Logan Finds His Best Friend and His Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 15, 2021


logan was drifting in and out of sleep when he heard Rod's footsteps on the stairway leading down to the dungeon. Rod had a very deliberate, heavy step. His feet weren't all that big, but they were wide, and very heavy feeling. At least that's what logan remembered from the time Rod had crushed his balls by stepping on them. He looked up and around the dungeon. rene wasn't in the opposing cage. logan must have been asleep when his Dom came and took him. He didn't know if his mind were playing tricks on him, but he thought he heard someone screaming from a room not that far away: could that be rene, being tortured by his Dom? Was he next?

Rod was still head to foot in leather, but he had changed to a different outfit: he still had the cap, but he was wearing a snap, short sleeve leather shirt and chaps. He didn't have on the vest, so logan couldn't stare at his chest, and imagine resting his head against it. He saw the crop whip in Rod's hand.

"You learn any lessons down here last night, logan?" logan pulled at the contraption holding his wrists to his neck. He muttered "yes sir." "Tell me what you learned." "I did the wrong thing Sir. I let you down, I let Kim down, but I let myself down more. I have two people who really love me, and..." he began to cry. "I came very close to losing both of them. Because I wanted something else." The answer puzzled Rod. It was not quite what he expected. "What did you want that you weren't getting from Kim and I?" logan hesitated before he answered. "I wish I knew Sir. I don't. " Rod sighed. "Well, here's the deal with me. You'll have to make your peace with Kim on your own. With me: that was your last strike. NOW, I find out that you spend time at that bar, we're done. PERIOD. If I hear you spend time at ANY bar, unless I'm with you, we're done. You surrendered to ME. Now, you belong to me. And my property doesn't go off on its own, looking for its own fun. "I understand Sir." Rod unlocked the cell door. He went in and unlocked the restraint holding logan's wrists up to his neck. Then he moved his wrists behind logan's back and bound them. He smiled when he saw logan still had his slave collar on. "THAT should remind you every day, logan. Someone owns you." "Yes sir. It does." "Now, we've got to finish up your punishment, and then... then we're gonna be getting back home. " He yanked logan off to another room. There was an "X" cross in the middle of the room. "Up against it, logan bitch. Your ass facing me. " "GULP. Yes sir." Rod secured logan's wrists, and then his ankles. "Now, I'm not much of a fan of whips, but they get the job done." logan heard the 'swoosh' through the air, and then he felt it come down on his back. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG" . It was painful. Very painful. And the lashes continued. He began to go numb after the fifth one, but numb with pain. Rod continued until he had done 20. "Nice job, if I do say so myself. I didn't break the skin, but.... " He ran a finger up logan's back, and logan screamed. "It's gonna be like the worst sunburn you could imagine for a few weeks.

logan was trying to recover from the whipping, when he felt a spreader gag being shoved into his mouth. "These hurt a little. I don't like to use them for that reason, but...." logan felt Rod's fingers moving up and down on the space between his two ass cheeks. "Sometimes, you need a little something more to keep you in place. " "GAAVAVAAMAGA" came out of logan's mouth. He couldn't see, but he heard Rod's zipper go down. He felt Rod smacking his ass crack with his cock head. "You know, it's been what, at least 2 days since I had your ass. That's the longest I can remember since I came back. " He reached around and grabbed logan's nipples. "YOU WANT COCK BITCH ?" logan was panting heavily as he shook his head yes. He heard Rod laugh and then he heard a tell tale jingle: nipple clamps. Rod was wearing black leather gloves, and they ran up and down on logan's abused nipples, before he attached them. These were wicked. They hurt much more than the ones Rod normally used. logan squirmed, trying to find some relief. "You're not going anywhere, CUNT. Now, take my cock. When I'm done fucking you, I'll take the clamps off." Since he was being punished, logan got ALL of Rod's cock, ALL at once. No lube, no resting, nothing. ALL at once. it was like a poker being shoved up his ass. "THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD" He thought to himself, as Rod piledrive fucked him. He would pull out, and repeat it, and repeat it again, until the muscle tone in logan's ass began to fail. Then, one, then two then three of the gloved fingers went into logan's ass, and lofN whimpered even louder: Rod had never used his fingers AFTER a fucking. The sensation of the leather, and the mass of his fingers after his ass had been ravaged, was almost more than he could take.

