Lonely Is the Hunter

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 12, 2003



Disclaimer: This is just a story. If it happened, I never knew about it. The names are made up and are not people I know of actually existing. If you don't like stories about guys being in love and making love to guys - piss off! If you live somewhere where some fucking government thinks it has a right to tell you what to read - fucking move!

LONELY IS THE HUNTER by RimPig (c) 2003

It was just another boring day in my miserable and boring life. I hated my life. Here I was a junior in high school and the "new kid" in school. Because of my Dad's job, we moved from New York City to this hell-hole in the middle of Colorado, population 1712. A place where everybody grew up together and weren't exactly interested in allowing anyone else to be part of their town.

Oh, the place was beautiful, I'll give it that. Mountains and lakes and meadows. I got to know them pretty well as I wandered alone. I mean, as an only child I was used to spending a lot of time alone but at least at home in New York I had friends. Here I had no one. So I spent my days in school and my afternoons wandering everywhere. The one thing it did do for me was to give me really muscled legs and made my already slender body very lean.

I had found this place the first week we had moved here that I kind of thought was 'my place'. It was a rock outcropping beside a small lake. I would lay there and think about how awful my life was and what I wouldn't give for a friend. Well...ok, more than a friend. You see, there was another reason that I didn't fit in here, a reason I was grateful that nobody knew about. I'd figured out when I was in my last year of junior high that I was definitely more attracted to other guys than I was to girls. Well...actually, I wasn't attracted to girls at all. Not that I had ever done anything about it though. I'd never found another guy who felt like me so part of what I did laying on that rock was fantasize what it would be like to have a boyfriend.

Anyway, to me this was just another boring day in a long line of boring days and I had hiked up to the lake intending to spend the afternoon laying on the rock and dreaming about a better life which I had no chance of ever having. At least, so I thought.

But when I got to the lake, I was in for the shock of my life. In all the months of coming here, I'd never seen anybody else - ever. But today was different. There was somebody sitting on 'my rock'. And not just any somebody! It was Pete Tolwin. Senior Jock God and Heart-throb of every girl in the high school. Tall, at least 6 foot with blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. He had a buffed, muscular body to die for and a huge cock. Well, it was at least huge soft. I'd seen him in the locker-room after gym class on several occasions when he'd be there with the rest of either the football or wrestling teams - he was captain of both. This guy strutted through his field of worshipers with the ultimate in male confidence, a dazzling smile for everyone. Yeah, as much as I hated to admit it, Pete was a pretty nice guy. He'd ever say hello to me!

But he sure didn't look like that today. He looked totally miserable and, if I didn't know better, I'd swear he'd been crying. Maybe it was just allergies or something but I swear I could see red rings around his eyes. I figured I'd better just leave so I wouldn't disturb him but, since I'm a clumsy city-kid, trying to leave, I stepped on a dried-out branch and the resulting 'crack' echoed all around the lake. Pete was startled and looked up.

At first, a frown crossed his face at being disturbed. Then he gave me shy smile. I didn't know what to do so I figured I'd just say 'hello' and leave.

"Hey, Pete. Sorry to disturb you, dude. I was just going." I said and turned as if to go.

"Cody! It's Cody, isn't it?" his voice stopped me.

I turned back and faced him.

"Yeah. It is." I said not knowing what else to say.

"I didn't think anybody else knew about this place." he smiled.

"I didn't either. I've been coming up here for months and never saw anybody." I explained.

"Yeah, I come up here sometimes when I need to think about stuff, ya know?" he asked.

"Yeah, me too." I answered.

"You don't have to leave on my account. I don't own the rock." he grinned shyly.

"Funny, I was startin' to think that I did." I smiled.

He laughed and I sat down next to him.

"So how do you like livin' here?" he asked.

"I hate it." I said simply.

He seemed shocked by my answer. I guess if this was home to you, you couldn't understand why somebody else wouldn't feel that way.

"Why?" he asked.

"Well, let's start with the fact that I grew up in New York City, the greatest city in the world. And the fact that I had to leave my school and all my friends and nobody seems much interested in being a friend here." I said.

"Maybe you haven't given people a chance. You do kind of have this 'don't touch' thing going on." he said.

When he first said this I instantly wanted to deny it, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there could be something to what he was saying.

"I didn't realize that I did." I said quietly.

