Loneliness Unmasked

By Adam -

Published on Sep 10, 2000


Legal Disclaimer - This story is ficticous. If you disagree with men being intimately together, then do not continue. If you do not like to read about The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC in gay roles, then stop. This story contains both boy bands, and some pop divas, all of which are not presumed to be gay in real life. This story is just that, a story.

Chapter 16 resolved all the problems in Chapter 15, which makes the chapter start with a clean slate. This chapter starts straight out on tour. Meaning that 3 days have passed since the last chapter. I'm not even going to explain in paragraphs what happend. It's just a way to quicken up the pace with a new setting.

In sad news, in real life Brian has married his girlfriend Leigh Ann Wallace. But after all I am happy for them, and I hope they have a long relationship. It won't affect the story any ways, because like said it is fictions.

With that, let's get into Chapter 17.



Brittany, AJ, Nick, Christina, Brian and Justin all sat around the living area of the bus. It was familiar ground to them, after being on busses for most of their adult lives, the change wasn't much of a deal to any of them. Howie was sleeping and Kevin was in the kitchen working on papers.

The 3 couples sat talking, Brian and Justin snuggling, kisses being exchanged not that Justin's mono had completely gone away. He had been to the doctors the last day before they left and was fine. Brian loved that news, kissing Justin passionately right away.

"I think we are going to head to bed." Christina stood taking Nick's hand in hers. "Just a little nap, like Howie's doing." Christina smiled walking away, Nick falling behind her.

"Well, how long do you think before we get to New York?" AJ questioned, looking over at Brian and Justin kissing. Justin was in pleasure, moaning through the mouths, as Brian probed his tongue in. Justin realized they had been asked a question, but didn't want to release the kiss. He was angered when Brian did.

"Um, I don't know another 12 hours or so." Brian guessed, and went to sucking on Justin's neck. Justin moaned, this time loudly since nothing was covering his mouth. AJ and Brittany looked on in disgust.

"And Howie and me are supposed to be the horn balls." Joking AJ laughed, getting a slap from Brittany. Brian didn't even pay attention, and kept up his work on the neck in front of him. Justin moaned out in pleasure, obviously not pay attention himself. "Well Brittany, maybe the four of us could go to TRL tomorrow before the commercial. It's been a while since any of us were on." AJ changed the subject ignoring the couple, and talking to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, we can head over and leave the rest of them together on the bus. A little break away from the group. If we can break Brian away from Justin's neck that is." Brittany joked, roughing up Justin's hair. He swatted her away, still moaning from Brian's sucking. Brian finally released the hold, letting Justin sigh out in anguish. Brian just smiled, noticing his work. It must have been the largest hickey he had given Justin so far.

"Do you think they'll notice that on TRL tomorrow?" AJ joked with Brittany, which got a laugh from every body. Justin just smiled, Brian pulling him close and tight.

"I think I'm gonna make him show it off tomorrow. I'm proud of my work." Brian smiled, laughing at his own joke. Justin just rolled his eyes in mock sarcasm.


The bus pulled into the hotel earlier then expected. 2 hours earlier then expected. Every one was asleep, until the bus driver woke them for the check in. One by one the 8 of them piled out of the bus and into the hotel, signing in and getting in there rooms. They didn't even bother taking clothes, it was just for one night and one day.

"Come on Just, let's get to bed." Justin was still sitting in the lobby almost passed out. Brian walked back to grab him, helping him up and making there way to the elevator. "It's gonna be great to sleep." Brian joked, practically to himself since Justin was basically out of it.

Inside the hotel room, Justin dropped onto the bed and rolled under the covers sleeping almost instantly. Brian followed slowly, pulling the covers off the both of them and fixing them to cover them. Sleeping on impact wasn't a hard task.

TRL - 2:45 p.m. - WEDNESDAY 13th

"Alright folks, the shows gonna start and once we hit the 9th song we are going to bring you out and chat for a while. Then just wrap it up with a promo of the tour." Carson Daily was standing next to the dresser room door. Brittany and Justin sat on there respective boyfriend's laps.

"Sounds great, just let us know when to come out." Brian smiled, ushering Carson out with his words.

"So, I think this should be good publicity, it's been a while since we've been on TRL, in fact I don't think we've been on since before NSYNC called it quits." AJ smiled, remembering that it had been a long time since they were on MTV's major show. It would help spike there sales since it had been so long.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't know when I've been on either." Brittany laughed. "I know it's been a while."

