Long John

Published on Feb 19, 2005


Long John

Part 8

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Vincent took his time, but he soon was fully embedded in Long John's ass. Long John continued slowly to thrust his monster meat into Burt. The three of them formed a slow motion composition in undulating lust.

Long John was typically cool and collected as he fucked. He was always an enthusiastic sexual partner, but I suspected he also held back some. With Vincent's man tube in his ass he gave up any effort to be cool. I could see John twitch when the thick horse dick rubbed a special place in his ass. Vincent noticed the same reaction and shifted Long John's legs to make the tender spot more vulnerable. Long John resisted a little, but surrendered and gave Vincent full access.

Some people say the brain is man's most sensitive sex organ. I think Vincent's horse cock was stoking nerves that went strait to Long John's brain. I had seen Long John's meat penetrate bodies far deeper than I thought was possible. With Vincent and Long John, I saw the ultimate penetration.

Burt had turned into jelly as Long John continued to fuck him. I suspected Long John's cock had bloated to maximum size and Burt was the luck guy to experience the monster member. Rabbit and I were on automatic pilot as we watched the trio. I was the fist to shoot. When I started to shoot my load into Rabbit, it seemed to start a chain reaction of orgasms. Everyone climaxed within minutes. All of us had a good time.

Our little party broke up and Long John and I got to bed early. I slept well. A phone call woke me early in the morning. It was my Aunt. Long John's father had a stroke and he had to get home immediately. I got on line and got tickets and then got him off to Newark. It was a frantic two hours.

His father lived, but the situation wasn't good. His mother hadn't been in good health for years. She had been taking care of Long John's Dad, but after the stroke, it was well beyond her. Over the next few months I talked to Long John weekly. I told him we missed him in New York. The situation with his father continued to deteriorate. Long John knew there wasn't going to be a happy ending. His mother was in denial. That made it difficult for Long John.

Rabbit and Charley called him too. They had similar experiences with their parents and gave him some moral support and good information and helpful hints. Charley was specially helpful. His father had a stroke and had lived in poor condition for three years. He had a "Hints from Heloise" approach to dealing with sick people. He knew many simple and easy ways to make like better for the patient and the caregiver. Long John appreciated the advice.

One morning Long John went to wake his father and found him dead. His mother died that afternoon. I hadn't expected to go down for the funeral, but after his mother died, I thought some support would be good. I told Long John's friends and Charley offered to drive me down.

We got there just in time for the funeral. Long John was holding up well. Both of his parents were sick, so he wasn't exactly shocked but losing both on the same day was a bit much. The funeral was good, but odd. Half the people were relatives and old friends of his parents. The other half were his hunting and fishing buddies. To say it was a mixed group was an understatement.

Long John asked everyone to the house afterwards. I ran into many relatives of which I had only the vaguest memories and encountering some of Long John's friends. I met Larry, the State trooper, Marv, the Johnson twins and Willy. Long John had mentioned these men to me. Charley was a hit with Long John's friends.

The relatives went home, leaving Long John and his friends to clean up. The house was depressing. His parents hadn't done anything with the place in a while, so it was dark and worn looking. Willy asked us all to come over to his house for dinner. He included Charley and me in the invitation. "Believe me when I say, there's more than enough food," he said.

Willy lived a few miles in the county in a big log cabin. He furnished the cabin in Navaho rugs, hand made wood furniture and stuffed animals. He had the ususal collection of deer and bear heads, but his taxidermist had a sense of humor. There was rabbit with antlers, a fornicating pair of mice and a squirrel getting a blow job from a hamster. The place was a Hollywood set decorator's idea of a rustic cabin, but it was real. Will made a cauldron of venison stew for dinner. I don't like game much, but Willy's concoction was good.

Willy was generous with beer too. Once they figured out Charley and I were members of the fraternity, the atmosphere relaxed considerably. Long John had good friends who were both sympathetic and helpful. There was some estate work to be taken care of, but Larry, the Trooper had just closed his parent's estate, so he knew a lot about that.

For the last few weeks, Long John had been with his Dad 24/7, so he needed some unwinding. As the beer took effect, the somber mood of the funeral dissipated and the natural urges of a bunch of gay men began to show.

