Locker Room Sweat

By T K

Published on Mar 16, 2006



Hey folks. Time for the fun disclaimer:

First of all, this story is a work of erotic fiction with gay sex in it. If you live in some retarded country where they won't let you read this, well, don't. (Wink.) Also, this story contains sweat/ws fetish stuff. Also also, this is pretty much meant as wank material, don't expect much character development or anything. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, turn back now. Oh yeah, and remember: plagiarism and copyright infringement is wrong, kids.

Locker Room Sweat


There are a few things you ought to know about me right off the bat:

Well, first of all, my name's Scott Phillips. I'm a junior at State University, I'm majoring in Kinesiology. I live on campus, with a roommate who I've stuck with since freshman year. He's pretty cool, we're good friends and we hang out together, but he doesn't know everything about me. Such as, well, how I'm gay.

I could lie to you and say I'm bi - and while I've fucked my fair share of bitches and even enjoyed it, nothing turns me on like ramming my cock into the tight, muscular ass of another hot dude.

Another thing you should know about me: I'm good-looking, and I know it. Sorry, but it's true. Half of it's genetics - girls are always complimenting me on my smile and my baby blue eyes - but the other half is hard fuckin work.

I'm on the lacrosse team, and on top of that I practically live in the gym, and it shows. I've got rock-solid pecs, six pack abs, muscular arms and legs, and a nice, solid ass.

I'm not waaay too built, though, not like those freakishly huge body builder types. I've got a 36 waist, size 12 shoe, and - oh yeah - my cock. Five inches soft, nine inches hard. Thick and uncut.

Oh, and also - I'm kind-of a perv. I get hard at the sight of a hot guy's pits... I want to put my mouth on them, suck them, lick the sweat and feel the coarse hairs across my tongue. I love rimming, water sports, and gear - in my underwear drawer, beneath my boxer briefs and socks I hide this old jock stained with sweat and piss and cum, and whenever I get the chance and my roommate isn't around I'll jack off with it, rubbing it all over my face, cramming it into my mouth and sucking on it, then finally shooting my hot, sticky cum into the pouch and putting it back for later.

Like I said. I'm a perv.

State's pretty much known as being a jock school, so we have tons of athletic training facilities on campus. Seems like a new one's opening up every year, which means that a lot of the perfectly good old ones become less popular. Which is fine by me - I'm not much for crowds or waiting in lines anyway.

And what's also nice about it is that one of these facilities in particular - the one that I work out at most frequently - is notorious among those in the know for having the cruisiest locker room on campus.

All kinds of horny guys show up here - old guys, young guys, outright fags to dudes who you'd swear on your mother's life were straight. The faculty knows about the cruising but since the people in charge of the place also enjoy reaping the benefits, it's not like they're not doing anything to close it down.

The locker room is our version of "Fight Club," I guess, except instead of fighting, substitute gay sex. What happens there stays there, you don't talk about it. Which is fine by me, because I have a reputation to protect, and I don't need anybody finding out I'm gay.

And that worked out swell until one night, after a particularly exhausting workout, I made my way into the locker room and saw one of my lacrosse teammates sitting on a bench across the room. He was in his full lax gear for some reason.

"Scott?" He asked, his eyes widening, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Uh, working out, Jason, what the fuck does it look like?" I said, playing dumb as I headed over to my locker. It was a slow night and we were the only two in the place. "What are you doing here, why are you geared up?"

I should tell you something about Jason. Our lax team, in all honesty, blows, but Jason is our saving grace. He's a fucking star, our team captain. Everything he does out on the field is so graceful, so effortless, so brilliant that he brings the rest of us up simply by association.

Jason is also Abercrombie material, in my humble opinion. I know that cliche gets tossed around a lot, but seriously, this guy could do it. Whenever we're undressing in the locker room after practice or after a game, my eyes would always wander over to Jason's smooth, muscular body - as my eyes trace over his neck and across his square jaw line, I wonder what it would be like to suck on his Adam's apple and make my way up to his lips, kissing him with a passion. As my eyes would wander down over his solid pecs and gorgeous nipples, I'd wonder what it would be like to lightly bite each one and probe it with my tongue... and then slide my tongue down his muscular abs - sucking my way down his treasure trail - until I got to his cock, his gorgeous, veiny, eight-inch-soft cut cock.

