Long Time Companion

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 17, 2010


Chapter Four

The phone rang again. It took Adam a moment to realize it was not ringing in his dream, but in his room in the present. He picked it up.

"Adam, it's Jamie. You're sleeping too much. It's almost dinner time. Get yourself ready and I'll be by in a half hour."

"Yes, of course. You're right. I'll be ready when you get here.

Adam got through dinner like a robot. He had no appetite, but he ate everything. Everything was delicious but he tasted nothing. He went back to his apartment right after dinner and Jamie didn't argue with him. He figured he would battle Adam's retreat into another world after the funeral.

Adam wondered if he could fall asleep after having slept most of the day so he took a Tylenol PM to help him along.

"Hey wake up, sleepy head," Evan said while shaking Adam's shoulder. "We need a break from long hours of studying. There's a drag show at The Male Room tonight. Let's go."

They were studying for final exams in their senior year. Adam was exhausted and had fallen asleep. "We shouldn't waste the time," he told Evan.

"I don't think my brain can absorb one more thing," Evan said, "so let's take that break."

"You win, big boy," Adam said. Adam still called Evan `big boy' even though he had grown almost as tall and muscular as his partner during their college years.

The Male Room was very crowded. There were no tables available so they stood at the bar with many other guys. Each of them nursed a coke to legitimize their attendance. When they had come in this evening Adam spotted a sign in the lobby announcing that tonight's female impersonator would be "Mother Eve."

Six years had passed since Adam had been initiated into the homosexual world by Eve. He considered this a good omen for the upcoming exams. After about an hour, the dance floor was cleared off and an MC announced the dulcet rhythms of Mother Eve. Eve did not limit herself to the dance floor, but moved freely among the patrons while she sang. At one point she went right by Adam and Evan. She hesitated in front of Adam and finished her song facing him. The song was lewd and suggestive, and as she sang she wrapped her hand around Adam's crotch. Adam pulled back and Eve whispered in his ear. "Please wait for me after the show Adam. I'll come out in men's clothing and I really want to talk to you."

"What was that all about?" Evan asked.

"Honestly I have no idea, but she knew my name. It must be someone I know, but that I didn't know did drag." They waited about twenty minutes and then a very handsome gentleman about Evan's age approached them. Adam recognized Eve immediately. It was his Eve, his first time Eve. He was ecstatic, and gave Eve a big hug.

"How in the world did you ever recognize me?" Adam asked. "It's been a hundred years."

"You made a deep impression on me. After you left, I wanted to kick myself for not taking your telephone number and setting up another date. You were delicious you know."

"That's funny because I felt the same way. I so wanted a repeat performance. I waited more than two years for another go at it, with Evan here." Adam turned to Evan, took his hand and said, "Eve I'd like you to meet my partner, Evan."

The two men shook hands and Evan said, "It's kind of hard to call a handsome guy like you Eve. What's your real name?"

"It's Evan," Eve said, and broke out laughing. "Hey guys, if you have a half hour more, please hang out here. My partner is coming to pick me up. I'd like you to meet him. I'll buy you both a drink while you wait."

"Deal!" Evan said. "We weren't planning a quick exit."

Adam spotted an empty table and the three took seats there. Eve then returned to the bar and picked up fresh drinks for them. When she was seated, she proposed a toast and then Adam said, "You have no idea how scared I was when you picked me up on the subway."

"Not so. I could see you shaking in your boots, but the minute I went down on you, you became an animal. Is he still an animal, Evan?" Eve asked.

Evan laughed and nodded his head. "Thank God," he said. They all laughed.

Suddenly everything got black and Adam clearly heard a clock ticking. The sleeping pill had not lasted through the night. Adam looked at the luminous dial on his clock radio. It was 2:22 in the morning.

"Three twos," Adam thought. He tried to assign some significance to it, but nothing came to mind. Then it hit him like a thunderbolt. Before they ever met, Hans had gone to a plastic surgeon to have the numbers removed from his forearm. Ben and Sarah refused to do that. It was a constant reminder to everyone they met of the atrocities that man had committed against man. Hans told Adam once that the numbers on his forearm had been 22222, all twos.

"Hans," Adam called out in the night. "Are you here?"

There was silence in the room. Nevertheless Adam felt a presence surrounding him. He was not frightened. Whatever he was feeling was warm and comforting. He was certain that Hans was here with him and he felt much better. In fact, he fell asleep again.

It was the night of their first block party. Hans and Barry had promised to come. Adam and Evan were waiting at the Richter's for them to arrive. Adam had placed their neatly packed picnic basket on the floor beside his chair.

As if he was privy to all their conversations, Ben said, "We will watch carefully all the people tonight. If the bigots live on this street, they will give themselves away and I will know who they are. Barry and Hans will observe also. Hans will know."

