Logging Camp

Published on Jun 18, 2005


Logging Camp

Part 6

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

In some ways it was an odd night. Sex at the camp tended to be hot, sweaty and intense. Luther and Lucien slowed things down to an easy pace. The pleasure was less intense but enjoyable. Wiley seemed to convert to Luther's pace. He took his time, savoring the tightness of another man's ass. He took slow, deep strokes in Dusty's hole. Dusty and I were experienced, but I saw Dusty relax and respond to Wiley.

Wiley was exploring Dusty's hole and rubbing his organ against the older man's hot spots. Luther was doing the same to me. I forgot his shaft existed and it was as if his bloated cock head had a life of its own and was playing in my ass. Luther played for a while, then would rest. I would almost fall asleep, then he would come to life again.

We traded partners a few times. Lucien's thick cock had a very different effect on me. Luther and he had a good sense about when their partner was ready to shoot. They could take you up to the edge of an orgasm, keep you there for three or four minutes, than pull you back.

Luther was particularly good at this and poor Wiley didn't know what to do. He was exhausted at the repeated trip to the edge. When Luther finally pulled out, Dusty hoisted Wiley's legs onto his shoulders and rammed him good, some of Wiley's cum actually hit the ceiling. I went into Luther's ass and rammed him hard until he popped.

Luther had a four-alarm orgasm. His ass constricted with each ejaculation, so his orgasm was good for me too. As his love tunnel grabbed my cock with each spurt, I shot off too. It was oddly intimate as his contractions generated my ejaculations.

When I was younger, I dreamed of sixty-nining with a man and having simultaneous orgasms with him. I wanted to eat a guy's cum as he ate mine. I never got the timing right. When I did shoot off, it was usually a chain reaction orgasm. The excitement of another man's orgasm can inspire your own. This was different. Luther's ass caressed my cock as he shot off and I followed.

Lucien had to get back home the next day. Luther returned to the bunk house and I noticed the men seemed more relaxed. Luther's way with a cock was a great stress reducer. Dusty told me Luther could stay hard for hours without shooting off and he was willing to help out any man who needs some deep relaxation techniques.

A few days later I got a call from Judge FitzGilbert. He had a new man for me. On Friday I went into town and met with him.

"This man may be a challenge for you, John," Bill explained. "He's a good man, but difficult."

"Booze? Drugs?" I asked.

"Neither, Stan Wilson is a handful some times," Bill replied. "He may be borderline retarded, but he's also part deaf, so I don't know exactly which is the problem."

"As I recall, the Wilson's aren't noted for producing that many brain surgeons," I said. The family was well known in the area and popular wisdom suggested the family had stayed in a single hollow for way too long. "He got in a fight, a bad one, with some guys who were abusing him. He a big man and he can inflict a lot of damage. Legally, Stan doesn't have a leg to stand on. Mrs. Elliot from the school came by and clued me in on the situation."

"That old battle ax?" I exclaimed. Mrs. Elliot taught English in Middle School and was a demanding woman.

"She said if Stan did what they said he did, he was provoked and it was justified," the Judge said. "Mrs. Elliot is a good judge of character. She says Stan got the short end of the stick from the school and his family. Neither recognized he was deaf. He deserves a second chance."

"I figure if she's willing to go to bat for him, I can do the same." Bill said. "But I have to get him out of town. He beat up Delmont Withers."

"That asshole?" I exclaimed. Delmont was a mean bastard and a bully.

"The very same," Bill replied. "When I heard it was Delmont, Mrs. Elliot's story made sense."

"Well, I'll give him a try," I said. "If just to irritate Delmont and his Daddy." Delmont was a second generation bully. I had dealt with his father when I was in school.

"How will he deal with the camp's sex life?" I asked.

"There is nothing to indicate the Wilsons have ever limited themselves sexually," the Judge said. "I wouldn't worry about that."

I met with Stan and offered him a job. He was scared and confused. He knew he had done something wrong, but wasn't sure what it was and had no idea how to get out of the predicament. He didn't have a lawyer, so it was really confused.

The trial was open and shut. Judge FitzGilbert sentenced him to two years in jail, suspended if he stayed out of trouble and remanded him to my custody. Delmont was there and cried out something like "faggot retard!" Bill took that badly and gave a lecture on the significance of the law and decorum in the court.

