Logan Finds His Best Friend and His Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 18, 2021


Rod listened to Kim's message and began to panic. How did she know? Did logan tell her? Did she figure it out? Well... no way to avoid it: he gave her a call. "Hey Kim, this is Rod." "HI! How are you? Like my message? HA HA HA. Had to make sure I got your attention ONE WAY or the other." He began to sweat from relief. She was teasing. "Uh, yeah. It kinda surprised me." "Ya know, logan thinks he's so smart, and he's so clever. Before you moved back, he would disappear a couple nights a week, tell me he was bowling, or going to check something at the office. He's such a bullshitter. It took me just three of those to figure out he was going to that skanky bar where the truckers hang out - like I couldn't tell from the smell he brought home. Listen: if you WERE fucking him - and let me tell you Rod, you could do MUCH better - I wouldn't mind it one goddamn bit. At least I know you're not giving him bugs from God knows where." Rod just began to laugh. Kim joined him. "I know, it's funny, RIGHT? How much of that goddamn grease was gonna show up in his hair before he figured out I knew? But that's another matter. Anyway, I know, I said coffee, but I wanted to invite you to come and have dinner with the clan. I know you're alone in that big ole house, at least for now, and even YOU gotta have some company besides logan" Rod had stopped shaking by now. "Well, thank you. I'd love to come to dinner. You just tell me when. I'm kinda sick of my own cooking and logan told me that you're a good cook. "SEE? He bullshits you again! I can't cook worth shit. Maybe we'll order in, maybe I'll make the stud grill burgers, but come on over anyway. Let me check with him and then we'll set up a date. Sound good?" "Sounds good Kim. Thank you." She was laughing again. "You're a good actor Rod. You almost had me believing you believed me."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rod caught his breath, and calmed down. He poured himself a short drink - he needed it after that. Then he texted logan. He had something planned that he was going to save, but now.... "Get your ass over here after dinner. It's all the playroom tonight. " The he sent him a screen shot of a guy, in a torn athletic shirts and shorts, on his knees, bound by his ankles and his wrists to a bed frame. He had nipple clamps on in the picture, and there was a small fly swatter on the floor. logan texted back. "Holy Fck" Rod had begun to go through his favorite porn movies to look for things he wanted to do to logan. He had OTHER things in mind, too, but logan liked scenes. He liked feeling as if he were the star of a porn film. Rod was going to do that. He also began to think about what he could do with logan on a weekend away... there were cabins not far from where they lived, and Rod was handy. A little equipment in the trunk, his bottom sub in the back seat, tied up and moaning.. He realized his hand was on his crotch and he had to stop. He had to save it for logan.

