Loneliness Unmasked

By Adam -

Published on Aug 29, 2000


Legal Disclaimer - This story is ficticous. If you disagree with men being intimately together, then do not continue. If you do not like to read about The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC in gay roles, then stop. This story contains both boy bands, and some pop divas, all of which are not presumed to be gay in real life. This story is just that, a story.

The last chapter ended with Jonathon, Justin's brother over hearing JC and Lynn on the phone. This chapter will let you find out what he does about it.

Also Justin will be out of his cast, and be able to walk around on himself, will this lighten up the others?



Brian, Justin, Jackie, Harold, James, Kevin, AJ, Howie, Nick, Brittany, and Christina all stood around the living room, deciding what was going to happen today and if they were going to go to Universal Studios. Justin was all up for it, he was already used to his crutches. Brian however was hesitant, but didn't say anything about his worries.

"Then let's go, I'll take AJ, Howie, Nick, Brittany, and Christina and you take everyone else Brian." Kevin led the group he would take out the door, and was followed by Brian's passengers. Brian held the door for everyone, Justin the last to exit. Kevin had his car filled in and pulled out while Justin set his crutches down and got into the car. Brian shut the back door and made his way to the front. Pulling out, he picked up speed to keep up with Kevin.

Justin propped his head on to the window, sitting next to Jackie, and James on the other end. "Justin, are you sure you aren't to tired to handle this today?" Jackie looked over in concern, noticing Justin's far off look.

"No, I'm fine, I don't know, I just feel, sorta well...." Justin didn't know how to say what he wanted to say, and didn't get the chance to try, and Jackie cut in.

"Lonely." Justin looked at her in shock, as she had said what he had been thinking.

"Yeah, but you probably think it's silly, I mean, I'm not alone, and my boyfriend is just right there, but I don't know. I've just been comfortable on his shoulder all these times, and I don't know." Justin really didn't know what he was trying to tell Jackie. Jackie just smiled and nodded, thinking of what she could say to comfort him.

"I know exactly what you mean Justin, I felt the same way with Harold when we were younger, and still dating. I'm sure it will pass, once we get to the amusement park, you two will be hand in hand." Hoping the words she had chosen would brighten Justin's mood, Jackie smiled a little wider. Justin smiled back, the words did help him, and he relaxed back into his seat.


"Mommy, mommy, how come Lance is coming back? I thought he hurt Justin?" Jonathon was obviously bringing up the phone conversation he had over heard. He was not doing it the right way though. He thought of it as a simple return, not as a dreaded situation that could hurt his brother.

"How did you hear that? Oh well, Lance didn't hurt Justin intentionally, he was only looking out for him. Who told you that he hurt him?"

"Uncie Brian, said that Lance, and JC and Jo, and Chris, that they, they, hurt Justin."

"Well, that's not true. JC and the guys would never hurt Justin."

"Then why did Uncie Brian said it?"

"Brian is not your uncle Jonathon, he is your brother's boyfriend. And I don't know why he told you that."

"Brian said I could come him my uncie if I wanted."

"Well I'm telling you not to say it." That was the end of the conversation as Lynn's high voice, sent Jonathon running from the room in tears. He was not used to be yelling at by his mother. Odd enough neither had Justin been.


"Do you have any plans for anything in the upcoming weeks or so Brian? You've been off for a while now." James began to make small talk as they headed through the park. Brian looked over, trying to keep his eyes on Justin, but not trying to ignore his brother.

"Um, actually, we have to do a Rosie show, next week. I'm pretty sure, it will be us, Brittany, Christina, and I have to find out if Justin can come with us. After that we come back and we have to start recording for our new album." Brian smiled turning around, knowing that the answer would satisfy his brother.

"Any one else want to get lunch with me?" AJ looked around the faces and waited for answers.

"I'll join you, I could go for a bit of something myself." Brittany walked to his side, smiling.

"Me too, I'm a little hungry." Christina followed her friends, and waited for any one else's answer.

"I think I will go too" Howie ran off with them.

"I am going to go hit the arcade." Nick turned, not expecting any one else to join him.

"I'll go with you Frack" James Litrell turned, Kevin following them with out any words.

"Then I guess it's us and my parents." Brian smiled, Justin giving the same response. "Lets hit a rollercoaster first." Justin agreed with a nod and followed Brian and his parents. The line was not something they had to worry about, being famous had it's advantages, as the four were allowed to move into the first available train.

"You like rollercoasters right?" Brian smiled holding Justin's hand as they approached the first hill and inclination.

"Yeah, just not this part. I hate the noise it makes." Justin nervously answered the question. His nervousness slowly began to fade, as Brian squeezed his hand tighter.

