Loneliness Unmasked

By Adam -

Published on Aug 23, 2000


Legal Disclaimer - All members of The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC are written in fictious roles in this story. This story is a complete work of fiction based on my writing.


"Why aren't you sleeping?" It came as a shock to Brittany as Brian slowly made his way back to the area he had just left. Both girls had expected him to stay in bed with Justin, and did not have any idea why he would return.

"Um, I just wanted to talk to you two, since you know Justin the best."

"Sure, but by now, I'm sure you know him just as good as we do. After all he does confide everything in you now."

"Well, has Justin ever broke a bone or anything? I mean, besides his wrist."

"Not that I know of, oh, wait there was that one time. I remember we had just finished wrapping up the last episode of the MMC. Every one was sad, because the show had gotten the axe, and Justin disappeared after the last scene he was in. We couldn't find him, and JC went looking for him. He brought Justin back, and Justin's finger was broken. But that isn't anything big." Christina found herself listening to Brittany just as intently as Brian was. She had never heard the story either, because she herself was not involved in the last season of the show.

"Will you guys help me out with him? I mean, I can handle the heavy stuff, and I can bath him, but will you guys help me make sure he's happy. If he tells you anything, even if he just has headache, will you please tell me."

"Yeah, we both know how hard Justin is to handle. He doesn't like to worry people, and keeps a lot of stuff to himself. I know that I will be here for him, all the way through." Christina nodded in agreement as Brittany finished her statment. Smiling she turned her head towards the front of the bus. "Maybe you should head to bed. Justin probably can't sleep with out you."

"Thanks, one other quick question though. When the tour ends, I was thinking of taking Justin to Orlando, who does he share a house with?"

"His mother" Speaking up, Brian smiled, but was cut off when Brittany began to speak again. "And Lance, but I doubt he'll still be there."

"Well, then it's settled, we will stay at my house. That includes you two if you want to stay with us. I could use some help with food and shopping, if Justin will be in that cast." In an almost begging plead, Brian was hoping the two would accept. He saw two nods, and walked back to his bed to get some sleep with Justin.

"Hey Babe" Brittany's words were correct, Justin was in fact still awake. Brian pulled himself into the bunk, and crawled under the covers.

"Are you okay? Cold, hungry, hot?"

"I'm fine, but could you get me your robe?"

"Yeah", Brian jumped out of the bed and ran to the front of the bus to grab his robe. Running back he jumped into bed, and handed it to Justin.

"Thanks, now I'm fine."

"Good, just as long as you let me know if anythings bothering you. If you wake up, and wanna talk, don't hesitate to wake me up."

"I won't, if you promise to hold me, I think I won't be waking up till morning." Smiling Justin asked his lover to hold him, with out really asking him. With out any words, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, pulling him closer. All the while being careful to keep Justin's leg away from his body, not to hurt it. Brian sank into a happy sleep, as Justin did too.


The Backstreet Boys, Brittany Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake sat around two tables. Justin in his wheelchair, Brian by his side.

"So what are you getting to eat?" Brian could hardly contain his laughter and happiness. Justin's hair was a mess, he wore a pair of loose jeans, one leg cut for the cast. He had no idea that Brian was laughing at his looks.

"I don't know. What are you getting?"

"I'm gonna get me some bacon and eggs. You wanna share some of it?"

"Yes Peese."

"That's what I wanna hear, my baby wanna get some orange juice?"

"No, I want a baba."

"Well, you're getting to old for a baba, you need to start using a sippee cup."

"I don wanna." This act of child and pampering went on for a good 5 minutes, before the clearing of Kevin Richardson's throat caught the two lovers off guard. Looking up a smiling waitress stood in front of the tables.

"You're the Backstreet Boys, your Brittany, your Christina, and this little baby is Justin Timberlake. Right?"

"Yeah, that would be us." Nick was happy to see that the waitress had a sense of humor. Knowing that some waitresses would have been annoyed by the behavior.

"Well, what happened to the poor babies leg?"

"I boke it." Sensing his time of joking was over, Justin answered throwing in one last quick line.

"Awww. Well may I take your orders?"

"Yes, I think we are all getting the breakfast buffet, except for Justin, he'll just have an oj" Kevin smiled at the waitress speaking up for the others. Everyone nodded in agreement, and the waitress left them to get there food. Standing they all made there way to the buffet line, leaving Justin by himself. A pout formed over Justin's mouth, as he sat in thought, sadenned by being alone.

