Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Dec 30, 1999


Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it.

Also, so many people have asked me if this story is true. No, it is not. I had the beginning of this story saved on my hard drive for a long time and found it and decided to go with it. This story is completely false. I hope you enjoy! :) -JRC

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!! :)

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 4

The next day Shawn decided he needed to talk to the insurance company about his car, he dreaded this however.

He picked the phone up by his bedside table and called them. He asked to speak to his representative and explained to the person what had happened. His rep asked him where the car was so he could send someone to look at it and Shawn told him he had no idea where it was.

His rep did tell him that his insurance would cover any damages but how much would depend on the severity of the damage made to the vehicle. Shawn thanked him and hung up. It was around 10 in the morning and a nurse entered his room.

"How are we doing this morning?" He asked.

"Doing fine I guess. I feel a lot better." Shawn answered.

"That's good. Your doctors think you are ready to be released." The nurse said as he checked some charts and looked at his monitors.

"Really? When?"

"Today hopefully. We have to run some more tests to see how you are doing and then they will make their decision."

"Cool." Shawn said. He was anxious to get away from the hospital even though he knew he would be there almost everyday visiting Jason. "Hey, I have a question, do you know where they take cars that are wrecked.?" He asked.

"No, sorry." The nurse said.

"Thanks." Shawn said as the nurse walked out the door. A few moments later there was a knock on his door. "Come in." He called. Jason's mom walked in.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"All right I guess. The doctors say I might be able to go home early." Shawn said.

"That's great." She said. "I wish my son could go home early."

"I do too." Shawn said. "I am really sorry for what happened."

"I know." She said. Shawn could tell there was more to it.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong with Jason?" Shawn asked.

"Yesterday when I was leaving a doctor pulled me to the side and told me he was going through an emotional breakdown. And what is worse my insurance won't cover any of his mental treatment." She explained.

"Why?" Shawn asked.

"They don't see it fit to do so." She said. Shawn was in shock. He couldn't believe his ears.

"So what are you going to do?" He asked.

"I don't know. The doctors say it may only be temporary and he might not need any treatment. Everything is so confusing."

"I wish I knew what to tell you, but I don't. I wish things could be different." Shawn said.

"I know what you mean." She said as she glanced at her watch. "Hey, I got to run. Talk to you soon okay?"

"Okay." Shawn said. She got up to walk out when Shawn said something. "Have you seen him?"


"How does he look?" He asked.

"Let's just say he wouldn't win a beauty pageant." She said trying to put some humor in the situation.

"Do you think I could see him?" Shawn asked. She could see the desperate look in his face.

"Do you love him?" She asked. Shawn thought for a moment before he answered.

"Yes. I do love him. I guess it took something like this to show me that I do." He said.

"Then I will see what I can do." She said as she walked out the door. Shawn was left to his own thoughts, but not for long.

FIVE HOURS LATER SHAWN WAS OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL WAITING FOR HIS CAB TO PICK HIM UP. HE HAD BEEN quite busy since he had been released. For three hours after Mrs. Andrews left the doctors ran a battery of tests on Shawn and decided that he was fit for Shawn to be released. The first thing he had done was to see Jason. Shawn was surprised when the doctor said yes.

The doctor had lead him to a hospital room and opened the door. Inside the room Shawn noted it looked a lot like his did. But it had more of darker feeling than his. In the middle of the room Jason was lying in his bed.

He had bandages across his face and covering most of his body. Shawn was shocked to see all of this. He was also hurt to see this because he felt responsible for his injuries.

"Thank you doctor." Shawn had said as the doctor turned to leave the room. Shawn sat down in one of the chairs and watched Jason sleep. He knew he was under sedation so he didn't expect him to wake up. He had watched him for two hours at least before he realized that he had to leave.

Standing outside he hospital he waited for his taxi. He thought about the past few days and what had all happened. From his car accident to now, it was amazing.

Shawn wasn't paying much attention to his surrounding when his taxi pulled around and blew the horn. He finally snapped out of it and got in the car, telling the driver where to go.

IN TWENTY MINUTES HE WAS HOME. HE WALKED IN TO HIS KITCHEN AND CHECKED THE ANSWERING MACHINE. The digital display told him had five messages. He signed as he pushed the play button. There was a pause as the machine rewound and played the first message.

