Long Awaited Sex with James

By moc.loa@tsvnleinaD

Published on Jul 10, 2004


Long Awaited-Sex With James/Part 3

By: Lincoln Isaiah

This is the last I will write on my stories about James. Suffice it to say, our escapades were numerous and frequent. From the first time I had ever laid eyes on James, I knew that our sexual chemistry together would be powerful. I waited years, never really getting a chance to know him, though he lived only two miles away from me. I saw him in school as the years went by, fantasizing and desperately dreaming, of having a chance to touch him and be in the throes of the deepest passion with him. He graduated and then I graduated a year later. I knew plenty of people who knew him, as he was very popular, but never pursued a chance with him because I thought he was out of my league. However, fate put things together in a very different way, allowing our paths to cross and an incredible experience to be shared.

After graduating I decided to do some traveling. I wasn't financially able to travel, mind you, but opportunities constantly presented themselves which allowed me to do so. I traveled, in a years time, to Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, and spent a considerable amount of time in California. The year had overwhelmed me and I decided to return to Texas and allow my mind to assimilate all that had happened.

The first person I went to see was my friend Jeremy. I wanted to party and Jeremy had a great set-up for such an occasion. He had a huge house, another one just next door, plenty of parking space, and he lived in a secluded area. Jeremy also knew plenty of people to invite; just enough guys and girls to make the whole thing interesting.

Jeremy was excited to see me, as he enthusiastically approached me and gave me a hug. "Dude, where the hell have you been?," he said. "It's been a good minute." "I know," I replied, "but I'm back now and I want to party!" That's all I had to say and then we were making plans. The following weekend we would get a keg, plenty of liquor, and at least a quarter-pound of weed. I invited everyone I could think of and Jeremy and his girlfriend did the same.

The week passed slowly as I eagerly anticipated the arrival of the most incredible party I had ever been too. Music, food, drink, smoke, and fine guys and girls. I would be in heaven and planned to fuck my brains out. The big night finally did arrive and everything proceeded as planned.

About two hours after the party had kicked off, the place was packed. There had to have been between 100 and 150 people there. The keg had already been replaced by another and everyone was either stoned or getting there. Sweets, joints, pipes, and hookahs were being passed left and right. Everywhere you turned someone had a drink in their hand and I reveled in the bliss and contentment I sensed from everyone. Friends stopped me every few feet I walked wanting to talk to me. People I didn't even know approached me, having been told I was their gracious host, and showered me with praise on the kick ass party that I was throwing. To me, the party was a gift to everyone and needed no thanks. I was thoroughly stimulated by the environment around me and that was more than good enough for me. A heavy buzz filled me from the drink, and I was immensely stoned. I was enjoying every moment.

I continued to mingle and even joined the throng of people who were outside dancing. Glow sticks swirled through the humid Texas night as people bumped, grinded, and just did whatever made you happy. Guys with their shirts off dotted the scenery. Sweaty, neon glowing bodies sent me tripping harder into my high and my cock began to stiffen. White, Hispanic, or black guys; they were all there. Most of the guys I saw were with girls, but I caught sight of the guys who were dancing alone and even some guys who were dancing together unabashedly. I joined the dancing and quickly passed from grinding with two or three girls until there were so many bodies passing back and forth that I lost count. I stopped after some time, smoked a cigarette and drank another beer. Right after that it was right back to Grind fest. I went back out into the yard and kept on dancing. I began eyeing a few guys and was pleasantly surprised to find them checking me out too. Eventually one guy just came right up to me and asked if I wanted to dance with him. He was about 5'9'', he had short faded black hair, and a gorgeous set of dark green eyes. I scanned his shirtless, glistening upper body and hypnotically reached out to touch him. My hands wandered from his strong shoulders, across his broad chest, and finally traveled across his well defined abs. He pushed closer to me and I could feel his long erection through the fabric of his baggy jeans. We swayed and gyrated as I squeezed his fat cock in my hand.

The scene around me continued to get more intense and this hottie was giving me all I needed to make the night complete. We swayed with the music, as I found myself about to ask this beauty to come join me in private for some more interesting activities. This was not meant to be, as Jeremy managed to find me and hesitantly pulled me aside. "I know you're all into what you're doing right now, but I have someone you should meet, he said. I looked at him and told him that right now was not the greatest time for this. "Just give me an hour," I replied, looking back at the Italian cutie who awaited my return. "No, just come with me," he quipped back. "I guarantee you won't be disappointed," he promised.

