Lola- Encounters

By robin reed

Published on Jul 24, 2015



This is a story about sexual relationships in the mid-1970s. The behavior depicted is that of the times, not now. Be careful and be safe.

The Standard Disclaimer applies here: this story features graphic depictions of sexual activity between men. If such material is inappropriate for the jurisdiction where you live, please exit immediately.

This is a work of fiction, though I sigh when I recall how much of it is so painfully true. Names and events have been changed to protect the innocent (and guilty). This is copyrighted material and may not be used without explicit permission of the author. I don't mind if you save it to your hard drive and use the contents to enhance your own pleasure, but nothing for further dissemination without authorization.

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I'm Glad I'm a Man

This morning I was wearing a little grey sweater with silver dollars suspended from the new, larger nipple rings I installed in my piercings. I love the feeling of the weight tugging on my boobs. It feels so sexy, like they are directly connected to my cock. Amazing sensation. It is very cool when topless as well.I love being able to be exactly who I am these days, and my mind wanders down the shabby alleys of my sexual adventures in a sort of highlights reel of adventure and discovery.

So, in this particular daydream, I am remembering an off day in Hong Kong, the grand and exotic Crown Colony that merged East and West in a totally amazing melange of cultures; Chinese, of course, but all hues and complexities of an empire whose time had passed but still existed there in the gray waters of the South China Sea.

I was pub-crawling. Stops included Ned Kelly's Last Stand in Kowloon, and a place that had been featured in the James Bond epic "The Man With the Golden Gun" in 1972: The Club Bottom's Up. It had not fallen on the hard times that made it close in 2009. It still was flashing lights and disco. Back in that bygone day, customers were known for their nouveau-riche conspicuous consumption, with sometimes shady business deals done under the cover of whirling lights and lavish floor shows. And of course some of that business was prostitution.

There was an air of latent violence in the place, and one could imagine some of the businessmen at the four circular bars in the dim lights were Tong members. You felt you were in the presence of people who would do something nasty if you looked at them wrong. It was exactly as if you had slipped into one of those Cantonese movies when everything is about to explode around you. The girls would make periodic runs at the men at the bars. In those days I was pretty ecumenical about who I had sex with, but I was enjoying a Bombay Sapphire gin and tonic when a statuesque African woman- apparently a Yank, from her accent- slid onto the stool next to me and asked for a light to her cigarette.

I flipped out my Zippo and did that little move I learned where you hold the top and bottom between thumb and index finger and the lighter pops open, and then spin the wheel with a snap of the fingers of the other hand. It was a parlor track, and she smiled a thin hooker's smile as I held the lighter to her Dunhill cigarette. I was under no illusion about what she did for a living, but she intrigued me. There was something about her....tall, well muscled arms...oh, hell, I realized. She was a *guy. *

I immediately thought of the old Kink's song "Lola," which came out in 1970. I thought the lyrics were quite clever, that whole "walks like a woman, but talks like a man" thing. My heart thudded. I had always wanted to run into a trannie, and it looked like the moment was at hand. I bought her a drink, and she accepted it with grace.

"You know what the deal is here, right?" she asked. "My stage name is Amazon."

"Nice to meet you," I said, unable to speak more eloquently due to the intensity of the desire that was flooding through me. She named her price, which was significant, and said she would handle the room arrangements, and got up to talk to two Chinese guys in suits at the next circular bar.

When she returned she said it would take an hour or so to get things arranged, and that we might be sharing the room. I had been drinking the afternoon and into the evening and did not have my wits completely about me to think of what I might be getting myself into, but I did know that what sealed the dear for me was the fact that she said she liked to be on top.

Another few- and very expensive- drinks were consumed, and she looked at the little elegant watch on her wrist and announced that it was time to go.

She waved at the two Chinese guys, and one of them got up and tapped the shoulders of two young Caucasian men at the same bar. They got up and we all walked to the stairs that would take us up to street level where we found one of those black London-style cabs and went to the rear of what I assumed was a hotel.

We went in the service entrance and took the elevator up to the 7th floor. Amazon had a key to room 723, and turned the lock and the three of us followed her in. There were two queen-sized beds on one side of the room, a couch and coffee table and a door leading to the bathroom.

She asked if we wanted anything from room service, and we decided a bottle of whiskey might be nice. She told us to get comfortable and made the call in quite passable Chinese.I looked at the other two guys. They appeared to be about my age, one tall and blonde and the other about might height.

Both were Brits, out in the Colonies on business and kind of cute. They started to take their shoes, sox and shirts off, and I shrugged and did the same. We were all just in our slacks when the room service man arrived with a sharp rap on the door. If the little Chinese guy had any curiosity abut three young white men in just their trousers and a formidable African American woman in a short glittery dress and heels that made her look like six foot two, he didn't show it.

