Long John

Published on Dec 28, 2004


Long John

Part 4

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

New York is a big city, but once and a while it seems like a small town filled with busybody gossips. The next morning I got a call from an old friend, Bobby Winters. Bobby befriended me when I came to New York and helped me get an apartment and a job. Bobby was a florist and a well-known drag queen.

Bobby was a slut, but with a heart of gold. He helped me because he could, not because he was hot for my bod. Even when I was 23. I was too macho for him. "I heard you have one of the seven natural wonders visiting you," he said.

"I have a cousin from home here," I said. "Are you talking about Long John?"

Bobby laughed. "It might be," he said. "Is it true he has a full sized model of the Empire State Building hanging between his legs?"

"I am shocked," I protested, "Are you talking about his cock?"

Bobby exploded his gales of laughter. "When was the last time I talked about anything other than cock?" he asked. "He's really your cousin? How is it you're that lucky?" We talked for a while. Bobby filled me in on all the latest gossip. I let him know in a nice way that Long John wasn't on display. In spite of his flamboyant nature Bobby got the hint.

"I do have a friend he might like to meet," Bobby said, finally getting to the point. "Do you know Charley Martin?" I said I had met him, but didn't know him well.

"Charley is a big boy too," Bobby explained. "He's not into size queens, but he has a natural curiosity. They might like to get together. Charley might be interested in being on the receiving end, if you get my drift. Let me give you his number. Call him if your cousin's interested."

I told Long John about my conversation with Bobby. I hadn't thought John would be interested, but I underestimated his sex drive. He was willing. Long John called Charley and hour later we were on the way to Charley's apartment in Sutton Place.

I told Long John what I knew about Charley. He was tall and handsome, with rugged good looks. He had been a model when he came to New York thirty-five years earlier. He turned out to be more than a handsome man with a great body. He invested in several off Broadway shows and hit pay dirt. He had a natural sense for what would work on Broadway. He produced a hit play or musical every two or three years.

With his combination of good looks, talent and wealth, Charley could pick and chose his companions. He was known as a private and almost reclusive man. He appeared in public only for his play openings and at charitable events or museum openings. Charley was one of those rare movers and shakers who kept a low profile.

Charley greeted us at the door. I had forgotten how good looking he was. They didn't make sixty-year-old men any better. He was heavier than I remembered, but his good looks were effortless. I've seen some older men who obviously spent a lot of time and money on looking good. Charley didn't need that; he was naturally handsome. To my surprise, he and Long John hit it off immediately. Charley was a fisherman and hunter. As a Blue Ridge Mountain guide, Long John and Charley had a lot to talk about.

While they talked fishing, I looked around the apartment. Charley's apartment had a good view and was beautifully furnished. It was almost austere, but the paintings on the walls were spectacular. At first I thought they were prints, but when I got closer I saw they were originals. Charley liked Hudson River School landscapes and had a superb collection on the walls.

I was admiring the view when Charley and Long John went off to the kitchen. When they didn't return, I went off to find them. They were in the kitchen, naked and feeling each other out.

"Be still my heart," I said. "It's a horse hung convention."

"Get naked and join us," Long John said. "We're planning our dance cards."

I stripped. "I feel like a dwarf in the land of the giants," I said.

"Don't worry, I attract size queens," Charley said. "But, I'm not into size, except on special occasions." He was half hard, but already impressive, a good 12 incher I would guess. "I like men, not boys."

"Is this a special occasion?" I asked.

"It's fixing to be," Long John replied. "We talking about some natural curiosity. He's a top and doesn't have my problem finding guys who can take his meat. He just wants to find out what they are feeling."

"The horse cocks I've run into here seem to be attached to undesirable men," Charley said. "Too young, too whorey, too eager or too freakish. Most of them want something. I'm looking for a horse cock without strings."

"You don't like using the casting couch?" I asked.

"Never. I never run into a star who had to bottom his way to the top," Charley replied. "I don't bottom often and never with anything like this." He stroked Long John's member. "I've got a good friend built like you, Freddy, who says Donkey Dongs like Long John's are an entirely different experience."

"I take it you have bottomed for your friend?" I asked.

He looked at my cock and smiled. "Yes. I tried it for the first time tree years ago. It was an unexpected pleasure. He's a little bit less thick that you, but just as long."