"Don't worry about it, just hold me hand as long as you want." Brian was happy to be able to comfort Justin. Justin was slowly realizing that Jackie's words in the car were right. He didn't feel lonely any more. The top of the rollercoaster hit them fast, Justin not even realizing it. "Here we go." Brian's words flung out of his mouth, as the increase in height ended, and the train was sent plummeting over the top. Screams filled the air, few from Justin as he sat clutching Brian's hand.

The ride ended, and Justin, Brian, Jackie, and Harold climbed out, Brian handing Justin his crutches. Fingers pointed at the two as the thrill seekers slowly realized who they were looking at. Brian smiled and waved, as the four exited through the ramp.

"I just love rollercoasters, but let's hit one of those flip rides. Ya know the ones that go upside down." Jackie smiled, seeing Justin and Brian walking close, well some what close. Considering the crutches.

"I don't know, I don't really like those ones, they make me sick." Justin didn't want to ruin it, so he decided he would stay off the ride. "You guys can go on though."

"I'll sit out with him, I'm not a big fan of them any more, a little to old I think." Harold took a seat on the bench Justin had already sat on, and Brian and his mother snuck through the line and directly onto the ride. "So, Justin, how ya feeling?"

"Um, pretty good. I'm glad the cast is off, but I still got these stupid crutches."

"Don't worry about them, at least you can ride the rides now."

"Yeah but, they just get in the way. I can't even hold, well ya know, hold Brian's hand."

"I'm sure Brian isn't upset about it, he understands. He's a very considerate guy."

"I know, but it upsets me. I wanna hold his hand. I wanna be able to show affection with him. That was the whole purpose of admitting the truth to the public, so we could be a public couple."

"Justin, you have to understand, that Brian will do anything for you, I'm sure he would have gladly stepped in front of you, and broken his leg if he had the chance. But he didn't. I know you think that you are holding him back, but I don't think he sees it the same way. Brian is in love with you Justin, and I know you love him. That is what really matters, not holding hands."

"I guess your right, I just wish we could."

"You'll be able to on Rosie, on national television, I'm sure that will get the point across." Harold smiled, laughing to himself. He was proud of his son's decision, and was proud that Justin was the one his son had chosen to love.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to Rosie, she was always my favorite show to be on." Justin smiled at Harold, standing as they watched Brian and Jackie make there way off the ride.

"I hope my dad didn't hurt you." Brian smiled, wrapping his arms around Justin, kissing him on the cheek. Justin and Brian's father chuckled at the joke. Brian didn't think it was that funny but dropped it, waiting to see what they should ride.

"Well, if you guys don't care, I was thinking we could ride the tunnel of love." After his talk with Brian's father, Justin got up enough guts to ask the question.

"Great idea babe, couldn't have read my mind better." Brian planted another kiss on Justin's cheek, and led the way to the tunnel. Lines were no problem for them once again, and the four were soon off. Brian and Justins' boat, behind his parents.

"Ya know, this is the first time I've ever been on the tunnel of love with some one I actually love." Brian smiled, hoping it was the same for Justin. Justin agreed, but didn't talk, he hoped that Brian would take the hint and make the first move. All he wanted was to be kissed.

Brian gazed into the silence, realizing what it was for. He leaned in kissing Justin on the cheek for the third time. Justin smiled, and waited for Brian to continue. Brian planted a slow, passionate kiss on Justin's lips, but not keeping it there for long. Moving down, he began to suck away on Justin's neck. Justin's moans could only be heard by Brian, he kept up the pace, and ending when he saw the light began to fade back into the tunnel.

"Justin, you can open your eyes now." Brian grabbed Justin's hand, helping him out of the swan boat. "I see you lost track of time." Brian smiled, Justin giving him an odd look.

"I don't know, I was dreaming about this great, sensitive, and kind guy sucking on my neck." Justin laughed at his own sarcasm, grabbing his crutches and heading off out of the exit. He couldn't tell if there was a hickey on his neck, but he was anxious to see if there was. Jackie laughed at him, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

"Don't worry Justin, it's not going any where." Harold and Brian both laughed at her joke. While Justin blushed with embarrassment. He was still a little shy around Brian's family.

"Um, what do you mean? I wasn't looking at anything." Justin tried to cover up his embarrassment, by rubbing his neck.

"Justin, you don't have to worry about us. We are fine with you and Brian being together now. There should be no embarrassment about your affection towards each other." Jackie had a hard time keeping a straight face, as Brian gave Justin goofy looks.

"Let's head to a water ride. One of the rapids, so we are guaranteed to get wet." Brian smiled, staring directly at Justin's white shirt. It was already clinging tight to him, but Brian knew what would happen if it got wet.

