London Shelf Life - gay male - interracial

By PeterUK

Published on Aug 3, 2005




This is a fantasy, and in real life everyone should wrap up safe with rubber and use a water-based lube.

This is a first go at writing this kind of fantasy, guys, so I'd welcome any feed back from you Nifty connoisseurs. You can e-mail me at:

London Shelf Life

Part 1 - Raj

As I stepped off the bus in rainy Islington, damn, I remembered the coffee was all used up that morning. The only shop open at this hour was the Indian. That meant he might be there, Raj with his dark skin, darker eyes, jet black hair and a killer white smile. I'd noticed him a few times. Bending over to fill the shelves, revealing a glimpse of deep chocolate arse. Always friendly at the till, "You were served by Raj" it said on the receipt he gave me. I could think of lots more ways Raj could be of service - did he think the same?

Raj ran the shop with his brother Shogoo and their Dad, Jamal. The boys were in their 20s, both slim, short and dark, with classic Indian looks. Jamal must have been in his late 40s - it's difficult to tell with some Indians - and was a bit smaller than his sons, stocky and hairy. He was a local councillor, and was usually at Council meetings a couple of evenings a week. If they had a Mum, she never appeared. The family lived in a flat over the shop, like so many on Essex Road. Shogoo was always talking about the local girls, but Raj only smiled. And he often smiled at me. How could I get him to add some spice to the shopping?

It was almost 10pm, and I got into the shop just as it was closing for the day.

"Sorry Raj, but I've run out of coffee beans. Have you got some left?"

"Don't worry, sir" he smiled, "We've got some in the stockroom, but I'll have to lock us in as Dad doesn't allow us in the stock room with an empty shop."

"No Shogoo tonight, then?" I replied.

"He's gone upstairs to watch a porn movie while Dad's at the Council", he blurted out and then giggled, "but don't ever tell Dad that."

"You can count on me, Raj. Can I give you a hand finding the coffee?"

"Sure thing", he said "just let me close the shop".

Raj locked the shop, put up the closed sign and I followed him to the stockroom at the back. He switched on the light and closed the door to the shop. Stock was packed on shelves to the ceiling, and it looked chaotic to me. Raj asked me to pass him a small ladder to climb to a higher shelf. And our arms brushed against each other. He looked shyly at me and gave me one of his killer smiles.

"Let me hold the ladder for you, Raj. If you're gonna fall, better it be into my arms" I joked (& wished).

He climbed the ladder and I was rewarded with a ringside seat of his scrumptious arse. His jeans were so tight they could be painted on, and I would have sworn he wasn't wearing any pants. He said he would have to pass me a box to get at the coffee, so I climbed the first step and rested my hand against the small of his back.

"Take it easy, Raj. It looks heavy".

I leaned against him while he passed me the box and let my arm slowly pass over his lower back and arse and down his leg while putting the box on the floor. He was naked underneath.

"Sorry, sir. The washing machine has broken down and I didn't have any clean pants today." He could read my thoughts - but just how well?

"No problems, Raj. With an arse like yours, it's a crime to keep it covered up".

He giggled. While he rummaged on the shelf for the coffee beans, I got bolder, and ran my hand over his arse again.

" A real crime, Raj. Its like a piece of sculpture." More giggles. "Does it taste as good as it looks?" I dared.

"Why don't you try it, sir?" he said as I heard him unbutton his jeans.

I peeled them down and out sprung not just a perfect pair of dark brown melons, but two brown nuts drawn tightly up to his crotch and 6" of stiff Indian cock.

I climbed another step of the ladder and slowly dragged my tongue up his inner leg, nibbling and kissing as I went. Raj began to moan. Over each perfect mound I swept my tongue back and forth as he moaned louder and louder.

"Come on down, Raj, and let me get a real taste"

He pulled up his jeans, and climbed down. At the bottom, I turned him round and kissed him full on the lips. He opened his mouth and in went my tongue, exploring his teeth and lips. But it was his other lips I was after.

I eased him onto some packing sacks and took of his trainers and finally peeled off the jeans. His cock was glistening with pre-cum and he slowly opened his legs wider to give me an even better view.

I dropped to my knees between them and slowly licked up his inner thigh. He thrust up to give me greater access.

