Loft Lovers

By Dusty

Published on Oct 10, 2005


This is a work of adult gay fiction if this offends you stop reading now. I hope you like it and I am always looking for feedback. Email me at Thank you Boystory for your wonderful editing.

It was on a hot July day that Sam and I finally got a couple of days off. We had been working at the farm for about a month. Other than our midday trysts in the old barn and the occasional midnight rendezvous in the showers in the farms hands bathhouse we really didn't get to be alone together. We had been looking forward to this for weeks and had decided to head up to the hills together. Sam knew of a great place to camp, and we were going up to check it out.

We met up out at the back fields, we had told everyone we were going to head into town with the rest of the hands but we really didn't feel like drinking and whoring. After the one time in the old barn Sam and I always kept the door closed and a watchful eye open. Rick and Brady two of the farm hands already knew what we do but we didn't want anyone else finding out. As far as we could tell they were fine with it, they were sweet on each other which helped. Most of the other hands were into whores and booze they just went up to the loft to look at the girly pictures always left up there and jack off. I had snuck peeks of the other hands jerkin off but never Rick or Brady. Now we were sneaking out the back fields hoping no one would see us headed the wrong direction for town.

We were both dressed in plain overalls and a shirt when we headed out. I whished Sam was wearing those tight jeans of his, but we both had decided that they probably would be bad for up in the hills. Never the less his butt still looked good from my vantage point behind him. Once we got to the road we hitched a ride in the back of a wagon most of the way to the base of the hills. The older man driving us was a farm hand at a place quite a few miles from ours. At the base of the hills Sam took the lead up the old trail. The whole way up we talked about everything but what we were thinking. We both desperately wanted to talk about how good it would be to get some time alone, and what we were going to do for each other. But instead we talked about work, the guys, and most of all what our plans were once we got off the farm.

Once we got about half way up Sam turned to me and said, "Whew it is powerful hot! I think we need to do something."

"Well we could take off our shirts. That should help." I replied.

"We could do that but do you think it is enough? I am getting mighty hot..." Sam said smirking back at me.

"If we are taking off unnecessary clothing... we could take off our skivvies too." My suggestion stirred something in Sam, he practically stripped right there. In the end we wandered off of the wooded trail and stripped down. Glancing over my shoulder I caught a glimpse of Sam's ass. His balls hung down between his legs tempting me. I reached down and stroked my cock to staring at Sam who was fumbling with getting his under shorts off. I decided not to go all out and I started to put my overalls back on minus the boxers and shirt when I decided to try and catch one last look. When I glanced back I saw Sam's startled face while he was holding his cock.

"Sorry" he stammered quickly pulling up his overalls attempting to hide is swollen penis. With my overalls still down around my ankles I turned around and showed him my still hard dick.

"I had the same idea you did." I said with a laugh "No worries."

Sam finished up putting on his overalls and said. "I just can't wait until we get up there. You are going to love it."

We grabbed out knapsacks and headed for the trail again. I had never really been without underwear for very long before. Sam loved to and did it all the time in his tight jeans. He claimed no one could tell, but I always could, then again I was always looking at that great bulge in his jeans. Walking along wearing nothing but my overalls felt great, the warm breeze blew down to my crotch a couple of times. It felt so freeing. Though it had its drawbacks after another hour of walking we were hot, sticky, and sweaty again, only now we were like that all over. Neither of us cared though and we walked on.

When we finally made it to the area Sam wanted to go to I was hot and tired. One look at it though revitalized me instantly. There was a clearing in the trees. It was still shaded in places by a large willow and some oaks. On the far side of the clearing was a rock wall with a waterfall feeding a small pond below.

"Well here it is, just like I said right." Sam said proudly.

All I could manage was. "It's perfect." Sam wandered down to the water and stuck his hand it he splashed at me playfully.

Grinning like a fiend I yelled out from across the clearing "Race you in!" I am not sure a young man has ever stripped off clothing faster. Sam tore is clothing off with mock clumsiness. When I ran past him with my soft dick flapping in the breeze I felt his firm hand smack me across he butt. Though he never admitted it I think he let me win so he could grab my ass. We splashed around for a minute wrestling, trying to dunk each other. More than once hands slipped and grabbed lower than intended.

