Lonely Guy

By J S

Published on Jan 17, 2011


Disclaimer: This work of non fiction contains adult situations between two men of legal age [22 and 26]. If you are offended by such material or it is illegal for you to be viewing such things, please come back when you meet the minimum requirements. This work is not to be used anywhere outside of Nifty.org or it's mirror sites without express written consent from the author.

[Also, I'd like to say up front: Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me! I was a bit shocked at the amount of messages that came pouring in during the first two days. It means alot guys, thanks again! More nods after the happening.]

[And, I guess my futuristic DROID has major problmes replying to E-mail! So anyone that got a blank message, blame motorola!]

Ah, new years. One of my favorite holidays because the world isn't a buzz with family hobknoberry and corporate gain through ridiculous spending, but I digress. It's new years! Time to kick out the old and drag in the new, kicking and screaming if need be. Ben, Joany and myself were all on duty for new year's eve, and man did we need it! At about 7 all Hell broke loose and we called in Jeff to be our runner. Everyone was having a good time and our usual gang of friends showed up a little before midnight. As we all watched the clock tick down, Jeff moved in beside me and replaced the customary midnight kiss with a swat to the ass. We chuckled it off as we drank some zaney bubbly mixed with blackberry brandy. That's totally excellent by the way, I suggest it to everyone.

Around one the crowd started to thin, giving us all a chance to relax a bit. After lots of noisemakers and obnoxiousness, I found myself sitting at one of the back tables surrounded by Ben, Jeff, Carl, Jim, and Jared, which we dubbed the manly brotherhood of men. Now, in the manly brotherhood of men we sat around and pounded a bottle of God knows what along with our regular drinks. As you know from our previous installment, we're in wisconsin, where it takes a hell of a lot of booze to get drunk. And lots of booze was consumed. Over the course of the night, the place emptied out to the manly brotherhood of men. By that time we had cracked the internet jukebox open and were playing music for free over a pitcher or two of beer.

However, our fun came to a crashing halt when we realized it was 6am and the cleaning lady came in. Vicki [the cleaning lady] laughed at us, the boss and the other guys retreated to his appartment, leaving Jeff and I to stumble our way back to my appartment. It was a wonder we got up the stairs, it was even more amazing that I could unlock my door. We piled into my appartment, pretty much tore our clothes off and went passed out on my bed in a drunken heap. After a few minutes of drunken sweet nothings we were out cold. Happy 2011.

When we woke up later in the day, we faced the inevitable hangover of doom. New years was always rough, as some of you may know. We drug ourselves to my couch and poured ourselves onto it. It was a chore and a half finding the remote to find something to watch. Not like anything was on anyways. Saturday afternoon programming always sucked. I nearly jumped out of my skin as my phone went off, which I was damn sure I lost the night before. I rolled off the couch and dug through my discarded pants trying to find it before it stopped ringing. Finally answering it, Ben was on the other line telling me we were closed until monday, due to his extreme hangover as well. Sweet, two days off!

Getting back on the couch, I sunk in as much as possible, feeling positivly dreadful. Without a word Jeff snuggled up to me and promptly fell asleep on my shoulder. I slipped my arm under him and pulled him ontop of me, using the momentum to lay down in a smooth motion. Even with the added body heat it was a bit chilly so I pulled the comforter from the back of the couch and covered us both up, where we both spent the next few hours out cold.

It was about 7pm by the time I woke up. In my groggy and still mildly hung over state I paniced momentarily as I was on the couch alone. Then, much to my delight I found Jeff walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Walking over to me he knelt next to the couch and ran a hand over my buzzed hair a few times with a smile.

"How's my bambino [little man in italian, or so he tells me] feeling?" He asked, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"A bit better than before." I replied, smiling at the nickname. "How about you?"

"Much better after a shower. Go take one, you were sweating out everything we drank last night."

"I'd believe that... Damn. How did we get here?"

"I slightly remember walking, and tumbling up the stairs."

"Maybe it'll come back to me later, or maybe it shouldn't haha."

"Either way it was a good night I'd say."

"Most definatly."

I slowly got to my feet and trudged into the bathroom, feeling more than dizzy from the sudden movement. Leaning on the sink I had to laugh at myself for how deathly I looked. My eyes were bloodshot as hell and my face looked like it wanted to mutiny and jump off my skull. As I kept smirking at myself, Jeff walked up behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder, smiling at me through the reflection.

