Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Feb 28, 2000


Surprised? I don't know how I did it but I got this out a lot earlier than I had thought. I hope you all enjoy it!

Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it.

I can't believe that my story has gone so far and is so wanted to be read by so many people. :) I am amazed at the e-mails I still get even thought they have toned down a little, I still love receiving them.

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 8

Jason woke with a start as he sat up in the bed and covered in sweat. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 4am.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked. Jason's cry had woken him up.

"I just had a nightmare." Jason said and laid back down. Shawn took him into his arms and Jason started to cry. After a few minutes, they fell asleep.

FOUR HOURS LATER the alarm clock buzzed and Jason woke up. He yawned and looked at Shawn. He was still sleeping and looked very peaceful and relaxed. Jason slowly eased himself out of the bed and tucked the covers around Shawn so he would not get cold.

He went to the bathroom where he splashed water on his face and then did his business. After that he walked into the kitchen where he opened the refrigerator and poured himself some Mountain Dew.

He took a few sips and decided to cook breakfast. Shawn would probably asleep for another half hour until he noticed Jason's absence.

Jason sipped his drink and looked in the refrigerator. There was no food at all to cook. Since there was nothing to cook Jason decided to buy breakfast from Biscuitville. He decided to write a note to Shawn in case he woke up.

Dear Shawn,

I wanted to cook breakfast but you didn't have any food so I decided to go get us something from Biscuitville. I'll be home soon.

Love ya,


He put the note on the counter and grabbed keys and wallet and left.

TEN MINUTES LATER Shawn woke up to find an empty bed.

"Jason?" He called but got no answer. Worried that Jason had left due to his nightmare he got up and walked to the kitchen and looked out the window. Jason's car was missing. "Oh, oh." Shawn said as he noticed the note on the counter. As he read it he sighed a sigh of relief. He took a sip of Mountain Dew from the fridge and decided to take a shower.

He had just gotten out when the front door opened and Jason walked in. "Shawn?" He called out as he sat the food down. Shawn emerged from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"You didn't have this do this for us." Shawn said as he took Jason in his arms and kissed him. Jason smelled the clean scent on Shawn as he started to kiss Shawn's neck. He raised Jason's shirt and started to kiss his stomach, making him squirm with pleasure.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jason asked.

"I am more than sure. I want you, I need you. Plus, you have waited long enough for me, and it's time that wait is over." Shawn said.

"I will wait longer if you're not ready." Jason replied.

"I'm ready." Shawn reassured as he took Jason's shirt off. When it was off he slowly started kissing his neck and moved towards Jason's nipple. He shivered at the touch. Shawn liked the reaction and moved to the other one. Same reaction.

Shawn continued lower and stuck his tongue in Jason's belly-button as Jason squealed. Shawn started to undo Jason's jeans and his hands hesitated.

"If you're not ready, stop." Jason said. They looked at each other for a second until Shawn spoke.

"I'm okay." With that he finished un-buttoning his jeans and let them fall, leaving Jason standing in boxers. In front of the boxers was something that Shawn was after.

He gently took it in his hand and started to lick the head. Shawn pulled down Jason's boxers and took it completely in his mouth. They both were into it when the phone rang. Neither one wanted to answer it so they let it ring.

It rang three times and then it stopped. But, a few seconds later it rang again.

"Dammit." Shawn said he stopped what he was doing and answered it. "Hello?... What time?... OK...See ya then...Bye."

"Who was that?" Jason asked.

"Work. They wanted to know if we would come in to work early and I told them we would. Is that okay?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, as long as I am with you." Jason said as he pulled Shawn in for an embrace.

"You are so sweet to me." Shawn said.

"I know." Jason said as he smiled. "So, what do we do until then?" The romantic moment had been ruined by the phone.

"Well, we could watch a movie together." Shawn said as Jason started to unpack the food he had bought. "What do I owe you for this?" Shawn was indicating his breakfast platter.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I made you pay for your breakfast?" Jason asked. Shawn thought for a moment.

"A really good one?" Shawn asked.