I swam up behind to him and reached around cupping his equipment in my hand. I pressed my hips up against his ass firmly, my soft cock cradled in his crack. The feel of his soft cock and sack flowing in the water enticed me. "I've got you now Sam!" I joked. Still loosely holding on to his package I started to massage it.

"Oh yeah... do that some more." Sam started to get hard, with every beat of his heart I could feel it growing in my hand. Eventually his cock got so hard it slipped between my fingers. With one hand now just cupping his balls I started on his cock. I stroked softly at first but with each stroke I grew harder. Still cradled in his crack my dick slipped easily between his cheeks. As it slowly got harder I could feel my foreskin retreating until I felt his asshole with my head. I stroked him harder and harder until he moaned. He started thrusting his hips slowly each thrust tantalizing my cock. Eventually he practically shouted "Dusty I am going to come..."

"Good" I whispered back "You deserve it" and with that I redoubled my efforts my hands stroked up and down his this shaft on to his head and all the way back to the base.

I could feel his cock start to twitch in my hand. He let out a long low "uuuuhhhhhgg" as I played with his thick mushroom head. I placed my head on his shoulder as I started thrusting too my slick cock between his cheeks. As our paces matched I could feel my cock head brushing up against his tight hole. I let go of his balls and grabbed his shaft with my other hand and started stroking it. He seemed to almost whimper while I kept stroking his shaft and playing with his dick head until I felt his balls tighten as he emptied them into the clear water. He stood there for a moment fondling him as his dick grew soft. We watched his cum float away.

"Ok" He said, "Let's slow it down for you". Reluctantly I eased my cock from between his cheeks. I had never penetrated anyone before and this was a close as I had ever gotten. Sam liked having things between his ass cheeks just not in his ass. Not yet at least. He got me to float on my back until my dick barely broke the surface. With one hand he pulled me to shallower waters. His other hand was playing with his cock getting it hard again. Sam had a cock that stood nearly straight up when he was standing and now he was easing my ass down onto it. I floated there with my legs spread with him between them and his cock gently pressed between my ass cheeks. With that, he lightly grabbed my cock with one hand held me steady with the other. He started by just pulling my foreskin back and forth but he eventually held it back and lubed up my cock with his saliva. Now with both hands on my cock I swayed from side to side lightly bumping against his dick. His strokes became harder and it was making my toes curl. Normally he didn't focus on my head but today he wanted me to come hard. He kept my shaft and head slick with his saliva and expertly manipulated my glistening cock. I watched him, enamored with the sight. My mind was totally numb with pleasure, feeling his hands on my swollen cock; they were so warm in the chilled water. Watching his face as he jerked me off his lust was palpable; he wanted this as much as I knew needed it. He could practically tell before I did when I started to come. He switched back to playing with my foreskin like before in long firm strokes.

"Oh God!" was all I was able to get out before I came hard. On one stroke a thick stream if jizz shot out as his hand raced down my hard shaft exposing my head. "Ahaaa ahh ahhhh!" I let it all out now not fearing some one would hear us. He kept pumping until he totally drained me. When I was done he lowered me down farther into the water and fondled me as we wiped off the cum.

Neither of us spoke as we just climbed onto the bank and lay there. The bank was sandy.



"That was really good" I mumbled still out of breath.

"Yeah it was."

We didn't talk for another twenty minutes. Eventually we dipped back into the water to wash off the sand then waded back to shore. We spent the next two hours setting up the camp half nude. It probably was a bad idea but neither us had the heart to put on anything other than our boots and shorts. We setup our small tent and laid out our bedrolls. We ate a sparse dinner laid down and talked for a while. Eventually the talk turned to sex.

"Yeah Sam, that was really good earlier."

"You are telling me! I just about died when you were playing with my asshole. I thought you were going to put it in for a minute."