"Sorry, forgot I left you here." Justin was caught off guard, when he looked up to see Brian pushing him to the buffet line with him. "What do you want me to get for you?"

"Not much, I'll just have a little bacon."

"Alright, but your gonna have some toast too. I don't want you to start eating unhealthy."

"Okay, you know best."

"That's right, I do." The talking ceased as Brian pushed Justin around the buffet, until they finished it, and went back to there seats.

"It took you two a while." AJ laughed, as he motioned around the table to let them know that they were the last to return from getting their food. "It's okay though, we still love ya."

"Well, I had a little something special to push around, I had to take it slow." Smiling Brian popped a piece of bacon into Justin's mouth. Justin bit off a small piece, and smiled too.

"Justin still has his hands ya know. I think he could eat on his own." Looking over the table at the couple, Nick couldn't help but bring up his point.

"Yeah, but I like being fed by Brian. I get special treatment, because I'm special."

"No you're not, you're just goofy."

"I am not, I'm special."




"Nick, Justin, knock it off. We are in public." The harsh reality bit Justin and Nick in the ass. Kevin's loud words were probably heard around the room more then there childish jokes were, but they knew that it was time for them to stop and eat there meals.

"Sorry Kevin, I didn't realize joking around would make you mad. Just trying to have some fun." Nick knew it wasn't wise to fight with Kevin, but he wanted to let Kevin know that they were only trying to have fun, not cause a public embarrasment.

"I know, but you don't do shit like this in a public place." Eyeing the table for back up, Kevin found himself staring at a laughing Brian. "And what's so funny, it's your boyfriend who is flirting with your best friend."

"I wasn't flirting with him. I'm not gay." It was a loud and clear statement, that flowed from Nick's mouth. After saying it, he knew it most likely came out wrong. And after looking at the faces around the table he knew it had. "I didn't mean it like that, it's not bad or anything, I just ain't gay."

"I wasn't flirting with you Nick, I was just playing around. Any ways your not my type. I don't like pretty boys, with young bodies. I like people like Brian." Justin spoke up to clear the awkwardness, hoping to let Nick know that he wasn't upset.

"Oh, is there something wrong with me. I think people like me, are a lot better then pretty boys. After all if I can get a pretty boy, there must be something about me." Smiling, Brian too broke into the conversation to make the others comfortable. Inside Brian was hurt that Nick would freak out when only being teased about something.

"There is something about you, something great. But I'm the only one who can see it. At least I hope I am." The others got a laugh from Justin's remarks, which is just what he hoped would have happened.

"Well, there was that one guy, but we just kissed, and you weren't around so it doesn't count. Then there was this really big muscular guy, but he only gave me a hickey, real quick and it was back at the beginning of the BSB's career. There was that girl, I had sex with her, but she doesn't count, because she was a girl. But other then that, just you." The laughter continued as Brian smirked at his lover. Justin was making a fake sad face, with a pout over his lips.

"Fine, I don't love you any more. Brittany would you please take me to the front desk, so that I may get another room, away from that man." Brittany faked getting up, and then the laughter continued. Smiling every one began to eat. Silence fell over the table, before laughter soon began again, as everyone began to relive what had just happened.

"Oh, I hate to be the one to change the mood to seriousness. But since I usual do, I have some news. We have an internet chat tonight, they are going to bring 7 computers up to my room tonight around 8. One for all of us. Except for Justin of course." It was Kevin who had broken the happiness. It always was him that would change the mood back to seriousness.

"Cool, just as long as they don't ask to many questions." Nick let Kevin know that it was okay, and went back to eating his meal. Justin put his head down, finished eating, he was bored. And it wasn't like he could leave either, he needed some one to push him, and he knew that if he asked, they would think something was wrong.

"I think I am going to head up to my room, any one wanna come?" Standing Brittany made it known that she too was done with her meal. Looking around the table she waited for any offers.

"Yeah, I'll come. We can have a girl talk." Joking Christina stood from the table. Looking for any more takers, Brittany glanced over at Justin.

"Can I come, I mean I'm gay, which makes me close enough to be in a girl talk." Smiling, Justin knew the answer would be yes. Brittany walked over and rubbed her hand threw his hair. Pulling him out, the two girls and Justin headed off for the elevator.


"So, Justin, did you ask Christina yet?"

"No, I don't think he did, what did you want to ask me Justin?"

