Loneliness Unmasked

By Adam -

Published on Aug 25, 2000


Legal Disclaimer - All members of The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC are written in fictious roles in this story. This story is a complete work of fiction based on my writing.

5 weeks had passed since Justin's injury. The Backstreet Boy's tour was over, and Brian and Justin were settling in at Brian's home in Orlando. They were not alone, as Christina and Brittany were staying with them. The other guys, were all around, Nick was the only other member of the tour in Orlando.

"Are you gonna come over today?"

"Yeah, sure, what time?"

"Um, I guess about 3 or so. You can stay for dinner too."

"Great, see ya then."

"Bye" Brian finished his phone conversation with Nick, and turned back to the conversation involving the other members of his house. "Nick is gonna come by later, he'll be having dinner with us too."

"Just another mouth to feed." Brittany went back to her lunch, smiling and joking with her friends.

"Justin, have you told your mother that you are back in town yet?" Noticing that the conversation had died down, Brian took this as he one and only chance to question Justin.

"Um, no, but I will."

"Yeah, you will do it now." Handing the phone across the table Brian practically ordered Justin to make the call. Reluctantly grabbing the phone from Brian's hand, Justin began to dial his mother's number.

"Mom, it's me Justin. I just wanted you to know that I'm back in Orlando."

"Where are you staying?"

"With Brian, Brittany, and Christina at Brian's place."

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay at home with me. Lance no longer lives here ya know."

"I know, but I would like to spend some time with Brian. But if you want you can stop by later with Jonathan. If you like that is."

"That would be great, what time?"

"I think Nick is coming over at 3, so around then. Do you wanna stay for dinner?"

"Sure, save us a plate."

"Alright, I gotta go mom."

"Good bye Justin, I love you."

"Love you too mom." Dropping the phone and hitting the off button, Justin looked up as if to answer an unasked question. "She's gonna come for dinner same time as Nick."

"We just love having company when it's my day to cook don't we." Brittany couldn't help but throw in another joke. Christina began to make herself, Brian and Justin a lunch.

"I'm cooking lunch, so you got dinner. It's just that simple."

"I don't think it's fair, you gotta cook for three, I gotta cook for 7." Chuckling Brittany stood and threw away her trash from her lunch. "Here you can wash this when your done."

"Thanks." Christina tried to throw in some sarcasm, but to be honest, the work was getting to them. Each of the them took turns doing the dishes, cooking, shopping, and maintaining Justin. Brian having the jobs that involved Justin most of the time, and some times doing the cooking.


"Good news, there back in Orlando." Lynn herself had just hung up the phone, and started to make conversation with the man in the living room.

"Great, when is he coming to visit?"

"Actually, I am visiting today, maybe you'd like to join us?"

"I don't think I was invited. After all, it's been so long."

"I guess you are right, but we are eventually going to get him back to this house, where he belongs."

"That's what I was thinking." In the corner of the kitchen, stood Justin's former bandmate, JC. Smiling JC left the kitchen of Lynn's home, and headed to the door.

BRIAN'S HOME - 3:00 p.m.

"Hey kiddo. Come give your big bro a hug." Smiling at the doorstep, Justin waited for his younger brother Jonathon to greet him. After the hug, Lynn ushered her sons into the house, and took a seat in the living room.

"And heres another guest. Great, this is the last time I volunteer for dinner, unless I know who I'm cooking for." Upset, Brittany hollered from the kitchen, in disgust at the arrival of the final guests. The others did not answer her.

"Justin, you know some of your friends have been asking to see you." Lynn crossed her legs, placing her hands on her lap, as she sparked up a conversation with Justin.

"Yeah, uncie JC came by to visit. He wanna talk to yas." With out knowing any better, Jonathon blurted out that JC had been by to visit. Justin's jaw hung open in shock. Brian sensing the conversation would turn into an argument tried to change the subject.

"So, Lynn, what grade is Jonathon going into now?" Brian's words would not spark a new conversation, because Lynn would cut off her youngest sons words, to continue talking to Justin.

"Yes, he has been by Justin. He wants to apologize to you. I've forgiven him, and I think you should too. Maybe even start NSYNC up again."

"Not gonna happen. Sorry, but JC is out of our lives." Standing Brian made it known to Lynn that he did not want to discuss the topic.

"Uncie Brian, why don't you like Uncie JC no more?" Confused by Brian's sudden anger, Jonathon puzzled.

"JC isn't a great guy Jon, he hurt your big bro alot." Trying to speak on a level that Jonathon would understand, Brian began to explain.

"I like Uncie JC, he's nice to me."

"I know." Brian knew that JC was nice to Jonathon, he had no explanation to give to that.

"I don't think it is any of your business who Justin is friends with any ways. He is a grown adult. He doesn't need you to look over his shoulders."