"Go for it, sir" he whispered.

I didn't need any encouragement and dove straight for his dark, inviting hole. He pulled his legs back by the knees to make it as wide as possible. I licked across the slit, back and forth as he groaned

"Deeper, sir, go in deeper" he murmured.

I held his thighs and pushed my tongue right in to his arse, jabbing his inviting hole. With each jab his cock twitched and more pre-cum slipped down it. I quickly scooped it up and used it to lubricate his hole a bit more. By now he was groaning quite loudly and I was a bit worried about the noise, but then I remembered that the shop was locked, and Shogoo was probably wanking himself to a blissful climax upstairs.

By this time my own cock was rock hard and quite painfully imprisoned in my own jeans, so I broke off to strip them and my pants off. Raj took the opportunity to turn round and kneel on the sacks, offering me full entry to his love chute. He smiled and handed me a small bottle of palm oil.

"This is the best stuff for having fun with, sir."

I took his word for it, and smeared some on my cock and his arse. I rubbed it in with first one, then two fingers. All the time I was fingering him he was leaking like mad and a big wet patch appeared on the sacks. Curiosity got the better of me and I licked one of my fingers that had been fucking his arse. Not bad, musky and nutty.

"You taste as good as you look, Raj. But now I'm going to add some cream to the chocolate."

"Mmm", he moaned, "Mmm."

He splayed out on the sacks and I couldn't resist a last couple of licks of his sweet hole before slowly lowering myself into him. He was well prepared, and I slipped into him like a glove. Both of us began to moan. I nibbled his ear and neck and began to thrust. He thrust back. This guy knew how to use his arse. Soon we had a rhythm going and he began to grip my cock each time I pulled out. I couldn't keep this up much longer, so I pulled him to his knees and tipped some palm oil onto his cock and balls. He was rock hard and slippery, and a delicious smell of sack and oil and musk filled the air. I began to knead his balls with one hand, and pull his cock forward with the other. Soon I was wanking and thrusting in sync.

"Fuck me, sir, fuck me more" he sighed.

Suddenly I felt him clamp on my cock and his white hot cum spurted out across the brown sacking in thin ropes. One more thrust and my cock exploded inside him. We were both moaning and groaning loudly, deaf to the world around us.

I squeezed him tight and kissed him hard while slowly sliding out of him. He turned round and we kissed again. We got to our feet, and pulled on our jeans. The door to the shop was now slightly ajar, but no one was around. We went to the till and I paid for the coffee.

"If you need anything more, sir, I'm sure we can always find it in the stockroom." He giggled and gave me another of his killer smiles.

Just then Shogoo came into the shop. He looked at us and smirked.

"Working very late, Raj. Providing extra service tonight, are we?"

He leered at Raj and me; we both blushed. Shogoo sniggered and walked off.

I winked at Raj.

"Perfect service, Raj. Just perfect."

He smiled again, and kept smiling as he let me out of the shop.

Part 2 - Shogoo

For the next couple of days I wanked at least three times, reliving the time with Raj in the stockroom, but work stopped me going back to the shop. I wondered what kind of reception I'd get, and decided a week later I had to find out.

This time both brothers were in the shop, as well as several customers, but no sign of their Dad. Shogoo smirked at me as I came in, but Raj just glanced away, looking miserable. That wasn't at all what I was expecting. Maybe he didn't want to encourage me to think about a repeat performance.

I wandered down the aisle getting the usual groceries when suddenly I felt Raj beside me.

"Sir", he whispered, "I must speak with you. Please come into the stockroom now, please sir, please. Right now."

He looked so miserable that I just had to follow him.

"What's the matter, Raj? And please stop calling me "sir" - you know my name's Joe."

"Mr Joe, sir, last week Shogoo saw us in here. He came down after the film and caught us. He's going to tell Dad unless you do exactly what he wants. Ever since Mum died last year, he's been acting strange, but now I'm really frightened. If he tells Dad, I'll be chucked out and I've nowhere else to go."

He started to cry. I thought for a minute. If Shogoo was going to blackmail me, I couldn't pay him much on my salary. Maybe I could take in Raj instead - then I could fuck him every night. But Raj didn't look like he could take the idea of that right now.