"Um, I wanted to know if you wanted to be one of my groom's maid, at mine and Brian's wedding." Justin's head hung low, expecting the answer to be know. He was surprised when he felt some one rub his shoulders.

"Of course I would, who's your maid of honor?"

"I am." Smiling and laughing Brittany began to jump up and down. "I am" "I am" "I am"

"Well, I guess you really made her happy when you asked her Just."

"Yeah, but her screaming was nothing compared to what I did when Brian asked me to marry him."

"What did you do?"

"He fainted on the side of the road. Before he could answer. When he woke up, he asked us if he said yes, which was a good sign that he wanted to say yes. Then he did, and they kissed, and I clapped, and every one us cheered, and it was so great." Christina couldn't help but laugh at Brittany's returned excitement. She had not been there when Brian had popped the question, but felt through Brittany's story that she was there.

"Great Story Britt, next time maybe you should tell it with your feet on the ground." Justin laughed as Brittany continued to jump up and down. "Seriously, could you stop jumping?"

"Sorry, just a little excited."

"Thanks, I didn't mean to offend you, but that was getting annoying. I'm starting to get a little bit of a headache now." Trying to keep cool Justin, stopped Brittany from her jumping. "Oh, that reminds me, do you think one of you could go get Brian and bring him up here?"

"Yeah, why?" Standing Christina accepted his offer and turned towards the door of the hotel room.

"I forgot to take my pills this morning, and he is the only one with a key to our room."

"Oh, okay, I'll be back in a minute." Christina let the door shut behind her as she headed for the elevator.


"Hey, Brian, could I get your key for your room?" Interrupting the conversation that the table was having, Christina stood behind Brian.

"What do you need it for?" Searching through his pockets, he waited for an answer.

"Justin says he didn't take his pill this morning, so he wanted us to get it for him."

"Oh, alright, I'll go with you, I'm done eating anyways." Standing Brian followed Christina to the elevator. "I'm surprised he remembered, he was so tired this morning, he tried to get out of the bunk himself."

"We were just talking and he asked if I could go get the key." Christina smiled, as they stopped at Brian and Justin's room. Turning the knob, Brian goes in to grab the pills. Returning the two head towards Christina's room.

"Hey Babe." Pushing through Christina and Brittany, Brian made his way over to Justin's side. "Here ya go." Handing him the pill, Justin took it with out water. Swallowing he smiled.

"Hey, what are we up to today?"

"Well, the rest of us have got to go to a rehearsal, and get used to the stage. But you have to stay here and get some rest." Knowing Justin's reaction was the hardest part of telling him for Brian. He knew that Justin would be upset when he was told he couldn't go.

"I can just sleep on the couch in the dressing room." Sensing that Brian wasn't going to look up, Justin knew he would have try harder to convince Brian. "Please, I promise you I'll sleep. I don't wanna be here alone. I can't get out of bed once I'm in it. What if something happens, what if I need you?" This is exactly what Justin knew would work. Justin knew that Brian could not withstand his words. He hated using them against him, but it was the only way he would be able to convince him to let him go with the group.

"I can't, the doctor said you needed quiet and relaxation, and you aren't going to get quiet and relaxed at a concert preparation. I wish I could take you, but I can't." In his own mind, he really did want to take Justin with him, but Kevin had warned him to stay strong. He knew that following the doctor's orders was the right decision, but why did it hurt him so much to look at Justin's sad face?

"But, but, I don't want to stay by myself. If this is going to be how it is for the rest of the tour, then I might as well go home with my mom." The final words spoken from Justin's mouth, were enough to convince Brian of what he had to do.

"Alright, you can come, but if you don't sleep, then you're going to bed as soon as we get back. Which means you can't go to the internet chat with us."


The day had went by fast for the group. After rehearsal Brian and the others had a hard time waking Justin, who had slept through them like a baby. Finally getting him up, the group went to dinner. Back at the hotel they rested and waited until the chat time. As it rolled down to 8, every one was in Kevin's room. Each had there own seat and computer, while Justin lay in one of Kevin's beds.

Welcome to the Backstreet Boys Tour Chat room. The BSB, Brittany Spears, and Christina Aguilera will answer all questions starting now.

Brian are you still dating Justin Timberlake? Former NSYNC star.

Yes, I am still dating Justin.

Brian is there any reason behind your nickname of B-Rok?

Um, yeah, it is from basketball.

