Long Beach Gym

By Strong Hands

Published on May 9, 2012


This is a fantasy story written if it is illegal for you to read this then don't. This story involves male and male bondage and light SM.

Long Beach Gym

Back Story

I have a habit of making friends with hot strait or bi guys. One works at my gym in long beach ca this is a fantasy I have about him after he told me he is also into bondage.

From End of Chapter 2 of Long Beach Gym

Bret moaned and moaned as Strip continued to thrust upward with slow strong movements. Strip's muscled firmly butt squeezed in and out as he fucked his friend's ass sternly. "Good boy, good slut" Bret heard Strip whisper in a deep masculine way into his ear. Bret's head was now turned to the side and riding up and down as was his bound body. Bret wanted this feeling to last forever. Strips chiseled, smooth, firm, muscled body was a great force to be felt. Strip loved the feeling his body felt as he pushed against Bret's leaned framed body.

Chapter 3 of Long Beach Gym

The smell of Strips body was immense it though did not smell bad but great. Something you would smell from a true strong young man. Bret closed his eyes as the assault of pure lust from Strip continued. This lust was something hot and great that he started to enjoy. Strip though became board with this position and pulled out of Bret. The pull out caused Bret to moan in a bit of pain. Strip then grabbed Bret after he hit the ground with his feet from the upward thrusting position and turned him around. Strip then sat on a small tile bench that was in the shower stall, he then quickly un did the sock and pulled the jock gag from Bret mouth , Strip then forced Bret onto his knees and his mouth onto his hard cock. Despite the condom Bret sucked, Strip who hated condoms and never wore one for head kept it on for Bret's skills were that natural and good.

Strips large cock tasted great even with the Trojan. Bret mouth bounced up and down quickly for he liked the taste of Strips great cock even with the condom. Bret's blue eyes squinted and looked up as Strip's dark brown eyes looked down. The look of each of their faces seemed to match but not their thoughts. Bret's gave a look of submission and some fear for he thought he had been found out and after his friend was done using him he toss him aside, while Strip looked down silently in a dominate way, and thought how he could get this piece of meat out of the gym and back to his place. Strip besides being hot as hell did have intelligence and thought of something.

Strip then pulled Bret off his cock he then removed the condom and threw it on the ground he took the now wet jock and stuffed it back into Bret's mouth. "Don't move or spit that out bitch, got it?" Strip ordered in a deep voice. Bret quickly nodded and moaned "mmsimm". Strip then pushed Bret's head down making him face the ground. Bret sat there as he heard Strip walk around the locker room.

Strip found the locker room was still empty but being they were a 24 hour gym he was not sure for how long so he acted as quick as he could he walked over to Bret's locker and garbed his gym bag from the locker when he did he noticed it open and inside found a plastic bag. Within it was a bottle of silicon lube, a cb6000 with lock, sweat rags, and butt plug. Not in the plastic bag but with in the gym bag Strip found, athletic bandages, more used long socks.

Bret heard Strip walk back from the locker room, but with each step the sound of a cart being pushed was heard. Shortly after this in view of the closed stall Bret was positioned in was a red towel cart. Strip was behind it pushing it. Strip opened the door and then walked in, when he did this he was dressed in a pair of gym shorts and flip flops. The shorts sagged enough to show is defined cum cutters on that were under his defined six packed abs. Strip had in his hand the plastic bag from Bret's gym bag. Strip then moved in front of Bret and dropped the plastic bag onto the ground then gently lifted Bret's head by his chin, he then looked down on him with a small smile but with stern eyes and said "I have decided that you are going to be my bitch for the night and if your good bitch may be the weekend. " Bret nodded slowly, in his eyes was a form of fear and lust he had wanted for such a long time. See Bret was the alpha man in life, star diver and swimmer, good at his job but secretly loved the idea of being treated like a bitch; many men had tried but could not compete physically or mentally. This elitist way gave Bret a false sense of truth. Yes he was good at controlling and convincing people to do what he wanted but he really wanted to be ordered around, craved the feeling of being owned property and not in control. Bret lowered his head down and then rubbed Strip on his defined smooth legs in almost like a pup like way.

