Logging Camp

Published on Apr 13, 2005


Logging Camp

Part 4

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

A few days later Dusty told me that all was well. "The old White Snake worked its magic." he said. "It fit like a glove."

"Wiley liked it?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't think Wiley knew he had a sex organ in his ass," Dusty said. "He knows now. It took some work to get the knob in, but once it was in where the sun never shines, all was good. Wiley gave up."

"What do you mean, gave up?"

"Wiley's one of those guys who holds back," Dusty replied. "He likes man sex, but is afraid to admit how much he likes it. When the White Snake touched his nut, he forgot all about that."

"He didn't expect the attack from the rear?"

"As I said, he didn't know there was anything in the rear to attack," Dusty said with a broad smile. "Damn, I loved it when he lost his cool. Maybe we could have a little celebration tonight and welcome him to the Brotherhood?"

"Do you think any of the other men would like to play with Wiley?" I asked.

Dusty burst out laughing. "Everybody wants to play with Wiley." We decided to have a party later in the week. The men had Saturday and Sunday off, but I liked to create a diversion to keep them at camp. At least at the camp I had control over the diversions. Cock play could be a mighty fine alternative to booze.

Thursday night I got a call from Wendell. "Mr. Stevens, I don't know if you remember me, I'm Wendell Smith. I'm the deputy you met last week," he said.

"Of course I remember you," I said.

"I was going to be in your neck of the woods this weekend and wondered if you might . . . help me out?" he asked.

"No one's more helpful than I am," I said.

"This sounds stupid, and if I'm out of line just tell me," he continued. "I'm not very experienced, but . . ."

I interrupted him, "Wendell as far as I could tell, you're a fast learner. You have nothing to worry about in that department."

"I'm afraid of getting fucked," Wendell said. "The Sheriff wants to fuck me and I said I'd do it. I'm afraid it won't turn out well. I just don't know. I was thinking maybe you could give me a lesson?"

"You want me to open you up?"

"If you could. At least I'd know what to expect," Wendell said quietly.

"Some men like to pop virgins," I said. "The Sheriff might be disappointed."

"There's no way he could tell, is there?" he asked.

I laughed. "You're right about that. I need to tell you one or two things. I do like being the first. It's exciting to introduce a man to something new. Unfortunately, I can't stop and once we get going, I'm going to fuck you. You can't change your mind," I said.

"That's fine with me. I'm a big boy."

"I figured that. There's one more problem," I said. "It may be an opportunity, which depends on your point of view. The boys and I were going to have a little party this Saturday. Let's just say they all share our sexual interests. If you'd like to join us, you'd be welcomed."

"What kind of a party is it?"

"A sex party, pure and simple," I replied. "Maybe not that pure. Everyone there is with the program."

"I don't know if I could do that."

"Get here in the late afternoon. We can have dinner and work things out," I said. After giving him the directions to the logging camp I hung up. There was a fifty-fifty chance he'd come, I guessed.

Wendell drove up at 4:00 in the afternoon Saturday. He dressed in civies and drove a high-powered Dodge of some sort. I was on the porch talking with Sebastian. I introduced him to the cook and we chatted for a while. After two or three minutes Dusty and Skeeter wandered over and joined us.

I thought Wendell was a good-looking man. From the look in Skeeter's eye, I saw he saw Wendell as much more than good-looking. Wendell had a well-built Marine-type body and haircut. My men tended toward the shaggy, but they didn't mind well groomed, or if they did, they were willing to make an exception for Wendell.

We were an affable group and use to each others likes and desires. The addition of Wendell and Wiley to our happy band excited the men. No matter how happy and satisfied you are, the prospect of a new sexual playmate always excites you. The unpredictable nature of sex is at the core of this excitement.

Sex is the ultimate crap shoot. No mater how experienced you are, or how well defined your desires, you never know until you try it. I've always been amused at the personal ads which list specific and detailed qualifications and requirements for a partner. "Wanted, Young, muscular, blond and hung male. Must be Methodist, double jointed, have a PhD in Comparative Linguistics, collect Chinese Porcelains and be independently wealthy."

Sometimes your brain gets in the way of your cock's common sense. Your cock can't tell if a guy is into Chinese Porcelains. I have my own likes. Masculine, older men tend to turn me on, but I don't pass up younger men. I've had a few run ins with flaming queens and had a really good time.

I was hot to trot with Wendell when we heard a loud crash. Lon ran up to us. "The truck broke!" he yelled, "Skeeter's trapped." I had no idea what he meant by "the truck broke" comment, but we ran to the side yard where we kept the logging trucks.

I had never seen anything like it. The body of the truck broke in half, dumping the load on the ground. Skeeter was under the remains of the truck. I didn't know what to do. Wendell took charge. He had been an EMT before becoming a cop and quickly assessed the problem. The Rescue Squad was on the way, but it would take them a good half hour to get to us.

Fortunately, Skeeter was clear headed too. He was pinned, but not hurt. The ground was muddy and when the logs rolled out, the forced him into the mud.

As the logs rested on the mud, they began to settle. Skeeter could be crushed.

At the logging camp we had all the heavy equipment you could wish and a full crew of strong men. Wendell figured out how to move the logs and which logs need to be moved first. He and the men began to remove the logs one by one. Wiley, Sebastian and I dug a trench under the truck to get to Skeeter, in case the log moving went too slowly.

Sebastian was the smallest man in the camp and he fit under the truck easily. He and Wiley did the digging. I hauled the excavated dirt out of the way. Sebastian was a cook, not a laborer but he and Wiley were Energizer Bunnies and I had a hard time keeping up with them. The wet dirt was thick and heavy. I got Lon to help with lugging the mud away. In retrospect, I don't know how they did it.

