Long John

Published on Dec 23, 2004


Long John

Part 2

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Judson went home and Long John and I went to bed. We were tired. Long John got up at the crack of dawn. I am a light sleeper, so he woke me when he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Sorry," he said. "I tried to be quiet." He stood there naked.

"It's not you, it's me," I said. "Get into bed or you'll get cold." Long John got under the covers. "I hope you didn't mind watching?" Long John said, "I didn't want to leave you out."

"Don't worry about that," I said. "How was Judson?"

"Good. I think it would be better if he could relax," Long John said. "He was a good sport, but he's not my type."

"He's a handsome man," I said,

"He sure was, but he's not my type," he replied. "I don't mind them being a bit rough hewn. Do you bottom?"

I chuckled. "I do, but not for you," I replied. "You're in a different weight class."

"That's fair enough," Long John said. "You're more my type."

"Fat and hairy?"

"You ain't fat. Solid I'd say. I like the fur and the meat too," he remarked. As he said that, he stroked my cock. I was half hard already. After two or three strokes, I was hard. "I wouldn't mind taking a seat on that. Are you game?" I was. He coated my cock with lube. Long John straddled me and then skewered himself on my cock.

It was good for me, but great for Long John. He supported his weight on his legs, so he could bounce on my love pole. He contracted his sphincter, massaging my cock with his ass muscles. When he first entered my ass his cock draped on my gut. As he bounced, his cock grew to its full extent sticking straight out with the last third drooping.

I faced it head on. His cock head was fully exposed and precum dripped from his wide slit. He undulated his ass and it seemed as if his cock lost its droop. At first I thought it was an optical illusion, but it happened several times.

"Long John, can you move your cock? I have the impression you are waving it at me," I asked.

"Like this?" he asked as the last third of his cock twitched.

"Damn, it looks as if you have a prehensile cock!"

"Is that odd?" Long John asked.

"It sure is. How do you do that?"

"I tighten my ass and it just straightens out," Long John replied. I could feel his ass grip my cock and see his cockhead twitch. His sphincter had an iron grip on my cock. He rose up and then sat back. My balls gave up their load. My cock was shooting and I was bucking some as my cum made its exit, "That's it, baby!" he cried as he sprayed me with cum. My orgasm must have induced his. I had a head on view of his cock as the slit opened and belched out globs of his seed.

It was messy, but exciting. I had no idea if a cock as big as Long John's would shoot a normal load or something more impressive. It was impressive. Each ejaculation consisted of a massive glob, connected by a ribbon of cum to his slit. By the time the first glob landed on my chest another erupted from his cock. Long John had five or six huge ejaculations, then they diminished. He tightened his ass on my cock and several more large globs emerged again.

"Do you like cum for breakfast?" he asked.

"Never tried it," I replied. Long John collected some on his finger and fed it to me. He then collected a second batch and ate it himself.

"My friend, Marv Johnson, back in the mountains calls cum, cock caviar," Long John said. "I guess you could say he's a cum hound."

"He must love you," I remarked.

"Not really," Long John replied. "He loves cum and the cock that shoots it, but he's not turned on by me. Marv likes smooth kids, not hairy hill billies. It's odd, isn't it?"

"What's odd?"

"Last night, Judson liked big cocks, but not the man who had the cock. I was after a bottom who could take my cock. He could take it, but Judson didn't turn me on," Long John explained. "It would be good if we could combine all the features we like in a single person. Most of the time one man has the body, another the mind and a third the cock." He got off my cock.

"I wouldn't worry about that," I said. "I think you have the raw materials to make friends fast."

He smiled. "That was really good Freddy," he commented. "I haven't shot off like that in years. You've inspired me." I showered and we had breakfast, then went out walking. Long John had no problem with walking long distances and we made it up to Rockefeller Center. He loved it there. We stood in front of the Today Show booth and then went in St. Patrick's. He loved the building. He thought it looked like a forest.

Long John wanted to see the mummies at the Metropolitan Museum, so we took a subway. He liked the Egyptian collection, but there was little there he didn't like. I had encountered several relatives from Virginia who were afraid or defensive about new things. They seemed to think what they had at home was as good as it could be and there must be something wrong with anything else.