"Do you know what he wants from me, Raj?"

"He says he wants to teach you a lesson for abusing me. I didn't dare tell him I liked it, Mr Joe, that I really loved it with you."

He looked so miserable I just had to respond.

"Don't worry, Raj, I'll do what he wants. But on one condition. He has to let you come round to my house once a week, the night when you're Dad's at the Council. If he says no, then you must threaten to tell your Dad about his porn films, and we'll both deny we did anything, OK?"

Raj suddenly kissed me full on the lips.

"You want to see me again, Mr Joe?"

"Of course I do, Raj, you're the cutest guy this side of Bombay. When does that bastard Shogoo want to see me?"

"Dad's at the Council tomorrow night, Mr Joe. You must come at closing time, and you mustn't wear any pants."

I gulped. What had the bastard got in mind. I told Raj to go talk to his brother and put the condition to him. If he agreed, I'd come tomorrow.

We went back into the shop. Shogoo glanced in our direction. I wandered around the aisles for a few more minutes before going to Shogoo's till. A nasty grin broke all over his face, and I had to stop myself from wiping it off. If I wanted Raj again, I would have to play along with Shogoo.

As he gave me my change, he said "Tomorrow night. Be here".

He had accepted the condition. I left the shop half elated, and half terrified.

The following night I turned up at the shop at 10pm, wearing just a T-shirt and jeans, and no pants. Raj was there, to my surprise. He quickly kissed me and directed me to the stockroom. "He's waiting for you" he whispered.

I opened the door and gasped. Shogoo was lying naked on the sacks, his hands behind his head, legs played.

"Do as I tell you, and that little queer Raj is yours. Disobey me, and my Dad will make damn sure you never see him again. Understood, pervert?"

"OK Shogoo, you win" I said.

"OK sir, to you, pervert"

"OK sir" I replied in as surly a tone as I could.

"Strip" he said.

I took off my shoes, shirt and jeans and stood naked before him.

"Turn around".

I did as he ordered. I turned full circle with my hands at the back of my head, just like some porn movie. He ordered me over to him, and made me bend right over while he inspected my arse. I was proud of my arse. Bubble Butler they called me at school - my family name was Butler. You can guess the rest. He slapped my arse and ordered me to lick his feet.

I fell to my knees and began to lick one foot. I sucked each toe while he raked the other foot over my balls and arse. I began to get hard. With his big toe, he began to probe my hole. I started to lick up his leg. He leaned forward and slapped my face.

"I never told you to stop licking, pervert."

"Sorry sir" I murmured, and returned to his foot.

By now he had got his toe right into my hole. He took it out and ordered me to lick it clean. It tasted kind of funky, but not bad. I had guessed he had something kinky in mind and douched carefully before coming.

Now he got me to lick up each leg. He wouldn't let me touch his balls, but boy was he sprouting one hell of a boner. Then he grabbed my head and pushed my mouth onto his cock.

"Suck it" he ordered.

His cock was much thicker than his brother's, but he too leaked pre-cum like a tap. I licked up the shaft, scooping up the juice as I went and twirled its dark knob in my mouth. He groaned and thrust up. I fondled his balls, and he slapped my face again.

"Don't touch until you're told, pervert".

I kept up a steady rhythm on his cock for a few minutes, and then he pulled out and I saw he had the bottle of palm oil.

"Grease me up, pervert" he said.

So this was it. He was going to fuck me like I had his brother. I took the bottle and sprinkled it over his cock and balls. He pushed me away and ordered me onto my knees on the sack, with my arse in the air. He smeared some oil on my arse and stuck a finger into it. I flinched with pain, but he hit my arse and stuck another one in.

"You can take it, pervert. You like this, don't you pervert, don't you?" He hit my arse again, but harder.

"Yes sir" I replied "I love it".

He stuck three fingers in and this time began to finger fuck me roughly. Much as I hate to admit it, it felt pretty good. He took out his fingers and made me turn round and lick them. Like with Raj, his fingers tasted nutty and musky and not bad at all.

He pushed me onto the sacking on my stomach and told me to stick my arse into the air. Quickly he knelt down and stuck his cock into my hole. I yelped with pain.