"Well, today will be good. We can promote the tour." Brian smiled, looking down at Justin. Justin was a little tired, but he could handle the show. "And I can promote this hickey." Brian rubbed Justin's neck. Caressing his work.

"I don't think we should brag about our sex life. It still may disgust some people." Justin was serious, although he didn't want to say it, he knew that it would disgust some fans.

"If you think so, sure." Brian smiled, still rubbing Justin's neck and shoulders.

"2 minutes people." A young intern ran into the room warning us of our time. Deciding to get a head start Brian led every one out towards the side. The cheers picked up immidiately, causing Carson to introduce them a little early.

"Okay, my fans here's Brian Litrell, Brittany Spears, AJ McLean and Justin Timberlake." Carson clapped himself as the young girls in attendance screamed. "Take a seat guys." Doing as they were told all of them sat, Brian and Justin behind AJ and Brittany.

"Hey Carson, hey guys." AJ smiled waving to the fans in attendance.

"Hey, so what are you guys up to?" Carson started off the questioning.

"Well, we are actually just here on some free time before our concert tonight. Thought we'd stop by and talk to you and the fans." Brittany smiled cheering for herself and the fans.

"I hear that there are some new relationships in the Backstreet Boys' camp, care to share?" Carson knew how to ask the questions the fans wanted to hear.

"I am dating Brittany now, and Christina Aguilera is dating Little Nicky." AJ joked saying Nick's name like he was a baby.

"What about you two, still going strong?" Carson questioned looking at Brian and Justin.

"Yeah, if you watched Rosie a while ago, we announced that we will be getting married." Brian answered, not really sure if Justin would have wanted him to, but doing it any ways.

"Really, when is the date?" Carson quizzed quickly as the girls moaned.

"The 24th of December." Brian answered, smiling thinking of a Christmas Eve wedding. He still hadn't told Justin that they would be getting married in Main.

"Oh, I see you've already started work on the honey moon." Carson cooed, pointing to Justin's red spot. The hickey was still large, and only slightly faded from the day before.

"Um, yeah." Justin red with embarrassment answered, but said nothing else.

"They really are a cute couple." Brittany smiled, almost jumping up and down for joy. "In fact I think they are my favorite couple out of every one I know. Well except for me and AJ." Brittany kept up her hyperness.

"I'll take your word for it." Carson said awkwardly. "I just find it odd that two great looking guys from boy bands can't get a little female action." His joke was taken as just that by every one except for Justin. Justin kept a hurt look on while the other laughed. "Honestly, you had to have gotten some action with a lady before you met each other?"

"Um, a little, but not far. I knew it didn't feel right from the start of my relationships." Brian answered, a little uncomfortable with the topic now.

"Justin?" Carson looked at him, as if to say of course you have.

"No, never dated any one besides Britt." Justin answered, still red.

"We were really young, and nothing happened." Brittany chimed in sensing Justin's discomfort.

"I've heard other stories, but not for the television audience to hear I guess. Any ways, the tour starts tonight, and continues through December. Thanks for stopping by guys." Carson joked, following with an usher of them to go.

Standing they all walked off stage to applause and cheers. Backstage they decided not to even rest, and instead to head to the limo and go back to the hotel.

"Wait a second." AJ stopped looking around, while the others slammed on there breaks to see what he wanted. "Let's not take the limo. Let's just walk. Afterall it's just a few blocks."

"Yeah." Brittany agreed waiting for an answer from Justin and Brian. Brian looked at Justin and with a shake of a head the four were off down the road. They had to avoid the front exit, since security was waiting for them.

"When we get home we have to call the limo." Brian warned, taking the role of the person in charge. "We're gonna get in deep shit." Brian kept it up, obvious that he wasn't finished yet. But he was, Justin stopped, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Don't worry about it, it's great to be out in the public with out body guards." Justin was happy to be away from the hype of being a star. The only problem was, he wasn't one any more, but he still had to live with it as a fiance to one. In his mind he wondered what he would do with the rest of his life. 'Maybe I could go into acting. I did that Disney Movie, I could do a few more for them.' Grabbing Brian by the hand he forgot about his thoughts, and rushed down the road.