"Hey, it's ok. Doesn't bother me. I just kinda feel like there somethin' a lot deeper about you than most of the guys I know." he said.

And I sure didn't want him to ever know what that was! Nobody knew and I was gonna keep it that way.

"Well, I guess I've misjudged a lot of things. Like I never thought you'd ever want to talk to me." I said.

"Why the fuck not?" he asked.

"Well...you're like this Jock God or something. You're like the most popular guy in school. How would I expect you to want anything to do with me?" I asked.

"Hey, Cody. Man, you shouldn't put yourself down that way! I thought you were really cool from Day One. And I ain't no 'Jock God'. Shit, I hate that crap! I hate the way everybody wants to hang on me." he said.

"Yeah, but you got all those girls throwing themselves at you!" I pointed out.

"So what? Who the hell wants somebody that's throwin' them self at you? I want somebody that I want. Somebody who sees me as more than a Jock. Who wants to get to know me- the real me. I guess you must think that it's this great life being so popular! Fuck! It sucks a lot of the time because you spend most of your time trying not to hurt people. You have to be nice to people that you don't even want to be around." he said bitterly.

"God! I never fuckin' thought of it that way! I'm sorry...I guess I've made a real ass of myself. I should go." I said starting to get up.

He reached out his hand and grabbed my arm holding me.

"Please don't go." he said, his eyes filled with something I didn't understand.

"Ok." I said.

"I've wanted to spend time with you, Cody. You just never seemed interested." he said and I could hear hurt in his voice.

I couldn't believe it. He wanted to spend time with me! And I'd hurt him by not paying any attention.

"Pete, that's not true. I just was so scared of misreading things that I never considered that you'd be interested in me." I said.

"Well, you were wrong." he grinned.

"Can I say that I'm really glad I was?" I smiled back at him.

"Cool! So what do you come up here to think about?" he asked.

"Mostly to think about how I wish my life was." I said.

"And how would that be?" he asked.

I froze. I didn't dare tell him what I dreamed of because sometimes - no, make that most times - it was about him. I had to be real careful how I answered this one.

"Well...I think about what it would be like to be in love with somebody and have somebody in love with me. I think about what it would be like not to be alone. To know what it felt like to belong to somebody." I said.

"Yeah, that's kinda what I think about, too." he said, looking at me with amazement in his eyes.

"But you are like dating all the time, dude." I said.

"Yeah. Not because I want to. Because it's expected. Part of that 'Jock God' image." he said sadly.

"So none of it means anything to you?" I asked, unable to get my mind around this concept.

"Not really. Fuck, I'd rather kick back with you." he said.

"I think that's kinda what we're doing." I smiled.

"So, wadda ya say? Wanna come over to my place? The 'rents are workin' until late. We could chill and have some food." he asked.

"Sure. I just have to leave a message for my Dad. Not that he'll get it until late tonight." I said.

"Since it's Friday, why don't you spend that night?" Pete asked.

"You sure you don't mind?" I asked. "I'd have to go home first and get some stuff."

"Sure. I'll drive you. My truck's parked a little way down that trail over there." he said.

Pete drove me home and I picked up a change of clothes and my toothbrush and shoved them in my backpack. I left a note for Dad telling him where I was and leaving Pete's phone number. We drove out to Pete's place. It was obvious that Pete's family had money. The house was very large and was set on a beautiful, large piece of land. We went inside and upstairs to Pete's room. Or should I say rooms. He had a bedroom, a den and his own bathroom. The bathroom alone was bigger than my whole room at home. It had a shower and a whirlpool bath as well. His den had a 60 inch plasma TV and a huge stereo, surround sound system as well as a computer.

"God! Pete, this place is amazing!" I said.

"Yeah, well...you know how it is. No brothers or sisters so I get everything." he laughed.

"Hey! I'm an only child and I don't get stuff like this!" I exclaimed.

"I saw you makin' eyes at the whirlpool. Feel like goin' in?" he asked.

"Well...yeah that would be great but I didn't bring a bathing suit with me." I said.

"So what? We've got nothin' to hide from each other. Besides I never go in with a suit on. Come on, get stripped and I'll fill the tub." Pete said.

I waited until the tub was almost filled to start undressing. I was so afraid of popping wood being this close to Pete. When he filled the tub he started the jets and then turned to me.

