Long Shadow Island

Published on Nov 23, 2013


Long Shadow Island 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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When I woke up the next morning all was well. It was already warm, almost 70 and it was only six in the morning. It was going to be a rare hot day on the river. Buster was having a house guest and I was to go to the mainland, wait at the winter house and then bring him to the island. The man was flying into Syracuse at 9:00. He was renting a car and I was to pick him up at 10:30. The other men were still asleep. I said I had some chores to do.

"If you don't mind, could I get a refill of your home brew?" Buster asked under his breath. "You don't have to, if you don't want. Did it bother you when I sucked you off yesterday?"

I smiled. "It didn't bother me at all," I said. "You liked it that much?"

"I loved it. Man cream turns me on," Buster said. "Yours was real good. You don't have to it. This is not part of your job description. You aren't a cow to be milked."

"I wouldn't mind being milked regular," I said. "No one has ever done me regular, but I think I could get used to it real easy." We went to his bedroom and Buster was at my cock as soon as I dropped my shorts.

"If you could just lie back and let me do all the work it would be great," he said. "I'll do it all. Don't hold back at all, just let the juices flow."

I had noticed he was a good cock sucker the day before. He sure was better than my pal Randy. As he sucked me I realized he was a great cock sucker. I had no idea that you could do what he could do with his tongue and lips.

"I think I'm going to shoot," I said.

"That's no problem, just relax," he said. "If you could me suck you afterwards until you are soft, that would be good."

I shot off a minute or two later. It was good. Buster stopped sucking and began to caress my cock with his lips. He was making love to it. It was real nice. He got a few more twitches from it and one real squirt. I had no idea anything was left. When he coaxed every drop from my balls I got up and did my chores. I got a lot done before I took the boat to the mainland to pick up Buster's guest.

A rental car drove up a half-hour later. The man introduced himself as Troy Bullock and he looked familiar. He was a big, very muscular man with a stubble beard. We were halfway to the island when I realized he was the Cobra, a professional wrestler and sometime movie star. He was usually dressed in feathers and sequins and was screaming at the top of his lungs. He was going to vacation on the island and he was out of his Cobra character. Troy seemed like he was just a regular guy.

He was a native of Los Angeles and New York's North Country was new to him. The drive from Syracuse hadn't impressed him. It is a flat and uninteresting area, but as soon as we got on the boat and into the islands he was happy. He loved the boat. He had never seen and 1914 mahogany launch before. I like to keep things in good shape and he liked that.

He saw Long Shadow from the west side first. It looks most castle like for that side. He loved that. We landed. Buster and his pals were waiting. He bellowed a greeting; they hugged and Buster gave him a tour.

Goober came over to me. "The Cobra's here for a rest and a chance to be himself and not the Cobra. You can get real tired being a loudmouth asshole all the time," he said. "He'd appreciate it if no one knew he was here."

"That's not a problem," I said. "I didn't recognize him. He seems like a regular guy."

Goober smiled. "He's not that regular, but he's a good guy, when he's out of character," he said. "Buster plays an ignorant buffoon most of the time. He gets tired of that too, but it's what the fans expect. "It much more difficult for Troy. His fans want him crazy. He makes a lot of money, but it's exhausting. He hurt his knee a week ago, so he's here for a rest.

We had lunch and then I took them on a tour of the area in the launch. We went by the big castles near Alexandria Bay and took in the sites. The Thousand Islands are indeed that. It's a popular area, but low key compared to most resorts. Most of the island are owned by families who have owned them for decades. There were a few boats out on the river, but it wasn't that bad. Troy didn't know about the St. Lawrence Seaway and he was surprised when we encountered an ocean going freighter. It was much bigger than the island it was passing and it almost looked comic.

It was a hot day, but the breezes were good and the air clear. There is little air pollution and you can look in the water and see twenty feet to the bottom and watch the fish. The Great Lakes serve as a steeling basin for pollution.

The nicest thing about the island from Troy's point of view was the absence of reporters and photographers. Buster told him that for most reporters a trip to a war zone was more pleasurable than a week in a motel in the North Country. If you liked fishing, swimming in cold water or just sitting in the sun, it was fine. "It's not much like Vegas here!" he explained.

Troy was an average looking man, except for his body of course. The costumes he wore turned him into a freak. Unlike most wrestlers, he didn't shave his body. His well-defined muscles were covered in a think pelt of dirty blond hair. That was good for playing the bad guy. Only the tip of his uncut cock peaked out of his thick bush. I think he had huge balls, but it was hard to see them in his fur covered ball sack. Out of character he was quiet and he looked tired. That evening we sat around the pool in the dusk and talked. We were all naked. Buster knew Troy well, both personally and sexually. The others had met him, but didn't know him.

Buster went to the house to get some drinks, and Travis went over to Troy. "I don't know if Buster told you but we are all old friends and playmates," he said. "If you like a little variety in playmates, we are all available."

"Buster told me you were all friendly and discrete," Troy said. "He kind of said that anything goes."