"Lynn, I don't want to talk about this right now." Hoping his words would discourage any furthering of the topic, Brian spoke.

"I think we should. It's about time that Justin got to make his own decision. Afterall, you are the only reason he isn't staying with his mother where he belongs. You are the reason he left NSYNC."

"Get out." Christina herself was shocked at her words. But she didn't want to listen to Justin's mother belittle Brian. Justin said nothing, not even looking up, but instead playing with Jonathon. By this time Nick had already headed into the kitchen to help Brittany.

"What did you say to me?"

"You heard her, get out. I won't listen to you in my home." Now Brian spoke up, turning his anger into words.

"Justin, I'm leaving, I assume you will be coming with me?" Grabbing Jonathon by the hand, Lynn turned to her eldest son. "Justin!"

"No mom, I'm not." With out any further words, Lynn rushed from the house, dragging Jonathon behind her.

"Bye bro, bye Uncie Brian." Jonathon's words were cut short, as Lynn slammed the door behind her. Justin looked up around the room at Brian and Christina who had now taken there seats again.

"Why didn't you tell her you wouldn't forgive JC?" Knowing that his words would only start a fight, Brian spoke few.

"I don't know, I just couldn't. Sorry, but you two handled it."

"Yeah, after she started the argument." Brian kept up his anger, now directing it away from his future mother-in-law towards his future husband.

"It's over now Brian, just let it go. He tried his hardest, he just couldn't bring himself to yell at his mother. Let's just calm down before dinner." Sensing that Justin was getting upset at being yelled at, Christina broke into the conversation, trying to end it.

"I'm gonna go take a walk around the block. I'll be back before dinner." Justin sat in confusion, as Brian walked to the door, and slammed it behind him.

"Don't worry Justin, he just needs to cool off." Now entering the room Nick, looked to comfort Justin.

"I know, I just don't know why he's so mad." Shrugging it off, Justin went back to watching tv, as Christina and Nick started a small conversation.

"Justin, don't move for a second, you got a spider on your shoulder." Nick stood to grab a papertowel.

"Get it off me." Fumbling around, Justin did not hold still. Swiping at his shoulder, Justin frantically tried to get it off. Hitting it, Justin sent the spider to the ground, and Nick scooped it up with the paper towel, smashing it, and throwing it away in the waist bin.

"Dude, it was just a spider." Laughing, Nick glanced over at Christina and she too was laughing.

"I hate spiders. They freak the shit out of me." Still wiping at his shoulder, Justin tried to stop Nick and Christina from laughing. "Them and snakes."

"Now I know what to hide in your bed one night." Christina joined in on the teasing, laughing uncontrollably.

"Leave him alone, any ways, if any one is going to scare him, you should get a big tarantula and put it on his leg." Brittany emerged from the kitchen to enter the conversation.

"I would be so outta this place, it wouldn't be funny."

"On what, one leg?" Even this joke got a laugh out of Justin. Smiling he acknowledged to the rest, that he too found it funny.

"So, where did Brian go?" Brittany who was not aware of Brian's removal from the hosue, questioned it.

"He went to take a walk. To blow off some steam." Christina answered the question, before Justin could.

"He'll be back for dinner though." Nick too jumped in to finish off the question, before the conversation could continue.

"It's ready." Brittany hollered from the kitchen, setting the chicken she had prepared on the table. Nick wheeled Justin in as the others took there spots. "I thought you said Brian would be back by dinner."

"I thought so too." Justin was beginning to worry about, Brian, but knew that Brian needed to cool off before he returned back to the house, and to the dinner. "I'm sure he'll be back in time to join us though."

"I hope so, there's plenty of food here, I made for 7, but I only have to feed 5. So you boys are gonna have to eat up." In a motherly voice Brittany faked a warning over the group.

"Yes mummy" Nick played along, taking another helping of beans, adding them to his plate.

Meanwhile a few streets over, Brian was sitting on a bench thinking over the day's events. He was upset still, to upset to walk back home. In his mind all he wanted to do was push the thought of JC out of his mind, but couldn't. He was to worried about what might happen now that JC knew about Justin's where-abouts. Standing, he started his walk home, to join the others for what he thought would be the beginning of dinner. While at the house, the dinner had already begun.

"Tomorrow I was thinking we could go shopping Britt, we are running low on food. We need some cereal, so Justin doesn't kill us." Christina brought up the low stocked cupboards to Brittany, making the suggestion that they head out to shop tomorrow.

"Alright, I wanted to pick up a few things for myself anyways." Smiling Brittany agreed to Christina's suggestions. The conversations died from there on out, as every one ate, Justin sat staring at the empty seat next to him. His worries were growing, as Brian didn't walk through the door.