The tender feeling Bret was giving to Strip was something new he had not received from a man before. This feeling was nice and for a moment a different sort of desire leaked into Strips mind, this desire though scared Strip for he felt weak by even thinking of this for this desire was not that of a strong man but a softer one, he quickly shook his head snapped back into alpha male mode and grabbed Bret by the back of his neck he then pushed him into the stall of the shower pulled the jock out of his mouth and rapped his mouth with his tongue. Bret was in lust as he felt Strip invade his mouth. As Strip did this he rubbed Bret's sensitive nipples with his thrums slowly. Bret moaned as this happened. To show even more control, Strip took his large foot and stepped on Bret's feet, then with his free leg ran his large leg up Bret's inner leg and separated them, then used one of his hands and started to finger Bret's hole gently, even after the deep assault Bret's hole still felt smooth and tight.

Bret felt Strip push his way up with his finger again this time he was slow and used one finger to massage his throbbing prostate. When Strip made his way to his prostate he felt it almost throb and beat. Strip then pulled away from his kiss, Bret then leaned forward and sucked Strip's nice tanned nipple. Strip grunted as Bret did this, Bret's tongue was small, wet and felt great. When Strip grew tired of this he pulled out of Bret's hole and then pulled Bret over his knee as he sat down again, Strip then moved quickly and grabbed out of the plastic bag the but plug and pushed it into Bret's hole. Bret gasped and moaned like a boy. Strip then took the rag and poured a large amount of poppers onto it and then placed it on Bret's mouth and nose. Bret first struggled but then started to breath in the fumes of the poppers. "Good bitch" Strip said in a commanding tone. Strip then rolled the cloth into a ball and shoved it into Bret's mouth. The fumes were immense but not in an amount that was too much for him to take. Strip then used the bandage tape and wrapped it around Bret's mouth and head until the point the rage could not be seen. After this Bret pushed onto the plug that was in his new bitch's hole. Bret moaned gently as his now watery blue eyes squinted at the feeling of the plug pushing on his prostate. Bret then felt Strip fondle with his cock. Being that the poppers were so strong the hard on he had was now dissipated briefly. Bret then felt the feeling of his cb being locked onto him. Bret then slapped his bitches butt gently a few times, with each stork the plug was thrust into Bret's hole more and more. After this Strip pulled Bret into a standing position, when standing he looked at the position his Bitch was in and smiled. For standing plugged, gagged, popperd up and locked was a alpha male that he had as a friend who in a way gave up control with no real force. Strip then grabbed Bret and picked him up and threw him over his shoulders and placed him in the towel cart, he then gathered more towels and a few used jocks from his own gym bag and dumped them into the cart. Bret then placed some more poppers on a rag and dropped it onto Bret's face. Bret was now in a mental space he so craved from a man like Strip. Strip laughed quickly in a mocking way, Bret moaned for he was also in fear of what was coming next. Strip made a shhh motion with his finger then placed his gym bag over Bret's face. Doing this completely covered him.

In the cart Bret could smell the used jocks and towels from Strip and other men of the gym, he then felt the cart he was placed in move and heard the music from the gym. Meaning that Bret was being pushed through the gym in the cart by Strip, as this happened he also heard a few girls whistle at Strip and make comments about his shirt. Little did they know that his bitch for the night and weekend was with him just out of sight by a few feet.

When in the parking lot Strip gently kicked the side of the cart Bret's plugged but was on. When he did this Bret moaned and grunted gently. Strip laughed as this happened. Bret felt humiliated and dominated. Bret whistled a bit as he pushed the cart threw the parking lot after a few minutes Bret felt the cart stop moving, he heard the door to a trunk open and then felt Bret's strong hands reach into the cart, his grip was firm and strong from his hands , First he felt it move and fondle his body then rub his locked cock and plugged butt. Bret moaned for he was in fear and lust with a popper high, in a way he was sort of begging for mercy in a begging way for he was hard now and the firmness of his cb was causing some slight pain. When the coast was clear Bret quickly picked Bret up and placed him into the trunk of Bret's car, Bret then looked up with his blue eyes and moaned, Strip looked down and smiled in a dominate way not saying anything with his mouth but with his eyes. The words from his eyes were "got u bitch". Strip slowly lowered the trunk hood as Bret moaned in a pleading way. When the trunk was closed Bret moaned more. Strip heard nothing until he opened the door and threw his and Bret's gym bag into the car. Bret then pushed the towel cart back into the gym then closed the door quickly. Bret then started the engine of the car, which was a very nice ford mustang. Strip heard Bret's pleads for help and mercy as he realized he now in a way just kidnapped Bret from the gym and no one had no idea. Bret looked at the clock and it only read 8pm which mean really the Friday night for the both of them had just begun.



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