"Stop being so cute." I said, leaning back into him.

"I can't help it!" He replied, putting his hands on my hips. "Get cleaned up, we're going out for food."

"Oh yeah? Where?"

"Rocky's of course."

"Best hangover food ever."

"Exactly, now c'mon I'm hungry."

With a grin Jeff slid off my boxers and lead me to the shower, and turned it on and everything for me. Then, with a playful swat on my ass he was out the door. When I got under the water, my thoughts began to race, as they usually do. The shower is my quiet place. What the was going on? In the matter of two months I'd gone from uninterested in people on a sexual/relationship level to wanting Jeff in both respects. Even after our first encounter we didn't fool around that much, just cuddled a lot, and spent most of our free time either at my place or his. Hell, he had a few sets of clothes here for when he stayed over, and I was doing the same. Having Jeff around made me happy, because I'd never had anyone around before. As previously mentioned, I lived in two foster homes when I was growing up, and neither of them were very... Uhh... Warm, I guess, environments. The first one I don't remember much of, other than my older foster brother being a total prick because "I wasn't supposed to be there". The last one... Ugh. Both parents worked constantly, and the house was pretty much run by my foster sisters, who had to have it their way or else you were in deeeeep shit. Nothing like a pair of princessess to give you a great outlook on the world. Almost Immediatly upon turning 18 I moved in with one of my friends so I could finish highschool in peace and get my life started, which brought me to La Crosse, and in turn Jeff.

When I got out of the shower, I inspected myself again and looked much better than 10 minutes ago. Shaved, brushed my teeth and toweled off before heading to my room to get dressed. I'm never too picky about what I wear, because I'm wearing it for me and not anyone else. SO THERE. Anyways, I threw on my favorite camo hoodie and some cargo pants and walked back into my living room, to find a very hungry Jeff waiting. Walking down the stairs sober is so much easier.

We walked the few chilly blocks to Rocky's and quickly made our way inside. We placed our order, got our sodas and took the booth in the far corner, away from most of the commotion of the oddly busy restaraunt. We ate quietly for awhile, just enjoying each other's company. I really do like having Jeff around, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same. We played footsie under the table and shot each other a few smiles as we continued eating. Randomly, Jeff started talking in German. We had a nice talk, then he sprung a question on me.

"What would you think of moving in together?" He asked, chuckling as he knew anyone in ear shot most likely didn't understand.

"I... Was actually gonna ask you the same thing." I replied in kind.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" He smiled. "My place or yours?"

"My place is bigger, and I can't give up the lease just yet. How long is left on yours?"

"Two weeks, I was gonna bring it up before but I didn't know how to break the ice about it."

"Now... I have a question for you."

"Anything pal."

"Jeff... Would you go out with me?"

"Damnit Eric..."


"I had this whole big production worked out for when we were done eating to ask you out!"

With a good laugh we finished our pizza and made our way back to my, soon to be our, appartment. Turning the last corner, Jeff took my hand in his and laced our fingers together making me tingly all over. I squeezed his hand a little tighter as we entered the lobby, half excited and half scared that We'd be found out. None the less, I loved it. Making it into the appartment we started looking around to see what Jeff needed to move over. We decided to move my TV into the bedroom and put his big TV in the living room, along with his stereo and other spiffy electronics. Everything else was mostly a wash because what he didn't have I did, and vice versa. After much deliberating we decided to start the moving process the next day, seeing as we both had it off and nothing else to do. After a large amount of cleaning and Testament [New World Order for those curious folk], we called it a night to prepare for the next day. It was a wonder either of us slept being so antsy and excited for this new step forward.

We got up bright and early at the crack of nine. Believe me, anything before noon is painfully early when you're a bartender and nocturnal. By the time I got out of the shower Jeff had breakfast on the table and was cleaning up the kitchen. I was liking the idea more and more, even though it was very rare I saw the hours between six and noon. Looking at the food made me remember how hungry I actually was and my gut took control of my body. Between the two of us we destroyed the scrambled eggs and bacon in what seemed like seconds. As we were washing our plates, Jeff leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek and made a comment about us acting like an old married couple already. He was kinda right, but I'm perfectly ok with that.