"Come on, buddy. Let's get in." Pete said, beginning to strip off his clothes.

I slowly undressed as I watched him. Though I had seen him in the locker room, I had not been so close to his naked body nor in such an intimate situation. He stood there completely naked and waited for me to finish undressing. He seemed not to mind my staring at him and, though I thought it was just my imagination, he seemed to be staring at me as well. When I was finally undressed we got into the bubbling hot water. It was incredible, the feeling of the water swirling around us. We sat next to each other and then I felt him move close to me so that our thighs were touching then he reached out his arms and slid one behind me on the edge of the tub. It was almost like he had his arm around me - something I would have loved but didn't in any way expect.

We just sat there quietly for a long time. I was allowing the warm, bubbling water to relax me but the feeling of Pete being so close wasn't exactly letting that happen. In fact, I had a major relaxation problem since, from the minute that Pete had put his arm behind me, I had sprouted major wood - and it wasn't goin' down anytime soon. Especially since when he raised his arms the scent of him became stronger and I was blissing out on it. Not that Pete was dirty or anything, but there was a healthy musk of man-sweat under his arms and that scent was one of my favorites. I was really freaked about trying to get out of the whirlpool without letting Pete know that I was horned like a motherfucker! I just knew that he would know all about me then. Pete had his head laid back and his eyes closed so I figured we weren't getting out anytime soon. I would have done the same but then my head would be resting on his arm and I was too afraid to let that happen.

"Betcha got a boner." I heard his voice quietly say.

I looked at him but his head was still laid back and his eyes were closed. I was glad because I knew I was fuckin' blushin' like a virgin.

"Wha..what?" I croaked.

"Betcha got a boner." he opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Happens all the time to me in here."

"Well..." I hung my head, not able to look him in the eye.

"Hey, dude. It's cool. It's natural, ya' know. Fuck! My fuckin' cock rises in a stiff breeze!" he laughed.

I chuckled at this because it was certainly true. My fuckin' cock, like most guys I guess, had a mind of it's own. I didn't really need anything to stimulate it. It would just get hard on it's own for no apparent reason. But, of course, with the added stimulation of being this close to Pete, our bodies actually touching, us both naked and the scent of him filling my nose, I didn't just have a boner - I was damned close to cumming!

"Why doncha lay your head back and relax?" he asked.

Yeah? Why didn't I? I knew very fucking well why I didn't but somehow with Pete suggesting it, it was ok. And so I did. And the thrill of resting my head against his hard bicep was way beyond pleasure. Suddenly I had this feeling of being incredibly safe with Pete, like I finally belonged and nothing and nobody was ever gonna hurt me again. It was a feeling I didn't understand but I definitely loved.

"Yeah. That's better." Pete said, as he felt my head nestle against his arm, sounding a lot better about the whole situation, too.

"Pete, could I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I said.

I felt his body stiffen for a moment and then relax.

"Sure, Cody. Ask me anything."

"When I saw you on the rock, you seemed like you were pretty upset about something. I may be wrong but it even seemed to me like you might have been crying." I said quietly.

He didn't answer for a while and I thought my big mouth had really blown it and he was angry with me, but when he spoke, his voice was low and in some way tender.

"Yeah. I was, Cody." he said.

"Is there something I could help with? Something I could do. I mean, sometimes it just helps to talk about stuff and I'm a good listener." I said.

"Well..." he hesitated. "Let's just say you're not the only one who hates your life and wishes things were different."

"But you seem to have everything going on for you!" I said, amazed that Pete could ever be as unhappy as I was.

"Looks can be deceiving, my man!" Pete said, giving an ironic laugh.

"Do you...do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

Again he was silent for a long time. I looked over and his eyes were closed but his eyebrows were beetled together like he was making a very tough decision.

"You figure out pretty early what people think of you." he began quietly. "Who you're supposed to be, what you're supposed to do. Nobody waits to find out who you really are or what you really want. They just let you know that if you want them to like you, then you'd better be who they think you are or you end up a loser with nobody liking you at all."

"That not necessarily true. You can eventually find people who like you for who you are." I said.

"Yeah, would you like me if you knew who I really was, Cody?" he asked, an edge to his voice.

"I'd sure a fuck try! I like the Pete I know so far." I said honestly.

