Loneliness Knows Me by Name

By Cody Phalpher

Published on Dec 15, 2000


Loneliness Knows Me By Name - Chapter 5

Disclaimer : If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now and if you're offended by homosexual experiences or acts , this story is not for you.This story is pure fiction.I don't know anyone from the Backstreet Boys as a friend or whether they are gay or bi. All the characters except the celebrities and my friends are fiction and non-existing.

Hi people!!! It's been a week since I've started off an this is the fifth installment. Again I want to say how sorry I am for the grammar mistakes. Recently, I've received a lot of mails and I thank you all for writing them(you know who you are!).

Previously on chapter 4 :

In my room

"When did you arrived here at NYC?" I asked as I cuddled up in is arms."Just yesterday,

I was about to call you but since I know which hotel you're in, I thought it would be best

that I dropped by to say hello!" Martin answered. He then places his hand on my thigh

and squeezes it . _______________________

Chapter 4 :

"So, whose the hot looking guy that Nef's been talking about?" Martin asked caressing my cheek. Lemme tell you here about Martin, He's about 1metre and 86 cetimetre tall, short golden brown hair, ocean-blue eyes with a squint of grey in them and a sexy bod. He's from Sweden and has a nice tan with a sexy body. We met around a year ago an we have a close connection and we usually flirt around each other.

"He's well rather...not that...isn't gay I suppose, so I guess it's back into the lonely world again." I answered. "Well then, I still might have a chance then? " he said joking. We both laugh. Then, there was a knock on the door.* Knock*. "Come in, it's not lock." I said. The person who came in is non other than the famous Lance from N'sync. "OH MY GOOD!!" I shouted. "Hi, honey." Martin said. "Hi, I guess you know me already but I'll say it again... I'm Lance Bass. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Martin has been talking about you for a long time. " he said.

"Martin? Wait a second, You're Martin's boyfriend?? " I asked. "Nope, I would be called Martin's hubby..." he replied. "Say what?" I shouted," Martin, you didn't tell me that you were engaged?" I said as I hit Martin playfully on the shoulder. "Why, you didn't asked." he said. "Hey I know, why don't we take a scroll in the park." Lance suggested wearing his disguise. "Sure" Martin and I said in unison. Lance just chuckle.

Back at Kevin's room

"Erm...it threw me off guard thats all 'cause I didn't expect Bri to be bi with the religion stuff and all." Nick said thinking of a lie. "Okay! Now thats finished, lets go out for a walk..." Howie suggested. "Yippee!!!" Nick shouted pretending too be happy. "Let's go then." A.J. said. 'I don't think that Nick is upset over me being bi, there must be something else...something about that cute guy Cody.' Brian thought,' Maybe Nick has a crush on him or something.' .

At the park

Cody's Group :

Cody, Martin and Lance were at the park. The couple huddling on the bench while Cody say by the lake. They heard a bunch of people talking and joking around, he didn't bother who it was. He just sat there playing with the water and the ducks. Then, he felt a hand touching his back and kissing his neck. He thought it was Martin, but the guy was wearing a baseball-cap "Lance? Is that ...ahh...you? " Cody said.

BSB Group :

Nick and the guys were walking down the streets when they reached the park. Then, they saw three guys there...two cuddling against each other and the other one was playing with the water and the ducks. "That guy there looks familiar," Kevin said pointing at the only guy wearing a base ball cap sitting on the bench, cuddling. 'The guy by the leg is somehow familiar too' Brian thought. "Hey, it's Cody!" Nick said with excitement in his voice. Nick was walking towards him but he was pushed down by someone, it was Brian. "Sorry, Nick" Brian said and left for Cody.

At the same time:

Brian reached to Cody, accidently pushing Nick down. At first, he started to touch Cody's back... then slowly kissing his neck. "Lance? Is that...ahh...you?" Cody said. "No it's not" Brian answered as he turned Cody around kissing him deeply. All the other guys were shocked, including Martin , Lance and Cody himself, but Nick wasn't shocked...he was angry, helpless, worst than anything you can imagine. He stood up and ran towards the opposite direction and onto the road, not knowing where he is heading. "NICK!!!!!! WAIT," Kevin shouted. Kevin went to look for Nick.


I stood up and pushed Brian away. "How could you do this? I didn't asked you for anything!!! I don't even know you that well!!!" I shouted, my voice could have broke all the glasses around here. "I thought that you liked me? " Brian said. "Come on, Cody let's go. Lance?" Martin said as he took my hands and Lance's and walked away from Brian who is now left with the look of confusion all over his face. 'Who does he think he is? He isn't my boyfriend and he doesn't have the right to come up to me and just kiss me like that!!' I thought.