Hans and Barry arrived shortly after that and they all went directly to the party. "Put your stuff here," a young voice yelled. It was Billy Bingham and he was pointing to one of the tables. Sarah scooped him up and started smothering him with kisses. Billy tried desperately to evade her clutches but she held him too tightly.

Barry and Hans were well known to the residents of the street, but everyone came over to meet the newcomers. Because they all seemed so friendly, Adam and Evan let their guards down, but Ben and Hans were observing closely. Finally Hans looked at Ben and he nodded. They had identified the culprits. The two of them then sat down smugly and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

Later that evening when everything was cleaned away, and Adam and Evan had returned home, there was a knock on their door. Adam went to open it and there stood Hans, Barry and Ben. They rushed in without invitation.

"We're pretty sure we know who the bigots may be, but we have to do some research. It may take a little while but we'll get back to you," Hans said.

Adam had set his alarm clock to go off early on the morning of Evan's funeral and now it was ringing shrilly. He shut it off and crept wearily out of bed. As if nothing had happened; as if this was just another ordinary day; he went through his morning routines. After he showered and dressed in his only good suit, an all purpose navy blue, he found a tie in his closet. He practically never wore a tie anymore. Without regard for a good match or not, he put it on, barely remembering how to tie a Windsor knot.

He almost always wore crew socks and sneakers these days, but he put on a pair of black knee high socks and his only pair of dress shoes. He looked in the mirror and supposed that he was ready for Evan's big send off. Then he sat down in a chair to wait for Jamie.

He rarely saw Jamie in a suit and was amazed at how handsome he looked. Neither of them felt like eating breakfast, but agreed to go to the dining room for a cup of coffee. The dining room was rather crowded with residents obviously dressed for a funeral. Steve Baron, the Executive Director, had reluctantly agreed to provide a bus to the funeral home, the cemetery, and then back to Sunnydale for the celebration of Evan's life, which Jamie had arranged for. As for Adam and Jamie they felt it more appropriate to go alone in a private vehicle. The funeral home was providing a limo for Adam and Jamie to go to the cemetery and back.

Adam sat with Jamie in the family receiving room before the service. After signing the guest book in the lobby, most of the attendees came into the room to express their condolences. During this ritual, which was distressing Adam no end, he suddenly regretted that he and Evan had not wished to adopt children like some of their friends had. It would have been nice to have some family around him to comfort him. Adam shook everyone's hand without really knowing who he was speaking to. He went through the entire funeral in a trance. He didn't wake up from it until he was back in Sunnydale at the reception.

He and Evan were in The Star of David Funeral Home. They sat quietly in the second row, holding hands. In front of them sat Barry, Hans and Ben. Sarah had passed much too young at the age of fifty-five. The experiments the Nazis had performed on her in the camp had left her body permanently weakened. The Nazis had won after all. She got sick often and didn't seem to have enough of an immune system to ward off, and then fight off, these infections. She finally succumbed after a long bout with pneumonia. Barry and Hans sat on each side of Ben. Each of them had an arm around him. Next to Adam sat the Binghams. Billy had flown down from FSU in Tallahassee to attend the funeral. Adam kept staring at him. He had grown into a handsome, athletic young man. Adam could not help thinking that some pretty young girl was going to be lucky enough someday to snare him.

After the funeral, everyone went back to Ben's house. Hans and Barry had provided delicious food for the mourners. A friend of theirs was a caterer and he had everything set up for them by the time everyone returned from the cemetery. He had also provided food for the people who would visit in the next three days to express condolences. Hans explained that it was a period that they called shiva (mourning).

"We have way too much food," Hans said to Adam and Evan. "Everybody who comes to the shiva will bring something to eat. It's a custom. This way the mourners don't have to concern themselves, and the house will have enough food for everyone. Please feel free to take some food home for your dinner. You'll be doing us a favor. I know a lot will be wasted, but this way, less food will go down the drain."

Barry added, "We'll be staying here for a few days. We don't want Ben to be alone so please come over often."

"Of course," Evan said, as he and Adam got up to leave. "We'll see you later. Maybe we'll have dinner here with you tonight."

"Great," Hans said and he kissed both Adam and Evan on the lips in front of all the company. As they left the Richter's, Billy Bingham ran after them.

"Hey fellas, hold up a sec, will you," he called after them. "Can I come in for a minute? I want to talk to you about a problem I'm having."

"Sure," Evan said. The three went into the house and Billy sat right down on the sofa. Adam sat next to him.

"Can I get you something?" Evan asked. Billy shook his head so Evan sat down on an easy chair facing the sofa." He and Adam looked at Billy. It was his ball game.