Fuck yes.

And here he was before me in the infamous gay-hook-up locker room, decked up in his lax gear - looking like he'd just been through practice even though there was none today - sweat dripping off of his gorgeous forehead and trickling down to his uniform - and I was starting to get hard.

Jason looked down at the floor, ashamed. He obviously had no plausible answer prepared.

"Relax dude, it's not the Spanish inquisition," I said as I pulled off the white "Race for the Cure" T-Shirt I always work out in (I cut off the sleeves and cut some holes into the shirt so that I could show-off in it).

Jason stood up and chuckled. "Well I oughta get going."

"Don't leave on account of me," I said, turning to face him. Damn he was beautiful.

"I'm not, I uh, was going to meet someone, but I guess they're not showing up."

"Uh-huh," I said, dropping my gym shorts. While it wasn't unusual for me to be standing in front of Jason in just a jock (or less), the circumstances and the tension in the room made this much more different. I saw Jason look down at the pouch of my jock - my hardening rod pushing against the material. "Who were you going to meet here?"

"No one, forget it, see you at practice tomorrow," he said as started walking toward the door.

"Stop." I said. He stopped. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You know you can tell me anything, right, bro?"

Jason looked me in the eyes - God, his gorgeous brown eyes... "I... can't..."

Oh - there's another thing you should know about me: I don't take shit from anybody.

I pulled Jason by his jersey and slammed him up against the lockers. "Just fuckin' tell me what it is."

"Fuck you," he yelled, spitting in my face - which I actually kind-of enjoyed, but I didn't tell him that.

I turned to the side and was caught with inspiration: the urinals in the restroom part of the locker room. They were the open type designed by some sadistic fucker who wanted to make sure that you get as little privacy as possible. And most of the traffic of this locker room being rude college guys, these things were barely flushed, so each one of these urinals was filled with golden, smelly piss.

I pulled Jason over to the urinals - he may have been better at lacrosse, but there was no way he could ever overpower me - and held his face just inches away from one.


"Shut up and tell me what the fuck is going on or I'm going to fucking dunk you in this."

Just to think if some schmuck walked in on us at that point - some guy in just a jock about to dunk a guy in lax gear in a urinal - that would have been pretty fucking funny.

"Okay, okay, FUCK," he ceded. I let him up and he sat down on one of the benches.


"Promise you won't tell anyone." The guy looked like he was about to have a nervous breakdown.

"I won't," I said, sitting next to him and rubbing his shoulder for support.

"I'm gay," he said, practically a whisper, but loud enough for me to hear. He turned to me to gauge my reaction.

"Well," I said, standing up, my sweaty, bulging pouch inches away from his face, "that's interesting."

"You can't tell anyone."

"I already promised I wouldn't. Now go on," I said firmly.

"Go on?"

"Why are you here?"

He was starting to look squeamish. "I... I..."

"You were going to meet someone here to hook up, weren't you? Another guy?" I bent down, my face less than an inch away from his.

"Y...yes," he sighed. "I met him online, he said he went to school here... he said he would fuck me, but only if I came in my full lax gear. God, I must sound like such a fucking degenerate to you."

I turned around and rolled my eyes, giving him a nice view of my ass in the process. "You retard," I sighed, "who the fuck do you think it was you met online?"

He looked up at me. "No..."

"Yes," I flashed him a toothy grin.

"You fucker!" He stood up and punched me in the chest - I went crumpling to the ground.

"Aw, fuck, what the fuck was that for?"

"Sorry man, I didn't mean to - well, fuck, you deserve it for fucking with me like that. You FUCKER!" He kicked me in the gut.