I seemed to hit it off well with the Johnson twins. They were identical, bear like men with dark, thick beards and twinkly blue eyes. They were short, rolly polly men with easy laughs. Charley obviously smote Larry. Charley was handsome and distinguished looking. Larry was the only one of Long John's friends most people would find attractive.

I could feel the sexual tension in the air, but no one was sure what to do. Long John made life easy for everyone.

"You know guys. I've been saving up for four months now. My balls are full!" he said. "I sure would like to blow off some steam."

"I think some of us could help you with that," Marv said.

"I don't know you men well, but somehow, I suspect, everyone here can be of assistance," Charley said.

"You got that right!" Larry said. "Ready, willing and able!" He was unbuttoning his shirt. Long John saw that and joined in. In a minute naked men joined the stuffed animals decorating the room. The place had the feel of a crazed pornographer's vision of a gay lumber jack camp. I thought of my self as a hairy man, much too hairy according to many of the men I knew in New York. The Johnson Twins looked like teddy bears. I think only their eyeballs and teeth weren't hairy.

Marv looked less hairy, but that was because his body hair was white. Willy was a ginger bear. I didn't have much time to look. The Johnson's liked me and I was all but smothered by their hairy bodies. Joey and Tommy shared my cock as I sucked one of their cocks. They were genuinely identical. When they wore clothes, I could tell them apart, naked it was impossible.

At first their cocks were all but invisible in their hairy crotches. Pink cock heads soon emerged from the mass of hair. The cock head was heart shaped and bisected with a wide slit. The shaft was thin and curved. Both were good suckers, and whoever I was sucking, oozed sweet precum. They had goat like balls hanging low.

We changed positions several times. I was 69ing one of them as the other rimmed me. I was surprised wheen the rimming brother slipped his cock into my ass, but pleasantly so. Later, I found out they always played together, so they had double teaming down to a science. It was pleasurable and oddly exciting. It felt as if I were sucking the same cock that was fucking me. I got really close to shooting when we broke it off.

Charley had told Larry Long John had fucked him. That caused quite a stir. Charley and Long John were horny enough and had drunk enough beer to be game. Apparently Long John's cock had been the Mount Everest of anal achievement. Charley was on the verge of becoming a new Sir Edmund Hillary for the men of southwest Virginia.

Of course, I had seen Long John's cock vanish in several men's asses, but I was turned on too. Excitement is contagious. Larry had been playing with Charley and was revved up. As a State Trooper, Larry was reserved. Long John had told me it had taken a lot for Larry to admit her liked man sex. Years earlier, Long John gave him an ultimatum to Larry. Either Larry would admit he enjoyed it and show it, or he'd be cut off. Larry caved, but it was still hard for him.

Tonight, there was no problem. Larry was turned on and excited. Charley suggested Larry might open him up for Long John's rod. That was good for everybody. Larry had a thick and solid seven inches. I glanced at Charley. He was really interested in Larry's cock.

Larry rammed his cock deep in Charley's ass in a single movement. It was good. After the first violet thrust, Larry calmed down and caressed Charley's ass with his cock. I knew Larry wanted to fuck Charley, but I think it was more pleasurable than he had hoped. He slowly pumped until Long John was ready. Then he made three or four hard thrusts and shot off. Larry shook and shivered with each ejaculation. Bu the time he pulled out, you knew not a drop of cum remained in the Trooper's balls.

Long John stepped up to the plate. Larry was a big boy and as he pulled his meat out of Charley's ass he looked impressive. When Long John's cock appeared Marv gasped. It was hard to believe it was real and it would fit in the small hole Larry had just vacated. Charlie had a bubble butt. Soft downy hair covered his ass with longer hairs around the hole itself. The hole was twitching some and a few drops of Larry's cum oozed from it.

"Are you ready, Charley?" Long John asked. Charley nodded. Long John eased five or six inches into the hole. Charley winced, they relaxed. You could see some of Larry cum squeezing out on the sides of John's cock. It was as if there wasn't room for the cock and the seed in the same ass.

Long John took his time, but a few minutes later Charley's balls were resting on Long John's bush. His cock was deep in Charley's rectum. The Johnson Twins flanked me. They were entranced. I felt a desire to fuck. I looked at one of them and he knew what I wanted. One of the twins coated my cock with lube. The other lubed his ass. "Fuck him good and hard, he loves it," one of the twins said. It turned out it was Tommy. I was fucking Joey.

