London Fashions

By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on Dec 1, 2004



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2004 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail to if you have suggestions for future stories.

London Fashions



Life sucks. You grow up thinking the most important things in life are finding a man to marry and accumulate things like a nice home, creature comforts and the latest gadgets. Only to have it all come apart like a house of cards.

Helen grew up with those dreams. She had one lesbian romance while in college but dismissed it as a fling on her way to the good life. She married just a few years out of college and started her career in marketing for a fashion magazine with a wide circulation throughout Western Europe. The job requires some travel and socializing with clients and sometimes even going on photo shoots with photographers, grips, costumers and models.

The work was exciting but her home life settled into a boring relationship. When she was home for the weekends he was more interested in watching football (soccer) or cricket matches on the telly than in spending quality time with her. In the three years they were married their sex-life went from pretty good to almost nonexistent. She resented the smell of his Sailor cigarettes stinking up the apartment.

At the age of twenty-eight she was so disillusioned with married life that she asked for a separation followed by a divorce that caused her to set up her own household and rearrange her priorities. To fill the void in her life she threw herself into her work. She volunteered for as much travel as possible to get away from the apartment because it was so depressing to sit around a quiet home with nothing to do.

It was a half hour trip in heavy traffic to Oxford Street where the office of the magazine was located. She just looked for reasons to stay in town. Slowly she began noticing how attractive some of the women she associated with were. She found it necessary to avoided flirtations with any of the women in the office for fear that her developing desire would be noticed. Her sex life consisted rubbing her clit through her panties.

On one occasion Helen went on location with a photo shoot on local streets in the area with one of the better photographers under contract. It was a long day of shooting on the streets of Piccadilly and Soho. There were a couple of grips to set up lighting and a costume girl, a makeup girl and four modals on the shoot. When the shooting was over it was evening. They all went out to dinner together and someone brought up the idea to go to a fashionable nightclub for an evening of dancing.

They chose Club 29 located on Maddox Street. It was one of those places where all of the famous people make an appearance when they are in town. The photographer and three of the four models were well known enough to get our group into the place.

The photographer was gay and more interested in his grips than the girls in the group. The models were like virtual cock magnets. The men were swooping around the booth they were sitting in to get autographs and ask them to dance. A few were conceited enough to think they were going to score with one of them.

As the evening progressed Helen noticed that Rebecca was not dancing much. She was an absolutely gorgeous, tall, American girl. At the age of 24 she was probably the oldest of the models. She once had a big name in the American fashion industry and was doing more European fashion before she was too old to make it in the industry anymore. She was doing less fashion and more swimsuit issues now. Nature had endowed her with stunning breasts that defied gravity. When she did nude work there was no need for the photographer's to air- brush out strips of tape used to support her breasts like they do for most model's breasts shots.

Because she was not dancing Helen was sitting in the middle of the booth and the other ones that were dancing were sitting closer to the floor. As the evening wore on Rebecca was being shuffled until she was sitting next to Helen.

Maybe it was the wine or the music or who knows what but Helen found that this girl was turning her on. When their eyes met Helen thought that Rebecca was watching her as much as she was watching this beautiful young thing. Finally Rebecca said, "Would you like to dance with me?"

Helen felt strange being asked to dance by another woman. She looked around the dance floor and did see some other women dancing with each other. On impulse she agreed and they moved to the dance floor. The music was loud and rock so it didn't require them to touch each other. It was warm and crowded on the floor. She was noticeably perspiring before the dance ended. The next tune was a slow number and Rebecca took the lead as Helen moved with her around the floor.

Rebecca was such a tall woman, at least six feet without heels. Dancing with her was like dancing with a man. She was holding Helen's right hand in her left and her right hand was resting on Helen's left hip. The way she ground her thigh against Helen's pelvis was enough to further arouse her. She tried to pull her hips away from Rebecca's leg because she was afraid that if she kept rubbing her thigh against her vulva the front of her dress would be soiled by the secretions she knew were forming in her crotch. When the music ended Helen rushed back to the booth to sit down and recover.

Rebecca followed her and sat beside her. She asked if there was anything wrong. Helen said that she had not been dancing in a long time and she was a little winded. Helen almost jumped when Rebecca touched the back of her hand while she was gripping her cocktail glass. Helen felt strangely uncomfortable the rest of the evening.

She thought about the way Rebecca danced with her and wondered if she was just being friendly or was she making a pass at her. She knew that some of the fashion models were lesbians but she had never been propositioned by one of them. Not that Helen was unattractive.