"AAAAAGH, you are going to fucking PAY for that!" I grabbed his muscular, lightly hairy calf and pulled him to the ground, rolling on top of him and pinning him beneath me.

We were both panting heavily as a drop of sweat rolled off of my hair and dripped into his open mouth.

"So this wasn't a prank?" he asked. "You're seriously... you're seriously gay too?"

"Good fucking guess." The fucker started laughing at me. "What's so funny?" I demanded as I ground my hard package into his to shut him up.

"I just think it's funny that a guy as hot as you would use fake pictures online," he chuckled.

"Huh," I smiled, "I have a reputation to protect, you know."

"Yeah, wouldn't want all of State hearing you're queer."

"Oh fuck you Jason," I said as I pressed my lips against his. God it felt so good to finally do that - he was a bit shocked at first, but then responded, pressing his back against mine. I slid the tip of my tongue into his warm mouth - God it tasted so good, so him - and he slid his back against mine, our tongues dancing in our mouths as I ground my body into his. Our mouths locked together, he rolled on top of me, grinding his package into mine, until finally he pulled his mouth away, slightly biting my lip in the process.

"You don't know how fucking much I've wanted to do that," Jason said as he went in for another kiss that lasted even longer than the first.

I rolled back on top of him and finally broke it. "Yeah, I do. Now let's get you the fuck out of this gear."

"You're the one who told me to come in it."

"Yeah, so I could fucking pull it off of you," I said, grabbing his helmet and lifting it from his head, revealing his dark hair, matted with sweat. I stuck out my tongue and licked my way through his hair line, starting at his forehead. Fuck it tasted unbelievable.

"That's right, you're a fuckin pig like me," he said as he pulled me back down for another kiss.

I pulled away from him. "Don't fucking use that word."

"Whatever," he said, kissing me again.

I slid my hands under his jersey and lifted it over his head, stopping before pulling it completely off. Besides seeing Jason's naked torso covered only by pads - a HUGE turn-on - he also now had a view of both of Jason's pits. Jason clearly trimmed them, and they looked good - sweaty - dark, matted hair - fuck, I couldn't resist - I dove right in.

I opened my mouth as wide as I could and sucked on Jason's right pit. God it was so fucking ripe. So fucking tasty. I shot my tongue out and darted it against his pit hairs. They felt so good against my tongue... I gently slid my front teeth against his pit hairs and could hear them crunching ever so slightly - getting so turned on that precum was practically pouring into my jock.

"Oh, fuck, Scott, yeah, eat out my pit, fuckin eat it out, oh that's so fucking hot-" Jason moaned as he rubbed his hand through my hair.

Finally after sucking the his right pit for a minute or so I moved on to the left and gave it the same treatment, Jason's moans making my cock harder and harder. After giving that pit a thorough tongue-cleaning, I lifted the shirt off of his head. As soon as we made eye contact again he came in for another passionate kiss.

I pulled away, fiddling with his pads and had them unbuckled in what seemed like an eternity, slid my hands under his jersey and ran my hands over those abs - oh, fuck, they felt so good...

Meanwhile, he was exploring my torso with his hands, running them over my chest, my nipples, under my arms... he rubbed his hands into my pits and then brought them to his face, rubbing my pit sweat all over his face and licking it off of his hands.

"Damn," I uttered upon seeing this, and swept in to kiss him again.

"Mmmmmmph," he mumbled as he rolled on top of me, pressing his crotch against my jock. He licked his way down my neck - over my adam's apple - and over to my left pec, where he swirled his tongue around my nipple a few times before sucking it, probing it, biting it gently.

"Oh, fuck, Jason..." I moaned, writhing beneath him.

He licked his way over to my right nipple, licking it, sucking it, probing it, biting it. Then he licked his way down my abs, glistening with sweat, all the way down to my jock - my sweaty jock, stained with sweat and pre-cum - and wrapped his mouth around the pouch, sucking it fiercely.

"FUCK..." I yelled as I felt his warm breath through the pouch. My dick was straining against the material - God I wanted to feel his mouth on my dick... but then he pulled himself up and flipped me over.

