Loneliness Unmasked

By Adam -

Published on Aug 27, 2000


Legal Disclaimer - This story is ficticous. If you disagree with men being intimately together, then do not continue. If you do not like to read about The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC in gay roles, then stop. This story contains both boy bands, and some pop divas, all of which are not presumed to be gay in real life. This story is just that, a story.

The last time we left off, Justin and Brian were on the verge of a fight. Both didn't want it to happen, but will it? Read on to find out for yourself.

Remember Harold Litrell, Brian's brother is referred to as James in my story to keep the characters straight.


Justin still contemplated the ideas of what he was about to do or not do. If he began a fight, it would undoubtly get back to his mother. Jonathon would blab it, like any child would at his age. But if he let it go, he would feel bad for the rest of the day. He wanted to go in the pool with the rest of the them, it was his decision. Relunctantly Justin gave up the idea of a fight and went back to his food.

"Hey Jon, go grab your bathing suit and meet me out at the pool." Half asking and half telling, Brian watched as Jonathon leapt from the table and ran out of the room. He himself still argued in his mind, if a fight was what needed to be done. He knew that Justin was mad when he had ended his last comment. He had agreed not to swim, but he knew Justin was not happy with the answer he had given. "Brittany why don't you and Christina go get dressed too. I can handle the dishes and the table." His questions were more like demands. Brittany and Christina stood with out hesitation, and headed off towards their seperate rooms to swim. Brian now put his focus into Justin. "Justin, I don't want to argue in front of your brother, so if you want to swim, and you think you can stay on the raft. Then I will help you on it, but if you fall, you take the risk." Brian could tell that Justin was shocked by his change of heart.

"Um, I guess then I will swim. Will you get my bathing suit from upstairs?" Justin didn't have a real answer, he wasn't ready for the statement that had just flowed from Brian's mouth. Brian stood with out an answer and left the room. Jonathon returned, heading straight past Justin, and out to the pool. Brittany and Christina too had now made there way to the pool. Brian returned in his bathing suit, holding Justin's. Wheeling Justin into the bathroom, he was quickly changed into his suit. Outside Brian grabbed the matress, tossing it into the pool and lifted Justin up, setting him down onto it. Christina and Brittany both looked up in unison, not realizing that Brian had willing let Justin do it.

"Comfortable." Brian questioned Justin as he pulled back and let Justin lay at rest. Justin nodded, still confused by what Brian was doing. Brian walked to the deep end, and jumped off the diving board. Brittany and Christina were playing with Jonathon in the shallow end splashing and throwing him.

Jonathon came close to splashing Justin, but remembered being told that Justin couldn't get wet, and quickly stopped. He smiled at Justin and pulled himself onto the raft slightly. "Are you having fun?"

"Yeah, what about you kiddo?" Justin smiled back at his brother. Hoping his answer would be yes too. He knew that Jonathon was having a good time at the house, finally spending some real time with Justin. Of which they really had missed. Justin was always busy, and when he got home, he needed it to rest. Spending few days with his family was killer on Justin, but now that he was out of the boy band that made him popular, he was given the chance to make up for it.

"Yep, but I wish you could swim with me." Jonathon slid off the raft and went under, heading towards the girls again. Popping up and splashing them in surprise. In a fake anger, Brittany stormed him tickling him and lifting him from the water. Justin sat on, watching in some what jealousy. He couldn'd to that, he couldn't pick his brother up, or swim with him. All because of his leg, the main focus that made him angered more and more. He had accepted Kevin's apology, and he meant it. He didn't hold Kevin responisble for the accident, he held himself chargeable for it. It was his fault that they had to chase him, but it was hard to get over. He had limits now, and they involved a lot of fights lately. Not to mention his inability to tell his mother his feelings. More and more tension was growing between Brian and Justin as a result from both situations. The last time they shared romance was days past. Besides kisses here and there, nothin really special was shared. The signs of tension were obvious to both Brittany and Christina, who questioned it to each other when they were alone.

"How's it going?" Justin popped out of his thoughts. They had been controlling his mind a lot lately, and he would slip into them with out even noticing. Looking over to see who had startled him, Justin caught Brian. On first glance, Justin fell into Brian's eyes, unable to speak at first. "Yooooo Hooooo." Brian waved his hand in front of Justin's blank face.