"I want to tell you something," Billy started.

"Wait," Evan said. "Is this something you should be telling your parents first?"

"Yes, but I can't," Billy almost screamed out. "After I tell you guys, please help me to tell them."

Adam's first thought was that Billy was going to come out to them. But that seemed absurd. He had known the young man since he was practically a toddler. Surely some of his gaydar would have warned him. No, he was going to tell them that he wanted to quit school. If that was it, he and Evan would do their best to talk him out of it.

"Talk fast before I burst," Adam demanded.

"I think I'm gay," Billy said and he dropped his head.

So Adam was right in what he thought this was about. Evan stood up from the easy chair and positioned himself in front of Billy. He asked, "What do you mean, you think? Don't you know?"

"Of course I know," Billy said emphatically. "I guess I was trying to leave a tightly sealed door a little bit ajar."

Finally Adam asked, "Aside from masturbation fantasies have you....?" He couldn't quite finish the sentence.

Billy nodded. "Many times," he said. "I have a boy friend up at school. He wanted to come down here with me, but I told him it would be best if he wasn't around when I told my folks."

"Why are you afraid to tell them?" Evan asked. "They have always been very open minded about these things. Your father even went with us and Ben when we confronted those bozos who painted `faggots' on our front door."

"I know. It's easy to be liberal when it doesn't concern you. Remember, I'm an only child and I'm sure they dream of spoiling grand children some day."

"The only thing I can advise is that you tell them as soon as possible," Evan said.

"I'm sure that's very wise," Adam said. "I was going to wait until after graduation when we moved away, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we came out just before graduation. I wanted to wait because I thought I'd be disowned. I was foolish and very wrong."

"That's funny," Billy said. "Fred and I will graduate in June. It's only two months away. We made the same decision as you did, Adam. We'll tell our folks after graduation and we are applying for work in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. We haven't heard anything yet, but we are confident."

"Tell them now" Evan said sternly.

Adam was stirred from his memories when he heard a voice say, "Adam, I am so sorry." He looked up to see a handsome man in his early sixties holding out his hand and crying.

It took Adam a second to focus in on the man's face. It was someone he hadn't seen in many years, but had been in constant touch with.

"Billy! Billy," Adam said. "How wonderful it is to see you."

"You two can talk later," Jamie said. "They are calling us into the chapel."

Adam went through the service in a near fog. It was like his body was there but his mind was elsewhere. He caught glimmers of himself frolicking on the beach with Evan, holding his hand in a movie, making love in the shower, fighting about some idiotic minutia. Jamie sat on his right and Billy sat on his left. They stood him up at the proper time and took him to the limo. Billy told Jamie that he had taken a cab from the airport and had no transportation so he went with Adam and Jamie to the cemetery in the limo.

The service at graveside was short and sweet. When the casket was lowered, Adam maintained control, but when he tossed the first handful of dirt into the open cavern, he collapsed, and Billy and Jamie had to stand him up.

The only thing Adam could remember about the ride home was Jamie asking him if he was up to going to the dining room at Sunnydale.'' Yes," Adam answered. "I must. I'll be all right if you and Billy will stay beside me."

"Of course," they both answered together.

The miracle of the memorial luncheon was that Steve Baron actually came over to Adam to express his condolences. Steve was really expressing his relief that at last there would be no more queer hanky panky going on at his independent living facility. Upon reflection, he thought to himself that there were no other gays living there that he was aware of.

When the dining room staff started to clean up, Adam said that he would like to go to his apartment. "I don't want to slight you, Jamie," he said, "but it's been a lifetime since I have seen Billy. Would you mind if he came back with me?"

"Not at all," Jamie answered. "I want to get out of this monkey suit anyway."

Billy took Adam's arm. The two old friends smiled at each other and headed for Adam's place.

"How did you find out about Evan?" Adam asked Billy.

"Your friend Jamie called me. He said that he was calling everyone in your telephone directory, and that there weren't that many people to call."

"He's right," Adam lamented. "Most of my friends have passed away. It was so difficult to remove your mother's name when you wrote to tell me that she died last year. Pretty soon, there will be nobody left to remove and somebody will be removing me."

`Yes," Billy said. "It is sad. I can't tell you how many friends Fred and I lost to AIDS in the eighties. I thank God that we were a couple and monogamous."

"How is Fred?" Adam asked.

"He's great, but since he became a state senator we hardly see each other anymore. I fly up to Sacramento every other weekend. It's really hard."

They seated each other comfortably in the living room. Adam smiled broadly at Billy. "It is so wonderful to see you again after all these years," he said.