I felt his tongue start on the back of my neck, and he slowly licked his way down my spine - over the waistband of my jock - all the way to my ass crack.

He dove down into my ass crack and shot his tongue into my hole.

"Oh, God, Jason... oh, FUCK, oh FUCK..." I could feel his hot, slippery tongue working its way up into my ass. The kid was fucking eating me out and he was fucking loving it.

Jason fucked his tongue in and out of my hole before flipping me back over.

At that moment, he grabbed the waistband of my jock and yanked it down my legs. My cock suddenly sprang free - he bent down and looked at it, examining its full nine hard inches.

"It never looked this big in the locker room," he chuckled.

"I'm a grower," I said with a wink.

He smiled and stuck out his tongue, allowing the tip to scoop up the bead of precum forming at my piss slit.

"Mmmmm," he said, swallowing it greedily.

Placing his tongue at the head of my cock, he licked his way down the shaft as I arched my back in pleasure - then shoved his tongue in-between my balls and my cock, continuing to lick his way down to my big, hairy, low-hanging sack.

He played with it with his tongue - shoving his tongue underneath my sack and lifting it up, then watching it fall. Then he opened his mouth wide and sucked one of my eggs inside.

"Ohhhhh, fuck... oh FUCK... FUCK," I moaned as he slowly filled his mouth with spit, bathing my ball as he sucked and prodded it. He pullllllled off of it slowly, eventually causing it to pop out of his mouth and flop back against my body. Then he did the same to the other one, before coming back up to my cock.

He gulped, open his mouth wide, and went for it, impaling his throat on my shaft.

My eyes widened in amazement as he took in one inch... two inches... three inches... four inches... five inches... finally stopping to gag around the sixth. I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair, taking in the sight of his mouth wrapped around my rod, my throbbing cock feeling so fucking amazing inside of his throat.

He wrapped his lips around the shaft and started to suck - bobbing up and down slowly. I started to shove my hips up against his throat, fucking his face, which he enthusiastically responded to by bobbing faster and faster.

I was getting so into it that when I suddenly felt like I was going to cum, I quickly lifted his head off my cock and scooted away from him.

"What?" He asked, panting.

"Get naked," I said.

He got up, sat on a bench and peeled off his cleats.

"Toss them over here," I ordered, which he did. The cleats landed close to my face. I grabbed each one of them and took a deep whiff - ohhhhh yeah, that was Jason's fuckin foot stink all right. Next off came his socks, with each of them flying over toward me again. I briefly licked and sucked each, tasting his manly funk.

He pulled off his shorts and threw them aside, now standing there in just his jock. He pulled it down, his eight inch cock springing up, slapping against his abs.

I immediately crawled over to him on my hands and knees, wrapping my fingers around his thick shaft and pumping it slowly.

"Fuuuuuck yeah," he moaned. "Suck my cock Scott."

"Only because I want to," I said, extending my tongue and licking his balls quickly and ferociously. Inhaling deeply through my nose, I smelled the musk that accumulated in his pubes. It was fucking incredible.

I slowly licked my way up his shaft until I got to his cock head, slowly circling my tongue around and around until I got to his piss slit, tasting his pre cum. I opened my mouth and took in an inch of his cock - two inches - three - and started to gag.

Fuck his hot dick felt so good in my throat - I could feel it throbbing against my mouth as I took it in - but God damn was it big. I closed my eyes and kept trying to calm myself, but it wasn't working - until Jason grabbed my head and fucked his dick into me.

"MMMMMMMMMPH!" was all I can get out as Jason started to fuck my face.

"Awww yeah, FUCK YEAH, this is a fucking dream, never thought you'd be on your hands and knees letting me fuck your fucking face you fucking faggot, oh FUCK YES... FUCK, SUCK MY DICK YOU FAG, SUCK IT!"

I wasn't appreciating being called a fag, but I had wanted to suck Jason's cock ever since I first saw it swinging in the locker room showers, and I wasn't going to let a little thing like pride get in the way.