"Shut the fuck up, pervert, or you'll really suffer".

I bit my lip and tried to adjust to him. He started to fuck me in earnest. He grabbed by waist and pulled out then went straight back in. Each time it hurt like mad, and tears came to my eyes. He was raping me.

"Fucking pervert" he kept on repeating. "You like this, don't you. You like this, you pervert."

While it hurt like hell, he began hitting my prostate and I was getting used to him. I thought I would show him, and began to meet his thrusts. He pounded harder and started to groan. I knew he couldn't keep this up for long, so I began to clamp down on his cock each time he fucked forward. He gripped my waist and began to fuck in earnest, jabbing in and out. Suddenly he bit me while he made one final thrust before coming in me. He pushed me forward onto the sacks.

"You're disgusting, you fucking pervert. You loved every minute of it, you dirty fucking bastard."

He kicked me before grabbing his jeans and leaving the stockroom. I lay on the sacks for a few minutes gathering my thoughts. Suddenly I felt a hand caressing my bum and back. It was Raj.

"Thank you, Mr Joe, thank you. Now I can be yours."

My arse felt like it had been ripped in two, but I pulled him onto me and kissed him longingly. My cock began to harden and he giggled.

"Come to me soon, Raj."

"I will, Mr Joe, I will, I promise."

Part 3 - Jamal

When leaving the shop the night Shogoo virtually raped me, I had slipped Raj my card and waited impatiently for him to call. But I heard nothing. After a few days of checking the answer service, I decided to go back to the shop. Only Shogoo was there.

"Where's Raj?" I asked him.

He ignored me. I asked him again, but louder. He smirked at me.

"What's up, pervert, want another fuck?"

I felt like grabbing him by the throat, but didn't want to cause trouble in the shop. I walked up to him and whispered

"Tell me where he is, you bastard, or I'll tell your Dad about those porn films you're always hiring from Euro- XXX."

He paled a little.

"He's gone to India. He'll be back in a couple of weeks. Dad must have found out something as they had a terrible row, and he threatened to throw him out."

That was it, then. If his Dad knew, I'd probably never see Raj again. These guys kept their sons under lock and key, and Raj was too timid to defy his father. I felt really down and went off to the pub to drown my sorrows.

When I got to the Eddie, there was hardly anyone there, except Stan who never left the place and Jim the cute and queennie barman. I got a double whisky and after a second shot, mellow and tipsy, I poured my heart out to them. They both knew the shop and the boys, but Jim knew their Dad, Jamal.

Jim had been cruising the toilets on the Upper Holloway Road a few months ago, and while he was being fucked by this black postman in one of the stalls, he'd noticed this older guy peering through a hole. He and the black guy both got turned on and gave him a real show. Jim said he was sore for days after. But the interesting thing was that after the black guy had shot his load and left, the older guy came into the stall and wanted to fuck him too. Jim recognised him as Jamal and, slut that he is, bent over and let Jamal fuck him.

"Not bad, he was, for a Packie, Joe. Nice thick dick, and took his time too. Even gave me a wank. Not like your average wham bam Muslim fuck. He really seemed to enjoy hisself"

"Jim", I said, "Jamal is an Indian Hindu."

"Well I don't know nothin' `bout his qualifications, Joe, but he's got a great circumscribed cock like them Muslims, and he knows how to use it. He can do me again anytime."

That set my mind racing. If Jamal was cruising cottages, then no wonder he was angry with Raj. I leant over the bar and gave Jim a kiss.

"Thanks, Jim, you're a real goldmine."

"Ooh, Joe, my shaft's always open for your tool, any day" he replied.

I promised him I'd come and do some digging one day and set off home, a plan spinning round my head in the whisky fumes.

I had to see Jamal alone, so I rang him to ask to see him about some Council business. He told me to come to the shop the next evening.

Nervous as hell, I went to the shop. Thank God there was no sign of Shogoo. Jamal recognised me and coldly invited me upstairs to the flat.

"Why you are here?" he asked. "Sit down, I show you something".

