Lonely Guy

By J S

Published on Jan 5, 2011


Disclaimer: This work of non fiction contains adult situations between two men of legal age [22 and 26]. If you are offended by such material or it is illegal for you to be viewing such things, please come back when you meet the minimum requirements. This work is not to be used anywhere outside of Nifty.org or it's mirror sites without express written consent from the author.

In my 22nd year on this Earth, I started a new job as a bartender at the tavern down the street from my apartment. The pay was good, the tips were even better, and it was generally a fun place to work. It had it's little problems, but thats nothing strange, especially for a bar. In about a month I got to know most of the regulars, where they sat, what they drank, when they usually showed up and on what days. It was kind of like an information broker in a way. By my third month in I had all the regulars pegged. Hell, I could set some of their drinks out 5 minutes before they showed up on some days if I wasn't swamped.

But, there was one guy I couldn't put my thumb on: my boss's little brother. 26 years old, about 6', and I'd guess 170lbs at most, brownish blonde hair with dark blue eyes and a permanent dusting of stubble on his face. He has no way about things. Meaning I couldn't set my watch by him like I could with the other locals. The only things consistant with him were what he drank, being Coors [NOT coors light], and that he always seemed lonely when he came in. He kept to himself mostly, and had this odd aire about him. There were a few nights I had to drive him home from over indulging, but other than that he's pretty much your average guy. Everything was business as usual until the one year anniversary of me working there.

Over that year, Jeff [the boss's brother] and I became good friends, even though I still couldn't figure him out for the most part. But, that's part of the fun of friends I guess. We shared some common interests. Video games, drinking, heavy metal, you know, the basis for any guy friendship. Although, we didn't share the same taste in women, seeing as I had no interest in them, or the whole relationship/sex thing for that matter. Jeff is the kind that when a girl pays the smallest amount of attention to him, he nearly instantly clings, ruining any chance.

Oh, I suppose I should explain myself a little before we get too much farther into this happening. I'm Eric. 6'4", 210lbs., buzzed black hair with light green eyes. Working on a bit of a goatee because razorburn is no fun at all! Graduated from University Wisconsin- La Crosse with a bachelors in Psychology and German. Which, coincidentally, so did Jeff, only 3 years earlier. Played hockey in highschool and ran cross country in the fall. I think I'm alright looking, nothing like Tom Hardy or anything but I'm satisfied with my looks. I'm no where near the physical condition I was in in highschool, but still in decent shape.

I had the night off, and Jeff asked if he could come over and hang out for awhile. For the last few months I had this funny feeling in my gut whenever we hung out. It was kinda like when I had a thing for a girl, but this felt so much different because it was for a guy, which confused me to no end. Within 20 minutes he was at my door. We sat around for awhile shootin' the breeze, and then we both got hungry. I had nothing that didn't take preparation so we decided to go down to the Jimmy Johns a few blocks away. With it being early November, it was a little cool out but nothing we couldn't handle. Whenever we go out to eat, we always seem to order the same thing, without discussing it before hand. I guess he must have good taste haha. As usual, we ordered our roastbeef subs with everything on them, and a ridiculously huge pickle on the side. As we sat down, a few of Ben's [my boss] friends came in and sat with us and invited us out to party with them. We talked it over quick and decided to tag along for awhile. We all ate our subs and Jeff and I bailed back to my house to clean up a bit before going out.

We met the rest of the crew at The Old Style Inn, which was about 20 minutes south of my apartment [that bar is in La Crosse, I live in Onalaska]. Five minutes in the door and Jared ordered a round of shots to start off the night. Jeff ordered his usual and I got a Jack and Coke. We sat at the bar minding our own business as the rest of our group wandered around the bar, chatting people up like mad, making new friends and doing more shots, a few of which were passed our way during our subdued conversation about whatever videogame we wanted to play when we returned to my place. After a few more drinks we all made our way to Kramer's on foot. The night was getting colder as the clock ticked on, and we both were cursing ourselves for not bringing atleast sweatshirts.

At Kramer's we played a few rounds of dice for shots, some ship captain crew for dollars and 7-14-21 for the last shot at that stop. By that time we had a decent buzz going [we're wisconsin boys, it takes alot!], so the biting wind wasn't so biting. The next bar had no name, hell, I don't even know if it's there anymore, or was in the first place, but this is where the night started to get more entertaining than it already was.