"Why not? I'm up for it, but then we gotta grab a snack." Justin agreed and they headed off towards the ride. Quickly passed through the line, they immidiately got into a raft, requestion to be with out any strangers. Leaving two seats open. The rapids started, as the water splashed into the raft. Justin held Brian's hand, laughing through the ride. As they came closer and closer to one of the over looking waterfalls, the boat spun around. Going through the falls with Justin underneath it. Coming out of it soaked, Justin could only laugh. "Guess ya got your wish baby."

"Yeah, now let's hit the food, so I can show you some affection around our adoring fans." Brian smiled following Justin, noticing all the looks they were getting.


"Lance, welcome home." Lynn hugged Lance tightly as he walked in the door, JC following behind with his luggage. Jonathon stood around the bend, looking awkwardly in on them. His child mind was processing thoughts even a grown man would have a problem understanding.

"It's great to be back. Now I hear Justin still hasn't come around yet? We will have to work on that." Lance smirked, an evil smirk, a happy smirk, a smirk. One that Jonathon himself feared, sending shivers down the small boy's back.

"I'm sure with you here now, we can handle it. He doesn't think you are living here any more, so the next time he comes by, the three of us can catch him by surprise. As long as he comes alone, but I think I know the perfect thing to keep Brian occupied." Lynn's smirk was something new to Jonathon. He had never seen his mother with such evil in her eyes. Such a passion for evil, crossing her whole face. Her eyes enraged with fire, spewing into her lips and words. "We let them have Jonathon one day, he goes over to play. I call Justin, tell him I need to talk to him immidiately about something. Brian stays at the house to watch Jonathon, and Justin is alone."

The words were all Jonathon needed to hear. He ran off, like earlier, running, away from some one he thought could do no harm. Three people he thought could do no harm. If he could remember what he heard, he could spare the events that would inevitably happen to Justin. If he forgot what he heard, heartbreak would be the most likely case to follow.


"They were supposed to be here half an hour ago. I'm getting really pissed." Brian was truly gaining a temper over there absense. He looked around, catching the eyes of his family, Justin, Brittany, and Christina. His bandmates were still not back yet.

"Brian, calm down, they were probably on a few rides or something. I'm sure they'll be here soon." Brittany tried to assure Brian, getting the situation to cool down. Justin just sat to himself next to a tree. Brian kept up his pacing, looking ahead to see if they were any where in sight.

"We don't have to wait in the lines Britt. Remember, we are famous. So then where the hell are they." Stares were now not only coming from his friends, but from the guests of the park passing them by. Justin was beginning to get embarrassed about it.

"Dude, shut up, we could hear you all the way down there." AJ ran up to the loud voice, pointing back a good 50 feet where Howie, Kevin, and Nick were coming from.

"Where the hell have you been? We've been waiting for half an hour. I want to get back to the house. To relax for a while, and you guys have been fooling around." Brian's anger was coming out stronger now. For some odd reason Brian was ready to explode.

"Sorry, we last track of time. Let's just head back to your house. How are we going to do the driving arrangements this time." AJ apologized and looked to see if they would be the same.

"Can I go with you guys?" Justin broke his silence, making himself clear again. AJ and the others hadn't even seen him when they arrived, nor had they heard a word from his mouth until now. AJ just nodded, and the cars filled up. Brian in shock that Justin didn't want to ride with him. The cars pulled out, Brian's following Kevin's car.


"Just, how come you wanted to ride with us?" AJ looked back from the driver's seat. He had taken up the wheel, Brittany in the passenger seat. Howie, Kevin and Justin sat in the back. Justin head was rested on Kevin's shoulder, of which he hadn't even asked if it was okay.

"I donno" Justin didn't give an answer that would satisfy the car.

"Justin you can't really think we would believe that. We know you to well now. What's bugging you? Was it Brian's screaming?" Brittany knew the last question was the one Justin would answer first, and probably the only one. She could tell that it had been putting Justin into a sad mood in the parking lot.

"Yeah." Is all he said though. Still hoping that Kevin didn't care about his head on his shoulder. Kevin didn't move or say anything. Kevin was to busy thinking, he couldn't understand why Justin still didn't like loudness. It was something that had bothered Kevin for a while.

"Well, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you. He was just mad, don't worry about it. Once you get home, you can cuddle up to him and relax for the first time today." AJ looked back from the wheel again to assure Justin.


"Ya know Brian, you didn't have to scream at us like that. We were just a little late, no big deal." Nick sat in the back with Christina on his lap. The car was jammed with Brian's family, and the two friends.

"I was just a little mad. I'm over it now."