Helen's long black hair is very full and lustrous. She wears it loose so it falls in front of her face a lot. The most she does is brush it. It hangs way down her back. The only scars she has are on her chin and on the inside of her right thigh. Both were the result of a fall off a bicycle as a child. She has green eyes with long eyelashes both of which she believes are her best features. Her mouth is wide with nice sensuous lips that are almost too large for her face. Her nose is quite small and nicely turned up. Helen looked after her figure but at 28- years old she did not have the figure of an eighteen-year-old anymore. She was modest enough to feel that if Rebecca was gay she should have been attracted to one of those teenagers at the shoot rather than hitting on her.

It bothered her for days until Helen was at meetings where future photo shoots were mapped out with the photographer's and models. Helen found it hard to look Rebecca in the eye across the table. Rebecca made no obvious move to indicate that she was attracted to Helen. Helen was about to convince herself that it had all been in her mind.

When the group went on location on the Riviera for the fashion shoot it is was exciting to be on the beach there. The beach was cluttered with beautiful people and there were "paparatize" scurrying around trying to catch famous people doing something to make it into scandal pandering papers. Nothing is more desirable for these flesh merchants than to catch a famous person in the nude with someone other than their spouse. That aside Helen was thrilled to be there; however, it was a rush shoot and they were not there long enough to get into the nightlife before they were back in London again.

Helen was becoming more and more comfortable in Rebecca's presence. The next time the magazine staff was out celebrating having put to bed another great issue they went to Stringfellows a nightclub known for lap dancing it is a place where men take their girlfriends. Helen was even drinking a little. When Rebecca asked her to dance with her she agreed happily. This time when Rebecca put her left hand on the small of her back she followed her around the dance floor. As they chatted about office gossip Rebecca's hand slipped down to grip the cheek of her bum.

Helen felt a rush of blood to her cheeks. She looked around the room to see if anyone noticed that Rebecca was kneading her ass cheek as they moved around the floor. Rebecca could not help notice the furtive glances Helen was giving the room. She whispered in her ear, "No one gives a damn what we are doing darling." Then she kissed Helen on the neck. Helen's head snapped around like an owl. Just as quickly Rebecca kissed her on the mouth as she ground her vulva against Helen's.

Helen was so confused by her feeling that she could not get off the dance floor fast enough to suit her. When they were back in the booth Helen asked, "Why did you do that? Are you deliberately trying to make a fool out of me?"

Rebecca placed her hand over the top of Helen's hands as she whispered, "I find you attractive and would like to get to know you better."

"You're kidding! There are many women her tonight that are prettier than me. Why not go after one of them?"

Rebecca gave her a hurt look. "I have no interest in childish girls. I am attracted to adult women that have enough intelligence to carry on a conversation in more than monocyclic words. "Sex is breath taking not cool," besides these girls are all anorexic. If you were to smell the breath of the three we worked with today it would all smell sour. All three of them made bee line to the bathroom as soon as we got here to stick their finger down their throats and sniff cocaine up their noses."

"You are kidding! They don't really do that?"

"Of course they did! To be high fashion models they have to starve themselves. By the time they are my age their teeth are rotten because their stomach acid has eaten away their enamel."

"Your teeth look fantastic Rebecca. What is your secret?"

"Because of my six foot frame I never had to worry much about my weight until I reached eighteen. By then my breasts were starting to eliminate me from high fashion. That is why I'm doing more swimsuit stuff. Actually I'm getting more money than ever in porn videos."

"You're kidding. How on earth can you get away with that and say in fashion."

"I remove my makeup and use wigs and work under the name Rose Gardener."

"What if someone at work sees one of your videos?"

Rebecca chuckled, "The guys shooting these fashion pictures are the same ones making the that films."

"If you don't mind my asking what kind of videos do you make?"

"The best money is in lesbian action and I love it. If you let me I would love to teach you about sex with women?"

Helen recoiled in shock, "I'm not into the lesbian life!"

"Give it a try. You might like it."

"Good god! Everyone at the office will think I'm gay the way you are flirting with me."

"Would that be terrible?"

"I...I don't know."

Rebecca placed her hand in Helen's lap and felt the heat. "I think you are as horny for me as I am for you darling."

Helen hated to admit it but she was getting wet between her legs. The itch was driving her crazy. She secretly had an urge to invite Rebecca to stick her finger into her pussy right there in public. She blushed because she was thinking about her crazy sexual desire.

Rebecca slid her hand up Helen's body and gave her breast a playful squeeze. Helen blushed again. She thought of slapping her hand away but did not want to make a scene. She just sat there looking around to see if anyone was watching.

Rebecca stood up, pulled her out of the booth and led her to the dance floor one more time. This time she held her tightly and rubbed her sensual body against Helen's. Standing over sex feet tall in heels she towered over Helen. If it were not for the rustle of silk, the smell of perfume and the fabulous breasts brushing her cheeks Helen would have felt she was in the arms of a man.