"Oh sorry, I'm doing fine. Just a little bored." He knew his lie would shine right through, so he told the truth. He contemplated reasons why Brian would let him in the pool. Maybe to prove a point, maybe to keep from argument, maybe just to be nice. Brian smiled, and started to do circles around the raft. "Wanna get out?"

"No, I'm good, at least I can talk to some one if I want. If I'm out there I gotta sit by myself. That is the only real reason I wanted to be on here any ways." His truth was all that he said again, it was to hard to lie any more. He barely talked to Brian at all lately, so he might as well tell the truth when he did. The thought was hard for Justin to admit, but it was true. He still loved Brian, but the two talked less and less since they had arrived in Orlando. And even less after the situation with Lynn.

"I know, I'm glad you like it on the raft better. Just be careful, if you fall in, you'll sink to the bottom like a rock." Unknown to Justin, Brian shared many of the thoughts he did. Brian knew, just like Justin, that they were going through a rough patch, with little communication. Brian took the chance to talk to Justin, and to even joke. Hoping that it would clear up what ever was wrong, and get them back on good terms.

"I'm sure you'd let me sink. The second I fell off this raft, you'd be right down there to get me." If Justin was going to finish, he couldn't. The group heard a door shut, and turned around to see Lynn, but she was not alone. Behind her stood JC, he was not showing himself completely, knowing it would start a fight.

"Justin what are you doing in the pool?" Her harsh words cut straight to the point, she was upset. Jonathon knew it too, he stopped splashing with the girls, and turned to see his mother's angered face. Jonathon submerged himself to his nose, in a way trying to stay out of the conversation.

"Um, I was just relaxing, something different for a change." It wasn't hard this time for Justin to explain what he was doing to his mother. He felt like he was doing nothing wrong, and didn't think a fight would pursue for something so small. Brian was still in awe that JC would dare show up at his home.

"Well, how about you get out of the pool and relax? And Jonathon it's time to come home." Jonathon quickly acknowledged his mother, and jumped out of the pool as fast as his body could carry him. Walking straight past his mother, he entered the house, for his clothes. "Well, Justin, get out of the pool." Lynn now raised her voice with the youngster out of hearing distance.

"I think I'm gonna stay in for a while mom, I'm not hurting anything." Now Justin was beginning to feel worried. He felt uneasy with JC backing up his mother. The two people he feared most were on the same side, something he never thought he'd see.

"Justin, get out of the pool." She wasted no time in making it clear that she wanted Justin out of the pool, and back on the dry land where he couldn't get his cast wet. Or maybe she just didn't want him near Brian? "Justin either get out of the pool, or I am going to have JC get you out."

The sentence itself lingered in the air, as Justin sat up in shock. The sudden movement, rocked the boat, but Brian was able to steady it, with out any slipping or water getting onto it. Hesitating, Justin thought of speaking. "I'll get out on my own, but not now."

"Josh, please help Justin out of the pool." Before the words even fully left her mouth, Josh made his way over towards the pool.

"Don't come near him. This is my house, and my pool, you have no right to be here." Brian knew the fight would soon ensue, but he couldn't sit back and watch JC rip Justin out of the pool and back into boredom, not when they were so close to having a real conversation for once. JC took no heed to it, and inched closer to the edge of the pool.

"Justin, get over here, or I'm gonna have to come in and get you." JC could picture in his mind the timid Justin he knew. By no means was Justin strong now though. He was a lot stronger then before, but he still feared JC. And JC could tell, he had a hold over him, stronger then Justin knew. Before he knew what was happening, Justin felt the current pull him closer to the side. JC was stroking the water, to get him close. As the raft hit the side, Justin felt himself grabbed around the shoulders. Brian couldn't help him, if he did Justin would fall in. JC's arms lifted Justin, and pulled him onto the edge of the pool. Letting him down, Justin winced in pain. He didn't have much pressure on his leg, but enough to hurt him.

"JC, what the hell ar...." Lynn's words were cut off when JC quickly spun around to see her yelling, his actions caused one fatal mistake. His hands had flung around with him, one catching Justin in the side. With an uneven balance already, Justin was slowly teetering into the pool. Brian could see it happening, and quickly swam to the edge, pushing his hand up onto Justin's butt to steady him. Justin steadied himself and watched as Brian got out of the water. JC was cut off guard when he felt an arm on his shoulder.