"Nah, I just loved the feeling of it rubbing on your ass. Wanna get naked again Sam? It is still so warm out and it feels so good." Sam just nodded and slowly slipped off his boxers as I did. Neither of us was hard lying there under the stars. We talked in low voices for a while; we just stared up at the stars as we talked. A couple of times we caught glimpses of the other, he looked so beautiful, his soft body accentuated by the moonlight. His penis lay to the side resting on his leg; I reach over and caressed it. Starting at the tip running down his shaft, I passed through his light pubes up onto his stomach. I let my hand rest there for a moment, his breathing quickened. His chest felt so smooth as I circled it with my hand, teasing his nipples. I ran my hand up his neck slowly and cradled his head.

"There is been something I have been wanting to do with you for a while now." I whispered.

"Uh huh?" Sam said with anticipation. I kissed him softly on the lips, then his neck, then on his chest. I worked my way down until I was on top of him with his legs spread I was staring at his half-hard cock. Gently lifted it and slowly drew into my mouth.

"Oooohhh!" Sam moaned. I started pumping with my mouth, I could feel his dick growing in my mouth. His cock wasn't very long, but it was thick. With a slight twitch from his cock I tasted his pre-cum for the first time. With one hand I grabbed his thick shaft as I sucked on his throbbing cock head. With the other I cupped his balls, when I stared rolling them around he let out another long moan. Sam started to say something when I pulled off for a second but yelled out "Oh God!" when I licked up from his balls to his knob and started to take him all in. After a few quick thrusts from his hips I could tell he was going to cum soon. I pulled back that started just sucking his head and flicking it with my tongue. His hips jerked hard as he blew his hot cum into my mouth. He just kept cumming; it surprised me to have him shooting so hard in my mouth. I backed off and stroked him while he finished. In the end he was covered in his own cum and I had it on my face. I just grinned at him as he lay there panting. I let him catch his breath before I suggested that we go back into the water to wash off. We made quick work of it and flopped down onto the bank.

I was still hard after sucking off Sam; I could still taste his hot cum in my mouth. With out even thinking about it I started jacking off. I needed to come bad, my cock was rock hard. Sam looked over and saw me furiously stroking it.

"Oh no you don't! You don't get off that easy."


"I am going to make you enjoy this." With that Sam lifted my hand off of my cock and started rubbing my chest. His hands moved lower over my stomach and down further. He teased my balls as he massaged around my crotch. He purposely avoided my throbbing dick, giving only a single tug on his way down to my thighs. When he thought I'd had enough he lay down between my legs facing my hard cock. He gave it a quick lick up the shaft then put it in his mouth. He firmly sucked the head, which tugged on my foreskin. He lightly bit down on it and tugged on it. He then pulled back to look at my puckered cock with the foreskin hanging over the tip. Sam held my shaft firm keeping my knob from exploding out from under my foreskin. He flicked the puckered skin with his tongue teasing my cock. Still holding the shaft firmly, he wormed his tongue under the skin until he found the head. His slick tongue slid between foreskin and cock head, I shuddered as he drove it down farther.

"Saaam!" I squealed out. He grinned, pleased with the result. Sam pulled back my foreskin and let my head pass slowly through his lips. He then started to move his mouth down my hard cock. Ever so often he would stop on my head and send me to the moon. He would go faster and faster until I would be about to scream, then Sam would back off and he would play with my sack and softly caress me everywhere but my cock. We repeated that several times and every time it bought me a few moments more of Sam's affections. Eventually I felt it welling up inside me and I had come. Sam started backing off again but stopped him "No let me come." I said placing my hand gently on the back of his head. Everything seemed to slow, I was in pure ecstacy. I'm not sure if I made any noise as I came; Sam never missed a beat and kept pumping quickly. I emptied my nuts into his mouth, while he kept going. When I finished, my cock was covered in my own cum and Sam lay beside me. "Wow" was all I could muster.

"I really like that Dusty, we are going to have to do it more often."

"You liked sucking me off?"

"Yeah" He seemed to whisper. "I did... now let me clean you up." I let Sam have his fun, he always liked doing the clean up. I wasn't ready to move around anyway. Later that night we crawled into our bedrolls, we talked, we fooled around some more. Sam wanted to suck me off again but I was too tired so he ended up crawling into my bedroll with me. I laid down on my side with him in front of me, for the first time that night I held him in my arms with our naked bodies pressed together until we fell asleep.

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