"Well, you do know that that's why Justin is in the other car. Because you just got a little mad." Christina jumped into the conversation, annoyed like Nick.

"I know, I'll talk to him when we get back. I'm sure he's not that upset." Brian didn't even look back from his driving. His mother was scowling at his attitude, thinking better of her son.

"Brian, I want you to apologize to all of them for hollering. And maybe you should do a little better for Justin. Ya know when I talked to him today, he said all he wanted to do today, was relax with you. Hold your hand, cuddle a little. But he didn't get the chance at the park, because of the crutches. He was probably hoping it would be better when you got home." Brian was surprised by his father's long speech. He wasn't used to his dad voicing his opinion so openly among so many people. "He's going to be your husband and you have to remember that some things mean a lot to him, more then they mean to you."

"Um, um, I didn't" Brian didn't know what to say first. To apologize to Nick, to justify his reasons. He didn't know what to do. He truly was at a loss of words.

"No you didn't think. You didn't know, but you should of. You have to be able to see those things son. Justin has feelings, and they get hurt easily, you know that." Brian knew the conversation wasn't open for discussion. When his father spoke like that, it was the last word. Brian shook his head, and pulled into the drive way of his house. AJ parked on the side of the road.


"Justin can we talk, upstairs?" Brian had already made the apology to his friends, showing his sorrow for hollering and losing his temper. Now would come the hard part, apologizing to Justin. Justin just nodded and hopped up the steps, behind Brian. Entering the room Brian took a seat on the bed, hoping Justin would sit next to him. No such luck. "Justin, I'm really sorry about today. I didn't mean to yell, or to raise my voice."


"I know that isn't the reason though. I'm sorry we couldn't cuddle today, that we could show affection. So, let's just go downstairs and cuddle now. You can rest your head on me, and just sleep, relax, anything you want." Brian hoped this would change Justin's spirit. Justin smiled, it had. Brian wrapped his arm around Justin's waist, helping him down the steps.

In the living room the couch was still open. The others had taken seats on the floor or in the chairs. Brian took a seat on the couch, and Justin plopped down next to him. Justin instictively laid his head on Brian's chest, and Brian wrapped his arms around his back. Justin sprawled out comfortably, relaxing for once during the day. The others just smiled, interrupted by a phone call.

"Don't move, I'll get it." Jackie jumped from her seat running to the kitchen to recieve the phone. "Oh hello Lynn. It's Jackie, Jackie Litrell, Brian's mother. I'm sorry, I don't think they could this Tuesday, they have to do the Rosie Show. I'll be sure to tell them you called. Bye." Jackie replaced the phone back on the reciever and made hre way back to the living room.

"It was your mother Justin. She wanted you to take care of Jonathon on Tuesday, but I told her you were going to the Rosie Show. She wants you to call her back tomorrow."

"Alright." Justin didn't really answer, just moaned out. Brian stroked his hair, smiling.

"Brittany, Christina, I'm sure you guys know this by now, but you don't have to stay here any more. Now that Justin can walk, we'll do just fine. Thanks for your help though, I couldn't have handled it by myself." Brian changed the subject, to something that didn't involve the woman he despised.

"Great, I can go visit my mother, and you can come to Christina. We should really go now though, I'll call a cab. Go get our stuff ready, and I'll be up in a few minutes." Brittany smiled rushing off towards the phone. Christina rushing up the stairs to start the packing.

"I didn't think they would be that happy. Oh well, now theres more room for you guys. I think it's about time you get leaving cuz, some body's already sleeping." Brian smiled down at Justin, and almost evicted Kevin and his passengers.

"I guess your right, come on guys, time to get out of here." Kevin stood and so did his passengers. The four left the house saying there good byes, and holding the door for Christina and Brittany to run out to wait for there cab.

"Do you need some help getting Justin upstairs?" James Litrell for once offered some help to Brian with Justin.

"Actually, could you put that blanket on us, I don't want to move him." James did just that, placing the blanket over the sleeping body and his brothers. Leaving the room quietly with his parents. "Good night babe" Brian kissed Justin on the forehead, shutting off the lamp, and closing his own eyes.


"You all can take seats in the Green Room. The light above the door will flash when you should head out to the stage. You will sing 'The One' and then take your seats. Oh, Justin you are to take a seat immediately next to Rosie. And if it is possible, please leave your crutches here." The young employee informed the group what to do on cue, and then shut the door behind her.

"That's a lot to get out in one breathe. Just, you gonna make it to your seat with out crutches?" AJ laughed, looking over at Justin, who seemed some what distant.

"Yeah, sure, I can do it. I'll just sorta hop." Justin answered the question looking up only long enough to answer. Placing his head back into a thinking position.

