Logging Camp

Published on Jun 10, 2005


Logging Camp

Part 5

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

The party was fun. Neither Wiley nor Wendell had any problems with shyness. Once the guys discovered they were into sex and weren't opposed to anal, all was well. Most of the men would both pitch and catch, but catching was a good way to break the ice. I watched Wendell as he took Dusty's cock. The White Snake slipped into Wendell's hole easily, with only a little hesitation as the bloated cock head popped through the sphincter.

Dusty was a master cock master. His cock was a well developed sensory organ devoted to giving pleasure. At first he probed to find the sensitive spots. Once he found these, you were at his mercy. Wendell was one of those strong silent types who was also exceptionally responsive sexually. He had struck me as being so uptight, no one would think to look for his sexual side.

Dusty looked and Dusty found all of Wendell's hot buttons. After a half hour of steady probing, Dusty had Wendell on his hands and knees taking it doggy style. He also found the police man had sensitive tits and he was playing with them as he rhythmically pumped. When Wendell began to growl, Skeeter slipped underneath him and was able to take Wendell's entire load.

From his reaction, I could tell Wendell had one of those cocks that became ultra sensitive during an orgasm. He shook and shivered as he unloaded in Skeeter's mouth. Dusty didn't pull out until after the last twitch.

Wendell was like a kid with a new toy. In this case the new toy was deep in his ass, but Wendell was giving it a workout. I'd have been out of commission for a good hour after an orgasm like Wendell's, but he was ready to go again in ten minutes. There was a lot of pent up sexual frustration in Wendell's psyche. Just one orgasm wasn't close to being enough.

Wendell played with Lon and Buster next. They appreciated the attention for the young man. They had a good time fucking. The two men took turns fucking Wendell until he got hard, then Wendell turned the tables and fucked them.

Forty-five minutes later, Wendell was in Dusty's ass. That was a rarity, since Dusty usually topped. Dusty was being nice to the new comer. Usually Dusty was just being polite when he took a cock. I could tell he was enjoying Wendell's. The next time I saw Dusty, Wiley was pounding him. Wiley's nick name, Foot Long, was well deserved. Wiley liked deep strokes and I watched as the entire organ vanished into Dusty's ass. Dusty looked happy about that too.

I'm not sure I had ever seen men go from being ass virgins into slut pigs in such a short time. Both Wiley and Wendell made the transition in record time. Not only did they enjoy it, they opened up to all comers.

Usually our parties last well into the night, but the exertion of the rescue left everyone tired. I was in bed by 10:30. Wendell was in bed with me.

That should have been a recipe for lust, but I fell asleep before I had a chance to play. When I woke, Wiley was in bed with us. Apparently he and Wendell had been at it for an hour, but had been so quiet and calm about it, they didn't wake me. Wendell had to go home early the next morning, so he left just after dawn. He did give me a heartfelt thank you. After breakfast I went to examine the truck. The log carriage broke in half. The supports were welded together at the midpoint and the welds failed. It was odd, since there was no reason for the support to be anything but a single piece.

I went back to the house and decided to call the manufacturer on Monday. The rest of the day was lazy and restful. Wiley looked happy. He was one of the guys now. He was also accepted by older men. That went a long way to helping him resolve his problems with his father.

In the middle of the week we had an unexpected visitor. All visitors at the camp were unexpected one way or another. You couldn't drop in at the camp by accident. We were a long way from anywhere. The car was an old Volvo wagon and I recognized it as belonging to my old friend Lucien Drake. We had gone to school together and we kept in touch.

He was with another man. I didn't recognize him, but I saw all the signs of a wasted life. Lucien came up to me and introduced his companion, "John, this is Luther Bowman, we were in the army together."

I said hello. Luther was like a mistreated puppy. When I tried to shake hands, he flinched. His eyes were firmly fixed on the ground. "Luther and I were best buddies in Nam," Lucien continued. "He had some bad times recently, I was hoping you could give him a place to stay until he gets his bearings back." Luther looked a good twenty years older than Lucien. He was hunched over and had a massive and unkept white beard. He was scrawny, and his clothes were ragged and dirty.

Lucien was an old friend and I knew he must have been desperate. He taught school in East Mountain and was the football coach. Lucien was a generous man and I knew he would have helped Luther if he could.