"Yeah, I guess you would try. But maybe you'd try and you couldn't. Then what?" he asked.

That stumped me. Like what if I found out he was a drug addict or a rapist or something. That would be really difficult to deal with.

"I don't know, Pete. It's never happened to me." I said.

"And that's the problem. I'm too much of a fucking coward to find out because I already have a pretty good idea of how everybody would deal with the real me." he said.

I could hear his voice breaking and I looked over and tears were falling from his closed eyes. I had no idea what we were talking about here but I was clear about one thing, Pete was really hurting and I wanted to do something - anything - to stop that hurt.

"Pete," I said quietly. "I can't imagine anything you could tell me about yourself that would make me stop liking you. Well...unless you like went around killing little kids or something."

His eyes opened in shock at this statement and he looked at me. I was grinning at him, letting him know I was just joking about the 'killing kids' part. His face softened and he gave me a shy smile.

"I believe you, Cody. I really think you would go on liking me no matter what." he said, his voice full of wonder at this discovery. "Though I don't understand why."

"Maybe...maybe it's how you would say 'Hi' to me when we'd pass in the hall. Nobody else does that. Maybe it's the fact that you wanted to spend time with me when nobody else has. Maybe when I saw you out on that rock today, I stopped thinking about you as a 'Jock God' and started to think of you as a person. Or maybe it's just the fact that I stay loyal to my friends no matter what." I said.

Pete just sat there looking at me and then he moved as if he was going to put his arms around me. I wanted that so badly. But then he caught himself and his face took on this stricken look as he pulled himself back from me and, instead, got up out of the whirlpool and walked naked into his bedroom, grabbing a robe from a hook on the wall as he left. I sat there stunned. I didn't understand what happened. I thought for a second that I must have done something wrong. But I quickly realized that I hadn't done anything.

Then it dawned on me. He was going to touch me and stopped. He must have somehow sensed how much I wanted him to and knew that I was a 'fag'. In that instant, I knew my life was over. It would be all over the high school on Monday and the whole fucking little gossipy town by the next day. I knew immediately what I had to do. I had to get out of here and get home. I knew where my Dad kept his guns. I would take the cowards way out because I couldn't face what would happen otherwise.

I got out of the whirlpool and dried myself off and then got back into my clothes. I walked into the bedroom and saw Pete sitting in a window seat staring out at the gathering dusk. I picked up my backpack and started to leave when he called out to me.

"Cory! Please don't go. Please?" the tone so pathetic I turned around and looked at him.

His face was covered with tears and the pain that he was in was clearly visible.

"Please don't leave me. I promise I won't come near you." he said, hanging his head.

Now, I was totally confused. What the fuck was going on here? I'm the 'fag' but he's promising not to come near me? He's begging me to stay. I didn't get it.

"Pete...I never said I didn't want you to come near me." I said quietly. "I thought you wanted to get away from me."

He looked up at me, anguish filling his face.

"I did. I didn't want you to know. But I guess you've figured it out for yourself." he said, his voice breaking. "Just please don't tell anybody!"

"Pete, I'm totally lost here. Didn't want me to know what? I can't figure any of this out! And who would I tell 'what'?" I said.

"You mean you really don't get it? You haven't figured it out?" he asked.

"No. I haven't figured it out. Could I buy a vowel here? Could you give me some hint of what's going on?" I asked in exasperation.

"Cody, I want you. I've wanted you ever since the first day I saw you." he said, growling out the words, almost in anger.

I was almost rocked back a step by the impact of his words. Pete Tolwin 'wanted' me? Pete Tolwin, Captain of the football and wrestling teams? Pete Tolwin, the Jock God of Central High School? Pete Tolwin wanted me?! But that would only make sense if Pete were...

"You're gay?" I asked in awe.

"Yeah." he said, hanging his head again.

I dropped my backpack to the floor and slowly walked towards him. As I moved towards him, he looked up. I'm sure he saw the goofy grin on my face because he looked at me like I had completely lost my mind as I moved closer and closer to him. I finally stood directly in front of him. There were a million things I wanted to say at that moment but I couldn't get a one of them out. So I decided this was not a time for words but actions. I leaned over and gently kissed him on the lips. Just a gentle, short kiss and then I withdrew to see how he would deal with it.