"Get off me Justin, I'm talking to your mother." JC was not happy when he turned to see that it was not Justin, but Brian. He was shocked even more when he felt himself stumble backwards as a result of Brian's arms. "What the fuck are you doing Brian? You don't want to fight me, not now, not while Justin is standing there. You need to get him seated, take care of him. Before I do." The final words hit Brian hard, but not as hard as Brian's fist hit JC's jaw bone. Brian turned and scooped up Justin, carrying him to a lawn chair. After sitting him down, Brian returned to the subject at hand.

"Come on, you know you wanna hit me back." Brian stood ready for a fight, as Lynn and the girls looked on, each from opposite sides of the fight. Justin sat, his head down, not watching, but waiting. JC stood and lunged at Brian. Quickly moving, JC couldn't stop himself before hitting air, and then the pool water. Brittany and Christina laughed, with out resistance. "Alright, JC, outta my pool and off my property before I call the cops. Oh, and take Lynn with you." JC angrily pulled himself out of the pool, and stormed past him and Justin. Lynn still in shock entered the house to get Jonathon. JC went straight up to the front yard, and into his car, waiting.

With out good byes, the car could be heard driving off. Brian smiled having suceeded in his wish. He had gotten rid of Lynn and JC, leaving himself to talk with Justin again. Making his way over, Brian pulled a lawn chair over and took a seat next to Justin. "I believe we were having a conversation before we were interrupted. And yes, I would have been in there to get you if you fell in."

"Yeah, you stopped me from falling backwards. My leg really hards, I think I put some pressure on it when I was standing." Justin stopped the other conversation, wincing in pain again. He could feel tears of pain beginning to form in his eyes, but pushed them off.

"You want one of the pills, you haven't taken it yet today?"

"Thanks, I could use it now." Smiling and with out oblige, Brian stood and entered the house. The bathroom was wet, Jonathon must have changed in here Brian thought to himself. Putting one pill in his hand, Brian made his way back to the poolside.

"Here ya go." Handing it to him, Brian watched as Justin choked it down. "I'm sure it won't hurt as much in a little bit. You just need to get your mind off of it, and I think I might no the trick." Leaning in, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and locked lips with him. There tongues going at each other wildly like they had never met before. The truth was, it had been a while since they had shared a real passionate french kiss. It ended with in seconds, but was a treat to Justin who had been waited for something romantic to happen.

"I think that hit the spot. It's been a while, since we, ya know, did anything sexual. Maybe tonight, we could have a special dinner, let the girls go out and shop. And then a little foreplay." For some reason Justin asked the question like it was the first time he would see Brian naked.

"I might be able to arrange that, a little candle lit dinner, some music, and a little romantic loven." Brian said all the right things, even his joke at the end was a relief to Justin. Happy that Brian had agreed to the date. "I'll tell the girls, and even give them some money to grab a dinner for themselves."


The day had progressed since the pool situation. At five o'clock Brittany and Christina left to shop and have dinner. Brian had explained to them that he and Justin needed a little time alone. They agreed to stay out until about 10, giving Justin and him five hours of free time. Brian made Justin sit in there room under the covers to wait as Brian prepared the dinner.

Around 5:45 Brian made his way into the room, carrying a tray with a lid. Justin only his robe, smiled at Brian, who entered the room wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. The boxers had smiley faces on them, and Brian's intentions were to make Justin happy, his initial response showed that he was, as a huge smile crossed his face. "What's fo...."

"Don't talk, just wait and see, but first you have to do something for me." Setting the tray down, careful not to let the lid slide down, Brian pulled out a blind fold from his boxers. "Could you slip this on?" Justin was hesitant, he didn't like surprises, but knew that nothing would happen. Slipping it over his eyes, Justin relaxed again on the pillows. He could hear the metal slide off the tray, as Brian pulled the lid off. Underneath were some foods. "Open up." Justin did as he was asked, and felt something enter his mouth. "What is it?"

"Um, a, um strawberry." Justin chewed the fruit up, and knew with out an answer it was correct.

"And this." Brian slowly ran his finger through some whipcream and slid his finger into Justin's mouth.