"I hope there aren't to many questions, I just don't feel like talking much today. Maybe she will keep them all around you two, and give the rest of us a break." Kevin slumped in his own seat, obviously tired from the flight to New York.

"Great, like I want to answer all those questions." Brian too was tired, slouching in his own seat. He had not seen any change in Justin's attitude although, it was quiet obvious. Justin was sitting to himself, watching the red light, waiting. The red light lit, and Justin stood the others following. Justin hobble out the door while the others ran to the stage.

After the song, the guys made there way to the seats left for them. Brian took a seat next to Justin, grabbing his hand. Kevin sat next to him, and the others sat in stools behind them.

"You guys were fantastic, and I'm sure the audience thought so too. Which is why we are giving them all your cd 'Millenium'." The fans cheered as Rosie hollered the name. The guys smiled, and waited for the first question. "Now, you guys know you weren't my favorite boy band don't you?"

"Yeah, we heard you liked NSYNC better." Nick laughed pointing at Justin. Brian clenched Justin's hand tighter, knowing that the subject might offend Justin.

"Well, I don't have much of a choice but to let you be my favorite now. But let's skip all that. Are any of you seeing any one? Because ya know, I'm still single. Oh did I mention I have two kids?" Rosie joked with the guys, eyeing the ones she knew were single.

"We are all single, except for Brian. He and Justin are still going strong." AJ answered the question for every one.

"Ya know Rosie, I like children, maybe we could head over to Chuckie Cheeses, send the kids to the balls and just get to know each other." AJ chuckled at his own joke, winning over Rosie.

"I'm glad to see that you two are still together. I bet it was hard to stay strong when you were forced to come out." Rosie changed the subject still laughing.

"Um, actually not really. Justin was going through a lot then, and I stayed strong for him, and it held us strong. There was and never has been a second that I have doubted this relationship." Brian smiled at his boyfriend and then at Rosie.

"That is just remarkable, but what's next for the BackStreet Boys, for Brian and Justin?" Rosie continued to keep up the questions, hoping to keep the crowd livened.

"Well we are heading back to Orlando tonight, and next week we will be starting to record for our new cd. Maybe make another video while we have the chance for MTV, and then wait until our next tour." Kevin answered the question, since he was the one everyone assumed had all the knowledge of business.

"And Justin and I have big plans." Brian smiled, Justin still having not said a word, just smiling with him.

"And what might those be?" Rosie inquired the news, as a host she was allowed to be openly nebby.

"Well, lets just say they are big plans, for December." Brian smiled again, knowing she would soon start to beg for the info. Justin smiled at Rosie, flashing his gourgeous teeth.

"Brian, just tell her, or I will." Justin said his first words of the show, getting a glad reaction from Rosie and the crowd. Brian just smiled.

"Justin and I are going to get married, on December 24th. In Paris." Brian smiled, Rosie in shock of the news. The audience began to clap, while Rosie still said nothing. "Don't worry Rosie, you're invited." The crowds reaction was now laughter, as they too could tell Rosie didn't know what to say.

"Congratulations, and I'll be waiting for that invitation Mr. Litrell. I want a front row seat for my favorite boy band's member's boyfriend's wedding." Rosie laughed at the words she was saying. Not making complete sense to herself at the time.

"But to more serious issues. Justin would you mind telling us what happened between yourself and NSYNC. I just loved you cuties." Rosie smiled, rubbing Justin's shoulder politely.

"Um well, we didn't get along. Like the guys said, it was them and me. It was N and SYNC. It wasn't my making though, they had to do with it. It was never great with them, but after I came out to them, it was even worse." Justin clenched Brian's hand tighter. Waiting for a response to feel safe. He got it and continued. "That's when I tried to kill myself, but then I met Brian, quit the band, and I am doing a lot better now."

"I'm sorry to hear that your career was so bad, but now you have Brian, so I'm sure it isn't bad any more. Some one nice to cuddle up with." Rosie smiled, and winked at Brian who smiled back. Justin smiled too.

"Well, that's all the time we have today. Stay tuned tomorrow when we will have special guest 'Tommy can you hear me' Tom Cruise." Rosie screamed at his name, and let the player stop. The show faded and the guys and Rosie headed to the back, all taking seats in the green room. Justin took a seat next to Brian, placing his head on Brian's shoulder, but still not completely into the situation.

"Sorry to hear that you guys are hitting another flight. That must suck going from flight to show to flight." Rosie started small talk with the guys, like she would with any other guest.

"Yeah, we are all beat, and we only get two days off before we have to start recording again." Kevin smiled at her, keeping the conversation going, while everyone else sat tiredly by.