"No, very lousy and extremely cheap." Jason answered. They took their food to the table and started eating. They ate in silence but they kept watching each other while they ate.

After breakfast the climbed on the couch and cuddled together to watch a movie. A few moments later they had dozed off.

WHEN TIME ROLLED around to go to work, neither one of them wanted to go. But they had already said they would go.

Jason was the first one to get off the couch. Shawn had already taken a shower so he let him snooze and Jason got in the shower. By the time he was out of the shower, Shawn was already ready.

Twenty minutes later Jason and Shawn were dressed and ready to go. Shawn had worked at Bojangles' for a year and a half. He had suggested this job to Jason when he was looking for a job. Jason filled out an application and was hired.

"Since we took you car last time, we'll take mine." Jason said as he unlocked the passenger's door for Shawn.

He climbed in as Jason got in on the driver's side and started the car. After a few seconds, they were on their way.

"GOD WHAT A day." Jason said as walked in the door. They were just getting home from work when the phone started ringing. Shawn picked up the cordless with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hello?" He said as he kicked off his shoes. "Okay, one second." Shawn handed him the phone. Jason gave him a questioning glance and took the phone.

"Hello?...Hey, what's up?...How did you get this number?...Oh...So, how are you?...Good, hold on a second." Jason said. "This is my sister, is it okay if I go to our room.?" Shawn nodded as he sat on the couch. Jason walked to the bedroom.

Jason and Shawn had been busy at work. Shawn turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. It hadn't been ten minutes before Shawn heard yelling from the room.

"I can't believe you would call me at my boyfriend's house and tell me that you can't accept the fact that I am gay. I finally find someone who I care about and he cares about me and you can't be happy for me? How dare you!" Jason said as he hung up the phone.

Shawn stayed in the living room for a few moments to see if Jason would come out, but apparently he wasn't so he walked in the bedroom. On the bed Jason was sitting there crying.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked as he sat down on the bed.

"No." Jason replied. Shawn scooted closer and took Jason in his arms. Shawn stroked his hair as he cried more and more. Jason was feeling complete betrayal.

"What happened?" He asked.

"My sister called and told me that she couldn't accept my sexuality. It angers me that she would call me here, at your house." Jason said.

"I am sorry you have to deal with this. It's all my fault." Shawn said.

"No it's not. I am the one who decided to follow my heart. I love you Shawn and nothing will ever stand in our way. Nothing." Jason said as Shawn read the determination in his eyes.

"You're serious?" Shawn said, more as a statement than a question.

"I am serious." Jason said as he kissed Shawn on the lips. What he had just said touched Shawn deeply as he started crying too. They cried together for a few minutes and then decided it was time for bed.

They took off their work clothes and changed into their night clothes. Since it was Saturday, this would be the last night Jason could spend with Shawn. They had made an agreement with Jason's mom that on the weekends, Jason could spend the night, but on school nights he had to be at home. It was only so Jason could keep good grades, she knew that there would be distractions that would hurt his grade, and Shawn could be a BIG distraction.

The climbed under the covers as Shawn started talking.

"You know, I've been thinking. We have spring break coming up soon and I know we both need a vacation. What would you say if we went to the beach?"

"I would love that idea." Jason said. He thought about it a little more and he liked the idea. "We could find one that accepts gay people so we don't have to act like we are straight."

"So, it's a plan?" Shawn asked.

"Let's do it." Jason said.

"All right!" Shawn said as he kissed Jason on the cheek.

"Boy, doesn't take much to please you." Jason said with a smile.

"Do you know what else would make me happy?" He asked.

"What might that be?" Jason asked.

"This." Shawn said as he leaned over and started kissing Jason's. He responded and pulled of Shawn's night shirt.

"Are you sure you want this?" Jason asked. Shawn nodded and kissed Jason again. They started rolling around the bed as they removed off their clothes. Jason wound up on the bottom as Shawn worked his way down, kissing his stomach and worked his path to Jason's groin.

"Looks like I have your full attention here." Shawn said as he motioned towards Jason's middle. Jason laughed and then gasped as Shawn took it in his mouth.