As I took Stan to my truck, Mrs. Elliot came up to me. She had a box of homemade cookies which she gave to Stan. "Mr. Stevens, I can't thank you enough for helping Stan. He's a good boy, but needs some friends."

"I'll do what I can," I said.

"I think his mind is fine, but he's never been trained for being deaf. His Daddy was dumb as a post, but his mother, Sally Epperson, was a good girl and smart," she explained.

"I don't know I can do much about that. I'm not trained," I said.

"Just treat him like a normal human being," she said. Mrs. Elliot had a tear in her eye. "That will be a good start."

Another man walked up to us. "Uncle Joey!" Stan exclaimed. They hugged. Uncle Joey was a big man with a white beard.

"Appreciate what you're doing," the Uncle said to me. "Stan you do what the man says," he screamed. "This gent's a good man and he's going to help you. He's a friend."

"Friend?" Stan said.

"Yes, Friend," the Uncle bellowed.

We got in the truck. Stan was eating the cookies. He offered me one. I took that as a good sign. Talking in the truck was very difficult. If he didn't see your mouth moving, he wasn't sure if you were talking. Fortunately he liked the scenery and the drive. Stan was 24 years old, more than six feet tall and massive. He had worked at the lumber yard in town, so he was muscular with dirty blond hair and pale blue eyes.

When we got to the camp, he looked happy. Most of the Wilsons lived deep in the woods and it looked like home to him. At dinner I explained to the men he was deaf, so there would be some problems talking to him. There was no problem about that. The men seemed to accept him at face value.

Showing him around the camp, I realized one reason for the men's easy acceptance. Stan wore a plaid flannel shirt and well-worn jeans. His cock had worn a spot on his pants and you could clearly see the outline of an impressive organ. He was well endowed. If the Wilson approach to sex was as open minded as the judge suggested, Stan would have a good time.

Buster and Lon hit it off with Stan. They were part of my Terrible Trio, more distinguished for brawn than quick wit. They admired beef and Stan was strong. They weren't exactly sparkling conversationalists anyway. It was difficult explaining exactly what we wanted Stan to do, but eventually he got it. Buster was patient and didn't mind taking time.

Stan fit in well and there were no problems. Two weeks after he arrived, his Uncles Johnny and Joey as well as his cousin Ronnie visited. They were all big men and it was easy to see where Stan got his size. The trio seemed uneasy at first but warmed up quickly. My arrangement with the Judge was unorthodox and they wanted to make sure Stan was safe and well cared for.

I paid Stan in cash, since he didn't have an account in a bank. Ronnie said he'd work on that. I had given Stan a pay stub showing withholding and he had an insurance card. I think they were afraid it was a slave labor camp. When the visitors saw the money, they relaxed.

"Mr. Stevens," Joey said. "I hope we haven't insulted you, but it would be easy to take advantage of a guy like Stan. The Judge said you were an upright man, but I promised Stan's mom I'd keep an eye on him. His Daddy's good for nothin' but Stan's a hard worker and he's had bad luck."

"Sometimes men make their own bad luck," I said.

"You're right about that," Johnny agreed. "Given how bad his Daddy treated him, Stan's turned out well. He kept the same job for six years, that's five years and eleven months more than his Daddy."

I laughed. "I know the type. Stan wasn't here for two days before I saw he was going to work out well," I said.

"He needs to keep away from that asshole Delmont," Joey added. "He's been calling Stan a dummy since grade school. Things just got out of hand." Ronnie had joined Stan, Buster and Lon. Stan was talking a mile a minute.

"I thought Stan was the strong silent type," I remarked to Joey.

"No, he likes to talk, as long as no one makes fun of him," Joey replied.

It was another hot and steamy summer day. I assumed a front was on the way, the air had the still feeling you have before a big set of thunderstorms hit. As usual the men were shirtless and wearing cut offs. I caught Joey looking at Dusty. Johnny seemed to like everything he saw. Ronnie stripped off his shirt as he talked to Stan.

"I was worried Stan would be lonely here," Joey said. "There are some good looking men here. Is everyone friendly?" He looked me in the eye. I knew exactly what he was asking.

"Really friendly," I answered. "No problem with loneliness either. Somehow we all manage to entertain ourselves." I checked out Joey's crotch. He was fully loaded.

Joey winked at me. "We Wilsons have found ways to help each other out in th woods," he said. "There's nothing wrong with guys using what God gave them to play with, is there?" He looked at my crotch and saw I was firming up. He cupped his basket in his paw like hands.