I followed him with little enthusiasm, glancing back at the guy I had just been seductively close to. Jeremy and I passed through the thick crowd, went into the house, and made our way to the back porch. There, sitting with two girls, was James. My heart skipped a beat and I was frozen at the sight of him. His shimmering blue eyes were filled with energy and everything about him was just perfect. James was dressed impeccably with absolutely no flaw I could detect about his appearance. Standing more than 20 feet away, I was enthralled by his scent, a mix of the scent of his body, and the cologne he was wearing. I yearned to taste his skin, feel every curve of his sexy body, and show him pleasures unparalleled. Jeremy just looked at me and smile. "So what do you think? Was it worth pulling you away?," he asked. "Oh, yes," I replied, "I'm glad you pulled me away." The two girls he was conversing with got up to go get drinks, and I knew this would be the best chance to approach him. Anxiety, though, suddenly overcame me. I just didn't know what he would say or if he would even be interested in talking to me. Remember, I thought James was way out of my league. Jeremy sensed my sudden apprehension and quickly reassured me. "James said he wants to see you. He saw you dancing out there and said he would like to chill with you." "Really?," I replied. "Yeah, now come on," he retorted as he grabbed me and pushed me towards the table where James was sitting. I approached him as calmly as possible. James looked over at me and his smile almost made me start shaking. Jeremy introduced us and then a few minutes later took his leave with his girlfriend. I sat there not really knowing what to say until James told me that he remembered me from school and asked me if I remembered him. "Man, I definitely know who you are, but you knew who I was in high school? "I used to see you and we had a couple classes together along the way," he shyly replied. "I wanted to approach you and would have liked to chill with you, but didn't think you'd be interested." What the hell! This fine guy had noticed me, wanted to get to know me, and I never even knew? I confessed to him how interesting he'd always seemed to me and how I had always wondered what it would have been like to have been able to chill with him. From there we talked all night and partied our asses off. Nothing sexual happened that night or for over a month. James and I spent almost everyday together feeling the sexual tension grow. Even our mutual friends joked that they could tell we wanted each other. It grew and grew, the tension between us, until the night I have described to you in Part 1 where we released our passions and began our adventure.

So all of this I have told, and I still haven't even told you the big story. Our last sexual encounter together that spanned throughout an entire day. From the beginning of one morning until the end of that day we just couldn't stop fooling around, and it finally ended up with a couple other people getting in on the action.

I awoke at James' house with him lying next to me. My sleepiness melted away as I turned over and watched him sleep. Everything seemed so beautiful about him, even when he slept. I must have laid there watching him sleep for almost an hour. I concentrated on his rhythmic breathing, and on the sheer perfection of his face. It was so clear and smooth, his blonde hair falling across his forehead, and his eyes moving under their lids telling me he was having a dream. As I peeked under the covers I saw that he had slept naked and his cock was still enormous, even when soft. I moved closer to him and kissed his sweet full lips. We were going to Houston that morning and I knew he needed to wake up, so I decided to wake him extra special. I moved under the covers and traced the tip of my tongue around his ballsac. My tongue continued to move across the base of his cock and then lick up towards his perfect, fat, mushroom head. His cock began to stiffen but he wasn't waking yet. I swallowed just the head, and swirled my tongue along his slit. His cock continued to fill with blood, and I, in return began to bob my head up and down over his shaft, swallowing more and more of his hardening tool. Before it became fully erect, I swallowed his cock all the way down, which was still quite a feat, and held it in my mouth. It didn't take but seconds more before his eyes opened a slit and he realized that his cock was imbedded in my mouth. He grabbed my hair and gently moaned. "Oh, baby," he breathed, "you know just the right way to wake me up." I moved my eager wet mouth up and down and eventually he began to thrust my head up and down on his know fully rock hard cock. His cock felt and tasted so good in my mouth and I enthusiastically began to pound my face on his prick. I slipped a hand between his cheeks and parted them to look at his sweet ass. I had already fucked James several times by the time this encounter happened. I was surprised though at how tight his hole was. Every time I fucked him, he liked it hard. He liked me to really get rough with him and give him the most intense fucking he had ever had. Our fuck sessions got so heated and strenuous that drenching in sweat was a natural result. I placed my finger at his asshole and was ready to push it in when he grabbed my hand and said "No, don't do that. I want you to take your big cock and shove it up my ass." My cock swelled and I moved to get in position. James reached over and rubbed his hand along the length of my shaft. He pumped my cock and then licked his lips. "I want that cock in my mouth first, just for a minute," he demanded. With that he took my cock into his expecting mouth and began to eat my tool. His mouth swallowed the head and then he stuffed my dick the rest of the way into his throat. I humped away at his face in a frenzy, literally gagging him and telling him to suck my throbbing meat. After quite some time of him sucking my pole, he finally moved off and got on all fours. "Shove that bitch up my ass and ride me!," he moaned. I did just what he said and after spitting in his puckered hole, I pushed my cock into his bubble butt. He bucked into my cock taking it to the hilt in a matter of seconds. From there I pounded his bunghole for all it was worth. I pulled on his silky blonde hair as I jammed my prick in and out of his quivering hole. I reached and jerked his cock with one hand while I wrapped my other arm around his waist and rode him. His moans and groans reached a pitch I couldn't believe. James rubbed my balls and then sensed what was coming as my balls began to tighten. "I'm gonna cum, man," I gasped. He jumped forward turned around and got my load blasted right in his face. Cum poured out of my cock in jets, splashing his tongue, cheeks, and forehead. He was busily pumping away at his own cock when a low pitched gurgle escaped his lips. "Oh yeah man, I'm gonna cum too." With that I was down on his stiffie swallowing every drop of his pearl juice. Blast after blast hit the back of my throat and the taste was incredible. I ate his load licking the cum that was running down the base. With that our day started.