So, we entered this place through a side door Janelle knew about, and that put us right at the bar, no having to deal with the bouncer or the mass of people hovering by the main entrance. Excellent! I bought the first round of drinks and Jeff got the first round of shots, which lead to much generosity from the rest of our party. I'm sure you can see what we're like now huh? Yeah, getting pretty drunk by that point. Now, it's just Jeff and I sitting at the bar, observing the near midnight crowd. It get's pretty strange in La Crosse. But not as one would expect, per se. All the punks and the jocks and the nerds and goths and whatever else were getting along. For the younger readers looking over this, yes, the rest of your life is like highschool, it's a pain in the ass, you have to deal with shit you don't want to deal with, and yes, you do still have to get up at a decent hour and function like a regular person, but not all the time! Just most of it...

Anyways. Everyone was getting along and having a great time. Was, until one of Jeff's ex's appeared and made his night miserable in about 25 seconds. I suspect it was just the ramblings of a drunk ex girlfriend, but I didn't pay that much attention to her, mainly due to her shrill voice and over all ugliness. Damn do I hope she let herself go after they were together. After her momentary tyraid, she vanished into the crowd, and Jeff vanished out the side door.

Ok, now, I see myself as a pretty decent guy. Decent as in looking out for my friends, having their back when they need it, moral support, all that. Now, one of my buds was in need, so I was damn sure I was gonna be there for him. I went outside after a minute or so, so Jeff could have a moment to cool off. I walked out into a steady rain, only to find Jeff with his head against the wall, totally drenched.

"I think it's time to get you home buddy." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked over at me with a rather sad look and nodded in agreement. Lucky for us, Jeff only lived a few blocks away. Unlucky for us, the steady rain was getting heavier. Ducking back inside quick I told everyone I was walking Jeff home, pretty much saying my goodbyes to the crew for the night. As I was walking to the door, I caught the glare of Jeff's ex and flipped her the bird with a grin before stepping back out into the rain. The 4 blocks to his place went pretty quick at the pace we were walking at, which was good, because the second we stepped into the lobby the sky let loose a torrent of near biblical proportions. Sure hope I rolled my windows up.

More bad luck. The elevator was out of order. Grand. Did I mention Jeff's apartment is on the 6th floor? Well yeah, it is. Balls. If you forgot from a little while ago, we were a bit more than buzzed at that point. Let me tell you, my three sets of stairs are enough when you've had a couple. six was murder. We finally made it up the winding staircase and Jeff fumbled a bit with the key so we could get in. We flipped on some lights and threw a pizza in the over before flopping down onto the couch, sitting a bit closer than we usually did. In our state of being, it took us awhile to realize we were still sitting around in soaking wet clothes. Amazingly, Jeff was the first to notice this and went off to his room to change. Being a good host, he brought me a pair of boxers and a towel. I went in the bathroom and got out of my wet clothes and toweled myself off, taking my time as the furnace kicked in and filled the bathroom with warm air.

Walking back into the livingroom I found Jeff in much the same condition as I was. Being just in boxers. I went in the kitchen to check the pizza, only to find that the oven itself was fucked and our pizza wasn't cooking. Also grand. I dug around his kitchen for a second and found some chips and salsa for us to munch on. I took the supplies back to the couch and Jeff threw in a random action movie. We destroyed the chips and salsa with no problem at all and chilled out.

Over the span of the movie, we ended up moving closer and closer to each other, sitting shoulder to shoulder. Oddly, I didn't mind it at all. It actually felt pretty nice, having someone elses body heat against you. Up to that point I'd had a few girlfriends, but were pretty much a strict sex only sort of thing, which in turn burned me out to the whole idea of a relationship. But, this was something new. This was another guy, and my thoughts excited and scared me all at the same time. Why the hell was I thinking about this? I clearly didn't go through the cons of what was forming in my head. Jeff was one of my only friends around here, and doing something stupid like that could and most likely would totally kill our friendship. But there we were, sitting side by side in our boxers mostly drunk and clearly not that shy about our physical closeness. With the credits rolling, Jeff got up and threw in another film. This time, a horror flick! Before returning to the couch he went off to his room, only to return with a heavy blanket. Reclaiming his spot next to me he lobbed the blanket over the both of us.

"Sorry you had to see me get all mopey earlier. She just really killed my mood." He nearly whispered, making himself more comfortable.