"Not in my book," I replied. "Stan seems kind of shy."

"Stan? Shy?" Johnny said. "Not shy at all. He's got a big one and knows how to use it."

"Come to think of it," Joey said. "I'm not sure he knows it's all right to do it with guys who aren't family. Maybe we can help your guys out some too. I wouldn't mind some recreation." We were close and I could see the outline of Joey's cock in his jeans, so I reached out and felt it.

Joey looked around. "Is it okay? Here in public?" he asked.

"We're all good friends," I said. "No need to worry at all."

"Hot damn!" Johnny exclaimed. "This visit's turning out good!" As he said that, I heard distant thunder. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, but the sun was diffused by heat generated haze. I knew it was going to be a big storm when it reached us.

We wondered over to Stan and Ronnie. Buster showed the visitors the bunk room. It wasn't air-conditioned but fans kept it comfortable. Skeeter was reading on his bed. Wiley and Dusty were playing cards at a table. Lon was sleeping. All were naked. "I guess you could say the dress code is informal here," Buster said.

"Look's sensible to me. Naked's cool and comfortable," Joey said. "Nice scenery too. I've never played cards naked before."

"Come and join us," Wiley said. "If you like gin, that is?"

"Gin's just fine with us," Joey said as he and Johnny stripped. The two old men were heavy, but well equipt. Uncut, their cock heads were covered in thick foreskin. Erect they would be impressive.

"Nice looking meat," Skeeter said as he looked up from his book.

"Not pretty, but they're still in working order," Johnny said. "The cream is thicker than it use to be, but still spurts."

"Tastes good too," Ronnie added.

"You're a man scum fancier?" Skeeter asked.

"I've taken my share. I think of it as cock caviar," Ronnie said. "You like it too?"

Skeeter nodded. "Don't worry. There's enough to go around," he said. "We could bottle it for sale, if anyone wanted to have ugly, hairy children." The men laughed at that. The afternoon settled down into a combination of card games and sex.

It was clear the Wilsons weren't virgins. I thought I was open minded and uninhibited, but they were without any hang ups at all. Wiley really hit it off with Joey. When Stan saw his uncles get naked, he relaxed. I joined him sitting with Buster and Buddy. We were all naked now.

The card game would have been strip poker, if we weren't all naked already. I got a good look at Stan. He was both young and big. Dirty block hair formed a mat in the center of his chest and at his nipples, a treasure trail connecting to his bush. The hair would fill in when he got older. He had the same thick cock as his Uncles, but he was longer. It would be a solid ten inches hard.

I gave him a massage as he chatted with Ronnie and Buster. When my hard cock rubbed his crack, he shifted to let me in. Buster squirted some lotion on my cock and I eased it into Stan's ass. He made no effort to resist. It was smooth as silk inside.

"Damn. That's pretty," Buster said. Stan moaned when I got deep. "Are you a pitcher or a catcher?" Buster asked of Ronnie.

"I can go either way," Ronnie answered. Buster squirted some lubricant on his hand and then worked it into his ass. Ronnie could take hint. Buster got on his back and spread his legs.

"It takes me some time to open up," Buster said. Ronnie coated his cock and made several thrusts. Buster resisted. This didn't bother Ronnie. He kept on making small thrusts until Buster's sphincter gave way. His eyes glazed over as Ronnie's cock hit his prostate.

Lon had been sleeping throughout the activity. He woke up when Buster moaned. Buster's balls rested on Ronnie's bush and there was full penetration.

"Damn. Have I missed something?" he asked in a groggy voice. Everyone laughed. Joey was busy with Wiley. Johnny and Dusty came over to me.

"Johnny tells me Stan likes to top," Dusty said in a whisper. "He wanted to know if anyone here was a size queen. I thought of you."

"What makes you think I'm a size queen?" I asked, a bit irritated.

Dusty laughed. "I didn't say you were a size queen, I just said, I happened to think of you." I pulled out of Stan's ass. He rolled over and his monster cock was on view. I may not be a size queen, but I do like a challenge. I coated his cock with lube and straddled him.

Stan looked worried. "Is it okay to fuck the boss man?" he asked his Uncle.

"It's fine on weekends and after six," Johnny yelled. Stan smiled. Everyone else laughed as I sat back on Stan's monster. It was a challenge, but well worth it.

Next: Chapter 7

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