"You" Justin smiled sucking more of the whip cream off. Brian withdrew his finger, to get the next food. Chocolate syrup, putting some in his mouth, Brian leaned in for a kiss. Opening his mouth, the syrup oozed into Justin's mouth, Brian pulled out and waited for an answer. "Chocolate."

"And for the final ingredient." Brian took out a spoon, scooped up some of the cold substance, and moved it to Justin's mouth. Justin opened and swallowed.

"Ice Cream, but what do you mean final ingredient?" Justin ate the ice cream, swallowed and puzzled.

"I'm gonna make myself a sundae, a Justin sundae." Brian smiled, and grabbed what was left of the strawberries, setting them down next to Justin, he undid Justin's robe, and left him naked. Sliding the robe off, he snatched up the strawberries again. Lying one down on each nipple, and the last one in his belly button. Next he grabbed the whipcream, making a trail from Justin's belly button, down to and around his cock and balls. The tingling sensation made Justin want to scream in pleasure, but he waited.

Brian could tell Justin was already happy, his raging hardon was a good sign of that. Not wanting to waste any time, Brian took out the chocolate syrup, squeezing it out onto the strawberries. The final ingredient, the ice cream was all that was left. Brian took a scoop and put it right in between Justin's nipple and belly button. Justin winced in shock, at the cold feeling on his stomach, but let it ease away. "I think I'm ready for desert." Brian bent down and went to work on Justin's nipples, clearing the sauce and strawberries, and lapping them up.

"Brian, ohhhhhh, can I, ummmmmm, take off this." Justin was in to much pleasure to really ask the question. His mind raced with pleasure, but he wanted to watch his lover please him. Brian only moaned, and Justin took it as a yes. Removing the blindfold, Justin opened his eyes, but was in to much pleasure to keep them open long. Brian moved from the nipples to the chest, licking up the cold ice cream. Brian had it gone in seconds, the heat of pleasure had melted it almost completely. Brian could sense that Justin was going insane with ecstasy. Before Justin knew it, Brian had devoured the last strawberry, and was now working on the whip cream.

Justin could feel the heat of Brian's mouth as it circled his cock, lapping up the whip cream. The heat was even warmer, when Brian finished and went straight for Justin's cock itself. Lapping off the little bit of whip cream that coated Justin's cock, he went to work on pleasing his lover. Sucking and licking away at Justin's cock was Brian's new favorite thing to do, and he knew that Justin shared the same passion for it. Moans were all that came from Justin's mouth, he in to much pleasure to speak.

Brian was loving the taste of Justin's precum, mixed with the taste of whipcream that still filled Brian's mouth. Brian knew Justin was almost ready to cum, as he began bucking wildly on the bed, his moans becoming louder. He was right, with in seconds, Brian was tasting Justin's sweet cum, as it ozzed into his mouth. Brian swallowed it, and let the now limp cock of Justin's, out of his mouth. Smiling he stood to stare at his panting lover.

"Happy 2 month anniversary." Unknown to Justin, who was completely caught up in his cast, and the fights he had been having with his mother and Brian lately, he had forgotten about the anniversary. Brian had made the night special, hoping to relog Justin's memory, but it wasn't until now that Justin remembered.

"Hmmmmm, happy, uhhhhhh, annivers......ary" Justin couldn't believe that he didn't remember, but now he had little power to even utter the words.

"I think you should go to sleep now. You're all tuckered out." Brian pulled the covers up around Justin. With out hesitation Justin agreed and laid back, shutting his eyes hoping for sleep to take over.


Christina and Brittany sat in there own seats, while Brian and Justin sat comfortably on the couch, Justin laying with his head on Brian's lap. Brian's hands, wrapped around his chest, straddling him.

"Oh, Brian, before you got up there was a call for you. From a Kevin." Christina smiled, knowing full well that it was Brian's cousin who had made the call. Brian smiled and nodded showing that he had heard, but he did not get up. He didn't want to move Justin, for his peace.

"I'll call him in a little bit."

"You can't, but you can talk to him later. All the guys are coming to Orlando. AJ and Howie will be on the same flight, but Kevin will be coming in earlier then them. Kev wants us to pick him up at 2. He said something about bringing something with him, that you might like to see." Brittany knew what the surprise was, but wasn't about to share it with them. Christina smiled at her, also knowing. The two were not great secret keepers, but since they could talk to each other, they knew they would manage to keep it hush hush.

