Long Road Home

By cameron price

Published on Oct 11, 2005



I do not know the persons in this story nor do I know the true sexual preference of any member of *Nsync. This is all lies, made up, but keep reading it gets better. This is my first time posting so let me know what you all think email me dirty_4_runr@yahoo.com. If this is illegal in your area to read about male/male encounters eg.. kissing, hugging, sexing then direct your browser to another site or just don't get caught. I would like to send a thank you out to my editor Boystory thanks for all your hard work without you I may never make it.

Well there I was standing in the make-up room of the Thompson Bolling Arena in Knoxville Tennessee. Why you may ask? Simple I was to be a stand in for someone that had became ill during the day before the concert. Nsync was in town and everyone including me was trying to catch a glimpse of them, but to no avail they were nowhere to be found. I know what your thinking "If you're the make-up artist then why have you not seen them?" Simple I was only working on the opening act of the night which was Blaque. Back in 1999 when *Nsync was starting they kept to themselves especially when in an arena of this size it was to easy for fans to get to them. So I was to be on the side lines I could handle that at least I could hear the concert from here.

I had just finished up with the last minute touches before Blaque hit the stage when I heard someone saying

"How in the hell did you manage to get a black eye curly?" The response was a practiced answer from what I could hear which was

"I ran into the door because I was not used to being in such a small dressing room!"

As I looked around the corner there stood Justin and Lance from Nsync, and to his credit Justin had really got a shiner. I cleared my head of the fan in me screaming "OH MY GOD ITS LANCE AND JUSTIN!!!", and said

"Excuse me, but I could help you cover that up because I know by the time you make it back to your dressing room you would have to be on stage and this could just stay between the three of us what do you say?" Much to my surprise Justin grabbed Lance's hand and pulled him in the room and sat down in the chair and looked at me. So I went to work with a little bit of orange to balance out the blackness of the bruise and some concealer you could barley notice that he had a black eye at all.

Wow your really good at this Justin stated to me. Then Lance had to put in his two cents and stated "You cant tell anyone what you have seen or heard about this if it were to get out to the press we could be in trouble because they just love to make up stories about us."

I know that Lance I stated. I promise I will not tell anyone at all if I have to sign something I will, but Justin should really think about having his dressing room door removed so avoid this in the future because orange is not a color most make-up artists keep with them it just so happens that I was doing a shoot for a Halloween ad is why it was still in here."

Then the magic words of "Nsync to the stage" was heard. They left, but not before thanking me again and asking if I would be at the after party and if not then I was personally invited due to the fact that I had saved them some time and not asked any questions. Well who was I to argue sure I was going to go. Little did I know that this decision would change my life forever. The concert was a huge hit there was so much energy in the arena I think you could have powered the east coast. As I packed up my case I could hear the opening number being sang which made me hurry that much more to try and catch a glimpse of the group. Yes I admit it I am a huge Nsync fan, and being that close to Justin and not swooning was a major thing for me. You see I have had this crush on Justin from the moment that I saw the video on MTV. My best friend in cosmetology as well as my teacher knew about this. That is one reason why I am here because my teacher pulled some strings to get me an apprenticeship at the arena. Of course I would have never let on to either Lance or Justin, but I was so nervous being that close to Justin's angelic face and those kissable lips and not being able to do anything about it. I did notice I was being stared out more than normal by Lance I don't know if he was just trying to figure me out or if he caught me staring and drooling in my head at Justin. Maybe he thinks he can get me at the party and embarse me in front of everyone there.

Wait no bad thoughts he would not do that would he? I could see it now when giving a thank you speech to the tour group he could thank the "little fairy" that helped Justin out before the show. Then the crowd could laugh at my humiliation while I go run and hide somewhere to cry my eyes out. Well ha I would just show up then leave before that could happen so at least it did not seem that I was ungrateful of the invitation. About the time I had decided on my course of action I heard the words "Thank you and Goodnight Knoxville" the show I had missed the show because of my stupid daydreaming. Oh well at least I had seen Justin I could live with that. How little did I know that my fears would only increase before the party was to even get underway. Yes I went to the party and what a party it was. Everyone was there and everyone was important except for me. Talk about a duck out of water I sure felt it. Justin had introduced me to the other guys after I arrived then was rushed off to another part of the party for pictures and interviews. After that I did not see him for several hours.

Yes I was going to leave, but I just could not do that without trying to say goodbye to all of them for the invite to the party. I was on my way to the back of the room where I thought they could be, and passed the bathroom and could hear shouting over the music so my bladder then decided we had to go. Very slowly I opened the door to see a horrible sight. A blonde streak then blood splattered on the floor and a cracking sound. There was only one thing to do at that point.

