Lonely Soldier Off Base

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Feb 24, 2020


If you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction, the sole property of the author. It may not be reused or reprinted without his written consent. Comments welcomed: jaskejr@Hotmail.com If you like the stories on this site please contribute - https://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Lonely Soldier Off Base


I was working my part job at the restaurant outside of DC, waiting tables. It was a typical Friday night. Our first crowd came in shortly after getting off work at 5PM. At 7:30 the first crowd had left to be replaced by couples and families. About 9PM the crowd began to thin out. We did the normal, cleaning and re-setting the tables for the Saturday lunch crowd. Finishing, each of the staff sat for a hurried meal before going home. I had other plans. Not having a car I walked to the nearby bus stop. After about 5 minutes my bus arrived. It was only a short ride, no more than 4 minutes and 2 stops. I still had on my waiter's outfit of black pants and a white dress shirt. I'd stuffed my tip money, about $15 into my shoes while I sat in the back of the bus. I kept out 10 more for the nights spending. I exited the bus and walked to the bar closest to the main gate of the Army base.

The usual crowd of young soldiers were there. Some were playing pool while others sat at the bar watching reruns of the days games. Taking a seat at the bar I ordered a beer and sat back to take in the crowd. There were mostly younger men there, less than my 23 year old self. I'd been coming here since I moved into my apartment near the restaurant a few months ago. I was proud of the fact that I'd finally managed to move' out of my parents' home and be on my own. My day job in a government office paid not enough to cover my expenses but the part time job supplemented it well. The tips were an added benefit- no taxes.

As I sat there a few more soldiers came in, one taking the bar stool next to mine. He ordered his beer and was carded by the bartender- the norm for such a young looking guy. He grabbed his drink and turned around on the stool, just touching my arm. "Sorry" he said. I shrugged and nodded. He was alone, something unusual for soldiers. They usually hung out in pairs or groups. I decided to speak to him "Good night to be out?" He turned, smiled, and said "Yep, even of it is by myself." I let the conversation drag out not saying anything. Finally, I broke the silence "How long you been in?" he looked at me sideways before answering " 18 months- 2 for basic and 3 for tech school. One tour in the middle east- sort of." I knew not to explore that after all we'd just met. I thought as I sipped my beer before saying "I just got my own place. After college my folks thought that I'd move back home and help raise my siblings. That only lasted long enough for me to save up for my own place and then I was out of there. Living at home, I had no privacy. Couldn't even rub one out in the bathroom without someone banging on the door." he turned around to face me. Looking me up and down he began to moan "Yep, I know what you mean. Back home in Georgia, I had four sisters. You try getting some peaceful time alone in the bathroom with 5 females in the house. It's no wonder my dad drank. Now I bunk with 21 other guys but at least we have the time to rub one out when we're horny. Guys understand another guy's needs. No one cares as long as we don't leave a mess for someone else to clean up."

We sat in silence finishing our beers. I bought the next round. I could afford cheap beers. He told me that his name was Todd. I introduced myself myself as Steve. Over the next two rounds of beer we talked on sports, music, dating -someting we were both bad at- meeting girls. I had little time with a full time job, grad school,and a part time job at the restaurant. He admitted that he ust didnt have the smooth talk to get the attention of the ladies.

I looked at my watch. I got up to leave and was about to say good bye when he ordered another round. I explained that if I stayed I'd miss the last bus home. He told me not to worry. He'd drive me home. I was hesitate to trust myself with a stranger. But he insisted so I stayed for one more drink and a conversation. It was after midnight when we left the bar. His car was parked across the street. It wasn't a new car, probably been handed down from one soldier going overseas to another