What was the official reason behind the original tour stopping? Before NSYNC actually broke apart.

There was a personal issue revolving around one of there members. It was resolved, and we were set to kick things back up, until the break up.

What was the personal issue, and which member of NSYNC did it revolve around?

I don't think that is any business of any ones, but ours, and NSYNC's. It was resolved like Kev said, and we are back on tour now.

Christina, is it true that you and JC from NSYNC are secretly dating?

That is not a rumor that I am familiar with. No I am not dating JC. We used to be friends, but those ties have been cut.

Is it true that there was an accident just the other day, involving one of the tour members?

No, that is not true, but there was an accident involving some one who travels with us.

Yes, Justin suffered an injury last night, but he has been taken care of now.

He broke his leg, but he will still be with us on the tour, and will still travel.

Howie, are you seeing any one right now? And would you ever consider seeing a fan? ;)

No, I am not seeing any one right now, but I have dated fans in the past. I have to get to know some one first, it just can't be a meaningless relationship based on physical appearance. I think that is how it is for every one of us.

I have never dated fans. The ones that I have personally met have been nice, but I prefer some one who wants a boyfriend, not some one who wants a boyfriend from a famous band.

I got a boyfriend, so I think I'm settled in. But who knows, if any of you wanna hookup, drop me a phone number. Justin won't eve know. :)

I'm gonna tell him now. You ain't playing him like a dawg.

Yeah, my boy ain't going down like that.

Don't worry, we're just playing around. Any ways we don't have to worry about playing him like that, because from the looks of it, he's all played out.

Glancing away from there computer they all turn to see Justin cozied up on the bed, his arm wrapped around Brian's waist.

Are any of you virgins?

I am

I am

I am

Me too

Me too

yep, I think we all are

I am still a virgin, saving it for that special some one.

Justin's hand still wrapped around his waist, smiling Brian returns back to his computer, his mind still on Justin.

How many more tour dates do you have left?

We wrap up the tour in a month and a half. Our last stop is in Orlando.

What are your plans for after the tour? Will you all be seperating for vacations?

Actually, Christina and I will be heading to Brian's home to help with Justin. His leg won't be healed for another 3 months, so Brian will need some help around the house.

I think we are all just going to relax, as much as possible. I mean, being on tour is tough, and especially when every one knows your personal life. It is really hard to have a personal life after you and your boyfriend are forced into the spotlight.

Well, I think you and Justin make a cute couple. I'm gonna vote for you two in my magazines cutiest 2000 couple.

Thanks, I'm sure Justin will be happy to know that he still has fans out there.

Does Justin have any plans of starting his own singles career?

Not to my knowledge. I think he is content with settling down for a while. Now that he broke his leg, it is definetly out of the picture. There's no way I'm letting him start up on his own when he can't walk. But after that, who knows, if he really wants to go out on his own, I will stand behind him.

I think he would make a great solo act, but it has to wait until he can walk. Just like Brian said.

How do you guys tour? How many people are there with you, and in who is in what bus?

Well, we all tour in our own bus. That includes myself, Howie, Nick, Kevin, Brian, Justin, Brittany, and Christina.

Our bodyguards, pr, and Fatima drive in seperate buses, usually leaving early enough to get to the next arena a day in advance, to set up and get every thing ready.

Touring with 6 guys is a real treat. We get to Justin in his boxers every morning.

The only problem is he's taken, but we're working on that.

I'm sure you are. I think it's great to tour with everyone, including Brittany and Christina. This is the first time we have shared our bus, I think it is great. With so many people you are never alone, you can never be bored.

Unless your name is Justin Timberlake, and all you like to do is sleep. Like he is doing now.

Leave my baby alone, or your gonna have to mess with me.

EWwwwww, I'm so scared. I could take you both, but I ain't in the mood right now.

You guys all seem to joke a lot, but have there been any real fights between the 7 of you?

Of course, every one has a few fights here and there. Just the other day there was a fight. But things happen, you apologize and you move on.

When you are with people 24/7 you have to learn to forgive. You can't hold a grudge, or you'll go insane. It's really simple to get on our nerves after being together for so long, but you have to expect that. We are all used to our mood swings, and temper tantrums, although some of us still have to get used to one of them.

Yeah, he's a little hard to handle some times.

Some times, try all the time.

"I'm not that bad am I?" Looking down Brian catches Justin's smile, ensuring that he knows they are just joking.