"LICK THEM" he heard Rod order, as he felt those same fingers being thrust into his mouth. "I SAID LICK THEM CUNT" Rod yelled, and logan started moving his tongue up and down over the fingers that had just been in his ass. He felt, well, humiliated, and used. Rod pulled his fingers out of logan's mouth, and grabbed a big hank of his hair, as he pulled logan's head back. "LISTEN UP FUCKTOI. WE'RE GONNA BE LEAVING. AND THEN KIM AND I ARE GOING TO DISCUSS YOUR FUTURE. BETTER HOPE WE'RE BOTH IN GOOD MOODS." Rod took him down from the cross. He pointed to a room to the side. "That's the shower. USE IT. Don't take too long." When logan came out of the shower, Rod tossed him some clothes. "GET DRESSED. " He laughed. "Leading you home buck naked would serve you right, but I'm not ready for that. logan squeezed into the white shirt, and the black jeans. He wondered how he had gained so much weight: the clothes were tight, and he could barely get the buttons closed. "GOOD. They look perfect. New sizes for ya bitch boi. The way Kim and I like ya dressed. Your choices don't matter anymore." "Yes sir," was all that logan could muster. He wanted to be angry and he wanted to fight. He had nothing left. Rod had totally mastered him. "Hands behind your back." Again, logan answered "yes sir," as he felt the bonds going around his wrists. "Wet rawhide," Rod laughed. "You better hope we don't run into too much traffic. They were silent for about the first 2/3 of the trip home. Then, when they were stopped at a red light, Rod reached over and stroked the inside of logan's left thigh. "Keeping you in line is SO FUCKING HOT stud. Problem is, no one's done enough of it. Your life is gonna change there, beast." Kim was waiting in her car as they got to Rod's house. Rod pulled logan out, and Kim was standing there, in sunglasses, with her arms folded. "Hey Kim," logan muttered, and got a SMACK across his face from her. "DID ROD GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK, WORM? I DON'T THINK SO. YOU WAIT FOR PERMISSION NEXT TIME. AND I'M MISTRESS KIM FROM NOW ON." Rod tightened his grip on logan's bicep. "You heard the lady. Let's go." In the house, logan found himself put into a chair, and then had a huge cloth gag tied over his lips. He had nothing to say about things, as Rod and Kim discussed his future. "I'm assuming you don't want to divorce him," Rod asked her. "FUCK NO. For a lot of reasons, one of which is the kids. But we gotta figure out something. It's clear: he doesn't want pussy anymore. He wants cock. Nothing but cock." She turned to logan. "IS THAT RIGHT, BOTTOM BOI?" logan blushed red because he knew Kim was right. Meekly, he shook his head yes. "Well, for whatever reasons you have, Rod, and I sure as shit don't understand them, you want him. So you can have him. He sleeps here from now on. Every night. " She smiled. "Damn, I've been wanting a break from pretending that I was interested, or pretending that I didn't know he was thinking about someone else. Someone with a HORSE COCK." She couldn't see logan's face, and neither could Rod. Had they seen it, they would have seen a smile: this is EXACTLY what logan wanted: he wanted to be in Rod's bed, serving him. He wanted his family, but sex with Rod. Now Rod stood up. "Ok, yeah, you're right Kim. I DO want him. I think he's going to make the perfect sub bitch. Big. Strong. Trashy. And totally under my thumb." "MMMMMMMMMMMPH." logan was trying to agree. "I think he has to explain to the kids what's happening. At least a little bit. After that's done, we can pack his shit up. " "DONE. I'll call you when their talk is finished."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Kids, daddy has to tell you something." Kim announced to the kids, who were in the living room, both playing video games on the ipads. "Can we go to the library kids? " logan said. His son looked up. The library usually meant one of them were in trouble, but the way mom was looking at dad, it seemed HE was the one in trouble. "Ok dad," his younger kid, his daughter, said. "C'mon dumbass. Let's go wait for dad." She poked her brother and they went off. Kim looked at her husband. "You're not rid of me, that's for sure logan. I might decide I want you back for something, but if I do, it's only gonna be family functions. " She paused. "You know, when I got married to you, some of my girlfriends wanted to know why I was marrying a closet case. I knew the stories, I guessed they were right... But you asked, and you were, and are , one fine looking piece of man. I can see why Rod likes you. I like you too. I just don't have a cock, and I have no interest in doing what he did to you yesterday night." logan looked up. She knew? "I watched most of it on my phone. It was good to see you punished. Didn't get me excited though. Different strokes..." He went off to the library. "Kids, listen. Daddy has to tell you something. I'm gonna be sleeping in a different house from now on." "Oh, at Guncle Rod's?" his son asked, without looking up from his screen. "Uh, yeah. GUNCLE?" His daughter sighed in frustration. "DAD! A guncle isn't a real uncle. He's a gay guy who you THINK of as your uncle because of how he treats you and because you like him." "You guy like Rod?" "LIKE HIM? Dad, he makes mom smile. You know that night you had to work late? He came over and they danced to her records for about two hours. She had so much fun." "He makes me smile too kids?" His son laughed. "Does he dance with you?" "Hmmm, son, we haven't done that, but I guess if he wanted to, we will." "Well, take pictures if you dance." "You'll be back for Christmas, right Dad?" his daughter asked. "Of course. And we're right down the road. You can come over any time you want. I asked Guncle Rod. He said you could." "Ok, that's fine. By the way Dad, he's a better cook than mom too. He made dinner that night. That fried chicken was GOOOOOOOOD." And then they were done. They left the library, and Kim was there with a suitcase. "Rod gave me a list of what he wanted you bringing. I packed it up. He should be by in about fifteen minutes. " "Are you good with this Kim?" She laughed. "I have no idea if I'm good with it. I don't know why you're asking. You didn't ask me if I were good with you getting gang banged at that grease dump, or some of the other shit you did. Who knows? At least Rod is classy. Not like the shit you used to sleep with." The doorbell rang. Kim got it and it was Rod, standing there in a short sleeved shirt, a pair of light khakis and wearing a spring windbreaker: he looked like a typical suburban father. "Ya ready logey?" He smiled. logan looked down, trying not to smile. "Yes sir." "Then let's go." logan heard the door slam, but he couldn't look back. Rod had his hand on the back of logan's neck, and he couldn't have turned around. "Know what? I'm fucking horny since this morning. First thing I'm gonna do, is tie your pretty self down, and then fuck your ass."