"It's awfully quiet out here," I said. "It's hard work too."

"Quiet is just what Luther needs. A little thinking time will be good for him," Lucian said.

"I haven't worked in a while," Luther said in a deep, raspy voice. "I can learn. I look like something the cat dragged in, but I'm a good worker." He looked up at me for a second and I saw two pale blue eyes looking out at me between the tangle of his beard, mustache and eyebrows. Sebastian saw us talking and came over.

"Luther can stay here a while," I said. "We can always use another hand. Sebastian, why don't you take him to the beauty parlor and see what you can do?"

Sebastian laughed. "Senor, you want my special beauty make over?" he asked. Sebastian had been a barber at one time and liked a challenge.

"Luther's a bit light in the luggage department," Lucien said. "I'll leave some money for clothes."

"Don't worry about that," I said. "He about the size of several of the guys here," I said as Sebastian led Luther away. When they were out of earshot, Lucian gave me the low down. They had been best buddies in Nam. While they had kept in touch for a while after getting out of the service, they had lost touch.

Luther had become homeless after a bad divorce and losing his job. A bunch of toughs in Richmond beat him up and almost killed him. A Social worker assigned to his case got Luther to recall some names from his past. Lucien Drake of East Mountain Virginia was the only person he could find in directory assistance.

"Of course I got him right away. Luther's easy to have around the house, but it's hard on Eleanor," Lucien explained. "She doesn't know how close we really were. You can get my drift?" I said yes. Lucien was devoted to his wife, but took a trip on the wild side from time to time. "He needs a place where he can relax." We had been talking for a half hour, when Sebastian returned with Luther.

Sebastian had worked his magic and had transformed Luther into a distinguished looking man. Lucian was astonished. "So that's what you look like?" Lucian exclaimed. "Damn, I didn't realize you were still handsome!"

Luther was so happy he glowed. He still had a bushy beard and mustache, but it was shaped and combed, so he looked like a dapper combination of Santa and Grizzly Adams. He wasn't wild anymore, but he was bland either. I hadn't realized a handsome man lurked in the shaggy form of a homeless man. I don't think Luther realized it was still there either. He actually made eye contact with Lucien.

I asked Lucien to stay for dinner, but he had to go. Luther went with Sebastian to help make dinner. I went to the bunk house to see what I could scrounge up for clothes. At dinner, I realized Luther was shy and uncomfortable with strangers. The man had been through a lot and it would take a while for him to be comfortable.

Wiley took a shine to him. I suspected Wiley was the kind of man who would take in a stray puppy. Luther had the puppy-like trait of being desperate for love and a home, but frightened and skittish. Wiley must have realized that and he took his time. Two days later, Luther wasn't talking to Wiley, but he did hang around the young man.

I didn't tell any of the men Luther's story, but they sensed he had an unhappy history. Luther was over six feet tall, but he was weak and in poor condition. He had been a truck driver at some time in his past and it only took a day or two to find he was good with machines. He could drive a truck and fork lift, but even better, he knew how to fix them.

Luther was a tinkerer. He would sit and work on a broken chain saw for an hour or two and be happy as a lark. He would soon have it working like new. At any logging camp there was a room filled with broken and damaged equipment. Luther saw the room and was like a boy going into a toy store. He fixed what could be fixed and then disassembled the remainder for parts.

He relaxed and began to fit in with the rest of the men. Through Wiley he got to know Dusty. Luther seemed to gravitate toward the quieter men. Skeeter and Lon could get pretty loud and like to joke around, but they were careful with Luther.

It was mid summer and we were in a period of continuous good weather. A hurricane of two years earlier had downed thousands of trees. We were trying to remove as much as we could to both reduce the fire hazzard and harvest the toppled old growth trees. We put in ten to twelve hours of logging, ate dinner and went to bed.

This schedule was hard on Luther. He kept up with us putting time in logging and then working on repairs for several hours a night. Ten minutes after dinner he was sound asleep. He slept like a log, dead to the world. After a month of this he was stronger and looked much better. Hard work and Sebastian's cooking worked wonders. His pallid skin was tanned and Luther looked healthy.