New things fascinated Long John. He was open to new experiences and wanted to know more about them. We spent a pleasant time at the Metropolitan. We were talking about the room by Frank Lloyd Wright in the American Wing when a short man joined in our conversation. Long John liked the room, but thought it was too low. The short man begged to differ.

Long John was 6-3 or 4 and the man couldn't have been more the 5-4. He was stocky, with a well-trimmed beard. Wearing a sports shirt, a mass of hair poked out at the open collar. At first I thought the man was offended, but I soon realized he was joking. I also realized he had a crotch level view of Long John. My hill billy friend wasn't blatant about his cock size, but you could tell there was something in between his legs, a big something. The short man was interested.

"I'm Longstreth Wilson, the assistant curator here," he said after we had talked for a few minutes. I introduced myself and John as my semi cousin from the country.

"What is a semi-cousin?" Longstreth asked.

"I'm a cousin by marriage," Long John explained. "My Daddy's bother married Freddy's mother's sister. We aren't related by blood, just by marriage."

"It must be a southern thing, John," Longstreth remarked.

"You can call me Long John," my semi cousin said. "That's my nickname." Longstreth was looking directly at Long John's crotch and the bulge in his pants.

"That nick name isn't referring to your height, is it?" The short man asked.

Long John laughed. "In fact, it isn't," he replied. Dropping his voice, he asked, "Interested?"

"I sure as hell am!" Longstreth replied. "I live a few blocks away. Interested in a cup of coffee?" He glanced at me with concern in his eyes.

"I would love a cup," Long John replied. "Freddy here is what you'd call open minded."

"Some people say I'm open minded to a fault," Longstreth added. We left the museum and went to his apartment. It was in a beautiful mansion subdivided into condominium units. He had the top floor.

"Nice digs," Long John remarked. "This ain't the low rent district, is it?"

"Believe it or not, this once was the servants' quarters," Longstreth said. "By the way, my nickname is Rabbit."

"As in fucking like a rabbit?" Long John asked.

"Only when I get lucky," he replied. Rabbit made coffee and we talked. After we finished the coffee, the conversation turned to sex.

"Are you a size queen?" Long John asked.

"You country boys sure are subtle," Rabbit remarked. "I do like them big. What is your interest?"

"Other than fucking?" John asked. Rabbit nodded. "I have a warm spot for hair balls. Freddy here is hairy, but I was guessing you're the mother load."

"You guessed right. Most gay men don't like that." Rabbit said. "Having the hair of a chimpanzee isn't an attractive feature."

"Why don't we all get naked and let me be the judge?" Long John suggested. Rabbit led us to the bedroom. He was hairy and, much to my surprise, hung.

"More of a Gorilla than a Chimp, I'd say," Long John said.

"A pigmy Gorilla?"

"Part of you ain't a pigmy," Long John replied. "Damn, you look good. Top or bottom?"

"Long John, I'm not sure your approach to sex is as sophisticated as it might be," I said.

Rabbit laughed. "I don't mind," he replied. "I don't like small talk that much. I like both, but I don't get much chance to do either." We were all getting hard. "I'd love to get some practice in."

"Me too," Long John said. "Do you think you can take it?"

Rabbit took a long hard look at Long John's enlarging cock. "I'm not sure I can, but I can sure give it the college try," he replied. "It's been a while. I'm not sure I'm open enough."

"Freddy can warm you up."

Rabbit looked at me and my cock. He smiled. "We have a plan," he said. I was going to complain since they were making some assumptions about what I would do without asking me. Before I had a chance to say anything, Rabbit began to suck my cock. He was a master. We got on the bed and formed what must have been the most miss matched daisy chain in the history of gay sex. Rabbit sucked me, while Long John sucked him and I sucked Long John.

I am not exactly a virgin, but Rabbit's sucking technique was a wonder. What he did, I couldn't figure out, but my cock was in love. Long John's interest in Rabbit's cock was not purely recreational. As he sucked, he also worked some lubricant into the small man's ass.

When I was hard enough, Rabbit stopped sucking me and Long John gave him the tube of lube. He coated my cock then asked how I wanted to fuck him. I said it was "the fuckee's choice." Rabbit rolled on his back and lifted his legs to my shoulders.