Speaking of the rascal, he's up again.


Guys could we get back to the questions?

Sorry, got lost for a minute, sure next.

This will be the last question the group will be able to answer. They've got to get up early tomorrow.

Have any of you been in love?

No, I haven't had the chance to find a special some one, but when I do, I will be able to feel it.

I have to agree with Brittany. The life of a pop star is hectic, and confusing, but once it dies down, I will definitely try and find a man to fall in love with.

I had the chance to be in love, but it never worked out. We ended up splitting up.

Nope, I'm not looking for love rihgt now, I am just out to have fun. A relationship has to be built on something, and with me touring, it would be hard to start one.


I have not been in love yet, but I have had plenty shares of steady relationships.

They always save the best for last. Yes, I have been in love once, and I still am. I think love has to something that both of you share, and I know that both Justin and I share nothing but love for each other. Love happens when you aren't looking, but that's when it hits you the hardest. I got hit real hard, but I like the feeling now. I'm in love, and I don't think I could love any one more then I love Justin.

Thank you all for stopping by the chat. If you have any farther questions about the tour, you can stop by at any of the artist's web sites to get information.


"Whoa, Brian, how come you never told any of us that shit?" AJ was dumbfounded by Brian's last comments. He knew that Brian loved Justin, but was shocked by how much love he felt.

"What didn't he tell you?" Justin looked up quizically, after not paying attention to the last 3 minutes of the chat, and instead focusing on sleep again.

"Oh, nothing. I just never felt like saying it until now I guess."

"Tell me what he said." Justin's excitement and curiousity was building up as Brian answered AJ.

"Curiousity killed the cat little man, now let's get you to bed." With out any arguement, Justin allowed himself to be scooped up off the bed and set down in his wheelchair. "See you guys in the morning." Smiling Brian wheeled Justin out of the room and down the hall towards their room. Justin said nothing, until Brian began to undress him.

"What did you say?"

"Don't worry about it." Continuing to undress Justin was hard, Brian had to slowly pull his jeans over his cast.

"Please." Seductively, Justin began to run his finger over his chest, smiling.

"That isn't going to work, you aren't allowed to do anything physical, so don't try to get any ideas, Little Man." Keeping it up, Justin took no heed in Brian's words. Slowly he managed to run his finger into his boxers. Through the boxers, Brian could tell that Justin was dragging his finger over his now erect cock. "Maybe you could handle this for me?"

"Justin, you know I'd like to, but I can't. Doctor's orders."

"But this Little Man, wants you to meet his big friend." Grabbing Brian's hand, and pulling it close to his bulging boxers, smiling Justin stopped. Throwing the hand back, he continues. "Never mind, let's go to bed."

"Um, on second thought, maybe if I am the one doing it, then it really isn't physical work for you."

"Nope, doctor's orders, afterall I still don't know what you said."

"If I tell you, then can I play with your friend?" Smiling, Justin knew that he had found Brian's weakness. Using his sex appeal against his lover, Brian had caved.

"I don't know, if I like what I hear."

"Okay, I just said how much I loved you, and how great it was to feel love. What an awesome feeling it was when you and your partner experience equal love."

"I don't know whether to cry and jump up for joy. If I could jump up for joy. I guess you can play." A little choked up, Justin managed to smile. Brian moved his hands to Justin's waist. Unbuttoning Justin's boxers, Brian pulled out his lover's tool.

"After this, you'll be in pure ecstasy, you won't be able to do either." Smiling Brian went down on Justin's meat. Kissing the head, multiple times.

"Ohhhh Brian." This was new to Justin, it was the first time that Brian had really spent time on giving him head. The first time he could really enjoy it, with out having be bothered with other things around him. Brian stopped kissing it, and puckered his lips in an 'o' shape. He slowly engulfed the whole penis, sucking it, and lapping the underside with his tongue. "Mmmmmmmmmmm" Justin's moans were the loudest he had ever made before. Brian continued to suck away on his meat, applying his tongue to the top now. Closer and closer to cumming, Brian didn't slow. Justin knew he was about to cum, but Brian showed no sign of slowing his efforts. As Justin came inside of Brian, Brian took it all, pulling out, and kissing the head one last time, stood.

"Ready for bed, Little Man?" With out an answer, Justin felt himself in Brian's arm. Carefully, Brian uncovered the bed, setting Justin down and then himself. Justin was still in heaven, barely able to breathe, yet alone speak. Slowly he wrapped his arms around Brian's chest, and rested his head. Falling asleep immediately.