Unknown to me, Jeff had wrangled some moving help, in the form of my boss. Let me tell you, it was awkward explaining the new living situation, but he quickly caught on to what was up.

"Just spill it already. I hate seeing you all nervous." Ben said, loading a few things into his car.

"...Spill what?" I replied, playing dumb.

"I see how you two look at each other, and how you act around each other. It's mostly obvious."

"It's that plain to see huh..."

"Yep. I don't have a problem with it, just don't hurt him. He IS my little brother after all."

"That's the last thing I'd ever want to do, I'm pretty attached..."

"I'm well aware Eric. Just be good to him, he can be a handful at times."

"I'll do my best Mr. Bossman."

With the three of us, the whole process only took two trips with Ben's truck. After we finished we wandered down to the bar and made some food because we had yet to go shopping for household things. I usually lived on a steady diet of bar food so the pickings of my friedge were usually slim unless you wanted something that took less than five minutes to make. After stuffing ourselves on pizza and wings Jeff and I returned to the appartment and got Jeff's stuff all situated, which took far longer than expected being that we were very full and lethargic. When we finally finished we plopped down on the couch and turned on some random movie. Making ourselves more comfortable, Jeff pulled me on top of him and laid us down.

"I'm not crushing you or anything am I?" I asked, propping myself up.

"No I'm fine, really." He smiled, wrapping me up in his arms.

"Well let me know if I get too heavy and we'll switch."

"No no it's ok, I need to get used to you on top of me..."

Before I could get another word out Jeff leaned up and kissed me full on, pulling me down on top of him again. We kissed playfully for a while, nearly giggling like school kids as we did. Without a word we both got up, stripped down to our boxers and got back on the couch. As we returned to out former position, I pulled the comforter over us and wrapped my arms around Jeff, pulling him into me. Scooting down a bit I rested my head on his slightly hairy chest, being lulled into a state of relaxation by his heart beat. Before long our breathing was sync'd and nearly asleep watching whatever crap was on the TV.

"I've... Never been good in situations like these." Jeff whispered, scratching the back of my head.

"I haven't either, don't worry about it. We can figure it out as we go." I replied, kissing his chest.

I don't know how long we laid there, but by the time we were hungry again it was dark out. Remembering I had nothing outseide the realm of instant dinner, we groaned as we had to put clothes on and go into public. Figuring it would be a good idea to get actual food instead of the junk we'd been eating for the last few days, we hopped in Jeff's car and went to the grocery store. Truth be told, food shopping was high on my "hate to do" list, right next to clothes shopping. Hell, shopping in general. Probably would have been a good idea to make a list, but of course, we didn't. Little did I know Jeff's cooking abilities went above and beyond what he made for breakfast. Upon arriving home, we unpacked the groceries and Jeff got to cooking. In the matter of a half hour he cooked up these chinese ravioli things, not dumplings mind you. I can't quite remember what he called them but they were pretty badass none the less.

After helping Jeff clean up the kitchen, I took a quick shower, returning to find Jeff putting on some anime, Pumpkin Scissors to be precise [I totally recomend watching this, even if you don't like anime or cartoons or whatever]. Along with a stupidly huge metal collection, I also have a good variety of things from that bizzare island nation. ANYWAYS. I snagged some beers from the friedge and joined Jeff on the couch. Now, when I drink around other people I usually try and catch a buzz, but when I'm at home it's usually just to relax a bit, unless I had a shit night at work and could't get myself a drink if I tried. In that case, yeah, it was game on. But I digress.

With our beers empty and two episodes into Pumpkin Scissors, I pulled Jeff into my lap and laid down, running my hands up and down his back a few times before letting them rest on his butt. This is probably my favorite thing, just laying around, not doing much of anything besides being together. I mean, it's not glamorous or exciting by any means, but I like it, probably more than going to clubs [which I absolutely hate] or going bar hopping every night. Nice and low-key, nothing crazy or loud, no drama, just... Perfect. For me, anyways.

Oddly enough, time flies when you're doing nothing. And before I knew it, it was 11:30, Jeff had to work in the morning, and I had errands to run as well. We reluctantly got up and got ready for bed. Whenever we hung out, we always slept in the same bed, even before our first encounter. Bromance to romance! I'm so sorry, I will never type that word again, but I had to do it haha. But, this would be the first official night of being boyfriends. And no, the night before didn't count. Neither of us slept very well at all just to clue you all in.

