Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Jan 23, 2000


Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it.

Also, so many people have asked me if this story is true. No, it is not. I had the beginning of this story saved on my hard drive for a long time and found it and decided to go with it. This story is completely false. I hope you enjoy! :) -JRC

I can't believe that my story has gone so far and is so wanted to be read by so many people. :) I am amazed at the e-mails I still get even thought they have toned down a little, I still love receiving them.

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!! :)

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 6

Shawn opened the door to his apartment as the phone started ringing.

"Hello?" He said as he picked up the cordless phone.

"Shawn, this is Ron from Bojangles', we are kind of short handed here and we were wondering if you could come in and work tonight?"

"Sure. When do you need me?" Shawn asked.

"As soon as possible." Ron said. Shawn told him he would be there in an half hour. They said their pleasantries and hung up. Shawn walked to his closet to get his uniform ready.

Shawn moved to the dresser as he looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled at an inside thought as he started to unbutton his shirt.

He reached the last unbutton and removed his shirt. He smiled as he looked at his muscular chest remembering how hard he had worked to get his six-pack. He undid his belt and took off as he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them off. He admired his half-necked body with admiration.

Shawn snapped out of his daze as he slide on a white T-shirt. Then he slide on his work jeans, tucked in his shirt, grabbed his hat and went to the bathroom where he sprayed some cologne on and put on the hat and left the bathroom. He grabbed his keys and the new rental car's keys and shut the door and locked it.

He walked to his rented Dodge Neon. He got into the small car and drove to work.


Most of there tests came back with positive results. No signs of any mental difficulties like they had thought and there wasn't any sign of brain swelling. Always a good sign.

Mrs. Andrews had shown up on her lunch break from work to see her son. She was happy to hear the good news. After the doctors left Jason brought up something that was bothering him.

She was sitting in a chair across from the bed when he spoke.

"Mom, are you sure you are okay with me being gay?" He asked.

"Actually, yes. It wasn't that big of a shock." She replied.

"Good." Jason said. "I had been worried ever since Shawn told me how you found out."

"What you decide for your life is up to you. I will love you regardless." Mrs. Andrews said. "Plus, you got yourself a good catch. He loves you already."

"Really?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. He realized it when the doctors wouldn't let him see you and I asked him and he said yes. Then I used some influence and insisted that Shawn see you and they agreed. I can see how much he cares for you." She said as she watched her son's facial expressions change.

They talked for a few more minutes before Mrs. Andrews' lunch break ended. She got up and bent to give Jason a kiss on his forehead as she turned and walked out of his room, saying bye on her way out.

Jason sat there thinking about what she had told him about Shawn loving him. Jason knew it was too early and knew he would have to talk this over with Shawn.


"Welcome to Bojangles', how can I help you?" Shawn said into his headset. They were seriously short-handed.

It kept like this for awhile until finally around 6:30pm it slowed down. Shawn leaned against the counter as he took a sip of drink. The phone rang and Ron answered it. He looked at Shawn and motioned for Shawn to take the phone. He did.

"Hello, this is Shawn." He said.

"Hey baby, whatcha doin'?" A strange man asked.

"Who is this?"

"No one special. Just a casual observer." The other man said.

"Have you been watching me?" Shawn asked. He was starting to get panicky.

"Yes, and I must say you are one sexy man."

"Who are you?" Shawn asked as he looked around the store.

"In a safe place where I can watch you." The stranger said.

"Leave me alone!" Shawn said as he hung up the phone. He got a couple looks from customers and some employees as he stormed to the back. He went into the office and sat down as one of his fellow employees followed him to ask him what was wrong.

"What happened?" Jessica asked.

"Someone just called and said they were watching me. It was freaky." Shawn said.

"Shouldn't you report it?" She asked.

"Nah, it was probably just a prank call. Nothing to worry about." Shawn said as he regained his composure and walked out of the office to finish working.

CLOSING TIME CAME FAST ENOUGH AS SHAWN WAS WALKING OUT THE DOOR WHEN A HAND WAS PUT OVER HIS mouth and his arms pushed behind his back as he was dragged into the back of a van.

He noticed that there were three men in thr van. The first man had bound him and put him in the van. The sedcond man blindfolded him and started to remove Shawn's clothes. At this, Shawn tried to struggle but he forced him down as he was forced into doggy position.

Shawn could hear the men laughing as he felt the presence of a dick touch his lips.

"Suck it boy." A voice commanded. For fear of his life, Shawn opened his lips and allowed the intruder to enter.

As Shawn was busy up front, he could feel yet another presence behind him. It didn't take Shawn long to figuyre out what it was. Again Shawn tried to fight and this time he was struck hard to the face by one of his attackers. He was kicked in the side by another man.

"Fucking faggot." One of them said. "We are going to teach him a lesson or two." He said as he inserted his member in Shawn. Shawn winced at the pain and again for fear of his life, didn't fight back.

Shawn tried to ignore the ripping pain he felt but it was no use. Before Shawn realized what was happening, his mouth was full of cum. The man enjoyed it and let his manhood fall from Shawn's mouth.

Before Shawn could catch his breath, another member was shoved in.

This kept up for another twenty minutes before all three men were satified. The opened the back doors to the van and rolled Shawn out of the van. They tossed out his clothes leving Shawn necked, blinfolded, and bleeding on the parking lot of Bojangles'.

Shawn had no idea what time it was but hoped that someone would walk out soon and see him.

For what seemed like an eternity Shawn laid on the ground before someone saw him.

It was the manager Matt. The store had closed and he was walking to his car when he noticed Shawn's rented Neon was still there. Matt wondered what it was doing there was a screeching sound and a blue van left the parking lot. Matt looked back at the direction where the van had left and saw Shawn's body. He immeditaley ran over to see if he was okay.

When he got there, he was shocked by what he saw. Shawn was in the fetal postion crying. He was still necked with his hand tied behind his back. Matt tried to get his attention but he was lost. Matt finally got his attention and Shawn looked up at Matt.

"What happened?" Matt asked.

"I was raped." Shawn said as he started crying again.

Hope everyone enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next installment. Send any comments, good or bad to me at

Next: Chapter 8

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