"Fred will be home for a couple of weeks in August," Billy informed Adam. "Why don't you fly out to LA and spend a couple of weeks with us. We would love to have you. And it's a lot cooler in LA in August than in Ft. Lauderdale, if I remember correctly."

"I believe you remember correctly. That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'll give it some serious thought. After your dad died, and your mother moved out there, Evan and I had every intention of paying you a visit, but something always came up to spoil our plans. That reminds me. Where are you staying?"

"I checked into a motel near the airport. I'm leaving tomorrow early in the morning, so it's good enough."

"Do you remember Sarah's funeral?" Adam asked. "You were so afraid to tell your folks that you were gay. It turned out just fine, didn't it? They were disappointed about the grandchildren thing, but they never stopped loving you or supporting you."

"They sure did. They made a big barbeque the first weekend after graduation so they could meet Fred. You were there, Ben Richter and Hans and Barry. I was the happiest guy in the world then. I had so many friends who had been disowned, but I was lucky. My parents still loved me. When Fred's folks said they wanted nothing to do with him, my folks made him their own."

"They were very special people," Adam commented. "But you moved away anyway."

"We didn't want to, but we both landed terrific jobs in LA and we had to do it."

"It was sad for all of us when you moved, but Evan and I had done the same thing so I had to be supportive too. Please stay and have dinner with me, just the two of us. I know a great restaurant nearby. We can walk over," Adam said.

"Of course. That would be wonderful, but I'll have to leave right after dinner."

Chapter Five

As he was finishing his shrimp cocktail appetizer, Billy asked. "Can you fill me in on a story I've heard lots about, but I never got any of the details?"

"What's that?" Adam asked.

"Well, how did Hans and Ben Richter identify the bigots who painted `faggots' on your front door? Also I never heard what happened when you guys and my dad went over to confront them. I was too young to know about it then, and when my dad started to tell me the story years later, we somehow got interrupted by something and I never got the whole account."

Adam began, "Ben and Hans told me that when the Nazi guards came to round up the Jews and the homosexuals to take them to the showers' (which of course was a euphemism for gas chambers,') they always had sweet as apple pie smiles on their faces. They would grin and tell those poor souls to strip for the baths. They would then march them to the showers smiling and singing all the way. Well, you can bet those two guys knew a real smile from a phony one and that's how they were able to spot the Grangers right away.

"The Grangers lived at the end of the street. You won't remember them because they moved shortly after we confronted them. They were a father and a son. Rumor had it that their wife and mother had disappeared one night to avoid further physical abuse by her husband. It was just a rumor mind you. Nobody knew for sure.

"Several weeks after the incident, Hans came to me with a report from a detective agency he had hired to investigate them. It seems that Robert Granger, Sr. had been active in the German Bund prior to the war. He had been a well known sympathizer to the Nazi cause. He and his wife never had children. He was always physically abusive to her, and finally she left him. Robert, Jr. was not a blood relative. The detective did not know how the two met, but one day Junior just moved in.

"The two of them had moved to our street just six months before Evan and I did. Why they never bothered the Richters, I'll never know. Maybe it was because they were living on our street first. Maybe it was because they and Hans could attest to the holocaust, which the Grangers were heard to say never happened. Whatever the reason, they chose to vent their hatred on us.

"So one Saturday morning, when we knew that both of them were home from work, Evan and I, your dad, Ben, Hans and Barry marched over and knocked on their door. They must have been scared shitless when they saw all us big guys standing there. Senior answered the door. He had a robe on and obviously nothing underneath. At first he registered shock. Then came the phony smile. We didn't wait for an invitation to enter. We just pushed past him. It never occurred to us that we were trespassing, and they could have had us all arrested.

"This was before videotapes were invented. We got a real shock when we rushed in to the house. There was a male porno film showing on a movie screen. Junior was lying on the couch naked sporting a rather impressive hard-on. It was obvious to all, that the phony father and son were homosexual lovers. Imagine the hypocrisy.

"Hans was our spokesman. He really reamed into them. Among a million other threats, he threatened to out them to the community and to their employers. We left that house laughing and in a complete state of disbelief. Within a week, they were gone and nobody knew where they went and nobody cared. The house remained empty and the lawn became an unsightly mess. The police feared that they might be dead inside so they got a warrant and broke in. The contents of the house were in tact, but all their clothes were gone. The interesting thing is that the police found an equal amount of male pornography and Nazi propaganda. Eventually the house was repossessed by the bank. They cleaned it up and it was eventually sold to a lovely newly wed couple. Ironically, they were Jewish."

Adam started to laugh and Billy laughed too. "Yes, of course," he said. The Levy's lived there."