Nick's room

"Open up, Nick!!! I know you're in there. " Kevin shouted. Then, the door opened and standing beside the door was Nick who looked horrible. "What do you want now, Kevin? Just leave me alone." Nick said, his voice sounded like there was something stuck between his throat. "No, I won't leave you alone ,Nick...not now, not ever and I know that something is wrong, so let me help." Kevin said. 'If you only knew the pain that Brian has put me through.' Nick thought standing there, in front of Kevin. Neither one of them moving.

"Is it that guy that Bri was kissing? You have a crush on him or something?" Kevin asked. 'He could see right through me, no wonder the guys all respect him.' Nick thought. "I don't have a crush on him ,Kevin. BRIAN IS THE ONE WITH THE CRUSH. I LOVE HIM!!!!!" Nick said as he break down and cry. "I so sorry Nick. Really I am..." Kevin said hugging Nick, comforting him.

Back at Cody's room

"Wow, I can't belive that Brian from the Backstreet boys is gay...I mean, he's suppose to be married." Lance and Martin said as if there sharing thoughts. "He isn't , he's bi and I think that Nick isn't gay." "Well, no one even knew that Lance from N'sync is gay now don't we? " I asked. "Lemme recap what that has been happening the day we arrived 'til now, Firstly, Cody likes Nick but Nick might not be gay, now, Brian is bi and has a huge crush on Cody. Then, Martin is engaged to Lance...now that is on fucked up story I've ever heard" Nef said laghing. "What about you then Nef? Still a lonely one?" I asked but was backed fired. "Nope, I'm dating A.J." she replied. "YOU'RE WHAT?!" Lance, Martin and I shouted.

"You heard me, I'm dating A.J." Nef said. "But you didn't say a thing!!!!" I replied. "You didn't asked and you were too busy with that trouble of yours that you don't even have time for mine." she replied. "I guess it's pretty late now...let's all get some shut eye," Lance suggested. "I wanna same room with Lance!" Martin shouted. "And who said you wouldn't?" Lance replied with a grin.

The next morning

"WAKE UP, NICK!!!!" A.J. shouted out side of Nick's room. "Okay, okay, I'm up already!" Nick replied. "We're going to Kevin's room for breakfast...care to join?" A.J. asked. "Do I have a choice?" Nick replied. "Yes you do, Kevin's givin' you the day off." A.J. said. "What, are you shitting me?" Nick said shocked. "Nope, the days all yours 'lil bro," A.J. said. 'I guess I shall go down to the hotel restaurant to eat then' Nick thought. "I'm not going so bye then." Nick said. "Okay." A.J. replied.

At the hotel restaurant

Cody :

What would you like to eat, Cody?" Nef asked me. "Hmm...up to you Nef, you choose." I replied. "Okay, I'll have this...and this...and that. That would be all." Nef said to the waiter. "He's kinda cute isn't he?" Nef whispered to me. "The waiter?" I asked. "No, dummy the chef...OF COURSE THE WAITER SILLY!!! ARE YOU FULLY AWAKE???" she said. "Well, I guess I have to use the bathroom. Wait here, 'kay?" I said as I got up and headed to the bathroom. As I reached the bathroom and to my surprised, there was no body there.

Nick :

I got to the restaurant and saw Cody and his friend sitting there, so I decided to wait in the bathroom 'til they all are gone. 'Nobody's here, guess lady luck is on my side today. All I have to do is wait in here for a while.' I thought as I slipped into the bathroom and hid in on of the room, not revealing myself if anyone comes in. Suddenly someone came in, it was Cody. 'It's now or never,Nick. Take him or lose him' I thought as I made the first move, moving closer to him...

Cody :

I went to take a piss when I felt someone grabbing my dick from behind. His grab was strong and firm. I couldn't eve n look at who was doing this to me. Then, he started stroking me while he grinded his cock into my ass slit. I was in heaven. Then he started kissing down my neck and his dick begin to push it's way up my hole, I was moaning so loud that I said, "Yeah...Nick...fuck me...uhh...thats so good...harder Nick, harder!!!!!" I moaned loudly. All of a sudden, every thing seems to stop. The guy didn't fuck me further, instead he turned me over quickly and kissed me deeply with full of passion

Well, I guess thats all for this chapter and I'm sorry for sending it late. Been busy lately. Anyway, I want to thank you for all the feedback that I've received. Please keep sending it to me at : eternaleyes2000@yahoo.com

Bye now!!!

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