Logging Camp

Published on Oct 9, 2005


Logging Camp

Part 7

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

To say the effort it took to work Stan's cock into my hole was worth it is an understatement. The organ looked big, but was even bigger as it stretched my sphincter and filled my hole. I got to know it well over the next two hours. Stan was young, but he didn't have the young man's need to shoot quickly. He could take his time and enjoy the scenery.

The shaft was the width of a beer can, but unlike most really thick cocks, the head was even wider and mushroom style. The edge of the head, where it joined the shaft, was very sensitive. When he popped the head through my sphincter, he loved the way it felt. I like what the head did to my prostate.

He was a demanding lover, but not unreasonable. I knew whatever kept him hard would be good for me. After an hour of pretty much constant sex, I was close to being a limp rag doll-sex toy for him. Stan was like an oversized puppy with his favorite toy.

He shot off, but kept his cock in my ass until he was hard again. I lost it and was moaning and whimpering. At first I was embarrassed to loose it in front of all the men. Fortunately, lust is communicable disease. Sex was good at the camp anyway, but this afternoon it was great for everyone.

Stan must have learned his sexual skills from his uncles. Not only were they good tops, they were genuinely versatile and it was safe to say, they made friends quickly. They could take a cock in the ass as easily as they would slip into an available hole.

The thunder storm which had been threatening earlier arrived. It was just as violent as I expected. It was pitch black outside and buckets of rain fell for hours. The roads to the camp were more like trails than real roads. They became impassible in an inch of rain. By dinner time there had been four inches, so our visitors had to spend the night. There was no way they could get out in the storm.

What had been an afternoon of fun turned into a sex marathon broken up by dinner. Sebastian had made a good meal. The electricity went off as he served it, so we ate by candlelight. I got out a bottle of wine and served it with dinner. Many of the men had problems with booze, but I liked to treat them like adults. Skeeter didn't touch it, but the rest had a glass or two.

The storm continued. After we ate, the rain gauge said there was five inches of rain already and the storm showed no signs of abating. There would be flash flooding, but out camp was on high ground, so we were safe. We resumed the sexual play.

The action had been hot and intense before dinner. After dinner I expected things to quiet down. It was quieter but the sex was, if anything, more intense. Most of us were well lubricated and opened up. Even those who had shot off before, were ready to get back into action after dinner.

With only a few candles lighting to room, it was dim. I thought everyone at the camp was open about sex, the dim light encouraged several of the men yo be much more adventurous. Uncles Johnny, Joey and cousin Ronnie helped too. These men were sexual athletes and seemed to have the stamina of bulls in heat. They liked it all and wanted to have sex with as meany of the men as they could manage. Since they were all truly versatile, there didn't seem to be anything they wouldn't do.

I saw Dusty fucking Joey as he sixty-nined with Lon. Ronnie had gone around the room and lubricated everyone's ass, even those who didn't usually bottom. Ronnie had a good, old county boy affability about him and blunt, thick fingers.

When he came to me, I realized he went straight for the prostate. His lubrication morphed into a pretty intense finger fucking. Once he got me revved up, I wanted more. By then Ronnie had moved onto the next ass in need of lubrication, and I was left needing a cock to do what he had left unfinished.

Luther was near by, and so was Wiley. Luther worked his lolly-pop-style cock onto my ass. Wiley looked disappointed, so Luther pulled out to let him in. Once Wiley was in and pumping, Luther rear ended him and we formed a fucking trio.

As I said, everyone was turned on. Uncle Johnny took Luther and Dusty slipped into the older man's ass. It was difficult to co ordinate five men who were linked cock to ass, but somehow the managed to do it for a few minutes. We broke apart in confusion, but then resolved into pairs. When it was over, Uncle Johnny plugged my hole with his thick beer can.

"You have a really nice bunch of men here," he said. "I didn't know there were so many horny bastards outside of Wilson's Hollow."

"We get along well," I replied, "It sure beats television." He laughed. I continued, "Our reception is piss poor anyway."

"Do you mind if I take my time?" Johnny asked. "Your ass really hits the spot."