After dinner, Billy walked Adam back to his apartment. He called for a cab from there, and before he left, he begged Adam to come for that long awaited visit to Los Angeles. "If you think the trip is too much for you, maybe your friend Jamie would like to come too to help you out. I'd gladly pay for his expenses."

Before taking off, Billy knocked on Jamie's door to say goodbye and once again he offered Jamie an invitation to come with Adam for an all expense paid vacation in LA.

"Wow, that's certainly an offer to consider," Jamie said. "I promise to give it serious thought and discuss it with Adam."

Before retiring, Jamie looked in on Adam. "How are you doing, fella?" he asked. "Do you need anything?"

"It's been a long tough day, but I'm OK now. Billy's visit somehow revitalized me."

"I can see that," Jamie said, "and that's a good reason for us to consider that trip to LA come August. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow. You get to sleep now."

Adam brushed his teeth and then stripped. He climbed into bed and thought. Well, the worst is over. The fear of seeing Evan put into the ground and covered up is over now. All that remains is for me to learn how to live without Evan at my side. He wondered if he could. He didn't think it would be possible.

As Adam began to doze off, he began to feel uneasy. Suddenly he was racked with guilt. He remembered back to a time when he had cheated on Evan. Afterwards, he had agonized whether he should confess to Evan or let it drop. In the end he did not tell Evan. The years passed and he forgot all about it, but the thought of it would recur at odd moments.

He, Evan and Eve were chatting and drinking at a table in The Male Room. They were waiting for Eve's partner to arrive. Suddenly Adam felt Eve's hand on his thigh. He thought Eve might be groping him, but he realized that all she was trying to do was put something into his pocket. He moved slightly to accommodate her. When the task was done, Eve brought her hand back on top of the table.

Tom Peterson finally arrived, and Adam and Evan were surprised. Tom was at least thirty years older than Eve, well into his sixties. Yet he was lean and virile looking and very, very handsome. After the introductions were made, Eve looked at Adam and said, "You'll love this Adam. Tom picked me up on the subway a couple of years ago and I went home with him. The rest is for the history books." Tom looked inquisitive so Eve filled him in on how he had picked Adam up on a subway and taken his virginity. Adam blushed a deep crimson.

They all had a couple of drinks together and then went their separate ways. As soon as they got to the dorm, Adam rushed to the bathroom. He removed a card from his pocket. It was Eve's. It read "Evan Fury" and contained his phone number. Eve had written on the card: Please call. Let's have some fun. Adam placed the card in his wallet.

Evan had a final exam early the next morning. As soon as he was gone, Adam called Eve. They began a conspiracy.

Adam said he would tell Evan that he had to go to New Brunswick on Sunday. He would tell him that he wouldn't be long, and he should remain in their apartment and study for the remaining final exam. Eve told him that he would reserve a room at a hotel near the campus and they could spend the day together. All this happened at the wrong time. Adam could hardly concentrate on his exams. All he could think about was being with Eve. He wasn't even feeling guilty.

He thought Sunday would never come. Evan kissed him goodbye as he left and reminded him to be back early to study for their last final exam the next day. Adam assured him that he would.

He reached the hotel and looked around before going in. He asked the clerk for Evan Fury's room number and ran up the stairs rather than use the elevator. He rapped loudly on the door. The door opened and strong arms dragged him inside. Eve was naked and he quickly closed and bolted the door. He was all over Adam and stripped him rapidly. All the while he was removing Adam's clothes, he was kissing him passionately.

When Adam was naked, Eve took a good look at him. My God you have filled out and matured," Eve said. "You are gorgeous." He pulled Adam down on the bed and went down on him. Adam had dreamed of this moment for six years, and for the past week the thought of this moment had obsessed him. He came quickly, and Eve swallowed his spunk hungrily.

When he calmed down, he rolled Eve over and proceeded to suck his cock. Eve took a little longer to gush down Adam's throat, but not by much. Afterward the two lay side by side, catching their breaths.

"That was fantastic," Eve said. Adam wanted to agree but he couldn't. He realized that what had just happened was pure lust. There wasn't an iota of love in it.

I've been a fucking idiot, Adam thought.I love you so much, Evan. Why did I ever do this? I must be out of my mind.

"Do you think we can get in one fuck apiece before you leave?" Eve asked.

"Gee, I'm really sorry, but I have a final exam in the morning and I told Evan I'd get home early so we could study together." Adam jumped up and got dressed rapidly.

"It's been great," he said. He gave Eve a quick kiss and ran out of the room and back to Evan. He never saw Eve again, nor did he want to. Unfortunately, the remembrance of the incident would come to him at odd times, and he would be racked with guilt. He prayed often that Evan would never find out. As far as he knew Evan never did. He felt sure that Evan would have forgiven him anyway, if he had ever found out.