"on my way," logan texted when he was finished with dinner. Kim had told him about the phone call. He almost peed himself when she said "I called Rod today. I wanted to know why he was fucking my husband." She began laughing and then told him how she had "gotten" Rod the same way. "Kim scared the shit outta me," he said when he got inside Rod's door. He didn't expect to find Rod in his harness, a strap around his arm, his cap on. "HOLY SHIT" he gasped. "GET THE FUCK OUTTA YOUR CLOTHES AND PUT THESE ON." Rod handed him a pair of almost micro shorts, and a t shirt that looked just like the one in the snapshot. "They're too small. " logan said as he looked at them. That's when he felt the WHACK from a cane against his backside. "FUCK. That hurt. " "It's gonna hurt worse if you don't get into them fast, because the next shot... is going right... here." Rod rested the cane on logan's cock. "Ok Sir. You win." The t shirt didn't quite cover logan's belly and the shorts were tight enough to make him feel uncomfortable. "You look fucking hot. Like a true CUNT" Rod said, as he pulled logan's wrists behind him and tied them. "MOVE. Down the stairs. You know where the playroom is. "Ok, Ok. It's hard to walk in these... OW!" He felt the switch against his ass again. "I'LL GAG YOU UNTIL I WANT YOUR MOUTH IF I HAVE TO BITCH" Rod was chuckling to himself as he prodded logan forward. The shorts were red: a color he knew logan hated. It didn't matter. They were gonna be shredded real soon. "GET ON YOUR KNEES IN FRONT OF THAT BED FRAME. NOW." logan did what he was told, and then Rod untied his wrists. He pulled each one up to the top of the frame, and tied it securely, with some rough, scratchy rope. Then he grabbed two long pieces of rope, and after he had pulled each of logan's legs to the side, he tied each ankle too. logan was stretched so far apart, if he hadn't been bound at the wrists, he would have fallen. "Isn't that fucking pretty? Isn't that JUST what you want in your mancunt? Total fucking helplessness." logan wriggled in the ropes. Rod had tied him well before, but THIS.. this was fucking awesome. So was his "look" in the full Master Dom outfit. "Next time, you're gonna wear real tiny leather shorts, bitchboi. For now though..." logan saw that Rod had a fly swatter paddle, just like in the picture. He did nothing more than rub it along logan's crotch, but that was enough. logan began to moan. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. AHHHHHHHH. OH shit. OH....." Rod began to pat logan's crotch gently. He knew he couldn't take that much pain.. yet, so he was gentle. It was still a lot for logan , who began to squirm, vigorously. "SHIT. DAMN. " "Oh, we're just starting big guy. Now, we got a few things to do. First.... no self respecting leather bitch doesn't have an arm band on." Rod locked one on logan's right arm, and logan's cock just grew so hard it almost burst the shorts. He had fantasized about a man banding him as a slave . Now, it had happened. Rod wasn't done. He took a collar he had at the side: a chain collar with a heavy padlock on it. He showed it to logan. "Know what this means? It means that you are OWNED. You belong to someone . You're gonna wear it whenever you're over here." "FUCK THAT. You don't own me." "Suit yourself, logan," Rod smiled. "I'll wait until you ask me to put it on you." Then he tore two holes in the t shirt, right at the nipples. logan's tits shot out, and he pushed his chest forward to get more. Rod toyed with them, as he rested the front of his foot against logan's cock . Then he attached the clamps. These were meaner than the ones he had used on logan before. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." logan almost whimpered as Rod picked up the connecting chain and pressed it to logan's mouth. "OPEN. Take the chain in your mouth. AND PULL." When he did, the pain that went through logan's body made him slump forward. He dropped the chain, and regretted it right away. "SEE? It's gonna hurt you much worse if you don't pull, so if I were you...." Rod yanked the chain up, and put it back to logan's lips. Then he started running the paddle over logan's crotch again. "You gonna wear the collar? logan didn't think it through, and shook his head no. He regretted it right away, as each turn pulled a tit hard. "NNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG" This time he didn't drop the chain. Rod took hold of the bottom of the t shirt, and ripped it down the middle. It hung as rags on logan's body. That's when Rod began to use the paddle, smacking him up and down his torso, and coming VERY close to the nipples, but never hitting them. logan's groans were getting louder, and more frequent, but he didn't dare drop the chain. Until Rod smacked the fly swatter on his left nip. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH MOTHER FUCKER. LET ME THE HELL GO." 'Ha ha ha ha ha. Not happening. You're mine. " Rod picked the chain up . "Back in your mouth. Unless you wanna feel this on your crotch." "Please . No more paddle. No more. " WHACK . It came down on logan's crotch. "Know what you need to do to stop it? Wear the collar." Rod pulled the chain up himself. "OK OK OK. I'm owned. I'm owned. YOU OWN ME SIR. " "Bow your head. I'll put it on. " "Yes sir." logan bowed his head. The chain was cold, and the lock at the end was heavy, but he pulled his head up to look at Rod. "Master. My Master." Rod smiled, and pulled off the clamps. logan whimpered, and Rod started playing with logan's nips, squeezing them between his fingers. logan couldn't even get any sounds out: he just whimpered. "I bet if I lowered those shorts, that cock of yours would shoot out, desperate." "You're right Sir. It would. I'm so horny. SO HORNY for you." "Well, we're just done with the first part, logan boi ." Rod untied the ropes. That's when logan realized that these, unlike the other restraints Rod had used, left marks. "Yeah, I'm gonna start leaving marks. Make sure that everyone knows you're just a piece of property." Rod devilishly had untied the wrist restraints first, and logan lost his balance, falling forward. "You just make this too fucking easy boy." Now logan was lying face down, his head near Rod's feet, and his ankles still tied to the bed frame. He didn't need to be told what to do next. He put his tongue on Rod's boot. "GOOD BOY. GOOD BOY. My prize stud knows what he needs to do. " Then Rod pulled his boot away and crouched down. He took a hold of logan's hair, and pulled his head back, but he looked at him lovingly. "Are we good logan? You wanna keep playing?" "I want your cock in me Sir." "Heh heh. Good answer. GOOD ANSWER." Rod grabbed logan's wrists and he tied them behind him. logan could hear a scissor cutting away the red shorts. "LOOK AT THAT PRETTY ASS. JUST FUCKING LOOK AT IT. " logan felt Rod's body on top of his and his mouth covering his ear. "You know you got a great ass, logan? Anyone ever tell you that?" "Yes sir. They did." "At that fucking dive." logan felt the needle pricks of Rod's teeth nibbling that ear. "Yes sir. " "Ha ha. Bad choice of character. All they know is a hole. You give em a hole, they think it's hot. " He smacked logan's behind. "Now I KNOW ASS. AND THIS IS A FINE ONE. " He smacked it some more.