"FUCK YES, SUCK MY COCK, FUCK YEAH!" He yelled louder, really getting out of control, fucking my throat faster and faster, his balls slapping against my chin.

"I'm going to fucking cum!" He shouted, and with that he pulled his cock out of my mouth and started to shoot streams of his hot, sticky cum onto my face - the first one hit my eye and oozed down the side of my nose, the next one hit my forehead and some got into my hair. It felt so fucking good, but I didn't want to just feel his cum, I wanted to taste it. So I grabbed his still-shooting cock and deep throated it all in one go - Jason looked down at me in wide-eyed disbelief as I swallowed wave after wave of his cum.

Finally, after what seemed like minutes, he stopped shooting and pulled his dick out of my mouth - it was still rock-hard.

"Oh my God," he said, stumbling back to one of the benches, "That was fucking incredible."

"Don't you ever call me a fucking fag again," I said while wiping a glob of his cum off my face and licking it off my fingers.

Jason just laughed. "It's what you are, isn't it? Hell, I'm a fucking fag too."

I stood up and walked over to him, my dick jabbing him in his Adam's apple as I talked down to him.

"Don't ever fucking use that word again."

"You have semantics issues, man," he said as a drop of his cum drizzled off of my face and onto his.

"Fuck that's hot," I said, breaking into a smile.

Jason stood up, our cocks bumping against each other, and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss. This one was slower, more deliberate - and dare I say - maybe even loving.

"Better?" He asked, pulling his lips away from mine for a moment.

"Fuck you," I answered with a huge smile on my face.

Jason then stuck out his tongue and slowly began to lick the rest of his cum off of my face - the feeling of his tongue running up my cheeks, across my forehead and down my nose is one that I will never forget. When he was done, he kissed me again, and we shared the taste of his cum in our mouths.

I was the one to break the kiss that time. "You're still going to have to pay for that."

"Oh yeah? When?"

"NOW." I shouted, grabbing his arm and leading him into the showers. I tossed him against the tile floor, his face landing near a drain with a bunch of guys' pubes gathered around it.

"Come on Scott, what the fuck..." he started to get up.

"Shut the fuck up, Jason," I said, pushing his ribcage back to the ground with my foot. "I don't care if you're the fucking captain of the lacrosse team."

Jason looked back at me, confused - he was trying to decide whether this was an act or whether he was seriously in danger. Both were true.

I pulled him off of his feet and slammed him against the tile wall, his hot, tight ass facing me.

"I'm going to fucking teach you a lesson," I snarled, spitting on my hand and rubbing it over my dick.

I could hear Jason audibly gulp - I knew he wanted this - probably not like this, ideally, but he wasn't speaking up, either. Putting a hand on each of his ass cheeks, I spread them apart, exposing his bud. I pressed my cock up against him, the head grazing his warm ass hole.

"Ffffffffff," was all he could say.

"You want me to fuck you?" I asked, shoving my body into his.


"I SAID DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCK YOU?" I yelled, shoving him harder against the wall. I could see some of the tiles starting to crack.

"Yes," he said meekly.


"Yes," he said, a little louder.

"I can't fucking hear you, Jason, do you want to feel my fucking meat inside of your ass or WHAT?"

"FUCK ME!" he finally shouted.

With that, the fire returned to his eyes and I span him back around, grabbing my cock and pushing it against his bud.

Jason grunted. "Fuck me, Scott. Fuck me as hard as you can."

I slid the head of my cock in to his ass.

"Uuuuuugh," he grunted as I rammed inch after inch of my hard dick into him - God his ass felt so warm and tight around my cock, it was fucking incredible.

Jason was moaning and panting furiously by the time I had slid my whole member in - all nine inches - my balls resting against his hole.

"Fuck that feels so good, fuck, I can't believe you're inside me," he said, breathing hard.

"Your ass is so fucking tight," I said as I ran my hands over his pecs, tweaking his nipples.