ARENA - 8 o'clock p.m. - CONCERT TIME

The day had zoomed by for the whole group. Arriving at the arena early, they practice until show time. The arena was jam-packed. Thousands of young screaming girls, and the few boys lined up for Christina and Brittany adorned the stadium with signs. Many of which reading I wanna be Nick's woman, and other varieties with the names of the other guys. In the back, Christina and Brittany were getting ready for there opening acts. As the lights faded, smoke began to rise from the stage. On a large screen a golden bottle appeared. The fans erupted into cheers as "Genie in a Bottle" begin with Christina dressed as a genie.

Brittany went out next, and what seemed like minutes, the show was over. Justin had managed to watch from the back the whole time, enjoying smiles from Brian during love songs. During "The One" Brian even pointed to him, Justin sank into his wheel chair in happiness as the five came off the stage.

"So, did you enjoy the show?" With a kiss on the cheek, Brian positioned himself behind the wheel chair, and headed towards the dressing room.

"Yeah, it was great."

"Better then last night? Because you were pretty tired after that performance."

"No, not better then last night."

"Did the Little Man get a solo performance last night?" Jumping into the conversation, Nick popped up a joking question.

"Why does every one call me that? I ain't so little."

"Well, I think it's because your the youngest, and because you have a little..." Quickly cut off Brian began to laugh.

"I don't have a little one, I have an average one." Upset Justin stood up for himself, trying to make it clear that he was not tiny down there.

"A little attitude." Smiling Nick held the door for Brian and Justin to enter the dressing room.

"You didn't think your own fiance would say you had a little tool did you? I guess we are all going to have to take a look for ourselves now. Hey, Kev, AJ, Howie, come and help me out over here. Brian wants us to see Justin's dick." Laughing the others came running, pretending to attack Justin. Bending down Nick, grabbed Justin's button. "Time to see the Little Man." Justin's face now red with embarrassment, Nick unzipping his fly, Justin could not open his mouth in protest. Still laughing the others watched on, as AJ held one arm and Howie the other.

"Guys, seriously, let him go." Knowing that they were coming to close to comfort for Justin, Brian stepped in to end the joking.

"Not yet, we haven't seen it." Continuing Nick slowly slid Justin's jeans down enough to expose his boxers. His face still red, Justin seemed to want to cry.

"Nick, knock it off. He's not having fun." Nick was surprised to hear Kevin's voice, and to feel his arms pull him off. Brian went to Justin and pulled his pants up, buttoning them. The color now returning to Justin's face, but still he did not lift his head.

"Apologize to him, all of you." Although Brian too found the whole thing funny, he was gradually becoming upset with the way they had handled it.

"Sorry Just, we were just playing wit ya." Returning to there dressing areas, the guys went back to dressing, as Brian began to take his shirt off. After finishing, the guys held the door for Brian to wheel Justin out. Brian couldn't shake the feeling that Justin was crying, although no noise came from him. Justin still did not look up.

"The girls are on the bus now, you are to head there." A PR directed Kevin to head to the bus. The others followed him, Brian and Justin in the middle. Once on the bus, Justin kept his head down, as Brian sat him at the living area table.

"What's up with him? Is he okay?" Christina looking up from her nails, putting down the polish, eyed Justin's sadness.

"The guys thought it would be funny if they joked around with him. He didn't think it was so funny." Not wanting to divulge the whole story, Brian left it at that.

"I'm sure he'll get over it. Probably just a little mad." Brittany herself had never looked up from her nails, but put in her two cents. Christina too went back to painting her nails. Still Justin did not look up to see every one around the room.

"Justin, you wanna play nintendo or something?" Trying to make Justin feel better, Nick suggested a game. With no answer, Nick went back to his conversation with Kevin.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Thinking that Justin may be more comfortable with just him, he looked for a response. Although he didn't recieve one, he picked Justin up, and carried him to the bunk. Letting him down, he pulled himself in. "You wanna talk?"

"No, not with you." Justin's words hit Brian hard. He didn't know what he had done to hurt Justin, but was shocked after hearing it come out of Justin's mouth.

"Why not? Did I do something?"

"No, it's what you didn't do. You didn't defend me. You didn't stop them. You waited until I was crying, before you even said anything. But you didn't stop them, Kevin did."