Surprisingly, Adam slept well all night. When the sunlight poured into his room and awakened him, he felt truly rested. He was also surprised that he felt surprisingly at peace. The funeral had provided some closure for him. Evan was gone and he had to come to grips with it. He dialed Jamie's number and told him that he would meet him in the dining room for breakfast. Then he hopped out of bed and started his morning routine.

For the first time in more than sixty years, Adam was a single man, and he swore to adjust to it for whatever time he had left. He was healthy, and although Jamie drove him around, he was perfectly capable of getting around on his own. He was also aware that there were many senior groups that met on a regular basis at the GLCC. He vowed to check some of them out. He and Evan had attended a gay church intermittently, and he decided to go more often and meet new people.

At breakfast he told Jamie about his not so New Year resolutions and Jamie was pleased as punch.

"Good for you," he said. "I was truly worried about you, but I feel better now. Any chance some of those groups you are talking about would let in a token straight guy? They sound like fun. I wouldn't mind going to church with you. I haven't gone in years."

"I'm sure it can happen," Adam said. "They wouldn't dare allow themselves to be accused of discrimination, now would they?"

"Speaking of gay men, that Billy Bingham friend of yours sure is a handsome dude. Tell me about him."

"There's not much to tell. He grew up next door to us. Evan and I adored him. He was the son we would never have. I guess Billy felt the same way. He was always coming over to hang out with us. When he was a young boy, it was fine, but when he continued to hang out with us when he was in high school, we should have suspected something. Neither Evan nor I ever had the least suspicion that Billy was gay. He certainly never confided in us until he had been in a relationship for over three years. When he did come out to us we were as shocked as everyone. I think he looked to us to be there for him in case his folks didn't support him. He didn't have to worry. His parents loved him too much. His partner Fred's folks disowned him, and the Binghams treated Fred like their own son.

"When the boys moved to LA, we were devastated. We saw each other off and on in the early years, but after some time, they just stopped visiting their folks in Florida. Instead, the parents began to take an annual vacation in California. We often talked about the four of us going together, but it somehow never happened. It's something I'll always regret."

"Then I think we should plan to go this coming August," Jamie said.

"Yes, and I intend to call Billy at least once a week from now on. Aside from you, he's the only family I have left."

Jamie was very moved that Adam considered him to be family. After breakfast they parted. Adam put on a swimsuit and went down to the pool. He wanted to soak up some warm sun. He found a lounge chair and sat down facing the sun. He put a towel across his legs and closed his eyes.

"We should plan a trip to LA to visit Billy and Fred," Adam said.

"Sure, no problem, if you can figure out when," Evan replied. "Since I became volunteer coordinator at the GLCC, I can't put two weeks together without some activity requiring my attention."

"They got along without you in the past, and they'll get along without you for two weeks in the present," Adam replied, very peeved. "Never mind going to Los Angeles, we haven't had any vacation time since you volunteered your services over there."

"I know, I know. But I can't get anyone to assist me and take over for a few days."

Adam shook his head sadly. "These young guys are only interested in the bars, booze, drugs and sex. Service is a word that just isn't in their vocabularies."

"You're right, but think of it this way. They'll get older someday too, and then maybe they'll think about service to their communities."

"If they survive their hedonism," Adam commented sarcastically.

So the years flew by and they still didn't ever visit Los Angeles. Now Billy's parents and Evan were all gone. No more procrastinating, Adam resolved. This afternoon, during lunch, he and Jamie would sit down and plan when they could go out west. Then he would call Billy and Fred and make sure the dates were good with them.

At lunch he discussed his resolve with Jamie who couldn't be more supportive and enthusiastic.

"I was stationed in San Diego for a while when I was in the navy, and I haven't gone back out west since then," he informed Adam. "I'll bet it's changed a ton."

After lunch, they took out their calendars. "Billy said that we should come in August when Fred would be home for two weeks, but I never asked him when in August," Adam lamented.

"I'll bet it's the last two weeks, and he'll be home until after the Labor Day holiday," Jamie suggested. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. I have no pressing engagements during August or the Labor Day Weekend."

"I think I can clear my calendar also, if I have to," Adam said, and he started to laugh. Jamie was so pleased. It was the first time Adam had laughed since Evan died. That evening Adam called Billy and arranged for a visit the last week of August through Labor Day. Billy was delighted, but he was sorry that the visit was more than three months away, and for such a short time.

Over the next two weeks, Jamie and Adam busied themselves making travel arrangements, and checking the average temperatures in LA at that time of year, so they could decide what clothing to pack.

Finally Jamie said, "This is crazy. We aren't going to Siberia. If we have to buy some clothing there in order to be appropriate, so be it." Adam agreed.