A warm shower together, a good breakfast, and a big fat joint, had us ready to go to Houston. But James and I couldn't keep our passions at bay. He kept looking at me and I kept looking at him, and it was just all more than we could take. I glanced over and found that his prick was hard and it was more than easily noticeable through the fabric of his shorts. Well, I thought, how about a blow job to pass the time on the ride to Houston? I reached over and grabbed his cock. "You mind if I relieve you?," I playfully asked. "Be my guest," he obligingly replied. With that he freed his cock and I was down relishing the taste of his hot dick. He was a very good driver. He didn't swerve or have any trouble driving while I plowed my face into his huge cock. With one hand he even pushed my face down onto his prick every time I came up. After a good thirty minutes and at a stop light he finally gushed his load. "OH YEAH!," he screamed. Cum shot volley after volley and I made the best attempt to get it all in my mouth without letting any of his sweet fluid out. Unfortunately, it was too much and some was dribbling down my chin. I sat up to wipe it off and noticed that the driver next to us, a guy in his early thirties, had noticed me pop up, and that there was cum dribbling out of the corner of my mouth. I wiped it away and in the goofy euphoria I was in lowered the window and said "Hey man milk does a body good!" James busted out laughing as the light changed and we sped off.

The rest of the day went splendidly. We took care of the business that was on our agenda and even managed to have some "down time" along the way. It didn't matter how often we messed around it always felt like the first time. I was just so into him and was glad to find that his enthusiasm for me was not waning.On our return home later that afternoon, Jeremy called and said that he and his girlfriend, Rachel, wanted to hang out with us. They had some pot and drink so we decided to hook up and get fucked up. Now Jeremy and I had never messed around, but all that was quickly going to change.