Now it was his turn to be stunned. He just sat there looking at me for a moment and then he stood up so that we were standing almost nose to nose. I smiled at him and he reached up and grabbed my head gently in his hands and pressed his mouth to mine. But this was no gentle kiss. This was full-out passion. In less than a second from the moment that our lips met, our mouths opened and we were devouring each other. My arms went around him and we stood there, tasting deeply of each other for a long time and then finally we pulled back just to look at each other.

I could see him searching my face for some sign that this was a trick, a joke and that what had just happened hadn't really happened. His kiss, however, had finally unlocked my throat.

"When I would lay on that rock, most of the time the only thing I could think about was you." I told him. "I wanted you so badly and knew there would never be any chance of it. I think I'm in love with you. At least, I know I want to be. If you want me."

"If I want you! Fuck! Cody, I haven't been able to think about anything but you! That was the only reason I took the chance of bringing you here. I wanted to seduce you, but then I chickened out. I was too afraid. I thought, finally, that maybe we could just be friends." he said.

"Is that what you want? To be friends?" I asked.

"Fuck, no! Yes! No! I don't know!" he said, his confusion showing. "I want us to be friends, I want us to be best friends but I want more than that."

"Do you want to be lovers?" I asked.

"Yeah...that's what I really want." he said, evidently relieved that I had said the word.

"Then I guess it's about time that you asked for it." I said, not wanting him to get away that easily.

"What?" he asked, now the 'clueless one'.

"It's time for you to ask for what you want." I said.

Then I saw his eyes light up in understanding.

"Cody," he said softly. "Will you be mine?"

"Mine what?" I grinned.

"My lover." he smiled back.

"Well...I guess that would depend..." I said.

And his face fell.

"On what?" he asked.

"On how long it takes you to get me into that bed so we can make love." I said, nodding to the huge king-sized bed.

Never give a jock a physical challenge - they tend to overdo! Before I realized what was happening, Pete had picked me up in his arms and carried me over to his bed where he gently lay me down before laying on top of me and kissing me deeply.

"Uhh...we've got a problem here." I said as he broke the kiss and smiled down at me.

"What?" his face full of questions.

"Well...all you're wearing is that robe, but I've got all my clothes on. Going to make this really awkward to make love." I said. "By the way, have you ever done this before?"

He blushed deeply and I didn't need an answer.

"I didn't think so. Neither have I. So I guess we'll have to learn together." I grinned.

"I could need a lot of lessons." he grinned.

"Yeah. I figure I will, too." I laughed.

He rose up and put his knees on both sides of my hips bringing his butt in contact with my hard cock. I groaned at the touch of him and he grinned down at me. Kneeling that way had spread his robe and so I got my first sight of his hard cock. 'No wonder there are so many horses in Colorado!' I thought to myself. A very large, thick, uncut piece of man-meat was staring me in the face, the tip already leaking cock-honey. I reached out to touch it and Pete grabbed my hand.

"Please don't or this will all be over very quickly." he said earnestly.

I smiled and lay back and he proceeded to undress me. First he unbuttoned my shirt and then pulled it off me. He slid further down my body and unbuttoned my jeans. He then slid down to the end of the bed where he took off my boots and my socks and then proceeded to slip my jeans down my legs. I lifted my butt to help him and I was soon laying there naked, my hard cock plowing the air at a 45 degree angle and leaking just as heavily as his. I wasn't as long as he was, but I was just a thick and also uncut. My Dad had insisted on that when I was born and I was always grateful that he had. Finally, Pete tossed off his robe so that he was also naked and then crawled back up my body until he was again laying on top of me and our hardons were grinding against each other.

Pete's mouth found mine again and I knew that I couldn't last very long. I didn't think that he could either but there was one thing I knew, at our age, recovery would be very quick. Especially as horny as we were for each other. We were leaking cock-honey all over each others abs as our cocks ground together. Pete's hips were thrusting his cock against me and the feel of his cock against mine was rapidly causing me to go over the edge. I could hear the moans coming from him and knew that he was as ready to cum as I was. I just couldn't figure a good reason to hold back and, the next thing I knew, I was moaning into his mouth and shooting my load between our bodies. I could hear him moaning as well and then felt a second load of cum paint the space between us so that we were both drenched with each other's love offerings.

Pete pulled away from my mouth and looked down at me.

"Cody! That was incredible!" he panted. "I can't believe it!"