"I like to bottom too," Long John said. "It seems to me if you bottom and top you double your chance of having fun."

"I want to be completely frank with you," Charley said. "I have no desire for a relationship. I'm only interested in pleasure, my partners and my own. I don't want you to think I'm leading you on, or promising something I can't deliver. A one night stand is all I'm interested in." By now Charley was fully erect and looking good.

"Do you think you can take mine?" Long John asked. Charley looked down at the cock.

"I'm tight, but I want to try," Charley replied.

"Well, I would mind trying yours on for size," Long John said. "I'm not sure what size has to do with it. Freddy fucked me yesterday and I'd forgotten how good it was. You're longer but not any thicker. I really don't have enough experience to know."

"I had a friend who liked what he called `no fault sex'." Charley said. "He liked to try things. If it worked, that was fine, if it didn't, that was fine too."

"Just say, `thank you', shake hands and go your way?" I said.

"Exactly." Charley replied.

"Sounds good to me!" Long John exclaimed. "Do we have to do it in the kitchen?"

Charley smiled. "This way to the bedroom." We went down a hall and into his room. It had a king-sized bed and one gigantic painting.

"Damn, that a pretty picture!" Long John exclaimed.

"Is that a Bierstadt?" I asked.

"Yes. Enough art appreciation, let's get down to business," Charlie said. I got on the bed and sucked the two huge cocks. They talked. If it wasn't for Long John, Charley would have had the biggest cock I had seen. Charley was cut, with a mushroom head, very clearly defined. His shaft was long and curved. His balls were big and perfectly shaped, like those of Greek statues, only larger. He was beginning to ooze pre cum.

"How big a cock have you taken?" Long John asked Charley. "Freddy had the most I've taken. Are you tight?"

"I think so, it's been six months since the last time," Charley replied. We shifted in the bed. Long John sucked Charley and Charlie sucked me. I was surprised Charley would do that. He was so handsome, it was hard to believe he would suck an ordinary looking guy like me. He was also an enthusiastic sucker. Charley wasn't just being polite.

I was getting really hard. Long John had plans for my cock. Apparently when they were in the kitchen, they discussed using my cock as an appetizer. Charley wanted to try a bigger cock, but not cold turkey. I was to open him up for the main course.

The phone rang. Charley picked it up, listened for a moment and said, "Come on over."

"When you called, I called my friend to see if he could come over and even things out," Charley explained, "He was out and just got my message. He'll be here in a minute." The doorbell rang and Charley ran off.

He returned with a stocky bearded man. "Alan's the name, lust is the game," the man cried as he stripped off his shirt. He unbuckled his pants, stopped and looked at us. "You guys aren't shy are you?"

"Let's see your cock and I'll tell you," Long John replied. Alan laughed and dropped his pants. "No prize winner here, but I promise we'll all have fun." That's when he focused on Long John's cock. "Damn, is that fucker real?" Alan jumped onto the bed and began sucking Long John's monster.

Alan was no shrinking violet and his rather wild and woolly enthusiasm was infectious. I sucked Charley again as he explained the plan of attack.

"Let me introduce you to my friends," Charlie said. "You are sucking Long John. He's a trail guide in the Blue Ridge in Virginia Appalachians. His friend is Freddy, who is an interior designer and Long John's cousin. We are planning on an afternoon of sexual exploration."

"Freddy, Long John, Alan is an old friend and a sometimes actor." Charley continued. "While his career had some ups and downs, he is consistently the most enthusiastic sexual partner I have encountered."

Alan took a brief break from his effort to deep throat Long John. "Everyone needs a hobby!" he exclaimed. We all laughed.

"I was hoping Freddy wouldn't mind taking a trip up my ass and opening me up," Charley explained. "Long John thinks his would be a problem straight up." Charley had a tube of lubricant and generously applied some to my cock. He correctly assumed I wouldn't mind.

"Do you mind if I used poppers?" he asked as he got on his back.

"No problem for me," I said. He lifted his legs and I got them on my shoulder. His cock looked huge, but his ass hole was tiny. Lubricant glistened in the pucker.

"Let me take a snort, then you push," he said. He opened the bottle and inhaled deeply. His ass hole resisted for a few seconds then gave way. I was pushing hard to break through and my cock went deep on the first thrust.