"No problem buddy." I replied, sinking into the couch a bit.

"And thanks for walkin' me home. I owe ya one." He said, getting a little closer.

"Nah don't mention it. You're my bud. Always glad to help." I answered.

As the screamfest started, we sink deeper into the couch, reaching the height of comfortable. It was the usual plot. A haunting in some small town America setting sending said town into a total shitstorm of poltergeist activity and paranormal hysteria. But what was more surprising, Jeff was as skittish as a little girl! At a few points during the movie he nearly jumped in my lap haha.

"Why do you have this if it scares you so bad?" I asked, shooting him a smirk

"I'm not sure really... I love it and hate it all at once." He replied, pulling the blanket up to his nose as a spooky moment occured.

I figured it was now or never. Even though I didn't really know what I was figuring. I'd seen the movie a billion times before so I knew the placement of the ups and downs. My heart began to race as I put my plan into action, even though there wasn't much action to it. I smoothly dropped my arm over his broad shoulders. To my delight, he didn't shy away or protest. Under my arm he relaxed and leaned into my side, snuggling up next to me. And just as planned, with the main fright of the movie, Jeff jumped into my lap and threw and arm around my neck.

"It's ok bud. It's just a movie." I chuckled.

"I know I know but it still freaks me out." He replied, trying not to have his voice quake.

Now, unlike a good movie, the post climax decline lasted far too long, for the usual movie goer anyways. As most of the action subsided, I sprawled out on the couch, fully expecting Jeff to sit on the other end. But he didn't! As I laid down, he kept his arm around the back of my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. This was something I hadn't really experienced before. Cuddly, being close, just enjoying someone being right there with you. Almost subconciously I wrapped my arms around his midsection and slowly ran my hands over his back, tracing out the vertebre of his spine as my hands explored. At the same time he was doing about the same to me, which caused a tingle in my groin.

"This is nice." Jeff whispered, lightly rubbing his cheek on my bare chest.

"I like it." I replied, running a hand up to the back of his neck. "You don't have a problem with this or anything?"

"I don't if you don't." He said, propping himself up and looking me in the eyes, smiling for the first time since we got here.

"No problem at all." I answered, smiling back at him.

Returning to the movie, Jeff rested his head under my chin and slide his hands down my sides, stopping at the waistband of the boxers I was wearing. The feel of his fingers tickled and I tried not to jerk away. In much the same fashion, I ran my hands down his back, but sunk my fingers past the elastic. Through the two layers of fabric between our dicks, I could feel Jeff chubbing up a little, which made me get a little stiff as well. Sliding my hands a little further down, I grabbed his nearly perfect bubble butt, pushing his groin into mine, rubbing his stiffening cock against mine. Without any warning, Jeff started lightly sucking on my collarbone, taking me a bit by suprise. Then, he got a bit more daring and slid his hands down my shorts, slowly moving them to my front as he readjusted his legs to straddle me.

By this point we were both rock hard, our cocks straining against the fabric of our shorts, rubbing together through the dampening cloth. My hands massaged his asscheeks as he lifted his head up and lightly kissed me on the lips, looking me straight in the eyes. I rubbed my nose against his and smiled, running my hands up his back to his shoulderblades.

"Why haven't we done this before?" Jeff asked inbetween kisses.

"We've never had this much alone time." I said, slowly beginning to slide his boxers off.

"I guess you're right." He replied, gently stroking my happytrail.

Amazing how things work out isn't it? A few hours ago I would have laughed if anyone suggested such a thing. But now, with the credits rolling, lighting up the room warmly, I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. By now we were in a full on make out session, our hands clasped around each others waists, inching each others boxers down. I let my hands wander along his sides to his front, running my finger through the small amount of chest hair between his pecks, following the sparse blonde hair down to his naval, then further south.

"Let's go to bed." Jeff said in a somewhat seductive tone.

"Yes sir."

Getting up off the couch, Jeff pulled me to my feet and we were at boner's length from each other. And from what I could see from the rather large bulge in his shorts, oh boy. This night will be very memorable. Taking my hand, he lead me to his room and to the bed. Turning on the table light, I saw a sizeable wet spot at the front of Jeff's shorts. I sat down on the bed and turned to him, his crotch at my face level. Placing my hands on the backs of his legs, I pulled him forward, his bulge brushing against my cheek as I looked up at him, more nervous than anything. He looked back at me and smiled, putting his hands on the back of my head.