His legs were undersized, but the rest of him was close to normal size. The hair was continuous from his toes to his beard. He had white skin under the thick coat. His eyes were a clear deep blue, his tongue, nipples and cock head were pink. Everything else was hair covered. He even had hair growing halfway up his cock shaft.

I rolled him back and opened his legs to see his ass hole. It too was pink and very small. It glistened with lubricant. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, a bit uncertain he could take my cock, not to mention Long John's.

"Sure, just take it slow," he replied. I place my cock at his hole and told him to open up. I pushed. A second later my entire cock was in his ass. In another second, I was fucking him like a wild man. Sucking wasn't his only skill. Rabbit was the bottom of my dreams.

"I'm shooting," I cried. Trying to pull out, Long John held me in while I shot my load.

"Shoot that man-lube deep!" Long John instructed me. "The deeper it goes, the better it will be for me." When I finished shooting, Rabbit squeezed his ass a few times to milk the last drops of man seed from my cock. I pulled out slowly. This was one of those situations for which I had no expectations that turned out to be good.

Long John took my place at Rabbit's ass. "You can rest some if you need to, but I think you'll be more open if I go in right away," he said.

Rabbit told him to go right ahead, but to take it slowly. "I don't think it will be as easy as with Freddy," he said. Long John began slowly pulsing his cock into Rabbit's hole. The head popped in.

"Damn it's thick!" Rabbit exclaimed.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, don't stop," Rabbit replied. Long John pushed and a solid seven inches of cock slipped in. Rabbit gasped. "I don't know what I want. I can't think."

"You're doing really good," Long John said.

"Why don't you try another position?" I suggested. "Do you mind giving Rabbit more control? Let him sit on it."

"Does that sound good to you Rabbit?" Long John asked. Rabbit nodded his head. I don't think he could talk. Long John gently pulled out and got in the bed. Rabbit stood and straddled the monster cock.

"Shit. My legs aren't long enough," Rabbit exclaimed. There was a tone of disappointment in his voice.

"I can help lower you," I said.

"Damn, I want it. But it's so big," he whispered.

"Rabbit, I want to fuck you, but I sure don't want to hurt you," Long John said, "Let Freddy help you. He'll do what you want. If it's too much, you just say the word. I'm an understanding kind of guy."

Rabbit scurried over to the side of his bed and retried a bottle of poppers from the night table. "This may help." He returned to Long John and took up his position on the cock. He sat back and the first third of the cock slid in easily. I steadied him. He opened the bottle and inhaled deeply. Rabbit sank onto the cock.

"Jesus!" he exclaimed. Rabbit's impressive cock lost some of it rigidity. I held him and he wiggled his ass to get the invader into a more comfortable position. His cock got hard again. "Is there much more left?" he asked.

"Five inches or so," I said. "They are thick inches." Rabbit opened the bottle again and took another snort. He didn't impale himself on it. I had the peculiar sensation he melted on it. It was hard to believe, but the entire organ was in the diminutive man's body.

"The minute I saw you naked I knew you could take it," Long John said. He pulled Rabbit forward and kissed him. Some of his cock slipped out of Rabbit's ass, but there was a lot still inside the quivering body. They kissed passionately, then Rabbit pushed away and sat back on the cock. He wanted it all in his ass. Once the horse cock was in, Rabbit was fine. They tried several positions to see which worked the best.

Long John was fucking him doggy style when I saw Long John tighten his ass. Rabbit moaned. I knew the drooping section of the cock was twitching inside the ass. They were two happy men. I felt like a fifth wheel, but neither man seemed to have any sexual hang-ups at all.

Turn about was fair play in Long John's book and he wanted Rabbit's cock in his ass. Rabbit liked to top. This interlude gave Rabbit's ass a rest. John was a good and appreciative bottom. Rabbit would have had a longer rest period, if I hadn't been inspired by his bubble butt. I slipped my cock into the hole for a repeat performance.

The second I did it, I was worried this would annoy them. There was no need to worry. Rabbit loved it. Long John hadn't considered the possibility, but he saw the potential immediately. Ten minutes later Rabbit was fucking me as Long John plowed him. It was an unqualified success. We had perfectly synchronized orgasms. Rabbit was a keeper.

Next: Chapter 3

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