"Be my guest," I replied. "Is the sex in Wilson's Hollow like this? Horny hillbillies in heat?"

"Sort of like this, but we Wilsons aren't as pretty as you men," he said. "We've bee going at it for forty years, so we know what feels good, but it's sure nice to have some new cocks to play with. You've got a nice hole. Tight but not too tight." I squeezed my ass when he said that. Johnny appreciated the gesture.

"We've been in the Hollow for generations," Johnny continued. "Grand Daddy discovered you could fuck men and have just as much fun as fucking girls and have a lot fewer strange looking children."

"Gay sex is a birth control scheme?"

"It sure is," he said as he looked at me. "You promise not to have my babies?" I burst out laughing. When I laughed, my ass closed up and almost forced his cock out. He liked that and he rammed it in. As I laughed, my ass massaged his cock. I could feel his organ getting bigger and going deeper.

"Damn, I'm an old man, but right now my cock feels like it's eighteen again," Johnny said. He pulled out then popped is cock head through my sphincter a few times before going deep. He then stretched my legs wide open. "It feels like eighteen, but I can hold back from shooting a lot better." He pulled out again and toyed with my wide-open ass.

Uncle Joey came up to us and held me open as his brother fucked me. "You've got a pretty hole, nice and pink," Joey said. "It's fun to watch Johnny's purple, man-rammer fill it up." Johnny pulled out and held my legs open as Joey took position at my ass. His cock was slightly larger than his brother's. He pushed deep.

Eventually both men shot off. I was tired and fell asleep. Stan carried me to my bed room. I woke to find Sebastian nursing at my cock. Outside the rain had slowed to a gentle shower. I fell asleep again and woke with Stan in my bed. He worked his half hard cock into my ass and fallen asleep. I wiggled my ass and he began to firm up.

A cock is a gift that keeps on giving. Stan was a giving man. Sebastian had gone off to get breakfast ready, but Skeeter took his place at my cock. He was at my cock as Stan worked his magic. Nothing pleased Skeeter more than a hot and steamy load delivered straight from the spigot.

We had breakfast and then went out to survey the storm damage. I looked at the rain gauge and saw it was full. Lon and Buster went out and then they came back a few minutes later. The road was washed out a quarter of a mile from the camp. We got our bulldozer revved up and went out to fix the road. By noon it was fixed. There were several trees down, but they were easy to clear. Stan's Uncles and cousin were on their way by two in the afternoon.

By that evening it was clear there was damage everywhere. The storm had caused considerable damage to roads throughout the area. Scotty, my highway department friend came at 4:oo and asked if we could help with some of the clean up. He had to take care of the state roads, but there were a number of long driveways and trails that needed to be cleared.

The private roads were not our problem, but my guys were always ready to help. They hadn't been contributors to society for most of their lives, but they wanted to make amends. We went to several driveways that needed heavy equipment to fix. Scotty told me his crew was working late, and some might spend the night at the camp rather than go home. Three of four of his men lived two counties away.

That was fine with me, and I said I'd have Sebastian cook up some extra food so they could get a real meal. Scotty was 100% straight except for his liking for cock and men's tight ass holes. He had been married for twenty-five years and had four kids, but given a choice between a cunt and a man's ass, it was the ass he liked.

Scotty never said anything, but when he stayed with some of his crew at the camp, they seemed to share the same interests in man sex. He didn't ever play with his own men. He thought that would diminish him in their eyes. He sure liked my men.

Scotty also had the best gaydar of any man I ever knew. The men he brought with him were the least likely to be gay of any men I had ever seen. In spite of this they all seemed to love sex, and they liked my men.

It was dark when my men got back and Scotty with three of his men arrived. All were covered in mud, tired and hungry. They showered and I got clothes for Scotty's men. Lon put the mud caked clothes in the washing machine. Sebastian had made a hearty stew and they chowed down. Sebastian knew what men who had been working hard wanted to eat. It was both tasty and plentiful.

The shower had given everyone a chance to check out the other men. Scotty came up to me and asked who the young guys was. It was Wiley. Scotty never directly asked for man, but I knew what he wanted.