Lucien called me several times to check up on his friend. He was both pleased and relieved. He had asked me to do a favor for him and he was glad it turned out well. Lucien dropped in a month or so later to see Luther. It turned out to be a rainy weekend, so we had no work to do and all the men were hanging out.

Lucien's wife was away for the weekend. I think he was planning to take Luther away with him to a motel, but when he saw my crew assembled for the first time, he decided to stick around. It was a hot day with a humid, sticky rain. Most of my men were shirtless and in cut off shorts. Most of them didn't wear underwear. Lucien liked what he saw.

Lucien was a solid man, but not fat. He had a small mustache and the remains of a flat top. You could tell he had been a Marine and everyone soon knew he was a coach. Since it was hot, he stripped off his shirt exposing his furry chest. Things had been quiet at the camp sexually, but there may have been more going on than I knew.

Several men went to the bunk house. That left Luther, Wiley, Dusty, Lucien and me in the house. The conversation turned to shower rooms and Lucien volunteered he like the big gang showers of the gym more than residential type. With that information we trooped off to the shower room. It was hot, so there was an excuse to get cool.

When Lucien stripped down, it was a sign for action to start. I had played with Lucien when we were younger and I knew he wasn't shy. Luther was new to the group. But that didn't seem to be a problem. Wiley wanted Luther and Dusty was interested in Lucien. The shower gave us time to check each other out.

I hadn't seen Lucien naked in a long while. He had a compact muscular body and genitals to match. He was a leaker. Lucien's thick, uncut cock was already drooling precum. He had big balls, held tight to the body. They must have been working overtime.

Luther had looked scrawny when he came to the camp. Now I guess you could say he was recovering scrawny, but by no stretch of the imagination was he buffed. A dusting of hair covered his chest and a treasure tail lead to his bush. His low hangers were clearly outlined in his ball sack. His cock head was the same size as his balls, but there didn't seem to be any shaft. I had only seen him soft, but when Wiley began to get hard, Luther began to grow. The shaft began to grow and kept on growing. Luther had what an old friend of mine used to call an all day sucker.

Wiley was watching it grow. For a second he glanced at me. I knew he had a plan. The gland at the end of Luther's cock would soon meet the small gland in Wiley's ass. I knew Lucien well enough to guess he had similar plans for Wiley's White Snake. I was the odd man out, but not for long. Lucien dropped the soap and Luther shoved his finger into the open ass.

"I take it, you guys have met?" Dusty asked in his deep, gravely voice.

"It's not our first time," Luther replied. "We had some good times when we were in the army."

"We're open minded here at the logging camp," I said. Two hours later I knew just how open minded Luther and Lucien were. My Grandmother always told me that everyone is good for something. Luther was shy, but once he got over that he was a genuine 100% sex maniac with incredible stamina.

Once Luther got hard, he stayed hard. He wasn't much good in the sprints, but for a marathon he was a wonder. He was genuinely versatile and liked being fucked as much as he liked fucking. He stayed hard for hours. It was hard for him to shoot off, and when he popped, he was ready to go again in ten minutes. He had a teenager's balls that almost instantly recharged.

Luther possessed the perfect recreational cock. Once the head was in then it was pure pleasure. His thin shaft didn't stretch the sphincter, but the big head could give your prostate a real workout. After a half hour of CPR on Wiley's prostate the boy had turned to jelly. "It's a sex organ, not a punching bag," Wiley moaned as he begged Luther to stop. Luther and Wiley traded places and Luther proved he could take what he dished out.

While he was topping, Luther was impassive concentration on his work. He relaxed as Wiley cock entered his ass. I was close by and lubricated Luther before Wiley opened him up. When my finger touched his ass, Luther relaxed and opened his hole to my probing finger. 90% of men tense up and try to keep the invader out. Luther toyed with my finger, squeezing it once it was in, them opening again when my finger caressed his nut.

When Wiley eased his lubricated glistening cock into his ass, Luther's ass lips opened. I could see him opening his ass for the young man. Wiley tended to be an aggressive top, but he felt Luther's invitation and he let the ass swallow his cock. Wiley's cock head was pink-rose colored and looked like a ripe strawberry being devoured by Luther's ass. While this was going on, Lucien was getting acquainted with the White Snake.

Next: Chapter 6

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