With little hesitation we stipped down to nothing and hopped into bed, snuggling up with each other. I can't exactly place his scent, but I'm crazy about it. The best way I can describe it as is sharp... Kinda like the smell of a new guitar case or a new high tech toy. With his head snugly under my chin most of the night I was constantly flooded with that smell of awesome. Before I knew it, Jeff was sound asleep on my chest. The combo of his body heat, scent and breathing put me under in no time at all. My dreams were nice that night, for the first time in a long, long time.

My alarm clock shattered my pleasant state. My usual ritual was to deliver a mighty fist to the face of said alarm clock to silence it, but, when I swung, my knuckles connected with nothing but nightstand. So, like any mostly asleep dude would do, I swung again, and again, and again. Batting a thousand, I sat up quickly and glared at my bedside table, wondering where the hell my clock had gone. My eyes adjusted to find a note and a glass of water waiting for me. Being more than confused, I chugged the water and snagged the note from the table.

~Eric: Working 7-5 til Thursday, Friday/Saturday off, see you at work later. Have a good day Bambino~

Oh god! He left me a note! How sweet! I read over the note a few times, feeling more tingly every time I did. What a nice way to wake up huh? Finally finding my alarm clock [Under the bed no less. Clever guy.], I stopped the maddening sound and went off to the bathroom and began my daily routine. Piss, shower, shave. In that order. In the last few months I'd grown annoyed with how quick my beard filled in, but leaving my two or three day old stubble gave me a somewhat rugged look, which seemed to please my usual Monday group of little old ladies. Boy they're a bunch of fun to serve. Three of the five of them drink Korbel Manhatten's, in a tumbler, little ice, with a splash of cherry juice. But, they had me mix it completely backwards, of course, allowing more room for more booze. Bartender Protip: little old grannies -love- their booze, don't be so stingey with your pour, you'll thank me when they tip you.

I will probably always hate Mondays. Payday is on Fridays, and after closing up, cleaning the place and counting the cash it's nearly 3:30 on a standard Friday. And, as I'm sure you can surmise, dragging yourself out of bed before noon after that is a chore and a half. So, Monday is always my bank run day, which brings me to my next point, banks are overly complicated and annoying, but, they must be dealt with.

Emerging from the steamy bathroom, I got dressed, had some cereal, grabbed my jacket and was out the door. I stopped by work to get the change order, then I was on my way to La Crosse. Apparently the only Chase bank in a 50 mile radius was 20 minutes out of my way, but, being a loyal member of Chase since I was 18, I got some loyalty perks, which would take another five years to get if I defected to another headache... Err... Bank. Another reason I hate Mondays: the traffic. getting anywhere fast was not an option around here, because, unlike the rest of the nation, regular people's work days start at 10am, making it a bear with sharp claws for not regular people like me to get anything done in a timely fashion.

After battling the steel herd, I finally made it to the bank... 20 minutes later than I planned. I wasted as little time possible while dealing with the teller, who clearly didn't know what he, yes, he, was doing. Nothing ever went right on Mondays it seemed. As the guy finally handed the bank bags back to me, I gave him a false smile and made my way back to my car. The plan had changed for the better. La Crosse had a better guitar shop than Onalaska, so instead of running to the opposite end of my territory for a few packs of strings and some picks, I dropped into the Sam Ash and got them there instead. I had to fight the insane urge to pick up and play all the pretty guitars and basses, because I didn't want to end up buying one, even though I really, REALLY wanted to.

I got back to Onalaska around noon, and stopped by one of my regular customer's diner for lunch. Real cozy little place, and really food. Beth [my regular] took my order psersonally and filled me in on the day time gossip while my burger was being made. It's amazing really, the amount of drama that happens during the day. In the 15 or so minutes that we were chatting, she told me about who was cheating on who and this person said that and yadda yadda yadda. It was only made more amusing that most of the people she was speaking of were regular barflies of mine haha. It's always good to be in the loop.

Beth left me to my thoughts as my food arrived. Those thoughts being mostly of Jeff. Then, as if on some cosmic cue, my phone started going off. As I pulled it out of my pocket my heart skipped a beat as I saw it was Jeff calling.