With that, he squeezed his ass muscles around my shaft, trapping my cock in his body.

"Ohhhoho, fuck yeah," I moaned.

"You like that?" he laughed, releasing his grip.

As soon as my dick was freed, I pulled it almost all the way out - then SLAMMED it back into him.

"Oh, FUCK YEAH!" Jason yelled.

"You like THAT?" I said, pulling my dick back and SLAMMING it back into him again, nailing his prostate.


I pulled out again and RAMMED my shaft back into him, my balls slapping against his ass... pulling out and ramming back in like a piston.

With each fuck I slammed my entire body into his, shoving him up against the tile wall. I could see some of the tiles actually beginning to crack from the force, but Jason just kept begging for more.


I could feel my balls tightening. This was it. I was going to cum in Jason's ass.



With that, I began shooting wave after wave of cum into Jason's ass - fucking as I went, the feelings of pleasure overtaking me as I fucked him faster and harder... oh, FUCK... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH," Jason yelled, and I saw that he was shooting too, streams of cum flying all over the shower wall.

As I began to come down from my massive orgasm, one of the best in my short young life, I slowly pulled my deflating cock out of Jason's ass. I could see some of my cum dripping out of his hole - I had really filled this kid up. Nothing left to do but to clean up the mess.

I kneeled in front of his ass, spread his cheeks and shot my tongue into his hole, tasting his ripe jock ass and my cum mixed together, the flavors driving my insane.

"Holy shit," he moaned, "you're fucking crazy Scott, fuck..."

I looked up at him and saw him scooping up some of the cum he had shot on the wall and rubbing it over his body... even feeding some of it to himself.

Standing up, I turned Jason around and pressed my lips to his, letting him taste my cum and his ass on my tongue.

"You're fucking amazing, Scott," Jason said, kissing my neck.

"I know," I laughed. "You know what I really need right now though?"

"What's that?"

"To take a piss."

"Awesome, bro."

Jason laid himself down on the shower floor. He looked up at me with giddy anticipation as I pulled back my foreskin and let the golden stream shoot out of my cock and onto his abs. I watched as the hot piss flowed down his stomach, pooling in his belly button.

He sat up, looking into my eyes. "Shoot it in my mouth." Mmmmm, just what I wanted to hear.

I aimed the stream at his face, watching it splash across his nose and down his cheeks. I aimed the stream down at Jason's mouth, watching him gulp it down, his Adam's apple bobbing wildly.

My bladder emptied, I offered Jason a hand up. Once he was on his feet, we started making out again, tasting my piss on his tongue.

At that exact moment, we heard the door to the locker room squeak open.

"Shit," Jason said under his breath as I reached to turn the nearest shower on. Unfortunately I had turned it to cold, and I yelled and jumped in shock as the water hit my body. Jason was laughing, obviously thinking it was funny as hell.

I slapped his ass and pointed at the remnants of his cum on the wall. "Oh, yeah," he said, turning on another shower head and aiming the water at his cum while I worked on steering my piss down the drains.

"Hello gents," came a familiar voice. I turned and saw Brian Krieger. This guy was the midfielder of the soccer team and well-known for his good looks and sexy Irish accent. He was also one in a group of about ten guys who I partied with on the weekends - and if his tales of his various sexual escapades were true, completely straight.

"Hey Brian," I said, soaping myself up.

"Sup," Jason said.

"The ceiling," Brian said, laughing.

"Whelp," I quickly rinsed myself off, "I'd love to stay and chat with you two studs, but I've got shit to do."

"Very well," Brian said. "See ya this weekend."

"Uh, I think I might have other plans," I said, winking back at Jason. Jason smiled back at me, grabbing his balls in approval.

As I threw on some shorts in the locker room, I grabbed Jason's jock and stuffed it in my bag - throwing mine in his bag in return.

This was definitely shaping up to be one interesting year.


Whelp, hope ya liked it. Toss me comments and constructive criticism @ if I get enough positive feedback I'll add a second chapter.

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