"That's too bad. I'm actually planning another trip down to Florida, for the show. Maybe I could have you guys on one day, and Justin you could be my special guest the day I got to Disney Land." Rosie brought business into the conversation, inviting every one back again.

"Sure, we would love to be on especially when we won't have to worry about flying up." Kevin still was the only one talking to her.

"I'd love to join you Rosie, by then I should be able to walk with out my crutches." Justin chimed in, not lifting his head up though.

"Great, now I won't have to worry about filling in my music and special guest spot, just gotta worry about getting show ideas for the other days. But that isn't your business." Rosie chuckled, smiling at Justin and Kevin who seemed to be the only ones listening. Although Justin wasn't listening hard he was.

"Congratulations on your wedding again, I'm proud to know that you two were comfortable with telling the world." Rosie was now standing, with an open arm extended towards Brian. Brian shook his head and reached out with one of his own.

"Thanks Rosie, and you will be invited, that wasn't just a joke." Brian laughed, and watched Rosie shake her head and walk out of the room, leaving them alone.

"Let's go guys, we gotta get to the airport. The sooner we get home the better." Kevin stood ushering for the others to do so. Justin was the last to stand, with a little help from Brian.


"Justin, Justin" Brian tried to wake Justin, who had been sleeping for the first half an hour of the ride. Wanting to know if he wanted a hot towel or slippers from the stewardess. "Um, just leave the slippers on the floor, if he needs something he can wait." Brian smiled as the lady set the slippers next to Justin and scooted off down the aisle with her cart.

"I can't believe he slept right through take off." Kevin looked back towards his cousin, hoping he could start a conversation.

"He did it once before too. He's a sound sleeper, it can be hard to wake him up some times." Brian answered roughing up Justin's hair to show that it was true.

"Well, at least you know how to wake him up if you have to." Nick smiled back thinking of the morning he had stayed in there hotel room. Brian just smiled back, thinking the same thing. Kevin knew what they were talking about, but chose not to think about it.

"Why don't you get him up and he can switch seats with some one, so we could play cards?" Nick questioned, hoping that Brian would say yes.

"Maybe later, I don't think he wants to move." Brian acknowledged that Justin was holding him, and had his head up against Brian's chest deep in sleep. "He could be like this for the whole ride."

"Alright, I got it. He does look peaceful. I ain't gay or nothing, but even cute." Nick didn't want to offend Brian, but didn't want to say what he was thinking with out clarifying it.

"Yeah, he is. And Nick you don't have to tell me you ain't gay, just because you say you think another guy is good looking doesn't mean your gay. I think you and all the guys are good looking, but I don't like you." Brian smiled, rubbing Justin's hair again playfully.

"I know, it's just an instinct. Guys don't like to ya know, well compliment each other. That's a girl thing." Nick said defensively, but in his heart he was only joking with him.

"You're right about that, even I don't like to compliment every guy I see. I compliment Justin, but that's just like you would compliment your girlfriend." Brian was happy to be talking with Nick. Kevin just sat and listened, while Justin kept up his sleeping, every once in a while, moaning or muttering, before switching positions. Although he never let go of Brian.

"So are you even go to try and get the wedding in Maine any more?" Kevin jumped into the conversation while it had died down a little.

"Um, well, I have been doing a little research, and I found out that Unitarian Universalist's ministers would do it. So I think we are going to. After all, it's something Justin really wanted." Brian smiled again looking down at his lover, happy and content with sleep.

"Dude, I thought only the chicks were supposed to have a dream wedding. Not the dude." Howie now joined in the conversation, he was sitting with AJ and they were across from Justin and Brian. Brian turned his attention that way, to catch both AJ and Howie listening for an answer.

"I don't know, he just wants it to be special and romantic. There's nothing wrong with that." Brian had thought the question to be offending, but knew that it wasn't meant that way.

"Um, this question, is kinda, well ya know personal. And you guys are probably gonna think there's something wrong with me asking, but um.." Nick stuttered before he could finish. "well who's the bottom?"

"Well, we haven't really talked about it, but we haven't had sex either." Brian knew the guys had known that they hadn't had sex, but weren't sure if they still knew.

"Not yet, man you guys are taking it slow. I thought being gay was all about the sex." AJ joked with Brian, waiting for an answer.

"Nope, sorry not even close. It's for the comfort, the love, and the cuddling." Brian smiled, once again glancing down at Justin. It was something Brian couldn't help but do, stare. He loved Justin so much, and just being near him made him smile. "But I guess if we had to classify one of us, I would say Justin is the bottom." Brian answered the questioin that had been left unanswered.

"I figured is all, ya know, the way you guys are together. He just seems to be the passive one." Nick justified his question with his own opinion.

