Long Shadow Island

Published on Dec 23, 2013


Long Shadow Island 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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After all the talk about sex that day I thought the night would be sex filled. A cold front came in with a series of huge thunderstorms. We lived in a stone castle so there was no problem with the wind, but we lost electricity. The lightening was close and loud and that made concentration on sex hard. I went to bed and slept well. I was used to summer storms[BW1] and a few lightning strikes woke me, but I went back to sleep.

I got up at six as usual and made some coffee. Usually I was the only early riser, but Troy was up.

"That was a wild conversation we had yesterday," he said. "The guys seem to be really open minded."

"That is the way they seem to me. I'm not very experienced," I said. "I like them, but this is a new world for me."

"It's new to me too. They don't even pretend they are straight," Troy said. "My wrestler pals are real macho he-man types. I admit they are cock sucking, ass fucking macho men, but they don't admit they like it as much as they do. Do you admit you like it?"

"I know it's true but admitting it is a problem," I said. "I'm not much like the guys you see in television sit-coms."

"I'm the same way," Troy conceded. "I use to fuck women regularly, but I had to watch out for trophy hunters."

"What is a trophy hunter?"

"They are women who want to list you as a trophy fuck. That's one thing, but the ultimate trophy is a baby. She may want to marry you, or she may just want child support. Whatever they want, it's expensive."

"No one on this island is going to get pregnant," I said. He smiled.

"Everyone here seems free and easy. Is that real, or are there partners here who get jealous?" Troy asked.

"I think they are genuinely open minded. As far as I can tell, it's a mutual help association," I said. "All of them like man sex a lot and it seems they do it all. They seem to share real well too."

"It sounded as if it was an orgy here according to Goober," Troy said.

I thought about that a little. "There was a lot of sex, and everyone was going it, but I kind of thought an orgy was more frantic. It was pretty calm except for the actual orgasms," I explained. "No one had to say no, but they know each other well."

"I'm not much into bottoming," Troy said. "I'm not full service."

"I don't think you need to do it all," I said. "I think they are more than willing to make allowances. You should have some fun and take advantage of their good nature."

"I don't like the idea of taking advantage of people."

"Are you using them to get your rocks off, or is it the other way around?" I asked. "No one here is exactly a blushing virgin. They are more than willing to pool their resources." Troy still looked uneasy.

"I'm afraid I might make a fool of myself," he said. "Someone might talk."

"I can tell you that none of them are into show and tell," I said. "You don't need to worry."

"Worry about what?" Buster said as he entered the kitchen.

There was a pause, the Troy said, "I was worried about keeping things private."

"In some ways there is nothing to keep private here," Buster responded. "We spend a lot of time naked and a lot of time hard. I know you spend a lot of your time all but naked, but it's different when you are hard.

"I don't know about you, but I had a lot of things I don't want anyone to know about sexually. It's hard for a naked man to hide his feelings. It's hard to pretend you are cool and uninterested if your cock is drooling or spurting. That just doesn't seem to be manly to me," Butch explained. "It was a shock when I discovered my buddies felt the same things and eventually we discovered we all like just about the same things."

"Eventually we reached the point that we let it all hang out. We get naked, hard and squirting and then discovered that the sex got better the more we relaxed," Buster added. "If I have an urge there are three cocks, three assholes and three mouths that are at my service. We've all sucked and fucked each other. We know what it feels like and more importantly, we know what rings our chimes or floats our boats."

"You and Robby here are new to our group. We would love it if you would join our merry band. You are both good looking men and you are both well equipped. I mentioned the well-equipped just in case you thought we were interested only in your minds. We are interested in fun and friendship," he continued. "Most of all we want it to be fun for you, if you are interested. This isn't a fraternity hazing or an initiation."

"What do you get out of it?" Troy asked.

"I don't want to shock you, but if my cock is involved in any way, I am what is called in these parts a happy camper!" Buster replied.

Troy burst out laughing. "Somehow, that has been the guiding principle of my life since I was 13 years old," Troy said. "I just never put it in such direct terms."

Goober came to the table. His boxer shorts had lost a button.

"When I say we let it all hang out, I give you Goober!" Buster said.

Goober looked at his crotch. "Damn, I thought I put on my Sunday-go-to-meeting skivvies! My skin still covers my knob. I am at least semi decent. By the way, if anyone wants some extra cream in the coffee, let me know. I have a full supply."

"You would do that?" Troy asked.

"I sure would, but let me be frank, it tends to get clumpy!" Goober said. Everyone laughed. "I have been told by sperm connoisseurs, that my home brew is rich and creamy. Others who have a taste for sloppy seconds, say it is the best lube they have ever encountered." Goober looked at us and smiled. "Maybe we should discuss this after we have out breakfast cream of wheat." There was more laughter. The conversation turned to the storm. I had another cup of coffee and went out to see if there was any damage from the night's storms.

