Logan Finds His Best Friend and His Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 3, 2021


Rod had put the cage on logan on Sunday night. His plan was to take it off him on Wednesday, so when logan didn't show up at his house, he was concerned. He sent a text that should have gotten logan's attention: "bitch boy, this is waiting for you tonight." It was accompanied by a copy of his cock, fully hard, taken when he was thinking about his next time with logan, on Tuesday night. logan was confused about his feelings. Rod was somewhat clearer, but he was still somewhat confused. Did he love logan? As a friend, yes. But he liked Kim. Rod was NOT going to do anything to disrupt that relationship, if he could help it; however, he didn't want to give up his sex games with logan. For him, logan was more than a friend, but not a lover or spouse. He wouldn't mind if he saw logan every night, but he didn't want him moving in, or anything permanent. He WAS clear on one thing: in terms of their relationship, HE was in charge and logan was the sub. If he had to make him say it, he would. logan had to start accepting this more than he had. He and Rod could work out something so that Kim wasn't hurt, but the relationship between the two of them, was going to go on.

So when there was no answer from logan, Rod got concerned. Was he sick? Was something wrong at home? He hadn't seen logan's car go back or forth, but he DID see that it wasn't in logan and kim's driveway. He had no idea where he was. A second text went unanswered. And he knew logan didn't have the key to the cock cage. It would be awkward, but he would go over to the house, and talk to Kim . Maybe he could find something out.