Once I was in, all was well. I'd men like him before. His ass resisted penetration, but when my cock rammed his prostate he melted. Charley moaned and twitched and shivered. I was getting into it when Long John tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can I cut in?" he asked. I wasn't that willing, but I was the appetizer, so I pulled out. Long John stepped up to the plate. He coated his cock had so much lube, it looked plastic. "Are you ready, Charley?"

Charley nodded. "Give me another snort," he said. He inhaled deeply and when the poppers hit, Long John eased his cock through the sphincter. He was gentle but Charley winched.

"I can stop any time you want," Long John said. Charley shook his head. Alan gave Charley another snort. Long John eased it in deeper. It took a while but he got it in. Finally, Charley relaxed and began to enjoy the monster.

"You look as if you've been cock, but have now where to shoot? "Alan said to me.

"That happens sometimes, " I said. "I'm a big boy, I can take it."

"I can take it too," Alan said. "If you're interested, that is?" Needless to say, I was interested. He got on his hands and knees. I got the lubricant, but when I fingered his ass I realized he was already lubricated. Freshening the lube on my cock, I eased it in. His ass didn't resist at all.

The bear-like man looked like a paunchy middle-aged man. He had a bubble butt of solid muscle. It was a tight fit. His ass grabbed my cock and held it in a steel grip. It was great. The rest of his body was just as solid. Alan and I watched Charley and got more excited. Charley got use to Long John's cock and the cock began to work its magic.

Alan and I were doing well too. The fit between my cock and his ass got tighter and more exciting. Finally I began to shoot. It felt as if my cum was cementing us together. I was moaning. A second or two later Charley gave up his load, coating Long John's chest with sperm.

Long John pulled out as soon as Charley stopped shooting and sprayed him with his load. Long John's orgasms of the last few days did nothing to reduce his cum production as far as I could see. We were all quiet after the climaxes, slowly coming down from the sexual highs.

"Would you like to stay for lunch?" Charley asked. "Let's shower and I'll get something together." We adjourned to the shower. Compared to the austerity of the rest of the apartment, the shower was an oriental fantasy in azure, jade green and gold.

Alan hadn't climaxed yet, but when we were in the shower he whispered to me. "Your ass is mine!" That sounded good to me.

"Now?" I asked.

"Hell no, I could eat a horse," he replied. "After lunch."

I helped Charley with lunch in the kitchen while Long John and Alan talked in the living room. "You have a fine collection of paintings here." I said.

"Yes, got interested in them when hunting in the Adirondacks. They're hard to find now, but I have an insider who steers me to the right people. If the Met needs them, they'll get them. That's the arraignment."

"Right of first refusal?"

"That's it. Most are by lesser masters. Except the Bierstadt, of course. The curator feels they are under rated now and I want the museum to have them in friendly ownership," Charley explained. "He thinks it's just a mater of time before the public recognizes their worth."

"We went to the Met yesterday. Long John loved it," I said. "We met a curator, Longstreth Wilson, here and had a good time."


"You know him?"

"I sure do. He's my connection there." Charley replied. "How good a time did you have?"

"I hope I wasn't trespassing?"

"Not at all," Charley said. "Professional relationship only. How good was it? He's so small, I can't believe he could take it."

"Where there's a will, there's a way," I said. "He may be small, but he's a trooper."

"I was a dinner with him last night," Charley said. "He had an odd look, sort of like a cat who had swallowed a mouse."

"It was a big mouse."

"He seemed like a nice guy. Rabbit and Long John hit it off well."I remarked.

"I like masculine men. That's Rabbit, but I never got together with him. I figured my cock was way too much for him to handle," Charley said. "Let me see if he's available for lunch." Charley went to the phone.

Rabbit was available and he appeared fifteen minutes later. We had a pleasant lunch. I detected a look of hero worship in Rabbit's eyes as he glanced at Charlie. Rabbit and Alan hadn't met. They were a daddy bear and baby bear version of the same species. They hit it off quickly. I don't watch much television, but Rabbit had seen Alan as the sidekick on a popular series. Alan was a celebrity.

The afternoon was going to be fun. We all got along well and shared common interests.

Next: Chapter 5

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