"Maybe some one should go and see if they can find Brian." Speaking his mind now, Justin voiced his concern.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, he's probably on his way back now." With out any concern in his voice, Nick turned down the suggestion. "He's a big boy Justin, he just needed some time alone. He'll be back soon." The words didn't soothe Justin's feelings. His mind still wandered with thoughts of Brian's absence. His mind ceased it's worries, as the door turned and pushed up. Entering the house, Brian made his way straight to the table. Taking his seat, he helped himself to his own helpings of the food set out. Justin wanted to talk to him, but looking up he could tell that Brian wasn't ready to talk yet.

"I think I'm gonna eat and then take a swim out in the pool to relax. If you guys don't mind, I'd like to go alone." Brian looked up from his food, to let the others know his plans.

"Sure, we can do the dishes." Christina let him know that it would be fine if he didn't stay inside to help.

"I'm gonna head out of here after dinner anyways." Nick too let Brian know it was fine. Smiling he continued to eat. Brian turned his attention towards Justin to get an answer.

"Why not, I'll just watch some tv." Knowing that no matter what he said, Brian would still need time alone, Justin passed it off. His words were obvious of anger, but Brian let them go, and quickly began to eat his food.

The others were surprised, when Brian finished his meal at the same time they did. Although he had started late, Brian's quick eating kept him at pace with them. Excusing himself, Brian made his way to the upstairs bedroom, to get his bathing suit. Changing, without word, Brian exited through the backdoor. Jumping in the pool, before any one could say a word at the table.

"Hey Nick, before you leave could you push me outside, and on the front porch?" Justin wanted to be alone himself, and knew that the front porch would be peaceful enough of a spot to think.

"Sure." Standing Nick waved good bye to the ladies, and pushed Justin out to the front porch. Stopping him in the corner, Nick took off down the steps. Waving back to Justin as he stepped into his car, and took off down the road.

Justin was now alone. Sitting on the front porch, giving himself time to think about the same things he thought Brian was thinking about. The whole day had been a disaster. Justin's mother had caused a fight, that although small, had caused a fight between Brian and Justin. Justin hated thinking about his mother and Brian on opposite sides of his love, but he knew they would never get along. Each had there own opinions of what was best for Justin. His own opinions favored more towards Brian's, but he still couldn't turn his mother's ideas away. He couldn't bring himself to hurt his mother's feelings. If he knew the true side of them, he would have been able to do it. But in his mind, he could only see that his mother was trying to look out for him.

In the back yard, Brian swam laps around the pool. His mind racing with thoughts and ideas. He didn't know if he wanted to be alone any longer, or to talk to Justin about his thoughts. He knew either way, he would be upset. If he swam by himself, he would just sulk and stay angry, but talking to Justin would bring him no relief. If he did bring it up, he knew that a fight would ensue, and more anger would grow between them. Pulling himself out of the pool, Brian went for his towel. He was met with Brittany's hands.

"Brian, you need to talk to some one about this. If not Justin, then me or Christina, because if you don't it's just gonna eat you up inside." Brittany only tried to show Brian her warm side. She truly was going to be there for him, if he need to talk. Back in the front of the house, Christina headed towards Justin to confront him.

"Hey, Justin, you wanna talk about everything that's been going on? I knwo you are upset about something, so don't try and play it off. You can tell me. I may not be your boyfriend, or your best friend, but I'm damn close." Knowing that it would get a slight smile out of Justin, she waited for an answer.

Each of the ladies sat down for there talks with the men who were in love. Both trying to find out anything they could, to tell the other, in hope of finding a solution. Knowing that in a few short hours, Justin would need to be bathed, and although they were all adults, Justin would want Brian to do the washing.

After 20 minutes of talking, Brittany and Brian entered the house. Brittany heading to the kitchen, while Brian made his way to his bedroom to get dressed back into his clothes. Christina slowly wheeled in a now smiling Justin and left him in the living room, she too headed to the kitchen like Brittany.

"So what did you find out?" Eying the happy Christina, Brittany looked for an answer.

"Well, he just doesn't know what to do when it comes to Brian and his mother. He knows that Brian is the right one in the matter, but he can't bring himself to tell his mother how he feels. It's just a matter of the respect he has for her."

"Brian doesn't know why Justin would let his mother bring up JC without a battle. He's just worried that it may end up hurting Justin more, if he lets his mother get her way. He just wants Justin to stay away from JC, to keep him safe."

"Looks like we learned alot, but now how do we use it to get them to talk to each other?"

"I don't know, I'm sure if we let them alone in the living room, they will manage. Since Justin has to get a bath soon, they will manage to talk about something."

"Great, let's go." Grabbing Brittany's arm, Christina walked straight into the living room. "Justin, when Brian gets down here tell him we went to the store now, so we could get the stuff before tomorrow. We'll be back in an hour or so. Bye." Before Justin could protest or agree, the girls were out the door. Leaving Justin alone waiting for Brian to come down the steps.

"Oh hey Just, where are the girls?"