"Think any one will stop us?" Brittany asked as they walked through a crowd of people. "Never mind, probably not because they are all middle aged." Brittany's happiness faded, it may have seemed out, but she seemed to want to be noticed.

"I like it like this. Just a walk like we are normal people." Justin smiled, still clutching Brian's hand.

"Um, what are you talking about babe?" Brian asked in sarcasm. Justin didn't get it and had to ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you are normal now. You aren't a pop star no more, your just soon to be married to the best looking male pop star." Brian smiled, laughing along with Brittany and AJ.

"Huh?" Justin pouted in sarcasm.

"What?" Brian asked, his turn to be confused.

"I'm not marrying Nick." Justin's turn to laugh now came along, with Brittany and AJ joining in on this laugh too.

"Ohhhhhhh, then maybe Nick will let you move in with him. And his mother will stay with you when your sick. And maybe Nick will treat you as good as I do. In both ways." Brian smiled, crossing his arms and releasing Justin's hand.

"Ewwwwwww dissed." Brittany hissed, laughing with AJ.

"And maybe Nick will be your first fuck." AJ joked, running ahead with Brittany as not to be attacked with punches.

"I don't want Nick, just teasing ya." Justin smiled, grabbing Brian's hand and pulling him ahead. "No matter which way, your mine for ever."

"Forever has a nice ring to it." Brian smiled back, allowing himself to fully catch up with Justin. They had to run to catch up with AJ and Brittany as they found themselves only feet away from the hotel.

"Well, that was a nice walk while it lasted." AJ moaned, walking through the front doors. He and Brittany went off for there room, Brian and Justin for theres. Brian and Justin entered the room, laughing, for no reason they found something funny.

"What do you want to do today?" Brian pushed Justin on the bed, almost a little forcefully. Justin got the picture, and smirked.

"I dunno." Justin played coy, as if asking whatever do you mean Brian.

"Well, I was thinking we could play a game or two." Brian smiled, licking his lips. "And I could maybe have a lollipop if I were a good little boy."

"I dunno, I have one lollipop left with a sweet candy in the middle. I guess if you really want it you can have it." Justin played coy again, acting as if he was serious about a real lollipop although hinting towards the sexual aspect of it.

"Great." Brian ripped off his shirt, lowering himself down onto the lying Justin. His chest ontop of Justin's, lips inches a part. Brian moved in, sticking his tongue into Justin's mouth, penetrating it with power and force. Slowly with drawing he moved his body down. Ripping Justin's shirt open.

"Hey!" Justin burst out, surprised by the force.

"Shhhh. You can wear one of mine, to remind you of me." Brian went back to his work kissing Justin's nipples and abs. Justin laughed tickled by the sensation. Brian moved again, this time unzipping Justin's pants, and pulling them down along with his boxers. Justin lay exposed, hard and ready to be sucked.

Moving down his mouth encompassed the penis, sucking and licking. Keeping his mind on task, running his fingers over Justin's ball sac. The feeling was great for Justin, hard for Brian. He was waiting for his turn, but wanted to give Justin a great run before it got time for him.

"Bri, Bri......" Justin's moans were loud, and he knew no one would care. Brittany and AJ were next door, Christina and Nick on the other side, the rest of the hall was deserted.

Justin's moans and panting became faster as he felt his body spasm with an orgasm. Cum flew from his penis, in streams, most in Brian's mouth but a good chunk down his face. Standing Brian wiped his face, smiling and sliding out of his pants.

Justin knew what was coming. And he missed it. He grabbed Brian's cock, engulfing it with his waiting mouth. The feeling was something he hadn't had in a long time, a very long time. Brian took a little under a minute before he was cumming, it had been so long it took almost nothing. Justin sucked out the last drop of Brian's juices, letting go of the cock after the last drop was sucked clean. Brian let out a moan, as Justin stood smiling.

"I liked that lollipop Bri." Justin smiled, jokingly smirking. "Maybe I could try it again later?" Justin played coy again, asking the question in mock sarcasm. Brian just laughed, pulling up his pants. Looking around, he didn't know what was left to do. He couldn't ask Justin for sex, Justin would tell him when he was ready and Brian knew it.

"Yeah, you can have some later. But what do you want to do now?" Brian asked the question burning around in his mind. He looked at Justin puzzled as to what he would say. Justin didn't look like he had an answer, which is why he caught Brian off guard when he opened his mouth.