"When are you guys gonna, ya know, do it?" Howie smiled at Brian, anxiously waiting for an answer.

"Until Justin is ready. I won't be ready until he is. In fact, I think we might wait until the wedding night, to make it even more romantic." Brian stroked Justin's hair, surprised to get a groggy moan on contact.

"uggggghhhhh" Justin let out a soft moan, looking up at Brian's smiling face. Smiling back, he lifted himself up, resting his head on Brian's shoulder. "Watcha talk'n bout." Justin asked the question with little concern or questioning. It was more of away to awaken himself by talking.

"Just you and Brian, and some shit." AJ answered smiling at the confused Justin. He knew Justin would want to know more about the conversation. AJ turned around Howie did too, while Kevin and Nick still stayed.

"You were talking about me? Kev, was it good or bad things?" Justin went straight to Kevin, knowing he couldn't lie to some one straight faced.

"All good, trust me, all good." Kevin answered the question, with out having to even think. He had been proud of what his cousin had said through out the conversation.

"Did you think I would say something bad about you? Especially when you were so cute and peaceful on my lap sleeping." Brian knew that Justin didn't think he would. He played with Justin's hair again for what seemed like the hundreth time of the day.

"Nope, you love me, and you could never say something hurtful about me. Just like I love you." Justin smiled, happy for Brian to hold him and play with his hair. For that was the reason Justin was gay. The contact, the emotions he felt when he was able to be weak, and not have to stay strong.

"Hey, what about me? You gotta love me, I'm the baby of the group, the cute one." Nick protested jokingly.

"And what about me, I'm your future cousin in law, you better love me." Kevin's was more of a warning but in a joking fashion.

"I love you all." Justin relunctantly answered, in a joking sarcasm voice.


"Sure mom, I could come by, no problem." It had been a full day since the Rosie O'Donnel appearance, and Justin and Brian were babysitting Jonathon. Justin received the phone call and thought nothing of it.

"What did your mom want?" Brian questioned looking up from the pool.

"I'm just gonna head over there, for a second, you and Jonathon don't have to come." Justin smiled turning away to walk to the car.

"You think you can drive?" Brian still worried that Justin's foot may not be up to driving.

"Yep, I got it under control." Justin kept walking, until out of view and into the car.

"Why's Justin going to my mom's?" Jonathon questioned Brian, still processing the thoughts of all the information he knew.

"I don't know kiddo, just to visit for a while I guess." Brian answered the child's question, not with some thing he was even sure of. He hated to let Justin go like that, knowing his mother was not looking out for his best intrests.

"Oh, is he visiting JC and Lance?" Jonathon didn't know that Brian and Justin didn't know that they were there. The thought had stuck in his mind, and so had the whole conversation he over heard.

"What?" Brian's ignorance about it, caught Jonathon off guard.

"Mommy had JC and Lance over the other day, and they are gonna get Justin to go back to NSYNC. Mommy said one way or the other." Jonathon let out the secrets he had over heard. He didn't understand what she meant by it, but knew that it had something to do with today.

"Wanna go for a car ride Jon? I'm gonna go call my cuz, you go get your clothes on." Brian lifted Jonathon out of the pool, and sent him off. Grabbing himself a towel, he rushed into the house. Picking up the phone, he dialed Nick's number, where he knew Kevin was staying.

"Nick, is Kevin there? Well tell him to come pick me up now, and tell him it's important. I'll explain when he gets here. See ya." Brian answered all the questions he recieved, and hung up the phone. Rushing up stairs, he grabbed some clothes, quickly changed and hollered for Jonathon. Jonathon came rushing down the stairs, and the two waited outside. The car pulled up with in five minutes, both getting in.

"Alright cuz, where too?" Kevin questioned looking back at the young kid.

"Um, to Justin's mom's house." Brian could barely get out the words as Kevin looked at him in awe. "Quick, it's an emergency." It truly was, because at the Harliss house, things were going the way Lynn had planned.


"Justin, where's your bitch to help you?" JC was now towering over Justin, with Lance and Lynn looking on, happiness on there face. Justin sat in his seat nervous, not knowing what to do. "That's what I thought, he ain't here to protect you. Just like I told you, one day you'd have to come alone, and now you get the shit kicked out of you." And with that he threw the first punch, Justin trying to cover up, but feeling the fist colide with his face.

"JC, don't go so easy, he has to be shown why he should come back to us on his knees." Lynn laughed at Lance's comments. Justin just looked at her in confusion. JC threw a few more punches, hitting his target Justin's face, leaving a few red marks, and two black and blue eyes.