"They went to the store, they'll be back in an hour or so. Do you think you could put me on the couch?"

"Yeah, sure thing." Picking Justin up, Brian set him down on the couch, and took a seat next to him. He was close, but not close enough for Justin to wrap around.

"You wanna talk or just watch tv?"

"I guess we should probably talk about earlier. If we let it off, we may never get around to it." Brian grabbed the remote from Justin's hands as he spoke, clicking the power button, and turning to face Justin. Silence was all that followed. Brian expected Justin to speak, and vice-versa.

"Are you mad at me?" Timidly Justin asked the question that had been plaguing his mind for hours.

"Um, no, not you. I'm just mad in general. I don't see how you can let your mother trick you into doing something, that is obviously going to hurt you." Justin didn't look up to see Brian's face. He knew that Brian was upset, and he didn't want to look him in the eyes to confirm it. "I know it's hard for you to argue with your mother, but she wants you to talk to JC. How can you even think about doing it? If you talk to him you are only going to get hurt, and I won't be there to help you."


"I won't be there to help you. I can't sit by and watch you get beat down again. I won't, it hurts me just as much as it hurts you, if not twice as bad. I can feel your pain, and it doubles with my pain. You know you can stay here, you know that. We are getting married in 5 months, and I don't know if we can last that long. Not if you let your mother make important decisions like this for you."

"Please don't say that. You know I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt myself. I just can't tell her to stay out of my business." By now Justin's couldn't contain his tears. He was shocked and hurt by the words that flowed from Brian's mouth. His tears ran down his cheeks, but Brian did not move close to comfort him.

"Then don't, but don't agree with her. She wants you to move back in with her, and you couldn't even say no."

"I want to stay with you, I want to move in permanantly, if you want we can go back to the house right now. I can get all my stuff, I can stay here."

"You can't go back to the house, you know that your mother will try and stop you, are you ready to tell her no. To stand up to her, and let her know what your final decision is?"

"I told you I can't tell her that. I want to, but I can't."

"Then make up your mind now. Either we go and get your stuff and you tell your mother your moving in with me. If you don't answer her, then you stay with her. If you stay with her you have to see JC. You won't see me."

"Brian, please, don't say that."

"It's true Justin, I won't be around if you can't tell your mother no."

"I can't live with out you, you know that."

"Then let her know that. Let her know that you are happy, and you want to live with me."

"I will, when the girls get back." Trying to wipe his tears away now, Justin looked at Brian for an answer. Something to tell him that everything would be okay, but he knew he wouldn't get one.

"I'll be there with you, all the way." Knowing that the conversation was over, and that Brian had gotten his point across, he slid over to sit in front of Justin. Leaning out, he wrapped his arms around Justin's shoulder, to show him the love that he needed. "Don't cry any more."

"Brian could we have some help with the groceries?" Brian didn't pull at out of the hug as he heard Brittany holler from the kitchen

"I can't right now, I'm kinda needed some where." Justin didn't look up, Brian knew that Brittany and Christina would be mad at him for not helping, but right now Justin needed him by his side.

"And what is so importan....." Her words trailing off as she walked into the room. Christina looked at Brian with questioning eyes.

"We are going to go to Lynn's house and get the rest of Justin's stuff from her place, over here. Are you going to come with us?" Brian could tell what Christina wanted to know. She nodded with agreeance, and went to tell Brittany there plans. With in a few minutes, a still crying Justin was placed in the car, his three friends with him. Brian pulled out of the garage, and made his way towards Lynn's home. With in ten minutes they had pulled into the driveway, noticing a familar car in the parking lot next to Lynn's. Brian's anger began to show in his face. His mind raced with past memories of how Justin had been treated by JC. Stopping the car, Brian managed to get Justin out, and put him in the wheel chair, as Brittany and Christina made there way to the door.

"What are you doing here?" Lynn answered the door in anger waiting for an answer.

"We came to get Justin's stuff. He's moving out for good. Could we come in to get it?" Brittany tried to be polite to the woman she had known for years, but found herself get annoyed by Lynn's anger.

"Is this what Justin really wants?" Lynn stood and let the others enter the house, eying Justin harshly. "Well, Justin is this what you want? Do you want to move out?"

"Um, yeah." Justin could barely find the strength to answer the question. He was still crying, and he didn't want his mother to capitlize on his sadness.

"Go ahead then, your stuff is where you left it. Justin you can wait in the living room, while they get the stuff from upstairs. Your brother is in there." Lynn neglected to mention that so was JC. She knew that they knew he was here, but hoped that they would not figure it out.

"Justin, will be back in a few minutes. Do you want one of us to stay with you?" Brian bent down to look his lover in the eyes. Hoping that some one could get him to stop crying.

"Um, Brittany, if she wants." Justin choked out his request to have Brittany stay with him. Brittany shook her head and wheeled Justin slowly into the living room. Her anger was now obvious as she looked up to see JC playing with Jonathon.