Adam and Evan were homebodies. Neither of them cared much for travel. That might explain why they had really never gotten up the energy to visit Billy and Fred all these years. About the only trip they had ever made was on a gay cruise out of Port Everglades. They were in their seventies then, and as much as they enjoyed the eye candy, they really didn't participate much in the on board activities. They enjoyed the company of the much younger people at their dining table, but not enough to see them again. They, Hans and Barry had talked about doing a trip like this for years, but somehow they never did. Hans and Barry were gone by the time Adam and Evan finally decided to take the cruise.

Thinking back on it, Adam concluded that he and Evan had been too much in love, and had not needed other people in their lives. Consequently they had not made any really close buddies except Hans and Barry. Well, it's too late to change now, Adam thought, and thank God for Jamie. For the first time he wished that Jamie was gay so that he could attend some gay events with him. But hadn't Jamie asked to join him anyhow? One of the gay senior groups was having a Memorial Day picnic and Adam decided to ask Jamie if he would like to go.

"You don't think I'd let you go alone," Jamie joked. "Why those horny vultures would be all over you. So I have to be there to protect you."

"Very funny," Adam quipped back. "What if I want them all over me?" They both laughed heartily.

In the end Jamie went to two gay picnics with Adam, and he had a good time. The first was the Memorial Day Picnic and the second was the July 4th picnic. Jamie met someone at the Memorial Day picnic who looked familiar to him. He thought it might be an old high school acquaintance named Tim Dougherty. He encountered him and it was indeed Tim from high school.

"Christ," Tim said, "I wish I knew you were gay back then. I would have been more interested in you.'

"Cool down," Jamie said. "I'm not gay. I'm just kind of enjoying taking care of Adam." Jamie and Tim spent a lot of time revisiting their high school days, and Tim came to visit him and Adam at The Sunnydale House a couple of times before July 4th.

They all met up again at the July 4th picnic. Again Tim and Jamie were lost in conversation. At one point, Adam asked Jamie jokingly if he was thinking of switching teams. "The sex is really good," Adam advised Jamie.

To which Jamie answered rather cryptically. "At my age it might be a good thing to try everything at least once before it's too late." Then he went right back to Tim leaving Adam talking to other friends. Since Evan's death, Adam had joined a couple of senior groups and was making more gay friends than he had ever had before, and so was Jamie who accompanied him everywhere.

Adam was even more curious when Jamie told him that Tim was coming to The Sunnydale House to have dinner with them Saturday evening. After dinner there was a free movie at the facility which they could all enjoy.

Adam might have been old, but there was nothing wrong with his night vision. In the darkened theater, he glanced over to Jamie who was sitting on his right. Tim was sitting to the right of Jamie. Tim's hand was on Jamie's crotch and he was clearly massaging it. Jamie's hand was reaching over to Tim, but Adam could not see where it landed.

Smiling to himself, he leaned over to Jamie and whispered, "I'm not enjoying this movie and I'm rather tired. Excuse me now. I'm going to my apartment. Please say goodnight to Tim for me."

Once back in his apartment, he listened intently to any sounds he might hear from next door. Less than five minutes later, he distinctly heard Jamie's door open and then close. Very shocked, but extremely happy at what might be going on, Adam retired for the night. Try as hard as he could, Adam could not hear anything coming from next door.

As soon as Jamie locked the door behind them, Tim asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Jamie answered. "Aren't you?"

Tim smiled. "Damn sure," he said.

"How do we go about it?" Jamie asked, a wee bit bewildered.

Tim laughed. "Let's just sit down on the sofa, hold hands and talk." He led Jamie to the sofa and they sat side by side. Their bodies were touching.

"I hope this won't gross you out, but just like with heterosexuals, we usually start by kissing and petting. The kissing may gross you out this first time, but once you get into it and start tonguing your partner, the rest comes easier."

"Shouldn't we get undressed?" Jamie asked in all innocence.

"We will, in time. Don't rush it. I'm not going anywhere. We have all night." That having been said, Tim leaned into Jamie and planted a chaste kiss on his lips. At the same time, he placed a hand on Jamie's knee. After the kiss he pulled away and smiled at Jamie who looked scared shitless.

"Relax," Tim said and he leaned into Jamie again. This time he kissed him with his lips parted. Jamie was astounded how nice the kiss felt. It was just like any kiss he had ever shared with a woman. He kissed back, parting his lips. Involuntarily he placed a hand on Tim's thigh.

"That's it," Tim said. "Relax and enjoy." With that, he forced his tongue into Jamie's mouth, which turned out to be a ready receptacle. As their kissing became more passionate, Tim's hand went further up Jamie's knee until he found the crotch which Jamie had willingly given him in the darkened movie theater.