Before I could say anything, he deeply kissed me again. Moving down my face he licked and sucked at my neck, making me moan again. Not stopping there, he moved farther down until he reached my chest and began licking a sucking at my nipples. My back arched at the intensity of feelings that were going through me causing my chest to press harder to his mouth. I felt his arms go under me and clutch me even closer to his body, sucking hard on my nipple and lightly nibbling it with his teeth. I moaned and clutched at his head as he continued to feast on my body.

He finally let go of my tit and moved down my body again. My abs were still covered with a combination of our cum and Pete began to slowly lick it from my body. It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen. He kept steady eye contact with me while he slowly licked at my abs, an open grin on his face while he did. My cock was as hard as if I hadn't cum at all. When my abs were clean of all our cum, Pete moved down again until his lips encircled the head of my cock and he was licking all the left over cum there as well. Then he slowly began to take more and more of my cock into his warm, wet mouth and began licking and tonguing me.

I moaned again as Pete began to move up and down my cock, sucking me gently. I had never felt anything like this in my life. I'd heard that blow-jobs were great but what I'd heard didn't do justice to what I was feeling for real. In almost no time at all, I was ready to cum again but I didn't want to. I wanted to give back some of the pleasure that Pete was giving me.

"Please stop! I don't want to cum yet! I want to do you!" I moaned to Pete.

He pulled off my cock, grinning like a cat who just swallowed a canary.

"Like that, huh?" he grinned.

"Fuck, yeah!" I grinned back. "Wait until I do it to you."

"Anytime you want!" Pete laughed.

"Right the fuck now!" I said pulling him up the bed and over on his back.

I got on top of him and began kissing him deeply. The taste of him was so exciting and, as I moved down his body it became more exciting as each new taste was revealed. I licked down his neck tasting the salt of his skin and the onto his chest were the taste of his skin was slightly different. He put his hands behind his head at this point and I was again hit with the scent of him from under his arms. I couldn't resist, I moved up and buried my face in his pit and deeply inhaled the male scent of him. I did it several more times and then I couldn't fight my desire anymore and began to drag my tongue through the sparse hair in his pits, tasting this salty essence of him. He moaned deeply at the feel of my tongue in such an intimate place on his body.

"Fuck! What are you doing to me?" he groaned.

I looked up from his pit and into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I love the scent of you." I murmured to him. "Do you mind?"

"Fuck, no! I just thought that I was the only one that got turned on to a guy's scent." he grinned.

I kissed him deeply, allowing him to taste himself in my mouth. He moaned and I knew he was as turned on to this as I was. I had a feeling that the next time he got the chance, he'd be tasting me. I moved down his body until my nose was buried in his groin. My nose moved through his soft pubic hair and again the arousing scent of maleness rose in my nose and I was soon making his entire crotch wet with my saliva as I tasted him. His balls were especially fragrant with his desire and horniness and I spent a long time licking an sucking at his almost hairless nut-sack while he moaned and squirmed on the bed. I thought about heading towards his cock but was licking under his balls when I suddenly found my self being drawn to a darker, more 'male' scent. Where I was being drawn was his ass. I'd never even thought about licking another guy's ass but, first of all, this wasn't just any guy! This was a guy that I had feelings for like I had never felt in my life. Secondly, I was so far gone in lust that I would have done anything right at that moment.

My tongue finally reached the edge of his butt-crack and I heard him really moan - like he was being tortured, but tortured by pleasure. I lifted his legs with my hands and his entire ass-trench came into view. Hairless, as I figured it would be, it had the cutest pink rosette in the middle. He had the scent of clean but sweaty teen male and I buried my nose in the trench and began to inhale deeply of that heavenly smell. Before long, however, smelling wasn't enough. I began to drag my tongue through his butt-crack, tasting the sweat, the musk and that special taste that was 'Pete'. Pete was moaning all through this. I was taking us both into unexplored areas of erotic pleasure. Finally, I concentrated on his rosette, licking the soft, smooth skin of the opening to his body and pressing against it with my tongue. I didn't know why I was doing this, I was just so far gone in sensual pleasure that I just let my instincts have sway. Slowly, ever so slowly, his rosette began to bloom open and his hole relaxed allowing me to work my tongue inside.