After drinking about a 12 pack per piece and smoking several bowls out of a gravity bong, we were wasted. In our drunken and stoned stupor, we uninhibitedly started talking about sex. Rachel talked of her bi-sexual escapades and in turn, I shared some of my most exciting sexual experiences with guys and girls. Rachel knew that James and I had messed around, and she admitted that it really turned her on to see two guys mess around. Jeremy told us that he had had a few encounters with guys and that he and Rachel wouldn't mind getting in on with another guy and having a free for all. Rachel looked at me lustily agreeing and telling us that her pussy was starting to get wet from all the talk. My cock was aching in my pants, and when I glanced over, I saw that James cock was hard and twitching. We sat there and then I just busted out, "Why don't we all just get it on then?" Jeremy and James looked at each other and then back at me. "Well that would be cool cause' me and James have messed around before," Jeremy admitted. What?! I knew they were best friends but I didn't know about this. " You've been hogging James for over a month now," Jeremy playfully teased. Rachel reached over and grabbed his now stiff prick and then looked at me and asked, "Have you ever sucked Jeremy's cock?" "No, but you tell me its huge," I replied. "Well get over here and get on your knees," Jeremy commanded. I looked over at James who had now pulled out his thick prick and was slowly jerking it. I crawled over to Jeremy and watched expectantly as he unzipped his fly and yanked out his cock. He pulled his member out and I was taken by complete surprise. His cock had to have been at least 10 inches long. His cut cock pointed straight up and his huge red mushroom head beckoned to me. I just stared at his fat knob before he grabbed my head and guided me to it. "Suck it and get it all down your throat too," he demanded. I grabbed his cock and drove my face onto it. I lingered on the juicy head swirling my tongue all over it. Jeremy didn't give me much time before he stood up, placed both of his hands on the back of my head, and then began ramming his rod in and out of my slobbering mouth. Rachel had removed all her clothes and was now fingering her pussy. Her hot, wet box looked inviting and I wondered if I would get to see Jeremy's long Anaconda buried in her slot. I slid my tongue up and down Jeremy's shaft and then nibbled on his low hanging balls. His moans and groans were muffled as he pushed my head between his cheeks and my tongue began to dance around his tight pink butt hole. I felt my zipper pulled down and wondered who was wrapping their lips around my cock. From the way it was being sucked, I could tell that James had decided to help himself to my throbbing sausage. Rachel, meanwhile, had positioned herself over Jeremy's face and was getting her pussy eaten. She bucked on his face and screamed in delight as he nibbled on her clit. My pants were pulled off and then Jeremy instructed me to get in a 69. I laid down and he and James began taking turns sucking on my slick and shiny cock. I continued to alternate between eating his scrumptious ass and having him impale his prick down my throat. I couldn't get in all in but enjoyed gagging on it and tried to give him the best suck job he had ever had. Finally, Jeremy decided he wanted to fuck Rachel and got her on all fours. His cock easily slipped into her muff and I knew that I just had to get in on this. Positioning myself behind Jeremy, I stuck my tongue up his ass while he banged away at Rachel. James got behind me and moans of pleasure and ecstasy filled me as I felt James tongue slid up my crack. I then decided to lay down and eat Rachel's pussy while Jeremy continued his relentless fucking. Her juices flowed out of her pussy and onto my tongue as I licked away at her swollen clit. Jeremy pulled his cock out a couple times and jammed it down my throat, making me suck her cunt juices off, before slamming his tool back into her. Jeremy then began to stick one finger into Rachel's ass, and then after some time, continued to increase the number until he had three fingers up her bunghole. He slid his cock out of her slot box and began to force it into her puckered ass. Her pussy clenched as he forced his length into her butt and began to drill away at it. James, meanwhile, continued to steadily alternate between sucking my cock and helping himself to my soaked ass. Watching Jeremy screw his girl got me to thinking what it would be like to get fucked in the ass. I pulled my mouth away from Rachel's pussy and asked James if he would fuck me. "I thought you'd never ask," he replied. "Be gentle though it's my first time," I instructed him. Jeremy looked down at me with a devious smile. "If it's your first time, I want to fuck you." I didn't know what to think, but thought that if Rachel's petite body could handle all of his horse cock, then I could do it too. James proceeded to position himself where Jeremy had been and penetrated Rachel's ass in one fell swoop. Her squeal from the intensity was music to my ears. After some slow and gradual thrusts, though, she was panting and thrashing back and forth onto his cock. Jeremy flickered the tip of his tongue along my asshole and then slowly, like with Rachel, stuck one finger into my ass and began to work it in. After some struggling with my tight hole, Jeremy's fingering was able to pick up a steady quickened rhythm. Soon the finger was being rammed in and out of my quivering ass. I couldn't take it anymore! "Fuck me Jeremy! Just go ahead and stuff your cock up my ass already!" With that Jeremy had my legs propped in the air and his cock head was entering me. The head popped in and as the first few inches slid their way into my virgin cherry, I felt like I was going to explode from the inside out. Pain shot through me as more of his cock slowly inched its way up my ass. I tried to eat more of Rachel's pussy but couldn't seem to concentrate as I felt more and more of Jeremy's extreme length penetrating further into my innards. Suddenly, the pain subsided and I was overcome with an extreme heat. I was so HOT! Jeremy began to fuck my ass and gurgles of a kind I can't describe escaped his lips. His eyes were closed as he relished this beautiful sensation. "Your ass is so sweet," he deeply moaned. "I'm going to dump a hell of a load from fucking this tight ass!" With that he began to thrust and work my ass into gear. I don't even know when his cock finally made it all the way in, but finally I realized that his balls were slapping the small of my back. In my horny frenzy, I managed to work my way back to munching on Rachel's shaven pussy, and saw James pull out his prick from Rachel's well stretched ass and placed it at Rachel's pussy lips. He tickled and traced her lips with the tip of his cock and soon she was begging him to stuff it into her. James sensed how much I was aching to swallow his meat and graciously offered it to me. While Jeremy was now intently fucking my ass, I was burying James' dick down my throat. James pulled out his spitty, lubricated cock and stuck it into Rachel's pussy. His balls slammed back and forth off her pussy and I gently took turns sucking on each of his balls. Jeremy's fucking was now drawing a faster beat at fucking me but was making shorter thrusts. I reached and cupped his sac and could tell that he was about to cum. He started to suddenly gasp and then jumped off my ass. He squeezed his nut sac, raced over to where I was, and positioned himself so that he was standing over Rachel and facing James as James fucked Rachel. I peered up and saw globs of nut being sprayed from Jeremy's prick. He shot blast after blast onto James' stomach and soon they worked their way down. Globs of his load trailed down and slid onto Rachel's pussy. I lapped at the juices that I could reach and didn't have to wait much longer as James now seemed on the verge of climax. I jerked my cock steadily as Rachel began to shudder in waves. Her body convulsed and she forced her snatch down on my mouth as she came. Her hot love juices coursed into my mouth and I did my best not to suffocate in her slot. It was then that I blasted my load and it landed in great drops and streaks across my belly. As Rachel And I moaned and twitched , enthralled in the depth of our orgasms, James yanked his pole out of Rachel and shot more cum than I have ever seen. It coursed in streams and looked like an avalanche. It shot onto Rachel`s pussy and ass before she moved, and then more waves came slamming onto my face. Jeremy and Rachel eagerly met me and began to lick and kiss the cum that was on my lips, neck, cheeks, and forehead. I went to James, who was lying exasperated on the bed, and licked the remaining cum that Jeremy had shot on him. I looked at him and he reached for me. Our lips met and I was overcome with the purest of passion and joy. Jeremy and Rachel joined us and we all lay there just rubbing each other and relaxing. We giggled and talked, smoked a big sweet, and then had a cigarette, while disbelievingly talking about what had just happened. Regardless to say, we spent the entire night and the next day in that house before we finally pried ourselves away from each other. That was one of my top 10 life moments so far, and I relish it with all my being.