"They were just joking, they weren't really going to do anything. If it makes you feel better, they did apologize." Looking for any means of getting Justin to forgive him, Brian had to think before he could utter any more words.

"You didn't."

"I'm sorry, you know I am. You know I wouldn't embarrass you in front of them like that on purpose." Pulling Justin closer, Brian applied a kiss to his cheek. "Let's go to bed Little Man."

"As long as your the only one who calls me Little Man, I guess I can live with it. But please, next time, when you see my face is red, and that I'm crying, try and stop people from picking on me." Brian had no idea that Justin knew he knew that he had been crying. Brian had thought that Justin was, but had no real way of telling.

"I wasn't sure if you were crying or not."

"You knew, trust me. I could tell." Resting his head on Brian's chest, Justin ended the conversation. Brian not wanting it to continue, found himself being overtaken by sleep.

Justin's Dream

"There we go. Now that we've seen it, maybe we should inspect it." Restlessly Justin tossed in his sleep, as he imagined Nick and the others eyeing his cock. Nick bringing his hand to it, and slowly running his fingers over it.

"It's a beaut, ain't it. If you wanna suck it go ahead. I give you permission." Sweat now pouring down his face, as Justin's dream gave birth to Brian's words.

"Really, thanks." With out hesitation, Nick went down on Justin's tool. Although the feeling of something warm over his meat was nice, Justin couldn't help but moan out in pain, not pleasure. AJ and Howie caressed his arms, as Kevin ran his hand over his chest. Nick could sense Justin was about to cum, and backed off to let Justin spew out his juices onto the floor. "Now you can return the favor." Smiling Nick grabbed his own cock, and forced it into Justin's mouth. "Come on, suck it good." Not knowing what to do, Justin began to lap away at Nick's cock. Mean while below him, Kevin was beginning to inspect his cock, and took up sucking on it, to make it hard again.

"OH yeaaaaaaaaa" Nick moaned out as he came in Justin's mouth, the liquid running down his mouth.



Awakened by the loud scream, and now crying Justin, Brian frantically turned on the small light in the bunk to see what was wrong. Justin's face was covered in tears. His eyes were red, and he was holding his leg in pain.

"What happened Justin?"

"I had a bad dream, and I woke up and kicked the wall." Moans and groans accompanied Justin's words. By this time every one on the bus was up, gathered around the bunk that Brian and Justin shared.

"It's okay now, I'm here for you. The dreams over." Brian pulled Justin close to him, after finishing the words.

"My leg really hurts, what if I re-injured it?" No matter what Brian said, Justin would still cry. He was in obvious pain.

"Don't worry, you just hurt it, it will be fine soon. Do you want me to do anything to relive the pain?" Not knowing what else to do, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's body, and began to stroke his hair.

"Is everything okay in there, we heard a yell?" Not meaning to be rude or interrupt, Kevin spoke up for the group that was gathered around the bunk.

"Yeah, just a bad dream and an accident. He'll be fine." Hoping that it would send the others away, Brian opened the curtain and smiled. "Trust me, he'll be fine." It worked, the others filed off into there own beds, hoping to get back to sleep. "Go to sleep Justin, I love you." Brian knew he would get no answer in return. Justin's mouth was filled with moans, and sighs of pain. Brian continued to rub his hair, as Justin tried to stop crying. It took a while, but Justin finally fell asleep, Brian himself, found it hard to sleep. 'This is how it's going to be for 3 months' was all Brian could think about. It was wrong of him to be upset at Justin's injury, but he couldn't help but be mad, that he would have to keep Justin safe for that long. To watch him so he didn't bang his leg up again.

Brian slowly began his transition into sleep. His mind still intent on his bad thoughts. How could he think about Justin in such angered ways. Afterall it was not Justin's fault he was injured. It was Kevin's, but all the anger was beginning to set onto Justin. Brian shook it off, kicking himself in the head. 'Stop it. You know it isn't his fault. He needs me' Brian's last thoughts, put him to sleep.


"Justin, I'm sick of this. I can't cart you around all day. I'm tired, I need a break. A break from us." Not even looking up Brian slowly turned and exited the room. Stopping at the end of the hallway, he turned back and returned to the room.

"Please, just give me another chance. I'm sorry, I'll take the cast off early. I'll walk by myself."

"Give it up Justin, we just can't be together any more. The love isn't there any more."

"Don't say that Brian, I love you, I need you."