"Just!" Pulling away from JC's playful grip, Jonathon ran to his older brother, happy that he got to see him again. Justin didn't look up, although he was slightly happy to see his little brother. "Why are you crying Justin?"

"No reason, I just hurt myself." Justin tried to play it off, hoping that JC wouldn't hear him.

"Hey, Jon, could you leave me and your bro alone with Brittany for a little bit?" JC talked in a playful child like voice, hoping Jonathon would agree and leave them. Jonathon smiled and shook his head, running out of the room. "Justin, I really am sorry about the way I treated ya all. I really am."

"Don't even try it JC, he's not going to forgive you." Brittany stopped JC from approaching Justin, jumping in front of him.

"Is that true Justin? I want to hear it from you, if I have to hear it." JC knew he was only irritating Brittany further, but found it fun. Knowing full well if Brian returned he would have to stop his talking, he wanted to make what he said now count.

"Um, I donno know." Justin couldn't look JC in the eyes, his tears still fell. Brittany didn't know what to say. She knew that Justin wanted to say that it was true, but she also knew that he was to upset to say anything at the time.

"Alright, then I at least hope we can put the past behind us. And we could try and be friends again, maybe? I really would like to show you how sorry I am."

"Where is all of this coming from? You used every one you knew, Justin to let out anger. Why are you so bent on being his friend now? You didn't care then." Brittany's anger was building, she felt like hitting JC upside the head, but contained herself from doing so.

"To be honest, I started dating Lance, and he dumped me. I came to realize my problem, and I got some help." JC's words were all lies. He had dumped Lance, and he still had anger in him.

"That sucks, I'm sorry you got hurt. Oh wait, no I'm not." Smirking Brittany turned her head away from JC, to look at Justin. "You wanna stay in here, or go to the car?"

"Um, I dunno know. I guess we can stay here." Justin was still crying, but he managed to shake out his words. He didn't know what to say, but didn't want to make Brittany put him in the car.

"Justin, could I talk to you alone?" Brittany was shocked that JC would even think of asking such a question, with her in the room.

"No, you can't talk to him alone." Brittany answered before Justin could even comprehend the question.

"Justin, I want to hear it from you." JC paid no attention to Brittany's words, and waited for an answer from the person he had originally asked the question to.

"Ah, no." Justin looked up for Brittany for help. She smiled down at him, to let him know she was there.

"JC, maybe you shouldn't talk to him right now. He's a little upset about something else, and it's obvious this isn't helping." Brittany pushed back some of her anger, to warn JC to back off.

"Fine, but I'm not gonna give up, I'm gonna talk to you Justin, eventually you will forgive me." JC's anger was beginning to shine through. He had held off it for long enough, and couldn't help but let it out. "This fucking bitch and your faggot of a boyfriend can't protect you forever." JC turned to catch himself getting glared at by Brian and Christina. Brian was holding Jonathon.

"Uncie JC, why you yell at Justin?" Jonathon questioned as Brian set him to the floor. Brian slowly made his way over to JC, staring him down before grabbing Justin's handles. Slowly turning, with out any words, Brittany and Christina followed. JC pissed ran after them, Jonathon trailing behind. Lynn quickly hurried to the door seeing the procession that was already heading in that direction.

"Leaving so soon?" Lynn spoke up, having a feeling that they were leaving in anger.

"Yes." Christina held the door for Brian to wheel Justin out, and then for Christina. Lynn was in shock that some one had treated her with such disrespect.

"I can't believe..." Lynn was cut off by some one elses speech.

"Well get use to it, because this is how it's gonna be. You won't be seeing us for a while." Lynn's shock was now doubled, as Brittany showed more disrespect then Christina had.

"Uncie Bri, can I come and stay with you tonight?" Jonathon was right behind the angered man. Stopping Brian put on a happy face, hoping Jonathon wouldn't think any thing is wrong.

"Sorry little guy, but not tonight. Maybe tomorrow though. You can come by and swim if you'd like?" Brian tried to keep up his act of happiness, not showing Jonathon anything that might upset him.

"But I wanna make sure Just is okay. He's cryin ya know." Jonathon started to pull at Justin's pants. Justin didn't want to hurt his brother, but couldn't lift his head to look. "Justin, are you okay?" Jonathon kept up his questions. For a child he could tell what pain was. He had lived with Justin, as Justin went through his abuse, and knew when Justin was upset.

"Um, yeah, I'll be fine." Sniffling, Justin answered the question, hoping his brother would take it in stride and head back to the door.

"I can stay with you, and make sure you get all better." Jonathon smiled, although Justin still didn't look at him. Jonathon was surprised when two hands picked him up.

"Listen Jon, if you ask your mommy, then maybe you can come over. Okay, but be back quick, we gotta get going." Brittany set him back down, sending him to his mother to ask for permission. Brittany knew it would be a long shot, especially since they had treated Lynn so badly.