He placed the whiskey on the coffee table with a bucket of ice and some soda, and extended his hand for a tip. I gave him twenty bucks, HK, and he disappeared out the door.

Amazon then asked me to help her with her zipper, and the two other guys took off their pants. The tall guy had tight-whities that were tented up in the Y-front and the other guy was commando, and already had an erection at half staff. I had already admired a few cocks in my life, and his was nice: cut and curved and about seven inches in length. A tasty-looking piece of manhood.

Then the tighty-whities came off his pal and so did my slacks and daring bikini briefs I was wearing just in case I got lucky. Amazon was removing her bra and she was a thing of wonder. Her breasts were clearly not natural, full and circular. She was obviously very proud of them. When her hands went to the waist of her panties to tug them down, I almost gasped in amazement. When she reached between her legs she produced a massive cock, un-cut and fully eight inches in length springing from a mass of tightly coiled pubic hair. I was impressed.

She turned to the whiskey and turned on one light between the beds. I turned off the overhead light as she got us each a couple fingers of whiskey with a splash and a cube and handed them around with a devilish smile. The two other guys hugged her with one arm each, and I didn't want to be left out. The embrace and skin on skin contact was pretty amazing, and we were all exploring everything with a certain delicacy. The two Brits were soon locked in a fierce kiss, and so were Amazon and I.

Well I'm not the world's most physical guy...

But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola Well we drank champagne and danced all night Under electric candlelight She picked me up and sat me on her knee And said dear boy won't you come home with me

Well I'm not the world's most passionate guy But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my Lola La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola La-la-la-la Lola

We wound up on the bed, Amazon and me, and the Brits were in a tangle on the other with some muffled moans and the soft sound of mouths on genitals. I marveled at the feel of her breasts- they are firm, and unlike any real woman's I had felt before. I kissed that impressive cock and licked it up and down, amazed that the skin was so soft and the member so erect. She pushed my head away and roughly pushed me on my back. She said said that she was going to fuck me silly.

"Do you have something..." I murmured in apprehension. I had no idea how that huge dick was going to fit into my delicate little asshole, and I didn't want to wind up with a split sphincter, but she had me right where she wanted. I could see her white teeth in the dimness above me as she cleared her throat and spat in her hand as she probed between my legs, and inserted first one, then two and finally three fingers in my rectum. My legs were splayed wide to accommodate her, and strangely my erection ebbed. It was not a lessening of desire, it was something else, and the probing inside me was profoundly erotic.

But Lola smiled and took me by the hand And said dear boy I'm gonna make you a man

Presently, she apparently decided I was ready and moved between my wide open legs. I was total at her command as she directed the tip of her penis toward my little flower, and began to press against it, holding that massive tool to keep it aimed properly. I gasped at the invasion, and she was gentle enough to give me time to adjust to it. The saliva provided a modicum of lubrication and I gasped as the head passed my anal ring. I couldn't do it, I thought, and was going to beg her to stop when she pulled back and rocked against me, slowly burying herself inside me. It was more pain than I could handle for a moment and tears began to roll down my cheeks, but as she continued to cycle in and out a new feeling of being completely filled, totally submitting to her, began to rise as the head of that hard black cock rubbed against my prostate. Soon I was bucking against her, begging her to fuck me hard.

If the Brits were doing anything interesting in the next bed I had no idea, nor any real curiosity. My entire existence was concentrated on the sensation of that massive penis breeding me. I hugged her hard synthetic breasts to me and wrapped my legs around her to ensure that she would drive hilt-deep inside me. She had stamina, I have to tell you, but I could tell her urgency was rising and then she tensed and shuddered as she spewed her hot seed urgently into my bowels.

At length, she softened and withdrew, and we cuddled. It had been a long day, and I was exhausted from the alcohol and hosting her monster. I wrapped the fingers of my left hand around the flaccid shaft of her wonderful penis and dozed. She woke to fuck me twice more that night, and I felt very much the used tramp when she was done for the third time. That is when I slipped from her embrace and went to the bathroom to find the taller Brit in the bathtub. When I was done peeing, I sank to my knees and gave him a blowjob. I wasn't quite sure that I wanted Amazon's dick in my mouth after knowing where it had been, and I love sucking cock.

Cum dribbled out of my stretched asshole as I tongued him to completion and he shot five warm strands into my eager mouth. I was content to have semen in me, north and south.

It was a very good weekend in Hong Kong.

Well I'm not the world's most masculine man But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man And so is Lola La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola

Copyright 2015 Robin Reed. Lyrics Copyright Ray Davies 1970.

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