London Vacation

By Ryan Zackheim

Published on Dec 26, 2011


DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT: Please do not take any part or whole of this story without the author's permission. No one under the age of 18 should read this story.

WARNING: Due to the depiction of graphic sex and adult situations which may be illegal where you reside and are reading this story, I urge you to check with your local laws. Please, contact the author with comments. No flames, please.

London Vacation Continued

When the alarm went off at 7:30am the next morning, I woke up with a start. I could not believe how soundly I had slept ? it felt as if I had just closed my eyes when it was time to open them up again. Although I felt tired, I knew I only had myself to blame ? it had been a very intense day sexually! That said, my morning wood indicated that all systems were a go, but I had to rush through the shower and get dressed to make it on time to meet my mom and dad downstairs in the hotel lobby by 8am.

?You?re looking fresh,? my dad said with a slight mocking tone when he saw me, and my mom just narrowed her eyes at me a little and said, ?There had better not be a ton of minibar charges to your room, Ryan ? that?s all I?m saying.?

I love my parents; they?re cool and funny, and they?ve never given me flack for being gay. They would, however, probably be aghast if they knew how much of a sex fiend I was and that the reason I was looking a little haggard this morning was due to the fact that I had been right royally worked over yesterday, first in the afternoon, then again late at night, by two different guys ? one of whose name I didn?t even know!

Anyway, we hopped in a taxi ? my parents don?t do public transportation, ha ha ? to meet their friends, Robert and Adele, for breakfast over at some place called The Wolseley. It?s this really swanky looking place, complete with some dude in a top hat opening the doors for us as we went in. Robert and Adele are a couple in their mid-50s, and they?ve been friends with my parents forever; every time we are in London, we see them. I know you?re probably expecting me to get really randy and say something about wanting to jump Robert?s bones but that is so not going to happen LOL! Robert and Adele are my godparents ? they never had kids of their own, and they really treat me like their own. In fact, I told them I was gay before I told my parents, and they were supportive and gave me encouragement to come out to my folks. Besides, it?s kinda gross to have sex with someone I think of like my dad; no offense, but incest isn?t really my thing. The thought of sex with my dad is gross ? and likewise with Robert.

Over breakfast, we all catch up. Robert and Adele want to know where I?m going to college, and they?re already trying to get me to do a year in London so they can spend more time with me. I secretly think that?s a great idea: a whole year of fucking with British guys sounds like fun to me!

As we finished our breakfast ? I only had toast, juice and some eggs as I didn?t want to be too bloated for any physical activity that might come my way LOL ? Robert?s cell phone rings and he takes the call as we get the check, or the bill, as the Brits say it. The plan is they were going to drive us down to Greenwich for the day. Personally, I was okay with this plan ? I?d been to Greenwich before, and it was nice and all, but I could also do with some time to myself. Robert came back to say that he was going to have to make a stop at his office, just to sign some papers (he?s a lawyer) for a client, and then we?d be on our way.

When we get to Robert?s office, I ask to go upstairs with him as I need to pee, which of course prompts all kinds of joking at my expense about what a kid I am. If only they knew! Riding up the elevator ? or the lift ? Robert asks if I am seeing anyone. He?s fatherly and kind, and I tell him honestly that I am not ready for a relationship and just wanna have fun. He sighs a bit and laughs. The doors open and he directs me to the restroom and says he will meet me back downstairs in the car, which is parked round the corner.

The law firm toilets are pretty expensive looking, with marble floors and walls, and glass panels separating the urinals. I whip out my cock and let out a stream of piss quickly before tucking back in and washing my hands. The toilet door opens as I?m soaping up, and a guy in his 30s walks in. He?s wearing jeans and a short-sleeved blue shirt and doesn?t look at all like a lawyer.

?Is it casual day at the office?? I ask, as I dry my hands, raising my voice to be heard over the dryer. The guy looks at me confused, so I stop the dryer and ask again.

?Oh,? he shakes his head, ?No, I don?t work here; I just came to deliver something.? I notice that he?s stopped peeing to talk to me ? some guys can?t do two things at once! As soon as he?s done talking, he resumes peeing, and I go back to drying my hands. Now call me a sick fuck, but I got instantly horny for no reason just standing there, and felt my cock start to harden and start tenting up the front of my khakis. Since I was facing the wall, I wasn?t too concerned about this, but I was wondering if there was time for me to rub one out before heading down to the car.