"Hellooo?" I answered, feeling all tingly again.

"How's your day going?" Jeff asked through the crackling static.

"Pretty good so far. Got a few more errands to run though. How's work?"

"Pretty exciting today, Todd nearly took out the wearhouse with a forklift!"

"Haha! Isn't he always pulling shit like that?"

"Yeah... Really suprised he still works here."

"I'd have to agree. Still coming to see me at work tonight?"

"Yeah, won't be til about eight though, gotta go out to dinner with the family. I'll bring you my leftovers or something."

"Aw, you don't have to do that. Really."

"But I want to, so I'm gonna."

"Hehe... Alright."

"Well, I gotta go. Lunchbreak is done. See you tonight."

"Okie dokie, have a good rest of your day Jeff."


I hung up with a content sigh and returned to my bacon cheeseburger. After finishing it off, I left a $10 on the table and bid Beth goodbye for the day and returned to my errands. Went to the DMV, suffered in line there for a time, got my plates renewed, argued with the desk attendant, and got the hell out of there as fast as possible. Did you know they charge you more if you go in on the day your plates expire? yeah, they do. Bastards. Anyways. I then dropped the change for the week off at work and went home to veg a bit before going back. It's a good thing I live a short walk from where I work, because I got very involved in the game I was playing and looked up at the clock at 15 minutes to five haha.

Slightly pissed at myself, I quickly got my shit together and pretty much sprinted down the sidewalk. Sneaking up from the kitchen, I gave Joany quite a scare as I lifted her off the ground, much to the amusement of the people sitting around the bar. I quickly fell into my usual work routine, hovering at the side of the bar, out of the way of the TVs [I make a better door than a window at 6'4"], keeping an eye on everyone's drinks. Time flew after the troup of golden girls came in. They were in rare form that day, apart from their usual cocktails and shake of the day, they demanded I play bar dice with them for shots!

My winning streak ended at 6. Note, I did not take six shots in a 20 minute time frame, I took a few drink chips instead of catching a buzz before 7pm haha. Those ladies, however, did take most of their lumps. I hadn't been keeping track of time as I was keeping everyone entertained, but when Ben and Jeff appeared from the kitchen a smile leapt to my face.

"Hey guys." I said, greeting as they walked past.

"Bambino!" Jeff chuckled, giving me a quick hug.

I smirked as he put me down, noticing Ben had began talking to the ladies like he was there the whole time. The rest of the night went rather quick after Jim and Karl showed up, keeping us all entertained with what was going on across the big river. As most of the patrons emptied out, Ben wandered out on the town with Karl and Jim, leaving Jeff and I with the bar to ourselves. I grabbed us both a beer and took a seat next to Jeff, dragging my stool right up next to his.

"Your leftovers are in the fridge at home." He said, tossing the cap to his beer at the garbage.

"What did you get?" I asked, leaning on his shoulder.

"Steak and Shrimp. I only ate like half the steak and 3 shrimp so there's a bunch left for ya."

"Heh, thanks bro."

Being as it was still early, we played a few games of darts, killing time until someone strolled in, but, that didn't happen. I'll go ahead and blame it on everyone still licking their wounds from new year's eve. The clock rolled around to 11 and I decided to call it. With both of us cleaning it took half the time it usually does to get everything put back together. Counted the till out, cleared out the gambling machines, stocked, and got hell out of there for the night. When we got home I dug out the leftovers and tossed them in the microwave. No idea where they went for dinner but it was damn awesome. As I ate we watched another episode of Pumpkin Scissors and Jeff got ready for bed afterwards. Like I was gonna let him go to sleep. Ha.

After cleaning up I went into the bedroom and slid into bed next to him, draping an arm around his waist, pulling him into my chest. As he snuggled up, I started lightly kissing the back of his neck while playing with the elastic band of his boxers, rubbing his happytrail at the same time. Push my groin into his backside, Jeff moaned lightly, putting his and on mine.

"Eric... I have to work in the morning." he whined, not putting up any resistance to my advances.

"I'm repaying you for all you've done the last few days... Seeing as I can't cook like you." I replied, gliding my hand down his shorts.