I hit the floor and looked around to see what was going on. There was two blonde headed men in a very heated fight one had a busted lip the other must have broken something with that crack sound. Who are these two was all I could think, because they were moving so fast. Then it happened one tripped over my feet and hit his head on the wall and was out like a light. Then it hit me no not who it was but something hit me in the head and I was out the only thing I remember hearing was "No don't, he's with me!" then I was out. I woke later with a warm feeling on my left side and a throbbing pain in the back of my head. I could see very little out of my eyes due to the pain in my head, but could make out blonde hair on my left and a body beside me breathing. That was good or so I thought the next thing was someone saying

"He's waking up, he's waking up hurry go and get the doc!"

"Not so loud I mumbled." Then it hit me I was on a bed with Justin laying beside me so he was alive and I was alive or at least I felt like I was.

Finally your awake an older gentleman said. I took him to be doc. I hope you're a doctor because if your not you better be a bartender because I have a huge headache.

Yes I am the staff doctor for Nsync they called as soon as they found out that you had saved Justin from a very nasty hit but took the hit instead from security.

"Yeah remind me not to take them on again they don't play fair" I responded.

Well lets go ahead and check out your sight and make sure your going to be ok to release back to the outside world he chuckled. The whole time that Doc checked me out Justin kept his eyes on me and I could catch the others looking at him then back to me and JC giving Chris a head nod. "What the hell" I thought.

"Well you check out ok from a medical stand point just make sure you take it easy for a couple of days" Doc told me. A collective sigh could be heard from the room. Then I decided to really take there breath away.

"So Justin do you care to tell me what the hell was going on in the bathroom that made me end up here in this nice comfy bed?" I snickered. The look on his face was like one of those MasterCard commercials "explaining how a trip to the bathroom ends up in a bed . . . Priceless" anyway back to Justin he just looked at me with concern all over his face and the first one to speak was Lance

"You don't have to tell him anything Justin he does not have to know" Lance stated. At that moment Justin escorted Doc out of the room shut and locked the door.

I got in a fight earlier today at the arena and it escalated after the party to what you walked in on that's why I have the black eye that you had to cover up earlier. Its from my ex he was he he tried to blackmail me with a picture of us kissing at my birthday party. He told me that if I did not let him fuck me that he was going to take the photo to the public. I did not want to give in to his damands and when I tried to take the photo back it happened" was his reply. I could feel the air being sucked out of the room as Justin told me his story and after he stopped talking I realized he was starting to cry so I did what came natural to me I got up and put my arms around him in a friendly hug to let him know I had a shoulder for him to cry on at that moment. Now that I think about it that one gesture broke the room and it ended up in a huge group hug with Justin the center of it. During this hug I could barley hear Justin whisper to me "Thank you for being hear."

Once the hug broke I noticed it was almost four in the morning and I had to get some rest I was about to go crazy if I did not get some sleep. I said my goodnights to the group and was about to head out the door when JC stopped me and requested me to stay. While he did that I could see him nod toward Justin and Chris give JC a thumbs up. Now I was really lost. What was I to do but agree I mean that bed did feel real good little did I know that it was going to end up a slumber party so to speak with me and Justin in the same room. I sat back down on the bed as they started to file out of the room to leave me and Justin standing there looking at each other. The I realized it was HIS bed that I was on. "I'm soo sorry Justin I will sleep on the couch I did not know it was your bed."

No no its ok I think we are grown up enough to share this huge bed don't ya think? He asked me.

Umm yeah that's fine with me I will just lay down now and try to sleep was all I could think of with the thought of Justin I'm in bed with Justin! That did not last long because as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light until I woke to fell a head on my shoulder and opened my eyes to see Justin asleep on my shoulder. This is nice I thought very nice I could get used to this if it were only true. I studied him, his face, his shoulders and back. He was an Adonis and I had the pleasure of watching him sleep I could have died right there and been happy. A faint knock on the door took my eyes away from him to see JC and Chris looking in at us. I motioned for them to come on in but keep quiet I pointed to Justin on that last thought.

By the time they had made it over to the bed I could see the gears in there heads turning together then I remembered last night the looks they gave each other where they out to have us end up in bed did they catch me looking at Justin? My face went from a smile to a frown very quickly I guess because I heard them both say "Thank goodness we were right about you two."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Well we saw how Justin would look at you every so often when we were at the party and when you ended up on the bed he would not leave your side so we asked Lance and he said he thought he saw you looking at Justin when you helped him with his eye." was the smug reply from Chris.

"Well yeah I was looking at him but I never would have thought being this far from home I would end up in bed with Justin Timberlake and a sore head." I whispered back to him.

Hey its cool man we are kind of hoping that the two of you may be liking each other because we know you both need someone in your life. JC stated to me.

How do you know that you have on idea about my life. I responded.

Sure we do we called your house when you was out to notify someone of what was going on and your mom was a very nice lady and just told us so much about you. Was the giggled answer from JC.

Oh great I thought he talked to mom he probly knows about my first boo boo if she had her way. I thought.

Well we are going back out in the main room breakfast will be here in 20 minutes that's enough time to get him up. JC stated as he and Chris walked out of the room to leave me with my mouth hanging open. I did not want to wake Justin I had heard how bad he was in the morning and besides he looked so cute sleeping there.

Next: Chapter 2

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