"If you don't wanna do this anymore just say so." Jeff said, rubbing my shaved skull with both his hands.

"I don't think I'd rather be doing anything else right now..." I replied, sliding my fingers into the waistband of his boxers, slowly pulling them down.

And then, his cock sprung out. Holy wow. Like, damn. I thought I was a big guy, but I felt small in comparison to Jeff's piece of man meat. I sat there and looked at it with utter amazement for a moment or two before taking it into my hand, tightening my grip ever so slowly around the very girthy shaft.

"Dude... You got a nice dick." I said, almost shyly, rubbing his cockhead across my palm.

"Thanks... You seem to have a pretty nice one too from what I can see." he replied, reaching down and toying with my tool through my shorts.

Slowly jerking him off, I heard Jeff let out a quiet moan as I leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock, running my tongue over the slit a few times before looking up at him. I'd never seen Jeff smile like that before, so I figured I was doing good. Without measuring by conventional methods, I'd say his dick is about 8 inches long by atleast 6 around opposed to my 7 and a half by 5. Rubbing the head against my lips, I began to run my tongue over most of the head, causing jeff to tense up as my tongue ran over the underside of his near perfect cock.

Having wet the end of Jeff's member to the point of dripping, I cautiously opened my mouth and slid his warm flesh into my mouth, getting a feel for the newfound lack of space in my mouth. Getting it about halfway down, I started a slow rhythm of drawing his dick almost all the way out of my mouth before sliding it back in as far as I could, sucking with a little more force every time, trying not to drag my teeth on his skin. Taking a momentary break, I ran my tongue up and down his shaft, getting closer to his nicely sized balls with every pass. Taking them in my mouth one at a time I gently sucked on the near hairless orbs, causing Jeff's manhood to drool precum without inhibition. Lapping most of it up, I returned my gaze to Jeff's face, finding him with a nearly flushed look on his face.

"My turn." He said as he sat down next to me, pulling my boxers off and releasing my dick into view.

Putting his forehead to my temple, Jeff gave me a kiss on the cheek as his left hand wandered over my chest and abs, slowly following my happytrail down to my trimmed pubes. Grabbing the base of my dick, he began to stroke me slowly, making me harder than I was before. This was the first time another guy had touched my junk, but it was more exciting than I can describe. Kissing down my body, he stopped at my nipples and sucked on them for awhile as he continued to slowly stroke my cock. Pushing me onto my back, he got ontop of me and worked his way down with his mouth to my balls, where he mimicked what I'd done to him a few minutes earlier. Nothing I did with any girl before ever felt as good as this. Looking back on it now, I guess it was because we had some sort of genuine connection, where as the girls just wanted to have a dick at their disposal.

Reaching the top of my shaft with his tongue, Jeff took more of my dick into his mouth than I could of his, and it felt completely amazing. Every surface of his warm mouth came in contact with my cockhead at one point or another, sending bolts of pleasure all over my body. Rubbing his shoulders as he continued, I couldn't help but moan as he kept working his magic on me.

"That wasn't too bad for a first blowjob was it?" He asked as he pulled off my cock with a slurp.

"No, that was fucking awesome." I replied, mostly out of breath from the work he was doing.

"Glad you like it." He said as he quickly ran his tongue up my midsection to my neck.

As we started to make out again, I nearly came as he rubbed his wet cock against mine. The feeling was, again, undescribeable. I could taste my precum, and I assume he could taste his own, but that didn't stop us from letting our tongues explore each others mouths. Getting between my legs, Jeff snaked his arms under me and held me tight as we made out, grinding his bare cock into mine. With the amount of precum mingling, our torsos were slick, getting rid of the dry resistance between us. Our breathing was heavy and our pulses rapid. breaking our session of tonsil hockey, Jeff propped himself up on my chest and looked at me with a smile.

"Eric..." Jeff nearly whispered, resting his head on my chest.

"Yeah buddy?" I replied, rubbing his back.

"Thanks for hanging out with me. It means alot."

"Any time Jeff, any time."