I sat on the sofa with him and he switched on the TV. He flicked a switch and to my utter amazement there was Raj and me in the stockroom, in glorious porn colour, with a close up of me deep in Raj's hole, both of us looking like we were in heaven (which I guess we were). There must be CCTV control in the stockroom. The sight of it made my cock start to rise, even though I was doing my utmost best to keep it down. I glimpsed at Jamal, and noticed that he too was bulging under his loose trousers.

"You disgusting, Joe, you abuse my boy because he is weak in the head, and misses his dead Mum."

"Come off it, Jamal, look at his cock, look at his face. He loved every minute of it, and so did I. I want to see him again, and again. Don't you want him to be happy?"

"He will be happy when my brother in India find him wife. Then he no think of this disgusting things".

The CCTV tape was getting even hotter, and now Raj was moaning "Fuck me, sir, fuck me more."

I was getting desperate.

"What makes you think a wife will cure him of what he wants? Did it cure you?"

"He swung round and slapped me across the face, and hurled some Indian insult at me.

"Do you think I don't know about the Holloway Road toilets, Jamal?"

He got madder and grabbed me.

"Now you pay me for that" he hissed at me.

Although Jamal was small, he was very strong and he pushed me back onto the sofa, ripping my jeans open. He could see my swollen cock. I could see his.

"You like Indian sausage, Joe, now you get the real thing, not baby."

I didn't think this was a good time to remind him that his sons were in their 20s, and that Shogoo was just as big as he was.

"Now you turn over, or I send this film to your employer, and Raj never comes back from India."

I noticed that he had that bloody bottle of Palm Oil again, and thought that if this was the price of Raj, I'd do it.

I peeled off my jeans and slipped off the sofa, bending over the seat to leave my arse high, open and exposed. Jamal had taken off his shirt and trousers. Jim was right, he did have a thick cock, even bigger than Shogoo. I breathed deeply and tried to relax, while he slowly massaged some Palm oil onto his cock, and slapped my arse a few times.

This started to warm me up and I let out a moan that he heard. He slapped me again, and smeared some oil on my hole. Slowly he wiggled a finger into my chute, turning and twisting it. By now I was rock hard and beginning to leak pre-cum. Jamal had a wicked grin on his face and stuck another finger in me. This time he started to vigorously finger fuck me, pushing my stiff cock into to cushions. By now he was right up behind me. He took his hard dark cock, now with a really swollen knob, and slowly pushed it into me, until he was right in, scrapping his bushy pubes against my arse cheeks. I could feel his chest hairs on my back, and his hairy legs scrapping mine. I couldn't help myself from leaning back, and pulling him further into me, caressing his hairy arse in the process.

"Now you have man fuck, Joe, not boy fuck". I groaned in reply.

He pulled out slowly and then thrust forward, each time causing my cock to rub against the cushions. I thrust back into him to meet each push, and soon both of us were moaning and groaning and sweating. He pulled me away from the cushions so that he could grab my cock. With his oily hand, he began to wank me in time to his thrusts. God, how right Jim was, this man really knew how to fuck.

It didn't take me long to cum, but he wasn't finished. He scooped up my cum and rubbed it into my mouth so that I was forced to swallow it and lick his hand. Then he pulled out and told me to get on my back on the sofa, and pull my legs back.

He moved forward and entered me again. This time I could see how much he was enjoying it - at least as much as me. As his pace picked up, I looked over his shoulder and saw Shogoo in the doorway, naked and wet from a shower, with a towel over his shoulder. He motioned me to remain silent, and started to wank at the sight of his Dad fucking me. I concentrated on Jamal and began to clamp down on his cock each time he thrust in. He moaned louder, and I could feel his cock swelling to a climax. He let out a loud groan and I could feel him filling me with his hot juice. He must have cum five or six times that I could feel. Jesus, he must have needed that.

I glanced up, but Shogoo was gone. Jamal pulled out of me and sighed.

"OK, Joe, you better fuck than a woman. But I want grandsons."

"Don't worry, Jamal, I'm sure Shogoo will give you lots. But I must see Raj again when he comes back."

He laughed. "You mad for Raj, eh? He is so good fuck?"

I massaged his hairy chest. "He's great, Jamal, but now and again you can come round and show me how much better you are, if you like."

"You got deal, Joe. You' wait and see, I have very long shelf life."

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