"Let's go swimming and to the hot tub." Justin didn't even slip back on his pants, rushing to find a robe. Grabbing one he found Brian looking at him awkwardly. "Huh?"

"Babe it's only 3:30, 4:00 in the afternoon. We can't go to the pool naked." Brian laughed, smiling at Justin who now had a red face in slight embarrassment. "I'll go to the bus and grab our swim suits, aight?"

"Um, Okay." Justin mumbled still a little embarrassed for almost rushing out of there room buck naked. What the tabloids and news wouldn't give for those pictures? Brian walked out of the room and shut the door. "Damn, I ain't even famous and I still got a worry about being attacked by the tabloids." Justin muttered under his breathe speaking to himself. "Acting is where I think I wanna be." His last words were something he had been considering for a while. He knew it would mean that he would be away from Brian a lot, but he needed to make a career move. Before he was forgotten about. His mind was shattered as he heard the door open, Brian coming in with there bathing suits.

"Here ya go babe." Brian tossed the suit to Justin, watching him put it on as he did the same. Now dressed in bathing suits, Brian grabbed a robe for himself, and accompanied Justin to the pool. Justin didn't seem to be pay attention, only following Brian. Through the elevator, out the door. Down the hall and into the pool area. He disrobed like Brian, and jumped in automatically following Brian like he had been doing already. "Just, something bugging you?" Justin woke from his slight daze, shaking his head.

"Oh, um just thinking about something." Brian looked at him to see if it was anything more. But he could tell that it wasn't anything bad. Smiling he turned around, thinking nothing more of it then just a small day dream. "Well, actually maybe we could talk about something?" Justin almost asked in fear. He didn't know how Brian would react to what he wanted to discuss.

"Sure, what's on your mind Just?" Brian swam closer to Justin, waiting for what was to be discussed. Not knowing whether it was bad or good he wanted to be close to get the full story.

"Well, I was thinking about what I could do, ya know now that I'm not in NSYNC." Justin stopped, eying Brian to see what he was doing. Brian just looked at him as if ushering him to continue. "Any ways, I was thinking I could go into acting?" Brian was almost shocked, not because Justin wanted to be an actor, but because he didn't tell him, but asked him. Justin looked almost sad at the reaction Brian had made.

"Just, why wouldn't you just tell me? You just asked me whether or not you could go into acting. Did you really think I would say no? Did you really think you needed my permission?" Brian asked almost in a little anger. Justin just looked at him a little confused. Brian could sense it and continued. "Justin, what ever you wanna do I will support you. But I just have one question to ask of you. Would you please hold out on it until we get married? It would make the tour so much easier on us, we wouldn't be apart." Brian asked the question, his turn now to wait.

"Sure, I'd be glad to wait. It...." Justin couldn't finish because after Brian heard the answer, he pulled him under water. Holding him under with one hand, laughing. Justin squirmed under the water, but couldn't fight out of Brian's grip. Brian finally released him pulling him up. Justin started coughing. "That wasn't funny." Justin managed to get out in between two coughs, obviously mad that Brian was laughing.

"Sorry." Brian snickered, truly not meaning the words he was saying. He was teasing Justin, something that had come easy to do. But he knew it was something you could only do if you found the right time to do it.

"No you ain't." Justin's anger building, as he took off swimming towards the other end of the pool. He knew he could keep a good distance in front of him, his height and speed in the pool were an advantange over Brian.

"Just, wait up, I didn't mean to piss you off." Brian took off, he too knew that he couldn't keep up. His swimming was good, but not as good as Justin's. And he was considerably smaller then Justin. Something that always shocked others when they saw the way that Brian could dunk Justin, or lift him, or even pin him down. Brian only played, but Justin fought back and never could suceed with beating Brian when it came to strength.

"Too late." Justin shot back, pulling himself from the pool. He didn't turn, nor did he grab his robe, heading to the hot tub. He opened the door, and plopped down in, turning on the jets and relaxing. He knew Brian would follow, but the jets would zone out the voice.

"Baby." Brian screamed, plopping himself down in the hot tub, across from his boyfriend. Brian could sense Justin wasn't listening. Leaning he turned off the jets, smiling at his partial victory. Justin looked up angered, crossing his arms with listening ears. "Alright, I'm sorry I dunked you. I didn't think I held you under that long." Brian's apology was sincere, but not very good. Justin didn't accept it with his facial expressions.