The guy came over to use the dryer next to me and I steal a quick look at him. He?s not bad looking, dark haired, bit of stubble and he looks in pretty good shape under those clothes. I decide to take a crazy chance, since no one?s going to ever find out. I walk closer to him and say, close to his ear, so he can hear, ?Do you want a blow job??

He freezes momentarily and stops moving his hands under the dryer, which silences the room. When his eyes dart to the door, I know I?m in luck, and quickly continue, ?I?m really horny and wanna suck a dick as I jack off. I could just jerk off solo, or I could blow you as I did that. You in?? And then I turn toward the handicap stall. When I get inside, I turn round and tilt my head inwards at him, my hand on the door. He looks at the door again, a bit nervous, and then quickly walks over to me. Once he?s inside, I close and lock the door, and undo my pants to expose my already hard cock. He doesn?t say anything and just stands against the wall, looking at me, his hands at his side. I smile at him and undo his belt and the buttons on his fly before kneeling down and pulling his pants down to his knees. His cock is semi-hard, and uncut. This is still a novelty to me, since I?ve mostly been with guys who are cut, and so I look at his slowly twitching dick for a moment. It?s thick and not too long framed by a big black busy of pubes.

?You gotta be quiet, okay?? I say as I wrap my left hand around his cock and feel it harden. Then I open my mouth and immediately get to work. His cock is hot in my mouth, and there?s a clean taste of soap to it which I find endearing. My right hand clamps down on my own dick and I start pistoning it quickly. I can?t take my time with this cos I know Robert?s waiting for me. The guy draws in his breath sharply and I shoot him a warning look, and he nods quietly then closes his eyes as he feels my lips around his shaft, my left hand massaging his heavy, hairy balls, as my head bobs up and down. I?m not bad at cocksucking, and since he?s not massive, I manage to get all of his penis into my mouth till my nose is buried in his pubic bush and he very softly whimpers a little. My own dick is throbbing like crazy as I jerk it without a thought; I?m inhaling this guy?s smell and letting his fat fuckstick stretch my mouth, tasting his pre-cum and swirling my tongue around his mushrooming head. I carry this on for a little bit, and it doesn?t take long for him to tap my head very gently. I look up at him and his eyes are half closed and his mouth is open and he?s breathing heavily ? the look of being lost in lust is a huge turn on to me and I can feel my own cock tightening further, my nuts rising up into their sac as I can tell my mouth has done me proud and the guy?s about to blow his load. I pick up the pace and suck his cock in earnest, and he doesn?t fight it ? a blast, two, then three of hot, salty, tangy manjuice spurt into my mouth, to the back of my throat, coating the inside of my mouth, and I eagerly swallow all of it. He doesn?t cum much, but it?s enough of a rush to set me off, and I pump my fist furiously and start shooting my own load while my mouth is still wrapped around his cock.

When I?m done, I let go of his dick and look down; I?ve coated the wall with my semen, and there?s a stray drop on his shoe. I wipe it off with my hand, and pull my pants up as I get to my feet. Wordlessly, we get dressed and unlock the stall. No one had come in while we were inside ? of course, it was a real quickie, and had taken all of 3 minutes or so. I walk to the sink and rinse out my mouth and when I look up, the guy?s standing behind me, looking unsure of himself.

?Thanks,? I tell him and give him a smile. Then I hightail it out of there and rush to the elevator bank and manage to catch Robert as he enters.

?You found the toilet?? he asks.

?All good; took a wrong turn, but I got there,? I smile sheepishly.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully. The weather was surprisingly good, and we walked all around Greenwich ? which isn?t that big ? and did the obligatory stop at the Cutty Sark. I spend a bit of time looking at some of guys around, but I was feeling a little tired throughout the day. Around lunchtime, I get a text from Craigslist guy from last night, saying thanks and attaching a URL. He must have posted the video of us fucking last night on some website. This stirred me up a little, and I texted him back to thank him for doing that. He texted again to ask if I wanted to meet up again tonight, around midnight ? it was his last night in London before heading back up north. I wanted to keep my options open, so I told him I?d be back in London later and would let him know.