All was well and after checking the boats, I returned to the house. It was windy and cool, but if you sat against the south facing wall on the swimming pool it was comfortable outside. By noon everyone was at the pool.

Buster got me off to the side. "Robby, Troy wants to have some fun this afternoon," he said.

"Don't we all," I remarked.

"Well he wants a lot of fun. He asked me if I had been to a gang bang. I said no, but I've done a few orgies. You know the sort of party where every ass is open and every cock is hard," Buster continued. "Well, that's what is on the agenda for this afternoon. We love to have you there playing with us. I don't want you to be in a situation that is uncomfortable for you,"

"I appreciate the heads up," I said.

"It's not just for you. Troy likes his playmates to have a good time. He can't enjoy it if a guy is unwilling or unhappy," Butch explained. "I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to let go, and let nature take its course. I can tell you it's real good when I do."

I wasn't sure what I would do. I pride myself on taking a common sense approach to life. I'm an ordinary man usually doing things the normal, ordinary way is best. I wasn't that interested, but my balls and cock were. I followed their lead.

I thought I would feel odd when I walked to the pool naked and joined the other men. I thought of an orgy as being frenzied and wild. Maybe I expected naked dancers, guys playing lyres and lots of grapes. At first, it was more like a kid's party. It was sort of a game, although we were playing musical cocks, not musical chairs

It took me ten or fifteen minutes to get use to the situation. I had always though that these sexual feelings were mine alone. I knew Randy shared some of them, but we were pretty much alone in feeling these things. It took a little while to understand everyone on the island felt the same things. I wasn't the only one.

I realized it was okay to suck any or all of them. Anyone one of them could suck me. Our genitals were basic parts of our life, not special extra added attractions. A cock is not just an accessory. That was hard for me to grasp. Fortunately, sex is its own reward. Regular sex could very easily become a good part of my life.

I knew that Buster liked my cock, but he wasn't the only one. Troy and I were the new guys on the block and everyone wanted a chance to get to know us better. When I played with my pal Randy, I assumed that was sex. Well it was sex, but it seemed that when you do it with another guy it's different. Sex is different with every playmate or lover.

As we played musical cocks, the sensations intensified. It was fun, but cocks have their own rules. Each person had his own wants and needs. In some situations that might be a problem, but not with this group of good natured men. I thought it might be a "If I do this for you, will you do this for me?" situation, but there was no bargaining. We all wanted to help out. It was a mutual aid society.

Of course the playful aspect of the orgy intensified as sexual hormones kicked in. They don't call it a sex drive for nothing, but that didn't expect the relaxed atmosphere. With six fully adult, sexually excited men, there were many ways to achieve sexual satisfaction. All were interested and willing.

I remembered when I first played with Randy, he sucked me. That was good for me, but I suspected he got the short stick. I loved it, but I felt sorry when I had the orgasm and he had a mouth of sperm. I felt a little guilty about that. After months of sucking me, I tried his. I wasn't enthusiastic about it but it just seemed I should; it was only fair.

To make a long story short, I got into it big time. I took his load and spit it out, but I was good. The next we got together we tired the sixty-nine position. That was good too. Randy was bi and he married Mary-Jo Smith and she got pregnant right away. I thought that would be the end of our get-togethers, but Randy continued to drop by for a little R & R.

Once he had a kid, I got to like his semen more. It seemed to taste better. It seemed to be a shame to waste his baby making spunk. He always liked mine, I came to enjoy his. That was good because Mary-Jo's interest in his spunk declined precipitously.

That was when I realized that the sucker and the suckee both enjoyed sex. When Travis fucked me I knew he enjoyed it. I thought I was going to just lie there and take it like a man. Travis hit some things I didn't know existed.

The men were in a little cluster. When I came to the pool naked, they noticed and I knew I was welcome. I joined the cluster. Troy was in the middle of the group, with a cock in his mouth. He treated us as a Whitman's sampler of male genitals and he tried us all. This wasn't a simple mechanical process, Troy seemed to enjoy each organ. I thought he liked mine best, but Tommy told me he had the same feeling, as did Goober.

I sank to my knees and replaced him as he finished the circuit. As a famous professional wrestler, Troy had flipped the on switch for all of us. All of us were oozing some sweet cock sauce. I liked precum once I figured out what it was. I had hit the mother lode of man juices and it was good.

I knew the juices were a sign that the guys were ready to go at it. I hadn't realized the juice could be inspirational. It turned me on. Troy was the last man I sucked. He had a blunt-headed, beer can style cock, one of the extra longs. I stuck out my tongue to lick the drool from his wide slit. I shivered in excitement when I tasted the shimmering precum. I didn't expect that.

I licked it up, then licked the entire knob. Troy shivered then. I could hardly get the bloated cock head into my mouth but I did. Troy's cock looked like a battering ram and I knew it had stretched many assholes wide as a prelude to occupying his playmate's rectum. I hadn't expected it to be sensitive and delicate. Each movement of my tongue made him shiver or twitch. A blob of his rich ball juice oozed out with each twitch.