"That's nice." Justin sarcastically answered, sinking down in the hot tub, his head under the water now. Returning with in seconds, he didn't see Brian any where. He looked around, and could see Brian in the distance in the swimming pool. He must have gotten out, was all Justin could think of.

Standing Justin figured he would grab his towel and head to the room for a little alone time. He would sneak past Brian, and head straight up the elevator. Walking out the door he was shocked when he felt two strong arms wrap around his chest. "Let go of me." Justin screamed, not even realizing that Brian was the one holding onto him. After a few seconds of struggling Justin gave up. Letting out a little laugh.

"I told you I was sorry." Brian smiled, kissing the back of Justin's neck. Justin laughed again, as Brian shimmied over towards the edge of the pool. "Now I'm just gonna have to do this." Brian pushed and Justin went flying into the pool. Brian jumped in after him, laughing all the way. Justin bobbed up laughing too. "I'm glad you're happy now."

"Shut up." Justin laughed, splashing at him. Brian ducked the splash by diving under the water, swimming underneath Justin and towards the shallow end of the pool. Looking around Justin saw Brian pop up, angered that he had missed the target.

"Missed me, missed me, now ya gotta kiss me." Brian chanted from the other end of the pool. Justin laughed, and went heading off towards his kiss partner. Getting inches away from his face, Justin stopped, smiling with a slight smirk.

"I guess if I have to." Justin leaned in, and planted a quick kiss on Brian's lips. "EUucccccck" Justin whiped his mouth with his hands, spitting into the pool. "That was disgusting, I can't believe I just kissed another guy."

"It wasn't so great for me either babe." Brian teased, grabbing Justin and swimming on his side. At the edge of the pool Justin started to get out, slipping and falling back in. Brian couldn't help but laugh as Justin bobbed up from the water rubbing his head. Brian noticed that Justin was rubbing it, and stopped his laugther. "Ya okay?"

"Yeah, just hit my head." Justin answered, rubbing it and wincing in pain. Brian swam closer, to get a better look. Justin just looked at him, feeling as if he was being treated like he was a child. "I told you I'm fine."

"I'm just checking." Brian scowled, rubbing Justin's head. He noticed a small cut on the side of Justin's fore head. Rubbing it, he removed the small amount of blood, and smiled. "See, just checking." Brian laughed, pulling himself out of the pool. "Want some help?" Brian joked, reaching out a hand for Justin to pull himself out of the pool with. Slapping it away, Justin pulled himself out, a small smile slipping across his mouth. "Whatever." Brian mouthed, walking away and grabbing his robe. He didn't even wait for the cranky Justin, as he made his way out the door and towards the elevator.

Justin rushed to grab his robe and keep up. Running Justin managed to catch the elevator before it shut. He was panting, but none the less he had made it. Brian just looked at him and acknowledged that he was there. Justin wasn't to happy about it, but said nothing.

Back upstairs, Justin headed off towards there room, while Brian made his way to the other rooms of there band mates. Finding every one in Kevin's. He was surprised not to see Brittany or Christina. Walking in he took a seat, waiting to see if he was interrupting anything.

"You guys ready to head to the arena?" Brian questioned. It was now closing to 5, and they would need to be there for the sound check and a little warm-up. "Where's Brittany and Christina anyways?"

"Oh, they are meeting us downstairs in ten minutes." Kevin said, looking at him. "We were all waiting for you and Justin. You could've told us where you went. I mean AJ and Brittany come back and you two don't." Kevin was sounding like a father, his usual attitude.

"We were swimming, and relaxing. I didn't figure it was that big of a deal. We were just downstairs." Brian testified, keeping it short. He decided it would be best to apologize though and continue. "Sorry thought, I should have told you guys first."

"Yeah, you should have, but go get ready and we will meet you downstairs in.." Kevin looked at his watch. "8 minutes." Kevin smiled, ushering Brian out of the room with his hands. Brian did as he was being forced to do, walking out and heading for his and Justin's room. Upon turning the knob, Brian walked in to find Justin completely dressed laying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

Grabbing his clothes from earlier, Brian was dressed in seconds. Justin didn't look up once. He made no signs of life, although it was clear he was day dreaming. Brian plopped down next to him, and crossed his arms. Usually Justin would have snapped out of it, but he didn't. "Justin." snap-snap. "Babe?" snap-snap. "Just?" snap-snap. "Curly?" snap-snap. The final name and the final snaps knocked Justin out of his trance.