I grinned horribly in the dark as Jeff rolled onto his back, giving me easier access to his package. Snaking my free hand under him, I rolled on top and kissed my way up from his chest to his mouth, laying a very soft kiss upon his lips as I took his stiffening cock in my hand. As I slowly started to jerk him off, Jeff slid his shorts down, then mine. When they were down to our knees we kicked them onto the floor and returned to play. With both of us fully hard now, I lowered myself and rubbed our dicks together, getting a good frottage [Didn't know there was an actual term for that until the other day. It's pretty nice if you haven't tried it] session going. After grinding for a while, I made my way downstairs, dragging my tongue along the way.

Getting a firm grip on his tool, I gingerly licked around his balls, feeling him tense up every time my tongue crossed his sack. The sounds he was making got me all sorts of hot and bothered, even more than I already was. Without a second thought I ran my tongue up his thick shaft and took more than half of his monster into my mouth. As I got into a nice rythm, his moans of pleasure matched up with my work. For whatever reason, the feeling of Jeff's cock in my mouth made me hard as steel and extremely sensitive. I found this out when I reached down to work on myself and shuddered heavily to my own touch. Interesting indeed. Before long Jeff had me flipped over and was fucking my mouth with intermittent drools of precum from his monster. With the muscles in my throat finally relaxed, I was amazed I could take almost all of his cock in my mouth. Without any warning he withdrew, trying to catch his breath.

"I almost burst." He panted, holding my head in his hands.

"Thanks for the warning." I replied, wiping the mess of drool and precum from my lips.

"I really didn't wanna explode in your mouth."

"You could have and I wouldn't have cared."

With a smirk, he pressed his dick up to my lips again and I graciously allowed him entry, snaking my tongue over the head of his cock as he thrust in and out of my throat, pulling a groan out of him with evey pass. Once again, the noises he was making got me hard as fuck as I tried to take care of myself. I nearly blew my load the few times I jerked myself, meaning this was a very good. Keeping with the steady motions, Jeff was slowly banging my mouth again, his moans of pleasure telling me he loved every minute of it. Then, I blinked and my mouth was instantly filled with cum. I expected it to taste terrible, but Jeff tasted more like a strange mix between pool water and straight up flour, which really wasn't bad at all. Leaning on the side of inexperience, I let most of his spunk seep out of my mouth, not knowing if it would disagree with my guts or not. Without any lull in the action, Jeff pulled out of my mouth and began slowly jacking me off, shooting what felt like lightning bolts of pleasure all over my body. Each stroke was quickly bringing me closer and closer to climax. My breathing got ragged and my body twitched against my will, prompting Jeff to work a bit harder.

With a few more strokes it was all over. A rather loud moan escaped me and the contents of my balls emptied out of my cock, coating most of Jeff's hand and my lower abs. Trying to regain control of my breathing was not an easy task as Jeff continued to pull at my dick. Every time his fingers came into contact with the head another jolt of pleausre shot through me, forcing more noise out of me, along with the very last bits of guy juice. Finally letting me go, he rolled on top of me and got a tongue full of his own creation off my chin. Rubbing our noses together, we laid there in post orgasm bliss for what seemed to be hours.

"Thank you Eric." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Don't mention it." I replied, wiping the mess from my face.

"We better change the sheets before we pass out,"

"Yeah, we did make a bit of a mess."

We both rolled off the bed and tore the sheets and pillow cases off the bed, tossing them in the corner. Looking over at the clock, it was 2:17am. I did feel a bit bad that I kept him up so long, but I knew he'd sleep like a rock after the workover we just had. We put the new sheets on the bed, I went to the bathroom to clean up a bit, and Jeff went and got a drink. We split the glass of water he brought and laid back down, with Jeff cuddling into my chest again. Putting my arms around him, I held him a little tighter than usual as he covered us up with the blankets.

"I'm happy I found you." I whispered, kissing his ear.

"I'm happy you found me too. And I really like not sleeping alone, thank you." He replied, turning around and giving me a kiss. "But really, I gotta get up in a few hours, so this is good night."

"G'night Jeff."

"G'night Eric."

[Lonely_Guy_2] END

As always, send comments and all that good stuff to northlands.punk@yahoo.com

The next one is gonna be more of a recap of events in the year Jeff and I got to know each other, since quite a few of you that messaged me wanted to hear more about it. Stay tuned!

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