He drove down, rang the bell, and when Kim came to the door and saw him, she looked surprised, and concerned. "Hey Kim. I was supposed to meet with logan tonight, and.." "He's not with you?" she asked "No. I haven't seen him since Sunday. She sighed. "Come on in Rod. I'm gonna pour us both drinks. And then we're gonna talk. Bourbon ok? " Rod laughed, because Kim was a harder drinker than logan. "Sure. Just one, because I'm gonna be driving." "You are. And you're probably gonna be driving further than you thought. logan told me that he was going to your place tonight." Rod looked up. "Never came. I've been texting him since Monday, haven't heard an answer. I didn't know what was going on. I thought he was sick, but his car isn't here." She sighed again. "No, it ain't. I bet I know where it is." Rod didn't say anything. He had a feeling that Kim needed to say it. "He's at that FUCKING biker bar. I'd bet my left tit ." "You think so?" "OH YEAH. What happened on Sunday Rod? Did you fuck him too hard or something?" Rod blushed. "I beg your pardon?" Kim began to laugh. "Rod, for Christ's sake. DON'T TAKE ME FOR A FOOL. I have a pretty good idea of what you guys are doing. Not the specifics, and don't tell me... yet. The way he looks at you, the way he talks about you, the way he's at your house every night 'helping with construction' when the house is clearly finished. " She sighed. "And you know what? I care less than you might think. So don't like to me." She stared at him. "You fucking my husband or what?" "I am." "THANK YOU! THANK YOU FOR AN HONEST FUCKING ANSWER. " She paused. "It's good to know that there's ONE honest man in town, even if it's not my husband." "When did you know Kim?" "About what? About logan's 'inclinations?' Since fucking high school Rod. You know when I figured it out? He was boffing me in the back of his car one night. Nothing unusual about that. What WAS unusual was: how into it he was. I could've SWORN I heard him yell ROD when he came, but you know how he garbles when he's excited." Rod laughed. He knew what she was talking about. "And after all, he could've been talking about 'his rod' his cock.' But ya know... he had been with you that afternoon. I knew from the cologne. "logan never wore cologne. Still doesn't." "Damn right. But YOU did. And every time I passed you in the hallway at school, I smelled it. I loved it. Still do. It took me a little time to figure it out, but I did." "And you married him anyway?" "Well, yeah. Your family had moved away, so I thought my competition was gone. I thought it was just you. I didn't know he was so fucking addicted to dick." "So you knew about everything else?" Kim laughed. "YOU GUYS. You think you know everything about sex, and we gals know nothing. " She shook her head. "When he was, shall we say 'absent' from the bedroom for a while, I went to the sex shop in town to buy myself a toy. Know what the salesclerk did? He made a joke: asked me what I was doing with two." "Oh geez. " Rod said. "finding out that way is harsh." She shrugged her shoulders. "Then that fucking sleazy bar. You know how hard it's been to get that fucking grease out of his clothes? Or to put up with the cigar smell? Or the smell of that shit in his hair? " "I'm sorry you had to find out that way" "Nah, don't be. If I had the mind to, I'd put on a slinky dress and go find some stud to do me. I figured I had permission. But I worried about him. I still do. That bar... that FUCKING NASTY BAR. When was I gonna get a call that there was a knife in his kidney, or see him come home with a broken cheekbone? That's why, tell ya the truth Rod, I was so glad you moved back. When he started going over to you, I knew why. I knew EXACTLY why. And I was SO FUCKING HAPPY. Whatever you two do, or did, or whatever, I knew you weren't gonna hurt him. That's all I wanted. " She laughed. "He thinks I didn't see that fucking thing you locked on his cock. Think I gave a shit? logan thinks he's God's gift to women. Lemme tell you something: he ain't." She paused and began laughing. "HOLY SHIT. HE'S NOT USING HIS COCK ON YOU. YOU REALLY ARE FUCKING HIM." "I am. That's true." "Then why aren't you fucking him tonight?" "That's what I was trying to find out. I think... I may be wrong, but... I may have pushed him too hard this weekend" "What'd you do? Take him to boystown or something?" "Yeah, that's exactly what I did. Took him to brunch, introduced him to friends. Kim started to laugh even louder. "OH SHIT I WISH I HAD BEEN THERE. SEEING HIM SQUIRM WHEN A GUY CRUISES HIM AND I'M THERE." She laughed some more. "It's worth every fucking pot of hot dog chili he asks for." "He still eats that crap?" "Least once a week. Hey do me a favor? Next time you take him to boystown, make him buy some good clothes. I'll even reimburse you." Rod laughed. "Yeah, his fashion sense is weak" "WEAK? I have no idea the last time he spent more than 20 bucks on a shirt. Geez?" Rod paused and looked at her. "Kim, I don't love him." "You don't?" "No. Well, let me explain. I'm not gonna marry him. And I'm not interested in breaking the two of you up." "Well, if you were, I'd say take him. One a you pay the alimony, but take him." Rod sat back. "I'm just teasing Rod. Yeah, I love him, and I'm glad you said that. You and I: remember when we were in school and we learned about the line of demarcation?" "Oh geez. European history. The pope gives Brazil to Portugal and the rest of South America to Spain. "YUP. That's the one. You and I.. we gotta draw up something like that about logan." She laughed harder. "You can have his ass and cock. Even his lips. Just gimme his wallet." She paused again. "Nah, I don't mean that. You can have his ass thought. We'll share the rest." "And the next time we go to boystown, you come with us?"' "HELL YEAH. I got big feet, Rod. Probably the only place I could find decent shoes is a drag shop." "Well, we could go. logan could stay in the car." She looked up. "FUCK NO. He's coming in. " Rod began to laugh. "We'd need to have Depends ready. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Good one. You're right. He'd shit himself.

So, what're we gonna do?" "Well, to start, how about I go down to the bar and get him back?" "Yeah, do that. Keep him tonight. You can tell him we talked. He and I will figure it out tomorrow. One promise, though?" "What's that," he asked and Kim smiled. "Don't take the cage off. "