"Okay, I'll pick him up by myself, so we don't have to worry about getting Justin in and out of the car four times." Brian smiled, he could tell that the girls knew what it was about. He didn't care though, he enjoyed surprises. "Is that okay with you babe?"

"Yeah, sure, what ever." Justin wasn't even really paying close attention to the conversation. He was unintentionally dozing in and out of sleep. He was in such a comfortable position that it was hard not to.

"Looks like some one was up late last night." Brittany and Christina cooed, in there own way they were really asking for details.

"Justin doesn't like to share everything with every one, but I can say this, he's a little tired, but he got plenty of sleep. He just had a little fun before." Brian smiled, knowing that Justin wasn't paying attention. He knew if he wanted to he could tell them, and Justin would be none the wiser.

"Oh, well, I'm sure you did too. It's great that you two are finally on the same page again. I don't remember the last time I saw you two cuddled, for longer then two minutes was." Brittany looked up at the clock. It had been an hour and a half since Brian and Justin awoke. Now Justin was asleep again. And that hour and a half was spent cuddling.

"Shhh." Brian knew what Brittany was saying was right, but he didn't want to talk about it, Justin was fast asleep, and that was the only thing he cared about now.

"Sorry, we're gonna go fix lunch, maybe some chicken or something. Then we will call Nick and have him meet you here at 1, to go to the airport with you." Brittany stood and Christina followed. Leaving Brian felt at ease, and relaxed. Staring at the sleeping Justin. It was 10:45 which gave Justin a good hour and fifteen minutes to sleep, and Brian didn't want to disturb it. Reaching behind his head, he grabbed a tv guide, and glanced through it, keeping his mind occupied without waking Justin.

The hour and fifteen minutes Justin slept for had passed. An additional hour had passed too. Leaving Justin alone with Brittany and Christina, while Brian and Nick went to pick up Kevin. Justin never left the living room, he didn't bother to get up for lunch, he just laid by himself, and now he was in the same position when Brittany and Christina made there way back in.

"You really should get up now, it's one in the afternoon, and we are going to have guests in an two hours or so." Christina couldn't keep the secret any longer.

"What do you mean guests?" Justin had listened to the demand, but was not complete with it.

"Well, when Brian gets back, there will be a taxi with him. Becuase his car won't fit, AJ, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Mr and Mrs. Litrell, oh and his brother." Brittany smiled, laughing along with Christina's words.

"Huh?" Justin was shocked by what she had said. He didn't expect to have guests, he was still in his robe, and had slept away the day. "I gotta get ready."

"Don't worry about it. We talked to Mrs. Litrell, she said for you to stay comfortable, not to get special for her. They said they would be fine with you in a robe." Brittany laughed at Justin's fear. She could tell that Justin was embarrassed at his current state. "Any ways, the Litrell's and Kevin are staying here, so me and Christina get a break. We are going to visit my family. Mrs. Litrell will take over the house work for the next week or so."

"Oh, um, okay. But I probably should at least sit up, so I don't fall asleep again." Justin rubbed his eyes and face, hoping to revive himself for the sleep that he knew would over come him again if he didn't get up.

"Don't worry about it, Jackie said to take it easy. They won't care if your asleep when they get here." Brittany pushed Justin gently down to let him know that is was more of a demand then a suggestion. Justin obeyed and laid back down, closing his eyes.

AIRPORT - 2:15 p.m.

"Brian" Kevin ran up to his younger cousin happy to see him. Nick smiled, only he and Kevin knew that the others were all waiting for the signal to show themselves. "Lets go get my STUFF." Kevin said stuff loudly, the signal. Brian's family and fellow bandmates ran out from where they had been hiding, to surprise him.

"Come on son, let's get back to your place." Mr. Litrell stood by his son now, snapping him out of his initial shock.

"Um, uh." Brian didn't know what to say at first.

"Don't worry I got a taxi waiting. Me, AJ, Howie, and Kevin will take it, and you can take your family home." Nick smiled walking away from them. Brian was still at a loss of words.

"Uh, um, you picked a bad time to come." Brian let out his words. His mother stared at him awkwardly. "Justin isn't really awake, and he isn't fully dressed, and we don't have food for you. And with Justin not being able to walk." Brian flung out things one after another.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the food, and Justin will be fine the way he is. Let him sleep, we won't bother him. The others will meet us at the house so we better hurry." Jackie's words calmed Brian's thoughts. He grabbed the suitcases his mother had and the family left the building towards the car.