Scotty wasn't a handsome man, but he was rugged and I figured Wiley would like that. Wiley was nothing if not open minded and had no problem taking a cock. I had noticed Wiley admiring the scenery in the shower and he certainly hadn't objected to Scotty. Wiley liked uncut meat. Scotty was uncut and had a lot of excess skin. I was surprised when Scotty introduced me to the youngest of his men, a tall thin guy named Sid. He had never picked out someone for me before.

Sid was a real country boy with an accent so thick it was almost another language. I would guess he was in his twenties, but he was already balding and sported a big, bushy, handlebar mustache, so he looked older. He was a bit shy, but once we started talking about machinery he loosened up. Sid liked trucks and heavy equipment. Luther joined us in the conversation and Sid relaxed even more.

Scotty disappeared into a bed room with Wiley. The remainder of the men went to the bunk house leaving Sid, Luther and me in the living room. Sid got up to leave. "I'd better get to bed," he said. "It's been a hard day." As he straightened up, he moaned. "Damn I'm stiff."

"Sid, you are a lucky man," Luther said. "Mr. Stevens gives great massage."

"He don't need to do that," Sid replied. "I've been stiff before."

"Let's go to my bedroom and see what we can do," I said. "Luther, you come along, I'll take care of you after Sid." Luther smiled. Sid didn't object. In my bedroom, Luther stripped naked and Sid followed suit.

"Damn, you got a nice one there," Luther said, looking at Sid's equipment. Sid blushed, but Luther continued. "Nice baby maker." I expected a thin organ, but his cock was the only meaty part of the thin man,

"Never done much with it," Sid murmured. "It's just a drain."

"Hey, Sid," I said. "We're all boys here. We all know you can do a lot more with a cock than piss. It's my favorite organ."

Sid looked at me shyly. "You could say it's my favorite too," he said. "I'd had some fun with it."

"Haven't we all," I said. Luther went over to Sid and fondled his balls. Sid looked worried until I joined them. I was already half hard.

"You've got a nice one too," Sid whispered. He looked at Luther's cock. "Big knob," he said.

"It looks to me as if we have 18 to 24 inches of cock here," I said. "Let's pool our resources and see how much fun we can have? Are you game Luther? "

"I sure am," he said.

"How about you, Sid?"

"I don't know," he said.

Luther laughed. "Sid, you may not know, but your cock has already made up its mind."

Sid looked at his hard cock. "Looks like you're right about that." As he said that, Luther sank to his knees and started to suck Sid's meat.

"Damn, that's good," Sid whispered. "I've never done much, but I'd surely like to try."

When Sid said he wanted to try, he wasn't kidding. Sid had all the making of a first rate sex maniac. He was shy and unsure of himself. Sid wanted a teacher and a guide. From his point of view, I was that guide. While he was shy, he was also willing.

I got him on the bed and gave him a massage. He jumped when I touched his ass first, but he relaxed. He didn't mind when I lubricated his ass. Working a finger in, I touched his prostate and had him moaning after I gently kneaded the organ. I knew Sid was born to be bottom when he shifted positions, so his ass would be wide open. When my cock head poked at his hole, he shifted a little to make access easier.

His ass was tight, but I felt it was welcoming. Sid's cherry was ripe for picking. There was natural resistance at his sphincter, but once I popped through, it was clear sailing. As son as my cock head was on the dark side of his ass I could feel him relax. It was only a few deep thrusts before he was moaning in pleasure.

Ten minutes later I pulled out and let Luther fuck Sid. Luther and I gang fucked him for a good half hour. Sid was tired but still hard. I asked him if he wanted to top.

"It might be nice," he said. Sid had the redneck tendency to avoid direct answers. I guessed what he wanted and got on my hands and knees. Sid was well equipped, long and thin. It slipped into my ass without effort, and felt good. After a few strokes, Sid was even longer and not so thin.

While Sid straddled me, Luther rear ended him. Sid liked that a lot. It's rare when anatomy permits you to triple fuck, but we were perfectly matched. It was even more surprising when Scotty and Wiley joined us. Both of their cocks were dripping lubricant and precum.

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