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"Geez, I think they put dys in dysfunctional," Rod muttered as he got behind the wheel of his car. "Good thing he has a hot ass and a hot mouth." His cock stirred as he thought about what he was going to do to logan once he got him back to the house. Rod got to the biker bar. It was Wednesday, so it wasn't particularly crowded. He had the leather jacket in the backseat and put it on, to make him look more in place. He looked around . Clearly, he wasn't anyone's type tonight, which was fine with him. Then he saw over in the corner: the big guy in the black jeans, on his knees, sucking off the big bald guy smoking a cigar. The guy had his hand in logan's hair, holding his mouth on his cock. He saw the guy's hips convulse, and he saw the mess on logan's face. "Which one of you guys is next?" he heard logan challenge the guys in front of him. He hadn't turned around so he didn't know Rod was there. "I'M NEXT BITCH" he clamped a heavy hand on logan's shoulder. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK?" logan turned around, ready to throw a punch. Rod was ready and he grabbed his wrist. "We're leaving bitch." "The hell we are." Then logan screamed as Rod twisted his arm behind his back. He grabbed logan's other wrist and pinned that, too. "This bitch belongs to ME guys. Any doubts? Someone open his zipper." "Hey, come on. QUIT IT. I was just out for some fun." One of the guys had logan's cock in his hand. "Locked up. Chastity. Your lock, bud?" "Damn right." The guy put his hands back. "Hey man, we didn't know." "No problem, no problem at all. I shoulda made him wear his collar. Stupid me." He pushed logan's wrists up his back. "YOU COMING NOW, COCKSUCKER BITCH? " logan strained. He couldn't get away, and Rod's touch had made his cock get even harder. "We'll see you guys. Maybe. " He whispered in logan's ear. "You're gonna get more cock than you imagined tonight, son of a bitch." "Where you taking me? Back home?" "Not quite. Kim ain't having you tonight?" "WHAT? " "She'll explain tomorrow. Tonight, you're staying with me. " logan tried to resist, but Rod was stronger, and he had his wrists tied. He reached into his glove compartment, and pulled out a ball gag. Soon, logan was tied, and gagged. "You can ride in the backseat, cunt, or you can ride in the trunk. I don't really care. " logan indicated the backseat. His eyes seemed to say "I'm sorry," but all Rod did was toss him in the back. He was silent on the way to his house, as logan whined. After he pulled into his driveway, Rod opened the backdoor and looked at logan. He truly, truly looked scared, and pathetic. The drool that had escaped from the ball gag was all over his face. "This is what's gonna happen, bitch boi. You're coming in with me. You're gonna get naked and cleaned up, and then we're gonna play before bed. You're sleeping over. And tomorrow, you're going home and talking to Kim. Call in sick if you want to, but that's how it's gonna go. If you don't, we're done. " logan looked at him and gave a short positive nod." "Fucking ungrateful bitch. DON'T EXPECT THAT CAGE COMING OFF ANYTIME SOON."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx logan came out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. "SIT. I'll get your hair for you." Rod got up and, with another towel, gently began drying logan's hair. As he did it, logan began to cry. "I'M SORRY ROD. I'M SO FUCKING SORRY. " "QUIET. We're gonna talk this out. It may not be pleasant, but you're gonna have to hear it." "yes sir. " logan sobbed quietly, while he enjoyed Rod's hands, getting his hair dry. Finally, Rod put the towel down and sat next to him. "Now look, logan. I THINK I know why you fucking did this, but I'm not sure. Why did you?" logan looked down at the table. He was trying to gather his thoughts. Then they all came out in a flurry. "I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU SIR." Rod didn't expect that. SHIT. NOW, what did he do. "logan, you're gonna have to get over it. You're a married man. You love your wife. "I know. I love her too. I don't know what to do." Rod smiled. "Kim and I do. She'll tell you tomorrow. You're a fucking lucky man. We're gonna share you. So get over it, and drop the fucking towel. Get in the play room. " logan looked up. He had questions but he saw Rod's stern glare. "YES SIR" Rod followed him in. He made logan get on all four, then he manacled his wrists to the wall, logan could move, but he couldn't get away. He saw Rod coming over with the hitachi rod. "Know how this is gonna feel on that metal cock cage? " He smiled. "FUCK SHIT" logan got out of his mouth, before Rod put the penis gag into his mouth. "In due time, mancunt. In due time." He shucked his own clothes, and walked to where logan could see his hard cock. "Yeah, you're gonna be taking this in your mouth. But only after I cover it with you, pussyboy." "MMMPH." logan's cock banged up against the cage. Then he couldn't see Rod: he had moved to his blind spot. And he felt Rod's tongue start running down his spine, then up again. Rod repeated this, and at the third time, reached underneath and fingered logan's balls. "Sometime this week, you're gonna swear to be my sub. My permanent sub logan. " logan shook his head no, and Rod laughed. "Yeah you are. Cause that cage is staying on until you do. And you're gonna swear to be Kim's sub bitch too. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." logan's eyes got wide. That meant Kim knew . "Don't worry. She's not here. What you fucking heteros do in your house doesn't concern me. How you're tied up, does." logan felt a finger going into him, much more roughly than the doctor did once a year. "She's gonna be taking bondage lessons from me. Can't wait." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!" logan was shaking his head no, and then he stopped, when he felt the second finger enter him. Rod moved them back and forth like a swimmer's legs. "Poor little logan. A cock one night, a dildo the next. Ha hah. You deserve it BITCH" Rod pulled his fingers out and then logan felt a WHACK across his ass that knocked him flat. GET UP YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANNA HEAR ISN'T IT?" Meekly, logan nodded yes. "Well, logan, I don't think you're worthless. I think you've got value as a mancunt. Not much more. And this cock? I don't need it and, according to Kim, she wouldn't miss it either." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Then logan began to moan, as the hitachi rod touched his cock. The metal conducted the electric vibrations way more than he thought, and the sensation was not unlike getting drilled by the dentist. That's when he felt Rod's cock enter his ass. "Know what? If I had found anybody at that bar FUCKING you, it was over. We were done. " With logan in this position, and Rod holding up his hips so he could drive in really deep, logan was getting fucked harder than he ever had. Rod was keeping the hitachi on his cock while he screwed him. "I bet you're really wondering how it could get worse, aren't you logan?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." a whine came out of him. "Well, now we're gonna use your new toy. You're bringing this to Kim tomorrow. And she's gonna report on how much she gets into you." He showed logan a black dildo with white writing on the side, like a measuring cup. "HERE WE GO. How many inches can logan take? " logan hadn't noticed that the dildo was ribbed , but he noticed it as Rod slid it in, and turned it in a full circle. "HEY, look at that. 9 inches without a problem. Shoulda known you could do that. Now, let's go to ten." He slid it in another inch. logan's moans turned to moans of pain. "I'm gonna leave it there. " He came around front and took the gag out of logan's mouth. "Start sucking bitch. Do a better job than I saw you doing tonight. "Yes sir. YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU. FUCK THIS PIG MOUTH. FUCK ME. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Rod pushed his cock in, then pulled it out. Then he went halfway in. Then he pulled it back where logan couldn't reach it. "YOU WANT IT CUNT?" "YES SIR. I WANT IT. I WANT YOU. PLEASE. " "You gonna go to that shitpit ever again?" NO SIR. NO. " "WRONG ANSWER. YOU'LL GO IF YOU'RE THERE WITH ME." "YES SIR. YES. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU SAY JUST... PLEASE LET ME HAVE COCK." Rod RAMMED his cock down logan's throat. A gag reflex kicked in, but Rod ignored it. He just kept pumping, and pumping until he sneered. "You can swallow a stranger's jizz, you can swallow mine. " He thrust forward, and his semen poured down logan's throat. "How many you swallow tonight pig? "You're number four Sir." "From now on, you swallow ONE MAN'S CUM. YOU GOT THAT? " "Yes sir. Yes. I do. " "Tomorrow, you make good with Kim and then you and I, we pick an old TV series. Or a new one. One with bondage. LOTS of bondage. And we're gonna act out an episode every time we meet. Only we're gonna push it, and the hero - you - are gonna get FUCKED every time." "That's hot Sir. " Rod began untying logan. "You should be damn happy that people love you the way we do, cause I coulda sold you to one of those guys tonight. And they woulda taken you." "yes sir. Yes sir. " "Now let's get you cleaned up and to bed. Tomorrow, you call in sick, and you go back home. Then I'll come over. The three of us will get this sorted out." logan cried himself to sleep, he was so overwhelmed. But he slept. When he and Rod woke up the next morning, Rod was raring to go, but he waited. "No. I promised Kim I'd return you early. Go get cleaned up. Then get over there. Get home. We'll go pick up your car at the cumdump later. " "Yes sir. " logan did some more crying in the shower, then he got dressed. "Please Sir. A kiss before I leave?" Rod smiled. "Yeah, I can do that." He kissed logan deeply. Then, logan looked plaintively at Rod's house, before they drove over to his own home. Rod didn't wait. He didn't want to be overcome with emotions himself. logan had a key, but he didn't use it. He rang the bell and Kim came to the door in her robe. "Hi. Can I come in Kim?" "It's your home." She led him in and closed the door.

Next: Chapter 8

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