It was a tight fit, but Joey did everything he could do to let me in. He wiggled, squirmed and twitched unto my entire cock was in him. He had a genuine sense of achievement once I skewered him. We were still, watching Charley begin to relax and then get deep into the fucking Long John was giving him.

I just undulated some to keep my cock hard in Joey's ass. Charley was moaning now as Long John began to take long strokes. Tommy looked lost as I fucked his brother and he was alone. I was surprised at what happened next. Larry was getting hard again. He was that excited.

Larry lubricated his cock and touched Tommy. Tommy didn't expect that, but when he saw it was Larry, he smiled and bent over. It was another tight fit, but Larry got it all in. Long John had looked up saw Larry's cock force it's way into Tommy's ass. Long John smiled.

I later found out, Larry had never played with the twins before. They figured they were just too ugly to attract him. Marv was watching Charley, licking his cock every time precum oozed from the slit. Willy came over to us and licked the twin's cocks. Larry and I maneuvered, so Tommy and Joey faced each other. Their cocks touched in Willy's mouth as he knelt between them.

Charley bellowed as he shot off. I think I recalled Long John saying Merv was a cum hound. If that was true, he was in heaven. Larry and I had co ordinated our thrusts and the poor Johnson Twins didn't know whether they were coming or going. Joey shot off and caused a chain reaction orgasms.

Willy took their loads. Joey and Tommy got into some heavy duty kissing as they climaxed. I think that was usual for them. Tommy looked embarrassed when they broke apart. "I think it's time for a quick shower," Long John said. "I'm feeling sticky." He was still hard, and I realized he hadn't shot off yet. The night wasn't over.

The shower was refreshing and I got my second wind. Willy served desert and we all mellowed out some. I talked with Joey and Tommy. They explain which of them had fucked me and which one I had fucked. I was afraid they had been offended I could tell who was who.

There was no problem. Confusing their identities was a running joke through their lives. It amused them and they enjoyed playing jokes on the unsuspecting. Joey leaned close to me and whispered, "Did you like my ass?" I said sure. He continued. "I didn't know if I was doing it right."

"Was this your fist time?" I asked.

"Sort of," he said. "Tommy's done me, but no one else."

"How was it for you?"

"Good, really good," he said. "I don't get that way often."

"What was is that?"

He leaned really close to me. "Kissy. You know romantic," he said. "Do you think anyone will make fun of us? Do you think it's wrong?"

"Nothing wrong at all. Why not?"

"I guess you're right," he said. "I guess you could tell how much we like it." Joey paused. "Could you do it to Tommy too? He'd like it too." I smiled.

"You know, Joey," I explained, "you did me a favor by opening up. The tighter the ass, the better it is for me. I was afraid I was hurting you." Leaning over I kissed him. It started as a friendly peck, but turned into something more. I cupped his balls and soon his cock began to rise. Tommy rejoined us.

I was hard as a rock by now. Tommy got the lubricant and coated my cock. Long John came over to us. "Tommy, you're really getting into it tonight," he said. "It's nice to see." I was on the floor. Tommy pushed me back and then straddled my cock. He sat down. He was just as tight as his brother, but just as determined to get my cock into his ass.

"It's nice you boys decided to open up the back porch for fun," Long John said. "You've been a guest enough times before. It's about time to host." By this time Tommy was deeply involved and he shot off, hands free.

Larry came up to us. He leaned over to Long John. "I think I can take it now," he said. "I'm ready."

Larry was able to take it all. It wasn't easy and it wasn't fast, but it was worth it to Larry. With Charley as an advisor and the rest of us acting as coaches, Larry opened up enough to permit full penetration. Willy had a new bottle of poppers. That helped some. Charley discovered if you pinched Larry's nipples, his ass would open some. Willy found out if you fed the Trooper your cum, that too helped him relax.

Once he was in, Long John spent a good hour thrusting and pumping. Larry was on his back with his legs held wide. At one point, Joey skewered himself on Larry's cock as Long John pumped. Just to watch it was exhausting, but somehow compelling. Long John shot half his load in Larry's ass and the rest across the trooper's chest. There was enough seed for everyone to have a taste.

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