"And I OWN IT AS OF TONIGHT." As Rod said it, logan realized what had happened and he nearly swooned. "oh yes sir. you do. It's yours. You can do what you want to it. I have nothing to say anymore.." He winced as he felt a lubricated finger go up inside him. He didn't like finger fucking. It irritated him. But he bit his lips. This is what his MASTER wanted. He felt Rod twisting it around inside of him, thrusting in and out, before he slid a second finger in. "OH FUCK SIR. OH FUCK. " "Push back bitchboi. Push back." logan sighed. "Yes sir. I will." He pressed his glute muscles so that they moved forward and as he did, Rod pushed in further. "You're gonna have to learn to like this... cause I LOVE finger fucking your ass. And you know what I like more.." logan felt the fingers come out of him. "Making you clean them up. LICK THEM." This was pushing it for logan. When he hesitated, Rod grabbed the collar and pulled. "OK. OK SIR. " logan wrapped his tongue around Rod's fingers. "MMMMM. Tastes good doesn't it, stud? Tasting your own juice? " logan nodded in agreement. He was so hard underneath Rod, as Rod dominated him more and more completely. "SPREAD THOSE LEGS BIG DOG. I want that ass." logan didn't have to be told twice. And he felt Rod's cock penetrate him. "OH GOD. OH YEAH MASTER. OH YEAH. TAKE YOUR SUB'S ASS." logan was so lubed from the finger fucking that you could hear the moist sounds as Rod pounded him. He felt Rod lay back on top of him and whisper. "I'm fucking the finest ass for 300 miles. At least. " "Thank you Sir. OH YEAH. OH YEAH. GO DEEPER SIR, PLEASE. PLEASE MAKE ME SORE, PLEASE." Rod increased the pace. logan couldn't believe how hard Rod was, or how deep he was getting. He got flipped over and now he saw Rod's smiling face. "I own you boy. I own you completely. This ass is MINE." "Yes sir. Yes sir. OH BOY. OH BOY. "Play with yourself bitch. Go ahead. " logan didn't need a second invitation. He was dripping precum by the pint and he was ready. His bass voice rang out as he climaxed. Rod wasn't quite there, and he smiled. "Gonna hurt now. You're gonna want me outta you." It was true. Now that his rocks were off , logan wanted to get back home so that Kim wasn't too suspicious. Rod, however, slowed down and smiled. "You're not leaving till your DOM cums. You don't do that. EVER." He grabbed logan's balls. "NO SIR. NEVER. NEVER. I'm here to satisfy my MASTER." Rod smiled and he shot a load into logan so deep, logan could feel it go all the way up his gut. When Rod was finished, he gave logan a wicked look. "You're a fucking incubator." He grabbed a dildo and shoved it into logan's ass. "What? FUCK." "You wear that until you go to bed tonight. You can pull it out when you go to bed. " He took the collar off logan, who looked at it, wistfully. "I wish I could wear it at home, Sir." "Not until we have a talk with Kim. She's a nice lady. She deserves good treatment. You know she knew about you and the bar." logan sighed. "I kinda suspected she did. She just didn't say anything. " "Nope. She's got a shit load of class." He kissed logan. "But she's not nearly as pretty as you are." He kissed him again. "You don't just have the prettiest ass in the state, you're just so goddamn pretty I can't stand it." logan was blushing as he thanked his Master. "I'm sending you a link later. Next time, we're gonna play out a spy fantasy. I like those. You're gonna have info I want. I'm gonna torture it outta you." "Betcha ya can't Sir." Rod grinned. "If I do, the next dildo is gonna be bigger." "Gulp. Yes sir." logan was dressed. Rod always had this kind of sad expression when they were finished. "You take care of Ms. Kim. And you take care of yourself. Remember, that dildo doesn't come out until you go to bed. MAKE SURE she doesn't see it." "I will Sir. " Rod smiled. "One more kiss, sub bottom" They locked lips and they kissed passionately for about five minutes. logan threw one last look over his shoulder before he went to his car. Settling down into the driver's seat, the dildo shifted and he remembered everything that just happened. He smiled.

Next: Chapter 6

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