Indeed, when they got to Rod's house, he took logan to the playroom. After he got logan's clothes off, he strapped him onto the platform, and dropped two restraints from the ceiling to lock logan's ankles in place. He winched them back up again, and logan's asshole was out in the open for the taking. "I bet you're gonna taste the way I like ya, logan. Dirty, filthy, and rank. My kind of BITCH." logan felt Rod's tongue go into him, and he began to moan loud. He was hard as a rock: Rod had not let him cum when he fucked him that morning, and the bondage, and the thoughts of being Rod's full time sub, were filling him. He whispered. "Please Sir. Fuck me. Fuck your boy. Fuck your sub. Fuck me. Let me know who's the boss. FUCKING FUCK ME." It was another pile driver fuck. And when Rod was finished, he grinned. "Now, I'm gonna jerk you. And it's gonna be slow, and complete, because this is the last time you're gonna jizz for the month." logan gulped. it was the 7th of the month. Rod got to work, whispering all the things he had done to logan, all the things he was PLANNING TO DO to him, and finally, after 20 minutes of slow , prolonged, agonizing edging, logan blew his load. Rod got a wet rag, and cleaned him off thoroughly. Then, he took a larger, sturdier chastity cage than he used when they were playing. "This one's got two keys. Kim's got the other one." He locked logan in. "IF you behave, you'll get to shoot on the 1st. "Yes sir. Is there a list of what I should be doing?" Rod laughed. "Hell yeah. It's long. First thing. " He pulled a collar slightly smaller than the one logan wore when they played, and a bigger one than the one he made him wear to work. "This is your new collar. You wear this 24/7. Unless I say something else. Tomorrow, you'll get your chores list. " "yes sir. " "Ok, you've had a rough one. So..." Rod undid the restraints. "Probably a good time to turn in. After a little dinner. Go up to the kitchen. Wait. You sleep in the real bedroom with me from now on." logan could have been knocked down with a feather. Rod had made clear that the "REAL" bedroom was only for him and his dates. Not his "slave bottom bitches." He didn't hear Rod come into the kitchen until logan felt Rod's hand around his middle. "New world starts for you today, logan. You're my sub now. One hundred percent. It's gonna be the hardest job you ever do." After dinner, Rod advised logan that he was in charge of clean up from now on. "But you clean up wearing only an apron. Nothing else. Not even shoes. " "yes sir." logan looked away, because he didn't want Rod to see him smiling. He dropped his clothes, put on the apron Rod gave him and got to work. When he was done, Rod smiled. "Bed. Weekend is tomorrow. Lots to learn.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And so gentle readers, if you went by Rod's house and peaked in the window on a weekend, you might see logan, in nothing but tight jeans shorts, polishing all of Rod's shoes. Or doing laundry. Or dishes. If you came by later in the day, you might see him sitting on the sofa in the living room, his hands tied behind his back, Rod's hand down his shirt, tormenting logan's nipple. OR, if you were real quiet and could sneak a peak at the playroom, you might see logan suspended in bondage from the ceiling, or tied to the X cross, or on the platform, or just tied in a chair. On Sunday afternoons, you'd find he and Rod in the "boystown" section of the big city, having brunch, or having drinks at one of the BDSM bars. logan would check in on Kim and the kids at least once every day, to make sure there wasn't something they needed. After he had lived with Rod for about two months, his kids would start coming over and visiting. They were always excited to find out what surprise Guncle Rod had for them, and it was always something. Later, they would tell the story about the turtles. "Now, when your mom sees them, she's gonna throw a fit. Don't worry. Here's where they live." He had an aquarium set up for them. "They'll be fine here, and you can visit them every day. Kim DID throw a fit, and Rod and the kids had a good laugh over it. After he picked up the turtles, and put them in the aquarium, he turned to logan. "Know what I'm in the mood for? Tickling you until you fucking piss." "OH SHIT. " logan took off to find some place to hide, but it did no good, and ten minutes later he was on his back, Rod's fingers finding all his spots. He didn't pee himself, but Rod took full advantage of his helplessness, as he always did, and fucked him silly. And logan added a picture to the pictures on his desk at work. It went with the family shots. This one was of he and Rod: logan was sitting , wearing a beautiful dark purple sweater and a white shirt, that Rod had gotten for him. Rod was standing behind him, hands on logan's shoulders. logan's giving him a look of total desire. They DID have a very hot round of sex after that photo shoot, too.

So there we are, folks. Maybe someday you'll meet logan or Rod. Tell them that you've met, and mention the story. Maybe they'll invite you to watch one of the games they play, based on old TV series.

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