"Mommy said yes. Let me get some clothes." Jonathon stuck his head out the door, and was quickly back inside grabbing clothes and a swim suit. Packing in under five minutes, Jonathon was waited for Justin to be put in the car, as JC and Lynn talked over at JC's car.

"I'm getting so pissed Lynn. I thought I still had a hold over him, but, Brittany stepped in." JC angrily slapped the top of his car, sending a stinging feeling through his hand.

"I know Josh, I'm sure we can think of something, call me in the morning and we will discuss it." Lynn ushered JC into his car, and watched him back out, turning her attention to Brian's car. She slowly made her way to it. "Don't you think it will be a little cramped with all the clothes and stuff. Maybe you should make two trips?"

"I think we can manage. Jonathon can sit on my lap." Brittany scooped up Jonathon, and placed him on her lap in the front passenger seat. Brian buckled in Justin, and Christina crawled in next to him. Brian closed the back door, and was stopped as he made his way around to his seat.

"Brian, to be honest with you I am not happy that Justin is moving out. I will tell you this, I will keeping an eye on you, and if you scoop up once, I will make sure he leaves your ass for someone better." Lynn's harsh words penetrated Brian's brain.

"Oh don't worry Lynn, I would never hurt Justin. As for your opinion. I could give a shit." Brian didn't wait for a moan, a groan or even a reply to his harsh words. He opened his door, and slammed it shut after pulling himself in. Starting the car, he drove off, heading back towards the home.

"Can I go swimming when we get back to the house?" Jonathon was excited as he bounced around on Brittany's lap.

"Maybe, but it's getting late. It's almost 8:30 Jon." Brittany smiled, eying the jeep to see what any one else would say.

"Bittany, why is Justin cryin'?" Jonathon looked back to see his older brother still in tears.

"He's going through a lot lately kiddo. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be happier tomorrow." Brittany hoped her words would end the conversastion, with a smile she ended her answer.

"Is it Uncie JC's fault?"

"Partially." Brittany didn't want to answer the youngster's questions, but knew that he would keep them up.

"Did Uncie Bri do it?"

"No, now enough questions. I don't think your bro wants to talk about it." Brittany whispered her last answer into Jonathon's ear. He smiled and nodded like he was keeping a big secret.


The car drive was over. Now back at there home, Brian, Christina and Jonathon were in the pool swimming. Brittany sat with her feet dangling in over the diving board. Justin sat on the back porch, Brian had set him in one of the lounge chairs. The crying had not stopped, but only slowed as Justin sat sniffling to himself.

"Brian, watch me, watch me." Jonathon called for Brian's attention as he jumped off the edge of the pool. A smile crossed the young boy's face as he popped up to hear applause from Brian and the ladies.

"Way to go kiddo." Brian dunked under the water, after speaking, swimming up to the diving board and shaking it to startle Brittany. "Aren't you going to get in?"

"No, I don't feel like it." Brittany went back to dipping her feet in, she was shocked when Brian grabbed onto it.

"Hey, Justin think I should pull her in?" Brian smiled hollering to his boyfriend, hoping by now that Justin had stopped crying. Justin knew if he spoke the sadness would be evident, but from a distant no one could tell he was crying. Trying to clear his throat, Justin answered.

"Yeah, go" "for it." Justin's sentence was cut in half, as a low sigh broke through. His sniffles were gradually becoming louder. Trying to hid it, Justin went back to sulking. Hoping that Brian or his friends had not notice his sadness. He didn't even catch Brittany being pulled in, but only heard it.

"Brian, why isn't Justin in the pool?" Jonathon looked up, catching a glimpse of his brother.

"Justin can't swim because of his leg. It's a no-no to get your cast wet, buddy. But I know if he could he would be swimming with you." Brian found himself look up to see what Justin was doing. Noticing that Justin was not looking up, but instead looking at his waist and legs, Brian began to worry. He didn't want Justin to continue crying, but Justin hadn't stopped since there talk over an hour ago. Brian thought about staying in the pool, but instead swam to the side. "I'll be back in a minute." Pulling himself out, not even bothering to get a towel, Brian made his way over to the porch.

Justin was caught off guard at the presence of his boyfriend. There was no time for him to clear up his eyes and face. His sniffles were still coming, and he couldn't stop them. "Justin, you wanna tell me why your so upset?"

"I don't know anymore. I can't even remember what made me cry at first, but I just can't stop."

"Do you want me to get you something? Some food, water, a blanket? Company?" Brian questioned, making it known that he would gladly get out of the pool, to sit with him.

"I'll be fine, but I guess I could go for some company. But I'm not in the mood to talk, just to sit." Justin smiled but before he could even wipe his face, he was met with Brian's hands. Brian wiped away the tears, and took a seat next to Justin. Wrapping his arms around Justin's body, Brian leaned back, allowing Justin to lean on him.