"That sure is a fair description," Travis replied. "I've either done it or tried it all. At one time I thought there was nothing new left to try. I was wrong about that. If you are a little imaginative and get lucky, the world is a wonderful place."

Buster returned. It was quiet dark now. As is often the case, it cooled off quickly, but the stonework of the house had been in the sun all day and it was warm near the pool.

"Look there is the Aurora Borealis!" Tommy exclaimed as he pointed to the north. Colored curtains of light were shimmering above and were reflected in the water. We had a spectacular light show that night. There must have been a solar flare a few days earlier. The aurora isn't a feature of the Los Angeles sky and Troy was dazzled. For the next hour we mixed admiring comments on the spectacular light show and heavy duty genital exploration. Troy was neither shy, nor monogamous. He was willing to share, give and take.

I was still a bit uneasy and shy, but he invited me into the play. Apparently, he and Buster had exchanged notes. Buster sucked me as Troy fucked him. Troy's anal stimulation of Buster's ass seemed to increase his interest in my cream. That was a complete success. We jumped in the pool after Buster popped and he took care of Goober and Tommy. It was dark except for the Aurora, and I couldn't get a good look at Troy's cock, but I noticed it seemed to do the trick for everyone who came in contact with it.

It was getting late and quite cold. We went in the house and I went to bed. It was after 11:00 and I was tired.

When I woke up Travis was in bed with me. I jumped when I saw him. Didn't realize he was in my bed.

"You are nice and warm," he said. "I couldn't find the blankets in my bedroom."

"You came in here looking for blankets?" I asked.

"Oh no, I came in here hoping I could get to fuck you," Travis said. "When I found out how warm you are I cuddled up. I suspected you are a virgin, and I love being the first."

"Well, I've never taken it in the ass, but I'm not sure I want to," I replied.

"I can understand that, but this place is a testosterone stew," Travis explained. "Everyone here tops and bottoms. I don't know if you admit to yourself that you are gay, but you are and you need to add to your sexual repertoire. Someone is going to end up in your ass, and you might as well start with a pro."

"You are the pro?" I asked.

Travis smiled. "I'm really good at breaking a guy in with no pain and no stress. Just pure anal pleasure. My playmates tell me I have a knack of opening them up so bigger cocks fit real nice."

"What if I don't like it?"

"I never go where I'm not wanted," he said. "I get real turned on in a virgin ass, but I can pull out anytime. The worst that can happen is your ass may be splattered with my sperm."

Travis' plan to fuck me was both strange and unrealistic. He was sort of businesslike in his presentation and unemotional. The idea was stupid. Why I was squirming on his cock in extreme pleasure ten minutes later I don't know.

While I was rejecting his offer, my cock decided to get hard. It turns out it is difficult to say you are uninterested in sex when you are showing hard. Travis offered to help me out with my problem with a little oral therapy.

My cock vanished into his Gabby Hayes like beard. He was a good sucker, but his beard felt really good against my balls. I soon discovered he was a good ball sucker too and then I found out he was a spectacular ass rimmer. His tongue must have been six inches long.

He fingered my ass next and found my prostate. Once he made sure that organ was working right, a cock was the only thing that could work it over correctly. I had only been vaguely aware that I had a prostate, but it went from being unknown to my favorite organ in a minute or two.

The whole idea of getting fucked didn't appeal to me. Having a guy's cock in my rear end was just too bizarre. By the time Travis eased his cock into my ass, I was so revved up I couldn't resist. His cock was long and thin except for a big knob. He popped I through my sphincter quickly, the pushed into my prostate. He oozed a lot and that lubricated the way.

He worked my prostate until I was crying in pleasure, then he went deep. I was so relieved the pressure was of my prostate, I didn't notice his shaft. As I said his shaft was thin. It was actually a tree trunk shaft that got thicker toward the base. Travis had one hell of a bush and that concealed the thickest parts of his organ. As he pushed deeper it began to stretch my sphincter. Every time it began to hurt he pulled away and worked my prostate again.

Travis was into it big time, but he was always in control. Eventually my ass was stretched wide and he was in all the way. It took a half hour and I was getting tired. He pulled back, leaving only his cock head in me. It was deep enough so he could caress my nut with his bloated knob.

"This is good for you, isn't it?" he asked. It was so intense, I could barely talk, but I did say yes. He pushed in deeper.

"This is about the way Goober feels. He quite a bit thicker than me. Now Goober is a bit shy and won't admit he wants to fuck you as much as I do. Don't believe it. He wants you," Travis said. He pushed still deeper. "Now this is Buster's organ. It's fatter than it looks. He loves oral, but just in case you want to be friendly and let in in, this is the way he feels." He then made a hard thrust. I was winded.

"Troy is a real man rammer. He tries to be careful, but he forgets and gets carried away," Travis said. "I think this is just about all you can take." Travis began to pound me hard. A second or two later he shot off. His semen tickled my rectum and much to my surprise, I shot off too.