Shawn kept working until a bad memory flashed in his mind. Suddenly he stopped. Tears started coming to his eyes as Jason asked what was wrong. Shawn wouldn't answer but he let Jason take him in his arms.

Jason rocked him back and forth until Shawn told him what was wrong.

"I am such a failure. I can't give you myself because of what happened. Now you're going to leave me because of what happened and I can't deal with--" Shawn said between sobs. He could finish the last because the sobs took over again.

"Shawn, look at me. Look at me." Jason said firmly as Shawn stopped crying and looked at him. "You are not a failure. We will get through this. It will take time for you to get over this. I am not going anywhere and I would never leave you." Jason said. Shawn smiled a little and laid his head on Jason's shoulder. After a few minutes, Shawn was quite and Jason realized he had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He gently laid down and laid Shawn down on his back.

He caressed his face gently and whispered "I love you." and fell asleep.

IT WAS JASON'S turn to wake up alone. After what had happened last night he was worried.

"Shawn?" He called out.

"Yes sweetie?" Shawn answered.

"Where are you?" Jason asked.

"I'm in the computer room." Shawn answered.

"What time is it?" Jason asked.

"Somewhere near noon." Shawn answered.

"What? Why didn't you wake me?" Jason asked.

"You were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to wake you." Shawn said.

"You are so sweet." Jason said as he got out of the bed and put his boxers on and walked to the room.

"I know." Shawn smiled.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, thanks for asking." Shawn said. He was busy typing on the computer.

"How long have you been up?" Jason asked.

"About two hours. I had some homework to do so I decided to get some done. I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what happened to me." Shawn said as he stopped typing and looked at Jason. They kissed before Jason said anything.

"Baby, don't apologize for last night. It was something you had no control over." Jason said. "Are you hungry?"

"No, I ate already. Your breakfast, now lunch, is in the fridge." Shawn replied.

"You actually cooked?" Jason quipped. Shawn acted angry as he lightly punched Jason in the stomach. He was rewarded with a small "oooof" as Jason went into the kitchen. He opened the fridge door and smiled as he pulled out a plate wrapped in clear wrap. It was pieces of bacon and a biscuit, Jason's favorite.

"I hope it's still good." Shawn called from the other room.

"I'm sure it will be." Jason said as he placed the plate in the microwave. He pushed a few buttons as the microwave started. 'Doing homework isn't a bad idea.' He thought to himself.

After his biscuit was cooked he took it to the computer room and started eating. Shawn and Jason talked for a few minutes before Jason decided to go get his book-bag and do some homework. His bag was in his car.

He quickly returned and started his homework while Shawn did his. They did this for the next two hours.

IT WAS AROUND five o'clock before they decided to do anything. Since Jason had to be home by eight, another rule by his mother, they decided eating at a fast food restaurant.

Jason pulled into a parking spot and waited as Shawn pulled his Camaro beside Jason's. They took separate cars since they would wind up going separate ways. They walked into the small restaurant and got in line to order their food.

They ordered their food, paid for it separately, and found a secluded table. They ate their food in pretty much silence as they thought about things. They were mainly thinking about school and grades, each other, and their life.

They were done eating and still had an hour and a half left before Jason was due home. They thought about what they were going to do as they threw away their trash.

Shawn suggested the park could be a good place to go. Sometimes it was deserted and they could have some privacy. Jason agreed as they walked out to their cars.

Jason led the way to the park and Shawn was right, it was deserted. There were a few families at picnic tables, but they were no where near Shawn and Jason's secret spot.

There was a big oak tree towards the end of the park. The limbs of the tree were so heavy that it was weighed down and covered the bottom trunk. Here Jason and Shawn could be together alone. For the next forty-five minutes they sat under the tree and talked.

When the time was up, Jason had about fifteen minutes to get home. It was possible. They walked to their cars and said good-bye and that they would see each other at school. Jason was the first one to drive off, with Shawn behind him.

Hope you guys enjoyed this. Send any comments to

Next: Chapter 10

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