Rebecca could tell that she was turning Helen on by the way she was breathing. She stopped dancing for a moment, lifted Helen's face up and kissed her on the mouth. She parted her lips and swabbed the inside of her mouth with her tongue. The kiss left Helen weak kneed. She was torn between her desire for this woman and the desire to hide from all of the eyes she felt were staring at her.

Rebecca led her back to the table to retrieve their purses. She told the photographer and a couple of other girls that were back at the table that she was taking Helen home. All she got in response from them was "Have fun!" "Don't do anything I would do!"

"Right...As if that were possible." Rebecca retorted with an evil smile.

As the table broke up chuckling Rebecca pulled Helen towards the exit. Helen was both mortified and thrilled at the idea that this beauty was taking her home and was going to seduce her.

Rebecca hailed a cab and gave him the name of a nice hotel on the north side. Sitting in the back of the cab Rebecca continued her exploration of Helen's mouth using her tongue as an investigative tool. Helen could see the driver's face in the rear view mirror. He was watching as Rebecca pulled Helen's breasts out of her dress and sucked on one nipple while she played with the other tit. Helen could not believe she was sitting in a cab with a man watching another woman sucking on her tits.

When they arrived at the hotel she hardly acknowledged the greetings of the doorman and clerk on her way to the elevator. As the door of the elevator closed she pulled Helen into her arms and kissed her on the mouth with passion as she felt Helen's breasts. She thrust her knee between Helen's legs and ground her thigh into Helen's crotch. Helen responded by allowing her legs to relax as her vulva accepted the pleasure of being rubbed this way. She couldn't help but flash back to the times in her youth when an ardent male "dry fucked her" in the back seat of a car. They only stopped kissing when the elevator reached the floor that matched the button she had pushed.

Her pass card opened the door to accommodations that looked more like a home than a hotel. The first thing running through Helen's mind was how much this must cost per night.

Rebecca led her to a couch and asked what she would like to drink as she dropped her purse on the cocktail table. At the bar she poured them each a strong of Gin and tonic. She handed one glass to Helen as she sat down next to her with one leg crossed under her other so that she was almost sitting on it, which made her seem even taller compared to Helen.

Rebecca took a sip of her drink and placed her arm around Helen's shoulders and leaned close for another kiss. Helen responded by thrusting her own tongue against Rebecca's as the beautiful model began removing Helen's clothes.

Helen's mind was a spinning. Was this really happening? She did nothing to resist being undressed. She even sought out Rebecca's breasts. She wanted to feel those lovely things to reassure herself that the breasts were real and not implants. It did not take much effort to pull them over the top of the front of her dress. When both tits were free she quickly satisfied herself that the tits were in fact not only real but possibly the best looking pair of tits she had ever seen.

Rebecca, it turned out, was a pro when it came to undressing another woman. A surprised Helen was naked to the waist in no time. She was returning Helen's squeeze for squeeze as her young fingers fondled the flesh and tweaked the nipples of the older woman. Then she leaned over and took Helen's nipple into her mouth and sucked on it. She had to smile when she lifted her head and saw a lipstick print of her mouth was left on the areola. She was not satisfied until the other areola was similarly branded. Helen was panting frantically by this time. She sat there flipping Rebecca's nipples with her fingertips as she waited for this gorgeous lesbian to make the next move.

Rebecca stood up and offered her hand to help Helen to her feet. Then she led her to the bedroom and stood in front of her as she removed the remainder of Helen's clothing. Helen was captivated by the grandeur of the room and could not take her eyes off the mirrored wardrobe doors. She could see the entire room in the mirrors. It was like watching someone else being undressed as her body became exposed.

When Helen saw herself place her hands on Rebecca's shoulders as she stepped out her undergarments she felt like she was on display for the world to see even though there were only the two of them in the room.

When Rebecca had Helen completely naked she sat her down on the bed and began undressing herself. She moved with the grace of a cat as she shed her garments. The fact that she had been modeling from the time she was child must account for her graceful movement.

As she removed her dress she revealed a strapless bra and a half-slip. She lifted and crossed each leg in turn to remove each high heeled pump. When she removed her bra Helen was captivated once more by the sight of those beautifully formed breasts. The flesh looked so creamy and the mauve colored areolas were capped by nipples that were as large as the first joint of her little fingers.

As Rebecca pulled down her half-slip Helen was struck by how long her legs were. She rolled down her nylons and removed them from her legs. Helen couldn't believe that this woman ever had to shave her legs. They looked like they had been carved from pink marble. As tall as she was her body looked in perfect proportion.