Kissing my chest again, Jeff reached down and took a firm grip on my cock and began jerking me off. Enjoying it for a few minutes, I returned the favor and started to play with his dick. We both started leaking precum again, with enough volume to use it as lube. Our paces quickened again as we both grew nearer to blowing our loads. After a few more minutes of near furious stroking, I was the first one to shoot. I will always remember that one particular orgasm, mainly for the sheer amount of feeling that came from it. Usually when I jack off the money shot is mediocre at best, kinda like a "just get it out of the way" thing. But this was something totally different. My whole body shook, and my eyes rolled in my head. Hell, I couldn't even breathe for the few seconds the waves of extasy were ravaging my body.

As I leveled out and returned to Earth, I became very aware that I had spewed under someone elses control, which was a very odd feeling. Any sort of encounter in the past I had to finish myself off for some reason or another. I looked down to survey my mess to find Jeff smearing my spunk into my abs with a bit of a smirk on his face.

"That's quite the load you shot there bro. When was the last time you got off?" He asked.

"Three days ago." I answered, still trying to catch my breath. "But, now it's your turn."

Returning to stroking Jeff's slippery cock, I kept switching my grip to provide irrugular sensation, and my plan worked marvelously! With his head still on my chest, Jeff let out a wimper and shuddered as a thick stream of jizz shot across my midsection, mixing with my own as Jeff rolled ontop of me. For a few minutes we laid there in post orgasm bliss as we readjusted to not being stupidly horny dudes. when we were finally off cloud nine, we went to the bathroom and cleaned the literal puddle of jizz off each other and got ready for bed. assuming we weren't going to be in close quarters anymore I headed to the living room, but was stopped by a pair of hands around my waist.

"I don't think you want to sleep alone." Jeff said as he pulled me into him, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh how right you are." I replied, snaring his fingers with mine.

Burying his face in my back, Jeff tightened his grip on me and pulled me into him, releasing a sigh as he did so. Pulling me back onto the bed I stretched out next to him as he snaked the blankets out from under me.

"Just so you know Eric, I've liked you for awhile now." Jeff said, resting his head on my chest.

"I've liked you for quite some time aswell, just now I'm not confused about it anymore." I replied, draping my arms over him.

"Do you... Think we could try to make something out of this maybe? I don't mean like right this second but sometime down the road?" He asked, snuggling into my chest.

"I think we could do that. There is that little matter of comming out though." I answered, squeezing him a bit.

"Yeah... Dunno how I'm gonna break that to the folks."

"Never met your parents, but if they're anything like your brother they should be ok with it I think."

"That's still a big thing to drop on them... What about your parents? Would they care?"

"They would if I had parents..."

Suppose I didn't mention that before huh. My parents died when I was real little, and I'd been in two foster homes since I can remember. The only family I have is on my father's side somewhere in Europe. Beyond that I know nothing of them. Upon learning that, Jeff wrapped me in his arms tightly and didn't say anything for quite awhile. Getting ahold of myself I kissed Jeff on the top of the head and told him it was alright, somewhat putting him at ease. This was a totally different side of Jeff, not one I think many people saw. Kinda special that I got to wouldn't you say?

Feeling a sudden chill, I pulled the blankets up over us and wrapped my arms around Jeff, pulling him up for a quick kiss. He returned the favor with a smile before resting his head under my chin. We layed around for awhile talking about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company. Before I knew it, Jeff was fast asleep, snoring lightly. Before today, I wouldn't have called another guy cute, but Jeff is pretty damn cute. Just about everything about him is cute. Except his taste for Jagermiester. Not cute at all haha. I enjoyed the feeling of Jeff on top of me for a few minutes before his scent lulled me into sleep.

The next day was an icky blur of hangover and slick sidewalks. The previous night musta been pretty chilly judging from the amount of frost on my car as we found it just where we left it, windows rolled up and everything. After stopping for brunch I took Jeff to my place for awhile to play some videogames and blast some metal before I had to go to work. As he got up to leave he gave me a hug and a kiss goodbye and told me to have a good night and that he'd stop in later. How sweet of him. no, really. It was nice. This plain text can't convey how I felt even if I'd explain it, because no one had ever been there to tell me that before.

After Jeff left I took a quick shower and got cleaned up before heading off down the street. And just as promised, Jeff showed up later in the night and kept me company while I closed. I'd gotten rather attached to him in a short amount of time, so I asked if he wanted to stay over. Quickly agreeing, we locked up and went back to my place were we both fell asleep on my couch, tangled up in each other's arms.

[Lonely_Guy] END

How was it? I'd love to know. Shoot me an e-mail at northlands.punk@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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