"Huh?" Justin looked around, as if he heard some one who he didn't expect to be in the room. Catching Brian he relaxed again. "You've never called me Curly before?"

"I know, but I knew it was a nick-name so I figured it might snap you out of it." Brian answered back, waiting to see if Justin would tell him what he was thinking of.

"Well, could you not call me that." Justin said, not even looking up. Time was ticking down, leaving Brian and Justin 4 minutes before they had to be downstairs.

"Sorry, but we gotta get downstairs in like 5 minutes." Brian stood, waiting for Justin to do the same. Standing Justin walked to the door and towards the elevator Brian keeping up. Once downstairs, they found themselves early. "How come you don't want me to call you curly?"

"Um, my old friends used to call me that, and I haven't talked to them since MMC. It's hate thinking about not keeping in touch." Justin answered, almost getting upset.

"Oh, sorry." Brian answered, taking a seat in the lobby. He could hear the elevator open, and saw the rest coming down in one group. Standing Brian made his way to the bus with the other's following. Once on the bus, every one took seats in the living area, besides Justin who plopped up into his usual bed, shutting the curtain behind him.

"Is there something wrong with Justin?" Brittany asked, looking around to see if any one else knew what was going on. Brian looked up.

"I don't know, I went back to the room and he was day dreaming. I tried to bring him back to reality, and I called him Curly. He said something about not wanting to be called it, and then he just stopped talking again." Brian answer, hoping Brittany might know something about it.

"Yeah, his friends used to call him that. And then when MMC started he was really busy. Well when it got cancelled he went back home, and none of them would talk to him. They said if he didn't have time to call them, then they didn't have time to talk to him. He hasn't liked being called Curly ever since." Brittany answered, remembering that Justin had called her in tears once when they were younger. He had just lost his friends, and had Brittany as the only one he could trust. "He called me up one day, crying. He said something about not being Curly any more, we were only 12 or something, so I didn't really understand it all that much. I just know he doesn't like it any more." Brittany smiled, hoping she had helped Brian out. "I kinda thought it was odd any ways, for him to be crying to a girl when he was twelve, but it was like that a lot. I never realized that it was because of JC, but I guess it was."

"Don't even bring him up. That jackass is out of Justin's life now. For good." Brian smiled, happy that it was the truth. Brittany nodded in agreement. "I'm sure it is just the stress of knowing that the tour is starting. And that I will be busy alot." Brian tried to assure himself, more then he did the others. Brittany smiled to him, trying to help his assurance.

"Tonight is the first night too, he could just be upset because it's the first night you are seperated and he knows there will be more to come." AJ suggested, ending his conversation with Nick and jumping into Brittany's and Brian's.

"That could be it too. I will let him sleep while we have the concert, and talked to him afterwards." Maybe the sleep, the time would give Justin time to cool down, or at least get over what was bothering him. If not Brian would just talk to him about it, and help him work it out.


"Good luck guys." Christina hollered, as she and Brittany were running off stage. The guys were running out starting there set. Opening the dressing room, they were surprised to see Justin sitting on the couch. He was wearing one of Brian's sweat shirts, and a pair of khaki pants. His hair was a mess problably from sleeping and he looked extremely tired still.

"Just, is there something buggin you? About earlier?" Brittany asked, sensing that something was indeed wrong with Justin. Christina followed her, getting close to Justin. The two took seats on both sides of him, waiting for his answers.

"Um, no. I was just thinking about the club." Justin answered, rubbing his arms. Although he was in a sweatshirt, he felt himself to be rather cold. The sweatshirt was helping him though, not just keep him warm, but happy. He loved the feel of it, Brian's feel almost. The smell, it was Brian's smell.

"Is that why you got upset?" Christina asked, her turn to question Justin. Brittany nodded, agreeing with the statement. They wanted to know, so Justin wouldn't get upset about it again, if it were to be brought up by any one.

"Yeah, and no. I don't know why I was crying, or why I yelled at Bri. I don't know why I walked away, I shouldn't have reacted like that." Justin answered, now Brittany and Christina knew the reason for him not only being upset, but the reason for him being back inside. It was obvious that he was now waiting for Brian, either to apologize or just to see him.