"Hey Shawn, it's Stephen, long time no hear? Where are you? Anyway, give me a call when you get this. Talk to you later. Bye." BEEP

"Shawn, it's your sister Crystal, is everything okay? Give me a call okay? Love you." BEEP

"Shawn, it's Michele, what's up? I need to talk to you so call me later. Bye." BEEP

"Shawn, this is Tammie. You haven't shown up at work for the past two days, I hope you have a good explanation or you know what will happen. Call me as soon as you can. Bye."

"Shawn, this is Richard with State Farm Insurance, we have located your car and sent out someone to look at it. I called at the hospital and they said you had already left. I hope you are doing all right. Give me a call when you get this message. Thanks." BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.

"Thank God." Shawn said as he picked up the cordless phone. 'First things first.' He thought as he picked up his cordless phone and dialed Stephen's number.

TEN MINUTES LATER HE WAS HANGING UP THE PHONE WITH HIS RICHARD TALKING ABOUT HIS CAR. SINCE THE accident was not his fault, the drunk driver's insurance company was paying for the replacement of a new car and a rental car until he could buy a new car. Shawn was happy. His only problem was finding a way to the rental place to pick up his rental car.

But, he decided to do that in the morning. He just wanted to relax for awhile before he went to bed. He went into the living room and watched TV for the next few hours before he decided it was late. It was pushing seven o'clock at night and he was exhausted. He had not had a decent night sleep since the accident. Shawn showered and threw on his night clothes and tried to sleep. But he couldn't. His mind kept racing with many different things at once. Finally, exhausted from thinking so much, he finally dozed off around 8:00.

BACK AT THE HOSPITAL, JASON WAS REGAINING CONCIOUSNESS. IT WAS WEIRD WAKING UP IN THE HOSPITAL BED. It took him a few minutes to put together where he was and what had happened.

His first thought was Shawn. He didn't know how bad he was hurt or anything. He called for a nurse or doctor. In two seconds there was one in his room, surprised that he was awake.

"" He asked, taking breaths in between breathes.

"I think he has already been released. He is fine." The nurse said. She could very easily read Jason's mind and knew what he was thinking.

"" Jason asked.

"You are going to need some work. Actually, it may not be as bad as we thought. We didn't think you would regain consciousness this early. This is a good sign." She said.

"" Jason started to talk but she cut him off and handed him a pad and a pencil.

"Write it down. It will be easier and it will save strain on your voice." She said as Jason nodded his head. He wrote something on the pad and handed it to her.

'Can you call Shawn and tell him I am okay? 993-0443.'

"Sure." She said as she picked up the phone. She dialed the number and waited until Shawn picked up. "Is this Shawn?"

"Yes, who is this?" Shawn replied over the phone.

"I am nurse Maria Anderson. I am standing in Jason's room right now calling you for him." She said.

"What?" Shawn asked. He didn't think he heard her right.

"I am standing with Jason in his room. He asked me to call you." Maria replied.

"Why didn't he call?"

"Because his voice is too strained to talk." She said as Jason pointed to the phone. "It is not a good idea for you to talk." She said to him. But Jason persisted and gave him the phone. "Only a couple of words."

"" Jason asked.

"Yes baby, I'm fine. Are you okay?" Shawn said. He was so happy to hear his voice.

"" Jason asked?

"Of course I will. If I tell you something would it scare you? It comes from my heart." Shawn said.

"No." Jason replied.

"I love you. I know it sounds fast, but this accident made me realize that. I know you may think it is fast but we will discuss this later." Shawn said. He couldn't believe he had just said that.

"" Jason said. Shawn was shocked on the other end of the phone.


"Yes." Jason said.

"Okay. Wow. Thank you." Shawn said. He was still surprised.

"Wel--" Jason started to say but the nurse took the phone away from him.

"Okay, he said enough. We don't want him to strain his voice too much." Maria said.

"Thank you for letting him speak. Hey, what time are visiting hours? I never paid much attention when I was there." He asked.

"Hours are between 7am-10am and 3pm-6pm." She said.

"Okay, will you tell Jason that I should be there to see him around 8 o'clock?" Shawn said.

"I sure will. You have a good night." She said. She put the phone down on the cradle and relayed Shawn's message. Jason smiled as she left his room. He laid back in his bed and went back to sleep.

Shawn did the same back at his apartment. They both couldn't wait until tomorrow when they would see each other.

Hope everyone enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next installment. Send any comments, good or bad to me at

Next: Chapter 6

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