, Olivera Street (the old Mexican section of town), and many other places. It was really nice to see all the places he had read about and heard about. Some of the places he had seen in movies, but everything looked different in real life.

"I know you've heard of West Hollywood," Fred said. "It's a predominantly gay section. The restaurant we are going to tonight is there so you'll get to see West Hollywood this evening. But right now, we are going home to rest and freshen up."

Adam showered and decided to lie down for an hour or so before getting dressed for dinner. He lay down in bed in the very quiet guest room. He thought he heard a noise and he listened. The noise grew into many noises which got louder and louder. Now it was Billy and Fred who were going at it. It reminded Adam of just how noisy he remembered they were when they made love.

Billy brought Fred home to meet his folks right after graduation. The two young men came over to Adam and Evan for them to meet Fred. The four men made small talk for awhile and then Billy looked very sheepish.

"Can I ask you guys for a favor?" he asked.

"Sure. Shoot." Evan said.

"Can we use your guest room for a little while? Fred and I are very noisy lovers and I am very inhibited in my folks' home."

Evan broke out laughing. "Sure," he said, "but I'll bet Adam and I are noisier. Take the bedroom at the head of the stairs."

It wasn't long before Adam and Evan were treated to shouts of, "Yeah, yeah, fuck me harder, fucker. You're holding back," and much much more. They might have gotten embarrassed but instead they became very horny and rushed up to their own bedroom. Afterward, the four of them laughed themselves silly at the language they had all used and heard.

Lying in his bed in Los Angeles so many years later, Adam fondly recalled the incident. Billy and Fred had been so handsome. He remembered thinking that if he didn't feel so fatherly toward the boys, he would have lusted after them. The noises from next door stopped and Adam dozed off.

He was roused from his nap by a knock on the door. He grabbed his robe and answered the door. Billy was standing there also wearing a robe.

"May I come in?" he asked. "I need to talk to you."

"Of course."

Billy entered and closed the door. The only place to sit was on the bed. He sat down and beckoned Adam to join him.

"Why do you look so serious?" Adam asked. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not really, but I have to tell you about something that happened a long time ago. It has bothered me almost all my life. I feel that if I don't confess it to you, I won't ever have any peace."

"I'm listening," Adam said.

"Promise not to hate me."

Adam put his arm around Billy and kissed him on the cheek. "I could never be angry with you, my son. I love you too much. I'm sure it's not half as bad as you think it is."

"It happened when I was sixteen. You were out this particular evening at your Spanish class and Evan was home alone."

The doorbell rang and Evan went to answer it. Who the hell can it be, he wondered. He opened the door and there stood Billy. The boy looked really scared.

"What's the matter?" Evan asked.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course." Billy came in and Evan shut the door.

"I need to speak to you," Billy said. "I'm really not afraid to talk to my dad about this, but before I do, I need some advice. Can we sit down somewhere comfortable?"

Evan waved his head toward the sofa, and the two of them sat down side by side. Billy's thigh was touching Evan's and Evan was very uncomfortable. He was a gay man and he knew that he shouldn't be alone with a minor boy. They looked at each other for a moment and finally Billy began to speak.

"Evan, I'm gay. I have a friend at school who wants to have sex with me, and I don't know what to do."

Evan was speechless. He never would have guessed. He put his arm around Billy and held him tight. "I can't help much," Evan said. "You have got to face it alone and deal with it alone. That doesn't mean that Adam and I aren't here for you. I just know your folks will support you too."

As Evan was comforting Billy, Billy had placed his hand on Evan's thigh and he was slowly inching up into territory reserved only for Adam. At first Evan didn't realize what was happening. All of his thoughts were on how he could help Billy come out.

Billy had almost reached Evan's crotch when Billy looked into Evan's eyes and began to kiss him. Billy's mouth on Evan's sent shudders through the older man's body. He knew he should pull away, but Billy had parted his lips and his tongue was probing Evan's. Finally Evan realized what was happening. He wanted desperately to pull away, but by now Billy was stroking his cock. Evan was hard and dripping pre-cum. Billy's seduction was successful and Evan was longing to make love to him.

"Teach me!" Billy begged. "Show me what to do. I want to have sex with my friend, but I want the first time to be with someone I love."

Billy told Evan he loved him. He knew he loved Billy. There was no way they could harm each other. Evan was over the top. He picked Billy up and carried him upstairs to his bedroom. Evan put Billy gently on his bed.

They were both skimpily dressed and undressing took just a moment. Evan took a moment to admire Billy's nubile young body. His cock was fully developed and almost as big as Adam's. Evan literally fell on top of Billy and devoured his rod in his mouth. Billy came gushing into Evan's mouth in a few short seconds. Evan swallowed every drop. He saved nothing for Billy.

"Please," Billy said, "I want to do that to you." Evan was not of a mind to stop him. He instructed Billy in the fine art of fellatio. Billy learned quickly and Evan came quickly. Following Evan's lead, he swallowed every drop also. Billy had never lost his erection and he realized that he was enjoying the hardest erection he had ever had in his life. It was so hard that it actually hurt him.

Evan took out some KY Jelly. He put some on Billy's finger and instructed him to grease his ass. He rolled on his back and Billy did as instructed.

"Now grease your dick and I think you can figure out what to do with it," Evan said. Billy entered Evan easily and started pumping. Evan thought that Billy felt so wonderful inside of him. Billy pumped harder and harder and came a second time. He kept himself inside of Evan until at last he softened and fell out.

Now the two lay facing each other, holding tight, rubbing their cocks together, and kissing passionately.

Finally Evan said, "Billy, Adam and I love you, but this must never happen again. I want you to go home now and nobody must ever know of this. Do you understand?"

Billy nodded. He was weeping.

"Someday you will come out to Adam and me, and I'll pretend to be shocked. Is that clear?" Billy nodded again. He dressed quickly and disappeared. They never coupled again.

Adam was speechless. He didn't know what to say. Billy was quiet now, trying to read Adam's face. What could Adam think or say? He had kept a secret from Evan and Evan had kept one from him. Adam had to wonder if Evan had ventured outside of their bed on other occasions, but he put the thought out of his head.

"Honest, Adam," Billy said. "It wasn't Evan's fault. It was easy for a young 16 year old to seduce an older man. It never happened again."

Finally Adam found his tongue. "Well," he said, "he sure put on an academy award performance when you came out to us."

"Please forgive me, Adam."

"There's nothing to forgive. It surely is water under the bridge." Adam put his arms around Billy and hugged him tightly. "Let's get ready for dinner," he said. "I'm anxious to check out West Hollywood and the blind date you have rounded up for me."

"Thank you Adam," Billy said. "You don't know how I have suffered keeping this secret. I feel a million percent better." He leaned into Adam and kissed him like a son would kiss a father. Then he left the room.

Why Evan, you old reprobate, Adam thought. Well don't sweat it old man, wherever you are. I still love you, and I always will. Even if you slept with a hundred different men, nothing could change how I feel about you.

Adam looked up to heaven and smiled. Suddenly his smile turned to dread. He distinctly heard Evan's voice. He did not imagine it. "Don't live like a hermit, big guy. Get out in the world and enjoy yourself. Take a lover. Live until you die. It's my parting wish for you."

The voice disappeared and Adam composed himself.

You old fart, he thought. I'll bet you did sleep with a lot of guys and now you're feeling guilty so you want me to do the same. Well, I won't assuage your guilt. I'm a single man and I can sleep with anyone I want to, and I won't feel guilty. On reflection, he added. It doesn't mean I don't still love you, you old coot.

Next: Chapter 5: Long Time Companion 8 9

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