BRIAN'S HOUSE - 3:30 p.m.

Brian and the taxi both pulled onto the street at the same time, and arrived at the house with in seconds of each other. The large group all made there way to the door, where Brittany and Christina stood awaiting them.

"So, where is my future brother-in-law?" James Litrell quizzed Brittany for an answer. She smiled and made a shhh signal with her pointer finger, letting him know that he was asleep. One by one the group entered the house, and headed straight for the living room. Silently they took seats, Nick, AJ, Howie, Kevin, Brian, Harold and James all having to stand. Justin was taking up the whole couch with his sleeping body.

"Maybe we should wake him now, before we get loud." Brian walked from the arch way where he stood and gently shook Justin. "Just, my family is here, time to get up." Justin pushed Brian back and the reaction got a small snicker from the room. Brian shook him again, and Justin looked up. Justin's eyes grew wider when he saw the whole group looking at him. Seeing that they were all standing he slid his feet off the couch, and sat up straight, his broken leg held out straight. Brian grabbed a stool for him to put it on, and took a seat next to him. James Litrell took the seat next to him.

"How's your leg Justin?" Kevin still felt bad for what he had done. Although the incident had happened a good month earlier, he still couldn't shake it.

"Fine Kev." Justin was still half-asleep. His head rested on his hand, he still wanted to sleep.

"Justin, maybe I should take you upstairs to sleep more." Brian looked at him for an answer. He knew that Justin was tired, but also knew Justin would want to stay with every one.

"You're probably right." Justin smiled, as he watched scooped up and exited from the room. Brian returned in a few minutes empty handed and took his seat, now sitting on the couch with James and Nick.

"Why's he so tired? He is taking his pills isn't he?" The first assumption was that of negativity. AJ still worried that Justin was depressed, although he was far from it now.

"No, just had a long day yesterday and the day before. He is still taking his pills." Brian smiled over towards the standing AJ. He was a little upset by AJ's accusations.

"What are the plans for today?" Nick looked around the room to see if any one had an answer.

"Why don't we go out to dinner? Some where nice. You can get Justin in nice clothes can't you?" James was ignorant when it came to the situation. He honestly had the assumption that Justin couldn't be dressed.

"Great idea. And yes I can get Justin in clothes." Brian said sarcastically and in anger. James took the hint and turned red with embarrassment.

"Sorry" It was the only thing James could say to apologize, Brian smiled showing him it was accepted.

"Then it is settled, we will go out to dinner around 6, but you guys should probably head over to Nick's. So the rest of us can get showers and get ready." Brian stood ushering his band mates out the door. Brittany left to get her shower in the upstairs bathroom first. While Christina went to use the downstairs shower. "Mom, dad you can get your showers next. Then you James, and I will get mine after I give Justin a bath." Brian smiled hoping Justin would wake with ease the next time he tried.

"Sounds great son." Brian's father smiled back at his son.

"So, how was your anniversary last night?" Jackie was the first to recall that Brian had mentioned to them that it was there second month anniversary.

"Oh great, I made dinner. Then some dessert." Brian didn't say exactly what the dessert was, it wasn't appropriate for his mother or father or brother to hear. His mother smiled and left the room heading towards the kitchen.

"So bro, did you like the dessert?" Brian knew what James was hinting at. The voice and joking nature was something Brian was familiar with.

"Yeah son" Brian was shocked to hear his dad want to know more too.

"Um, well, um."

"Don't worry son, if you're gonna be gay, I'm gonna ask you about your sex life, just if you were straight." Brian was shocked now ever more. He was surprised to know that his dad was so open-minded towards the subject. "Have you had sex yet?"

"No, Justin wants to wait, and I'm gonna wait until he's ready."

"Great for you. I'm proud of you for being patient and not rushing into it." Harold slapped his son on the back, showing him that he really was proud. James smiled and wrapped his arm around Brian's other side.

"Now getting back to the point, how did you like dessert?" James laughed, his joking getting the same response from his brother and father.

"It was um, I don't know if you wanna hear about it." Brian said modestly, not really wanting to tell it.