Robert and Adele dropped us back at our hotel around 4pm that afternoon, promising to come back to meet us for dinner at 7pm. My parents wanted to head to the National Portrait Gallery, and I begged off, saying I was too tired ? I didn?t add that I had already been there the day before and scored lol. I went back to my hotel room and immediately logged on to the URL that Craigslist guy ? whose name I still don?t know ? had sent. True enough, there was a video of us fucking like pigs. He?d edited it down, to roughly 35 minutes and had mostly chosen angles that didn?t exactly show our faces. I really didn?t care if people saw me being fucked online, but I appreciated that he thought to do that. I browsed the comments his posting had elicited ? there were more than 40 comments already, even though the video had only been up for a few hours. One of the comments caught my eye: ?You guys are in the same hotel I?m in! Wish I had been there to partake!?

Without thinking, I immediately clicked on the commenter?s link and sent him a message: ?Are you still in the hotel? This is bottom in the video asking. I?m free now if you want some action.?

It was about 4:15pm, and although I had honestly felt tired and had been planning on taking a nap, I felt a bad case of the hornies taking over and I felt that familiar urge to fuck taking over. I clicked over onto Craigslist to see if there was any action to be had. There were a few listings that seemed promising, but most of them were a bit too far in places I knew I wouldn?t have time to get to and back. I did respond to one listing from a guy looking to meet tomorrow morning ? a little forward planning always helps, I say! After a few minutes, I got a new email ? it was comment guy responding to my message to him: ?Can?t blive it. Headg back 2 hotel now. B there in 10. Rm 412. U 4 real??

I instantly emailed him back: ?C u in 20. Am real alrite.?

I gave myself a quick enema and headed out the door. Inside the hotel, I was relieved to see that there were different staff manning the reception and doors ? not that I could actually remember the staff from last night that clearly, but they didn?t seem to notice me walking in, so that was good news. I took the elevator up to the 4th floor and, as I approached 412, I noticed a guy just opening the door. He looked up and saw me walking towards him and just grinned a shiteating grin and said, ?I can?t believe you?re really here.?

?You?re late,? was all I said as I got to his door and groped his trousers, feeling his slightly stiff cock, as he pushed door open and we both stepped inside.

?You don?t waste any time,? he said, and to prove him right, I leant in to kiss him while I took off my jacket and started undoing my pants. His lips were soft, and he had a goatee, so his beard bristled against me as I felt his tongue dart into my mouth insistently. I felt his hands reach for my t-shirt as my pants fell off to my feet, and we parted lips as I raised my arms to let him take my shirt off.

?Holy Jesus, you?re hot,? he said as he eyed me hungrily and began to take off his clothes. I picked up my shirt, my pants and walked into the room and put my clothes on an armchair. Then I pulled off my underwear and threw it on top of the heap and turned round to face him, my cock at full attention.

He was also naked, and I saw that he was in his mid-20s ? an unexpected bonus. He was probably Mediterranean as he was very tanned, although he had an American accent, which meant he was cut. His cock was a good length and girth, about 7 inches in length, although he could have been smaller and looked larger as he was fully shaved in the pubic area; and he had low hanging balls which were very large. His chest was wide and furry, and he smiled a devilish smile as he walked toward me and pulled me in for another kiss. This time, he turned and we fell on to the bed, our lips still locked in passion, our tongues tasting each other. I was driven by pure, animal lust ? the guy wasn?t handsome, but he had a fit bod that promised a lot of delight, and I rubbed my dick against his as he started grinding his dick into my pelvis, it?s hard, hot length searing my skin.

His beard was giving me quite a burn on my face, and remembering that I still had to see my parents later that night, I broke our kiss and told him, ?No more kissing; your goatee?s gonna give me burns I won?t be able to explain later tonight.?

He stopped and asked, ?Jealous boyfriend??

I laughed, ?Concerned parents more like it!?

He pulled back suddenly and looked at me, and asked, quite seriously, ?How old are you??

?Don?t worry; I?m legal,? I said, ?I?m just traveling with my folks.? With that, I scooted down while reaching hold of his rod and guided him toward my mouth. He didn?t protest anymore, and just groaned in pleasure when my mouth covered over his cock. He tasted salty and sweaty - I love the manliness that combination brings to mind, and I immediately grabbed hold of my own cock and pumped it as I chowed down on his.

?Oh, oh ? you?re a fucking horny cocksucker,? he said, and this excited me even more, cos I love a guy who talks dirty. I opened wide and deep throated his dick for a second ? and was rewarded with a very loud guttural groan ? before letting go.