"Brittny, what's Justin doing?" Jonathon was confused by the affection Justin and Brian were sharing. He was told that Justin was gay, but at his young age, he was not really familiar with the term.

"They are just showing each other there love." Brittany smiled, lifting the child onto her shoulders and walking around in the shallow end. Christina followed as they all headed out of the pool.

"Uncie Brian, Brittny says you love my brother. Do you love my brother like I love him?" Jonathon ran to grab a towel, while Brian thought of an answer his future brother-in-law would understand.

"Well, sorta. It's a different kinda love. But it's kinda the same." Justin's tears had subsided, he was smiling at his younger brother's curiousity, as Brian tightened his grip around him.

"Oh, I don get it."

"Don't worry bro, when you get older you'll understand. Trust me." Justin smiled, hoping his answer would be a little more child based, having dealt with Jonathon all the time at home.

"Okay. Mommy says your a faggot, she says thats why you and Brian love each other." Justin was taken back by Jon's words. He didn't have an answer for his brother.

"Jon, you shouldn't say that word, it's not nice. Just as long as you understand that I love your brother, then every thing is fine." Brian answered the question, wrapping his arms around Justin tighter, to show him that it didn't matter.

"Well, let's get inside, and warmed up. Have ourselves a little snack before bed time." Brittany cut into the awkward conversation, suggesting a move. The others agreed as Christina ushered in Jonathon, while Brian helped Justin into the wheel chair. Once inside, Brittany went to fixing some cookies for every one. Nothing special, just dumped a bag of oreos on a plate, Brittany poured them some milk, and took a seat in between Justin and Christina.

"I need to get a bath still ya know." Justin opened up the table to a conversation.

"When we are done." Brian smiled and took another cookie from the plate.

"Are you taking a bath with Justin?" Jonathon didn't understand what Brian was saying, and why Justin had brought up needing to take a bath. Jonathon was always told that once you got old enough you took baths alone.

"No kiddo." Brian didn't even care to elaborate, he knew that he wouldn't be able to explain the situation to Jonathon. "Alright, J, let's go." Brian stood from the table done with his cookies. Walking over he rolled Justin into the bathroom. After the water was full in the tub, and Justin was in, Brian could tell something was bothering Justin.

"Anything you wanna tell me?"

"I can't believe my mother told him that."

"Told him what?"

"That I was a faggot."

"Well, Justin, not to take her side, but you are in a way. I know it's not a nice way to say it."

"I'm not a faggot, I'm in love. Why can't she see past the body that I love, and see you for what you are. Just a great person, loving and kind. I know if she did, then she would love you like I do."

"You know you can never convince your mother to do anything. She's stubborn and set in her ways. I don't think she will ever get over the fact that you are gay."

"I can't take that. I can't have a mother who tells my brother that I'm a faggot. She probably didn't even explain it to him, she probably just sat him down, and said Jonathon, your brother is a bad person, he's a faggot. And he likes men."

"Justin, your mother wouldn't say that."

"Yes she would, of course she would. She wants me to be friends with JC, she sent me into the living room where he was waiting."

"Don't let her get to you, your brother still loves you, you can teach him that it's not wrong."

"I don't get to see him all the time. Eventually he'll listen to my mom and hate me."

"Come on, you don't mean that."

"I do."

"Well, then what do you want to do? You wanna sell the house? You just wanna pack up and go, far away from your mother. Just disappear into the night."

"No, I just don't want to see her any more. I can't tell her no, but I can't live with myself if I don't."

"I don't know what to say then Justin. Jonathon is going to learn more about us, he's staying the night. He's gonna see us in the same bed. He's gonna ask you what we're doing. He's going to question it when we kiss. No matter what your mother says, you'll always be there for him, to answer anything he wants to know."

"I guess you're right." Brian smiled, knowing that he had gotten through to Justin and convinced him it would be okay. The conversation had took up the bath time, leaving Justin clean, and ready to get out. Drying off, Justin threw on a pair of briefs, and his robe. Now ready to go, Brian wheeled him out to the living room.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Jonathon was now by Justin's side, tugging at his leg.

"Sure little guy, but your gonna have some company." Brian scooped him up smiling.

"Who?" Jonathon didn't get what Brian meant.

"Me, silly." Smiling Brian laughed, placing a hand onto Justin's leg, and one around Jonathon's waist.

"Okay, let me go get ready." Jonathon jumped down, and ran up the steps to where they had set his clothes down.

"You know if he sleeps with us, he's gonna start questioning tonight?" Justin smiled at the hand petting his leg in comfort.

"Let him, I've got answers."