When Rebecca rolled down her delicate knickers Helen saw for the first time not only was her vulva shave clean of any trace of pubic hair but it was adorned by the image of a single red rose with a green stem supporting the flower as if it were placed in a vase. In this case the vase was the crevasse that was her vagina. The choice of her film name was obvious now.

Rebecca stood in front of Helen with her legs spread to shoulders width. She lifted each breast and rubbed them as if she relished the freedom of them not being confined in clothing. Then she cupped her vagina with her right hand and stroked the flesh. With an impish smile on her face she placed her index and middle fingers on either side of her vulva and pressed against her flesh so that her labia were parted giving Helen a clear view of Rebecca's clitoris. Her clit was partly hooded but the head looked as large as the first joint of her own thumb. Helen found these sights to be so erotic and exciting she had difficulty controlling herself. She felt like an animal about to be devoured by a hungry tiger. She lay there as still as a deer caught in the headlights of an on rushing car. Rebecca approached the bed in a predatory move as her prey awaited its fate.

Rebecca moved Helen so that she was lying in the middle of the bed with her head resting between the two large pillows. Then she mounted the bed. She made the move to lie on top of Helen. Because of the difference in their sizes Rebecca's breasts fell below Helen's in order that their lips could be in line with each other's.

The kiss was a very passionately long one. Rebecca even sucked the air from Helen's lungs and then filled her lungs with the air from her own. It felt like Rebecca was performing CPR on Helen. She kissed Helen on her eyes, sucked on her nose and as Helen turned her head Rebecca traced the shape of the ears with the tip of her tongue. The effort tickled Helen so much that she could not keep from squirming around on the bed. There was no place she could go to escape because Rebecca was pinning her down with her body.

Rebecca gripped both of Helen's breasts with her hands and stimulated the nipples with her fingertips. Then she moved her body down Helens so that she could make love to her breasts with her mouth. She left a wet trail down her neck with her tongue as her mouth drifted toward the twin mounds. She bathed Helen's breasts with her tongue.

Helen had never had anyone make love to her breasts the way this woman did to her. Rebecca sucked on every inch of flesh of her mammary glands. She sucked on both nipples as if she was going to get milk from them, drawing the tips so far into her mouth as to cause poor Helen to cry out in pain. While she was sucking on the nipples she sought out the junction of her legs and her trunk with her right hand.

Helen had had never though about shaving her pubis. She had plucked hairs that grew outside her panty line. Rebecca was captivated by the dark tangle of pubic hair. She moved down her body until she was lying between Helen's legs so that she could hang onto her breasts while she used her mouth to bath the pubic hair. No baby's pussy had ever been cleaned as carefully as Rebecca cleaned Helen's. She sucked and licked on Helen's clitoris with loving care.

Helen lost count of the number of times she climaxes before Rebecca sat up and moved beside Helen, gathered her into her arms, kissing her on the cheek as she rested. Helen had never had anyone make love to her the way Rebecca had just done. Her college fling had never been so exciting. She felt an overwhelming desire to return the love in kind so she started kissing Rebecca's face the same way she had done to her. Her hands could not get enough of Rebecca's breasts. She envied them so much she just had to get her mouth on them. She had never felt this way about another woman's body before. She spent what seemed like an eternity sucking on her nipples and fondling the fullness of each orb. Rebecca had to stop her because her flesh was becoming red and raw.

When she was denied the pleasure of sucking on the tits she sought out the shaved pussy. She marveled at the smooth vulva and parted the labia to see where the flower tattoo ended. She went after the clit with her mouth and sucked it like a greedy baby suckling a tit for its nourishment.

Rebecca enjoyed a series of orgasms before the pleasure became more than she could bear. She pulled Helen up her body to kiss her mouth in another long kiss.

Over the course of the next few days Rebecca invited Helen to accompany her on one of her lesbian filming sets. Helen was off screen and watched her make love to another woman with a half dozen technicians watching. She felt jealous because Rebecca was making love to another woman in her presence. She wanted to rant and rave but could only show her disapproval by rejecting Rebecca's advances between takes. If she were honest with herself she would have to admit that the smell of another female on the naked body of her lover was exciting to her but she was determined not to give in to this primal feeling.

When they got home they argued for a while before Rebecca proposed, "If you don't want to watch me having sex with other women then why don't you become my partner in future films."

Helen recoiled in shock at the idea of her having sex with Rebecca or anyone else in front of other men and women while they directed her actions. She could not bring herself to agree to do such a thing. Rebecca was serious. It was going to be one or the other. She was faced with either doing what Rebecca asked or giving up her relationship with her. Oh what was she going to do?

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Next: Chapter 2

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