"Brian was worried, he thought he did something to hurt you. Did he?" Brittany took the oppurtunity to bring up another question. More like two, because Justin knew if he answered yes he would have to answer why or what. But Brittany had the feeling that the answer was no, when Justin opened his mouth.

"He didn't. He didn't say anything to hurt me. That's why I feel so stupid, I freaked out over nothing. I guess I'm just tired, need some rest or something." His explanation was good enough to end the conversation. And it kept it ended, for the remainder of the show. As the guys made there way into the dressing room, they were all surprised to see Justin with the now dressed girls.

"Do you mind ladies?" Howie said, starting to take off his shirt. Christina and Brittany looked at each other confused and then back at Howie. "I plan on getting naked, if you'd like to watch then be my guests." Howie continued, Christina and Brittany snapping out of it. Standing they were surprised to find Justin following. "Justin, you aren't a lady you can stay." Howie joked.

"I know, but I'm gonna go back to the bus and get some sleep. Bri when you get on will you come to the bunk?" Justin was walking backwards glancing around, waiting for Brian's answer. Brian gave a nod, and Justin turned walking forward now folling Brittany and Christina.


"Make sure Brian comes and talks to me, even if I'm asleep?" Justin asked, as Brittany and Christina walked past his bunk. Nodding as they walked he pulled himself up and in, and grabbed the covers. Wrapping around them, sleep slowly took him over. He would only have 20 minutes to sleep if that, but it was enough to relax for a short break.

20 minutes passed, and Justin lay still sleeping in his bunk. The bus was now moving heading to the next destination. In Pittsburgh, PA; an area near where Christina had grown up. She would get to see her family and friends and was excited. Nick wasn't. He was nervous to meet his new girlfriends family.

Conversation in the bus was picking up. Not only had the twenty minutes passed, but 2 hours had. Christina and Nick were in bed, Howie in his own at the same time. Kevin, Brian, AJ, and Brittany were still conversing in the living area, while Justin slept still in his and Brian's bed. Brittany looked at her watch after yawning, and realized the mistake she and Christina had made. "Oh my god!"

"What?" Brian asked, startled by her sudden outburst. He to took a glance down at his watch, and catching the time, just stared blank faced. "We completely forgot. He's gonna be pissed." Brian stood, walking out of the room and pulling himself into the bunk. Justin was asleep on the wall. He was clutching his chest, laying on his side. Brian didn't want to wake him, he never did. He always wanted to let Justin sleep. Let him remain peaceful and comfortable for as long as possible. "Wake up baby." Brian's mouth was only a few inches away from Justin's ear. His whisper was soft and gentle, hoping it would awaken his lover.

"ughhhhhh." Justin rolled over, clutching Brian and keeping his eyes shut. Before realizing it, he was jumping startled. He didn't realize that Brian was in the bed. Justin opened his eyes, Brian wrapping his arms around him.

"It's been two hours babe, I forgot to wake you." Brian half apologized half smiled. Justin seemed to have completely forgotten that he was supposed to be awoken. His eyes still groggy with sleep, not adjusting to the setting.

"Okay." Justin said, stating that it was okay, and then looking around as if there was something he was forgetting. Realizing he had asked Brian in so he could apologize about earlier and explain, his face saddened a little. "Um, Bri, about earlier. I'm really sor." Justin was cut off, with Brian's finger.

"I know, I shouldn't have gotten upset about it though." Brian answer, apologizing himself. Justin smiled, getting ready to talk again.

"I should probably explain about why I did it though. I owe you that much. It's just, I really don't know why I did it. I wasn't mad at you, I was just, I don't know, sad about it." Justin timidly explained himself, all the while looking at Brian for his feelings. Brian smiled, showing Justin he wasn't upset, something he could tell Justin wanted to see.

"I completely understand babe. It's over and done with. You were having a bad day, a bad thought, either way it doesn't matter now." Brian's smile was still there, pulling Justin into a quick kiss and embrace. "Now get some rest, you've been offly tired lately." And with that Brian pushed him down gently, taking a position behind him. Wrapping his arms tightly around Justin, Brian found sleep overtaking him before it overtook Justin.

This chapter wasn't as long as the most, in fact it probably has been my shortest. And I apologize, I have been thriving to get it out on time, and I just couldn't find time to work on it. So I finished it up quickly.

Give me some feedback, although I'm sure most will be bad, since it was probably my worst chapter.

Next: Chapter 13

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