"Son, what did I just say? I told you I want to know about your sex life. Whether you are straight or gay, I will always love you and want to know about your loves." Brian stilll felt embarrassed to talk about it.

"Well, um, my dessert was good. And Justin sure liked it, he fell asleep right after it. Still sleeping now, couldn't get him up all morning. We were kinda going through some rough times for the past few days, but the whole dinner and um, sex part of it, changed that. All he does now is cuddle up to me."

"I'm glad to hear that. I don't think I could have found a better man for you." Brian's dad smiled and men of the family headed off towards the kitchen to wait for there turn to shower.


It had been a tough day since every one arrived. After every one had showered, Justin relunctantly woke up, was bathed, and got ready. It was the first time in days he had actually worn nice clothes. He wore a gray turtleneck, and cargo pants. Every one else was used to wearing clothes, but Justin had been around every where in nothing but his boxers and robe. Making him feel a little strange at first, the feeling of all the clothing.

"May I get you all some drinks?" A waiter stood behind Brian and Justin waiting for an answer.

"Um, could we have a bottle of wine?" Brittany, Christina, Nick, and Justin all looked at Brian in awe. They didn't say anything as the waiter turned and walked away.

"You know none of us can drink don't you." Nick pointed at the four of them including himself, as if saying what were you thinking.

"I wanted tonight to be special, but just tonight. Don't think I'm gonna let you all get away with drinking any other time." Brian smiled at Nick's confusion. It was odd for Nick to think of no one else complaining or yelling at Brian for his decision.

"Yes, I'm sure you can all handle one glass of wine. No big deal, just tell your parents." Jackie smiled at her son, and in a way left every one know that she agreed with his decision.

"I know I can." Justin smiled to Brian, almost proud that he would get to drink alcohol. He knew that it was a tough decision for Brian to make, but he knew that it also was the right one.

"Here you are sir, now may I take the orders?" The waiter was back, setting the wine down in front of Brian. Looking around the table, the waiter decided to start with Brian's order first. After all the orders were taken, Brian past the wine around, pouring some for himself and Justin.

"So, have you two started to plan anything for the wedding yet. It is coming up in less then 5 months now." Jackie started a conversation, that she knew her son wasn't ready for. In reality Justin and Brian had let it slip out of there views, with Justin's leg, and the recent fight with his mother.

"Well, I have my best man, and my grooms men. Justin has his best maid, and um, well you know." Knowing that it wasn't enough to satisfy his mother, Brian had to think of something else to suit her. "I am going to make the call to see if I can get the wedding in Maine." The answer would not only soothe his mother's worries, but make Justin happy too. Justin was in love with the idea of what he always wanted, a Maine wedding, but it might be far off. Brian knew it wouldn't be easy to convince some one to marry them, especially in the states.

"Well, I think that may be a little hard to get, maybe the two of you should just get married in Paris. Save yourself the trouble." Jackie didn't want to ruin Justin's hope, but it wouldn't work in the end. You couldn't legally do it any where in the US except for Hawaii.

"We can do that." Justin could sense that both Brian and Jackie's eyes were focused on him, as if they were begging him to change his mind. He knew they were right, so agreed.

"Thank you honey." Brian leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "I know you really wanted it." Justin smiled, and returned to waiting for his meal, sipping his wine. Every one else smiled too, happy that it didn't turn into an argument.

Dinner went smooth from there on out, as Justin sipped away on his second glass of wine he thought about his wedding. It made him smile, and he was shocked to hear Brian's voice bring him back to reality. "Babe, it's time to go." Justin nodded, and drank down the last of his wine. Setting it down, Brian wheeled him out of the building.


"Ohhhhhhhhhh, yyeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Suck it bitch." The thought was unbearable, but right in the very home of Justin's mother, stood his worst enemy, getting a blowjob from his mother. Luckily Jonathon was out with her husband and his father. Lynn sucked away, as JC moaned and fucked her face. The secret romance had been going on for years, longer then any one knew.

It had to be kept a secret, Lynn was married, and JC was to young to be associated with him. His career would have been ruined if millions of young girls knew that he was dating an older woman. Not to mention that it was his bandmates mother.

The sucking stopped as JC spewed his cum over the face of the mother. Smiling and laughing, relaxing on the bed. "Ya know, Justin would be so heartbroken to know that his mother knew all along that I hit him."