"You are just perfect, ya know that. Great with kids, great with problems, and you are the best boyfriend I could have ever wanted, well except for Nick. He's a lot better looking then you, but your second best." Justin laughed, but was cut short, when Brian jokingly pulled his hand away. Laughing himself, he placed it back on as Jonathon stormed down the steps, changed into his pjs. Brian scooped Justin out of the wheel chair, and the three headed off to bed. Justin lay in the middle, Brian's arms around him. Jonathon looked over to see the image, although he was tired, he still questioned it.

"What ya doing?"

"Um, just showing some love." Brian smiled looking over at the young boy, his future brother-in-law. The idea made Brian's smile wider. He was happy to get new family, and he knew that Justin was just as happy to get a second family. Jonathon accepted the answer, and drifted off into sleep. He was followed by Justin, and soon after Brian felt sleep take himself into dream land.


"Can I have some bacon Brittny?" Jonathon was hungry, he woke up and ran straight to the kitchen to see who was awake. Every one besides Justin sat at the table. Justin was still asleep upstairs.

"Sure." Brittany smiled, placing a few pieces of the meat on Jon's plate.

"How come Justin's not awake, mommy makes him get up when every one else is up." Jonathon ate his first piece of bacon quickly after the words left his mouth. Showing signs that he really didn't want an answer that badly.

"He'll get up soon, he's offly tired lately." Christina joked with Jon, as she made herself some toast.

"You know what, I'll go get him now." Brian stood and left the room heading back towards his bedroom. Brittany busied herself with getting cereal for Justin, knowing he would ask for it.

"Hey, babe, time to get up." Brian shook at Justin, hoping his first attempt would wake him up. Justin rolled over and looked up.

"Why do I have to get up?"

"Because your bro is here, and you have to spend the day with him." Brian pulled the covers off the bed, and grabbed Justin. Pulling him up and making his way out of the room and down the stairs, with Justin over his shoulder.

"Brian, put me down." Justin screamed, but knew he couldn't fight it. Not with a broken leg. Brian did put him down, in his wheelchair, once downstairs. Followed by wheeling him into the kitchen. Smiling, Brian looked for forgiveness.

"Forgive me."


"If I give you a kiss." Brian smiled, and with out an answer moved in for the kill. There kiss was quick, but passionate. Brittany smiled handing Justin his cereal, while Christina had not even caught it, but Jonathon had.

"Ewwwwww." Jonathon made a childish remark towards the kiss.

"What's so ewwwwww kiddo?" Brian knew the answer, but wanted to hear what Jonathon would say.

"Mommy says guys aren't supposed to kiss each other. She says it's wrong." Jonathon answered the question with ease. Justin felt the pain return to him, as he himself remembered that he had been told the same thing numerous times by his mother.

"Well, is there something wrong with me?" Brian looked for an answer.

"No." Jonathon didn't have any clue where the questioning was going to lead.

"Is there something wrong with your bro?"


"So then theres nothing wrong with me and your bro kissing." Brian thought he had made the point, well known enough even for the child. Justin smiled, looking at Jonathon who seemed to have understood the logic.

"Can we go swimming today?" Jonathon had dropped the subject now. Like any small child, he lost interest in things fast.

"Sure." Brian smiled

"What about my brother?" Jonathon knew what it meant to break a bone. Justin had worn a cast before, but Jonathon didn't understand that he couldn't get wet.

"Nope, J can't get his cast wet little guy." Brittany answered the question, putting some bacon on Brian's plate.

"Maybe I could go swimming. I could get on that big air matress and just float around." Justin wanted to be involved in the activities of the day. He hated sitting around while everyone else enjoyed himself. He knew that his leg was an accident, but he felt himself getting angry at Kevin for the incident.

"I don't think so honey, if you fall in, you have to get a new one." Brian shrugged off the idea instantly. Not wanting to take any chances with the cast or the injury.

"Just once, for a little bit." Justin pulled out his puppy dog eyes, and a pouting lip, hoping to convince Brian to let him swim. "Please."

"No, sorry, but your not risking it." Brian didn't want to start a fight at the table, nor did he want to hurt Justin's feelings. but he was not willing to rush Justin to the hospital to get it off, and get a new one on.

"Fine, I don't have to." Justin stopped playing with his cereal, and took a scoop of it. Chewing he couldn't help but still be upset. But like Brian he didn't want to start a fight this early in front of every one.

This chapter ends on an odd note. Will Justin let it go, or will he start a fight with Brian in front of his little brother? To tell you the truth, I don't know. Maybe some e-mails would help me decide.

Also, what is going to happen with the arrival of JC? Will the others join him to get Justin back? And what is Lynn Harliss' motive? Why would she be on JC's side? I don't know, you can help me make the decision with a few e-mails.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. And one last question: Do you guys like the chapters when they are one at a time, or as doubles? Depending on what I get more of, I will change, or keep it the same. That ends it for this installment, catch you next time.

Next: Chapter 8

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