The union of James and I that summer, the crossing of our paths, was brief but intense. James left to go back to LSU (Louisiana State University) and our paths fell apart rather quickly. I continued to have to move on a constant basis, and when I returned to the area, it was during a time when he was going to school. We tried e-mail but that was not possible with my frequent travels. Info from Jeremy revealed that he was, of all things in the world, in a serious commitment with a girl. Those intense fuck sessions with him really had me wondering if he could hook up steady with a chick and not miss those hard, sweaty fucks with a guy. I was happy for him and still hope, today, that his life has led in a positive direction and that he is truly happy. As for Jeremy and Rachel, we went on to stay friends but not mess around again. Some time later, months down the road, Rachel got pregnant and had a baby boy. Jeremy married her and they now live in Houston.

I miss those days. I learned many things from my experiences with James, and his friendship helped aid me in a time of great spiritual turbulence. I became solidified and proud of my sexual orientation and shed all my fears of rejection or need for acceptance. I saw the complexity of my soul and the endless possibilities that life presents. James' passion didn't just lie in the ability to set you on fire sexually, he had a charm, a raging energy in his heart that drew you magnetically to him. When it was all said and done, he changed my mind and made me stronger. In my heart, still perfectly intact, lies the feeling he sparked within me, during our encounters, and the way he made me feel. It's passion without it being an exact kind of passion...it's a passion for everything. Thank you James.


I hope you enjoyed this series of stories. Please give me responds, suggestions, and any commentary you wish to share. Your replies are deeply appreciated. I'm new to this and want to hear your reaction and opinions of my work. E-mail me at EMD222004@yahoo.com. Pics and your stories are also appreciated if you would like to share.

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