Somehow we were in the sixty-nine position on an air mattress next to the pool. He seemed to enjoy my cock as much as I enjoyed his. The other men had paired off, but we were in our own little world.

A little later I heard Travis and Goober talking. They seemed to think it was time to kick things up a notch. I was so preoccupied with Troy I didn't focus on that. Travis lifted Troy's leg and his bearded face appeared at Troy's ass. A second later his face vanished into Troy's ass and I tasted a spurt of precum. I knew Travis was rimming him and that Travis' long tongue was working its magic.

Goober moved my leg and his tongue was tickling my hole. I knew what he wanted, but Troy moaned and distracted me. I didn't know if that was in response to being rimmed, or was due to my increased excitement. I was trying to get more of Troy's cock into my mouth and was having some success.

Since I was sucking Troy I had a good view of Travis' rimming activity. I knew Troy wasn't comfortable with being fucked and I knew what Travis wanted. As I guessed, soon Travis' bearded face pulled away to be replace with his rock hard cock.

Troy had a pretty pink ass, with a little rose bud in the middle. It looked like a delicate flower. Travis spread open his slit, which was wider than I thought and enveloped his rose bud. Lubricant covered the cock so it looked like it was glazed. He pushed a little, but only to let Troy know his cock was at the gate. Troy spurted some precum into my mouth. He was excited.

Travis was like a prima ballerina doing a complicated dance, but making it look effortless and delicate. He made little movements and thrusts and soon his cock head and later his shaft vanished into Troy's massive body. The flow of precum turned into a flood, so I knew all was well. I was mesmerized by the skill and elegance of Travis' approach. He used his cock as a probe gently exploring Troy's rectum. Remarkably, when the flow of excited fluids increased I could tell Travis was rubbing Troy's prostate; I could taste his excitement. I came out of it when Goober's cock made contact with my prostate. It was way too late to complain.

Goober was a stealth fucker. He had been so slow and careful I had hardly noticed him ease into my ass. Once he was in, he was still. I was stuffed, not fucked. Every time I moved, even a little bit, my prostate encountered his hard tool and little electric jolts of pleasure shook my body. This little shivers and twitches induced more jolts. I was out of control. There was nothing I could do except shoot off and fill Troy's mouth with my cream.

A second or two later I was sucking up a flood of Troy's seed. Once Travis and Goober realized we were climaxing, they picked up the pace. Goober's stealth cock turned into a high powered fuck tool. I could see Travis pounding Troy's ass.

As my ejaculations began to diminish and I began to cool down, Goober stopped pounding. A second later I felt a tickling sensation my ass. It stopped for a second, and then I felt a second squirt. He was ejaculating. I was briefly shocked, but then I began grinding rotating my ass to make sure his sperm was evenly distributed in my fuck tunnel.

I began to ejaculate again. Troy liked that. We finally broke apart, mostly because we were exhausted.

"Damn that was good," Troy whispered.

"Are you feeling warm and tingly all over?" Travis asked.

"I feel warm and peaceful. The tingles are more localized," Troy said.

It didn't take long to realize we were all compatible and willing to accommodate. I hadn't thought of sex as a group activity, but it had its advantages. I had noticed with Roger that sometimes we didn't peak at the same time. Once I shoot off I lose interest for a little while. That isn't good when Roger had to get home. In a group you could take a breather and not stop the action completely.

I also discovered watching was good too. It turned me on and it was educational too. I was inexperienced and Goober and Travis seemed to be really experienced. Both Buster and Troy were famous, but they seemed to want to be one of the guys. They were used to having line of men and women ready to have sex with them. It was good for them to be with guys who weren't after anything and just wanted to have a good time.

There was one problem, or at least a potential problem. All them men were tops. They were willing to bottom, but in reality that wasn't their preference. I was also the low man on the totem pole. People say that rank doesn't count, but that is not the way the world works.

Troy and Buster seemed to be nice men, but they made their living being a crazy wild man and a deranged redneck respectively. They were real convincing and I wondered if there was another personality that might appear.

I found other there were a few quirks in my own personal I had recognized before. These were famous men and that impressed me. I didn't think that hero worship was part of my makeup. I wanted to please them and wanted them to like me.

Another thing shocked me. I had no idea it was in me. Travis had fucked me, and that had been good, really good. I wondered if I could possibly take a bigger cock. That afternoon I discovered I could take a bigger cock and I loved it. My pleasure seemed to increase with the size of the cock. My ass was made to make Troy into a happy man.

I made another embarrassing discovery. I liked sex, but I could have been perfectly happy having sex every few weeks with Roger. I discovered that I was happier with more sex, and I was the happiest man in the world having continuous sex with five men. I was a slut and I loved it.


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