The inner recesses of his ass were smooth and warm. As I licked deeper, Pete's moans grew louder and louder. He finally reached down and grabbed his own legs, pulling them back and giving me even greater access to this most private and intimate place on a male's body. My tongue was drilling in and out of his hole and I was going crazy over the taste of him - dark, masculine and far beyond anything I would have expected. I could eat his butt for the rest of my life and never be satisfied. Pete began to sound like he was feeling the same way.

"God! Yes! Eat my ass! Drive your tongue up me! God, Cody! Don't stop! Man! Please don't fuckin' ever stop!" he cried out as I continued to assault his hole with my tongue.

Finally, however, my tongue became to tired to continue. My mouth and jaw were tired and I hadn't eve touched Pete's cock. This was an omission I was going to remedy immediately. I raised up on my knees and bent over so that I could take his cock in my mouth. It lay in a lake of cock-honey on his hard abs and I had to literally pry it from his rock hard abs. He lowered his legs when he saw what I was after and I began licking inside the hood of his uncut cock, slurping out all the cock-honey I could find and there was plenty of it because as I continued to lick inside his hood, running my tongue against his very sensitive and wet cock-head, he continued to pump out the stuff at such a rate it almost seemed like he was pissing.

Finally, I allowed his cock to slide into my mouth, eliciting deep groans of pleasure from him. I raised and lowered my head, allowing more and more of his cock to slip inside his mouth. There was not way I could take all of it and, like any beginning cocksucker, I allowed myself to get carried away and choked on it on one of my downward plunges. I started coughing and he immediately sat up and took me in his arm.

"Are you all right, Cody? Did you hurt yourself?" he asked, real worry in his face.

"No." I said, more embarrassed than anything. "I just got a little greedy."

"What you were doing was great! I never felt anything like it. But just take your time. We've got all night. I don't want you hurting yourself." he said, still clearly concerned about me.

"Maybe a different angle would be better." I said moving around until I was laying with my body opposite of Pete's.

What I didn't realize was that change of direction put my cock within the reach of Pete's mouth but he sure knew it because I had no more taken his cock back in my mouth when I felt the warm wetness of his mouth surrounding my cock. This was the most astounding feeling I'd ever had. The wonderful warmth and strength of Pete's cock in my mouth and the feeling of his mouth around mine at the same time. It clicked in my head what all the talk about sixty-nine was all about. This was so intense and so erotic to have your cock sucked while you're sucking cock.

Pete and I continued to nurse on each other's cocks as we gradually moved toward each other so that our bodies were pressed to each other. I had never even imagined there could be such pleasure and such intimacy with another guy. The feelings were too intense, however, for us to do this for long. All too soon, I could hear Pete groan and suddenly his cock began to shoot his hot man-cream into my mouth. I tasted the sweet/salty liquid of a male's cum for the first time in my life and it triggered my orgasm. I began firing my own cream into Pete's mouth and we lay there swallowing each other's offering. It was like I was taking part of Pete inside me and he was taking part of me.

We continued to suck on each other until we both soft and became so sensitive that we could no longer take it anymore. We rolled apart and I switched back around so that I could lay in Pete's arms. He pulled me close and kissed me deeply. I could taste my cum in his mouth and I knew he could taste his own in mine. I now knew what it meant to be part of another guy, to belong to him and have him belong to me.

Pete pulled back from the kiss and looked down into my eyes.

"Cody, I love you." he said quietly.

"You'd better! I'd hate to belong to somebody who didn't love me." I murmured.

"Yeah, me too." he smiled.

"Well, don't worry about it. You know I'm in love with you, don't you?" I asked.

"No, I don't 'know' that. You haven't said it." he said, his face showing how serious this was to him.

"Pete Tolwin, I am so totally in love with you I think that I could go out of my mind." I said reached up to pull him down for another deep kiss.

"What do you want to do now?" he asked, finally breaking the kiss.

"I want to lay here in your arms. I want to feel you holding me and know that I've finally found someone to belong to." I said.

"That sounds like a plan." he smiled.

We cuddled together, my head on his chest and his strong arms around me. I was loved, I loved and I finally belonged to a guy. Not just any guy but Pete, the man I had dreamed about for so long. His warmth and his scent surrounded me and before I knew it, we were asleep in each others arms.


Thanks for reading my story. I hope you liked it. If you did, write me at rimpigfl@yahoo.com

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