"I don't. I just can't anymore. I'm sorry. I know this hurts you, and it hurts me to hurt you, but we can't be together any more. We can be friends, but nothing more." This time when he exited the room, he didn't head back. Hearing the tears was enough pain for him. ]


Slowly sitting up, Brian wiped the sweat off his face. Looking over, Justin was no longer wrapped around him. Gently sliding off the bunk, heading towards the bathroom Brian glanced over at the clock. '7:15'

Emerging from the bathroom, Brian could see a girl's figure at the kitchen table. Making his way over, and taking a seat next to her, Brittany smiled up at him.

"What are you doing up?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep, after Justin's dream, and you."

"I had a bad dream myself. I was just getting a glass of water. I guess it's too early to try and get back to sleep any ways." Taking a sip of his water, Brian smiled at Brittany.

"What was your dream about?"

"Um, well, actually, I left Justin in my dream. It was the worst nightmare I've ever had. I couldn't imagine leaving him, but there I was in my dream, walking out on him."

"Don't worry, it was just a dream, that's all it was. So, what was Justin's dream about?"

"I don't know, he didn't say. He was in more pain from hurting his leg, at least I think. I'm not sure if he was crying about that, or the dream. Either way, he didn't say."

"I'm sure it was just some silly nightmare, something stupid."

"Yeah, your probably right. The Little Guy has been pretty stressed out lately. It's taken alot out of him, and me."

"I'm sure you'll manage, theres only a month or so left on the tour, and then we can head back to your house, and just chill. It will be great to be back in Orlando."

"As long as I have some help from you and Christina, I'm sure, I'll be fine."


"I think that's Justin right now." Brittany too heard the yell, and allowed Brian to leave to check on him.

"I'm coming babe." Opening the curtain quickly, so that Justin would see him. "I'm here. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just couldn't find you. Where'd you go?"

"I just went to get some water, I saw that Brittany was up, and we had a talk."

"Oh, what time is it?"

"It's 7:25 now, do you wanna get up?"

"Yeah" Before the conversation could continue Justin inched his way to the edge, and dropped into Brian's waiting arms. Carrying Justin to the kitchen, with out a wheel chair was tough. Brian set him down and took a seat in between Justin and Brittany.

"Good morning sleepy head, how's the leg?"

"Fine, a little sore, but fine." A smile across his face Justin answered Brittany's question, looking around as if for something. "Bri, can I have some cereal and my pill?"

"Yeah, no prob." Heading back towards the bunk, Brian grabbed the pills. Returning to the kitchen to pour Justin some cereal. "Here you go,wait and I'll get the cereal."

"Thanks." Justin popped the pill, and waited for his morning cereal. Brian placed it down in front of him, and took his seat again.

"So, what's going on today? Just driving, or are we going to stop any where?" Making conversation, Brittany thought of two questions that were plaguing her mind that morning.

"Um, I think we are just driving, I don't think we are stopping, except for gas maybe." Justin didn't look up from his cereal as Brian and Brittany picked up a conversation.

"That stinks, oh well, the faster we get to our events, the faster this is over with."

"Exactly, and the faster we can get Just over there into a relaxing bed. Made for two of course."

"Really, I don't think my mom would like it if you stayed at the house in the same bed as me. I mean, I don't think she even likes it that I'm gay." Intrigued by the conversation of relaxing, Justin stopped eating to join in.

"You don't wanna stay with me at my house? Brittany and Christina were gonna stay and help me out with you?" Sad eyed and upset Brian wondered why Justin would want to stay with his mother.

"I didn't know there was an offer on the table. But I'd love to. If you think you can handle me." Brian melted into Justin's smile, so sweet and angelic.

"Great, we'll be one big happy family. The gay couple, and there live-in-maids." Brittany cheered out in sarcasm.

"Who said you were a maid? You're just gonna help out, not do everything. It's still my house, I will handle most of it. Don't worry, I won't over work you." Justin couldn't help but smile at Brian's actions, after he said his words, he made a whip noise.

That was the end of this part. This is the first one chapter installment, which is why it is shorter then the rest. From now on I think the rest will be one chapter installments, to keep it quicker then before.

The next chapter will not pick up where this one left off. It will begin a month after this. That away some time has passed, and the tour is over. Giving me something different to write with then just the tour bus, and concerts.

Keep up the e-mails, as I continue to get more and more after each new chapter. I still have some enemies, but I even like getting your e-mails.

Next: Chapter 7

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