?I want you to fuck me,? I said, and looked him in the eye as I added, ?Very hard.?

He stepped off the bed and went to his bag and pulled out a condom. ?I don?t have lube,? he said, a bit apologetically, and I told him, ?Just make sure you eat me out, nice and wet, then.?

He grinned as I lay back and raised me legs up and held them in place with my arms and elbows hooked behind my knees, exposing my boy hole for him. ?I?m assuming I don?t have to worry about beard burns in your ass?? he asked cheekily, before diving in, tongue first. I felt the wet tip of his tongue slide up my asshole, and it caused me to convulse with pleasure, and I let out a long, slow, ?Fuck.?

He took his time, getting my hole slick and wet, running his tongue up and down, then stabbing it in and out of my ass, each time sending shivers up my spine when he did so. I could hear him working up a nice pool of saliva, and he spat into my hold a coupla times just to get things even wetter down there.

?Okay, suit up and dive in,? I said, and he eagerly got up, tore open the condom and rolled it down his engorged meat and spat onto his dick. His breathing was hard and labored, an indication of how excited he was, and he grabbed hold of my ankles and pulled my legs wide apart as he started guiding his cock toward my hot little ass. I flexed it, causing it to wink at him, and he cracked a grin as he placed his cockhead at the entrance and then, quite suddenly, he rammed it into me all at once, causing me to scream in pain.

He fell on top of me, his hairy chest on mine, knocking the wind out of me and silencing me temporarily as I felt every burning inch of his fucker inside of me, pulsing and throbbing against the sore and ravaged walls of my asshole. ?You wanted me to fuck you hard, didn?t you?? he said, and then began to pump his cock in and out mercilessly, ferociously, at quick speed, causing me to whimper and scream in pain. At the back of my mind, I realized this was the second ? or third? ? time I was kinda being raped in the two days I?d been in London. Sure, I?d ?asked for it?, but did these guys have to be quite so rough, damn it?

The guy was still lying on top of me, his chest pressed against mine, while his arms were flexed wide, his hands still tightly gripping my ankles, holding my legs wantonly apart, opening me up for the brutal assault his cock was meting out to my boyhole. Slap, slap, slap, I could hear his big balls slapping against my ass, and he groaned and moaned enthusiastically as he pleasured himself by pistoning his cock in and out of me. I waited out the pain, which took a while to subside, because he didn?t let up the pace and just kept fucking at high speed ? but eventually, the numbing set in, and I was able to discern the tingling pleasure of having my prostate being repeatedly stabbed by the big mushrooming cockhead he possessed.

He felt me easing up beneath him, and looked at me, ?You?re feeling it now, aren?t you, you little slut?? I groaned in response, and this seemed to tip him over the edge as his fuck pace slowed down a little and he squeezed his eyes shut as he let out a long, loud, moan and let go of my legs.

I was a little disappointed because he?d only been fucking me for about 5 minutes and he had already cum. His ragged breathing kept up the pace, and I felt him pull out and heard a ?pop? sound as my ass closed back in response to the exit of the invading cock. Because he had essentially pinned my legs wide open for the duration of our fuck session, they were numb and I couldn?t really move them very well even though he lifted himself up off me and staggered off the bed. I rolled to my left side to try to get up, and realized that a large pool of pre-cum ? my pre-cum ? had formed on my belly, mixed in with his sweat and mine from our fucking.

I felt the bed depress and he came back into view above me. Grabbing hold of my right leg, he lifted it up onto his shoulder and I saw that his cock ? which had just squirted his semen into a condom no less than a minute ago ? was again hard and sheathed in a fresh new latex suit. I knew what he was going to do, but felt powerless to stop him, as he positioned his legs over my left thigh, pinning me down, and pushed my right leg up higher to expose my abused hole. This time, he didn?t even bother spitting onto his dick and just pushed his cock into me. It hurt like hell, and I used both hands to push him away, but he just grabbed them and pinned them together at my waist as he started jackhammering into me again, each thrust accompanied by a grunt as he went for round two.

That?s the thing about younger dudes, I suppose ? they could go for sloppy seconds immediately!