Jamie made a little moaning sound, encouraging Tim to proceed. He undid Jamie's belt and pulled down the zipper. He slipped his hand under Jamie's shorts and grasped his growing cock. Until then no man had ever touched Jamie there. It was the sole property of his wife and the few women he had fucked along the way. Tim gently stroked Jamie's cock with a feathery touch. Jamie was glad to note that it was as good as any woman's touch.

"Aaah," Jamie let out an involuntary sigh. "That feels so nice."

"Wouldn't you like to do that to me?" Tim asked. He let loose of Jamie and pulled down his own pants and boxer shorts, allowing Jamie full access. Jamie stared at Tim's erect missile. It was neither too large nor too small, and Jamie stared at it much too long before finally getting up the courage to take it in his hand, It felt so soft on the outside and so hard beneath the skin. Jamie was pleased that it was such a nice feeling.

"Now that we are both hard," Tim said, "let's get undressed and give your bed a work out." He pulled up his pants so as not to trip. They both scurried into the bedroom and undressed rapidly. When they were naked, Tim grabbed hold of Jamie. He rubbed their bodies together, and resumed kissing Jamie with his mouth open and his tongue hungry to find Jamie's.

"Lie on your back," Tim said gently to Jamie. Jamie did just that, but instinctively he set his feet wide apart. Tim lay down on top of him and resumed the kissing. He reached underneath them and began to stroke Jamie's cock.

"God," Jamie muttered. "It's been forever since anyone touched me there." He reached underneath and found Tim's cock which he enveloped in his fist. Tim was happy but shocked. He expected Jamie to be more reticent. This was a turning point in the love making and in Jamie's life. At this moment, Jamie became a full participant. He was no longer passive.

Tim could sense Jamie's hunger and he scooted down until he was breathing on Jamie's pulsating cock. He held Jamie's testicles in one hand and grasped his cock with the other. He pulled down the foreskin and began to lick Jamie's purple head. He felt Jamie recoil, but he knew that it wasn't from the blow job, but from a too sensitive head. Tim had been with many men who could not bear to have the head stimulated. He took Jamie's cock fully into his mouth and Jamie totally relaxed. Tim's tongue began to lick up and down Jamie's shaft. Every so often, he released it and he licked Jamie's balls. At those times, Jamie lifted his buttocks trying to force more of his balls into Tim's mouth.

Jamie was thinking that Adam was right. The sex was fantastic, but at his age it was taking him a long time to cum. He couldn't help thinking that in his youth he would have cum twice already. He wondered if Tim would have the stamina to bring him to climax. He didn't have to wonder long. Suddenly the feeling he was feeling refreshed his memory. He was beginning to feel that undeniable pleasure. "Please don't stop," he stuttered to Tim. Tim had no intention of stopping. He felt Jamie's balls shriveling, and knew that he was close.

Jamie gushed into Tim's mouth. He hadn't had an orgasm in a very long time, but even so, he did not produce much sperm. Tim kept right on sucking and Jamie had to beg him to stop. "My head is too sensitive," he informed Tim while he was gasping for air.

Tim scooted up the bed and lay side by side with Jamie. He put his hand gently on Jamie's diminished cock. Tim had devoured every drop of Jamie's juices and Jamie was perfectly clean.

"Do you think that you could do that to me?" Tim asked. Before Jamie could answer, Tim said. "If it would gross you out, do you think you could at least whack me off?" Jamie turned to Tim and put his finger on Tim's mouth to silence him.

"I've gone this far," he said. "Do you think I'm going to chicken out now?" He leaned over and took Tim's very hard cock into his mouth.

The next morning Adam pondered whether or not he should call Jamie about breakfast. In the end, he decided to call him. If he didn't call, he reasoned, Jamie would know that Adam knew that Tim had gone to his apartment the night before. As he reached for the phone, it rang. It was Jamie who told him that he would be over in five minutes. He also told Adam that he wanted to talk to him for a few minutes before they went to breakfast. Adam could well imagine what he wanted to talk about and practiced being surprised or shocked or whatever.

There was a knock on the door, and Adam let Jamie in. Jamie sat right down on a chair in the living room. "I had sex with Tim last night," he blurted out. "Male sex!"


"It was wonderful. All of it, and I don't feel guilty or dirty or anything. I feel good."

"How about Tim?" Adam asked.

"He just left a few minutes ago. He said I was great and he wants us to see more of each other. Do you mind?"

Adam began to laugh. "Of course not. Now we can all go to gay events together, and you don't have to feel like an outsider."

"I've got news for you," Jamie said. "I never did feel like an outsider."

Next: Chapter 4: Long Time Companion 6 7

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