He pulled out. When he saw I was still shooting and sucked up what remained of my load. I think I may have had a second orgasm and he got a mouthful. We finally broke apart.

"I hope that was as good for you as it was for me," Travis said.

"Oh yes," I replied.

"I gave you the express training session," he added. "I don't know how long Troy is going to be here, but I thought it would be good if you were ready if the opportunity arises."

"You think I am interested in him?"

Travis smiled. "Everyone is interested in him!" he replied. I guessed he was right about that.

At breakfast I got to see Troy naked and in the light. He spent a good portion of his life all but naked in front of an audience of thousands so he wasn't uneasy at all. The conversation was about movies and was funny. Buster was in madcap comedies and some of the humor was spontaneous or accidental. Troy's wrestling bouts were not spontaneous at all, and had to be carefully choreographed. Moves had to look scary and dangerous, but if there was a slip up, there was trouble. This is why he was here. A young wrestler adlibbed and hurt Troy. He hurt himself worse, but being out of commission for a month or two was a big financial hit.

It wasn't so much of a problem for Troy; he was well invested. He gave his staff a two months' vacation with pay and he took off to Long Shadow Island. He didn't tell anyone where he was going.

Of course Troy was officially straight as an arrow, and the visit to the island was to let him relax and be himself.

Goober asked Troy how he got into wrestling. "You seem so mild mannered, wrestling would seem to be a bad choice of profession," he said.

"I grew up in a neighborhood that was almost all boys. I was one of the younger ones. We horsed around a lot and wrestled. One of the guys had what we called the club house. It was a shed in the woods. I found out the older guys went there and wrestled naked. That sounded exiting to me," Troy explained. "I don't know if it was being with the older boys or being naked that sounded good, but I wanted to get in the group."

"They let men in and it was exciting. Some of the matches were the winner fucked the loser bouts. I joined in and lost at first. It hurt, but I knew the rules. I decided the easiest way to avoid the pain was to win," he continued. "My decision to win happened to coincide with a growth spurt. I guess you can tell it was a pretty impressive growth spurt and that spurt included my cock."

"Oh really?" Buster said playing the innocent. "I hadn't noticed."

"A few of the guys who had fucked me when I was younger found themselves with much bigger assholes. I stretched them wide and they had my cream dripping form this hole for the rest of the day. I thought I would like having revenge, but a revenge fuck isn't as good as fucking a guy who wants it bad, he said."

"You always top now? I asked.

"99% of the time. Buster's done me. I need to be inspired to take a cock. There are a lot of men who want me up their ass bad. If they could have my babies, they'd do that too. I'm a regular wet dream."

"Do you mean a gay wet dream?" Travis asked.

"I turn straits on too," he replied. "I fill out my trunks, but most don't realized it is my cock's diameter not length."

"Do you get to fuck many wrestlers?" Goober asked.

"I don't fuck and tell, but let's just say I get along with most of them," he said. "I don't fuck the losers unless they ask me too. It may sound odd, but a stretched asshole and cream filled ass seems to reduce the sting of defeat."

"It makes sense to me!" Tommy said. Everyone laughed. His scrawny body was as far from being like the wrestler's as was possible.

"You have a nice one there," Troy remarked at Tommy's cock. "When did you discover its recreational potential?"

"I was a late bloomer," Tommy said. "I think my physical beauty intimidated most. You know like those old ads, "Don't hate me because I'm so beautiful." Tommy usually made himself the butt of jokes.

"I know the problem," Troy said. "I had hoped for a career in the ballet, but I was so beautiful and delicate, I made the other dancers jealous." Everyone laughed. Troy had a sense of humor.

"When I got to college I discovered that a part of me was a hit in the dorm showers," Tommy continued. "I was stand offish, but I, or more correctly my cock, made friends."

"Did the standoffishness last for days, weeks or months?" Buster asked.

"I you are obsessed with detail, I would say it lasted for about 20 minutes. It seemed longer when I was younger," Tommy continued. "This football player type kept on staring at me and I followed him to his room. I became quite popular."

"He means he became a slut!" Goober said. There was more laughter.

"If you mean that I help men in need, I confess it is a weakness," Tommy replied. Tommy could do a very good Southern Bell imitation. He sounded like Scarlett O'Hara. "If he is hungry, I can feed him, if his balls are so full of man seed they ache, I can lighten the load." He batted his eyes like Vivian Leigh. "Unless I am very mistaken, Goober, I've taken a few gallons of your semen up my behind and you have never complained." Tommy made that comment with a Brooklyn accent.

"Boys! Boys! You are shocking Troy with your crude comments," Buster interjected.

"You men seem to have had a more adventurous sex life than I have," Troy said.

"We are old friends and we have shared many experiences," Goober said. "On the island here, we fuck and suck whenever we feel the urge. If you are interested in joining our merry band we are willing."

Troy looked at us one by one, and then he smiled.

Next: Chapter 3

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