?Shit, you are fucking tight!? he said as he looked down at me while his pelvis kept up the work of pushing his cock ever harder and deeper into me. I was really enjoying this second round, mostly because the pain subsided almost immediately, and I was able to grasp just how powerless I was as he had me pinned down and fucked himself into me with an almost cruel amount of pleasure, judging by the curl of his lip as he stared intently at me. ?Fuck me,? I said, somewhere between a whisper and a command, and he obliged by withdrawing his cock entirely before sticking it back in with brute force, knocking the bed?s headboard against the wall loudly. We both laughed at this, but animal lust took over, and he resumed his insistent fucking of my very sore man cunt, aided by my challenging looks and my occasional command to fuck me harder.

?You fucking slut,? he gasped at me, his breathing labored, sweat pouring down his face, his glistening chest matted with hair. ?You dirty, fucking slut!?

?Fuck me HARDER!? I yelled at him, and he let go of my hands, pulled out, and roughly turned me over onto my stomach and kicked my legs apart with his. Then he reached under me, lifted my ass, and started railing into me with all his strength, while pressing my head down onto the mattress by lying his full upper body weight onto my back. ?You like that? Huh? You fucking slut! Feel my cock inside you. Yeah. Take it. Take it like a man, you fucking slut. Feel that cock inside you? Yeah? Feel me OWNING YOUR ASS?? his mouth was right by my ear as he whispered these words of lust into them, and twisted my head to one side, so I was looking into a mirror and saw the two of us, fucking like dogs in heat, really. We were both covered in sweat, and the air was heavy with man sex and odour. I could feel his slick, sweaty chest on my back, his fur rubbing against me, and the heat emanating from him was burning my skin. All the while, relentlessly, his steel hard cock forced itself again and again into my raised, upturned ass, and his balls slapped against mine. My own cock was rock hard, and I could feel myself nearing orgasm as he kept up his ministrations in my ass.

?I?m gonna cum,? I told him, and he picked up the pace again, slamming his fuckstick into me with wild abandon as he reached down and started rapidly jerking my cock with his right hand. The bed was creaking from our combined weight and I found myself gasping for air as I came, shooting what felt like a bucket of cum onto my chest, the bed spread, and even on my chin.

?Fucking hell,? he groaned and pulled out of me, and in one fluid motion, flipped me back on my back and positioned himself over me so that his hot ropes of cum left sizzling streaks all over my chest, mingling with my own baby batter. His voice was a senseless series of groans and grunts as he came, and when he was finally spent, he leaned down to lick up our combined love juices, slurping noisily as his tongue made its way up my body. Finally, he reached my chin and then covered my mouth with his lips. I tasted our combined nectar in his mouth, and we snowballed for a bit before he sucked most of it back and swallowed.

We lay there in silence for a moment, too tired to move. I felt extremely sore but satisfied by our little fuck session ? sure, he?d been rough, but I could handle it, and the pure animalistic drive he had exhibited was exciting and a huge turn on. I glanced at the clock by the bedside table ? it was just coming to 5:45pm; we?d been at it for about 40 minutes, and it had felt great.

Finally, he got off me and offered me a hand to pull me up. We walked to the bathroom and got in the shower together, silently washing each other off. He playfully kissed my ass cheeks, and then pulled me in for a serious kiss on the lips. ?Thank you; you are a fantastic fuck,? he said. ?I?d ask whereabouts in America you?re from, but that would be pushing it, I think.?

I smiled. He was cute, but there was no future for us. The sex had been awesome, but I wasn?t interested in being someone?s boyfriend for now.

We finished showering and got dressed, making small talk before he walked me to the door and gave me a quick kiss before I walked toward the elevators. I did find out his name was Kevin ? the first guy I?ve had sex with in London whose name I actually know!

I got back to the hotel and, just as I was about to walk towards the elevators, I saw my parents a few steps ahead of me. Ducking around to one side, I headed to the stairs and ran up as quickly as I could. I heard the elevator chime as I unlocked my door, and managed to get into my room without being spotted ? whew! I lay down for a rest, and looked at my phone. There was a text message from Craigslist guy: ?U wanna meet up 2nite? I got a guy lined up. Maybe we spitroast u?? I was feeling worn out from the intense fucking I?d just received, but the prospect of two dicks in me on either end was too good to pass up without some consideration.

I replied: ?Just got fucked hard. Not sure I can handle more. Text u later, ok??

Next: Chapter 3

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