The house was quiet, every one sat in the living room, every one being the guys, the two girls, and Brian's family. Justin was half asleep relaxing on Brian's shoulder. The wine could have done it, but most likely not. Justin was tired still from the night earlier. It really had taken alot out of him. Brian's father and brother smiled at him, knowing the real reason.

"Well, I was think tomorrow we could go to Universal. Do you guys think that would be fun?" Jackie smiled, not even realizing that Justin couldn't access the rides with his cast. After saying it, she looked to hope that Justin had not heard. He hadn't, he was too out of it to pay attention.

"Actually, I've got to take Justin to a doctor's appointment, to see how much longer he's got with the cast. I'll probably be done at 12, if you guys want to wait." Brian smiled, stroking his boyfriends face lovingly.

"Oh, has it been two months since he got the cast on?" Jackie didn't think it had, but asked the question in hesitance.

"No, but the doctor said theres a good chance it could have healed by now. He said that the only thing that could still be injured was his knee, and they could take the cast off if that was the case. If that is, then he just needs crutches, and he will be able to go with us." Brian's smile was even larger. The idea of Justin being able to walk again, was a delight to him. He was getting worn out with all the carrying and bathing, although it was mean, he was not enjoying the whole situation.

"Great, that's wonderful news. I'm sure that will be the case, he's a fighter." Jackie was ecstatic that they would get to go to Universal Studios with out leaving Justin behind. It was one of the things she loved doing when she visited Brian, and didn't want to miss out this year.

"I'm sure it will be too. It just feels like it, he's been through so much shit, it's about time he gets some good news." Brian couldn't help but smile even more, he was happy to think of Justin being better. Being able to drive again, walk again, and manage to do stuff by himself.


"Well Justin, I have some good news. Your leg is healed, enough for the cast to come off that is. You still needed to stay light on your feet, and try not to apply much pressure to your leg. We will give you some crutches, but we suggest for the first day or two that you try and adjust to them before going out with them."

"um, thanks." Justin didn't really know what to say. He was happy the cast was coming off, but he still couldn't walk. Not at least with out the crutches he would be recieving.

"Thank you doctor, I'm sure Justin appriciates it more then he is letting on." Brian nudged Justin in the arm with a sharp look, hoping to get his anger across. Justin saddened, realizing that he had been a little rude. The doctor just smiled.

"Justin, we are going to need to take you into a room to get the cast cut off, and after that you will be good to go. The nurse will wheel you in." Quickly the nurse took up the handles to the wheelchair and followed the doctor, Brian right behind them. "Mr. Litrell, I'm sorry, but you are not allowed into the room, unless you are family of the patient. The procedure will take no more then 10 minutes, I'm sure he'll be fine." The doctor could tell that Brian was not pleased by the order. Brian could fight it, but decided to take a seat, letting Justin slip out of view.


"I know, but once Lance gets back we can figure all this shit out. We will have some one else to help us." Lynn was in the kitchen on the phone talking to someone, obviously JC.

"What about Joey and Chris, think they'll help us?"

"Why not? They both lost there careers too. All we have to do is convince Justin, that Brian isn't right for him, and then convince him of what he really needs. His band back."

"I'm sure it won't be that easy Lynn. Maybe if Brian weren't around, I could get my chance to smack it into him."

"Leave that to me."

"I love it when you get evil, especially when you get evil on me."

"Maybe later, for now, I have to go and think, call me later when Lance arrives." Lynn hung up the phone with out a response from her secret scandal.


Jonathon hung up the phone instictively after his mother did. He was an expert on ease dropping on the phone. Still a child he was unsure of what he had heard, but he knew that it wasn't good. His child mind started to process thoughts the best it could. Who to tell Justin, his daddy? Jonathon wasn't able to make a decision, running off to play with his toys.

This episode ends with a big shock. Jonathon is the only one to know about JC and his mother's relationship. Will he tell any one? Does he even comprehend what he has really heard? Afterall he is just a kid.

This chapter used some suggestions from some friends, and they know who they are. Keep up the e-mails to me, and I just may use your suggestions next time. Thanks for the idea guys.

If you get the chance read Wishes of the Heart, Tale of Two BoyBands or Brian and Justin, those are my favorites from the archives. They are all really great, two focusing on Brian and Justin and one focusing more on an odd genie idea.

Next: Chapter 9

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