Wiley got to Skeeter in fifteen minutes. He and Sebastian pulled Skeeter out seconds before we heard a snapping sound and another piece of the truck collapsed. Skeeter seemed okay. The Rescue Squad arrived as we got him out. Remarkably, he was fine. Nothing was broken. The mud had saved him from being crushed.

I hadn't had any idea how to introduce Wendell to the men. That wasn't necessary anymore. Wendell was young, but he was a natural leader of men. My men liked that. They also liked a man who could pitch in when needed. Wendell wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. After the Rescue Squad gave Skeeter a check up and pronounced him fine, they left.

We were all in high spirits as we returned to the house. Most of us looked like creatures from a second rate horror movie. Wiley, Sebastian and I as well as Skeeter looked like mud coated mummies. Wendell and Lon were close behind. For once the rest of the men were cleaner.

For once the men hosed me down in the garden. Usually I did the hosing. The adrenalin rush of the rescue was still in full effect. The men were more than high spirited. We stripped and got the mud off in the garden then went to the showers. No one knew about Wendell other than me, but Wendell fit in well. He showered between Wiley and Dusty. Wiley got half hard. In truth, Wiley's normal state was half hard, but Wendell didn't know that.

Wendell threw a hard. He blushed then looked around the shower. Everyone was a least at half mast. Wendell smiled. He understood the lay of the land. The men crowded the shower room and no one was too careful about bumping the man next to him.

Skeeter kicked things up a notch when he dropped to his knees and sucked Wendell's cock. It was a thank you suck. Skeeter was a master cock sucker and I think Wendell liked it so much he forgot to be embarrassed. Once Skeeter started sucking, everyone else followed suit. Dusty took care of Wiley and I sucked Sebastian.

The diminutive Mexican tended to get lost in my collection of burly bears. He worked in the house when the other men were in the woods. His schedule was different from theirs. He wasn't use to heavy physical labor and I was sure he would be sore when he woke tomorrow. He deserved some heavy duty relaxation.

The men joked, Sebastian's cock was his biggest organ. The men christened his cock the Conquistador. It was seven thick inches, uncut and with a big mushroom head. Even hard, his foreskin covered half the bloated knob. The cock was a mouthful, but Sebastian was ripe and he was already oozing.

The men called his cock jelly Montezuma's Reward. It was thick, plentiful and sweet. Once he got going, it flowed. There was no need to coax it out of his balls. It drooled in a steady stream. While the pre cum was abundant, it was hard to get Sebastian to drain his big balls. When he finally popped, it was a flood.

Sebastian liked to suck, but he was uneasy when I sucked him. He wasn't any too sure if it were right for the boss man to be sucking his cock. While he had no problem sucking me, he didn't think it was seemly to have me nursing on his meat. Today he didn't have a problem and he soon filled my mouth with his cream.

Not only did Sebastian shoot off, he moaned, twitched and cried as the thick man seed spurted from his organ. It was quite a show and all enjoyed it. When was done I got up, turned him around and shoved my cock into his ass. Sebastian loved that. Wendell watched. His cock twitched and a glob of cum dripped from the slit. Wendell liked what he was watching.

The shower room was packed solidly with men and everyone was excited. Wiley sucked Dusty while Buddy worked on his cock. Lon, Buster and Max were involved somehow, but it was hard to tell which arm or leg belonged to whom.

I shot off first. Sebastian's ass was too tight and warm for me to hold out for long. I heard Buster bellow and that seemed to set a chain reaction of orgasms. It was a good way for the men to blow off steam. Briefly, man seed filled the air, some splattered on my back.

Sex in the shower is good. It's refreshing and neat. There's no need to clean up afterward. Since this was going to be a party after dinner, I told the men not to bother getting dressed. We went to the house. Buster and Skeeter went with Sebastian to help him cook. He was behind schedule and needed help. The Mexican's digging had elevated him in the men's eyes.

The day was hot and steamy now. We sat on the side porch, talking and resting. This part of the porch was screened, but I spayed the area with insecticide. Ticks were a big problem here and creepy crawlies don't promote lust.

The afternoon became sleepy as the adrenalin rush subsided and the shower room orgasms took a toll. I went to my bedroom to nap. Wendell followed me. At first I though I was too sleepy to fuck again, but having a young, muscular man in bed with me changed that. Wendell was a good kid and nature took its course.

I was slow and easy. He opened up. It took some time for my cock head to penetrate his sphincter, but Wendell was a good sport. He was a believer in the Marine, no pain no gain school of thought. Once I popped through the ring, all was well. I must have been two or three inches in his love tunnel when I made a direct hit on his prostate.

It had been a tight fit until it hit the pleasure nut. As my cock head rammed it, Wendell lost all ability to resist. He had shot off in the shower room, but he came again after only a few thrusts. I tend to lose my interest in sex just after I shoot off, but Wendell didn't have that problem. He continued to moan and twitch as I deep dicked him. I was getting close when the dinner bell rang.

Dinner was good. Poor Sebastian was beginning to get sore, but he had made a fine dinner and the men enjoyed it. In honor of the rescue I got out some wine and we had that with dinner. I had some good wine glasses left to me by my folks. It was a special occasion. After dinner, I offered to clean up the dishes. Lon volunteered to help. The rest of the men went to the living room and talked. By the time we were done with the dishes, the festivities were well underway in the living room.

Next: Chapter 5

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