"Alright, JC, enough, I think he has to hear a story first." Lynn spoke up walking close to her son. "Justin, why the fuck did you do this? If you were never such a fuckign baby, he wouldn't hit you. If you didn't cry when he hit you, he wouldn't keep hitting you." Lynn was obviously making observations, as Justin did just that cry.

"If he wants to cry, it's none of your fucking business you little bitch." Brian stood in the hallway, he had managed to come in with out any one noticing. The hollering and punches had concealed the opening of the door. "Back the fuck up off him, or your gonna have to deal with me JC." JC didn't back down, it wasn't his style. In fact Lance stood next to him, showing that the odds were against him.

"Where is my son Brian? The one you haven't fucked." Lynn's words hit the core of Justin's soul.

"In the car, away from his mother, the whore. Sleeping around with JC Lynn, that just disgusts me." The whole room went quiet with Kevin's words. He stood behind Brian. In the car, Jonathon had explained everything that he had heard.

"Now, in case you can't tell, it's even, so we can go at it or you can just let Justin walk away." Brian was not a little calmer, waiting for the answer.

"Justin is back in the band, how bout you take your shit, and get the hell out of this house, and let Jonathon come back where he belongs." JC still showed no signs of flinching. He was firm in his stand, in front of Justin. Justin could tell he needed to think of how to get out of this.

"Lynn, how could you do this to your son. Your son, look at him, you made him what he is today. And I'm glad he's there, because if he wasn't just the way he is, I never would have met him Lynn. Does that disgust you, the fact you could have some cause on mine and your son's relationship? Or does it disgust you when I kiss him, or hold his hand? What about when I give him a hickey, suck on his neck? Or what about when we sleep together, and Jonathon tells us how you think of Justin as a faggot? What about that Lynn, what about it? You can't stop it, you never could. Oh wait, does it disgust you more about us, or the thought of your bitch JC taking it up the ass from Lance?" Brian's last words hit the hardest. Lynn had kept her angry face until those words, those words left her speechless.

"What's the matter Lynn, can't talk, can't get the words out. Why don't I hit you until you can spit them out? Oh wait, I ain't some fucking bitch or a jackass closet case." Brian finished smiling, Kevin stood behind him shaking his head in shame of the situation.

"What did you call me?" JC angrily asked, stepping to the side, slapping Justin to show the power he had at the moment.

"I said you were a closet case. Ya know a fag, a fudge packer, just you couldn't admit it. But calling out Lance's name during sex, well fuck, if that ain't being gay." Brian answer, stepping forwards slightly to get to Justin.

"I ain't no fag, it was just the sex bitch, and Lance knows it too. If I wanted to, I could've fucked Justin thousands of times, just for the sex. I could do it now, in front of you." JC licked his lips seductively, pulling Justin close to him. Justin tried to pull back, but couldn't. Justin could feel JC's hot breath coming closer to him, and he didn't like the feeling. Clenching his teeth together, he knew he could hold back JC's tongue. The kiss ended quickly, Kevin and Brian were there to throw JC to the floor, both Lance and Lynn in shock over it.

"Don't ever come near us again. If your shadow touches my yard, I swear to fucking god, I will have you jackasses arrested in a second." Brian turned his back, no fear of what may happen. Scooping up Justin, Kevin followed to the car. Jonathon looked at them in shock. "Hey kiddo, you think you could go inside, I'll drop your swim suit off tomorrow." Jonathon did as he was told, running in the front door.


Kevin had helped Justin into the house with Brian, and ran to the bath room to get a washcloth and blankets from the hall closet. He made his way to the living room handing Brian the objects he had asked for.

"Justin, it's okay now, your mom isn't going to bother us any more, neither is JC or Lance." Brian tried to think of things to comfort him, not unsure of what he was upset about the most.

"She knew all the time, she told him to hit me. My own mother." Justin's words echoed out through his sobs. He tried to stop crying, but couldn't. "She let JC fuck her, she cheated on my dad with JC." Justin himself couldn't believe everything he had learned that day.

"Justin, just forget about it for now. Just relax on the couch, and I'll hold you." Justin did just that, laying down, his head on Brian's chest. He knew sleep wouldn't come though, he sobbed into Brian's clothing, while Brian stroked his hair. Kevin went to the kitchen to make a dinner for them.

The truth was revealed, and the returns brought pain, but will the removal of them bring back the happiness. Can Justin continue on knowing his mother knew everything? Can he live with the thought of his mother and JC embraced in passion? Will Brian be able to comfort him, what will happen to Jonathon?

Lots of questions left to be asked, some may get answered, other might not. Just have to wait and see, what I get for suggestions.

The next chapter may not be out for a while. I'm going camping with a few friends this weekend, and I've gotta start shcool the next day I get back. But I'll be sure to start work on it soon.

Next: Chapter 10

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