The ride was a short one, not 5 minutes to my apartment. We sat outside my front door talking. I finally asked if he'd like to come in for coffee or a drink. He seemed to have been waitng for the invitation. When we walked in I apologied for the sparse furnishing. he just said "It beats the barracks." I asked "name your poison. I have beer, wine, rum, and vodka." He made it simple a rum and coke. We sat with the low music playing in the background. Our conversation about our individual lives continued. Two drinks later he went to take a piss. The bathroom was across the hall from my bedroom and behind the small kitchen. Walking back out he commented on the open bedroom door "You've got all the basics- a bed, a dresser, and a TV." I looked up at the tight tee shirt he was wearing. It showed off a well developed muscled chest. His tight fitting jeans also showed another well developed muscle. He made himself another drink and sat down next to me. "So you queer?" he bluntly asked. I was taken aback by his question. I looked at his eyes. He didn't seem hostile. He actually had a smirk on his face. It took me a minute and another gulp of my drink to answer 'Hey buddy I'm not after your body!" He sat silently thinking before speaking " Hey, I didn't mean anything by that. I've just been warned about guysin thebar.Some of them give pretty good head and i thought maybe you did that." I looked down at the floor while softly saying "You must be very horny to even ask that." He muttered "Yes, it's been a long while since amyone has touched my junk." He put his armaround my shoulder saying "Sorry if I insulted you." I reached up to grab his hand on my shoulder "I guess we could both use some relief. He stood raising me up with him. Speaking in an almost whisper he kissed my neck saying "I'm just a bit of a romantic. When I saw your unmade bed I thought that maybe you might want me." He pulled me in for a another kiss on my neck. It'd been a long time since anyone showed me any type of affection. I melted into his embrace. He held my shoulder as we moved to my unmade bed. In the bedroom he took control. Sitting on the bed he had me stand in front of him as he undressed me kissing each part of my exposed skin. All I could do was moan as piece by piece of my clothing hit the floor. At last standing naked he pulled me closer as he kissed my stomach moving up to my lips. Each kiss produced a tingle in me. Standing before me softly said "Your turn to unwrap me now." I made short work of his few cloths. Both of us now naked stood arms around each other. Our bodies touching and apparent excitement on full display.

Leaning in he nibbled at my neck, then my ear before returning to a deep kiss. I held onto to him as we both fell back onto the bed, legs intertwined and hands searching out for every tender spot on each other's body. I felt his hardness press against my hip and I'm sure he felt my own. I reached back for the night stand and grabbed some lube and handed it to him. He stopped and asked if I was sure I could take all of him inside me. I just nodded. He used two well lubed fingers to scissor my hole open. His touch there sending more tingles through my body. He withdrew his fingers and I uttered " I needed all of you. I feel so empty now." He lubed up his oversized fuck stick amd aimed it at the target. He slowly pushed inch by inch into my welcoming body. I felt his wiry pubic hair against my butt. He paused and asked "Are you OK?" I said "Great now."

Slowly he made love to my body, telling me over and over agqin how great he felt and how much he wanted me. His stamina matchd his need for release. For 20 minutes he plowed me bringing me to the edge each time before slowing to start over. My cock was straining and hard each time. I knew that this man could use me as much has he wanted all night.

We changed positions as he sought to give both of us the maximum pleasure. He moaned "I want you to cum with me. I want to feel your muscles grab my cock and milk all of the cum from my balls." One more deep thrust did it for me as I felt my juices race through my cock and explode. He psuhed deeper trying to fill every corner of my innards with his potent juice. He leaned into my neck and moaned as he held still filling me.

We lay there panting trying to catch our breath. His strong chest pressing me down into the bed. After a few minutes his softened cock pulled out of my body. I was left with that empty feeling again. I got up to get a wash cloth to clean up our sweaty cum covered chests. I dropped the cloth next to the bed. He pulled me to his chest holding me close. I looked over at the clock radio and asked "When are you due back on base?" He leaned in to kiss me again "Not until noon. he replied. I knew that had a double shift on Saturday and explained that I'd have to be at work by 1130AM. He asked if he could see when I finished work. I said "Sure want to meet here about 1030PM or at the bar?" He told me that he'd like to take me into a bar in DC. So he'd be at my place by 1030

As we were cleaning up after closing I was excited. It would be my first date with a guy.

ok should the story continue?

Next: Chapter 2

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